Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 May 1930, p. 2

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"Bowmanville Daily Times. News, advertising and subscriptions will be revived ai the Bowmanyille Office of The Times, Tslephoneé=Office, Veteran Bowmanville. Celebrates 91st William Browning Couch, velers an Bowmanville merchant, is today . welebrating his 01st birthday and as ususl was gt his office at Couch, Johnston and' Cryderman's Dry Goods store sharp at 8.30 (his morning, This outing fo hi Sarly every morning is not ' Mr, "couen for he hes been at his office at the same hour for the pust #0 years without a break, He stays here throughout the day too, and up until midpight on Saturday ,. nights and only the Wednesday afternoon each week for a holidoy, The fact that Mr, Couch is on his feet most of the day and seldom uses a stool or chal only BOOS to strengthen the beilef that Mr Couch 15 A most remarkable man, Mr, Couch was horn in Devons shire, England, the country noted ymong othqr things for its rural heauty and is. cream and apple cider, He left there when a lad of 17 to try his luck in the Deminion of Canada and to see Mr, Couen now, one is bound to agree that he has made a great sucoess of life in this country, He first settled in the village of Hampton five miles north of Bowmanville and after several years moved here going to work in the dry goods store of McClung Bros, In 1882 in partners ship with Mr, James Johnston and Mr, J, H, Cryderman ha took of the store of McClung Bros, and started the firm of Couch Johnston and Cryderman, Mr, Johnston died many years ago but was succended in the business by his son Avery C, Johnston, The original Mr, Cryders man and Mr, Couch are still active workers in the business, Naturally Mr, Couch lke any other citizens of Canada likes to play as well as work and he has three hobbies with which he Alls In his spare time, Hig most enjoy able hours are spent with a rod and line fishing the speckled vari. aty of trout and he Is ho mein hand at that either, but Is known to he one of the finest fishermen in Durham County, When the Times reporter called to see Mr, Couch on Saturday he asked "I suppose that you are just as keen mm an day's fishing as aver?" and Mr, Couch admitted hs was just ans keen if not keener, There Is per. haps no person in Bowmanville who knows as much about the fishing creeks of the surrounding + pountry as Mr, Couch and when he goes fishing he knows where to go and always gels rvesulls, Next to fishing Mr, Couch is very tond of gardening and although his advancing age does not allow him as many hours amongst the flows ers as he is wont, nevertheless he , 887; Birthday Today stil) does bis share in making Bows manville 8 town of fine gardens and the garden at his home on Centre Street 1s still one of the finest laid out in the ( f Then lastly there 18 Bis reading, During the evenings of the long winter months Mr, Couch delights to be seated in a deep chesterfield char with 8 geod book to while away the hours, He is also very found of poetry and this could be expected for he is a cousin of Ro. 'bert Browning as his second name intimates, Althoungh Mr, Couch is growing old, n lot older than many of us will ever he he fs. still # veal pro- grossive business man and his opin~ fons of things of great Importance to the town are still well considers ed, Ha is the chalrman of the High Behool Board and under his gold ance the new $100,000 school was built last summer, Mr, Couch fis very proud of the High School and his ultimate hopes ay in the direc tion of a collegiate for the town, Mr, Couch's greatest wish will be fullfilled when this dream of a Bowmanville Collegiate Institute isn reality, For 61 years Mr, Couch has filled the position of the board and is the third to be chairman, He was on the board when the frst high school was built and only two men were ¢hairman before him, Two years ago Mr, Couch asked to resign but the remaining members of the hoard urged him to stay with the result that Mr. Couch is stil] the chairman, Mr, Couch is also an active and prominent members of Trinity United Church and there is hardly one Sunday In the year when he Is not seen in his pew at the chureh, Two years ago when walking across the street he was knocked down by a passing automobile but wes hack at his oMoe In a very few days, The Times joins with his legion of friends in Bowmanville and sur. rounding country in congratulating Mr, Couch in attaining this great age and wishing him many more years of happy and profitable life, WALTER JOWNRON The community of North Mon. aghan and village of Fraserville suffered on sad loss In the death of David Walter Johnsen only ron of Ben Johnson, Peterhoro, on May 7th, who was killed by Hghtne ing while taking refuge under na tras during the recént . severe storm, The decensed who was thirty-five years of ange was well and popularly known in his coms munity and will be mourned by a Inrge civele of friends and rela. who' 'wey Miss of Nowth he, end his 4 i 'Sympathy of 8 host of friends In thelr sad nt He was born near Kuene in Otona- bey township but had resided on bis farm 