THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930 , Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding me OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER ii «Established | 1671) } EERTES The a is » member of the : AMosihuion, ra eC em rovine BE RIA RATES by carrier, Pua wed, By mall ; in Sounid outside Oshawa fiyers limits) $4.00 a year; Wind Brn hor 4 $5.0 58 Yoon TORONTO OFFICE ne Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, M, D, Tresidder, | representative. J REPRESENTATIVES IN 1).8, Powers and Stone Inc-, New York and Chicago TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930 SIR HENRY THORNTON'S VISIT "It in of decided interest to the people of Oshawa to learn that on Friday of this week Oshawa in to be visited by Sir Henry Thorn. ton, president of the Canadian National Railways, For two years the Chamber of Commerce has been trying to induce Sir Henry to come to Oshawa to address the 'oitizens, and after many disappointments, these efforts have at last borne fruit, It is to be regrettted, of course, that Sir Henry's visit is to be of brief duration, and that he will be able to address only a lunch- don gathering. That rather limits the num. ber of those who will be able to hear him, but since all the members of the Chamber of Commerge, as well as the city council, are invited o attend the luncheon, that should assure him of a representative gathering, Sir Henry Is visiting Oshawa at a psychol- ogical moment, at a time when one of the most important. questions before the city is 0 construction of the subway at the Can. dian National Railways crossing on Sim. goe Street South, It may be that his visit Pas been timed deliberately so that he could say something to the people of Oshawa about this project, In any event, he is not likely to let the opportunity pass of at least mentioning it, This makes his visit all the more interesting, and should be sufficient to guarantee that the members of the Chamber of Commerce will turn out in full numbers _ for this important occasion. Ra »CLEAN.UP WEEK This is clean-up week in Oshawa, The Fire Chief, who usually gives leadership in this movement, because it is vitally bound up with the elimination of fire hazards, has issued his annual proclamation on the sub- Ject, and has appealed to the citizens to do their part to make Oshawa a model of cleanliness for the summer months, and a city in which the risk of fire has been re. duced to a minimum, Civic pride demands that Clean-up Week be sum and conscientiously observed in Osh. Summer days are near, and they will brio thousands of tourists and visitors to 0 city, On the appearance of the city will depend the impression it: makes on their minds, and since first impressions are as a rule the lasting ones, the citizens should do everything they can to have the city looking 80 neat and tidy, and so beautiful that the reputation of the community will be en. Clean-up Week, too, provides citizens with an opportunity of providing at least some work for those who are unemployed. There are all too J men in the city who would be glad of the ty to accept odd obs of this. oi over if only for'a few ours a day, of life for t use the their clean-up i 0 ate do 80, and the. gory telephoning 547, y the men required. , any case, whether the work has to kh bap he Ala ong clean-up be te, so that the fool that his appeal has not is always ile i who tie " which can' - these articles are preventable, are the re. 'sult of 8 or recklessness on the part of some individual, who, 8s often as net, . not the person whose life Is sacrificed, ampaigns, i ng safety in driving, boating i swimming seem to have lost thelr effect, Perhaps it Is the: old story of familiarity breeding contempt, Whatever the reason, # is deplorable that there cannot be tention paid to the essentials of fot) or the highway and the water, for these are the two places which seem to be: responsible for the majority of f deaths, People do not seem to realize what responsibilities are on their shoulders when they venture forth for holi- day-making, and until they do the week-end reports of accidents are likely to continue, WHEN WILL THE ELECTION BE? With the budget now before the house of commons, and the debate on it starting to. day, there Is again considerable speculation as to the datd of the coming Dominion elec. tion, Many guesses are being made, rang- ing all the way from July to September, but Premier King is keeping his own counsel, and is not giving any indication as to the date he favors, Much, of course, will depend on the vay in which the budget is receiv. ed by the Conservative opposition. The budget will bp challenged, of course,. but whether that challenge will be sufficiently strong to force a dissolution before it has been adopted, remains to be seen, Perhaps the Conservatives may do as they did on the question of liquor export, and refuse to al low the government to make the budget an election issue; That would mean a