THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, ' TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930 PAGE FIVE Jomen's Interests int & ome --- and the Community SOCIAL a " TWh ind Mr. and Mrs, TH, J on 0, Spent Sindy, with Mr, an 8, GC Masson street. Dr, Webb os ig of the services at the i Baptist chureh on Sunday, bers of the Rihana Mu. Club are g ip Port alerndon ul joe they will of th .P Hope Mu- ub, It Is 4 heted that five Indies will go from sic kA Hope thin be the guest sie Bt iA Ci about thirty Oshawa, Mr, W, J, Burns of 61 Alexandra Street, who has been spending the winter in the Southern States, bas returned to the city, LU ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simcoe St, NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Many styles to Choose from. Our prices are right, THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Bimeon Bt, §, 8,1 heen A pr , Pred B, McClonnen and Miss McQ onnen of 68 Avenue wore in Venlon Walls ov ay to attend the funeral of te William A, MeClennen. J, Larocque, 118 Wi has wt rein i rie han i the past threes months, 47 Anglican Women The 44th annual meeting of he Anglican Women opened yesior in FTovonto, Girls' branches umbobs ing more than 400 are taking part in the convention, Dr, Mabel Cart~ wright was in the chaly yesterday for the oning meeting which was attended representatives from eleven out-of-town branches nnd 44 eity branches, and four af- fillated groups, The members of the Women's Auxiliary to the M.§.- Ul, end Diocesan Mission, Dio- cons of Toronto, met yesterday at #t, Thomas parish hou 8 for the first session of the 44th annual meoting, The Ife io Bt total for the year is 1,116, with 41 new members and 10 deaths, The Indies from Owhawn who are ai- tending the convention are: from Cheist Church, Mrs, RB, Pattor~ son, (life menber), Mrs, W, 0, Corben, Mrs, Gordon Bummers; from Bt, George's Church, Miss Anile Oakley, Pros, of the loeal uranch, Mrs, V. L, Walker, social services worker, Miss Woason, (life member); from Holy Trinity Church, Mws, Purrett and Mrs Turner, The Woman's Auxilary of the Angliean Churely is the largesi organisation of the Anglican woe men in Canada, p-- pa | Young People's Meetings . Robertson, of Vranks i Ha iy visitin A the. liome of Ad An dnugh tor, My, and Mw, BN, A, Holden, King oiroet ot, KING §THERY YX Pireot Young People's League was held on May 6, 1 ah in charge kee o rou D," of the fender, M Mae Winter x oo chairman for the evening, and con- ducted the worship ie: Ty The seripture lesson was read by Mar. fon Rogers, The President, Ed, Kisfaber, brought Items of business to the attention of the League, This was the last meeting in the contest, and the winning group will be announce od next week, A short, play was presented, fea turing incidents in the life of the Nov, John MeDougall among the Indians, The parts were taken by Nuth Cook, Arnold Mock, Art, Wood, Orlin Lint, Ross Sw y Preston Timmins, Harold ry Pod. Brown, Stanley Harris, W,.' Fursey, Herb, Porter and Ed, Kie- faher, Between the fivst and second acts a plano duet was given by Audrey and Bernice Worry, At the conclusion of the play the meeting was closed with bene- diction by Mrs, "Orage. ALBERT STREET YOUNG "Albert street Young People met last evening for thelr regular meets Ed ORION a lla io up STN Here's a delicacy that fairly melts in your mouth, CHEESE STRAWS a PEOPLE + The weekly ETO 0 the King | DONNA DEGNA MARCONT idost da of the wireless wizard, glielmo Marconi, by his first marviage to Hon, Eileen O'Brien, may accompany hey father to Amorican this sutumu, From her Irish mother Donng Dogna has inherited golden halr, blue eyos and a peaches-and- oream complexion. She Is do Yoied to sports, being expert at onniy, Ing, The president Mr. Frank Stur- devant, president was in the chair, Last evening was set aside us devo- tional night, Mr, J. A Bickell was the speaker and addressed the league members on the subject "My Broths er's Keeper." He earnestly Implored the young people to lead true, clean lives. Miss Mar ory Moore