Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 May 1930, p. 1

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News in Brief Newmarket on I.../ Time Newmarket,=-The Town, 0 Newmarket will adopt daylight. saving time on May 11, no date having been yet set for reversion te standard time, J L w Cottages Threatened Port Crodit.==Hoveral summer cottages were threatened as the result of mn grass fire last night which spread . with such rapidity that Keith's Bush became ablaze. » * L Departments Separated Ottawa, ~Third reading way given jn the Holds of Commons last night to a bill providing sal- aries of $10,000 each to the new mivigter of fisheries and the min. ister of marine, The measure com- pleted the legislative enactments for the separation ef the depart. ment of marine and fisheries ana the appointment of 4 new minister of tisheries. . LJ * To Attempt World Flight I'asadona, al, w= Zomsaku Asuma, Japanese veteran of tho world war in the United States aviation service, announced today that he would fly to New York within a mouth on the first leg of a world flight, Akuma, who assist. ed Harold Bromley in planning his projected flight to Japan last summer, will not dttempt to fly the Atlantic but does plan a flight from some point in Niberia to horth America, He may fly by way of the Aluetian Islands. LJ L a Charged With Killing Wife Chelsen, Mass --=Mrs, Nellie Corlwy, 86, of Medord, told police yesterday that Mrs, Catharine Mo 'Laughlin, 80, the mother of four ohildren, was killeg by her hus band, Frank J, MoLaughlin, 33, in thelr home There baturday night as the result of a quarrel over playing . the radio. Mrs, Crowley sald she was in the MeLaughlin apartment when tha alleged as sault occurred, MeLaughlin is charged with murder, CATCHES TROUT IN CENTRE OF LINDSAY (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Lindsay, May 6.-=Countless small boys fish for suckers in the Scugog river which runs through the centre of Lindsay und the ship locks are a favorite spot hut yesterday. afters noon one of them, Ted McCabe, got # surprise for his eateh consisted of & ten-ineh speckled trout' Net belny toe sure of the fish regulations he was going to throw it back: in, but learned in time that it was legal to tatch It, Bass' and an occasional lunge are caught in this river inside the town but trout are few and far between, JUNE 29 SET FOR CANONIZATION OF JESUIT MARTYRS Will Be Raised to Sainthooa For Bravery in Cause of Christ (By Canadien Press Lossed Wire) Vatican City, May 6==The final session of the congregation of rites, today assured canonization June 29 for tC fan = martyrp=six viests and two laymen==who died or the faith in the frst half of the seventeenth century, . The martyrs, who will be ralsed to Sai d ut the same time us the illustrious Jesuit Cardinal Bellar- mine and the blessed Theophous da Corte, are an follows: Father Isaac Jogues--decapitated h Indians in 1644; John De Lao nde~=a layman and faithful serve or of Father Jogues, tomahawked the after Father Jogues' death, . rothes Rene Goupiitampanion of Father es, also tomahawke rahe Joan * Breboeuf==burned ve ve. A ather Nol Chabanel--killed by a b o Hugon, or An hou Daniel-woundag arrows and then burned, Ah Garniers=killed by & massacre, i Father Gabriel Laleimant=burned by a slow fire, Da ---- ANREEAEE |] ver the east. reas In ni toba and on Pacific coast and low in PAT and northern | ll == Oshawa Daily Time Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930 HQUAKE KILLS 1,000 PEOPLE "All the News While It Is News" GANDHI'S ARREST SIGNAL FOR SERIOUS CLASHES OF NATIVES WITH THE POLICE 'Widespread Disorder Occurs Throughout India Two Killed and Nearly 100 Wounded as Rioting Oec- curs in Many Parts of Turbulent Peninsula MANY SYMPATHETIC STRIKES REPORTED British Take Extra Precau- tions to Guard Health of the Mahatma During Hie Imprisonment (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Poona, India, May 6.