Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 May 1930, p. 2

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A pace ™wo Bowmanville Daily Times ws, advertising and subscriptions nd The Times. T Bowmanville Office of H 4 dW & | ! IE 1h AT BOVLING ALLEY + TONIGHT AT 7.30 Those Interested in Forming . League Asked to Attend There fs a meeting called for tonight at the Bowling Alloys for file' purpose bf forming a league or soft bull in the town, This will ho the third meeting that hes been sualied and itis sinderely hoped that there will be an good attendance, One week ago last evening Bill ('rossey for four years president of the Softball league called a meet~ ng to prepare a league for this season, 'There was very little re~ sponse and naturally nothing was done, Bill called the meeting to wovder and stated than an election of officers should take place but several were not in agreement. with this and the election is still a thing of the future, The next tying was to find out what teams wanted to sonter and an odd number was give an making 1t impossible to run a proper schedule, Bo this matter 'Mke the former was shelved, The 'meeting finally resulted in being a swaste of time, mothing really of mny use berg done before it clow 'ed, So the next night another meet. "ng was called with the hope that ne "a af FOR RENT 109 Nassau Nt, .... 930,00 [807 Fronch Wt. .....985,00 288 Verdun Rd, .....985.,00 048 Carnegie Ave. ,. $80.00 Oftice in Disney Block, hot | and eold water, basin, suit. | able for hairdressing, Rent #85 per month, Immediate possession can be had on all, ft. / Wi will be comvived of the alephonesOfltice, 587) ia wit d oy could settle down to business, But again nothing happened, Bill Crossey did' a LG ,ovep tum, Up As he hed an. iach af ERLE sr of the league th your! Then y Jowed days of | the pres fast 17 still no league dule drawn up. There 1s a tma tor ying and ¥ ne. to ® any ba oe Ais summer, tonight 1» the loglesl night to prepared, 'there is much to do including the dloction of an executive, the form ing of the league and the drawing up of the schedules, So any person who wants to see Jome softball this year and who dods not want Bow manville to fade altogether from the sport world should be on hand this evening not to balk 'and find fault but to help to the best of their ability and get the thing go- ing before it is too lite to start, Do not forget, the bowling alley at seven thirty this evening. NEWS ABOUT TOWN | Home and Sohool Olub Tonight The annual meeting of the Bow- manville Home and School Club mill be held tomorrow evening in Central Public School and eight o'- clock, The program will be In charge of the executive with Mrs, M. L. Hancock the president us convener, The election of officers' and the presentation of the annual reports will take piace at this meet. ing, B hile: A Near Fatality Citizens standing near the four corners yesterday afternoon about four o'clock saw what was nearly A fatality. An old lady from Hamp ton was standing outside the Royw Bank and without looking either onst or west to see if any traffic was approaching walked out into the street right in front of an ap- proaching motor car, * it was not until the driver was right on top of her that he thought about us? ing his horn and at that he was travelling a little faster than the In wallows, * Mr, MoCoy of the A. and P. store who happened to be PHONE 18580 |i orossing the street at the same time At all-round amazingly, form in the world, among soft Printed Fuja Silke RDots Are Correct The Polka Dot Designs ate very much in for summer wear and this showing of sometime or another you've probably ween one of 'those amazing athletes who can topple recobds at running, pole vaulting and weight putting with seeming ease, and then star at rugby and hockey between seasons. He is a natural phenomenon who arises on the sports horizon but very infrequently----=a physical marvel of the sports arena. In a less spectacular way, but no less It is the all-round athlete service records for. doing a multiplies ity of jobs supremely well, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North Telephone 2821-2820 does WHITE PINE pers arena' of the building woods~~the holder of all bills were given third reading yes- yesterday for Natal it picked up mirmall which had been brought Saturday night plane and took it across the Atlan. t been made In/fast destroyers, of th that the cabip of their plane way during a storm they had Just passed. Joan Mermon, French aviator, who und his town companions that they Nad broken the world sea-plare distance record in travelling 8,200 hours 10 minutes, to South America in a little more than two days, and enabled by con distribution of the wall in Bueno Alves within tb OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TWESDAY, MAY 