Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1930, p. 14

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4 CR ET RR its AR ny hd i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 "oo 1 ADO YEARS OLD HON A oe than 150 yours oid but stil tu An excellent state y hich ih Sh rl win ought 40 Hebi hom an oys, Maple Grove, home ol Bean rod by Mr, Roys as a relic of hig forefathers, who were United Tmpire Loyalsts of Duteh descent, COALOLL EXPLODES Cornwall==xplosion of coal oll used to start a wood five at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Walter J, 'Slimper, 85 Third street Last, vobuited in minor injuries to three s and caused a fire Which hr slight damage to coutents of the room, sr -- wn BULLE VIRED AY CAR 'Gorawall==1ired upon from am. nish as they drove along Provincia) way 81, near Vernon, tour per- sons narrowly eseaped death or setlous injury at the hands of an upkoown marksman, Members of the party which included Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence ©'Dair and Mr, and Mes, Ralph Tilton, all of Cornwall, yoported the Incident to City and Provineial polige here, Bullet holes through the side of the automobile bear witness to the truth of their statements, ACCIDENT FRACTURES LEG Brockyille--=Kugene Pak, a Pol. ish hoy, residing with his parents nt 103 Porth street, suffered a frac. furs of his left log when struck by a oar driven by Miss Honor Gowan, 6 Broad street; PASTORAL CALLS ANNOUNCED Cobden==Renfrow Fiosbrieny of the United Chureh goncluded a two day session at the Calvin United Church, Pembroke, Nev, My, Osters hout, of Carleton Place, presided, Rov, Dr. Woodside of Ottawn was nominated for Moderator of the General Council, Representntives to the General Council elected were! Nev, Dr, Bemple of Bmiths Falls, Rev, Mr, Osterhout of Carles ton Place, and, an lay represents tives, Dean Burns of Pembroke, and Inspector Mpence of Carleton Place, Calls to Rev, Thomas Mow Naught of White Lake to Beldeson Churoh and Rev, Dr, Miok of West. boro te Renfrew were received and transferred to the Nettlement Come mittee for action, ------------ ------------ To His Majesty "THE BABY" Me rules your home and your hearts like a royal monarch, radiating sunshine and happiness unto all who Approach hil, There he lies orooing In his rib, helpless, happy, His mother knows how to keep baby contented, No sonlding from ammonia diaper, Hhe Jn him well powdered wv TINY TOT BABY POWDER A product of the chams fst's art, combining mine sterate, borio acid and tale, Delicately perfumed and Put in a handy ean, it res commends itself to any mother, Try a 200 box tos day, SPECIAL Hoa sn Ty Tou I'owder 2 take Tiny ; ! Soap, both ' 29¢ THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Ltd. LR ' MOVING TO NEW PONY... Cobdon==Arthur HW, Martin, fo threo years Distriot Agrienitural Representative for Renfrew Connty, has received promotion in the wor. vies of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, and will go to Toron- to, Wis successor has not been named, HYDRO RATES REDUCED Port Hope==An agreement has been reached between the Mydro- Kloetrie Power Commission of On- tario and the village of Hastings whereby the minumum rate hay been reduced from $3.00 to 42.00, VIRE DESTROYS TENAMENT Cornwall-=The second disastrous fire to visit Mille Rochon in the past poven months destroyed a double tenement dwelling, "The building, which was owned by Mrs, P, N, Tait, Cornwall, was occupied by My, and Mrs, Alex, Antoine and family and Mr, and Mrs, Henry Vice, with whom resided, also thelr daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mra, Arthur Quenneville and fame fly, All personal property was sav« od, "The loss is estimated at $2,000 partinlly covered with insurance, SENTENCED YOu A LING Lv Brockville ~Wilfred L, Van camp, for seven years a member of the local post office delivery Staff and a married man with two ehildrven, was sentenced to three yoars in Portsmouth Penitentinry for theft of a letter on his delivery route, Petitions for clemency largely signed by residents of Brookville and Cardinal asked that the minimum sentence be imposed, CHOREN CANDIDATE Paterboro--Kx-Mayor J, J, Duf fus, unsuccessful Government can. didate in West Peterboro in 1024, wan the choles of a largely attond. od Liberal convention hers to cons test the riding in the coming slog tion, He won on the frst ballot from Dr, J, J, Cralg, president of the West Peterboro Liberal Assool ation, and Vincent Eastwood, PARTOR CHANGES CHURCH Kingston.~-Nev, I" W, Mahafty, pastor of Calvary and Zion United ochurehos in this eity, has accepted A call to Princess Street United Church here, made vacant by the resignation of Rev, C', W. Barrett, who has accepted a eall to Drigh- ton, Rev, Mr, Mahafty came to Kingston from Brockville two yours Ago, PLANE RINKS IN MUD Prescott, ~The six-seater nero plane owned by A, Sidney Dawes, Montreal, President of the Atlus Construetion Company, met with a slight accident when, on landing here the wheels sank in soft mud onused by recent rains, and the plane turned over, Mr, Dawes, who was accompanied by his pilot, was unhurt, The rudder and the propeller ware damaged, BODY RECOVERED Prosoott.