delay In the election, and would rob the government of another strong election issue, All of the dates which have been mention. ed in the predictions so far have been in July, August and September, One can hardly imagine the government, unless coms pelled to do so, holding an election during the heat of the summer, when there would be little possibility of a large vote, on ace count of the holiday season, There would be little hope either, of getting people to turn out in large numbers for campaign meetings in the month of July, And August would be little better, Taking these factors into consideration, we ave inclined to the belief that there will be no election until Septem ber at the earliest, but of course, our guess is no better than that of anyone else. And then, too, perhaps the wish is father to the thought, since an election in July or Aug- ust would be apt to rob all hard-working newspapermen of their holidays, COUNTRY TEACHERS . Dr, G, I, Christie, president of the Ontario Agricultural College, - delivered a vauable and inspiring address to the rural trustees at the Ontario Educational Association in Toronto last week, Among the things he drew attention to was that teachers who have been raised in rural districts are better equipped to All the needs of country pupils and that there are too many young girls who know nothing but city ways teaching in rur~ al schools, Dr, Christie should be an authority on a question of that nature since every year a large number of teachers both rural and ur- ban attend the summer courses in agricul. ture at' he Agricultural College, Just what teachers know of rural affairs is revealed at these courses, Probably the majority of teachers gradu« ating from Normal get their first experience in rural schools, Those born and raised in the city lack to some extent the view point obtaining in rural communities and therefore do not dovetail as well with rural conditions as those brought up in the country, Futher- more the desire to secure positions in urban schools is more pronounced among "eity bred" teachers resulting in frequent change of Instructors and thereby interfering with pupils' progress. Dr, Christie's remarks are well worth bearing in mind. --Kitchener Record, EDITORIAL NOTES -- Many a trout wasn't caught on the first of May. A Scotchman was held up in Chicago the other day, Those Chicago gunmen won't even atop at murder, Seed catalogues have a more seasonable appearance with the advent of weather that resembles spring. On May Day the police turned the fire hose on the "Reds" at Sudbury, This is sald to have dampened thelr ardor, jump into the air and travel a considerable distance, With roads as they are such an invention seems unnecessary. The crickets are singing merrily, tra-la-la, That amile of the bean-growers Is getting contagious. All together now. The weather man's next act proves as a fleult to fathom as the actions of the me! 'orist who ia invariably ahead of you, Even though it is considered pro Chinese women to smoke tiny pipes not do so In public. This is something that can be said in favor of the Orient, Other Editor's Comments \ , INDIA AN pe EMPIRE ' (Bombay Times of India) The notion thet Indias would by giving preference to seme other Jar of the' Empl ron be Xo ng & § Faia ffl Fr should res! her Ir poion as. As an integral it, Directly she does' wo »! perceive how Arid business hi gsining betw futons is 8 to be re indirectly In her direct) ly and t 1s in the te Hos ont of hh h League of N whose strength and her's are bound up together, rded THE CLUTCHING HANY (London Daily Mail) The Socialists in this country, faced by a huge deficit, are talking about the possibility of getting vast sums from "the rich," The fact is that money taken from tne so-called "rich" always comes uls timately out of industry and at onge sends up the total of unem- ployed, It is through no fortul- tous coincidence but the sequence of cause and effect that the colossal total of 1,600,000 unemployed in this country has followed upon more than a decade of staggering taxation, There is no nation #0 murderously taxed, TENT GARDEN (Bt, Catharines Btendard) It is announced that a test gars den for roses Is to he established at the Ontario Agricultural Cols ege, In this every new variety of rose will be tested for its worth and for its adaptability to the Cans adian climate, Bix bushes of each new rose will be grown and test. od, It will be somewhat of a task, an It is sald that each year from 160 to 200 new varities are brought out, This sarden of roses will be a novelty for Canada, as there is nothing like it fn this country, and, it in sald, not in the United States, The Ontario Nose Noolety is taking the keenest Interest in the garden and will help in the matter, One great point will he that ths garden will he of great assistance to all rose growers, | Bits of Humor A young: man was engaged to # lady who ran slightly to embon- point, He had promised to take her to see a