Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1930, p. 10

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Sw j e some every day, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1930 lg no such thing as single bliss constantly "ong you miss, i wNany Meadow Mouse, ---- Nanny Meadow Mouse had 'made herself a very comfortable bed of dry grass in an old tin ean, - It was an old gallon ollcan, The entrances 10 it was just the right size, It was an ides! place for a home, "It couldn't be better," Nanny kept saying oveY and over as she lay in her comfortable bed, "This is the lace I'd like te have for my new ome, 1 only Danny were here | would never want to move again, Tt is queer. he doesn't come, I-do hope not ing has happened to him, But 1 guess he'll come beforg long" Danny didn't come, A. day and » night passed, Another day and an- other night passed and there 'was no sign of Danny, With such little folk as Danny and Nanny Meadow Mouse # day and a night is a very long time, Nanny grew very uneasy, She wanted to go out Yo look Yor Danny: However this would he a foolish thing to do, It would be foolish bes cause she hadn't the least idea where to look for him, The wise thing to do was what she was doing=-remain- ing right at home, It was far het- ter to let Danny find her or try to find her, than for her to try to find him, So Nunny never wandered very far from the old can, For several days Nanny saw no one, Then Peter Rabbit happened along, Yes, sir, Peter happened along, Nanny could almost have eried for joy, "Oh, Peter] Where is Dan ny" she exclaimed just as soon as she saw him, "How should 1 know?" demanded Peter, looking very much surprised, "The last time | saw him, he was with you, Did you lose him, or did he lose youl" "I don't know," whimpered Nanny. "A horrid dog chased me and | haven't seen Danny since, I'm afrald something has happened to him, Yes, pir, 1 am afraid something has hap- pened to him, I'm lonesome, Peter, +m lonesome and J get more lone- Please Peter, if you see anything of Danny, or if yeu hear anything about him let me know, You den't Appote anything dreadful has happened to him, do on I' "No," replied Peter trylng to com- fort Nanny, "Don't you worry about Danny Meadow Mouse, He is quite equal to taking care of himself, He's around semewhere and sooner or Iat- er he'll 'show up, He |» probably looking for you and Is worrying abeut you just as you are worrying about him, If 1 see him, where shall } tell him yon are?" Nanny was just on the point of telling Pefer that' she was making her home in that old ean when she thought 'bettersof it, It was't that she didn't trust Peter, She know Pet- : PHONE 22 ¥ * For Your Drug Needs . THOMPSON'S 30 Simcoe Be. 8 = We Deliver He -- Machinery Repairing NOTHING T00 SMALL Adanac Machine 101 King St, W, Phone 1814 Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa' Main oer | or wouldn't Intentionally make any trouble for her; but the way to keep # secret Is to keep It secret; So, ine stead of telling him that she was live ing in that old can, she sald, "Tell him that I am living right around here, He will find me not very far from where we are now, 1{ he comes over here, he will be sure te find my little paths through the grass and then it won't take long for him te find me," "All right," sald Peter, "I'll tell him If 1 ses him, But you know 1 may not see him at all, VI watch out for him and 1') ask others to watch out for him, Naw, don't worry toe much, Nanny: Danny has been away before and he has always come back, He'll come back this time" 'Oh, dear, | hope so!" replied Nan ny, "It's very lonesome, Poter Rab. bit, living alone==very, very lone- some,' (Copyright, 1930, TW, Burgess) The next story; "Nobody Home," "Oh, Potor, where Is Danny?" she enclaimed d Me -- PREGICTS TARIFE