Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 May 1930, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930 1 PAGE EicHT nN HAWA WIL H ONE BASEBALL TEAM THIS SEASON YT Aarabs Will Have Team Entered in With| Easie fhe regular meeting of the I Aes shore Baseball Langue wis hel fu the Department of Agriowlivre Bul , Port Hope, on Tuesday evening, ay oth wr, Geo, Gummew, the president of the leaguo, was In charge with 'the following executives dnd representatives present N. J» McDougall, 1st viegrpresident, hawaii W. Kay, 2nd vieespresident, gterborn; W, Bennett, sect'y, Port Hopes M. Kohon, ¥ Hubbell Tt, Lor an, On wa Aarabsi R, Dodge, F amphell, ¥, Dunean, Cohonrg igs; A, 1, Christie, 7, O'Neil, Port fone, W, Rogers, R, Abbot, Peter: orn Rayhesios The minutes of the last regular were read and confirmed, ai- ch @ discussion re umpires was , The men whase names were g in the Oshawa Club are § 8. Dell, Roy Wilson, Linu Wilson, A, 1, Corrin, Roy urphy, Ar Legge. ! The secretary was instrueted to write the above men to see if they would officiate this season At! this stage the meeting was hones ared by & short talk from the presi- dent of the OB AA, Mr, R, Elliott, of Deloro, Mr, Elliott suggested that RS a -- LAWN GRASS SEED "Lawn Penilisers HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 on v/a WAY RY Lumpp (o 'Townight and Friday '| wish ki 1) BON Rg I up, fon re arg geen ne Ring $016 a HWAY HERES tion was me and the inte ate ed thi 46414 not make this suggestion » ninelal success and it was left over fi Next Your, rv. Kohen, of Othawa, suggested tht another intermediate from Oshawa he od bo enter the legs gus, but the ether three teams sou not see It that way, and # & result, Oshawa will be represented by one of the strongest intermediate teams to. 0 oub from this a in some years in search of an Ontario cham: plonship, The first half of the schedule was drawn. up as follows May M4=Peterharo vo: Oshawa, ort Hope vy, Cobourg, May 31-=Cobourg vs, Peterboro Oshawa va, Port Hope, June 7=Cshaws va, Peterboro, Cobourg ve Port Hope, "| June H=*Peterhora vs, Cobourg, *Pors Hope vo, Oshawa, June 14=Oshawa vs, Cobourg, , Port Hope va. Peterboro, HewCiamen start at 5.30 BT, seven innings The president and sperelary were instructed to make up the second hall of the schedule along the same lines, The baseball fans of Oshawa are assured of a real opening game this year when the Peterbore Rayhesios are the guests of the Aarabs, Last vear these two teams played off fos the group championship and the lo cals lost, after & three-game series This year, with the aagistance of some of the Bepigrs, the Adrabs are going to do thelr best to win an On: taro championship for this gity At the meeting in Port Hope on Tuasday evening the Oshawa repre: Aentatives tried (on sesure some ine fommation as to whe had Hed with the Ray gatos (eam, hut there wis nene fortheoming, With Paterbore out of the Central Ontario League, several of last year's Benlors are sure to he found in their line up when the oy the Aarahs on the Mth Por! ape were alsa reluctant to tell who they had hut the news Jeak: ed out or was it M, Kohen's business ability te find owt that Cobourg had secured a piteher from Deloro Bens ors, With the "ows teams not wanting to give out Information as ta who they had signed, naturally the Qghe awa Club created quite hit of ex: oltgment when they reipsed to di: vulge whe would be found playing for ' he Oshawa fans fan ank on & mush stronger team this year, d with an even hreak wi oo a ong way inte the ORRA play: downs, 4 In} i's aid s you neticed in lagt night's edi tion the Othe wa entry have oalied Bfactice hid waht, weal or perinits fing, wnt 0 opening . Whe Oshawa fans should he solidly i hehind this group