Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 May 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY. ', 1930 "King Street United Church 1 AMe i ; A Tribute to Mothers" P.M, School in 2 vd . ~=Open Session of Sunday Se 7. PM = "Present Day Perils of the Home" The Minister, Rev, wv Chi, F E. Cragg M.A, B.D, P.8,~~A bouquet be flowers tion be presented to the ol the youngest Mother present, } at the morning service, | : St.Andrew'sUnited Church "Rev. F, J, Maxwell, Minister, Miss 1. P. Fletcher, Aust. Ey, a SUNDAY, MAY 11 11am "MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE "3 p.m~SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASS SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE ALL ARE INVITED . 7 pm. Our Lord's Ascension" "I was glad when they sald unto me, 'let us go into the House of the Lord," IN MEMBERSHIP OF UNITED CHURCH Increases in Constituency | Reported to Executive Committee Increases in constituency, iid "yg by constituent membership across Canada and by numbers un. der oversight, are tound In in iH pe 1 records anade fn { nde ing Decem 81, 19 onthe in the bg DA of Gener L] wterda; , Rev, T % Moors: DIO, 0.0, (H retu bership, first recorded at 600,689 after union in 1085, had inorensed to 650,848 at Deo, 81, 1080 marking a net ain of 7,004 communieants during 1080 and a net Inevease of 50,838 in the first five years of the United Church's Progress, Figures Arve Given Totals of communieant member. ship in the congregations are giv: en by conferences for 1080, ms follows: Newfoundland, 18,617, In 284 preaching places; Maritime, 68,718, In 1,084 preaching places; Montreal and Ottawa, 61,607, In 408 preaching places; Pay of Quinte, 67,148, in 625 preaching places; Toronto, 114,464 In 720 preaching places: Hamilton, 74, 004, in 830 preaching places; Lone don 85,480 In 400 preaching places; 'Manitoba, 53,810, in 682 preaching placeso Haskatchewan, 40,876, in 1,817 preaching places; Alberta, 50,862, In 988 preaching places; British Columbia, 88,180, in B88 preaching places, In every conference hut Manitos ba there is & substantial Increase over 1088, It was reported, Mani toba reports 63,008 communioants in 1088 and 58,810 for 1980, Has. katohewan hes a net gain of 1,846 KNOX. i reabytesians Church "Wirest North and Broek 6ireet Rev, Duncan Munroe 04 Brock Wt. W, Phony S806 | (ANGLICAN) | Cor. Hillcroft and Mary Sts, Mev, Re B. Patterson, M.A. (| Incumbent, 503 Masson Bt. he | ] Amie Hely Comumun- | amm=Moraing Prayer i 30 p.m. Sunday Scheol |v p.m.--Evening Prayer i Mon. 7pm. AY, P. A lh. Banquet, am ="The Genius of Motherhood" 3 p.m.~Hunday School, Special Program 11a 'The Ar'atooraoles enlth, OL vacter and the Cross." Mon; § pm. Young People's Wed, § din Prayer Mosting and Toronto one. of 1,831 over 1088, In the whole church persons un« der pastoral oversight have he ron i od In numbers from 1,261,778 in 1085 to 1,688,806 prior to the lats ost Wastern communion and vecep- tion services, The net gain In oon. stitueney in the five years fn 246, 618 persons, the committee wan told. During 1980 the gain was 41,019 persons, 1088 having ended with 1.400084 under care, The oare 1s afforded in 9,001 pastoral gharges, Including home mistions. made, p of 7,408 preaching places nerease in numbers of fon " 20,800, Tm 1086 families numbered 969,609, and at the end of the latest year 401,708, Per. sons not in families, but under pas. toral oversight have increased from 66,708 to 85,178 In fhe htit-decade, More Money Ralsed Money raised for Ar purposes hy gongregations has gone up from dn, 868 in 1038 to $10,820, 40 in 1990, The total was $16, 908,549 In 10860, whith was » Akela) year of more than 12 Bn sten salaries have Increase fn the regate from $4,606,068 in 1026-96 to 86,348,070 n 1089, a net gan of $11, 605, Arrears n ministers' salaries have decreased from $108,088 five years ago to 42,000 for 1080, Arrears were | "Evangel Tabernacle Aer fit, 4g pv "J T. BALL, Pastor. Sunday, May 11 10 a.m, ==Hunday Scheel 11 a.m.