WAR BETWEEN THE 1S. AND CANADA Canadian Chamber of Com- merce President Says Struggle Inevitable Walifax==Col, J. MH, Woods, president of the Canadian Chamber of Commeres, told the members of the Halifax Board of Trade at a complimentary dinner given In his a : TIME TABLES ; ET ity A y \ My ily (Eueept Sunday), » y Going East ) Ru Y pl (Except Sunday) Daily Wy Le RAILWAYS CANADIAN, par, Alar mh, TRIBS Tass ES rs @ 333 3 TRWO DWWIDIn Elms es=ss =z 82 1 ily, Encept Sunday nday only ily patty, Eavept Sunday ily 2283-238 TIT Tess aly iy, Except Sunday ally Ral Except Baturday ie male Exvept Sunday v RT bt 2 Hpily ¥ Sma comm 3233333 2 rT 333 ma 3 =x wees WwOD> =n32s=2zs soe s Whithy, Oshawa, Rowmanville BUS LINE or that Gannds was oi Lhe eve netarift war with 'the » Ui , nothwithstanding as to the, pepcable. intentions of the Dominion, It was inevitable that such » struggle should ensue, declared Col, Woods and he added his confident belief was that Can ada would emerge victorious, The speaker had just returned from Washington where he had ad- dressed the United States Chamber of Commerce, We paid tribute to the spirit of the American Chamber (1 anemyliied in the honors it had lavished upon the Canadian dele gation, to the sportsmanship with which his address had ben received and added that the wister organisa. tions in the United Hates was well aware of the impending economic contest, Canadians Meet Challenge We had been told repeatedly In Washington that if business and in- anything 'Ministertot PVinanee might a7 dusiris! leaders of the Aepublie were in a' position to control the fyities of the' politicians, Can. ade would be fairly dealt with, in, tariff matiors, 'But the administra. tive system in the United Siates did not lend itself so readily to an' interpretation of the wishes of the people as did that of Canada, This was one of the factors contributing to his faith that Canadians would be able to meet every ohallenge and hold thelr, own in any combat thelr good friends and neighbors to the south might care to sock, Turning to domestic affairs Col, Woods said he had been much struck with the manner in which the ports of Halifax and St, John and Indeed the entire Maritime Provinces were reacting to the re- viving Influence of the work of the Duncan Commission in the Initia. tion of which the Canadian Cham- her of Commerce had played no small part, The greal war had domonstrated » unity, within ' the Empire, Unity in Dominion; But the reception, nceorded the Duncan report throughout Canada had manifested a unity within the Dominion, Versonally he had been shocked nt his own "ignorance of 0 ftth ereotrpmhiwyuemiwypshrd) of the veport and it had since been un matter of wonder to him that the Dominion survived the many years of Indifference to the disabilities under which the Maritime Provin- cos had labored, But today there was evident throughout the ceun- try n repercussion of sympathy and respect for the Atlantic seabosrd n desire to help, coupled with the helief that the Maritime Provinces would reglprocate in the event of any other part of the Dominfon re quiring assistance In the bullding up of a united platformbgkqimiwyp up of a united nation, W. M¢l, Clarke, secretary of the Canadian' Chamber' of Commerce #inted thet 28 per cont of the ex et trade: of Canada still flowed Lirough foreign ports, but expreosy, od 'the belief that with united ae~ tion this too, could be won for Cans adian harbors, OC, MH, Wright, president of the Halifax Bourd of Trade presidea, DIVORCED WOMAN 1S DENIED APPEAL Washington, == Jessie Margaret Budlong of New York and Newport, whose martial troubles have ni- tracted attention In New York for saveral yours, has been denied a fupreme Court review of decisions of Rhode Island Courts granving her husband, Milton J, Budlong, wealthy