{ ps 5 bie, J 3 hon 4 Di ag { DR, i meon, ij dency, | clan, efe i r | season of wou, graduate experience THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN A DS GT Ra STE Eg oy Wf Viieoe puteige, Ft haw, Lore 4 0 yD, Au | Ain, at 4 Solleivw, Notary Jub hog LE alo ding, is oo ssn --y Quis § Slicitor, tore, 0 loan, H reel north, dA 07, " GRE Er fe Atta. a ey ALEX U, WALL. ter, oto, Conversn [Hy TTL ne [) ha [) a or, picker, wldg. Orb Phones 15 LUCCLR ARE (Apr, 4-1 mo) AT PARRA A te, Maney to loan, Alger Hida, op vy Pont Office, Phone 1614, Medical FRE, WAZLEWOOD & WANPER, Disney Block, Phoue "000, Otflee hours § am, to 800 pm, I J, Haslowood, special Surgery and X-Ray, Jv, B, H. per, special attention to child Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls 1416 or a MeKAY PHYS CIAN, eeouc che 0 an ing 8¢ Pet commer tr, Oshaw - TRICK, pk RAROLD THE 7 \. Sosa s to maternity work and yore re i (com. Brock) fp on eron dence " meoe St ot Obutetri ™ fants end _chil i, mn X fimege and Ea alae ii ¥ hone 8106, ( fois hy mn and J street north, 15) (8 l. A i lan, Surgeon and Ny and res 1) 0 Veterinary Surgeon Epeclatist Diseases = Domestlo A man Sut, ad Sou hospital, in oh ay 11m) reel " West, pitiea aver Store eh i bn, for con 'oront ury & urday, ation lenses Ar, NOMS A Bf Po 5 i Ofice hon LL ppointmen a J TR PRA 8 ntion to HA ES It th a Lay Bel y DUS ir 3 rattdi ) 8 fh a Ash are Ave, North, h | | aly, Appoln ents v be made at trie 4 "Eye, Ear, Nose a t aneelniist io muscle soomsiles, ses) bt snd glasses, Author of are and bre Strain, Fhe ig and its Development, [1 Block o, PO ite hone 3616, (Apr, 14:1 mo) | Engineering and Surveying RY k¥A AND SM ARE U = Pi k TP XA, 'arner AWA, . honn Celina street, Tuco oreek Fh ance a. xh SON, INSU a 4 tu house upd Phone M9, ARTAGE, on HR id an. tal and, don, Phone 084, 10 Bond Bt, West, A' OLDE» ESTAS. Mh gk But move! Park Road 0 Loos and dinance. fr inte 41 ™ Vark Rid, 1] (Apr, 10-1 mo) = Beauty Pasion uty FETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Whop, Hpeolalista fu permanent, finger aud marcel waving, Ver manent wave prices §5, $7.00, 510 and $10, All other Nines of Heauty flulture, Fhoue 5008, - Apply wb Bimooe street north, EV op i Bum LA ard at Be al Porman: ont roel and sham ATSO hr uty Shes, ne BL wir A hale quinn, mar | 161 mo) y! Clarke, 147 Agnes ty Yhone 20400, ADF, 90-1 wo) opening barber shop at No, 10 Athol Ht, West May 6, a IVR nee he ey Anlst and cholr master o treet United Church will pupils in plano, organ musio, For particulars William AR east, Phon one LAP 6:1 mo) CEONAND iy DIRECTOR King cuss ware mbit hus, Oshawa Collegiat Lh Sippy Sap 4 all Bavee-- HA DIO ME AS in dig tor la, ropAlM On Oleer trio and batter, by tubes and terion re plied, $1, Phong ales, 140 Bigia (APR, §+1 mo) ATS REPAIR. Fixe F eBid CAD 10=1 mo) ,_ 180 called for and de , Radio said, A erect att. Phone 1000 . 20-1 mo) for invalid onvalescent pas + 120 alborna iB Obs awa, Pp Phone 1 iw 4 A PAR 10 os wate Sher ost Oltlon, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. # STRICLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of aspense and lose arising from handling » large number of small arcounts of this nature, to some personally to The ond collect for same. For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient will bring » messenger whe will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT os' office, » telephone eall a wee ered Yond Wanted A ARGS b & "Al nd ob A sonia rene Batteries repaired Wiiaon, tl) iB Phos ne Abr Ne 1 me) mr WORK, CELLAR and garage floors, sidewalks and rondways, sand, gravel, olndery, Chrls Grabam, Phone 9091M, yr, 80-1 mo) ON automobiles and furniture, The best in workmanship st the lowest prices, Note new address, 401 Bim: ous Bouth, G. A. Constable, Phone neiaw, (Apr, 20:3 