Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX 4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 lt LIER re " : WILE NOT PRESS FOR Berlin, May 10,~The file of th ri 14 ¥ 0 1} Wossbt. oruiser "'B" taly was loft to the Reichstag min tev of Defence Groene riled he would not further urge its builds Ing at present, . {nister Groensr made his an- nouncement in inh budget commits of the Reichsrat, which had in the budget $760,008 for preliminary work toward builds ing of the ship, With the ehancellor's approval he on to leave the decision to the Reichstag, In case of an ade verse decision, the minister wad, the government would stand by the decision of the Mus) eabinet which had taken the view that be. cause state of French finan. si 18 COMPANY WHEN THE THIRD 18 PLANTERS SALTED PEAMUTS 1900 ---- cos, opnatruciion should be posts I'poped natil next your, J REMOVES FEAR OF 1: CANCER OF BREAST Operation Perfected in U.S, is Successful in Most Cases Topekn, Kans, Muay 10-~Figures which Be sald should "take most of the fear of cancer of the hreast from every woman who reads them, were given to the Kansas HBiale Medical Soclety last night by Dr Joseph Colt, Bloodgood, of Johns Hopkins, #0 quoted the 40 year records of Johns Hopkins to demonstrate his oellef that this form of cancer has passed from the hopeless stage to ony preventable and usually eure able, "The rasords which have been aoe Ww cumulated In the 40 yenrs of the surgloal elinle at Johns Hopkine in the surgieal pathologleal 1aboras tory," h esald, give the best evis dence that the surgical treatment an conceived and executive by Pros fessor Halstead in 1800 and pers footed by 1006 is the hest treats ment for cancer of the breast toe day, This operation is not dan gorous, "It required more than 20 years before it was recognised 'as the esr tablished and standardized operas | ton, y "Phe Investigation of these recs ords show that the education of women has increased the number of cured oases of cancer from lew than 10 per cent up to 1000 fe more than B50 per cent, since 1020, COLONEL KILLED, TWO HURT IN CRASH od, Lieut, as, Va aged Meld, Amar, Langley (Col, Pha of the Fiamess Alp corps, Was ins stantly killed, and Captain Percy GG, Plack, aged 85, and Lieutenant Robert J, Brown, were seriously injured when their planes erashed at an altitude of 200 feet here, LS ------ SOVIET MAY RECALL ENVOYS TO BRITAIN London, May 10-=The Dally Mal yesteraday printed a story Am sorting that the Ambassador of Ho. viet Russia, G, 1, Nokelnikov, and puaveral members of tha Embassy staff ave likely to be recalled for offending Moscow hy a tee friend. lv attitnde towards the British Government and English society people, The story adds that the Russian fois Bn ' fa oy pots rer d. will, throw thew solves upon the merey of the Brit sh Government, It also declares that the Boviet envoy In Paris Ww In. a similar position, ats 0180 have a lan now 0 Poca, Ther some members of liad 9 th have 'resolved to Ain onll orders - > {NEW PLANE HAS SAFETY FEATURES Design Developed in Chat. ham Said to Prevent Tail Spins May 10.-wA sturdy lit: tie biplane, designed hy William Kistler, manager of (he Hayes heel and Forgings, Ltd, and Losutenant Norman Thomson, member of the engineering staf and a skilled nviator, is being Lesi- od here with great success, The A wan constyuoted in the msgur . shop in Dresden, and its ohlef features are in the safety devices The weight of the motor and pase songers, by its construction, has heen placed in. what in called the centre of the litt of the wings, and it 1s elaimed that it will net go into a tall spin, Lieut, Thoms pon, who in making the flying tests, has made several attempts At & safe altitude to start a spin, hut the plane merely noses fore ward and settles into a slow glide, Its Jow landing speed is another feature. Whether the company will go into the manufacture of the plane has mot yet been desided, It has an all-steel fuselage and controls, is painted in orange And black and weighs 1,350 pounds without fuel, Unlike most planes the nose of the plane with the mot~ or protrudes only a couple of feel in front of the wings, with the two-seater cockpit immediately be hind and under the wings, In dee signing the plane, the two loon) mien arranged for the major pore tion of the weight to be under the wings In what Is called the centre of Jitt, It is this feature whigh prevents any side swinging follow. ing a stall, the forerunner of a tall pin, Another feature is that a pilot does not fly blind, It is se cov structed thet he has good frontal and upward visions and ho 4 " plight turn of the head enables the pilot to see one landing wheel, Chatham, Miller: ""The man who brings up nine or ten children today desery. 