Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 May 1930, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TEMES, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930 sronliAlX eRe MeCullough, WwW. H, Comstock and A. L, Farqu- ha were elected to serve as d of the Rotary Club for the ensuing two years. ' Yi S---- ASK DAYLIGHT BAVING ' Heville~=At one of the best 1 meetings of the Dolleville iI Mrchants' Association in thig city it was decided: by an aimost unanimous vote that a peti- tion will be presented to the eity council asking for daylight saving. PROVINCIAL POLICE CHANGES ww. Provincial Constable Morris, who has been stationed at Picton, since joining the Provine einl Police has been transferred by In r Lougheed to Bancroft. Provincial Constable Chisholm of Peterboro, has been moved to Ple- ton to take charge of Prince Ed- ward County, RUSH ATRPORT WORK Trenton ~Within the next few days work on the new. airport, which for the past three weeks has been at a standstill, will go ahead with renewod vigor, according tu one of the ofticials, FIRE GUTTED BUILDING Athens. --Fire Sunday morning gutted the Interior of vacant gare age at Henry and Wellington Sts, owned by E, J, Purcell, The build. ing was being renovated and was nearly ready for occupancy, ANTIOUE COIN FOUND Brookville, ~~One of the workmen employed in an excavation in King street uncovered an antique coin which is remarkably well presery- Tt was coined In 1708 ana bears a likeness of Carolus (Charles 1V, of Spain who reigned from 1788 to 1808 when he was induced to abdicate in Boneparte's favor. 'The inscriptions on the face and reverse sides of the coin read "Carolus TIT Del-Bratia 1798" and spn Ind, Rox. M, 8 R. J. ---- 1 HIGHWAY CRASH WATAL Kemptville, == Irence Helu, 26 yours old, late of the village of Manotick, died In the hospital here after a crash on the Prince of Wales Highway, five miles south. held | Helu was riding a motorcycle from Brockville to. Masotick, after an accident in Brockville when he ran into the side of car owned and driv- en by B. J, Tompkins of Millers Corners, who was crossing the Highway, Helu suffered a frac- ture of the skull, Tompkins was arraigned before Magistrate Atkine son of Xemptville and was freed on bail of $5,000, COBOURG ADOPTS FAST TIME Cobourg.~A petition to the Co- pourg council and signed by 500 oitizens reqesting that daylight sav. ing be adopted for the months of June, July and. August, resuited in a decision to adopt fast time from June 15 until Agust 31, LOSES FINGER Poterboro.-~Miss Jean Campbell, Murray street, a waitress in the Elite Cafe, George street, allowed the first finger of her right hand to slip upder the revolfing knife of a bread cutting machine elec- trieally operated, while working there, Over half an inch of the finger was amputated just at the first foint, HOME THREATENED Lindsay.~The house and hard- ware store of R. 8, Cameron, Oak. wood, was threatened by fire when a coal oll stove exploded but was saved without much damage being done when the glass was kicked out of an upstairs window and the flaming stove thrown out, The fire started when Oscar Wakely, who lives above the storp, lit the stove and it exploded, Linguay Prosbyter of 'the riob. PRESBYTERY SUSTAINS CALL Lindsay ~~At the mesting of the caureh in Glenarm, a esl {trom Port Bory te Rev, 8. 0. An- nand of Du wils sustained, A meeting will be held at the eal! of the Moderator, Rev. A, W. Hare, of Beaverton; the Moderator will induct the minister; Rev. E. Lee, of Bobeaygeon will preach; Rev, J, ©, Grier of 'Lindsay will narrate the steps and address the people; and Rev. A. CO, Scott (t Cannington will address the minister, Rev. A. Vraser vans was appointed as stated supply to Sonya, Wick ana Colswell, ' ENDS LIVE BY SHOT Poterboro~Ill for seven weeks, James Long, aged 46, ended his lite by shooting himself with a rifle while in bed, Until the time of his fliness Mr, Long had held a posi- tion at's fruit warehouse more than 20 years. Four children survive, RS VACES ASSAULT ORANGE Cobden. ~Osear A. Gibeault of Arnprior appeared before Magis- trate D, T, Chown, charged with as saulting his wife, He was remana- ed one week and ball was fixed at $600, According to Information sworn to before Magistrate David Craig, Gibeault beat his wife while they were out for a drive near Arn. prior, CHURCH DEDICATED Iroquols.