PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 12, 1930 atest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets PRICEL fons 28 'Smoked meats=1iams, medium, 28) Bee ihe fol followin wing pric prices to 50, She tials trade on, Brussels sprouts, ab, 1 Lik phe: Sl Ay Onl gions, dry, JL basket. c Ros 6-ct, basket so0ie ADDARE sr vrtnvnvarennnnnny Cauliflower .oeriveererseees 028 050 Endive, dozen sieeveneee eere 1 Spinach, peek sovvreviiiiine ushrooms, per pound see seve 0.60 Leaf * »*tuce, three for Head lettuce, two for +s 4000 0, Parsley, per bunch , 00000 0,10 Cress, three for 0.10 Oranges, per doz «oaveee 0.25 0.60 Honeydew melons, each ,., 075 1.00 Strawberries, Pl voor riiee Grapefruit, ench cvvienee 007 012 Potatoes, bag « .vivrvvernee 250 275 Cucumbers, each vvereres 025 030 Lemons, per duzen seerense 1100 0.2 Bananas, per dozen ..ev0e0 0.25 0.50 Aoples, Oat. basket ..00 000s 0. , green peas, G-qt, bkt, ,, 090 Carrots, bus, +, + hams, red hed clear basom, 50 10 110 Tov. 21s Honryw ions vol to 8. 21e Heavyweight rolls Lard=Puyre, Heres, 18a tobe 16¢; ve vere pails, 17¢c; prints 17 1-2¢, Shortening -- pl, 13¢; 13%c: pails, 4c. Toronto wholesale dealers are quo. 40cs light-weight rolls, 25¢, TORONTO FARMERS MARKET following, are quotations, re wih i effect on the St. Lawrence roduce-- Ma Toronto: hen, dozen frye guees 200) cy gs, extras, per dozen vee 040] 3 Bash firsts, per dozen ...» 0.35 Lasplant, ih Jeieessier vars ost Bret v, dairy, per pound ,. 0.35 0.38 Green eans, 6 « { 028 Do. creamery, per Ib, ... 042 0.48] 2FeH penpers, 61% 108 +000 05s Cranberries, gt. Fruits and Vegetables =~ Asparagus, 1 1b, Eouneh «ore 025] Durnips, bus siieiiiiie sin Lyi FERTILIZER Apples, bus, sirevvnerneee 1.25 130 for GARDEN LAWN Po nataet, e8Ch vurienrnres 025 0.35 Rhubarb, bunch oovverve ooee 0.10 Radishes, four bunches 0 ,.v0 0.25 Aeee1 Zoned Bone Meal Nitrate of Soda New carrots three bunches 0.25 New beets, two bunches ,,.. 0.25 Specially prepared plant food Packnges 12 ox, to 100 Ibs, PRICES 10¢ to $5i25 Hogg & Lytle | Limited Phone 203 tubs per RRN Hr 125 200 LEE EA TY] TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (Buymg) Torouto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following | prices; Eggs~Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, $8¢; [resh firsts, S6¢; seconds, 24, Butter=~No, 1 ereamery, solids, 30% to 81%e: No, 2, 20'%e, Churning cream-~Special, 34¢; No, 1, #3e; No, 2, 80¢, Cheese~=No, 1, large, colored, parafined and government graded, 18% to 10e, Poultryss Alive Dressed Hons, over 6 lbs, .... 2 Do., over 4 to 6 Ibs, ., 22 Do., under 4 Ibs, each 20 Sprine hrollers, over ¥ Ibs, 25 Old roosters, over § Ibs, 10 Do, over 4 to 6 Ibs, .. 16 (Selling) Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retall dealers at the following prices: Eggs-=Fresh extras in cartoons, 84¢; fresh extras, loose, #2¢: firsts, 300; seconds, 87¢c, ({] Butter == No, I, {{i prints, #Be; No, 32, prints, Ale, Chease~~Noaw, large, 23 to 23%e, 2%: " Creamery creamery, twins 23% to 24¢; triplets, 0.25] lowing quotations for ear lots: 00] $84.25; itons, 276. Old, large, 28¢; gwine e, Ly and cuts, 30c; old stil tos. 4 16, OT vhs. UP sree Do, 410 6 Ibs, 40000 Do, 1% $0 4 IDK woven Do, Sto 8% D8 soe Do, 88, ,cvvevevene Hens, over 6 108, srr e Broilers ..vviievnnnins Ducks vevvrivvsromens TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and straw are Suoting shippers the fol fered on he 4 "Toronto fos, dos vered on trac ron 2 timothy vienna ers 14,50 $15.00 No 4 timot! Yo evevnneen 13, 14, Cat SLTAW oo nnnnes 11, Oat straw +. vrsnmeeer 11 TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS (Girain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fols Manitoba Visto: 1 northern $1,10%; No, 