13, 1930 If 'the ly did A i precalition and ihe drives of the automobile did not efther and that is how a great many serious sceidents occur, , Brioge Ovtiuloind Jush bat ) up fhe traf- lc at ; of own { on 1] com pleted and yet the | " still up and traffic is forced fo take the detour-slowing up eveything in general, This hridge has had all new planking laid down and ft has un them well over two weeks to. do it now which is time enough to byild a new one; BUDGET VOTE IS UNLIKELY TODAY na SET lly lowed by Hon, James D, Chaplin (Cons, Lincoln). y i of ' the Interior LJ The minister made what some might term Thestorn Sanagui speech, sin o reductions made | and the changes ture, Mr, some of the. British duty changes as "a bunch of' junk and "pure unadulterated bunk.' Hon, J. D, Chaplin in dealing with the government's . elafm of diverting trade from United States to Great Britain, said the whole oftoct would be lost because the duties against American producls were not increased sufficiently, A Moderate Budget J. ¥. Pouliot (Lib, Temiscounts) characterized the budget as one 1 the best interests of the whole country, It contained moderate protection principles, be sald, and was. neither free trade nor high protection In character, Dr, Peter McGlbbon (Cons. Muskoka) charged the Liberal government with nisappropriating the Conservative protectionist pol fey, Now that the Ontario Divorce Court bill has sucoessfully passed the commons thers seems to be general unanimity to give hundreds of applications safe conduct through the house, Kleven such Julian and six others second read- ng, The Dominion elections commits tes, which has devoloped sudden importance in view of the pending ADPOAL Lo the people, will consider its report; while tha committes on rallways and shipping will examine the estimates of the Canadian Na« tional Railways, The labors of the agricultural commitien In connec. tion with the Canada Grain Act will be continued, FRENCH FLIERS REACH BRAZIL (Continued from Page 1) Louis, When departing at noon from Parle, by fe, This lap of the Europe-South American airmail beretofore has All was not easy flying for the plane, The first part of its trip WAS SAsY, but once near the middle Journey the aviators radioed nearly filled with rain which fel through which Break World's Record Paris, May 13.-Laurent Nynac, French minister of the air, today cabled official congratulations to landed this morning at Natal, Brasil, atter a trans-Atlantic flight from St, Louls, Eenegal. M. Eynae informed M. Mermos kilometers (1,987 miles) In $1 They carried mall 'from Paris nection with the acropostal plane, rag or four days from France. wv ---- color of Dots will be especially this season. ; 27" width uh W. 6" width Silke in almost every conceivable popular a WA A 75¢ 98¢c DEWLAND, LTD, We are local rep. resent tives A | Who's "Who in "Toronto FITZPATRICK and most in modern d they may 'Mean, | I bered go tren tl he num LJ 3 { a u series of this Ih the anticipates, the Jequiramenyy cfeation who appreciates th means of schieving success; Pe needed they KNQ quality and value for' the money intrust our confidence wit to. upheld, they must contained a fair hare. gunrantee satisfaction to all, There NEVER wan a time AS MUCH as they do to-day, _distinetively Toronto Institution nell, ud! of oa ange vial' Ro th 's h es #! rierheise of this distinction Is to At any and all seasons of the year this mergantile institution of the man and © necemity of ople have learned through experience to have complete confidence in everything sold by Fitzpatrick & O'Connell, Lt, Whether it is a small purchase, or whether the complete requires Wents dn the matter of clothing for a gentleman's wardrobe i W- that they will receive the MAXIMUM of Intelligent men everywhere are fast learning that dt pays to the clothing dealer, with reputation Men know that If they wish a price for the workmanship nd material Fitzpatrick & O'Connell, Ltd, repgesents the modern ype of substantial clothing: eoncern whose reputation has beer built upon & solid fundamentalism, and who liye up to the ideals that No man 18 so big or so little that. he can afford to slight the question of Intions are in order for R. F, Fitepate who hap given such prestige to his Toronto Institution O'CONNELL LTD. itzpatrick & O'Cone ed for the "- ts and oll that usiness nstitutions in writing Jung man of dis. resping well as a expended, suit of clothing when appearances counted for roper apparel, Congratu- fete the head of this Wouse, The Whitby Si Alter Business Hours = CHIEF H. GUNSON ANNOUNCES THAT HE WILL NOT QUIT Says Many Citizens Have Asked Him to Stay on the Job That a petition, largely signed, asking that Chief Gunsdn be re- tained in the town's service, may be presented, to the Town Counell next Monday evening, was