played a plano solo and A. Perry gave a Selightiul boos Toi The meeting was ht to a close with the Mispals prot fetion, AT------ CALVARY BARTIST YOUNG Mr. Albert Hu hes of High Park Bantist Church, Toronto, was the wuest speaker at the regular meeting of the Calvary Baptist Young Peo- ple's Union lust svehing His most in teresting and instructive talk, entits led "Savages Made Saints" was illus- trated with lantern slides, Most of the Jistures were of Africa and prin. cipally the country of Nigeria, The speaker told how docile the savage natives became after the introduc tion of Christianity but, in spite of the fact that thousands had been con verted there were still larger num- bers in darkness, Miss Irene Smith road the scripture lesson for the eve ning. CHRIST CHURCH AY.P.A, Last evening's meeting of the Christ Church A.Y.P.A,, wan striote ly a business session, Imporiant matters wore discussed and it was decided that the present exeou- tive would at some time in the sum» mer hold a strawberry social, The election for the new executive will be held two weeks from last even ing. Next Monday evening there will be & banquet and all members of the AY. P.A, are invited to attend, MARY STREET MH. and §, CLUB The regular meeting of the Mary Street Home and Sohool Club well attended last evening. Mrs, ¥, M, MoLaughlip, president was presid- inge The report of the nominating committee was read and accepted and the officers of the coming year will be as follows: Hon, Pres, Miss Helen Keddie, Pres, Mrs, Frank Mobaughling 1st Viee, Mrs, Ha- german; 2nd Viee, Mrs, Edmond son Bec, Mrs. Lorne James; Asst, Seo, Miss Wilson; Treas, Miss Storrar; Pianist, Miss Allin; Exe. outive, Mrs, Merritt, Mrs, Luke, Tender . . . flaky . . . tempting cheese straws! Doesn't it make your mouth water owder A rd ub in tor ad uy water. Roll out in ath EY really shouldn't serve them often. But when making them, re. member! to got the best re- sults for every baking, always use BAKING POWDER the kind that 3 out of every é* Canadian at home say they use because it gives consistently better baking "results. BTMa Act was ovenied in & recent Dominionewide inves CRF SAR Ef Ee them? For lunch , . . as a side dish with dinner. , , after the bridge game, or when entertaining, they're equally delightful, And so easy to make, there's Just to think about no reason why you MAGIC housewives who bake Mrs, Chapman, Mrs. Brown, Mrs, Bemis, Mrs, F, Gerrand, Mrs, Bb, Andrews, All final arrangements were made for the annual school plonle to be held in Alexander Park on Tuesday, June 10th, The plenie to be held on the following day it the weather Is uncertain, "A farmer's wife od wh ATI we vi and tired but since Io feel wath taken Lydia E. Pink. ham's: Vegetable Compou nd can do ot my watk. Round very day | speal e good avery Vegetable Compound as done in making me ros and strong as T was at 18, I wil write to any women in French shout the Com "er Madame Irenee_ Pepin, Sainte Angele de Laval, Co, Nicolet, Jink hy % 4 HAA TUE ® Veoetahle Confuouni The one dollar prise was tied for by Miss . Btorrar's and Miss Warne's class, The musical pro- gram consisted of solos by Mrs, Rosser and Miss Hoover, a plann trio by Mrs, Hallett, Mrs, Holden and Mrs, Manning, Three little songs were sung by Margaret Col- line and Earle "Morphy, and a re- oltation given by Betty Hill, Miss Hamloy read her interesting re. port. of the O.E.A. After the ad- Journment of the meeting refresh- ments were served, WINS CUP FOR VERSE. IN FOREIGN TONGUE London. ~-Canadians will be in- terested In hearing that Sir Rennell Rodd, M.P,, (whe lectured here) won the challenge cup for verse roading and speaking in foreign languages given hy Mrs, Minshall, vice-president and governor of the Poetry HBoelety, to commemorate the soclety's coming-of-age, at the poetry society's headquarters in London, There were 18 competits ars, most of them women, The language most chosen was French although there was a good deal of Italian and German and a little Spanish, Sir Rennell Rodd won the cup by one mark for a reading in Italian and a poem in German, which ho sald he found unpublished fn East Africa, Miss Audrey Ruse sell and Miss Constance Street, a school girl, aged 15, tied for the bronse trophy, also given by Mrs, Minshall, Both recited again and the trophy was then awarded to Miss Russell, The America anization of the world proceeds apace, In India the local application seems to be taking the form of bootleg salt.