=The body of 7. Con die of Dristol, England, an em. ployee at the grain terminal cons struction work here, who was drowned in Bt, Lawrence River, was recovered by H., 10, Poland, div. or, of Prescott, in about $6 feet of water and about 100 feet from where the accident happened, BANQUET TO DR. TAYLON Kingston, «= Announcement Ix made that there is to be a oitiensy' banquet in honor of Dr, R, Wruee Taylor, retiring Principal of Queen's University, The banquet In sponsored hy the Kingston Cham bar of Commerce directors, TAKING THE CHANCE Molly had been warned by her mother not to play In the muddy road, For the fourth time the girl had disobeyed, and her mother had brought her back and cleaned her up, "Now look here, Molly," she said, "I'l give you one last ohance, If [ #0 out into the road again, "Il have to put you to hed, and I'l} tell daddy what a naughty girl you have been when he comes back from the office," The ehild diskppeared, and noth {ng was heard of her for quite a long time, About ten minutes be« fore her father was due home the little girl appeared at the kitohs on door wet and Uadragpied, "Mummy," she remarked in a tone of cheerful resignation, "I've used up my last chance," A COKE seMeT- soLvay WOODALL kinos & ory 1 Service @ dive vai Co. / M. NUNZIO PRIVITERA Who has invented an apparatus for the prevention of level-eroms. Ing aceldents, on which he has worked for the past five years, WIDE VARIETY INNEW FORD LINE or -- Nine Body Types in New Offering to Public of Canada de The new Canadian Ford line In eludes cars to sult every taste und to meet any oceasion, 'I'here are coupes for those who prefer u personal car, sedans with either two a or four doors for family use, the sport coupe and eabriolet for those who choos u less formal type of car, and the roudster and phaeton for the many who enjoy open alr riding Nine body types are included In the complete Canadiun offerings the new de luxe coupe, the Tudor sedan Fordor sedan, town sedan, cabriolet, coupe, coupe, roadster and phaeion, sport Beautiful Bodies Redesigned along ultra lines, the new bodies of the Ford cars possess all the beauty, churn and contour of large and expensive cars, Livery line, from the highe radiator to the tip of the curve of the vear fender, Is new, 'I'he entire front Is raised, Moulding treatment Is new. Fenders are nore generou und flow more artistically Nickel plate. has heen replaced by rustles weel A tint ly strip of thls metal ut the juncture of cow! and how) udds to the beauty of the exterior Wheels are smaller and tives larger, bringing the body closer to the ground, an Important safety feature The most notable changes in body types have been winde in the Tudo sedan, the coupes and the open ears Always the most' popular type of the line, the linproved Tudor sedan pos ROSKON A NeW sR INess and hn hew dignity It has greater length and more room in he rear compartment The two front seats fold well down The rear seut wccommodates thre persons with complete comfort, 1h car now has all the beauty and eharm of contour, line and proportions ef the large and expensive car, Becauge of its interior urrangemont and frofit entrance, the Tudor sedan ulways has been considered the ideal ear for the family with small children, who may be placed In tre rear in perfect safe wy, Other types of family closed cars are the Fordor, three window type and the town sedan, The Yront seat in the closed cars (except Cabriolet) Is adjustable to four inches, a dis tinet driver convenience, I'he town sedan has been designed espeelully for those who desire the distinet Iveness, appearance and convenience of fine cur gonstruction, It is ol the threeswindow, four-door type The rear seat 1x htted with arm rests on either side and with a cent. er folding arm-rest that merges with the back cushion when not in use It is avo provided with a flexible rolie rail, Coupe Entirely Now The coupe Is entirely new, The roof ling is lower, but there is no loss of head room inside because the seat haw been lowered, The seat, as In other closed cars, is adjustable to u range of four inghes, adding con siderable pleasure and comfort to driving, 1arcel shell is provided be: hind it, The wport coupe, which has » riiible seat as standard equipnient, possesses all the lower body Hnes ol the coupe. In addition, the rieh Kray top material the rounded rear corners and bright laundau irons on the rear quarters add materially to the sport lines of the car, The rear window' hangs ina heavy curtain: that may be opened and attached to the roof 'above, permitting contact with those in the rumble seat, moder . Unusually interesting is the new de luxe coupe which has just been ins troduced, This car iy similar to the standard coupe except that it has ap nointients designed "for those who desire cars with more select inters tors, It has mahogany garnish moulds ings on the doors and windows, up: holsiery In mohair, dome and cow! MLE he' newly designed phacton has more the ul arance of a smart sport car, The sides are higher, Seats are lower so that occupants sit well down in the car, a characteristic of sport car Yeti. The windshield and its Wings fold 'flat forward, Doors are wider, Greater comibrt and exceptionally style have been built into the new ster body, rs have been widened two inches. The seat was widened to accommodate threa pers sons comfortably, The windshield and wings fold flat, The top folds com. Juet v and guiekly, The luggage space nthe rear deck may be converted Into a rumble seat compartaient.: In the cabrioler, the ord offers o ear for every season, Tt hay all the snugness of a closed ear when the weather is bad and all the adyvants amon of an an car when the weaths or In fades The ton ix of tan mates fal rubber interlined, | with bright nda iron, 1 folds compactly when werd and lies flat back of the peat, 1" OF MILE LENGTH) us" puek Chiengo.