1, Cen, 17, North Monaghan for the past twenty-five years with the exveption of (we years when ¥ the Great he resided Fy "H erbore. Ho was | ful member Ae Church, Master of 1, OL, 49, Vrasorville, a Mason being a mem- her of J, B, Hall Ledge 145, G.I, C, Millbrook wud » Congoryative in b Jomiene The tunoral condusied under Magonie uusploes No one uf the largest ever held in the com- munity und took place on May Ith from the . homestend, fev, K, I, Rwain, pastor of ¥rusoryills United Churah, had charge of the service and paid eloquent tribute to the many sterling qualities of the de. ceased, The honorary puli-hekrers were Messrs, Martin Henry and Jumes Roddy, Vraseryille, repro. senting LOY, 48, Messrs, J, 0, Pus, W, 1, Monerief, R. J, Dele: haye, Y a, Waterman, W, G, Rowland and (George FP, Berry were (he pallshenr ers, Relatives 'were present from London, Toronto, Bowmanville, Co- bours, Colborne, Campbelifer, Harwood, Baltimora, Plainville Roseneath, MWaveloek, Norwood Peterboro and other nearby points Many beautiful flowers paid a loving testimony to a beautiful and osteemed character, The flows hearers were sixtesn members of LOL, 46, Besides the fmmedinte relatives the following sent flows ers: Wreaths, Mr, and Mrs, Chars les Adamson, Chicago 111; Mr, Ernset Adamson, Noyth Monaghan; Brethren of J, B, Hall Lodwe, Mili brook, and LOL, 46, PilloWes Miss Kthel Adamson, Torom so, Bprays--VFraserville Ladies' Ald Fraserville, C.G.17T, Girls, Mr, aud Mrs, J, O, Pues, Fraserville, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Cunningham, Mr and Mrs, Lloyd Gilmour, Peter boro, My, and Mrs, K, J, Delehaye, Frasecville, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley | MeMillan, Norwood, Mr, and Mrs W. H. Adamson, London, the Fols- ter family, North Monaghan, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, A, NBiack, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Arthus MeKay, Nor- wood, Interment took place in Little Lake Cometery, Peterboro, NEWS ABOUT TOWN Wins Congoleum Rug Mrs, Jack Bird, corner of Tem perance and Chureh streets was the winner of the contest conducted at Nelson's Store by the makers of Congoleum Rugs, Mrs, Bird had the nearest guess to the number which was bidden under the neal Her guess was B87 and the cor rect number was 081, To Produce "Grumpy" Here Under the ausploes of Bt, John's Chureh the Oshawa Little Theatre Guild will present the play "Grum. py" in the Opera House on Tues X The Daily Habit Ol shopping at AUP Food Stores will make surprising savings en your food budget! MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SPECIALS FINE GRANULATED SUGAR 10 rounns §0¢ Except Redpath EAGLE BRAND MILK Condensed 3 Tins 50c¢ "i NEW BRUNSWICK POTATOES 4 41¢ | LAMB CHOPS ». 33¢ VEAL CHOPS ». 28¢ / Halibut Steak » . «PaciFic CANAD? AT QUEENNTON HEIGHTS The Queenston monument fo General Brock, famous British po!- dier, whose name Is omblagoned aarein the pages of early Canadian history, is now under repalr, "Tha photographs here show, (1) View day, May 20, The play was produc od with outstanding success during the present Little Theatre season in Oshawa and should attract a capacity house next Tuesday, The play was created for Cyril Maude, the distinguished English actor, and has been produced In New York and London very successfully, The presentation is a "mystery comedy-drama and the lead |» taken by John Craig, director of the Oshawa Little Theatre, Includ od In the east are Tad Houthey and Herman Lapp of Bowmanville, Gardens In Room Bowmanville ean well be proud of one fact concerning the town and that fs the gardens, A walk through the streets at the north end of the town up Centre Htreet and Beach Avenue and along Concess slon Street' provides an excellent opportunity te see just how fine gardens there are In the town, Then Mr, Fletcher's rose gardens on Jueen Btreet and all laid out for the summer and the sight In this garden when It Is in bloom Is aw fine an can be seen anywhere in Ontarlo, Speaks At Rotary Dr, Frank Bennett, distinguished hortieultivist of Ht, Thomas wae the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Bowmanville Ros tary Club on Friday, Dr. Bennett mye the same address as he de- vered at the meeting of the Bow. manville Horticultural Boclety last The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news will be, recelved at the Whithy Ulirancu Office, at Gam «tt and Chronlele~=Tolophone W==Alter Business Hours = 'l hone BAD, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON MOTHER'S DAY IN WHITBY CHURCHES . ELL OBSERVED Special Sermons and Music With Outstanding Features Mothers' Day was well observed in the churches of Whitby on Sun day, and the fine weather brought out large congregations, parvtious larly in the morning, Special ser: mons and musie marked the day, At the Baptist Chureh in the morning a unigue feature was a choir composed of some 35 mothers who rendered apptobiiste mualo, The pastor, Rev, T\ ¥, from the text, "Hehold Thy Mother," In the evening there was @ young men's rally, when the ad- dress wan directed particularly te the young men of the church, The choir rendered special munie, At 