THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1930 Danny Has a Fight By Thornton W. Burgess Yo he wrong or be he right, The coward runs; he will not fight. ~=Danny Meadow Mouse, / nny Meadow Mouse had gone b past the 01d tin ran in which Manny Meadow Moise 'nad escaped m_Fiip the Terrier, You see, ny, didn't konw she was there, 9 'was ina hurry, was Danny. hose little legs of his were mov- ing very fast for such a little fel- low, "Oh dear!" said Danny, "I have n't, the least idea where Nanny has gone, 1 do hope that dog didn't get; her, I don't think he did, but lie must have given her a 'terribie fyight, There is no knowing where she has gone. If only there were pome: nice little runways all cut, | would know better where to EO. Ab, here is a little path! Some other Mouse must have made it, Perhaps Nanny found this." It was easier going in this lit tle path and Danny scampered along thinking of nothing but catching up with Nanny, He didn't oven think of danger to himself. He wanted Nanny and Nanny was all he could think about, Danny traveled until he Krew tired, Then he found a tussock of gross, There was new grass, but thers was also a lot of old grass, which was more or less matted down, Under this was & good hid- 'Ing place and there Danny took # long rest, 1t was dusk when Danny finally started on again, He didn't know where he was going, He wanted to find Nanny, but he had no idea where to look for her, fo be began to wander about alm lessly, Now and then he stopped for a bit to eat. Somehow, Danny felt as lonesome as ever he had felt in all his life, He was wandering along a little th made long before by some her Meadow Mouse, Presently he 'game to & place Where another path joined this one. Just as he yeached it he heard a little sound d he looked up this little path 10 see a small person that at first glance he thought was a young Mole, Hq was going to pass with- out so much as saying "How do you do" when this little stranger o a sudden rush at him, fairly ocking Danny oft his feet, Now, Danny Meadow Mouse is a chunky 1ittle 'fellow and when he has to fight he is a very good fighter, This stranger was smaller than Danny and Danny hadn't the least doubt that ho would soon make this stranger take to heels. That was Danny's mistake, This stranger, Whom "it just happens Danny had never hefore met, was Plarina the Shrew, This is the Shraw with the shprt tail, Often Danby had made at first, It didn't take Danny a second to scramble to his feet after he was knocked been more angry. He was filled with rage, "11 fix you for that!" he squeaked, "Yes, sir, 1')l fix you!' Blarina paid no heed to (his He was himself chattering angrily. Instead of turning and running, he made a little rush to meet Danny. Then they were looked together, biting and kicking. Danny found this stranger surprisingly quick, with surprisingly sharp teeth, Pres. ently they separated, Then they came together again with another little rush, Danny found the fur of this stranger very thick and very soft. It was hard for Wim (o bite through it. Meanwhile, the stranger was making his own teeth felt and you may be sure Danny didnt Jike it a bit. It wasn't long before Danny realized that, though this stranger was smaller than he, he was a better fighter, Danpy began to feel tired, He felt more and more tired, Blarine did not seem to tire at all, Danny was thinking now of nothing but a chance to get away, So when at just he tore himself loose, Danny took to his heels, My my, how he did run! (Copyright, 1030, gM). : The next story: "A Big Appet- te. GARAGE MAN FACES CHARGE OF FRAUD (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Niagara Falls, May 18-=John B, Robinson, president and chief stock- holder of the bankrupt firm of John Robinson and Son, garage company, was arrested yesterday of conspiracy T. W. Bur- P. R, TIME TABLE ", 7 Avr 2. ng West , Dally il wily (Except. Sunday), y Sumam East oo andd ly DIAN NAT RAILWAYS in, Time, ay nh, 23 a.m, Daily, Except Sunday 58 a.m, Sunday only CE over, Never in all his life had he]. defraud, and was releabed on $50, bail. p.'! ' d A. Dane [former sales man- er, was arrested in "Toronto: by tective-Sergeant William Blag and will "be 'brought 'here, Another believed to be in Buffalo, is being ht. Following Be nliruptey proceedings several months ago, several cars were re-possessed, although the own ers. claimed they had paid for them, It is understood that there are 125 such cases, OUT OF HIS LINE Whittle was having. his dining room and his bathroom repapered, The men arrived to do the work just as he was leaving for the office, "Make a good fob of it," sald Whit. e. When he returned home that even ing he found that the work had been done very well indeed, But the men had made just one small mistake, They had put the diningroom pa- per in the bathroom, while the din- ng