Providence R.Y., man ahs solute divores and custody of thelr two ehildron, was Mrs," Dudlong's second Supreme Court appes), the first having been rejected two years ago, Bho nected. as her own lawyer in be aring 'both appeals, charging ony did not quility us 8 Rhode Island rosdont legally to, obtan the dvorce, Whe also charged sho was denied her right to a Jury trial, and that the divorce resulted in hey being doprived of $760 a month, hor dower right in Dudlong's es tate, The divorce was granted on the grounds of mentsl cruelly, LITTLE MAN HAD A BIG BURGLAR KIT London, Charged with possess. ing "us complete a kit of house breaking tools as any burglar could wish for," Charles Gardiner, a man littie more than 4 feet tall, was sentenced to mine. month's impris- onment, at. London Sessions, His head reached ony just over the degk rajl, as bo watched the po- lice produce these wrticles from « bug: Chisel, knife, gluss-cuiter, hack-saw blades, pincers, gimiet, alsetric torch, screwdriver, keys, brown paper, scissors, vope, mag nitying glass und ropes runners, Gardiner declared he found the bag and was taking it to the police, That there are 160,000 ex-service men in the Irish Vree Siate and the Government way doing Hite for them, was stated by Lord Glenavy AL a recent reunion of veterans in Dublin, He declared that the Free fate Bxscutive had more or lew turned the cold shoulder on them, and if government officials only realized what na valuable asset this hody of 160,000 law-abiding, ex perienced mon would be to them they would take a different atti tude, His remarks were loudly ap. plauded, 00 DRUG STORES LOOK ALIKE ALL fT NO TOMMY, YOU WOULDN'T RECOGMIZE wr go (Il / ] LAN THE MARKET- PLACE waves ------ NATIVE DRUG STORE ON INE MARKET PLACE - SANTA ROSA, PERV. ML / ) (Cotte Ld Md " Y A Dh) NT Ea y ill 1" \ ma NTO hd aa {A . I hol [12 li 5 OF ALL THE LARGE CITIES IN THE PLRUVIAM ANDES CURIOUS NATIVE DRUGSTORES ARE FOUND DOING A GOOD BUSINESS, A PS A Ty - Ll. Ji 4 J | a-0-0-0 (AR 111 Ed orucoist 1s Fie dan) USUALLY A OMAN AMD HAS THO ORC OR MORE REMEDIES, EACH IN A LITTLE WOVEN BAG YYHICH 15 HICELY DECORATED, THESE REMEDIES INCLUDE SOME USEFUL DRUGS AND ALSO MAIY FA-1 TASTIC THINGS SUCH AS STAR-FYSH AND 00D STONES, © 109, King Peatures Ayndionte, Ine. Great Britain LE 'EEEEE EAT (J P al NT orronw well row! Ss-- HY DONT YOU BE A DRUGGIST HEN YOU GRO fl STATES. T DON'T THINK UP, TOMMY © m T WOULDN'T TRY BRINGING UP FATHER EAL TR Lol Re \ pen Wille: OF ALL THINGS * | PVE TOLD iM A THOUSAND TIMED NT RECEPTION ROOM» ) SLL DO AWAY WITH . [2 La \ | I MOKE (N "THK | FOR ONCE AND ALWAYS WEL) NOW LORD THAT VIEW | JOT SHOWED FROM THE, LIBRARY WINDOW (% "THE RMEADON FOR ME BUYIN THIS HOLBK = WIHATY'D re THE MATTER? . mira jit J wl J BY JOVE' My PIPE H 19. GONE! ARE YO HLRE YOU DIDNT DWALLSW I'M POSITIVE. 1 LAID VT ON THID PLATE GREAT HEAVENS IT LORD HWIVELBLRY AND VE THREWN Hi PIPE AWAY: GRACIOUS: | HOPE | CAN FIND I'T AND HOPE I'T 1 ONT GROLR B'\ i. A By ! AI wh h * \ 0100, Eig Poors fadiat, Toe, ont Bela vhs woionnd 45° 70 od AAI ie La Adelphi pf ha BRTAINLY SAID COMPEY="YOU TAKR Mg y 4 WHEN THER @ WITH: "HAHATHO «HO TEN AT ONR BLOW" HE SAID "IE (IT POAKBLE ONE WAR | . | DOASR CAN Will, TEN GIANTS WITH ONE BOWP"L MUST NOT, OFFEND WIM » THE But DaLLy) Mae ANS Jy, By Russ Westover LAT US SEE WHO BAD THE GIANT TRUNK AND T= Will. CARRY THE TRER "HELP ME TO CARRY TW AND BRANIHRS FOR THAT |S TTD YONDRR CAVA" LHR AVES YT Paar TOILER--"Borrowing"" Trouble |' /" i ABN i PONTING TO A FALLEN 'S TRAR . - TILLIE " ' hfe dain OM, THRY |' q ry SENT THE o oR $ RUS Torr My OFFICE FET TTAVEAT SW : "Pay Py HERE'S ja ! APBCIALTY 3, 1t A uy giving ed (BHIBRINS i: Raa make 1 tl the eorroh -------- LJ "THEY b ERP BUYING b "THINGS rr -- 1

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