ef fell the mas of radu) 1 hureh League, which wan in o year mi t Mr, ott eongrati: ! Wi representative on keeping the ted Intaet nee they left the Churgh 1 oe and they ase sured Nim that if the Aarabs were sugeessiul in winning the group they would do their best ta form a City Leamue t year we AZ Juater Mr, Wi Kay the O BAA, represen: {ative is very anxious to start a june {or hardball league in this eity, and he wigened hist the Rotary, Kiwa: nis and Kinsman "Clubs along with St, Andrew's and South Oshawa have a menting to ae wi gould be done shawa represens in this Yi Ny would go & long way in the OBAA playdown, as ere are ik fellows under the said here | ated the Oy in this matter, The t | t who are capable of i bir Bie eo vin Mau gi he t, Andrew's team of a. fow voles ago had of hept together, Onl: awa, ne doubt, teday would of had one | the hen an o mi wn ravines, Ll) 1] Ll fire ¢ of of nd i hall an Win at year Hubbell 4 mov ~ e with the pa jos Arab, ver and Little wit General Mators Man Khoo an well were out of the eity an " and Baird were connected roaie. ' bs Hamilton Almost bon; © May TeaHamilton's . PUREST AqUAd, the Nk: WAYS An mi va exible a. ne the University Sire HE i & Supeiior " a he + | Ri annraval Defeats B.C. Team, it Philad et of R. 8, McLAUGHLIN CHOSEN DIRECTOR ONT, JOCKEY CLUB EE At a meeting of the hoavd of divectors of the Ontario dockey Olub yesterday, Mv KR 8: MeLaughtingd of Oshawa, and My, BD Tu McCarthy, of Toventa, weve elected dives tors to A the places of the Inte Messrs, W, I, Fraser and Jd, J, Dixon, Oshawa and Peterboro Out Of C.O.B.L. Belleville, May 8 Kingston baseball elubs compose the Central Ontario League, the Oshawa and Peterhayo elubs having definitely anounced thelr vetirement from senior ball, for this year @t ionst, The Petes reported tint fn ancinl obligations were: Lon, KVet to tackle, while 1aok of enthusiasm on the part. of many of the elty's leading expeutives made it Advis able that they should remain out of the foil, The Oshawa eluh has stated that opposition from fhe softball, evieket and Inovnsse teams henidas the opevation of an inter: mediate team, wads It degidedly unwise far it tn attempt the sens for clang of ball President 1, A, E)lolt has works od havd sinee the annual meeting to keep the league moving hut Oshawa's and Paterbaro's retusa) to fin this year ereates a Mask unis ual basslinl Sltuntian in this dite a lan ) d hn " Whee of ball, Unless Kingston and Helleville decide to garry on and pay A Heries ot amen 10 will hegome defunet, A ti possibility of veakganie next soason, The Relleville and ARSLOE JUDE are considering 'he ter COURIR: ANA no ARRBUNee Ment 8 been made as yet, CRICKET NOTES ft, Georges open the erloket sels son with & league mateh at River dale Park, Toronto, an Haturday, May 10, The team selected to op poss Rroadyiew i8 an follows ¥, Tamonth (eapt,), @, Dawhery, BH Howarth, L, Phillips, 8, Anthe ¥, fa 1 Wi fdargant, Ni Mating Rf. Drom ond, and NR. Diamond, Reserves, 4. Chappel and W, Adams. All Javers Are' to mest al Hellaville ann Naint sovaes Parish Hall on Centre Ht, at 1 a'eloek sharp, It in imperative Ihe we eave in good timey ET READING MAY TRY NIGHT BASEBALL Reading, May A-~International Btuite baseball hy plight will make fia debut In Reading in June df thi ny submitted to Proaident Hrnast 3 dole of the Reading Keys, by he electrienl engineers meet with My. Panle, whe In superintendent the. Mammoth Carpenter Hieel mpany plant, of thin olty, has heen interested In "hasehall hy WEN for thin oly for same time, And in peady to install the Mame month squinment here on the Lans ars Park ground AF the Geperal Ki aftrle Company snRineers ean Bua: ante the proper Hghtage, The announcement made hey gday of the plans. of