=Widespread disorder, with two persons killed and up to 100 wounded, today followed Gandhi's arrest, While the veteran Nationalist lead. er sat behind the barred window of his cell in Yeroda prison, calmly and Industriously spinning cotton on his miniature Charka=-cmblem of the Nu tionalist movement=trouble oeeurrs od in many parts of the restless Pen insula, 3 Two Rioters Killed The most serious trouble today broke out at Dellil, where police fire hed on rioters and killed two of them after a Riot Act, prohibiting the ase sembly of more than five persons, had been promulgated, At Caleutta Afteen Nationalists were Injured in a clash with the pos Hee when they attempted to inters rupt rallway service BR ore Cals cutta and Tekal Chat, A mob estls mated at 5,000 took part in the digs turbance, many of them lying on the tracks to hold up trains, Textile Mills Close Fall of the textile milly in Bombay which has two-thirds of the spindles ii all India, elosed us the result of a workless day proclaimed because of the arrest of the Mahatma. A sympathy strike at Jullundhur resulted in the injury of at least 30 persons whe fought with the police, Two of them were reported in sere lous condition, ' Polige Charge Women Police at Delhi dispersed women volunteers who were picketing the courts, by charging them with their sticks, Meanwhile, reports of miner digors ranging from stoppage of work te der came. from all parts of India, the closing of shops and attendant demonstrations, In view of the disorder the govs ernment is not hiding its concern over the possibility of dangerous res sults. should Anyibing happen to. the imprisoned Gandhi, A commission of three hah medical officers of the (Continued on Page 3) PE ---------------------------- TORONTO COUNCIL APPROVES BRULE LAKE WATERCOURSE Will Carry Amelius Jarvis Fine Case to Supreme Court of Canada (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, May in between ar guments and heated discussions on their self-voted salary increases the city council, last night and early today, found time to make eight decistons of considerable im« port to local affairs, The council approved a site on the harbor front at Werk and Fleet streets for the new police administration bullding. This ends more than a year of. negotia- tions, debate and argument, The report of the property com. mittee favoring the Nrule Lake project, formulated for the purpose of having the Humber river deep. ened and boautified in order that Toronte may have a regatta course on a par with the St. Catharines Royal Ponadion Nentex cour AR APpProv: the council, The project will cost in the neighbors hood of $500,000, jag Infon to pay salaries to mem: Shmminon Fea to b | y 0 the mem- Dore AE 10.000 on the chairman, referring back of recommendations for the appointment of General ©, H, Mitohell, W.,C, McBrien (nd J MoMaster, as members of the a. ; usiness transacted. Tr Tavious decialon WAN YOvers When the council decided to ap to the Subteme Court of ry After it had | been awarded to the city of Tor ont, y el ; ¥ ® fon ration dash lon, were other items of | Hi of vy council regard. ng the ; | en Sm as atin | ago and which the Snurie -§ RON "the ) Gold Discoverer Is Dead at Sault Nault Ste. Marie, Ont, May 6, Willlam Teddy, un Indian, died here today, and he ix being credits od with a good part of the pros pority. of Sault Ste, Marie, Teddy discovered gold ut Wawa Lake fu 1806, which led to the discovery of the Helen iron mine and the consequent establishment of un fron and steel industry at Baulte Ble, Marie, One of the first pros: boctors to follow Teddy's trall wak Aloys Goets, who discovered the Helen mine; which led the Clergue interests to establish here the steel plant now operated by the Algoma Steel, NEW RECORDS BY AIR WAIL FLIERS Canadian Pilots Set Up Marks for Others to Aim at Ottawa, May 6.=New flying time records have been set up on two of Canada's eastern air mall routes it was shown by official checking of time sheets, The approximate 122 miles between the gapltal and St Hubert's field outside {fontrea! were covered Saturday by Capt, A, F. hig ram of Canadian Alrways, Ltd, and his. mall catrying biplane in 44 min. utes, The flight, which cut nearly n quarter of an hour off the previous best time, wus made without the aid of any tall wind and with heavy side winds prevalling. Another mail plane, heavily loaded, way flown from St. Hubert's field to Rimouski in three and one half hours nearly 20 minutes better than the old mark, Guns boomed in London today in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the ascension, of ON BRITISH THRONE TWENTY YEARS yo KING GHMOROR V. King George V., to the throne of England, as. ruler of the Dritish Empire. King George V on British Throne 20 Years Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, May 6,.