whe) und cellars white washed, houses and barns painted, Phone 13088: 1] " oD, Ne Patintuction guaran toad, 188 Allee rirest, hou 1808W, HE oy ay romoved and cartage of all kinds, 'hone 1001W, (1080) able prices, Prices reasonable, Dressmaking MARIN; . die's dresses, Ensemble pulls, ohildren's clothes, and alterations. Mrs, Connolly, 287 Richmond, East, Phone 80 4 (Apr, 88-1me,) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD ANP SOIT WQUR Also bo . y Lod de Meek Lim of + PIANOS, Rew and used planos, ASO radios, latest models; Atthaged. Apply ©. wil. (¥) HN Clips \ Fe Waltrous Meek Limi eo hone 19 ht wo) --- rr VARIN: We have the gest ansorts alnts, varnl , Ale, In The Paint Bore, 10 shes, ment of in the of King street wes ok loam, Phone | - bl Monextbise d "Wo Allow 1 J a / lreet, ders, biagk loam. 60 per yard, For Quality and atvien phone Es sory Bros, 833 » 11, (May 8:0) had Phone (1060) Big Biroller in good repair, R08 W, iw | tables, Apply 0 Contre t, (1080) barry canes, ker, 187 Verdun 1447), Apply William Rar Road, Ph FORAY = WINER, "10 XT, N 83.001 29 x 4.40, $6.05 Ford Rad: fatora, $10, Also auto parts a reasonable prices, Motor Accessory Co, 81 King west. Phone 20864, (Apr, 88simo,) cing and oal oulture, of |} 180 Chureh Stres! 0 oh evening ay \] iF ] 1 or ho, 4 AM at Cabove } ra " r, 20:1 mo) mn 800 10 #1 down, 200 per {veer For samples oy) HY h NA FRENTE FXGANE TE Roun Vista, Avpointmentn Phone Uw, 21.1 "o Insite Prompt delivery, place W, Botrowdale, Puen anders In advance of delivery date, 0 1618, ( Auto Accessories L | for Rent APARTVEN="MOLuTIR, "HONE like suites, Nome furnished, aun. dry, conveniences, eles dryer, eto, 6100 stoves, eley retrigeration, hut water year vound, Phone 1600 or JisTW, (WL) FOUR AND FIVN ROOMED MO orn suites Including electrio refrig: eration, stove, laundry, . convents oroees, elo, continu' 's hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, "phone 4671, or The Trusts und Guarantees Vo, Lid, manager tor owner, Toronto, (47L0H FOR HENT == FIVE ROOMED brick house, conveniences, hard. wood [loors, newly decorated, haved street, Possession May first, Apply U1 Kigin east, phone 10864, ( 1000) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley bivos, (NOLL) CABA LOMA ADARIMD NTH, 101 King street east, Oshawa, Three and five rooms with bath, very modern, Apply to Apartment 9, (1060) " BUHED TWO ROOM FOR Lght housekeeping, suitable for young couple, Phona 3308, (104s) i ROOMED HOUNE, Conveniences, $14 APply Mox 048 Times, (1040) TO RENT-FRONT DRDROOM (6 one or (wo business girls, Board It desired, Apply Hy I Kingsdalo Phone 108M FOR RENT 178 RBlgor W, Por month, Avenue, (100h) FOR NENT COMMODIOUY houne at 100 Albert Bt, Very ces tral, Terms moderate, I'urther pyre tioulars at house or phone B71), (1040) ( i Als ply 78 Fisher Strest phone pidow, (1040) FTRET CLASH TANAUT FOL rent, ita gas rudd Leater for sale kood an new, 24 Colborne street east, Phone 280 (1040) NIORLY™ FURNTWRD FONT bedroom, Five minutes walk from business section, Bult business gentleman. 78 Bond street iy (100e) or OTe | ARTO ROOM TURN TRY or unfurnished, for housekeeping, sired. Central, All conveniences Garden It dee Phone 13438), (1080) 0 sale, EATARS, hardwood trim, Cons veniences, 178 Ccllege avenue, Phone 1017TW, (1080) FOR TENT NOONE HOUSE, Garden, garage, water, light aud kos, Apply 10 Centre street, bE LR 10) Lm #8 (3 rooms, Three minutes walk to hy M.C. Apply 72 Patricia Ave, evens ", (1080) fed, suitable for summer oamp at Rowmanyille heach, WW mile east tof harbor, Apply to WJ, Hender 400, Base Line, Bowmanville, (1080) First nsertion==114 cents per word, Minimum charge 30¢, Each subsequent consecus tive insertion 10 per Thres coussoutive inser (three conta a word), Minimam charge Nor three insertions, tN Box ndmber 100 additional | "hn or