I THE OSHAWA DASLY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930 <d Sh RTPI Vom, 1 0 #1 5 Fe ; Danny and Nanny Become Separated' By Thornton W, Burgess i 'Make plans with care, but don't fov. 'Khe best of plans may, bo upset, ~=Nupny Mosndow Mouwe, Danny ana Nanny Meadow Mowe | Are old travelers . Thoy have been around a good dem), Thely last oy was in the Long Lane, They ad had « very comfortable home in the bushes where they grow a- ong the fence on one side of the Long Lane, But Killy and Mrs, Killy the Sparrow Hawks had be. come very naar neighbors, so Done ny. and Nonny thought they musi move, It wasn't safe to Jive thers any longer, It was Nuniy who led the way, "Just where . are you going?" squeaked Danny, who wus right at her heels, i "Don't ask foolish questions," squeaked Nanny in return, "I don't know any more about it then you 0, Wa'll know it when we get Yhere, The 'chief thing Is to ges way from the hunting ground of "those Hparrow Hawks' SRIgNE, my dear quite right," I'beplied Danny, 'Wo must got away {from those sparrow Hawks, But | wish we knew where we wore Nw f4ng. In getting away from the elaws of Killy the Hparrow Hawk Cyve don't want to run into the paws of Reddy Vox." 4 "Of course we don't," voplied Napiiy, "and we're not going to, (Pm not halt #0 much afraid of Red- dy Tox an 1 am of Killy the Spar. row Howk, Those keon eyes of Kil Iie looking down from above can yee every little thing, oven in the « grass and bushes, It iv a'wonder to me that We epeaped so long us we have, Yen, sir, it 1s [ar oasler to keep out of the clutches of Neddy Fox." Nanny suddenly elose to the ground, Danny did the samo thing ir three or four minutes n oof then od, Then Nanny once more started a head, What was it?" ssuonked Danny, ; "1 saw a shadow," squeaked Nanny, "I think it was Spooky the Horeeth Owl, Ho ls as bad at night as in Killy 'by day" ddl that night, with frequent and # of Jong stops to rest and eat, Danny and Nunny traveled, When daylight came they had loft the ! Long Lane nnd were well out on I the Green Mondows, They had had no real adventures, Perhaps It wis I on this pecount that they had 5 grown somes hat careless, At first "thay had kapt very close together, | Naty had Ted the way find Danny {had kept right at her heels, Dut way. they were not po careful to together, They lind separated Soni ise Panny Wad wtopped for a unch on pome tender young grass a know that ha could eateh up with Nanny, His nose would tell 'PHONE 22 » For Your Drug Needs . THOMPSON'S 20 Blucoe Bt. 8, ~= We Deliver squatted very "Machinery Repairing NOTHING 0 LARGE "NOTHING TOO SMALL |. Adanac Machine Sho 104 King Bt, W, I'hone 1314 "Don't sak foolish quostions," squeaked Nunny in return, him just where she had gone, Now it happened that Flip the Torrior had gono. down on the Green Meadows to look for excite: ment. Mo loved to hunt for Mea dow Mice down there, It was very exoiting to try to eatch the wourry- ing Mttle gray forms, It wis just by chance that he surprised Nanny Meadow Mouse, Flip Is very quick, It Is a smart mouse that oan escape him, He almost stepped ou Nane ny and, of course, Nanny rap, In. stantly Flip was after her, Nanny was desperately frightened. Bhe was so frightened that for a mom ent or two she simply ran blindly, without knowing where she was go- ing or what she was dolug, Fit whe right after her, trying to pin her down with one of his paws, It was J8't good fortune that thers happened to be an old can lying there--an old rusty ean, Nanny dodged Into it and Wp didn't wee where she went. He hunted and gi Uh... I""TiME TABLES | pa aaa AA Adaa na aadal Sal TOME TA sotive ' h tHandard Time) ing West Dally Daily Datly (Except Sunday), Daily Dally Qoing Fest Daily Lialy Daily (Except. Sundey) Daily Daily, SAT am 628 