Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1930 ' PAGE ELEVEN') meets SISTED SECT RE SER ) Notary Public Cover: Enginweriog_ and Surveying neces, Monny Sew Aust 0 RL g. . 1d ' : = MA A . rivter, Eelicitor, Notary Pihlie, Cone J oney to gl $ H licitor, Notary, over ste orb: he hove 69, | R ALEX U, WALL, ig tor, oto, Convey reaction, 1% Wing hone I. ete, IR to Hy Alger, posite Post Office, Phone 1614; Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HAR ' Disney Block, Phone "0060, Office hours § a.m, to 8.40 p.m, Dr, MB J. dazlawood, special stiention bs Surgery and X-Ray, Jr, B, H. Har per, special attention to sbilaren's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sundey and night calls 7416 or 122, DR. McRAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR. eon, Accoucher, Office an . dence. King h Eat corner Victor t, 94, DR. GRANT Va FEET | Surgeon, Obstetrician, Lf hildren, 1] nd A ce 97 Bond 4) Phone PR. DAI AR! L. RC P.md h, Physician, Surweon, and oman g 42 Si N. Phone i Ae FUR Caalling. AS. North, Phone 31650, T TIAN, DR. 0. W. OARR FETS AN Obate n. Office pr , 10 Simoos street north, clan, ici oie office and resid onze, i imeos. Street, North, phone. 3 Veterinary Surgeon Specialist Diseases Domestic Ante Jala. Ct, 84d dog hospital, 208 Tel, King 629. (May 1-1 mo) Be lameness, 17 yours! . perience, Fees moderate. Phone 02rd _ {May 12-1 mo) Ear, Note, Throat Speclals Street West, Joon wil office over il be "Brug | iy each bdr. from 1 biti for consultation and treatment of lisetncs of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments ny be made at drug store, Phone ye, LAr, and ' over by A oni 10 re. cossorive a a. ofa hint trie and and Ss) , | cl attentigp . to aes. oe Eh ha ork. L e, _Phont Lu 12 0 \ DOK J IMCOR S42. north, over Mitchell's 1) traction, Phane 88. "of © DR. L HUBBELL, DL ; pn. qas_for specialist fn muscle anomal OE pa Dis» opposite Post Office, (May 15-1 mo) rp SON, x) ransportation bouse und van equipment, one 934, 10 Bona Bt. West, ORE Wr Sie pt (Abr, 19<1 mo) BETTY LOU JuRHAN UN WAVE manent wave prices HA $7.00, Sv and $10. All other ines of Beauty Himcoe street north, WATSON'S B MA K. Olurye, 1 An, stroet. ¥bone 40. J All Classified Advertising | Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because loss arising from handling s large number of small arcounts I of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, » telephone call will bring messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR. CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT of expense snd [a A ------ ------ AR Foe Work Wanted ATTER GRD, LED Eat i ores | i i Apr 16-1 mo) CONCRETE. WORK, OELLAR and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, cinders, Obris Graham, Phone 2621M, (Apr. 39-1 mo) For Rent JURBD NMOD~ orn suites including édleciric retrig. eration, stove, laundry, conveni epoes, otc, coptind: s hot water supplied, Apply Supt, 'phone 467), or The Trusts und Gusrantee Uo, Ltd, manage; for owner, Toronto, (4788) AbARTM ENT TO RET. sod" floors © YR el EXPERT UPHOLSTERING ON sutomgoblles and furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest | prices. Note vew address, 461 81m. coe Jouth. G. A. Constable, Phone 2403 (May 13-1 mo) BHARPENING--BCISBORS, KNIV. os, Lawn Mowers, Baws. Fhone 421W. We call and deliver. 180 Oelina St, E, Bottan, (May $-1mo.) FIRST Phkts LAUNDRY DORR Phone 04M, 11) re WANTED DRESSMAKING, LA- die"s dresses. Hopemble sulis, children's clothes, and aiterations, ». Sosnolly, 287 Richmond, East. Phone § (Apr. 231mo.) LADY! ron's hair cutting 20c. Crosby Bare ber Shop, 10 Athol Bt. watt ' ganist and choir master of Kins street Suid Ohutoh will accept ar Dartioals re App William steeec east. Hone of mun ] Public F5hosls, Studied | ORHAWA RADIO SERVIGK, AG tor repairs on ele: battery sets, tube ond tested, batteries re plied, $1. Phone 'ales, 146 Bigin 760 called for and de Radioservive, airials erect Plage. Phone or "convalescen t 0 EH St, B. Oa ' Kant: Apply 20 lena (1140) = HOOSTIR "S| holst, nearly new for Chevrolot FOR SALE-CRUSHED STONE Clips for driveways. Waterous- Meek Limited, Phone | 1288, pr, oh. 1 mo) 8, N- ishes, We have the largest assorts ment of paints, varnishes, ete, a in the city. The Paint Store, od King street west, (Apr, 28 i 0) | stone-cbips and black loam. Phone 1778), J. Forrester, 210 Alice street, (Apr, 30-1 mo) L) f ders, black loam. $1.60 par yard. For quality Jud agtviee phone Es sory ros, 833 r 1 (May 8-tt) BOWERTY PIANO = UPRIGHT rand, mahogany, in splendid con. ition, Cost $475. WII take $1765. Terms $10 down and $8 per month, john JMabyor. 