room was tastelully adorned in | design of 'green tiling and purple -------- JUST A SIMPLE MELODY "You wouldn't think," said * the Mississippi youth, "that my musical talent was -the means of saving my life," "No remarked his friend. "I would sot, Tell me how it hap- pened?" "Well, there was a big flood in my home town and when the water struck our house, father got on, a.bed and floated down stream." "And vou?" 4 i" ' anied hi | 0" waterlilies, vo rong to do about i?" dewande! Whittle jiter he had said a few other things, I Ay "I dunno, mr," 1epnve Lhe workman, scratching his head, "I'd willingly move the bath for you, but that's a plumber's job," SCOTLAND YARD IS CRITICIZED FOR 'HARRYING EDITOR Journalist Forced to Disclose in Article London, May 13--Thé New Lead- er, Laborite Newsppper, discloves what it terms extraordinary police action following the publication by certain newspapers on May 1 of the news that the Cabinet had assured the Government of India, at a time when the arrest of Gandhi was im- minent, that it would support any necessary measures n ths conpec~ tion, According to the New Lead- er detectives from ficotland Yard, srmed with o warrant under the Official Secrets. Act, demanded to know from the newspapers the source of thelr information, ' Two editors whom they interviewed re- fuged to comply with the order and accepted : full responsibility for thelr reports, "But," - the periodical "the skilled and Yard men tracke ddown a journalist, called at his home and exercised the ut- most pressure, to the great dis- tress of the journalist and his wife, and finally secured a statement." The New Leader irddigvantly in- velghs against the action of the authorities, "especially under a 1a~ bor Government," for harrying working journalists who are engag. al in the performance of thelr du- on, CONAN DOYLE 1S ACTIVE AS HEAD OF PSYCHICAL SOCIETY New York, May 13-The follow- ing letter has been published by the New York Times in explana. tion of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's present attitude towards spiritu- alism, which was reported to have undergone a radical change, To the Editor of the New York Times: I have always found your paper to be fair in psychic matters, May I point out then that your recent aragraph headed "Conan Doyle Resigns from Spiritist Group" is founded upon error, I resigned from the London Psychical Soclety which is by no means a spiritist or. ganization, and T did so hecause | contend that for a long time they have been. prejudiced against Spiritualism and have not given DODDS KIDNEY the subject the serious attention which it deserves, | am personally more convinced than ever that it is a matter of «7 veme Importance, wan y Arthur Conan Doyle OF CONREE YOU'RE SLEEPY! TT TIRED YOu OUT You MAKING UP SO FAST MN | GROW MY IMAGINATION | BUT RE A BABY AG THERE ARE MANY CURIOUS MOTHS IN THE WORLD, TOMMY, BUT ONE OF THE ODDEST IS THE MEY ZEALAND SWIFT, THE NAME COMES FROM THE SWIFTNESS OF THEIR FLIGHT AND THEIR NATIVE LAND. " PUNBUS KAS EATEN CATERPILLAR WERE y KIND OF FUNGUS OFTEN AFFIXES ITSELF 10 THE CATERPILLAR OF THIS MOTH. IT GRADUALLY TAXES UP THE FATTY PARTS AND TISSUES OF THE CATERPILLAR MOUSE BUILDER MOTH LOBSTER MOTH UNTIL AT LAST THE CREATURE DIES UNDER THE PARASITIC, GROWTH AND 15 CONVERTED ALMOST WHOLLY INTO VEGETABLE MATTER. 7A 0 SHE HOUSE: BUILDER MOTH GETS 175 MAME FROM fl THE 00D HOME 175 LARVA BUILDS, THE LOBSTER MOTH 15 NAMED FROM THE.0DD SHAPE OF (15 CATERPILLAR | @ 1040, King Peatures Syndicate, Tne, Great Brita fights resrved WELL, WHAT 00 YOU THINK 13 THE FUNMIEST MOTH, BETTY © "PIM By Geo, McManus Weis mistaken for a small Mole, a You know that was the mistake TELL ME WHAT THE COUNT SAD 55 a.m, Daily 11 pom, Dally, Except Sunday Daily am, Daily , Daily, Except Sunday YOU ARE GOING TO CALL OA) COUNT DE LERIOLS "TONIGHT AND DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE HS HOODE: I'LL. PHONE LATER HES QUT OF "TOWN: I'VE BEEN BTN THERE ALL. EVENIN' [ [3 HOURS LATER | TED NIGHT 1D OVER + J] I'M MIGHTY wa YOUR WIFE PHONED SIR | SR CA. PHONE 22 "For Your Drug Needs "THOMPSON'S 20 Stmcoo 6¢. 8. -- We Deliver Machinery Repairin Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine 101 King St. W, Phone 1814 RRS Diamonds ! Bassett's Ou Oshawa'e Main Corner Loman one Ey Except shndey mi, Dai N Daily, Except Sunday . Daily, Except Sunday , Daily Daily Puvey sees 2p238353323 3 33 TO BE SURE 'You ART < THERE - COME AND SAID YOU SHOULD HOME NOW WELL, "THANK COCONEYD (TH THT i gi HITT WAITIN' FER You wo Prone £ J i fl Nr ---- *=| DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE {onTecomry How craven re SAN: wa [or yey « N CON OLIT IN THEI WORLD AND COMPY'S [ \{ TO BAD « Sd AS THRY ENTRRRED A BY [Lemans cvs? ' § NL MAKE US FAMOUS -- TILLIE THE TOILER--Her Busy Day ¢v *¥ ~ ' "© OrAY, DON, AND NO, BUT VB. "T™ ' DRE AK