Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1930, p. 12

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PACE TWELVE \ ARRENT MUCH-WANTE alin -- Michael Ny; Many aliases and w Many towns and pe Fh a Ontario on charges of fraud, arrested on ithe Pioton-h highway by Provincial GQ Bert herd Aivsts de tried to Puss 6 they A large amount in Ploton, A heing incarcerated in Bellevil lea wiation, he was examined two physicians and pronoun sane, and was taken fo Ki Maloney has posed as an drish priest in many towns of Wastern Ontario and obtained In many cages, sums of maney, ---- BROOK TROUT FOR WEREAMS Belleville ~Through the Pravin- cial Department of Game and Pish- Rio NEWS poh ah we 4 eries 4 large num brook trent have recently heen sited in streams in the centre and northern rh i he) reseived 4 he Was yosids ing here, 16 7s eharged Loci raided ellents of ie sy hd porn ornwall of some #7 part of Hastings County, 10,000 000 After he disappesred a Do wore placed dna stream nent Bb [minton-wide search was instituted, Ola, : © thut no elue.us to ie whereabouts Was Unoavered unthl a few days hao, The prisoner will he returned Cornwall to stand trial, : rom / *IHARBOR. WORK BEGUN Co ars to Cobourg harbor Pequiring about three months' work and to cost about 200,000. have commenced hers, mprovement through thes vepairs in expected to give it yank ws one of the finest harbors on the north shore of Lake Ontavie, Ri ' LINEMAN BURNED Brockvile, Coming Into contact with electrical wives carrying o nsavy voltage at Delta, a man hy ------ ACTIVE AT 97 . Verona~Mrs, Clarissa Middiw 'will be uinsty-seven years of age an June 17 of this year, ib halleved to he the ol resident of this village and the immediately surrounding district, Mrs, Middle ton was born in Leeds County neav Black Rapids, and hay vesided in Yerona or the immediate distriet for ahout sixty-five years, Mrs, Middleton is exceedingly active for her years, CAUGHT AVTER THREE, YEARS Ottawa, ~Three years after dis the name of Glibert, employed hy the rural branéh of the Hydro-Vi- eotrie Power Commission, was had ly burned about ene hand and a foot, -- FOXBORO TO HOLLYWOOD Belleville, =-George MaclKariane, the large, good looking, good natur: od and deep voleed iInteriosutor with the minstrel shaw in the talks fo, "Happy Days" Is none: othey Jeddo Premium The Best Produced in America At Usual Coal Prices than the George' MacVariane who left Foxboro some years ago with # golden voles, some small changs and a determination to gonguer the world, ' PONT OFFION BCANDAL Pembroke, For the © sesond time within two years, scandal has touched the postal administration at Pembroke, "The resignation of Robert B, Graham, owing to alleged diserepancies in his accounts," and the disappearance 87 months age of Joseph MeCool, when the posal inspectors fond shortages in hia hooks running into thousands, have made the people of Pembroke very DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five DirectLines | uneasy and the publie interest in tha appointment of a new posts master is running high, re PHYSICIANS MEET Belleville Dr, MeKim of (he sal of the Montreal Gennral Hos pital 'was the speaker at the annual meeting of the Hastings and Priney Wdward Meédieal Association here Dr. A, C, Locke, the valiring offi cor from Tweed Village, was in the ¢halr, New officers named were] rv THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF D. COLLIS NOW ON SALE THE LEADER OUTFITTERS BUY the remainder of the Stock known as Murray Clothes Shop, to sell to the Public at a Big Saving. what you need? Times are hard--Why pay more for when you can save money at this Bank- rupt Sale Now on at the LEADER OUTFITTERS SLICKERS, Ladies' & Men's Rex. $3.95--Sale Price MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, Navy 47¢ Blue. Reg. 88¢ Sizes 14:17 , ; $1.00 Ladies' GINGHAM DRESSES Reg. $1.25 Sale Price Sizes 34-46 41c LADIES' CREPE DRESSES, Crepe Silk Printed. Reg $10.00 $4 95 'Sale Price ' LE RR (EERE EEE ERE MEN'S WORK PANTS, Strong cotton ~ ade Reg. $1.40 / Sale Price LAUR BRE TER RE BR S¢ 25¢ PRTE BN MEN'S SOX, Regular 19¢ Sale Price, per pair Be! ILDRENS STOCKINGS, "MEN'S DUCK TROUSERS, strong khaki Reg. $1.50 Su Price ABE EE EEE 69¢ 83c BOYS' WASH SUITS, . LR) LADIES" | Sale CRI ER RA TE) SILK HOSE, Reg. 850¢ 19¢ $3.95 LADIES' SiLE DRESSES, 0 LJ tray LADIES" SILK SWEATERS, TALIA Edy BOYS' & MEN'S RUNNING SHOES, S169) Slim sors... 196 AL Mors Se 3 #2 bot y de THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1930 Wf of # hr 8 " pido, : 3 h HOYH DROWN IN LOUK Cornwall Mile Savard, 16 yosvs old, and hel Gnlgmae, 16 (od ol Youn of Bt, Wr Rig deckhands of the Key Line freights er Koyvive, ware drowned In Corn: will anal, wt Lock 21, near Dick; inson's Landing, As the vessel ens tered the leek the boom snapped hurling the boys inte the water hatwon the ship and the wall of the aanal, remvemey JOINS HIGH