3 do, $1.08; No, 9, $1.06%; No, 4, $1,014; No, 0, PB%e; No. 6, T4be; feed, 67¢; q¢1.f. Goderich and Bay ports). Manitboa oats =~ No, 1 feed, 50%¢; No, 8 do, 48%¢, American corn--No, 2 08%¢; No, 8 do, 92¢, Millfeed, delivered Montreal freights bags included---Bran per ton, #88,86; shorts, per ton, middlings, $36.20, Ontario grain---Wheat, $1.10; oats, 44 to 46¢; barley, BO to b2¢; rye, nominal; buckwheat, 80c, -------------------- CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, May 10-=Open coms mitments---~Nggs---May, 10: Nov, 1, 1,09, Butter==May, 28; June, 1; Nov,, 361, Two market receipts -- Butter, today, 24,244; last year, 20,678, Kees, today, 68,704; last year, 60,» 710, New York spot market not quoted, asking 47¢, #860; no tone, Kggs, firsts, 2be; no tone, Chicago spot market == Butter, oxtran, 86c; standards, 80c; tone steady, Xggs, graded firsts, 22%. to 23c; tone steady, Movement at four markets Bul« ter, net in, 64,410; last year, net in, 108,874, Eggs, net in, 40,744; last year, net in 38,820, Street stocks--Bulter, today, , 00,270; last year, 82,772, Eggs, to-day, 116,780; last your, | 110,072, STOBIE ASSIGNMENT IS UPHELD IN COURT Toronto, May, 10-~W, J, Rellley, registrar in bankruptey at Osgoode Hall, refused a motion made by A. W, Roebuck, K.C,, to have all proceedings since the assignment of Htoble-Vorlong, stockbrockers, declared null and vold hig client, G, W. Fairbanks, had been refused a complete list of ereditors, alleg~ edly contrary to his rights as ered. Putter, bidding 24% to itor under the bankruptey act, EATON GCROCETERIA Several Added Specials FOR In addition to our regular weekly spacials we now offer the thrifty Oshawa and vicinity, oxtra specials for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Shop Early-~Store Open From 9 to 6 Including Saturday YOU housewives of SPECIAL! Aylmer Raspberry Jam ": 31¢ SPECIAL! Jewel Shortening, 3 1b, pail . Marvel Pastry Flour, 24 1b. Bag... Dove Golden Bantam Corn. Per Tin Red Rock Tomatoes, 2 tins 21¢ 4.50] Can, 1st yellow, i Toronto Stock Exchange High Br, A, Ol 19 Brag, hi 14% Low ¢ lose Yn re Can, brd, Cockshutt Cty. Dry, Dis, Sgrm, Dm, Mires, Hr, Wal, Int, Nkl, Int, Pet, Imp, Of Lob, "A" Me, ¥rt, I'g. Hr ¥, Btlation Standard Mining Exchange UL) 146 80 ho 475 850 HLT) 650 670 LL #70 2260 2040 104 240 68h 145 105 BUYERS CAUTIOUS ON NEW YORK MART Pressure Appears Against Radio, General Electric and Westinghouse rs -- New York, May 12--The stock market appeared to lack conviction ax to ite position at the beginning of the new week today, Commission houses were Included to advoeate steering close to whore until current levels are tested, Trading wan ox tremely dull and highly profession. al, There were sporadio efforts to push prices higher, meeting with moderate success In a few issues, but there was a distinet tendency to take quick profits on advances, Considerable pressure appeared neainat Radio, General Eleetrio and Westinghouse Electric during the early afternoon, but losses were limited to a point or two, U.S, Stee) fluctuated uncertainly, United Corp, was sold In large flocks, but showed strong resistance Auburn Auto dropped ahout 10 points, In response to the first quar. ter statement showing earnings of only 68 cents a shave, J, J, Case de- olined nearly as much, Some of the more high priced or erratie issues sold up several points, Thora gain ing five points or more including mack, Vulean -Detinning, Detroit Kdison, and International Business Machines, Manhattan Eleotrie Sup. ply, which developed acute weak- ness Jast week, rallied weveral poiuta on publication of a reassurs ing-financial statement, Staves gain. - = V|EEEES a Thome = UL 145 LH] ] 450 sho 40 060 id] [1] 87 070 970 2260 2750 3060 2040 n7 iE 1] Ad, Iw