~=Large numbers ation. ded the dedication services of the White church in Matilda Township, This building is mueh more commo- dious than that raged in an elec. trical storm last June, Rev, Clark Logan of Ottawa preached, and the dedication service was in the hands of Rev, Brown of Inkerman, assist. od by Rav. Thomas Knowles, NYDRO EXTENDED Cobourg.~Rural Hydro power Is a popular proposition among the farmers of Rawdon Township, In the vicinity of Harold over 100 farms and homes have signed up, Hydro men are now engaged erect. ing the lines, A line from Stirling will he erected as far north as Bonarlaw, i Bas d duced prices the nKeduced Prices RED ROSE TEA RED ROSE Red Label Tea Japan Green Tea RED ROSE Orange Pekoe 35 years reputation behind them, RED ROSE TEA 'is good tea" You can now buy from your grocer at the re- ed Rose Tea he has in stock. We refund to the grocer the drop in the price, we bear the loss. | 7, H.Estabrooks Co. Limited, ! A : Toronto, Ontario | Ib. 60c %-1b. I -Ib. 34-Ib, I -lb. 36-1b. These are teas that give the utmost tea values, 30c 70c 35¢ 85¢c 43c " ik * ARCADE LTD. Oshawa Ont. adr d Our 41k Anniversary Sale is going over big. The 'Oshawa public surely know Quality Merchandise at git "Reduced Prices--We Lead, Others Follow. MERCHANT DIES Broekville--~Willlam J, Dawson, 67, who died at Algonquin, ville county, was engnged In rotall business there for 87 years, had béen a worden of the Anglican Church sand delegate to the dios cosan synod and was active in fra- ternal circles, GOVERNMENT BUYS FARM Trenton ~The Ontario Govern. ment has closed an doal for the pur. chase of the Moran farm in the township of Brighton, near Cod- rington, and twelve miles from Trenton, The farm will be used as 8 government game development station, Early in the summer a fish-growing plant will be 'started fish-growing plant will ba installed, that is to say, the fry will be ship~ Ped from the hatcheries to this place and here placed in the spring water greeks which abound on the property, until they reach partial maturity, It is also the Intention to move the pheasant sanctuary from Ku. gonia Falls to Cordingion and to promote the hatehing of native swan and other waterfowl, FANOLS DIAMOND BASIS OF ACTION INUSA. COURT Historic Stone, Said Taken by Warren Hastings, Sub- ject of Suit Indian image, the famous Nassik diamond has turned up in the Court of Customs Appeals; where it will be decided whether the blazing brilliant 1s "an artistic antique' or merely "a diamond, eut hut not sot, suitable for use in the manu. facture of jewelry," The stone was brought hefors the court under guard, Reposing in a black box, It was exhibited to the court and to many women who had been attracted by the novelty, valued at a lsvge sam, In 1837 na value was fixed at £40,000 In 1927, on Instructions from the Treasury Department, the Nassak diamond was admitted to the Unit. od States duty free, as a work of art more than a 100 years old, Treasures of this classification are not dutiable, Classification Protested Action was brought by Mayers, Osterwold and Muhfeld Inec., whole. salory and dealers in diamonds and precious stones, to have the stone classed as dutinble at 20 per cent ad valorem. They urged that the diamond was not a work of art and that it could be cut into many smaller stones and used In the manufacture of