~=Preaching 'Service 7 pm=Rvangolintic, Special Speakers from Toronte Good Blyging § pom, ~Tues, and Thurs, . ALL WELCOME ! ) 7.00 pm, | "WHERE THERE'S A WiLL" "Wise o 1 ho Tha sospts iil 8 pm, = BYP, 8,00 pm, = 49,087 in 1088, when financial conditions In the company were Dotter, ore value of congregational pro- rty has grown from $76,788,194 to $00,605,000 in five years, Debt on pro porty) has grown from 87. 108,780 to 98,447,200 and $36. 300,803 Insurance has grown to 944,019,104 since 10286. NEW DEVELOPMENT INNAVALTREATY SEEN BY FRENCH ; Conversations ne Began Be tween British and French ! Foreign Ministers 10, 10. --Qver # lunoheon ada har Henderson tah and hd SH A hegan & ah it a = \ ama 1s another oha " he N val Trea on, lash, Te ira. anon the League of RIE: Rh that Mr, ' a _ocouple t the cons HE presents there ia the altus TATY OXs recent he nt HER ae ve to Taiy's ogi from inhi y | oh hha endanger the (after ! h . woo Youve AL fobs lg 9 Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches Sunday 1s Mother's Day and the wii at Jrostisally all (i ys Shureiss } will be jn: keeping Wi this oconsion, as floral Ali Hons, the music and sermon, all will combine to bring to mind the thought of one who Is so worthy of the deepest love and most nobly respect, Contre Mt, United "A Mother Bringing Her Boys Ww wich whi is the shit of of the J gr pb he Be 'orvion bo hi LL] Bt, Molt od special Chureh, tom fee | Program will be von at the after noon session of the Munday Sehsel, while in the evening, the Rev, Dr, Fists) ia proach on "Remember | 4 Mt, George's. Anglican Hervices at Bt, George's Anglloan Chureh Bunday, will be in eharge of Canon €, . debondler, Aha Fat tor, In mornin g Ne Harrington, who re nin the British and Vorslgn Bible Soolety, will proach, while in the evening, Rev, R,.A, Hilte, of the Board of Religious Kdueation of the Church of England, Canada, will address the congregation, St, Andrew's Unitod Mother's Day will he observed at the morning service of Nt, Ane drew's United Church, tomorrow, while in the afternoon a special wenglon of the Sunday Rehool will he held, In the evening, the pas tor, Rev, I, J. Maxwell will preach on the subject "Our Lord's Ascens slows" Knox Presbytevian "he Genius of Motherhood," will he the subject of the sermon by the pastor, Rev, Dunean Mun» roe, at the moriing servies of Knoa Presbyterian ehureh tomorrow, A special program of the Sunday fehool In to be given In the after noon whila In tha evening the pas tar will preach on "The Aristoera olen of Wealth, Character and the Cross," King St, United A hauqguet of flowers will he pre sented to the oldest and the young oat mother present, at the morning serviea of King Street United Chureh, Sunday, The pastor, Rev, OC, NB, Orage, ia taking on his sub ject, "A Tribute to Mothers" In the evening Rev, Orage will preath on "Present Day Perils of the Home," Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Rev, L. Bawgalaky, noted Hebrew evangelist, who has heen conduot- ing successful evangelistic meetings in Pentegostal Holiness Chureh, thid past week, will have charge of the service tomorrow, Grace Tutheran fervices at Crace Lutheran Chureh, Bunday, will he In oharge of the pastor, Rev, A, 0, Hahn, Holy Trinity Anglican Rev, 8, OC, Jarrett, the rector, will be In charge of the services of Holy Trinity Anglican Chureh tomorrow, Freo Methodist flervices of the Free Methodist Chureh tomorrow will he conducted by Rev, R, L. Casement, the pas- tor, Christian Sclence "Adam and Fallen Man" will ha the subject for discussion at the sorviee of the First Church of Christ Holentist, tomorrow, Caltary Haptiot Rev, J. W, Petley, seoretary of the Oshawa Y M.CA,, will preach on "A Creat Mother," at the morns ing service of Oalvary Baptist Churoh Sunday, In the evening, Rev, Albert Hughes, R.A, will Spring Song ARK PATHS MADE By Am, Are paths made % vio Or do othe grow losis, trafly olowing rho wings of day And the night gipsying