02 Simcoe narem, P pHi. 113¢) riage with Bationn tires, perfect. condition, OCheap for quick sale Also Baby's Ivory bed on wheels, wicker stroller, Apply 75 Oshawa Bl (114h) plots for ale. A ly to A and J, |A h go 388 Mary Street, (11dc) --- he 00! for sale, Apply to A pton, On (114¢0) TA IR 0 dint sale, Phone naw, truck, 19 King St. West, Phone ha HING |} ol a $60; aby carriage, Ape (1160) in good condition. Used: only one season, © Apply 76 Brook street Ph Ww. (1160) Y id ly refinished, cheap, Christie Avenue, Phone (116¢) NB 29000. 'T, Ogden, 800 Mary St. ' (1180) #. quik sale. Good condition, Apply 4% Bona St, RV, Oshawa, (116s) Ruse % fo iow. i wh, 28 ° Q | v6 TWLL: TOF saiapios pp bons, x] pi riko | 3 8 BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN. tral, four rooms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Possession June 1,, Apply Box 605 Times, (118¢1) TWO ROOMS VOR RENT, sur ladies or gentlemen, Board op tional, 255 Celina street, Phons 657). aun PASTURE TOR RENT, ~CREEK running through Baldon's Farm, Apply I A."Von Gunten, North of Tolley's Mil, ian FOR | RENT m-- PRIC K HOUSE, ' rooms, conveniences, central, Eigh- teen dollars a month, Horton and Pronch, Times Bldg, (118¢) ~ BMALL HOUBE with sarage. Possession at once, Apply 88 Westmoreland Ave, (1130) TO LET=FRANE TIOUSE, COR: ner Colborne and Mary, fine gare den, reat reasonable, Apply 10 Bond street west, (118¢) wood floors, French doors, double Ravage, 150 Agnes street, Apply 16 Dond street lL (118¢) HED and two furnished rooms, All cons | MA veniences. Phone 583F, (1140) ed rooms, ground floor, three W blocks from four corners, All eon veniencos, 43 McMillan Drive, (1184) 6 ROOMS AND BATH, ALL CON- veniences, garage, vichard, garden space, $35, Lease, Apply FLY) Nassau street, (1182) street, good condition, 'convents ences, immediate possessian, Neas- onable rent. Phone 1400, (114¢) FOR WENT =" EVENT brick house, All conveniendes, Very central, Apply 138 Church sirest. (1140) one or two, Roard optional, 10 Athol, Dhone 1861) (1160) AT THE "CARE, COT- tages $100, rooms $40 for #0A80D, Apply W, H. Barnhart, the lake, (114¢) tages In Westmount, reasonable, Apply Gene Goodell, phone 338 r 24, (114¢) ROC U low, hardwood throughout, newly decorated, with garage, Elgin St, B, (1180) & CONVONTAWTE FUN SAPD cottage on beach, cheap, Apply Telephone 31 or Box 62 Bowinhm ville, (1165p) Classified Ads.| First lasertions=114 cents per word, Minimum charge §0¢c, Each subsequent consech. tive insertion 10 per word, : Three ve inser tions for thy price of two first \nsertions (threes cents a word), Minlmu Shale Nr three 0 cents, Box number - additional Professional or Business "Sarde, ,60 per month "Word por mouth pk wdditiona) word, ¢ For Rent o 3 ON 4 apartment, Puone 26 or apply at 16 Mimeos N, (11be room apariments, with bath, Elec trig stoves, grates and relrigers. tors, Garages and lawn, Apply Av 2, 161 King sus, (11be) SIX REO RoUVi To RENT AT 71 Colborne west, Phone wi, be TWO ROOME ed, suit young couple, Phone ani, ¢ kitchen, parlor, 2 nedrooms, pan try, coment cellar, drivewny, wil teas house for 1 vear, $70 emsh, Party can have optiun of buying, $7 Alexander Blvd, West, A [ house. All gonveniences, Near Mot» obs; Ymmedinte 'possession, . Apply 274 French fit, (11be) or or ¢ FOR HALT ON, BRCHANGB-- Wood working plant in Lindsay, Ont, Wauld exchange for good farm or Oshawa property, What have you to offer, Call 20, ot) | 116) SER TERE ER BRAT CTR Real Estate For Sale FOR AALE--CRNERAL, STOWE with large foe cream trade, Locatea at intersection of two county high~ ways, Property includes three quarter acres of gavden