jowelry, The pro- tostants asserted that virtually any large diamond might be classed an an artistic antique, since the age ot these stones is not questioned, The history of the stone showed that it was taken from' a temple somo time around 1800, although its history dated back to the Af- teenth or sixteenth contury, The Nassak wan thought to have come originally from near Nassak, It was sald to have been taken by Warren Hastings from the last In dependent Prince of Pesahwa In 1818, and wold to the East India Company, At the time it was found the diamond weighed 50% carats but its shape was described as bad, A jeweler named Emanuel bought the stone in London in 1831 for £7,200, Ho sold it to the Marquis of Westminster in 1837, according to the brief and the Marquis haa it recut to a three-sided brilliant of T8% carats, The brief added: Gained by Cutting "We have seen that the origine al welght' was 80% carats, and this was now reduced to 78% carats, a vory slight sacrifice compared with loss suffered by the Koh-I-Noor and some other Indian stones when re out in London and Amsterdam, "It gained so much in the lapis dary's hands that this gem Is now reputed to be worth £25,000 to £30,000 and it must not be forgot. ten that the stone was sold when times were bad and money scarce." A decision in expected in about | War is declared ° Such a startling declara- tion should be no more shocking to you Mrs, House. wife than the fact that mil tolia of dollars are lost an- nually due to the ravaging MOTH, Hoyse-cloaning time In now and NOW {x the time to steafe him, The Great War proved that gas and fumes were more deadly than bullets, 'Phone for any of these sure MOTH KILLERS Moth Gan vss, 0 for 860 Moth Balls and Flakes sesseansnanss 100 1h, Cedar Fakes ,... 250 pkg, Larvex ......%1,00, $1.78 | Larvex Rinse ,....q,800 FIVOX viv vsai, B00, 780 FIYKR ooo oa B00, The, BAPRO oy iaaeay B00, The, Keatings Powder weave sd, 1200, 400, Camphor w.vuy, 180 ounce You "Save With Safety" at THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Ltd, King KE. Simcoa N, Phone 28 Phone 08 NEW DRY CAMPAIGN INGREAT BRITAIN American Speakers to - Aid World Prohibition Federation London~A new integsive cams paign to turn Great Britain *'dry" is now in preparation, with help from the United Wtates, The cam~ paign will be earried on for two yours by the World Prohibition Vodeyation, A large number of American speakers, Including prominent pro- hibitionists are expected to take part In the eamprign, which, it is intended, shall culminate with a convention of 12,000 delegates in Edinburgh and an exhibition "illus. trating the effects of alcohol" In London, There will also be a pageant with the evils of alcohol an a background and a great procession through London to Hyde Park, The first shots fv the new war were fired when delegates repre- senting ninety-soven temperance wocletien formed an national ecom- mittee of 1,000 men and women to donduet the campaign "An executive commities to carry out the details of the campaign will ha appointed hy this national commitiee," said Guy Hayler, pres. ident of the World Prohibition Fed eration, "During the next two years we shall make the greatest affort yet made 10 win Britain over to Lome nerance, "The committee will enroll an army of 500,000 men and women holonging to the temperance move. ment, They will conduct mane meetings In every town, village, and hamlet In the country, "They will also help to collect & fund of £20,000 to carry on the work, A central office will be esr tablished in London, "Milljons. of pamphlets, hooks, lentlets and letters will be distribe uted throughout the country, "We expect 2,000,000 people at leapt. wili take part in this move. ment, They will be drawn from the 10,000,000 teetotalers computs ed to exist In this country," Chinese Insists on Punishment After Court Gave