08 a lot of credit," Grocer: "Deserves it? Gosh, he oan't get along without it." i i Ui . F or Faster, Safer, Cheaper Miles S W, 5 Halos Offoes at 1 3 MONTREAL eae th t e who knows to Ta a and wider hig at overy opportunity. Canada Cement Company Limited Canada Cement Company Bldg, « Phillips Square, Montreal Concrete roads mean toring «+ » » ih i pe true regardless o speed safety in every mile. This sally factor . « + sumption and less wear and and Care » ». + every motori tear on tires ot " and freedom tly ph see apes ts, apont on ing buds are profitably apent., Each concrete« mile is a jived mile ¢ , « attractive to permanent a boon nity. | {EY Ways A | by the 4 Ble Spee py faliak AH TI CA pda ™m $00 and $1 atoll druggists IEAGUETOAD WEMBER NATIONS NENACED BY Wi Treaty Adopted Whereby Financial Ald Will Be Given . ---------- Geneve, Awitseripnd, ay 10=A draft treaty for financial aslstance for a State menaced or atfncked hy another Btate, wan adopted yesterday 6 of Nations Committee on Arbliea and Becurity, This Instrument, embodying « fur ther effort to discournge war, will be presented at the next assembly and then to the Individual Governments, The proposed treaty provides {or loins to & vietlm country, to he guars anteed by the other States which ure parties to the treaty, The League Council will deelde when this enonos mie ald Is 10 be given, The treaty's coming Inte foree Is made dependent upon attainment of a general disarm ament convention, The formula adopted does not men ih aa i 4 [GF GF 2 & Sh TA, thon the Kellog, Jae thus meeting the ubjsetion of rugusy. ind other non=signatories to this agreement Despite Turkey's expressed wish to open the treaty to nensmembers of the League, it was decided teehnis onl reasons made It best to confine the treaty to League members, A resglution also was adopted, ad. vising the Assembly us to whit mes: Hires should be taken for ruellitating the use of alr graft by the League In times of dmtmency, This resolus tion did not decide the question whe. ther the League should possess Its own planes FIGHT IN EVERY ONTARIO RIDING; ORGANIZERS AY Effort Being Made to Elimin. ate Three-Cornered Contests o-- Toronto, May 10.=Fyery riding in Ontario will have at least two candidates In the coming election, anocording to the organizers of the Liberal and Conservative parties, both of whom stated practionlly al of the constituencies would have official eandidates hy the end of May, W. 0, Clydesdale, of tha Ontario LAheral-Conseryative Assooiation, stated that there would be a Cone servative candidate In avery riding i AS FE and -- in Ontario und expressed the belief that GQonwervative vepresontation would be Inoronsed, Harvey Johnson, Liberal organise er, Is squally optimistic In regard to Liberal prospects and at a ve cont meeting of the Ontario Wom= an's dAberal Association, Miss Gracy Rankin, president, assured {he delegates there wis nu committes at work to eliminate three-cornered contests and that Idberals would congentrate on defeating the Con: sorvatives, BRITISH LIBERAL LEADERS WANTING ELECTION REFORM Want Proportional Repre- sentation to Assure Seats Vote Should Give Them London, May 10 Liberals are kotting Impatient, They want elec tora! reform, preferably some meas sure of proportional veform which will give them as many seats In parliament ns the total Liberal vote entitles them to, in proportion to the total votes cast for other par. ties, Por In the past fow elections Liberals have been unfortunate, Thelr total vote has heen out of all proportion to the number of seats they have managed (0 securs in the House of Commons, or so gues the Liberal gomplaint, The Wome Counties Liberal Ved r EANAAJ XOXO BON viata 4 XX) ) i: That is your reward when you use British American Gaselene, Power to take you where you want te go, at the speed you wish to travel , ,_. with unfailing smoothness. Power to get away, power on pickup, power without the penalty of excessive carbon, pitting. . . or any of the troubles caused by gasolenes of less than the highest quality ,.... and there is no price penalty. British Americ, eration met at Caxton Hall, West minster and passed 8 resolution proposed by Wamssy Muir, pation ul ahalrman, This urged "that grotesque ine Justice exists In the electoral nyse tem, which turns every elestion into & gamble and makes demoo racy ou perilous form of government and that the efficient working of the Parliamentary system demands the Institution of a better system during the present session of par Hament," Mr, Muir dedlared that "Ti West Fulham's by-election the Liberals were given a choles of being hang: od or heing drowned," The meet ing agreed that the better system referred Lo shoud he proportions: representation, A resolution an Empire 1'reg Trade declarad ihe policy being propounded hy lord Beaverbrook fs not for the ultimate good of the Empire, This was also adopled, -------- GIVES 2,000 ACRES FOR GAME RESERVE pamara | | Welland, Ont, May 10 Joseph Wilson, of Wainfleet has signified to the officials of the Welland | hranch of the Ontario Hunters Game Protective Association his] intention to donate two thousand | aores of hin twenty-six hundred "ore property to the Association an # game reserve, Mr, Wilson will also permit wild geess to Inhabit! unmolested the workable six hun. | dred nores of his property, It In understood the Porvinelsl Depart: | ment will send down an inspector | to look over the property and 'to! BE os | It cooly, moothes natantly, or | affections that aetunlly does wa shin lean, A bad skin is un embarrassing, 1unne formula so ¥ A ful the blemished In "Beating wl J ¥, W. Thompson, Drug More arrange for taking it over as & game reserve, The inspector will also look over the water of the Welland River with a view to seeing If It ean he stocked with pike and plekerel, A party of aetoys put up for the night In a primitive villuge, Next day one of them observed wearily to a colleague, ns he rosg shout noontide "In the other "Laddle," "Where doss one wash?" spring," replied the sald the first, "1 sald | 'Where, not 'when'" I . Re aby A GRADE FOR EVERY CAR TRACTO AND TRUCK | BRITISH AMERICAN OIL CO. LIMITED {1:7

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