8t, Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh In the morning Rev, John Lindsay in a Mother's Day sermon urged a return to the old paths, trod hy Christian mothers in days one by, He stated that Christians ty owed much today to the influs ence of many a mother, and while he was not ericioal of present day home. training of the youth, he felt that there wan a need for ems Mlaateing the old time vellglon an taught by mothers to their ohildven In past genevationa He defined the old paths ag those created by Christ for the guidance of Hin followers, and for the uplift and strength of the ohuren, trio, Mra, Walker, Miss Isabel Brawley and John R, Froat sang an appropriate number, while Mrs, Walker rendered a solo, The organist, Harry Salmon, [lan ed Mothers' Day offertory numbers, In the afternoon there was an open sesaion of the Sunday School, at which the speaker was I, M, H, Neat, spoke | many finer gardens will be seen in the town this summer, Church Services Wall Attended Hervices fn the churches of Bow. | manvitle were exceptionally well attended yesterday, Mothers' Day, and speeinl preachers delivered ad- dresses in threes of the churches, The Rev, RA, Hilts, MA, DCL, of the Neliglous Board of Kduca tion of the Anglican Church wan the speaker nt the morning service at Mt, John's Church where the 14 newly confirmed members of the chureh received thelr fiest com munication, The Rev, NI. W, Ellis of Kagon, Ontario, was the special Bey at Ht, Andrew's Preaby terian Churgh and the Rev, James Semple, B.A, 8.7.0, Th.D,, was the preacher at the special Bunday Hehool anniversary services at Trinity United Chuyeh, The pastor, the Rev, D, W, Best, D.D,, conduets od the services at St, Paul's United Church and spocial Mothers' Day porvices at the Salvation Army Cltade! wore In charge of Adjutant Chittenden woek and as a result of his adel i | | | | Cream of Barldy Camp Popular The Cream of Barley camp wan about the most popular place of recreation over the weekend and hundreds took thelr supper along and made a day og it in the bright sunshine, Hundreds of tourists also stopped off to see the animals and rest awhile under the shade of the old apple tree, Irwin, Rev, M, Lindsay presided and a special printed program was carried out, Quite a number of the mothers were present, Mothers' Day was observed In the United Church of the morning nepxice, There wan a large congres gation, The minister, Rev, A, Iu Riochaads, Ji, 0, based a very fine address on a quotation from the Jowish Talmud of nearly 3,000 years ago, "God could not he every where, so he made mothers." Rev, Mr, Righarfia stated that thin wan an appealing quotation, and one which implied the care, thought, an@@oharacter of the self-aaorifics ing Christian mother, Mra, Willlam Heard sang an appropriate Mothers' Day hymn, Mothers' Day was also specially observed in the Sunday School with an appropriate program and a large attendance of scholars, AWARD CONTROL FOR COUNTY GAOL Whitby Firm Successful in Getting Order For County : Buildings At a meeting of the County Property Committea held in the Court House Friday afternoon, tenders were opened for supplying coal for all of the county builds ings for the season, Several tens ders weve received from Whithy firms, and the contract was awards to T. W. Rost & Son at $13.40 per ton, his quotation being the lows ont, The Commities also opened tens ders for decorating the interior of the old part of \he registry ofs flee, The tenders received, how. ever, were considered to be unsats iafactory and the matter was left over until June, The chairman of the Committee, Reeve Adam Dobson, of Cannings of head at top of Broek's Monue ment, ride repalr pair head of Brock at top of monument, and (4) warm which fell from mon ument, ton, presided, : (4) View of monument in peaffolding during re. work (4) Another view of TRAFFIC OFFICERS CHECKING UP ON INEEVED CARS Many Motorists Stopped in Whitby on Sunday on Two Highways War has been declared by the De. partment of Highways on motors ists who persist in travelling dur ing the hours of darkness with only one front Vight, or with defed. tive lghts, Ho many complaints have heen lodged with the Depart. ment that trae officers have been instructed to take nection, Sunday night Trae OMoer RiA~ ney Hilliard stopped many motors iste in Whitby with only one light and warned them, Looal garages ware doing a good business selling lights as the results of the check up, No prosecutions were institus tion, but all and sundry were warn« od that a second offence meant n summons to appear before the oad On the Whitby-Lindsay Wigh- way Trae OMcer Robert Hawks shaw, A young man recently ap- pointed under OMoer Hilliard, made a check up on one-eyed drivers and bagged quite a few, The ofMeer also gave a warning, Although the trafic on both high ways was the heviest of the season on Sunday, there was not one ac- oldent reported, 'Motorists are driving with more care than ever before; and there are few of the Youtsin' variety now operating,' said Trafic OMoer Sidney Hilliard on Sunday night, On the north highway Sunday morning a car got into the ditch near Myrtle but