-With the booming salute of twenty-one guns in Hyde Park, London celebrated the twentieth annivorsary of King George's accosion to the throne of Great Britain, Ireland; the British Dominions beyond the seas, and the empire of India, On May 6, 1910, just a month before his forty-fifth birthday, the present ruler of the British empire Rusceeded his father, King Edward In the moraing the king received more than fifty servants, men and women from the staff of Bucking. ham palace and presented them with 'medals commemorating thelr long service, Salute at Ottawa Ottawa, May 6,~The 20th anniver- sary of the ascension to the throne of His Majesty King George today was observed in Ottawa by the fire ing of the royal salute at noon hy the First Field Brigade, Canadian Ar tillery Corps, Similar salutes were gi- ven in all portions of the Empire No other ceremonies were carried out in honor of the event IN PARLIAMENT (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Ottawa, May 6.~Today in parlia ment: Debate on the budget in the House of Commons will be gesumed by Hon. R. B, Bennett, leader of the Opposition, The bill to establish a Jivarce cous y C Ll jo£ Intario will be up for third rea Yesterday in parliament: The Senate did not sit In the House of Commons Estimates totalling $61,070,000 for tha Canadian Government Merchant Marine, the Canadian National Steamships and the Canadian Na tional Railways were tabled by Hon, C, A. Dunhing, minister of finance, The third reading was given 37 dis vorce bills, and & bII respecting the Consolidated Life Insurance Comp- any and four divorce bills were gi- ven second reading, The house ratified the protocol providing for the adherence of the United States to the Permanent Court of International Justice, On 14th Day of Hunger Strike (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Milton, May 6.- Although they consider W, A. Phillips, Klan mem- ber sentenced to thvee months (n the local Jail for his part in a recent Klan demonstration at Oak~ ville, i» {ll-advired in coutinuipg his hunger strike, members of the Ku Klux Klan from Hamilton and Toronto continue to visit Phillips who yesterday entered his 13 day without food, Klan offieials stated that ay Phillips faces but » short sentence they think he should not take Lhe chance of seriously impairing lis health by continuance of the strike, They stoutly denied they are mak- ing any effort to emuggle food futo the prisoner, HEADMASTERS VISIT QUEEN'S Say British Colleges Do Not Fit Youth For Life in Canada (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, May «~The party of English headmasters who have been touring Canada, arrived here this morning to make thelr fal study In this country of education conditions, The headmasters wore met by principal R. Bruce Taylor of Queen's University and enter. tained at broakfast after which they were taken to the university where they Inspected the bulldings and made a study of the education. al aystem at the university do not adequately fit youth for life In Canada, ht that on the other hand they considered the British system in sports farther advanced than the | method employed in the Dominion, 1,500 Homeless in Nashua, Bush F ires Still a Menace Expect Hectic Budget Debate ay King Govt. Faces Want Want of Confidence Vote Today Ottawa, May =A vote of want of confidence in the government will be moved in the House of Coms mons this afternoon during the budget debate, The amendment condemning the Liberal adminis tration will be moved by Hon, R, B. Bennett, Conservative leader, in the course of his speech. This decision was reached at today's caucus of Conservative members and 'senators 'which extended over three hours, Hectic scones are expected for the opening day of the discussion on the budget, Promier MacKensie King will follow tho opposition leader, ' Crowds began (o