President Poole made & his hit with fandom, A of Hahtning-tant passing work, The fy Wan not converted, The visltows on Hush for Victory ani same player rounded the vigh i a Wh at tinistd: aver 8 line with a few feel fo spare, is Tike the frat, went wis ub db peived te bring touting for Hawmiiton & unable to shaw 4 sulinlentiy PORE Attack at that stage of | Fame tO reap AupeRa, % CANADA'S DAVIS CUP th Canadian Vid Cup tennis tea for the Pons Toy 000 Wh hiv with ¢ \& he United States May 1 and 17 held thie fi workout yess forday. The tanadians practiced on hy he Philadelphia Con ¥ \ th \ ie Lp i J Sharad hl ie of divers PORT SNAPSHOT Oshawa Aarabs Will be Strong The Qshaws Anrabs, the loca! Baseball League, will be a very strong team this year, The COBL, teum his dropped through and the Lakeshore League hive refused (0 admit two. teams from Qihawh, As out doubt, combing to form real prong team, There in hopes another Ontarle title for Oshawa this year, Ld 088, fofthall League The Oshawa Sunday Behool Bo tomorrow night ut the Baptist Chu o'clock, All members of the executive and all tem representatives ire business Is to bg discussed, asked to be present, Important ] ¥ South Ont, Bofthall A meeting of the South Ontario hy on April 30, The meeting was ¢ other new team was granted adm Bell Telephone team of Oshawa, 'I ed for the coming yea i==Honerary President, ¥, Maundrell; President, Forrester R, Branton; Beet'y-Treasurer, 0 formed, composed of two members ! LJ ' This One Didn Orme Gamshy, one of Eastern in the sity yesterday ful hrook trout, weighing, when ea foot in length, Contrary 10 custom, weary miles stream, # little more than we hue trout shook iteelf off the hook, whi but Orme made an nppraved "ying proof of his stor Orme to get big ah" ' L] Oshawa Nats, Play Here Saturday The Oshawa Nationals play the Toronto Trish at the Matar City Stadium on Saturday afternoon, kick off ar 415 pm players ave asked to report al the Pavilion, not la wmith, Connors, Boyd, Melean, Hi Gregor, The tiekets for the Oshawa an shld They may be obiained wt her of the elub executive will attend this game Seatland adian tow takers early I'he Kil Phe admission will he LJ * Local Golf Pro, Wins Match Jack Raberts, the Pro, at the leeal elub, yesterday won' the first mateh af the Ontario Provessional € second with his score af 76 hut John aualified along storm; Taek was also elected 10 | Assn with several other he * L] Toronto Leafs Take Necond Place The Toronto Leafs made a v when they took both games of a d inte seeond place, right behind Buff thelr Toronto games and break eve hard to heat for the pennant, Orme brovght along a souvenir of Qrono, whieh he showed & number of his local friends, The pouvenir wis @ beaut 10 @et Nis eateh, but he got the fish In # neighbouring ave "You don't havg to go It in expected that about five thousand fans I'he game with Oshawa will be the Arst game of their Can ry in the Lakeshore Intermediate # result the two squads will, with: for vy (thal League will held & meeting eh, The meeting Is ealled vor 900 'w League Meeting Bofthall League was held at Whit one of the largest ever held, Ane (anes to the league, namely, the he following are the officers elest An executive will he from each (eam LJ LJ 't Get Away Ontario's greatest sportsmen, wis ght, one pound and being over Orme did not have (o travel many dred vards from his home, The nit wits brought up on the bank, tackle" and he wis able to bring 10 Hollow Lake 4 1 The following ter than 4.30 o'clock odie, Coll, Btureh, Vasey and Mes Nata Kilmarnock game wre now Mike's Plage or from any mem arnock are former champions of S0e and 28¢ for ladies, Get yous jolfers' Association, Jack finished stone, who turned In a 74, was dis players for taking