land, Bix room house, ice cream booth, barn and foe house, Gond 10eation for gasoline station, Immediate sale required to close an estate, Fur. ther particulars, N, J. Holmes, 124 Nassau Bt, Oshawa, (110t) FOR BALE~ONE ACRE, 40 WIL» son Road. north, $10 down, Hee Tindall, Brooklin (116e) FOR CALE--HOURY AND TEN ncres, also vacant Ints, Close to Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes Bt, Osh. AWA, (116¢c) YOR BALE--75 "ACUWEE LOAM (Durham County), Never been rented, Good buildings, Creek, woods, orchard, near schoel, store and station, Winding up estate, Price $4500, $2000 cash, Lyeett, £5 King East, (116-117) Palmist SIADAME WENA, PALMIST, 418 Beuna Vista, Appointments, Phone B4SAW, (Apr, 21:1 mo) Motor Cars repaired at 40 Dond Hi, West, Body and fender work done ot shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W, Fry 3808, (Apr 281 mo) aw ov Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street West, Phone 3108, All cars at one price $1,00, (May 15-1 mo.) Help Wanted--Female LADY OR SINGLE L. wanted immediately, Aply Bond streot east, (1 199) --- I'M maker, Must be able to take full charge cutting and fitting, The Dell Shop, 86% Simcoe South, \ (3168) Help Wanted-=Male WANTED --MOTOR WECWANION Two good motor mechanies at once, Must understand Bulck mote or, Apply by letter stating experis ence and wages expected, Box 670 Times, (1162) cam Awnings A awnings, verandah curtalng canopy tops installed. T. Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa phone 1053 (Apr, 10-tf. all kinds of canvas goods, Come pisee camp equipment for rent, Vox riware, bone 23 or 260, Agents for J, J, Turner and Son, Peter boro, Ontario, (Apr, 30-1 mo) ; - from carefully selected large «| heavy layers, aftér May lst. "All niales wm regittered stock, Hatching eo Visitors welcome, Geo, Reyno! . oon oe, Apr, 26-1 mo.) TICE | hii Li female dog for sale cheap, Gogd reason for selling, Phone rsh aad Quebec street, (1130) pony, Anes and buggy. An 868 Bimcoe south, 1140) ROBERTSHAW'S OIROULATING brary, You will enjoy reading the latest Fiction at minimum cost. Phone 1473, 37 fNlmcos d t orth ting perhanger, "painting and Erinn Prices right, work guarantesd. #4 Ploe Ave, phone J006w or tere |) 3 f east, painting, paperbanging, deve opating, sign writing, Estimates given on work, Phone 1867J, (May 6-1 mo) Wan PRIVATE PARTY WISHES LOAN of §1200 on own home, Art brick, cottage, chestnut trim, . quarter out oak floors, fire place, built in cupboards, three piece bath, furnace. No companies, Boy 67% Timea, (114d) man in private home, North en preferred, Apply Box "677%, 1 nt vin ---- I 0, 0 auto ri In i Motor Co, 41 King west, Phong 2056J, (Apr. 0, bedroom, sult business men, Near Vour Corners, Board it desived, 75 Bond street west, (1180) vice station, north on new high~ way, Best business location, Easy terms, Apply Box 676 .. 1] "Wiale or Female Help wan with some spare time to solleit advance orders for an exclusive and high grade line of Personal Christiias Greeting Cards, Excel lent commission opportunity for the summer and full months, High ost references necessary, Box 6648 Times, (M-W-F) terials, Buy at low Factory Dis+ tributors' prices, Doors, Ready Glaged Windows, Frames, Hard. wood YVlooring, Wallboard, Every. thing for new bulldipgs or repairs. 06 page catalogue of Rullders' Bargains ¥ree, Halliday, Box 16, Bargains Free, Halliday Co, Limit. ed, Box 16, Hamilt f (108. 106-109- Tie SIRT 126) Auction Sale of Valuable Residential' Proper- ties in the City of Oshawa, There will be offered for sale by Publie Auction on Monday, the 26th day of May 1080, st twelve o'cloek noon, on the premises by virtue of the 'Power of Sale In two certain mortgages which will be produced at the sale the following properties, Parcel 1, Lot One hundred and twenty-six on the east side of Bom« orville Avenue in the said City of Oshawa, according to Registered Plan Number 260,---~baing the pre- mises known as 630 Somerville Avenue, * Parcel 2. Lot Number One hund« red and twenty-nine on the east pide of Bomervilla Avenue in the said City of Oshawa, according to Registered Plan Number 260, being