much- discussed J and one day the girl sald: "Have you secured the Aoats, Harry?" "Come, come," smiled Harry, who had an unfortunate sense of humor, "You aren't as heavy as that," The notice on the window sald: "Boots repaired," so the small boy went in, "Please, father wants 'em mend. od," he ventured, timidly, hand. ing over a pair of boots, "and 'e needs 'am for Sunday." "What's he want done to them?" inquired the tradesman, "Wants 'em soled and 'eeled," piped the youngster, "Also stretohed," "Stretghed as well, eh? Where do they pinch him?" "They don't pineh him," replied the son, "He pinched them." Medical Professor "What would you do in tha case of a person eating polspnous mush. rooms!" Student-""Recommend a change of diet." "Of course, all of us men are oast in the same mould," "Yen, but some are mouldier than others," Among the "hardest problema modern parents have to solve are those thelr sixth-grade kids bring home from school, First Pemsimist: "It's hard to make both ends meet nowadays. Hecond Pessimist: Yes, And Just when they are about to meet some fool comes along and moves the ends." Wife (at busy crossing): "Now re. member, Herbert, the brake is on the left==or Is it the right==but don't=" Henpecked hushand : "For heaven's sake stop chattering. Your job Is to smile at the policeman!" Bits of Verse LOVE'S VAGRANT North and South and East and West I have roamed a weary while, Dut have found no restful bourn Like the garden of thy smile North and South and East and West 1 have strayed in ervant wise, But have seen no guiding star Like the lovelight of thine eyes . | North and South and East and West "A Frenchman has invented a car that will 1 have watched the day's eclipse, But have won no precious meed Like the guevdon of thy lips, North and South and East and West Vagrant still, 1 roam. and roan, Harkening, through the lonely kh, For thy voice to call me heme, Climen Scollard, HE are the 1) is purpose = nL \ this IH We RAN our somlgrt and ategngthen ws. |. Ad and other Do. | 708 (From the Sault A Shock To Pessimists Ste, Marie Bar) Vigures don't out the claim that (armers FmIng are gos ing to the dogs Bg Bes tween 1025, na 0 ) the aaron: ho ral 'avonue, of the country' in 0 ' 4 or at he ate of a hundred million dol a your, 'Thet wes 8 gain of ps it "oo por farm worker, revenue in 1987 was over a billion and three quarters, 11] 8iving each farm worker & gross Te¥onue of about $1,700 for the amihow all. the matter that ap posrs in newspapers voys the Jain in newspapers vohveys the|s on that the farmer is having & tough time, that farms 'are being abandoned and, that there Is no money in the business, Put the Canads Yesr Book for 1081 census periods, Later figures mated gross agricultural wealth of 'Canada increased 600 millions of dollars in the 1028-1087 perioa, The figure in the last year being over eight billion dollars, There was & decrease of only Te10ths of one per cent, in the farm populstion between 1911 and 1021 census periods, Later figures are not avaliable, The agricultural wealth of On tario increased $141,000,000 from 1024 to 1027, Perhaps that wil give you a more cheerful view of your province, In the latter yemr the total amount was enough to pry off Canada's nationgl debt, and # couple of hundred millions over, Ontario's farm revenue alone in 1027 wan 444 millions of dollars, Agriculture is not supposed to be a cheerful subject for newspaper articles, But If the official Agures are coryvect, Canadian farmers are holding up thelr own In the rapid development of the country, EDSON WAITE ANAG. IRA SPAIN GAUL ING ED rok 6 0 HE eat ARDIAN, PORT OF "Though commerelsl Ambassadors have penetrated to the ends of the onrth, wealth still lurks in by-ways waiting to be discovered by merchant adventurers: "The airplane, losometive, autome: bile and ossan greyhound have all boon pressed into the servige of the Sgising business man---~hut com. romanse still awaits travel. ors in unfrequent paths which may only be approached in the sailing ship, the costal steamer or on foot, "Clues lie In unexpected places, Most of us have read and were thrils led by Robinson Crusoe when we were boys, But how many of us thought of going to see his Island for ourselves! Dafoe tells us exacts ly how to get there, and geographers identify it as "T'obago "The population of Tobago since Crusoe founded it has risen to 24+ 000 people; twenty-five per cent of them are land owners, Nature has been bountiful, but they have no bank, no dentist, no newspaper, no lee==though the island is tropicals nd, no railway HERE'S A CHANCE FOR A MERCHANT A ADVENTURER TO STOP AND THINK" -------------- REGISTRATIONS OF RUM PLANES FALSE Detroit, May 6-=Canadian ous. tome records shew that during April there were (3 aeroplanes from the Walkerville, Ont,, airport, oarrying « total cargo of 083 one on of Hquor with destinations given as Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin cities, Of these clears ance records show, 40 