shelter during the exeoutive of the Ont, Prof, Golfers » . ery ereditable showing yesterday oubleheader and in doing so wenl alo, 11 the Leafs continue to win noon their road trips, they will he National League American League PIRATES TAKE GIANTS Pittsburgh, May 8-=The Pirates won thelr fvet game of the aeries from the New York Giants yeater day by hitting piteher tor 46 hits and a 16 to § vietory, The Glants did more hMiting in the contest, get: ting 16, but Pittsburgh made the hlows count, frame and Boh O'Farrell came through with homers, Nawark 010 400 000-8 14 A Pittsburgh 610 800 10x16 15 Parmeles, Renton, Lucan, Judd and O'Farrell; Brame, HBweloni and Hemuley, TT ES FREY DEFEATS BRAVES 140 Oineinnatl, Onhlg, May H-Ron nie Frey, Rookie piteher, yeaterds held Boston ta three singles AN hianked the Braves 1 ta 0; Doubles hy Meunel and Kelly acoounted fay the only mun in the Anal fanning, The vietory was the third straight for Frey, Roaton 000 000 0000 AH Qlnoinnati 000 000 001-1 RO Cantwell and Bpahrer; Frey and Goach, kakn -- CARDINALA WIN HITTING GAME #1, Louls, Mo, May =The Car: dinals and the Phillies were in a hitting Ave home run and a triple hy Ohloh Hafey, One man Wan base when Hatey hit for the Civeult, and the bases were loaded when We pipled Thompson, Rigman and ural of the Phillies and Watking of the Cardinale lag hit for the Philadelubia 230 300 30-41 11 3 adelphia . a, onie 010 390 A0x-14 18 2 Hatnes, Shevdel, Lindsay and Manus Koupal, Alexander, Mil pi 1 Wilopghby, Amyihe and Me: uray, a A ,,s A : CUBA WIN AGAIN Chioagn, May 8==The Quba slug: 46d 1haly Way 1 thelr alxth sucess: Je yiotory a y ne Mieing of Qhat ing the Brooklyn Robina § \ | Rlgaonetia hit two home rans the Avet eo ne NINE Jat a \ fhe. \ - 400 008 0008 12 1 tn 1. Map, Ronsems AM 4 I Lopes, Pry: Root and Hartnew, TEETER CIEE Araee Ohvel, we tiol, 18 Attaek: Al A vital point, TIGHRAN NEAT SENATORM Washington, May S==Whitehill, in the hox for Detroit, seld the Henators to nix seatiered hits yea torday afternoon, and the Tigem WOR the second of three games played here 8 to |, Detroit 011 100 000-8 BR 0 Washington 000 100 0001 8 0 Whitehill and Renso, Hadley, Burke, Thomas and Ruel, Npencer, ATHLETION RTOPPRD Philadelphia, May So=Bammy Hale's home run with Blue on base in the Third ihhing gave Walter Alawart the better of a hurling duel with George Havashaw yesterday, the Ht, Louis Hrawns defeating the Philadelphia Athletien 8 to 1, The defeat stopped the Champions' wins Ning streak of alx straight At, Louis 008 000 000-2 A) Philadelphia 000 001 000-1 & 0 Atewart and Ferrell] Harnahaw and Sehang, YANKEES WIN New York, May 8. =The Yankees raveraed (he decision amainat the Olaveland Indians yesterday, pound: mE four oppoaing pliohers for 12 Rita and an B to 7 victory to even the series, A fing rally in the Fourth tnning, in whieh Babe Ruth's foul home an of { % P played the big part brought Yankes the vietery, The homer wan made off Milley when (WO men Were on hase, Hen Chaps yan alae Mt a Homer for New 'ork, Tom Hachary celebrated hin A2nd birthday by getting evedit for ha firat viotary of the year Oleveland 000 201 040: 8 0 New York 110 S10 00x-R 12 2 Jablonowskt, Miller, Bhaute, Hols loway and Li Hewelll Sachary, Aheria and Dickey, Hargrave, WHITE SOX DEFEATED Roatan, May &=="Tam Oliver, Red fox Rookie, led Boston to a vietory aver the Chicago White Sox here yesterday hy bunching their hits And taking advantage of White Hox orrors and Hostoniana won the seo Ont game of the series § to 4, Oliver gathered nn four hitg, as olnding a double, and wade i 1 QONAsaNtIYe Ramen In Which Ke han longo 200010 010: 13 3 Rotten 112 110 06x:8 11 2 Ne ain, Blankenship, Henry and Autry, Riddle) Lisenbes and Heving, tl de i aah i Many beautiful days