am, Alam 8 pm od pw, 9.50 am S08 pom, 0.20 pm, 110 pom, 108 am, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Change In hi ellogiive April Th, { rd Ane) Dali, ian Sunday Nuiiay only oy Dally N Usily, Eagepi Sunday BY am, AON am, 9.58 am, [AN 2.00 pone Dinly 4.400 pom, aily S42 pom, Daily, Bavept Sunday 0.0 pom, Dall nily : 11.00 pom, Dally, Except \3§turday by nm huly 1200 wm, Dally Westhound 4.24 a.m, Dally 5,04 am, Daily Sam, Daily, Except Sunday 30 am, Daily OF am, Dally, Except Sunday om. Dally, Except Sunday my Dally Daily Hi Wy Punsay nly 20 pom, Daily 8.23 pom, Dally, Exeept Sunday Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville wake a alter SSF Tsusess $33333535; 2 237 at MP ATRY y WE ERAENAINAY ELS) 2 i] 2355 ; $323333277 B335333583 - d, but Be couldn't' fd, ber, Thon he brated baek rh the direc tion from which he had cpme, Now, of course, Dany Mesdow Mouse had heard the wxeitement and he in turn had heen badly frightened, 'When he heard Vip coming his way Danny van, He yan un fast os those short legs of his gould take him,. He ran off to one wide and hid under a Mitle tangle of old grasy, Ho I was that Danny and Nanny became separated, o (Copyright, 1080, T, W, Burgess The. next story: The Wisdom of Nanny, NOT NEEDED "Before giving you a final an- swer," said Priscilla, with a blush, "I must refer you to futher." "But my angel," he whispered, "1 am purtectly willing to take you without a reference,' Ottawa, polid metal told members Branch of the Engineering Insti (ite of Canada, "The Registrar at Sudbury," sald Mr, Lapierre, "hus been sending prospectors inte Tri RICH MERCURY ORE FOUND IN SUDBURY Assay Shows Rock is Worth $70.20 Per Ton, MP. Declares ------ May of y 10. Mereury in form which on Assay showed u 2.04 contunt of mercury 10 the ton of ore and proved Lo be worth $70.20 a ton, was found the Sudbury distriets Inst week, A. Lapierre, MV, for Nipinsing, the and Drury sold motel form," that minin of future, Northern Ontario 1 ---- -- in u contest between Ottawa the burglar alarm, whips, Last week they brought Ju samples of schig', which carried the rich mercury iu The speakgs made the prophecy 0a supersede agris vulture as Canada's greatest source revenue, In the not far distant The Kudbury distriet and hold within thelr territories the greatest potou- {inl wealth in Canada, he added, AWFUL. CHORUS SENDS BURGLARS RUNNING Mount Clemens May 10=The score Ferdinand Blank's home-made burglar und: the robbers of these parts now stands ut six to nothing, In favor of wlarm Burglars made their sixth attempt to rob Verdinand's filling station here It ended In complete rout, burglars walloping down the street, to the ace companiment of ripging hells, shiek ing sirens, ashing Hiichts and police whistles, They got away, but they did not rob the station, Perdinand says he adds a new jig gor every time a robbery is attempt. ed, KEDRON ------ Kedron, May 6,~Congrotulations to Mr, and Mrs, A. WN, Heott, of Arnprior, on the birth of a doughis er, In Oshawa General Hospital, on Tuesday, May 6th, Mr, Morley Death, Barrie, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Beath, Brookiin, visited on Wednesday with Mrs, Leslie Hancock, Miss Nora Werry spent last week at the homg of her brother Mr, Chas, Worry, Oshawa, Mrs. J, Neshitt, Oshawa, spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs, 5, Davis, Mre, Wesley Wood, Orono, spent Monday at My, W, N, Hoskin's, Miss Audrey Werry and Mr, Mors edith Moffat, Oshawa, af Mr, It, J, Luke's, Dr, and Mrs, W, McCulloch and Mrs, Heatlle, Orono, were receut guests of My, and Mrs, Harvey Pawcos, Mr, and Mry, Noss Lee were in Bowmanville, on ¥riday, Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Hancock und Mra, KE, Davis, spent Tuesduy in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, I, Graham, News