of & sar, «| That we flung come aghin In Bok Throws the jeweled green w 0 Ww To find wonee more the. tenderness Of hushed and waiting blue, i on "A Revolution of God's Mtreet United 'God's Groat Woman," will be the subject of the sermon hy the pastor, Rev, J, Hawton, at the morning service of Mimooe treet United Church, Munday, In the evening the pastor's sermon will he "Cod Ultimate Victory" Albert. Mt, United Rev, A, I, Banderson, of Whit by, will be the special speaker wt the wervices of Albert Bt, United Churdh, Sunday, In the morning his subject will he "Our Mothers," while in the evening he will preach on "A Young Man and Hig Dad." In 'the afternoon an open session of the Nunday Mehool will he held when a delightful Mother's Day program will be presented, Kvangol Tabernacle J, 'P, Ball, the pastor, will aonduct the services at Hvahgel Tabernacle tomorrow, In the evens ing special speakers will be press ent from Toronto, First Baptist "Mothers of the Great," will be the subject of the sermon by the pastor, Rey, A, W,. Ball, at the morning service of Plrst Baptist church, Munday, In the evening, fey, mall's sermon will be "Where There's u WiLL" Northminster United The junior eholr will participate in the Mother's Day Hervice al Northminster United Chureh to morrow, In the evening the pad tor, Rev, A, M, Irwin will preach on "Cltigenship," Malvation Army Apecial Mother's Day services will be held at the Salvation Army Cltadel tomorrow, Ensign and Mrs, A Pixon { to he in oharge, NAVIGATE ARCTIC [GE IN OBSOLETE U. 3. SUBMARINE Washington, D.C, May 10,«=Cap- tain Bir Hubert Wilkins, explorer of the top and hottom of the world, may undertake his proposed trip beneath the Aretio lee in an obs solete United States submarine, converted into "submersible boat." The bearded explorer, together with: Rimon Lake, submarine ine ventor and builder, ealled upon ass sistant secretary Jahnoke of the navy, late yesterday, to try and purchase such a hoat, Whether the navy will sell has yet to he decided, Roth Wilkine and Lake, were loath to discuss thelr conference, The explorer acknowledged that the "possibility of using a submer- sible boat for meophysioal work in the Arctie" had been discussed, He added, however, that being a British subject he, himself, could not possibly purchase such a oraft from the Government, Rev, The Church The atald old: congregation Ia having difflenity to maintain itself, with radio services in the alr and popular meetings at central points, In Philadelphia a number of Prea- byterian Churches have protested against the occupation of a theatre in thelr distriet for evening services by Rev, Donald G, Barnhouse, a wellsknown voice on the air, It I sald that audiences of 2,000 gather there and leave empty 14 wa in the regular churches, It chme bhetore the Presbytery, resulting In the protest being effective to the extent that Mr, Barnhouse is restrained from holding meetings in their eons atituency unless invited, The Chris tian Business Men's League in op posing the injunction and as a test oase the interest has heen wide spread, Mp Barnhouse ia a breil Hant young preacher: has Tad [} unique satan and may be counts ad Upon to "play the man™ In this venture, His war record in the Amerioan Alr Force; his scholar ship in the best universities; hia experience as a ingulat, having been pastor of a Hu congregation | t 00] hi great HUCOSHE AR AUO- to Pr, n MeNeill in Phil. Phin, mitagathor rain him to h posit 10 Rev, Dr, Kogore Usakl, for over 11 years bishop of the Japan Meth. odist Chureh, han unexpectedly pied away, MWe wat ane of the rat graduates oft» Nuon Sohool at Kwansel Galvin, and gan his ministry in what 46 now the fine central ohureh In Kobe, We took a post-graduate onurse in ghe , And ater rose fram home wiakionaty to become ut of A * soheel, He eg a man of striking » ah Ne and a Sratet -- at thik) hn mien sats LL A re rvanien ta 8¢ bishop, rotu | chu World Wide and was a member of the Disarma« ment Conference