Freedom Evanston, 1-1, K. Chiang, 19- your-0ld Chinese, sought the pune ishment he felt he deserved but which a kind-hearted judge re- fused to inflict upon him, Chiang was thoroughly depress. ed because Justice Samuel Harrf- gon refused to impose any penalty upon him for passing 8 bad cheque in the shoe store of David Kotz, "In China when a member of a venerable and honorable famiy transgrosses he fakes his punish- ment giady," sald Chiang, YI de mand that you punish me for the wrone 1 have done." The judge explained that no pun. ishment was necessary inasmuch as Kotz had refused to persecute af- ter Chiavg had made restitution, "All that Is true, Honorable Judge," said Chiang, "I 'confess | did not realize 1 was doing wrong by writing a cheque, 1 had meen others do it and had thought it an ingenfous iden, When 1 learned that one must have a hank account I. with all haste, withdrew my sav- ings and pald the required amount to the honorable Mr, Kotz, Still, fenorance does nol excuse and nun- Irhment must he inflicted, Only lars and seotindrels fear punish. ment." When Justice Harrison still ve. fused to sentence him, Chiang left the court room vowing that he would figure out some way to pun- ish himself, COAL Jeddo Premium The Best Produced in America At Usual Coal Prices DIXON COAL CO. | Telephone 262 Five DirectLines VORGETVULNESN Stranger than remembering, Stranger is forgetfulness, Softening and making less Every sharp and precious thing, If the rehel thirst had burned After springs too beautiful Imperceptibly it learned How to drink the bitter pool, If there Is a room that must Not he entered any more, arin . Comes the soft and gradual dusy Drifting down behind the door, Burer than remembering Surer. Is forgetfulness fihuts the window In the spring, Lays away the silver dress, ~-Ellen Janson in The Londoy Mercury, In an American marriage sere vies recently only one word was used, It's easy tn guess who had it,~London Opinion, especially packed for EATON GROCETERIAS, RAITS The famouse Aylmer Quality Fruits put up ia the smaller ting, suitable for two servings « no waste = no left overs » and so handy to have on hand for unexpected guests, Becure a supply of the following choice fruits in the handy buffet size tin at this special low price. This week only, PEACHES - PEARS LOMBARD PLUMS MARSHALL'S HERRINGS No. 1'Tin In Tomato Sauce 2 Ic « GREENGAGE PL' 18 PINEAPPLE TID-BITS. AYLMER RASPBERRY H. A. G. COFFEE No Catfein 1lb. Tin 68c JAM . Large * ox, Jar COMET RICE White Pkg. OC ST CHARLES EVAPORATED MILK 2 Tall Tins TIGER BRAND QUAKER FRY'S COCOA ib. Tin 24C FLAKES Specials on Sale One Week COMMENCING FRIDAY, MAY § 31¢c 230 Ketchup 2:5.35¢ CORN 2 Pke I5¢ PALMOLIVE | HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES Children's Cough Syrup 8 on DOLLI® savenvnne Hmpsom Salts, % 1b. «vvive Be Fruit Saline, 8 os, bottle Bsc Peroxide, 8 on bottle «i.. 10e a ve DELMONTE CALIFORNIA . tien 27€ CHOICE RIPE Bananas 25¢ Doz. SOAP 3Fc:xe19¢C Asparagus Tips =" 18¢ GEISHA 18% CANNED Excellent for Orange Jul with other fruits, tast dish, salad or in combination Try & tin today: MANDARIN ORANGE The Mandarin Orange packed when its deliciousness is at its best Only the hearts with all the membrane removed Tin 23¢ Machine Sliced Blade Roast GREEN Onions . 5° Bunch Beef. Pound... 25¢ [Ad Chas 25¢ Special ! Breakfast Bacon 1b. 34¢ Waeiners, Pound ime 24c | Pork Liver, Pound iii EATON'S MEATS Shoulder Roast B 15¢| Buffet Size Tins 2 CHATEAU CHEESE %1b. Pkg. 19c DAVIS Gelatine | 20ePkg. 16C Vi-Tone | % Ib. Tin 3lc| The Health Drink GILCHRIST'S VALENCIA Cake ®. 21c Always Fresh and Molt New Reduced on Eaton's High Quality Household .....Ib. 38¢ Black Label. ... Ib, 48 Palawan, black . .lb. 83¢ Family Tea .....1 63¢ English Breakfast Ib, 73¢ a b. 34¢ Pound CILYTTTITEERY

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