Busines n "wn Trani Ho a n 0 to ee BRIGHT UNFURNISHED rooms, Centrally located, Phone Bi1V, (1060) mm house; All sonveniontes, HT) rir 1 foil Phone 1746M, (1060 Fon nw ad) rooms, J Glosain, ete, Lares Jot at AB Cromwell Avenue, #18, Apoly Gene Goodell, Phone HH _-- J Nearly new 6 rooms and Pry age, Diines and fixtures included, $45 per month to good tenant, Apply owner K4 Monarch Park Ave, Toronto, i (10h¢) YOR NUNT==0RICR WOUNE,™ 8 1oomn, All conveniences, Apply 106 Albert Mt, (1060) W 0 rent, Hoard if desired, Centraly looted suitable for business gens teman, Box 664 Times, (10hn) TTMOOMED | % or unfurnished, Phone (10be) URN: i i liouse furnished Apply 818 Colborne Kast, FEE A tral bullding, four Yooms, newly decorated, hardwood floors, elegs trie refrigerator, elove, Janitor service, Phone Li] (106¢) 4) rent, One or two friends, 08 Km nin Wt, Phone B870W, (106b) TOON SUNUATOW™ WITH gavage, Nght and water, Vitteen dollars, B85 Windror Ave, off Wile son Nd, Bouth, i (10060) HOUR TO WENT AT 11" OLA stone Avenues, Apply at house Possession May 1bth, Painter wanted to paint house, (ive price, (1060) TU TENT=HOURE AT TTT HUNK Ft, 4 vooms, large garden, Apply 462 Athol Kt, Phone 81W, (1080) FUTRTRNED TWO TOON ATANT ment, ground floor, private en trance, and conveniences, Ver} gantral, D8 Centre, (1060) For Sale or Rent FOR WATE room, one floor brick (Hadstone avenue, flogrs, chestnut trim, doors, built n eabinet, 0 bath, laundry tubs, elecirlo tures, amall paymont down, monthly: Phone 3010W, (106e) FON FATE ON WERT=L0T AND garage, Equipped with water and Hghtn, also newer laid on, Garage ean he used for teinporary living quarters, 102 Verdun Nd =TIVH bungalo, hardwood French place fixe LER) (1060) Roal Estate For Sale LOT FOR BAL" AT SACRIFIOD on very easy terms, Apply #8 Centre street, (Apr, FL whe ) VOR BALD OUNI AND T7T WN acres, also vacant land, Kawy terms, Close to Oshawa, Abply 140 Anes Bt, Oshawa (1011) FON FALE--NEW ST o0Y rick house, hot water heating, gumwood trim, onk floors through out, Phone 2718W, (1040) FOR FALE--y WOUNRE, ~WACH with 1 acre land or more, Reason: able terms, Phone 48 Or 8 2, 4 (1040) FONT ALE=NUNN TN HOARDING house at Bowmanville Beach, Nplendid beach, nafe and sandy Kleotrio stove and (ights, furnishes od, accommodate frem thirty fo forty, Possession at once, Phone Bowmanville 207, W. J. Berry, (ludg) FON WALT NEW ITY ROOM house one or more acres of lana, cheap for quick sale, 4 mile from pavement, North Oshawa, Apply Stan Prevost, North Oshawa, (104¢) » HOMR Hike house for sale at a anorifien price, $4,800, Central Modern with garage. Phone Holden A71W, (1000) ACRE UNUTOR CLAY LUA, near Oshawa, splendid house, barn, hanary, pikgery, silo and orchard Priced wight, Will consider house in exchange, Lyoett, 25 King K, L1088) For Exchange a IR breakfast room, solid briek, North Toronto veaidence for wsxchanye central Oshawa property; Phone ELLA (1068p) Help Wanted--Femals WANTED =A. RONPONSINCE woman for general housework, Must be good "with ehlldren, alee) in, Phone 4251, (1040) {the subsavotio==Rishop Turquetil in eral, one willing to work out ot city, Apply stating salary, ete, te Rox 652 Tlmes, (1080) Wale or Famule Help i! male earn Upwards of 2 Week ly growing mushrooms for us, lugs trated booklet * v stamp, Canadian yahfooms Co, I Lauder Ave, market Jorden, 0, Ganley, fick ng R, 1040) forials, Buy at low Kastor Div ito prices, Doors, Ready i" ro. n ny oonat WAVE™YOUR™ UAT ON" THUOR repaired at 49 Lond 8, West Body and tender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and -genersl wood work, Phone W, Fry 8805, (Apr 42-1 mo) I TONTTAC YOUR DOO Wis den, ran 6000 milew, Kxosllent eons dition In every way, $876 tov quick sale, I'his Is nearly $400 under Hist price. A ronl buy. Phone 1502W, (1040) "Pets and Live Stock, WHITE TYAN CRICK