ave apolled hy {he _teliow whe oannet help thinking there'll he rain betore "18" Plays Prominent Part in Local Sunday School Softball League vem The Oshawa Bunday Behool Softail League 1s now well under wiy, The Kixecutive commities met lngl night and drew up a wehedile, whioh being approved hy the Buns diy Behool vepvessnintives on Vl day wight, will he published Bat. urday, By nu strange soinoidence there are thiviesn teams In the League These are to he divided into two Broups, A and B, There are thir toon rile, We expect to have our first game on the 16th of May, and soma of the managers alveady have 4hirieen players signed up I Is quite evident that 18 is re garand hy all of us iv a lucky num her rather than an unlucky one Primo Carnera And Godfrey To ] Meet New York, May B=The ultimate In histie exhibitions (from several pints of view), has heen arranged tor the Phillies" Ball Park on June Ad when Primo Carnern and George Godfrey, representing between them more than M0 pounds of something, will meet in w ten round howt, If comes off, this showld be one for th hook, for two more oddly matehed performers it would be nipossible 10 Wind, Primo has been trained to push over Ws opponents, Godfrey to hold Iie up, In eneh case, the arrange ments hiwve heen necessary, and gen erly recognised Herman Taylor and Bobby Gunns, Ehiladelphin promoters, announced yesterday the signing of the Gargan funn Gondolier and the black menace of Lleperville, and unless the Calif ornln han against Carnera 18 extend ed to Pennsylvania, there is no réa son to suppose that the bout will not take place It should he a masterpiece, from every point of view, The Venetian has never met an even third rate op ponent In this country while Godfrey seldom meets a Art rate ong for the reason that he could, if not "handen! fed" tear his man 10 places, There Is little doubt that the Lleperville ne fro Is the potential heavyweight champion of the world, forever har ed heeavse of his eolor, Carnera Is « clown & eleous strane man who sould wot keep his feet with Young Strib ling In two fights abroad If some men were tn conceal what they know they would he move popular ==Deiroit News, - No mechanieal toy will ever bring out a child's character the Way a small rabbit, eat, dog, tur te, duck or other pet will do, Dr, Raymond Ditmars Soarfe's and protection floors. no stains on the hard leaming sur- ces, They stand up under severe wear and scuffing. Three kinds » equally good. Aah =Kitehoner Record, Toronto Leafs Take Both eA... ee BASEBALL PLAYER KILLED BY LIGHTNING Lawrence, Mans, May B==Donald Donovan, aged 17, vight-felder, on the Lawrence High Hohool hagehall team, was kitled and other persons were Injured heve last night as Hghining struck the grand stand at Bullivan Park, Donovan, with play. ors of the Lawrenvs und Nashua, NH, High Behool teams and fans atiending the game, had sought whelter in the stand when a thund er-storm hroke The players were huddled near the press hox, and were leaning waning a wire screen when the lightning struek, Donovan tepplea over dead, International League : Games and Second Place -------- rm ---- Leafs Win Both Games From Keys and Go Into Second Place, Close Be: hind Bisons--Prudhommse Plays Prominent Part -- Cantrell Also Shines Toronto, Muy 8. Between showers and thunderstorms the Maple Leafs managed to snare two ball games fromm the Wesding Keys at the Bias dium yesterday, The first vietory was # ten-duning affair, which the loeals captured hy B 10 7 after permitting the Keys to overeoine # six-run lead, The second game, whieh was terms inated hy a deluge at the beginning of the sixth Inning, gave Vrank ays nes, Toronto's only southpaw pitehs or, his frst vietory of the season, He handed the Keys a