the promises known as 637 Bomerville Avenue, The following improvements are said to be on each of the properties A one and one halt storey detached brick veneered dwelling containing rooms and bathroom-~comeént lock foundation~=modern plumb ing--het air heating---electric light, Terms: ~~"Ten per cent of the pur. chase money to be pald down at the time of sale, For balance, terme will be made known at the sale, Each of the above properties will he sold subject to a reserve hid, For further particulars apply to Jones & "Laonard, Solicitors, Tore onto 2, 320 Bay Bt, (109-115-121) AUCTION SALE--HAVING RE: ceived Imbtructions to sell at the large garage, north side of Bond ftroet east, between Bimeoes and Ontario street, the following goods, 4 chesterfield suite, one divs anette, number of tables and chairs, number of heds, dressers, dressing table, antique walnut table, settee and chairs, automan and foot stool, quantity of dishes, garden tools, other things too numerous to men. tion, Sale Saturday, May 17, 1930, at 1.80 pm, Terms cakh, W, J, 'Sulley, Auctioneer, ising RESEARCH COUNCIL HAS GREAT PLANS Serves All Ca Canada, Says President--Over 100 Specific Investigations Ottawa, Characterising the de- yelopment of the research facilities in nada as "the significant ex. Jrension of a vigorous nation," Dr, + Tory, president of the Nation. A! Research Council of Canada, out. lined something of the work of that ody to date, and the plans for t minedinte futute, in a recent rad : addr Research Council, with the Fo) 1000, 000 laboratories now. construction at Ottawa, Dr, Tor averred, is being organized wit the express intention of serving all Canada from Nova Scotia to British Columbia, More than 100 apecific invest! tions under the council are bein conducted in 11 upiversity and il government and industrial la tories, Dr, Tory stated, Jrombing students of sclence are aking post-graduate training in ve. poarch in Canpda oy abroad as a result of council sohiolarahips, More than 100 holders of eounoil soholor ships have naw tecaived their deas tor of philosophy d: a and are making their aontribution to sels ance, More than-30 committees of the council with a total membership of more than 400 Sheciaiitta in jathe particular Ae, | Nee aged in the study of resea Oma; Aeros nautios, Hy TA leather, || wool, apple slacks, cereal at peal classification, field atep i natural gas, grain, heating rate ot sulation, laundry, honey, forestry, tuberculosis and weed control, to list a fow of them, "For the several positions in the two divisions to which Appointments arg now being made' Dr, Tory continued "mory than 300 applica. tions were received from Cannds, ore Reosores _ | fi Britain and the Untied fitates, True research means the extension of man's knowledge, We must ser cure the best brains we have, Some appointments made have brought nadians back from. the United Biates, and others are of men whe were aided in thelr rise to thelr present positions by council sehol~ arships,' Dr, Tory referved to the fact that he had just returned from serving as chairman of the royal commission charged with an in- vestigation of the fruit industry in Nova Beotin, *'I found an awak- ened consciousness there and an increased appreciation of the pos sibilities of the Felentiic man," he NEW ZEALAND 15 (00D CUSTOMER Overseas Dominion Bought More Goods From Canada Last Year Ottawa, Ont.~~The yalue of New Zealand's purchases of Canadian goods In 1929 was #28,906,005 ns dompared with $17,206,620 in "084, an Increase of 49,80 per cent, writes C, M, Croft, Canadian Trade Commissioner In Auckland, in the current issue of the Commercial Intelligence Journal, Imports from Canada showed a substantial decline in 1026 and 1087, particularly fu the latter year, due principally to decreased Im- ports of Canadian motor vehicles, In 1086 an marked improvement wus noted, and even greater develop ment is observable in 1080, Here again the imports of motor vehicles were responsible for a large per- centage of the Increase, 1028, 5,149 motor vehicles valued at $2, 066,860 wore imported, This num- her of vehicles represented 27.41 