ann 3111 Th, Hg, 685 080 Ventures 135 105 Wr, Hr, 195 105 UL} 147 LL} ho 47h R60 20h ho 67h Abana ,. Ajax .., Amulet Big Mis, Ch, Res, De, Munn, Valeon, Holl, .,., He, O11 Hy, Gold Hd, Day Ik, Bh, Nrnda, Sh, Grd, 99¢ 18¢ Tm Quaker Corn Flakes 2 15¢ SPECIAL! Fruits and Vegetables Choice Ripe Bananas, doz. 29¢ Asparagus ..............2 for 25¢ Spinach, 2 1bs. conver BOC ing 3 points or more included Ana- conda, Home Sound, Byers," Du Pont, Alr Deduction, Best and Co, and American Power and Light, Warren Bros, was firm, reflecting announcement. of a $12,000,000 Peruvian road bullding contract, Johns Manville sold up 3 points, then lost its gain, Er ---------------------- IMPERIAL MERGES WITH TUCKETTS TOBACCO COMPANY One Share "of Tucketts To Be Exchanged for 30 of Imperial Montreal, Que, May 18==Tun ketts Tobacco Company, Limited, Tmperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited, will be merged ne. cording to a letter going forward to shareholders of the former concern, ove rthe signature of Howard 8. Antrose, Hamilton, Ont, presi: ent, : Stock Market Prices Market Summary by Canadian Press Roronto and Now York Mock Quotations Supplied Biggar and Crawford, Alger Bullding, Oshaws BENNETT CHARGES KING GOVERNMENT WITH DECEPTION (Continued from Page 1) leader had strictures, 'Mr, Dun- ying, the minister ot finance, arose in the House of Commons on May 1 and intimated that lke Paul of Tarsus he had seen the light and become the apostiss, That was divine intervention, Bul such wis pot the other day, All that was shown the other day was love for office and for power." He paused and put the question: "Is thers a Liberal here who does not think he has been betrayed." "hen," he resumed, "Mr, Dun. ning gots up in the House and thinks the Conservatives are going to take some of the Liberal voles, This is bad business, Then they put on a ecounter-valling tariff on 18 articles." Countervalling tariff meant, he proceeded, that the Canadian tar if would be "made at Washing ton," "Ro," Mr, Bennett went on, "You have this beautiful condition that when the president of the United States at Woshington signs n tariff ruling that will be the tariff in Canada," Every trade ngreement the present administration had negot'- ated==and they were fifty-three In number, had heen to the disad- vantage of Canada, Mr, declared, 4 New York Exchange Close 21 627% A0% Low 20% High 27% ftdek Alleghany Mis Chal, 62% Amn, Inter, 44% Amn, Hmel, 72 Amn, Tel, 248 Anaconda 63% Baldwin .. 28% Borden ... 87 Beth, Steel 0H Can, Dry +. 62% Can, Poe, 208% Com, Soly, ) Chrysler .. Dav, Chem, Fox svvinn Gen, Elec, Cen, Mot, Goodyear rt, North, Ken, Copper 14q, Corb, Mt, Ward Mot, Wheel Nt, Ch, Rs. Pan, Rall Hadio v4 Rem, Nand fim, Ped win, ON Bt, of NJ. a ha ie ht Bennett RA ACCIDENT TOLL IN ONTARIO HEAVY (Continued from Page !) muel Foster, aged six, of Wallace- burg, who was rowned in the Syden | ¥ ham river, He was playing on the bank when he slipped in and was trapped under some lo The body was qui vl recovered and firemen Buin om 4 When they arrived, however, it was discovered they had left thelr pulmotor behind and had to return for it, After getting back with it none of them knew how to se it, Complaints by citizens over the de lay In getting the pulmotor Into ac tion resulted in a Investigation ani the ordering of pulmotor practice for the firemen by Mayor Stonehouse, RAGLAN NEWS Raglan, May B-=Mr, and Mrs, G, Brent and son, Bill, spent Sunday with her parents in Columbus, Miss Jessie Shute, of Bowmanville, visited with her brother, Mr, A. $lute recently, Mr, and Mrs, John Blight and fam ily, of Brooklin, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Bray, The drama which w to be given on Wednesday evenb May 7, by Albert street talent