~A ray of light will bg Yolocked" for the mile like un race horse by Profi A, A, Michelson, world famous physicist, in June, It will be the Srowiing experiment of the selontist's 47 yours of monsur~ ing the speed of light, A huge vacuum tube, » mile in longth, Is now almost compisted at a ranch 40 miles from Pasadens, Cal, Through this tubg u ray of Hight will be shot, and the time it taken for the puesage will be noted to the Inst degree of ncouracy, Vour yours ago Prof, Michelson fixed igi det ht 116! Ac L] 0 ght, ' miles per ot, by timing a beam flashed from ove mountain peak to another agin, over 4 44-mile "eourse," by voflocting mirrors, Tin igure, he i will not be disturbed by his coming experiment The United Mintes Const and Coos dete Burvey measured the distance for him in 1926 hy mathematics, ho explaing, and, serupulously cores reel though it was, sclentific pro. priety, ha thinks, demands thet he vaponts the experiment over a "eourno" which he can moasure himwelf, The mile long vacuum tube is stool so exectly made as 10 admit of variations of no more than 1«16 of an inch for expension of contraction of the metal, To mens sure It a tapo ls used of special nigkel steel which has practically no oxpension or contraction ut all, The speed of ght was frst mens sured about 100 yours ago, Michels son, by hig discoveries, is sald to have wiven Winstein the basis for his theery of relativity, "Which fs your favorite clgur- ette?" inquired the hostoss, as she opened the humidor, "Sorry," replied her prominent guest firmly, "hut I'm not talking for publication this evening,' ""I'hey gave the prosident of the South American Republie the cue tomary salute of twenty-one guns, but Im afrald it was ou failure," "How?" "They missed him." RES A ---- A ------ ee, | Ontario Lady Suffered with Backache She Soon Found Relle] in Dodd's Kidney Pills "Bef Dodd's Kidney Pills I suffered very much with Kidney, trouble," writes Mrs, M, 1, Silver, Box 129, Kine mount, Ont, "I could har ly straighten my back, Afver using three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 received almost instant relief," When you have Backache ic Is of ton a timely warning thas t dneys are not working as they should, Do not delay, but make and keep the body healthy by wing Dodd's Kidney Pills, For over a third of a century they have been y ded as the best tr for ing Kidneys, Others have found relief from Kidney All hy not you? At All Dealers, or by Mall from The | [a BAA Sl hd rab hr DODDS od | § BY Kip am a, KIDNEY cars you can buy, 1 T'S BP BTTEREHR BRCTA USE TPs Drive a Six and know the difference Wiih low price and extreme economy, Chevrolet combines six-cylinder smoothness and 50-horsepower performance 'AKE the wheel of the new Chevrolet Six, and you will discover, immediately, why it is wise to choose this six! No vibration! No roughness! For nothing less than six cylinders can give you six cylinder smoothness. And Chevrolet =a Six=--is actually one of the lowest-priced You will appreciate the spirited performance of Chevrolet's powerful 30-horsepower valve.in-head motor. You'll marvel at Chevrolet's unsurpassed ecomomy of gasoline and oil! You'll be grateful for the riding comfort of its lengthwise-mounted springs, with their self-ad just. Ing shackles, and Lovejoy shock absorbers, front and rear. The new Chevrolet Six is equipped with Fisher bodies. (This gives you a lpw-swung, smarter car = with extra wheelbase=longer lines--deeper cushions=-wider seats CHEVROLET Only Six cylinders give Six-cylinder smoothness Tour Canada in a Chevrolet Six this summeramit's all worth seeing, Alberta's Mount Edith Cavell, in Jasper National Park, is a constant reminder of the heroic British nurse who died under tragic circum. tances during the war, --finet fabrics and more leg-room. A genuine honeycomb Call us on the telephone, now. We will send a cit to door, any time you say, for you to drive, It will take you only a few minutes time to learn why it is wise to choose this Six. Do it=--today! Be sure to ask about the G.M.A.C., General Motors' own plan of convenient payments, and about the complete General Motors Owner Service Policy. SIX radiator, large balloon tires and variety of color harmonies are further refinements that add to the beauty of the new Chevrolet Six. ov your Roadster « $715 os 240 . sn 250 The $ The Coupe The Coach $635 Roadster ROADSTER or PHAETON The Cinb Sedan «+ Slo TheSeden - - - - 4870 The Sport Coupe + 840 i bg A Prices at factory, Oshawa, Taxes, bumpers and tive extras a rombiens ing. of Gommbretal' Care ad Tracks rom $435 ab Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. - WHITBY ~-0SHAW A~~BOWMANVILLE GORDON LAW, Pickering, Ont. ¥ BEARE BROS, Port Perry, Ont ; wor CA N'ADILIAN \

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