gather long before the doors of the commons chamber opened, Gallery atten. dants were Bus d/ engaged in keep. ing men and. women in line, -------------------- Hopes to Regain Record San Francisco=-John Henry Mears of New York, holder of the record for the fastest trip around the world until the Grat Zeppelin shortened the time by approxi mately two days, landed at mille field yesterduy in the airplane With whieh he hopes to regain the record, The plane was piloted by aries La Jotte, Mears sald ne will install a radio capable of sends ing and receiving from 5,000 to 6,000 miles. From New York hw will hop oft on the globe girdling June 1 with Newfoundland an the first stop. Tha next leg will take him to Ireland, \ Public Trustee Five Tose Toronto, May o.~George A: Steplis enson; trustee in bankruptey, who last week ded guilty. in police y of brea while acting as a public tris 13 theft of mos Jotaliiug 1 50, was senten to in Portstouth penis tiary vy dice court: this mor in oh ne action arose from dent on June 18, 1930, when Mr. |'wpi oh y Mogietrate Jones in. por ning : (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Now York, May ¢.-«Brush and grass fires which have beset scores of communities in the eastern states, burning over thousands of acres and destroying property vale ued In millionns, continued today to offer stubborn resistance to are mies of fire fighters, While many other communities were combatting blases, Nashua, N.H.,, was oaring for 1,600 of ita citisens made homeleas by the fire which swept a section of the elty Sunday, y The mreatost bush fire menace appeared in southern New Jersey today although fives still were burning in several New England states, New York aud . Pennayls vanla: In New Jersey, where thousands of firemen, soldiers and marines and private citisons have fought flames since Sunday, state Fire Warden Leonidas Coyle salg 100 bulldings have been destroyed anu 63,000 mores of woods and farm land burned over, Beside Long Inland where 45 fires wore ongaging tho efforts of firemen and volunteers, thers wore fires near Kiimiva and in Duchess county in the vicinity of Pough- keapaie, in New York state; In Rhode Island reinforced orews of firomon and laborers were ordered out by Commissioner Harry R. Lows of the department of ag- rleulture to Fight two major forest fives near Richmoud and Hopking- ---------------------- Kings Mountain, N.C, = H, G, Ware, Kink Mountain police chief, bad his right hand shot oft and George Neely. negro, was serious. ly wounded in a gun battle at the Nogro's homo near here this morn. thi. The shooting ccourred when ohiet Ware and another ofoer went 10 Neely's home to arrest the negro on a charge of threatening to kill his wite, § $8,000 DAMAGES FROM CAR SMASH Toronto, May G==Mry, Ha #, Newson and her husband, Frank A. Hewson, were awarded $8,000 damages hy an assizen court Pd {aduy against Helen Osborn, find: ing her gromsly negligent: in pass. A standing street oar, © : no acel a -- Hewson was struck by a ear owns od by Thomas A. Osborn and driven be 'his wite, Injuries res caived resulted in insanity accords ing to medical testimony, : Bowmanville, Oshawa Men Given Awards Major J. J. L. Ardiel, Osh- awa, Granted Militia Officers' Decoration (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Ottawa, May 6.4The following personnel serving in the permanent and non-permanent active militia of Cavinda have received the following honors and 'awards, The Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal Broikville, Ont=Sergts. I, F, Elli. ott and W. H. Harper, Brockville Rifles, and Pts, C. R. De Wolle, 41st Regt. Peterborough, Ont==Corp'l. W. H, Ashby, 3rd Company Canadian Mas chine" Gum Corps. Belleville, Ont. «Pte, E Argyll* Light Infantry, ; Owen Sound, Ont.=Drum Major Re W, Manning, Grey Regiment, Pontypgol, Onte=Lieut, H. M, Jukeman, Durham Regt, he Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Kingston, Onte=Batlery Sergt, Major RW, Pugh, Royal Canadian Horse 'Artillery, and Staff Sergt. I W. H Clark, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, Colonial 'Auxiliary Forces OMeers Decoration Petorborouh, Onte=Major EH, Wood, CAMC, and Major CE Jamieson, Cadet Service of Canada Oshawa, Onte=Major J.J. Lo Ars diel, Middlesex Light Infantry, Bowmanville, Onte=Major MH, D, Wightman, Princess of Wales Own Regiment, Harkins, SIX STOCK BROKERS MUST FACE TRIAL (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Toronto, May 6.