the subd: stance of a street rumor on Mon- day. The petition was sald to be in the hands of a prominent busi- ness man, but as yet had not heen circulated, Chief Gunson . has so far not placed hia resignation in the Town Clerk's hands as he was instructed to do by the council last Wednes- day when the = resignation was yerablly tendered, following charges made the mayor that in connection with some of the Hos pital cases thers had been persecu. tion iustead of prossoution, The particular case referred to by His Worship was that of Hugh Baker, a Whitby young man, whom, it was alleged, had been a'1bjected on sev- oral occasiogs to "third degrees" methods, , Chief Gunson stated on Monday that on the advicw of many ot his frisnds he had decided not to tondor Ms resignation to the Council, The chief claims that he has many warm supporters who believe that he has done his work well while in the town's employ, On the other hand, there Is sald to be a majority In Counell who will nak for the Chief's dismiss' It the vesignation Is not in by Monday evening next, It is under. stood that this line of wotion was agreed upon at a cpecial meeting Inst Wednesday afternoon, when Coun. J, HM, Ormiston. In the meantime, street corner oratfons on the subject, "The Council and the Chief" are much in order, The police question 13 8 live fssue in Whitby today, and han been for several months, It has occupled the centre of the stage at many Council meetings, PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. MEETS IN WHITBY, MAY 21 St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby, will be the meets ing place for over seyénty mem bers of the Women's Missionary Society of 'Toronto Presbyterial, on May 3st, Delegates are expected from Whitby, Oshawa, Toronto, West Hill, Ashburn and other places in the Presbyterial, They will be the rr of the local branch. of the M8, Morning and afternoon sessions will be held and several promin ent speakers will be heard, Re ports from all branches in the distriot are expected tp show sub stantial gains in membership and funds, At noon dinner will be served at the church, and 'before going t away Yelaaaton wil ne) ney with lene hia Patter wy | [| & et a mm -------------- SUR EXIT y darling, how can' | ve thee! 11 unback=- We, it alraid fa ha you're a a ---- Hes uly 6 wise tative who dele bn ia children an 16 they 'to 'someon elee.~~Dotroit LN | Pal} or you in (the can the window, Te i . Sv -- Fh Fa 4 Lions and tigers are sald to be too weak In lung Ro 'to ou much more than a mile. That wou be far enough.~=~fluelph Mercury, "A woman with a pencil wbove her. ear iy still a babel any who Strins gory | ' vr hd all members were present excep Daily Times Advertising, submeriptions and aewe will be seceived at (he Whithy Mrancu Office, at Gas s(t dno hroniele==1plephone (hone BAU. REPRESENTATIVE-~JAMES H, ORMISTON CELEBRATE THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING ------------ Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Brooks, of Whitby, Married 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. "W. D, Brooks, of Dunlop street, Whitby, have just celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. The couple, whu are both In good health, were married In Trenton, Ont, 50 years 0go, by the Rev. Mr, Lewis, of the Methodist Church, Mr, Brooks is a native of Prince Rdward County, while his bride of fifty YOArS 'AgO Way born In the town- ship of Bidney, Of the union of fifty years ago ten children were born, five of whom are otill alive: They are: Bert Brooks, of Detroit, Mich; George Brooks, of Bowmanville; Kenneth of Toronto; Lyal, of Whitby, and Mrs. John Curley, of Rochester; N.Y, Mr. and Mrs, Brooks have been residentas of Whitby for the past 14 years, "I sure fixed Tommy, He'll never copy again" "How did you do that?" "Simple. He used to copy all my answers, I thought IT would teach him a lesson, andagonsequently fn the final exam 1 pd? down the wrong answers, He copfed them und flunked the course," "Gee, that's great, but how did you get through?" "Gosh, I never thought of that" Then there mwas the Dumb Dora who wanted to go to the moon, and when she heard it was two hundred und fifty thousand miles away or the equivalent of ten times around the world, bought ten round the world tickets, SEES DANGER IV " OVER ORGANIZING Continued from Page 2) merits of the system now in ise vompared with former met wan the opiion expressed: by Triste . Fathor Bench, i yustee Allchin, believed = that ory bad worked out quite satise fpetorlly to date, while Trustee Dr, B. A, Brown suggested that the hiring of a temporary stenographer Was Dot. necessarily indication that a central office staff would bo re. quired in future, There is no probability of a cen tral office staff being required Mr, Fuller, business administrator