at Washington, The Emperor of Japan gave him a sliver oup in recognition of his ser vices to the country, Cobourg 1a a sacred altar in the Sunday Services in City Churches J| ADVANGE 15 SHOWN MOTHERS' DAY All the Sap Ms cas Wokae ht 4A (ott inet) uff whos ole Nr. of Simcoe Street United Church | "THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP" Minister--Rev, E Harston, LLB, "PHONE 1 a" a -- we by the psople, Dr, Goforth was ors dained ou October 20, 1887 and with Dr. J. Fraser Bwmith, of Queen's University, wis #ppointed to China, preferably Honan, It il gould be safely entered, The say- ing is "they went In on thelr knees" trusting to the King and the head of the Church to protect them from the fanatical opposi tion, 'That mission is now one of great pride to the Church, Mince 1046 Dr, Goforth has been open: lug & new field which offers Kreat promise, The prayers of all Chris tans should be offered on behalf of theses veteran "Heralds of the Cross," ' \ LJ In the six great missions of the Wesleyan Methodist Chureh - in Kngland during 1080 there were 44,661 baptisms, There are now under the care of that churoh 684, 468 mombers and adherents In the foreign fields, The missions in Afl- ries are the largest and then come those lu the West Indies, The Mission Mouse in London is rejole ing because of Increased Eivings during the past year, redusing the defleit from £0,400 to £3,07 Re fret was expressed at the eontem plated resignation of Rev, C, Ww. Andrews, one of the general sec retaries who has given very accepts able service during the past 30 years, Clipsy Smith has completed his winter's work of evangelism by holding meetings at Aberystwyth, Wales, The recepton given him was truly Welsh and the services were oharacterised by hearty sing. ing and testimony, ' The Wesleyans are struggling to save Headingley College in Leeds, The objective wan £170,000, which was reached excepting £060,600, at the last res port , Methodist Union in England in to he signalined by th epublis cation of & new hymubook, CR Next weak the Baptist Union holds ite Spring Assembly in Liver pool, England, The President, Dr. 11 am, The Minister Will Preach » Fine Fellowship - "God's Great Woman" 3 pm,~Sundsy School -- Adu Meds Bible Class--You are Invited, "God's Ultimate Victory" Evening service will be concluded in one hour, Bright -- Brief -- Good Singing Beneficial Helpful Services A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU HERE, a "Phe Little Saint." In his preach ing he poured out his eonvietiony on penitense, prayer and saocra- ment, Rev, ¥, J, Campbell, DD, who was recently moved from Brighton to Chichester, has been nominated to fll the vacancy caus. od by the resignation of Canon Bowlby, The Dean of Ht, David's Cathedral in Wales has made an appeal for £80,000 to further ald in completing the building, Dean Williams is In his elghty-second year and in ealled the grand old man of the Welsh Chureh, J " LJ On May 81, Dr, John Timothy, tone wil complete 81 years as minister of the Fourth Presbyterian Ohureh, Chieago, Two years ago when he accepted the eall to hes come 'prineipal of the Preshyterian Theologieal Reminary In that elty, he hesitated about severing connection with his eons gregation, A young minister, Rev Dr: 1, Ray Anderson, of Wichita Kansas, had just begun hia asses wan anxious for him to het com» plate hold of the work, That has been realized and Dr, Hone is now net free, cay won A IOV, pouey, fecretary Oshawa Y. M, 0, A==Bubjeet i "A Great Mother" 7 pom, Rev, Albert Hughes, B.A, of Toronto, Bubject "A Revelation 'of God's Heart" Sunday Mohoo! § pm, Friday, 1 po.