==D, 8, Patten non, Austin. Campbell, and Edgar Melioan, all of the D, 8, Patterson Coy Jv Hepplestona, W. J. Shutt; ahd J. W, Wray, all of the Ars thue ¥, Moysey Co, appeared bes fore: Magistrate Robert J, Brown today, on charges of fraud and cons racy, Through counsel they waived. the preliminary heard stook brokers will appear.on May 13 rr minury hearing, \ and ware committed for trial by | Jury at the next.assines. Six more Allowances Bil | Does Not (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 6.The Mouse ol Commons swept through legislation esterday as if the election were to be held next week and everybody had to get home to repair political fences. Government bills as well as private 'legislation, all went hurting through their readings, and many o them were left reposing on the Clerk's table ready for the pink rib. bon, HL James 'S. Woodsworth, Ontario di- voree court sponsor, after requesting that each bill be dealt with separ: ately, said he had assurance that the divorce court bill would not be block el when it came up for third read. ing Tuesday night, : One of the most important pblie pronouncements of the day in Coms mons was Premier King's utterance upon third reading of the Veterans Allowances Bill, which now requires only. Senate approval to make it law, Premier King sald in connection with it that the passage of the meas sure did not end the intended action of the Government with respect to sympathetic treatment of war veters ans, The committee, he said, had re- colved 'during the course of its sits tings suggestions for the complete overhauling of the machinery tor the awarding and hearing of pensions claims. The matter, he said, woul still be considered by the committee, and it. wag expected an unanimous recommendation of far-reaching char acter would come to the House withs ina few days. Tt would be facilitated by the Government, EC ------------------------ Snow Storm Grips Arizona , Phoenix, Ariz.==All Arizona Wis fu the grip of a severe wind; rein and snow storm today, Most of the mountain peaks in the north. ate covered with from one to ten Anohes of snow and a white mantle lies over mountain tops In the | southern part of the state, LINDSAY ADCIPTS DAYLIGHT SAVING (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) Lindsay, May 6.=At a latg, session last night and after heard ver deputations of citizens for and a- ainat, the town council decided ' to nuugurate daylight saving time in 7 co this summer, The plan at He t is to have it begin on June § and end on August 31st, but there is agitation for longer. peried, It is reported that Oakwood, Can. on, Beaverton, Sunderland and r villages in this section will als i ot daylight saving ti t iy sg toe. 4 {development, * End Gout. Aid for Veterans College Burned With Big Loss Monastery, Seminary and Church Are Included in $500,000 Fire (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Buffalo, N.Y.. May 6-Officials of St. Bonaventure College an. nounced today that yesterday's fire loss, between $400,000 and $500, 000, 1» only partly covered by ine surname, The manastery seminary and church buildings, located be- tween Lean and Yallegany, wore destroyed, Quick action on the part of firomen and student volunteers revented the flames from spread- ng to Lynch Hall and the monas. tery annex, which houses the kit. chen and quarters of the nuns who assist in the culinary work. The fire swept from the fourth floor of the monastery through to the basement, devestating the quar. 0] tors of the priests, and making a wreck of the students' dining hall, St. Ronaventure's church and the seminary, adjoining building, were both enveloped in flames, and burns ed beyond repairs, Personal: property constitutes the groatost loss, especially collec. tions of books and papers, some of which represented the work of a litetime, : No one was injured, although it waa feared for a time that some of the students, intent on saving some of the belongings of the riests might ' be caught in the amos, Both Waterways Said Necessary (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, May 6.