ine formed the board, He pointed out that n great deal of additional work hod resulted with the building of the Collegiate and Vocational In- stitute addition, An efficient fin system had been set up he claimei and other things accomplished in order to place the business of the Board of Education on # sound basis, The extra stenographer would only be needed for a few weeks he sald, Chairman Bell thought that dls. cussions such as these brought out the opinions of the various mem. hers and wore therefore valuable, He could wee no real danger of over organization and considered that this year the Board has saved large sums of money through .centraliz- ing its purchases. No member of the board was adverse to granting the business administrator the extra assistance whieh he will vequire during the next few weeks and Dr. Donevan's motion, authgrizing him to engage a stenographer during this period was passed unanimously, ah nm Bargains in Guaranteed Used Cars Below are listed a few uf our selected "Guaranteed Used Cars', |==1929 Essex Chal. "lenger Sedan. Very small mileage. Trunk and many extras at a saving price. New car guaranty, }==1927 Essex Coach In first class condition, New car guaranty, |==1929 Essex Coache Looks and runs like new. New car guaranty, |==1028 Essex Sedan Thoroughly recondition ed and in every way an exceptional good used . car, |==1926 Olds. Coaghee In good mechanical con dition, Tires all in good shape, Ross, Ames uGartshore Company, Ltd. 138 King St. W., Oshawa The matters of adhering the sys- tem of making all purchases through the office of the business administrator had been brought to the attention of the meeting pre vious to the discussion above, when "Trustee Dr. Donevan wishes to know who had dono the ordering for certain supplies in con- nection with the 0.C, & V.L. open. ing including printed programs, food for cafeterin and other items to an amount of $500, under the wupbrylsion of the'wpoecial committee n arrangements, and approval of fch wan recommended in the re. port of the management committee, wl 'Wo arg not sticking glosely enough Lo our sytem," he complain ed, "and may find ourselves slip. ping into shoddy methods." Chairman - Bell oxplained that due.to the pressure of time the special committee had probably, not followed tho usual methods, Renponsivility for the program was taken by Principal O'Neill who stated that the time for preparn- tion wah so short that it seemed logleal to proceed with the swork, Confirmation of all ordefs. would be given to the business administ- retor he anid, Last night's meeting of the board wag the first Ju tho handsome apd well equipped new board rooms at the Colleginte and Vocational In- stitute, The members sat about a long onk table while Chairmen Bell had the honor of being frst to oc- cupy the beautiful, leather eush- foned chair which will always, be sacred to 'his person and that of anch successive Board of Kdueation chairman, . Members who wero present in TI ---- gr reported | pt FROM MOTHER "OF EIGHTEEN Read How This Medicine Helps Her « Cardrton, Alberta--"1 am fifty-eight EE RE g children, 1 live on a farm snd I am a very thy mother con / ering that I have such a bi family to wor for, The dru, first told me Jrdia L ks am's Vegetab i Com and I | y ll have depended on . it for many years. a i ary als a p spher was telling me wife's ents and alter 1 told him shout the Vegetable Compound he went to the frag sore and bought her two bottles," =Mns, Bunrua SALLEwe sacn, Bu, Cardston, od -- A 4 cluded Chgirman' Bell, Trustees Dr, Donevan, Rev, Father Bench, G, Allehin, A, ¥. Apnls, J, CC, Ander son, ¥. L., Vickery and Dr, B, MA Brown, "The world can no more -abolish war by outlawing it than men can abolish disease by declaring it illegal" Salvadore de Madariaga V4 : i & : drasti $2400 uti DIAMOND RINGS New, smart, original | Very special wi s100 "Phone 1160 Bowmanville---386W a Wor iil ie The Distinguished 26-Plece Wm. Rogers & Son | MIRROR TRAY A uni d ice for six at with _ J unique and new service for six ut a. Sp 1 "00 fil pion. Aboue are prc tured the three modern pate terns that dis tinguish thid Sil werplatel with Hollow Handle Stainless Knives $28: STRAP WATCHES With dependable jeweled Sw $10 Felt Bros. The Leading Jewellers Established 1856 12 SIMCOE RT. SOUTH | "amy to 12 noon. Membership Tickets al & or The car that is being ' given away by the Oshawa Lacrosse Club to the member making the closest estimate of its mileage in one week, will be on display in our show rooms and will be run from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m, daily except on Seturday, May 17, when car will run from 8 MO K May Be Purchased at Showroom oy STADIUM : A N TH N . a i¥ JURY '& LOVELL'S (South End Store) | Sian,

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