--Gntidrenia| Meeting. Friday, 8 pm, ~Uholr prage Douglas Brown, will introduce his successor, Arthur Newton, of Lon. don, The missionary sermon il be preached by Rev, James Reld, & Presbyterian who has been minis ter qf Kastbourne for 10 years, Me in oor speaker at Northitela, Rev H, Hughes and Rev, W, F, Nash, well-known Baptist minis ters of Vietoria, Australia, are on a visit to England and will return to thelr work by way of Canada, Rev, J, H, Goble ex-president of the Baptist Union of Australia, has bes gun the thirty-Afth year of his fy torate at Footsoray, Vitoria, Rev, Dr, Boreham, the famous Austras Ilan preacher and writer, has just ontered his 50th year, Ne has pub lished 28 books and one of them, "The Luggage of Life," has passed through 18 editions, and many of them are in the ffth, He began an a laysworker in a elty mission of England, and later graduated from Surgeon's College, . 0» Rev, James Drummond Carter, viear of Witley, a well-known Anglo-Catholle prieat, has ' passed away, In Hast London where he began his ministry he wan called United Church of Canada, ly to those who formerly alah Methodists, Smith's Greek Me oe dist Qlvrounit, formed in 1806, among the firet in Upper Chnada to offer scope for the saddiebag preachers, the centre of the oir ouit, the Upper Canada Aacademy In 1880 received ita charter, the first granted by the Reitlah Gove ernment to a nonconformist body, Five yoars later it developed inte Vietoria College, which has heen a great "school Ra Aho Prophets." The Synod of the Duteh Reforms od Church in Routh Africa haa ren. dered ita declslon on the du Plessis cate by convieting him of heresy. It han been before the lower courts, where the professor was acquitted, his teaching Doing considered i iy @ within the ohureh, He heretore dismisaed from the al of the Theologioal Seminary at ftellenbogoh, but will draw hin sti PA penston, It in stated that he will appeal to the supreme court of the church on the ground that not being a mintater of the ohureh but only a professor, the lower eourt had ne iuviadietion ta put Mm on trial, Theve in an awkward = [ fanture ahout the dectaion, namely, the standing of the members af the lower court, Yho acquitted him, Dr, Jonathan Goforth and Mve, Goforth, misslonavien of the Press hyterlan Church in Canada, have med from their field tn Mane a, Mra, Goforth has suffered NShely | from an aftlietion of hor 4p a visit hang | th urehes il be greatly we Bh ings in fal until he in eligible || Centre St, United Church REV, W, P, FLETCHER, BAL DD 11 ame="A Mother brings ing her hoya to Jesus." 2.80-=0Co to Sunday Sohool on Mother's Day, Hpeclal Program, 1 pme="Remember Lott's Vite : HR Pe) Young LY tine, Prayer Meetings "Wednes~ day and Saturday, § pm, CHRISTADELPHIAN "THY KINGDOM €O bE CEE RES "REVS! e. JARRETY Incumbent « ° 90 Fulrbanle 81. | & Aw, | Holy Commumién' {0 Lama} Mating 'and Bumon. ) Lal pim, ys Sunday School T am, . Evegrong._ and Semen 1 Simone and Oak Streets" Enatgn ged She | Apecial M Day P ame--Hollnesn Service, T pmo--Salvation Meeting, Apprepritte Sluging during 10 am, Te 4 Je Sunday School immediately olate in the sald pastorate, and he, on "Adam and | Fallen Man! || Wednesday Meeting, 8 p. St, George's ANGLICAN r OANON ©, BR, dePENCIER, MA Cor, Bagot and Centre Sts, Organist and Cholrmaster=- Matthew Gouldburs, ALOM, § am~~Holy Communion, 11 am, == Morning Prayer Rev, J. §, Harrington, Ntanford's "Te Deum" and "The Heavens are telling" ==hy the Choir, § pm~Bunduy School 7 pwm,~-Evensonsg. Rev, P, A, Hilts, M.A, DCL Rolo--=""0 Lord Correct Me™ by Donald Allman---Boy Hoprane, Baptisms second Sunday each month, / 1 CHURCH (Over Arcade) 10 SIMOOR 87, N, Rev: RK, Li Casement, Pastor Sunday, May 11 [) 30 p.m. pw ding I Cordial Welcome Wf. 10 oy wore Chistian First Oblreh, 04 Colborne 3 Sunday, May 11 SURROY Service at 11 a Inoludin isntinuies 3 Hea oh Shia rdiall ht 0 00 attend the services Wd to wl use of the Free Public Reading R where the Jie y all au Sarliiah voi on row Fibes fr trom 3 to § pm, FL » ante Bh n, ners hotn, o Musto by ty nvioe In Sunday Seo T pime==Publie! Worship, MASONIC RUILDING Rev; A, ©, Hahn, 132 Alice Street 0.30 am, Sunday School 30 La, Morolag Wor ALL ARE CORDIALLY _ WELCOME Free Methodist d 3 pm ==Mother's \ hoot

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