from carefully selected large heavy layers, after May 1st, All Hatching eggs, Visitors welcome, Geo, Neynolds, Courtien, pr, 46-1 mo,) WERTWOOT CHTNORIT LA AH. bits from vegistered stock, pedi Kroed, vonl prize winners, Bred does, pairs or triow, for sale reason. able, Phone 1088 rv 1.4, (106) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops Installed, '1, Yaylor, Toronto, Jshawi phone 10} 4 (Apr, 10st1,) A OF, CUNWTATNE, ' FLAUR, ull kinds of canvas %00ds, Come plete camp equipment for vent, os Hardware, phone 25 or 26, Agents for J, J, Turner und Mon, Peter boro, Onturie, (Apr, 20<1 mo» Auditing and Accounting AUDTTING™ AND ACCUUNTING service at reasonable . rates. In OMe (Ax reports And ANDU.L) statements prepared, i, A, Holden, 02 Kimcoe street north, phone ui Ww, (Apr, 11-1 mo) Personal WANTED = PATTY 0OTRG 7 Toronto dally with eaf, Phone 17067M (1060) AT WANTEG 70 WHALE Hght housekeeping rooms with an. other af 140 Colborne Kast ----) 106h) Room and Board | COMTORTATLE ROOM AND board for lady or gentleman, 158 Allee nireet, Phone 1808W (10he) NICHLY FURNINHED FRONT room with hoard in good home, for one or two ladies or gentlemen, Apply 146 Bimooe street nortn (106h) Painting and Decorating W OUTROLE, VIRET CLARE PX: perbanger, painting und gralnlog Prices right, work guaranteed, 840 Pine Ave, phone 3006w or share, (78Ln FT IADY; 11 ANOUK ATRERT oust, painting, paperhanging, dec. orating, sign writing, Estimates given on work, Phone 1367J, (May b+1 mo) BISHOP OF ARCTIC SEES PROGRESS IN YEAR JUST CLOSED 1930 Will Be Important Year for Diocese Near Churchill Churehdll, Man==Nineteen-thire in an fmportant year for the "Rishop of the Avetie", Nt, Rev, Av Ay Turquetil, DM, 1, perfeet, apostolic of Hudson Nay, regards the current twelvemonth an one which will stand out prominently in history of hin 400,000-aquare: mile diocese-=probably the largest Catholle diocese in the world, Transfer of diocesan headquart ors to Churchill at the end of the Hudson 'Bay Rallway, from Chess terfield Inlet, 600 wiles north on the west shore of Hudson Bay, Is the moat significant move planned, During 40 years in the noth Bish. op Turguetil has ministered to the Eakimo from the Inlet, "Terminal of the Hudson Ray rallway 1a the logical point for the future centre of Cathollo aetivities in that pection of the north eouns toy," In the opinion of His Lord ship, "With rallways, radio, tele graph and other facilities, we oan administer affairs of the diocese more efficiently from there than from Chesterfield, Nroadeast to Kakimon Rearded and weather-heaten, branded with the vough mark of ty no backward denizen of the bam vents, Nearly threé years amo ab tor a tour In the United States, he inaugurated a special broadeast to the Rakimos, opening the serviee with a talk in thelr language: he in noted an comptier of an Bakimo grammar and diationary, A Cathofle Chureh and residence for Rishop Turquetil are. to he arene ted at Fort Qhurvehill, whore cons struction work on the. west's new seaport in helng rushed ahead, Je slides, a hoapltal in to ha buflt this year at Chesterfield to serve an Area hundreds of wilea In vadiug where most of the residents are Kakimos, ald New Churches At Flin Flen and Cold Lake, minhig centres north of The Paw, Shusthes are to he built thix year orthiand Catholies: one Is vin ped y completed at Nelion Wouww ke. Winnipeg. Settlers and otion workers will be served this summer by missions all along the 500 miles of Hudson Bay vall * i Norn In. Novmandy, France, §4 to Canada in 1000, the your after his ordination as an Obiste, One of u 1tle band sent to minister io the ¥skimos, he worked frst ai Reindesr lake, on the Manitoba Haskatchowan border, and later os tablished a mission at Chesterfield Inlet, I'here he built a humble chapel-house which served him al. #0 an 8 