per cént of the total number im- orted, Canada being the second argent supplier, Returns for 1030 shows that Ca a supplied 18,6010 vehicles to the value of §7,871,880, fnother words, Canada shipped more motor vehicles than any other country, having sold 44,65 per cent of the total number imperted, The United States was nest with 11,515 valued at $9,208,870, this showing A higher value than Canada but a lesser number, The value of Canadian meter vohieies im and Inst year rep- mted 85.88 per cent of the total rH from Canada, Motor tires a, the second largest item ime ported, and here again a substantial showing notable increases were fish, potted and preserved; provi. sions; chocolate confectionery; Drink Deliclows Kara Coffee | Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores SUMMER COTTAGES Bonnlebrae Point, Oshawn, All conveniences, Apply to TO WENT Gg, D, CONANT, Oshawa HARDWOOD VILOOKS Lald by expert weechanics, Phone 481 « Residence BOTAW loor finished like new, Ge. 22 ' Contractors, BW, HAYNES 161 King wt, West | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Boys' Broadcloth Wash Suits, Special 19¢ Dominion Clothing Co, | 08 King ft, W. Phono S141 100 Nassau St, ,,.,.$20,00 867 French Bt, ,,,, 88500 | 228 Verdun Rd, ,,,, $85.00 |i 645 Carncgle Ave, ,, 580,00 | Office In Disney HRlock, hot and cold water, basin, sult able for hairdressing, Rent #85 per month, I Immediate possession can be | had on all, DISNEY PHONE 1580 increase is noted, Other products- fresh apples; wheat; wheat flour; hides and skins, undressed; wood wip and paper pulp; holsery; boots ud shots, rubber and canvass; Wrought iron pipes, tubes and At. tings; electric meters; paws: iron wire (not fencing); hardware, hel. low+dare, oto,; cultivators; mowers; batteries and cells; insulated cable wire: woodworking machinery; Douglas ftir, rough sawn; shooks; » or of Paris; newsprint; and ANOK, ROYALTY EXHIBITS AT LONDON SHOW ---------- Birds From "EP." Ranch|, Go to World's Poultry Congress Ottawa, -~Few people realise the extent to. which the royal family are interested in poultry breeding, There will be important royal ex- hibits in the Fourth World's Poul: try Congress which will convene in the Crystal Palace, London, nest July, His Majesty is an enthusias- tie poultry fancier and many of the finest birds in Eugland are to be found i the Royal aviary at Fogmore, Windsor, 'The Queen is also interested in poultry and when. ever the Royal Family are al, Wind- mor they are frequently visitors to the aviary, The Duke of York has gracious ly consented to formally open the Congress' and the Prince of Wales in an active participant, with a apecial exhibit of birds from the "BP, Ranch in Alberta, Canada particular interest in the oyal aviary because of His Majes- ty's gracious acceptance in 1084, following the Becond World's Poul ns ongress at Barcelona, of a 'trio of Canadian Barred Rocks, the finest of this, kind which could be procured in Cana The Royal aviary: 'wha started by the Prince Consort some years ago Dechuan of his beliet in economic portance of ge ne OEE Pros {| duston in the Rritiah Isles, Not am y does the Regal. flock supply 1403 Ro Roel ab le and kitchens at' Castle in Buckingham Pulses but hn fluhdiete of chicks from the Empire's finest stock are hatch. aviary to different otlits 1 British Tnles, is safe to peedict a n The ae interest e National and Live Inds ig tk at \Re ovgren will be the King and Ques Among the 400 odd Canadian a by i roa ho and visitors a to attend the Fourth I ap PC, J of the World's Poultry Canpdian Qentk luged with req 1 along this Tae and suggests that he! following hina may be helps "OAT Wa ---- FOR RENT mE A ou Eat Basher A Delightful Breakfast Food ome an PECIALIY muscle anomalies 1 and vation te Bart Offre Good oi, A ! head w=ll0 UOL 1080 yOUr CAP=w Let me finance yous=Addls tional Cash Given, G. R, Holden Roo 6, 14% King St, East MOTOR LOANN Oshawa Burial Co. successor to 87 Celina 8: = Phone ne 'AMBULANCE and distributed from the Royal 4 Solence Association, who heads bid | 74 Athol be, W Phones | _--

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