of Oshawa, had to ba postponed on account of the hewvy rain, It will be presented on Monday evening, May 12 My, and Mrs, Win, Kellington and after spending the winter months in Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, R, Way, Oshawa, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Stacey, Sorry to report that Mrs, Russel Davidson is under the doctor's care, A speedy recovery is hoped for, Mrs, Wm, Squsleh, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Charles Luke, after spending the winter in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Luke and son, Harold, and Mrs, Wim, Kellington visited with friends, in Gi , on Sunday, Miss Hazel and Frank Grose; and Arthur Ormiston, 'Toropte, spent Sunday at their homes here, Mr, and Mrs, Sheer, Toronto, visit« ed with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Luke, on Sunday, The Chicago police usulaly know enough about these gangsters to fill a small book, yet never use enough of It to put them where they belong, == Chicago Evening Post, DR. CARL'S DISCOVERY STOPS GAS, CONSTIPATION In his private practice, Dr, Cart Weseheke first perfected the simple mixture now known as Adlerika. Un» like most remedies, Alderika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old poisons you would never helieve were in your system, Stops GAS bloating in 10 minutes! Relieves chronic constipation in 2 hours, Let Alderika give your stomach and bow= els a REAL cleaning and see how Mr, and Mrs, Roy Brown, and son, lohhy, linve moved into the house formerly occupled by Mr, John Maye, I io " " . good you feel! It will surprise you! Jury und Lovell, Ltd, Drugs, int a Vi PEER ITIIAARE 2 ACK of our Canadian Nota 1 is more wealth than the mind can conceive , ., a vast financial reserve which is destined to protect us and our loved ones from want and privation, Perhaps you have seen the help that just one Life Insurance Policy for $10,000 has brought to many a home in the day of trial, Multiply this one incident by 650,000 . . . and you can picture the future work of Life Insurance now owned by Canadians. For six and « half bil- lion dollars is the amount Life -------- 3illion Dollars As an investor in Life Insurance, your savings aid enterprise in the financing of new build. ings and other important projetts through. out Canada, They help to provide employ. ment for thousands of Canadians and thus contribute greatly to our national prosperity. Six and a half billion dollars is a large sum of money . . . but it represents an average pro- - tection of only a little more than $2,000 for each Canadian family . . , enough to yield an income of about two dollass a week! When you measure your own Life Insurance by the income it will provide you will MEATS Headcheese, 2 Ibe. .............28¢ Pork Chops lb, 33¢ Pork Sausage, 24¢ Macaroni Loaf .........1b, 33¢ Insurance Companies have con: tracted to pay to living policy. holders or their beneficiaries. learn if it is sufficient. Any Life Underwriter will gladly suggest a solution to your problem. The letter states that one erdin. ary share of Tucketts will be ex: changed for thirty (120) ordinary ahares of Imperial Tobacee Come pany of Canada, Stock of the lat. ter concern, exeh®nged under the agreament, will rank for dividend payable June 80, 1040 , The letter states that the direc: torate of Tucketts approves the ex. change and advises the aharehold- ers to accept it, FOLLOWS FATHER AS BANK DIRECTOR Montreal, May. 10 10==To fll the vacancy created by the death of Willlam™ M, MoMaster, his father, the board of directors of the Bank of Montreal today elected Roa I, MoMaater to the directorate, Ross MH, MoMaater in president of the Steel Company of Canada, Limited, "SPECIAL! BEEHIVE CornSyrup 2 Pound Tin _2 - 25¢