=Toronlo Sat- urday Night, Standing by "the entrance of a large estate in the suburbs of Glasgow are two huge dogs carved out of granite, An Englishman, going by in a hack, thought he would have some fun with the Scoteh drives, "How often, ock, do they feed those two big OFS "Whenever they HR sir," was the straight-faced reply. What New York Is Wearing By Annebelle Worthington 18 typloally sports! A charms Hliusteated Dressmak Losson Furnished with Every IVs typleally sport! A charms Ing wearable type that adapts it self to all the ya new famries, Several oe be made from this Style No, "Wa and Tach one appear entirely different, It 1s sketched in wool jersey In chartreuse green, with dash of soft brown in grosgrain ribbon piping, bow tle and suede helt, Applied neckband gives smart finish to bes coming ocoliarless Vionnet neckline, It comes In sixes 16, 18 years, 86, 48, 40 and 43 inches buat, Orangey-red or violet blue slik orepe is effective to complete en semble, Pattern price 20 cents. Be sure i in ite of patton, Addn attern Department. uy ng Fashion' Magasine is 10 cents, No, 2841, Sie VERE Caf "Namo 8 Street : Address di SR) Prov, CRY PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON i Fs i TS , wy . LITT Ltt pepe a REGULAR MEETING OF HARMONY HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Much Business Discussed (By Staff Correspondent) Harmony, May 8, ~~ Harmony Home and School Club held its regular monthly meeting on Thurs. day night the president Mrs. HM. Hart, presiding, The meeting opened with Lord's Prayer, All reports read and approved, A large num ber of useful articles bad been re- ceived in the recent kitchen show- or it was learned, The Boys' and Girly' Welfare Committee reported that a softball and sand for the boxes were want ed for the school, Mrs, H, Hart was appointed to see to this, Mrs, P, Timmine, a delegate to the O. E. A, gave a very Interest ing and helpful report, also Mrs. H. Hart spoke on severs! interest ing things with which she had been impressed at the meeting, A new gramaphons has been placed in the school and plans were made to raise money to finish the pays ments, The school will put on'a concert some time this month, Mrs, Timming' room won the prize for having the most parents present, Mrs, Timmins had charge of the following program:--<two songs hy eight of the school scholars; a reci- tation by Louis Pollard; an Inter- onting address by CC, T, Cannon, supervising principal of Oshawa Public Schools on the subject, "Suggestion." Refreshments were served, the meeting closing with the National Anthem, the were rss ---- so-- Sues For More Funds From Husband's Edmonton, Alta~~An action brought under the Widows' Relief Act, by Mrs, Minnfe B, Stark of ldmonton against Miss KE. Louise Holmes and Gordogp Stark, also of the city, as executors of the estate of the late W, J. Stark has some prospect of outside settlement, The defendent. Gordon Stark in an adopted son of the Inte Mr, and Mri, Biark, The plaintiff claims that the will of her late husband, does not suffi- elently provide for her livelihood, Exhibited In court, tha will, pro. vided that Mra, Stark was to re- colve the amount of $2,800 from an Insurance policy and such other relief as the executors chose to give her, The total estate amount- ed to approximately $10,000 and Mrs, Btark in evidence sald that she had not received any amount from the estate other than the in. surance and $50 a month and portion of that had been expendéd for the Mving expenses of the exec: utors who had resided with her until January this year. Halifax, «= The Nova Bocotia Teachers Union meeting at Hall- fax, appointed