shut-omt, the score being 3 10 0, The first game did not start unt 2.30, a thunders shower shortly before 2 o'clock ens BEETS NTOP ROYALS Montreal), May K-"Ihe Hoyals' winning streak was stopped at six Mralght yesterdny when Jersey City captured the second contest of the fouv-game series, oH 1o 4, he Roy ale remained In the Hrst division, through losing while the Hkesters jumped out of the cellar and past Newark Into Heventh place Halney and West; with hits aplees in ve time up, the batting stars of the game Jersey City #11 110 000-6 14 1 Montreal 000 141 0004 7 0 Miller, Henderson, Hraam and Jovdens, Daly; Mmith, Holselaw, Vangilder and Head three wears BIKONS TENN HWHANN Buffalo, N.Y, May h- The Buf falo Bisons turned on the Newark Hears yesterday in savage manney winning & six to two trlumph, sauaring the series and regaining the Nrst plaes, The Bisons assailed Al Manaux, Newark Ace, as early an the First inning for enough runs to win when long homers hy Moore and Hawks blased the way to (hree tallies, Newark 0060 080 000-9 16 6 Ruffalo N00 080 01x06 10 0 Mamaux, A, Jones and Munn; Mangum and Musee ROCHESTER DEFEATS BIRDN Rochester, N.Y,, May H==HRoeh ester evened the present home stand with the Baltimore Birds and took Lis Avat vietery of the year aver the visitors with a 7 to b trl imps yesterday afternoon, "Rip" Golling, leagues's leading hams run Waller last season, pounded out two elrenit blows to seers (wice apd drive in three vuns, - Hauser also hit for the elreuit, Baltimore 011 B10 0006 10 1} Rochester BOL 00 1087 10 0 A A wing the delay und keeping the orowd down under the 5,000 mark Home runs played un eonsplenons prt dn the double triumph, In the thivd fining of the first gaine, Johnny Prudhomme Inserted a healthy elout over the left field will and seored two runners ahead of lim, In the se cond giume, Joo Rabbitt and 'Clayion Sheedy hit homers to the seorebonrd inside the park, and hy some hurried footwork managed to complete the elrenit of the hases whheout any elosg deelslons m1 the plate Welsh Loses Both Although he only pitched three and twosthivd Innings of the Hfteen, John ny Welch, lanky WNeading right-hands vr, wis charged with both defeats, Welch entered the first game after the Keys had placed themselves on even terms with the Leafs, He pits e¢hed the ninth und tenth and starts ed the second game, lasting until his arm went bad In the second Inning, Last year, he wan lald up for several weeks with an alling arm, and though he has heen plgehing Aine ball this seison and hasta shut-out over the Lear's to his eredit, the eld trouble appears to have come hack en hinu Only three hits were made off him yesterday but they were all extra base drives, two of which blossomed into deciding runs, Me walked out of the abbreviated contest and Walter Loverens, former Leaf southpaw, fine leshed it lohnny Prodhomme proved more effective us a hitter than a pitcher In the fest game, Although he was lars gely instrumental In compiling a safe margin to work en, the Keys kept nibbling away at him and he was fins ally taken from the box in the ninth when the visitors needed two rung {6 tie the score and had the runners on base with only one eut, Prudhoms who arrived in town yesterday morns me wis sueeeeded by Joe Samuels, ing from the Detrolt club, For Sale by Oshawa be SCUFF-PROOF FLOORS ~~ These THR Varnishes give lasting beauty to Hot water, acids or grease leave EE Ways Brantine No, 16 Satin Finish Varnish--Gives a dull smooth surface with exceptional wearing qualities. Brantine Floor Varnish-- An Sepbiontily popular floorfinish, Gives a brilliant gleam. ingoeurface. Well known ite varni equalled quality. » The Paint Store 80 King Street W, AZUL EYES

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