none of the oo- cupants were hurt, The car, alight. ly damaged, was taken to a Brooks lin garage, The Department of Highways is painting a white line in the centre of both highways to assist motors ists to Keep on thelr own side of the road, All algns along the road are also being freshly painted, Trae ofMoers, on account of the Shriners' convention at Toronto next month, are expecting a very heavy Increase in motor traf, and the Department in making arrange. ments to handle it, \ dba BUYS TOMBSTONE, DIES IN TWO DAYS T---- Winnipeg, May 18--0n Wednea- day, Peter Luy, 78, purchased a tombstone at Deeauajour, Man, Friday he was dead. luy was found at the foot of the ataira in ha home, hin neck broken from a fall, The aged man ia sald to have grieved over the death of his bosom friend, John Barski, who Walked to hin death in the path of a Cana dian Pacific Railway train on Suns day, No inquest will be held, FRANCE REGULATES EXPORT OF WHEAT New Law Seeks to Stimulate Consumption of Home Grown Grain Paris, May 13-5The new French law regulating the export of wheat fn now in force, Like the law of December, 1929, which it amends At weeks to stimulate the consumps tion of home-grown wheat, The law of December had a pros vision under which an exporter of {PRAISES NORTH | statement flour or not, could receive a bounty equal tot he duty collected on im- ported whent, until March 81, 1950, The new law extends these provi wlons to the end of next July, The total bounties on export wheat are limited to the duties col lected on import wheat in 1929, and are vot in any case to excel 100, 000,000 francs (about $4,000,000), Another Jroviglon wiipulates that halt of the assistance granted to exports shall go to the agricultur- al co-operative and the farmers, Appligants for export bounty are make applieation to the minister of Agriculture, stating the amount they desire to export, These applications then are subthitted to the commission of control for cons sideration, BAY, GLEAN CITY Has Grown From "Tough Looking Place" to Modern City ronan North Bay; May 12-+"North Bay In one of the "best-kept, smartest: looking, up-to-date 'places in the Dominion of Cansdn," was the made by Hon, Frank Oliver, former minister of the in terior for Canada and now rallway commissioner at Oltaws, when speaking to un open meeting of the Womeny' Canadian Club hers, "Tho city Is certainly a erédit ta the publie,'" Hon, Oliver degar- ed, "I have passed through North Bay for the past 85 years and | must. admit that it used to he « tough looking place, 1t hins grown and heen developed, however, and now has, In a certnin degree, the prosuige of a enpitnl, It {8 n cons tre for threa important railways and is the gateway to northern On. tarlo, a country which will have an important bearing in the future of the Dominion." I'oo many touches easy mark, wil harden the Chicago Dally News, ANOTHER BIG WAR WOULD BE GREAT CATASTROPHE Australisn Minister Tells How Cities Could be Wiped Out in Night Washington, D.C,, May 12-Non combatants will ha the sufferers and eltles will bs half wiped out in & night should the course of a great war again full upon the earth, Hon, J, B, Venton, Australian Min. ister of Trade and Customs, expres. wed this opinion upon his way back to Australian from the Londen Dis- armament Conference "It wonld he fought not on lund or sea, but in the sir," he sid, Personally he thought, the up- shot of the London Conference very satisfactory, and that a distinct f6r« ward step had been taken, He was doubtful that ¥rance and Italy would decide to come in fully, He considered that any nation that bullt warships In the next five years, was absolutely throwing money away and with regard fo the United Biptes, ho felt that any jden of an attack upon that country wos beyond the wildest dreams of a mad man, "I belleve that the world's conscience fodny demands of statesmen that they hring aboul peace," ho maid Poet: I put my whole mind inte this noem," Editor; "Yen, blank verse," The Lady--T want n muff The Assistant Cartainly, dam, What fur? The Lady---What fur? Te keep my hands warm, you idiot! All the new cars need 1s ao wind shield that will make (lve pedest. rian In front resemhle an motor cop coming from the yrenr.Galt Re~ porter, I soe that it's na Ma= it Fay A DUNLOP Mercury Gasoline, Oils, i 0 » 27. Tire Service --take advantage of our spec ialized tire knowledge and vulcanizing equipment. This service, and complete stocks of DUNLOP Cable Cord Tires, are your guarantee of maxi. mum tire mileage. Service Ltd. res, Storage Phone 994 Official Depot DUNLOP Wholly Canadian and British known for wheat, whether it was milled into from a dependable and service. Of all the activities in which mans kind has engaged, there is probably none of more general interest than that "of building a new home. The most important step of all, when building, is to purchase your material lumber dealer, hia reliable stock, advice wt ' y Remember----every man building a home has a serious responsibility in his community, FE W-------- Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North

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