were made during the last week of the month, False aeroplane registration numbers were given in each of the 48 omnes In April, agents found hut correct numbers were obtained it was sald, and agenta will at. tempt to _Welse the planes, CIGAR WISE "Now y¢ 1 fellows help yourself to the cigars," sald the host, "They're A present my wire gave me for my birthday." One by one the guests vowed they had sworn off smoking, After the party his wife sald! "What made you tell such a fib} I bought you slippers for your birth day " "Those olgars cost me $10" he re plied, Land I can't afford to give them away. "=Tit Bits It's {nereasing Norse: power that has put the horse out of business, That By Jamas W. Barton, M.D, REDUCING WEIGHT I cannot understand why health writers advise readers who wish to reduce In welght to continue to drink wll the water they want, Now there Is no question about the value of water for the majority of us, As a matter of fact we do not drink eneugh water, Kvery cell in that body of yours Is ny like a little fish and needs water in which to swim, the way the water is handled by the tissues, Some individuals are whit ought to he called "wets" and others are "drys" The wets are those In whom the tissues are always thirsty for water, and will take and hold large quan tities of ity in fact if they can't got it otherwise their tissues Will take In water from the air itself, Prof, J Bauer tells of experiments where these ovérwelght wets have Increased thelr weight by some pounds within a period of two hours in this manner, without ealing the slightest amount of food The abnormal tendency for storing fat just under the skin, is nearly al ways found in these 'wet' individuals The whole idea of reducing welght 15 Just to use commen sense, In the majority of cases it simply means cutting down gradually 'the amount of food eaten, particularly starches, and increasing the exercise, You nay get the fat because you avereat and do not exercise, OF bie cause you put on fat easily, you do not feel Hke exercising Then there are the Individuals mentioned above the wets who should cut down particularly en water and salt] and finally there are the cases where the individual has always been fat, or become fat at puberty: These latter cases should consult their dec. tor and take the typhoid treatment under his direction, Thyroid extract will help burn up fats, So take a look at yourself, and study the matter out, Try to decide which of these three types you are (or you may he a combination o wo of them) and reduce yourself In un common sense yet scientific manner, One pound per week irrespective of extra three to five pounds above the ideal welght for your age and height, It {4 something to come and go on The eighteen day diet now so pops ular, is better than most reducing diets an It gives ogres or meat every day, and thus keeps muscle tissue from wasting away, Tt also provides grapefruit, lettuce and tomatoes with their mineral and vitaming, How: ever, I believe if It wore stretehed out over a month, Instead of eighteen dave, it would be safer for the mas jority of individuals, TOWNSHIP OF RANE WHITRY ABSTRACT OF AUDITORS' REPORT Moses Doolittle and A. J, Howden, Treasurers In account with the Municipality of East Whitby for the year ending December 31st, 1020 Expenditure Roads wil Bridges SE RAE lied hy & Health \ Kleotrio Ligh Shovelling {inceiianes in oa ey Grant i pment Grant on, Sehoo! | i ae ald. Sh s \ Births, Ma WH \ Age oY on RIOR Cnn i A, 308,00 A "a w ML dra \l PRN fi Ee chow! Section Paiame * : pa MN (er n S-- from al o ot Tn Grant von TLL Grant Grant Grant ANON, y | Overdrawn Anes Tnoollected 199 Tax wold LR fot Hall wi "rou 9 pi he! Fa AANA "w wil Ma Sia less and Inn ooo We certity that the above ia a correct abatract of the Treasurers' Recelpta and Bxpenditures, also of the Assets and Liabilities of the Muniolpality of Rast Whitdy for the year ending 81st December, 1989, Columbus, April 29, 1890, ' SAMSON ROUKRTS, JESSE ARNOTT, Auditors, . it if | for Profit Profitable investment oppor tunities occur frequently, Foquiriug on} only small capital. Open avings Account with us, Plan to save $100, $200 or wl by easy regular contributions, Then consult our investment department, "BANK~TORONTO OSHAWA BRANCH F. 8. POTTER, Manager. The BANK for SAVINGS However we are not all alike In| = HB Carden time should find you equipped to assist Mother Nature In her annual task of covering the earth with edibles and floral love. liness, When the first thunder clouds dissolve into infinitudes of blue, and the vegetable and. § flower kingdoms call, dl with a spade, and Cooper Smith Tn Ee absolutely the 'finest, by fl record, answer Tested Garden Seeds in stock, Flower Seeds N Spencer's Mixed Sweet Peas, Nasturtiums, Asters, Cosmos, Zinnias, ete, in bulk from Je Cooper Smith 16 CELINA ST, +» PHONE 8 ORHAWA We Have Grown On Repeat Orders There Must Be Oshawa Lumber COMPANY. LIMITED '28 Ritson Road North Telephone 2621-2620