Miss Goorgie Moe Minn of Truro as theiredelegate to the Canadian Teachers Federa- tion in Edmonton, Other Nova Sootlan delegates will 'be Miss B, BE. ¥ry, Halifax, G. F. Morehouse, Amherst, NOTED BISHOP'S WIFE INTERVIEWED Mrs. W. A, Geddes States That She Enjoys Work Among Indians (By The Canadian Preis) Toronto, May 2=Mrs. W. A, Geddes, wife of the Bishop of Mac. Kenzie River, interviewed whil 4 the city, said that she enjoyed 'work as a wife among the fd of the Indian and Eskimo tribes The Indian women have an organi gation which meets every other Thursday and have a bazaar every yoar when home-made cooking by the white men of the settlement is especially papular, "One oan go into most of the homes and have a meal and it is vory satisfactory," said Mrs, Ged. des, "Navertheless they ave very fond of the white people's delloa- oles which appear on the bazaar shelves, such as bread, buns, cake, doughnuts and fudge. Before the missionaries went there 40 years will PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI 40 Nassau St. This week each evening at § pom, except Saturday Mr. J. Gunn y of South America will give the GOSPEL OF GOD'S GRACE All are welcome No collections John 61 24, such a good saving, The Features for Wednesday Morning Selling are FRILLED CURTAINS and FRILLED CURTAIN MARQUISETTES PRICED AT MOST UNUSUAL SAVINGS We have been very fortunnte in making a special purchase of a large shipment of ¥rilled Curtains and ¥rilled Murques~ ottes from a buyer just hack from Europe, Without any exception, they are the finest qualities we have ever offered for the money, and we are confident that many housewives busy with Spring re-decovating will apprecidte with valances others with green or mauve, long. Per Pair $1.95 and $2.50 FRILLED CURTAINS for $1.49 PAIR Plain and Check Marquisettes of the finest qualities, some tie-backs , heatly frilled and edgod with blue, rose, gold 28 inches wide, only, 2% yards + $1.49 tains by the palr, 9c and 49¢ Frilled es For 29¢ yard In the same fine plain and check qualities as the cure Frills of self or of self edged with blue, rose, gold, green or mauve, Width 27 inches. Wednesday's price of, Put up in 1 1b, packets, 100 Ibs. PURE JAPARA KAPOK 39¢ 1b. The best Alling for cushions and pillows you can buy, and at the lowest price we have ever heard tell marked moans the best Kapok to be obtained, "Prime Japara" which FLAT BRASS CURTAIN RODS 10¢c each (Extend from 28 x 48 Inches, made on the flat of the motal which absolutely prevents any sagging. STORE CLOSES ON WEDNESDAYS AT 12.30 P.M, ago, they lived in wolf, the nature) state, and ate what they caught, in the waters and from hunting. The general menu of an Eskimo home is dried fish, canned fruit, broad and tea. Fur outfits are not 'fashionable now in Eskimo land, the young girls preferring to wear dresses, Bishop and Mrs, Geddes from Hall. fax will go to England to attend the Lambeth conference in London " this summer, They live at the Ane glican Mission, which Is in cone nection with the All Saints' Church situated In the delta of the Mace Kenzie river, This is the last outs post before reaching the Aretie Ocean, A part of the return trip which Mrs, Geddes and her hus- band enjoyed immensely was the 2,000 mile journey by aerpolane from Aklavik to Edmonton, This was done in 17 hours, Pn ------------------------ Em emins---- Kotex, the ic will against follow aol Wrgieni Kotex is really | service to mi mind and comfor goods or tmental a dozen, Suu 75¢. Recife and nurses have no hesitation in ur Nueand inpeored Sanitary Naphin, serious consequences ic distress, juare 3 than a sanitary aapkin, Tisa Till ivay of women, embrsme: when buying. store, Millions of Women 'Wouldn't be Without It An assured hygienic s service at a small cost women to use hae may Er py Ms SL Directions in every Besides, it assures MADE IN CANADA KOTEX Sanitary Naphins 4 Kote dipoued of: Ro 6 Features of the New and Improved Kotex eceptive softness, that voon packs Inte chafing hardaer ) Safire "+ fy A pstnied process. -- wave ERT I MEP