SCHOOL NTAVY Trenton,--U, W, Spear, Toronto, was appointed to the vaeancy on the Trenton High Bchool Mal at meeting of the High Seheol Board, PELWGATES LEAVE Belleville, ~Jdohn €, Billet, for: mer manager of the Standard Bank and Vred Newman, former Mayor of Picton, have left 'for England to attend the annual convention of the Chambers of Commerce of the Em: pire, They will rapresent Canada and Mr, Elliott will also represent the Belleville Chamber of Come merce, po GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA OPENS TRINTY SCHOOL (Continued from Page 1) of the old bhulldings which were destroyed In a disastrous five in Mareh, 1025, They include a sew lor _ school building, gymnasium building, dining hall with separate kitghen attached, two dormitory houses and an administration building. One of the features of the naw sehool Is to he found In the selenea Inbovatories, splendidly aquipped in the most modern style, und. provided for tha sehosl hy a bequest in the will of the late Bir William Osler Cadet Guard of Honor Visitors began to arrive at the sehool at an early hour today, and spent the forenoon in Ihspeeting the gehool hulldings The viceregal party, an reaching the school at noon, was greeted with hearty sheers, and the school cadet corps, its members resplendent in thelr ativactive white uniforms, formea a wellstrained and soldierly muard of honor, Luncheon was served Lo the guests, and immediately after, the formal opening proceedings he- gan, Displays of physioal training work by the senior students were a feature of the program, The doors opened by Lord Willingdon, the formal ceremony was completed In the gymnasium, where Lord Wills ingdon addressed the gathering, paying tribute to the large place which the Trinity College had ne gupled in the training of distin guished men in the public life of Canada, and dedionting ths new school to a further contribution to the eltigenship of . tha. Dominion, Rey, Dr, Orvehard, headmaster of the sehonl, was especially enlogined for his splendid work in that eas pacity, he proceadings 1aated fog close to three hours, and were highly Ins spiving, On ita departure the vies: veal party left the grounds ta the ringing cheers of the entire student body, which assembled outside the building to greet Viscount Willing» don In an enthusiastie manner, History of the Sehool Trinity College was founded hy the Reverend W, A, Johnson, M.A, in the village of Weston, near Tors onto, and was opened on the Ars day of May 1845 In 1868 the Governing Nody aes quired a splendid properly coms prising over twenty aeres of land, pltuated one mile fo the east of the town of Port Hope, and overs looking Lake Ontario, Hince then more land 'has heen acquired and the sehool property consists of aver a hundred aeves Object of Founders The ohjoil of the founders of the 'schoo! was to furnish a first olasn education on the general lines of the great publie sehools of Kings land, whieh have played so large a part In the training of the men who have built up the Empire and made It what It 1s, Accordingly, two main features mark ita work, Religloun instruction is combined with the secular teaching, and it 1 Sm on hy the Fs ! rf its running treek 10 : Gewerows Gitts i The Od Boys and friends of the iéhol have very generously pros , od money for evesting hess ulldings, In addition to hat, re eslved for Insurances on the old hulldings, Among the specin) gifts provided: ave the Belenee Lahore tovies, In memory of Aly William Osler, the "swimming pool, (he panelling In 'he Dining Hall, 'the Oriel window "of the Clasgream Bullding, the pansliing and fhrn- ishing of the Visors' Room by the Ladies fund, subseriptiony for the LAbpary, from: Bt, Andrew's (lollege and Upper Canada College, and for the Chagel from Dromsgrove school In Vngland and Glensimond Behool in Beotiand, All the buildings are eonnaoted with eloisters and a Central Heals ing plant supplies every hliding In the group. Special equipment has heen provided for the pasteur "uation of milk, The architectural drawings anu dowigns wore in charge of Mv, K, 7, J, Pryor of the fem Messrs, Dar Hng and Pearson, The heating and plumbing installation was provided hy the Partridge firm of Kivatford and Toronto and the slscirie wir Ing and equipment has heen under the charge of Mr, Thiefault of the Er orl. , oF Monty m of at Canddian Tayorier Ooi) have heen he ih nn t0llowni nwt Hous memory of Walop Brent, sn old hoy and former Master, and ihe gouth House In memory of the lev: ovend C.J, § Bethune, Headmas- tor, for thirty years, 'The Central Wonge 18 named "Frinity, The Junior Rehool for boys une dor the age ofttourieep sway hilt in 192% tn memory of the Old Boys of the Sehool who gave thelr fives in the Great War, This sons bullding stands (o tha Worth of the Sohool AoA In grounds of 1s own and suffered no harm from the firs, a aia haf REV. FR, COSTELLO GIVEN HIGH OFFICE ---- (By Cunndion Press Lanesd Wire Tovonia, May 16, » ay. Vather Peter HW, Costello, CHE haw heen appointed provincial of the Canadian Vroyines of Redemploy Iris, Tn succession to Rev, Father Gorsld Mureay, who has heen ap pointed to the Bigheprie of Vi forin, It was learned here today Nev, Palther Costello was horn and brought up In Toronto, Hs now post gives him Jurisdiction of Ids order In Canada from coast Lo eons, ARREST MEMBERS Drastic Action on Absent Representatives -------- Washington, May 14 of Represaniatives hed Lo order the arrest of We members lus ght, to seenrs quorum wid one of the frst to he escorted into the chamber hy the sergeant at arms vas Fpsaker Longworth, The move cams over 4 relatively unimpariant. mensire, a Will hy He presentative Ketcham, Republivan, Michigan, Lo provide for expansion of the foreign agriculiure informa Hon services, Vor six hours the house found iuself in a Aithusier, as Hee prosentutive Wood, of Indiine, and Raprasentative Sialord, of Ine oonmin, both Republicans, exh od avery parlinmentery manouvey LO prevent netion on the meusurs, "inally, powerless to nel In any divection, even to order udjourns ment, the house approved a motion by Representative. Quin, Democrat, Missisnippl, to order the arvest of all members absent without pers mission, I,m TOSECURE QUORUM United States House Takes Vor the first times in eight yesr the Houss DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS I / Wt 4" / A Kip?" NT Calendar, Ont, May 16,-=Iobert Matton, Nip Junction, is ihe proud owner of two gows that each wwe Wirth to twin ealyes within the lust two weeks, three are male and fesmnle and wll we doing well, a hh Mado hy ng ne AS we Muvren Al JA SMG Ah he A R (0) 3 ALEXANDER Mureny = 1 --------, EE L Coxwell Chair Complete with Ottoman, Jaoquara uphols $75 pterde, Npeclal In essentially a vealdential school, Day:hoys ave not admitted, The religioun instruction in in aceords ance with the tenets of the Angli= oan Chuveh, Moved to Woodstock Fire destroyed the hulldings in 1806 when new hulldings were erected, Thess were destroyed by five again on Mareh dred, 1088, The Henlora then moved to the old Woodstoek College, Woodatook, Ontario which were menerously placed at our disposal by the ale thorities of MeMaster University, while our new butldings at Port Hope wer being planned and built, These are Now ready and were oo oupled hy tha Henlor Hehool on April 0th, The arvehiteots are Mesarn: Darling and Pearson and Mr, QB, Cleveland of this firm han heen In charge of the work, Phe contractors are the Dickie Cons struetion Company of Toronte and the oak panelling in the Dining Hall and the Visitor's Ream was installed by the J, ©, Heatt Co, The walla of the old hullding found really safe and suitable were these of the old Chapel, Thewe have heen retained and incerporats od Into a a of hulldings eovs sisting of Chapel, Dining Hall, Classrooms, Helene Laheratories, three hoarding houses, kitehen wing, servants' wing, Administras tion bullding, gymnasium, swim. ming hath, vifle range and squash courts, "il o Ralavged The old site wan enlarged and the vead that formerly led past the wohool has heen diverted te the south, The Heheel howpital was moved from the old alte Danes tn tha south on the othay side the new voad ou land 'very kingly Occasional adles Octagonal Ahape, Walnut OD: A. NeW smart style, ntered, Rpeaial $15.95 Walnut F inished Beds Now #0 popular, Pretuily finiahed, Hine dit 4 In, only, low $32 50 . priced ab * " Greatest Values of the Year! Simply marvelous savings on quality furniture, rugs, cure tains and drapes, You will want to take full advantage of these marvelous economies---here are a few of our very best values! Regular $222.00, Special , / Suite Handsome Walnut Dining Room Suite with mahogany overlays on Buffet and China Cabs inet. The Buffet is 60 in. long and nicely fittad with drawers and cupboards, China cabinet has fretwork door and drawer for linens, Table has pedestal base, chairs are upholstered in blue leather, LE RE LTT EEE LE RRR] rm------ f 5 hx 13 Axminster Rugs In 1030 pate ' terns and colorings, 849.50 Dx 12 Wilton Rusa In latest colorings and designs, Seams lon, Linen fringed, 1 + Luke Furniture Co. || OF | 3% I Piece Bedroom Suite in Two Tape Walnut $159.50 A Digtinotive aulte, charming In atyle, superior in construction and low In prio contrasting overlays, oludes Bed, Dresser, Ghoat of Drawers, Vanity and Benoh, | Righly walnut veneered with 9-Piece Walnut Dinin TLL LE Our price ine 63 King St. E Phones 78.59. A New Suite in Jacquard 129." Three smart and hand: tome pleces--Sofa, Club Chalr, and Wing Chair, Two tone Jacquard ve holstery, Sse this inter eating suite at once, BRC ERHIN ¥ 8 The set of 6 fine . $176.50 -- TE ---- Tn --c mew fh |) 3) haw. (hn, Yi) Neldge or Junior floor Lamps In latest . dee plan only $10.9

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