--Two great inland waterways leading from the Great Lakes to the sea were deseribed yesterday hy Major Gens wal Lytle Brown, chief of arms enginenrs, the certain outcome it the government takvs over the Evie cana Jiroisct Teatitying before the senate com. eros committee in its consideras ton of the Omnibus Rivers and Harbors Bill, General Brown saw that the St, Lawrence Waterway was 'bound to follow" the Erle TWELVE PAGES | ENTIRE TOWN WIPED OUT, | DISTRICT MADE DESOLATE, * | THOUSANDS ARE H ' Town of Pegu, One of Most OMELESS | Important Seaports in Brie tish Indis, Reported Utter« ly Destroyed TIDAL WAVE FOLLOWS DESTRUCTIVE 'QUAKE |] Disaster Apparently Struck Whole Province of Burmay Being Worst Tremor in Its History (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rangoon, Burma, May 6.-~The Exchange Telegraph Agency 'ssid today that the entire town of Pegi had been wiped out by a earths quake and gpubsequent tidal weve, with the number of dead estimated at 1,000, The town presenis a desolnt pleture, with pubHle bulldings an homes destroyed, Practically the whole population is homeless, Fifty Killed in Rangoon Rangoon, Burma, May 6.4 persons were killed and more thaw 200 others injured In an earth quake which shook Rangoon yes terday evening. It was the worst tremor the city ever has experi enced, Reports from other Burman towns indicated they suffered similarly Scarcoly a bulldipg ip the chy escaped damago and many cols lapsed entirely, Business today was practically at a standstill, The populace was panic stricks en, and many refused to go back Into bulldings all night, Important' Port The town of Pegu, Burma, 1% about 45 miles northeast of Rane goon on the Rangoon river, It is an important port and much of Burma's exports pass through ft. 'The place rates as one of the most important seaports of British he dia, In 1021 st had a population of 18,769, The division of Fegu comprises the districts of Rangoon. town, Hanthawadly, Insein, Dharrawads« df, Pegu and Trome, The division haw an area of 13,707 square miles and in 1921 had a population of 2,080,000. H An Ancient Town ' The town of Pegu was described by travelers in the 16th century as i place of great size and magnifies once, It Is. still. surrounded hy thoos of the old walls some of them about forty feet wide and sorving as the foundations for the residences of British officials, In Pegu In the ¥hwe-Maw-Daw pagoda, 324 feet high, which is re garded an even more holy tham the Shwe Dagon pagoda at Rane goon; The town is sald to have been founded in 537, About the middle of the eighteenth century It was destroyed but again grew up and was the scone o fighting in the second Burmese 'Wars, MAKES ESCAPE FROM HOSPITAL AT HAMILTON to Theft Cleverly Fools Police (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, May §---Aftoer crawls ing through a window at the Gens eral Hospital and dropping to the ground, Mrs, Joan Deas, 28 years. of age, £0 Cathavine street northy who waa arrested for the Toronto police on a charge of till-tapping yesterday, made a clover osoa ; from custody last pight by walks = ing out of the hospital grounds = clad in a nurse's gape, id Mrs. Deas was taken into cuss tody at 6 o'clock yesterday on'w warrant charging her with theft. Lodged for an hour Inthe at the local police headquarters she complained of terrible pain a illness and was accordingly takem {o the emergency ward at the eral Hospital in the police amb: ance, Y Here she wan examined and nounced physically fit for her to Toronto by Dr, Miles G, Bro: assistant hospital supevintende After getting dressed for her. Mrs, Deas requested to be allow to go Into the hospital washe for a moment and trom there encaped and Is still at large. To Hang For Murder Tucson, Aris-=Herbort You 43, taxicab driver, today was un sentence to hang July 1 murder of John 1, Dye, worker, Dye was found bea stabbed to death about two me ago, Robbery was believed to been the motive, Young was victed last week and sentence Pronounced VORIOrAAYy cu

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