enstle, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Gime blett, Messrs, Russell Gimblett and Lawlin Alldrend, Maple Grove, Mr, and Mys, Arthur Allin and family, Hampton, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Gimblett, Miss Lenn Hoskin visited on Mon. day with Migs Lottie Lawson, North Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Everett Mountjoy and family and Miss Marion Allin visited on Sunday with Mr, snd Mrs, U, A; Langmald, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, W, N, Hoskin and Dorothy visited on Thursday with relatives at Orono, Miss Bernice Stainton, Zion, spent the week end with her sister Mrs, Rows Lee, Mr, und Mrs, John Lawrence, Oshawa, vigited at, Mr, A, D, Yan Dyke's on Sunday, Miss Nora Werry is visiting with relatives In Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Heddon and won, Merli#h, of Los Angeles, California, who are visiting rela tives here called on Hr, and Mrs, Wm, Hepburn on Wednesday, last, - mr ---------- Young Miss: "And nest week I'm safling for Paris to get my clothes,' Grandmother: "Yes, yes, 1 wone dered where you'd left them," i da. BARES ARE LUKE AUTO ~ MOBILES T'S NOT THE TELLING TOMMY EY ---------- 5" THERE ART HO HUMMINGBIRDS 1 THE OLD WORLD, TOMMY. THEIR PLACE 15 TAKEN BY THE SUN: BIRDS, THEY ARE SIMILAR IN SIZE, BRILLIANT COLORING AND HABITS, BUT ARE HOT RELATED TO THE HUMMINGBIRDS -- JAVANESE SUN-BIRD HE JAVANESE SUN BIRD 15 A NATIVE df THE COUNTRY FROM WHICH 11 GETS 115 AME THE UPPER PARTS OF 119 BODY ARF SHINING STEELY: PURPLE AND THE UNDER SURFACE 15 OLIVE YELLOW, 1795 THROAT 15 CHESTHUY NE MALACHITE Sun BIRD GETS 115 NAME FROM THE BRILLIANY MALACHITE GREEN OF MALACHITE JUN BIFD 115 PLUMAGE , (7 15 THE LARGEST OF THE SUN-BIRDS, 1719 AN INHABITANT OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, [vl FIERY: TAILED SUM: BIRD FOUND 111 INDIA 1S ONE OF THE MOST STRIKING IN FORM AND COLOR, THE NECK BACK, AND TAIL ARE A MOST BEAUTIFUL SCARLET VERMILLION, 115 BREAST (5 GOLDIM YELLOW VIITH A SPOT OF CRIMSON IN THE CENTER, © 1000, King Pantures Byndieara, boc, Grant Britain rights reserved - ------------------ ---- Sr -- 00 YOU KNOW YHAT SUN-BIRDS ARE, BETTY 7 CERTAINLY ! UTILE BOY BIRDS! BRINGING UP FATHER LEARN TO OPEAN FRENGH IFT "TARES ALL "THE MONEY TOL'VE ' WR'RE GO INg ------ |) be [OL ARE GOING TO | © (OUR "TEACHER Bu TICHLED TD DEATH TO NT A (+4 ¥ CH | TO BPRAK | ANY LANGUAGE SOL TO GIVR HIM A | LEDBON EVERY DAY UNTIL. HE ( | DPEARD i] PRARFECTLY: [° { ---- 4 PROFASHOR: | WANT | | ney ME NAME AN ADDRESS « | | CALL AT | FOLR Bb On THANK MOL Vl of THERE PROMPTLY BHE SAY TO ciVE HIM LESDONDG UNTIL HE DPRAD FRENCH [] PERFACTLY » BBY 4 | 1 THINK | HAVE ZER JOB FOR WLIFR WoL BAY MR CARRY LIVED Hi HERE: | HAVE {I AN APPOINT By Geo, McManus - TE COR: TM: MR CADEY AN THIS 19 MR CARD: BLT NEVER Saw VOL OR BVER THOLGHT OF TAKIN LESHDONS IN FRENCH: DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE BANG THE ING TO PRAR WHEN DANGER YOUR BAR AND TWIRL SONG LIKE THIS. © 190 King Penton Brndiente, lor, Grast Beale reba reseed AND BRCALGE HE SANG THR SONG BACKWARDS INSTEAD OF BRCOMING INVISIBLE, WE RR © MUCH WAS TURNED INTO A Bia DIGARR THAN GIANT AND WITH Wi POR GIANT GIRO ~ INTO "THI RIVER + AND THAT WAS THAT APRTER "THAT, "THR BRIDGER BALONGED TO DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMRY » AND THEY COULD PLAY IN THR GRRBN WITH PERRECT SARRTY- ~ QUT ™ MamT uh By Ruse Westover ON, MUMBY! DONT we Tie oR au 1S sooD LOOKING T AND (SN! ; A BNAPRY DRESSER TT LoVe MIT Hib AR iM You SAW Wim Mtn \ OUI SPECIALTY = ! x ha tet } | lh wh fo. ve on Tapair wo tea YOU ~ COMB oN , hr VAT So05\ Vi i by Rr TR coma Tf am >} STINE il Xo il | SY "D. J. BROWN | A qual AE 'Couadian National and Out 181 St W. hone < FM-APr OsCO= Io.