home, - #56 BOND WT, WENT No dictionary of grammar or ine A terpreter aided the young Vrenche man's offort to master the Kskimo tongue; he struggled along In pts tgmpis (0 converse with the sub- wrotic natives and In na few years could speak and write the 1angunge fluently, Mission work In the Bay ares Placing Automobile get my special rates, Vargain prices. for Jois In Donarborn Pavk, subdivision west, of Kimcoe St, North J. HL LUKE Iegont Theatre Bldg, Nelore Insurance provided a tank of steady toll, Fa. ther Turquetil made friends with the natives; translated © prayer books and' catechisms Into Xekimo seript; distributed them on stencils od sheaty, Vive Yeurs of education worn necessary before the fArst Wee Kimo conver. was ready for haps Liam, Mix yenrs ago, In charge of (he Chesterfield dioceses, ¥ather Tur. quell] established n second mission nl Eskimo Point, midway between Chesterfield and Churehill; a year Jater nm third mission was formed al Kouthampton Island, at the mouth of Hudson Bay, And al. ways, witli his work, the missioner eontinuad his sclentife studies; Yas dio and arvehasologlenl research are hobbles; meteorological record. ings for Dominion Government ave an added task, BO Years' Nervice In 1046, Father Turquetil was granted recognition for a quarter. century of labor In the north soun- try He wns called to Rome and oreated a hishop; his title wan made ""Prafect Apostolic of Hudson Bay." Even In these modern days, the "bishop of the Arvetie' Is Intimate ly associated with the rigors of travel in the north, Lafe in Marcy he left Chesterfield for the south his party wan twice snowbound on the bon-mile dog-team {trek fo Churehill Despite perfect servige on the first special train down the Bay line it wan three weeks before + I | Kara Coffee | Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores Ee ----, GOOD Ea fans THE ONTARIO , MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe Kt, B. Phone P00 -- a Order Your Bpring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING 00, ON KING BT, W, Thome 9141 We Deliver the bishop reached The Pas Today, his Lordship is In the east, My the end of June, he plans to he bach at Churehill, The re turn trip north from the Bay port will he made by boat; missions on the west coast will ha visited en. route, At Chesterfield, hy mids summer, the "bishop of the aretle" will he engrossed again In the northland's busiest scolesiantica) Year MUST SUICIDE PAY DOCTOR'S BIL? Berlin TT Pussled Over New Quirk in Medical Problems Berlin~1n a person who ats tempted sufcide obliged (to pay the doctor who resuscitated him against his own will, for medical services rendered? That Is the question which has been occupying the minds of Berlin lawyers since the refusal of Walter Plohm to 0ome across after having been brought back to this vale of tears, Determined to end his oxistence, Walter stretched out on his bed with an open gas hose in his mouth, Other tenants, notlolng the odor, forced the door and summoned a dootor who restored him to lite after an hour's work, But far from being grateful, Blohin went for the doctor 'for meddling in what war none of his business" and bringing Mm back from the great beyond against his, the suicides wish, and refused to pay a fee, His wite fully suppored him in this attitude, aha also claiming not to have any Interest in her husband's vontinued existence, The doctor refused to hring sult, But the oases aroused interest among lawyers, Who since have been stating thelr opinions in the newspapers, Raformer( to prostrated man) And #0 this in the work of rum, ia It Proatrated Man--No, air; this in the work of a banana akin, EATON CROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always i Tailor-made [Suits oe $25.00 HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID Flectrio Sanded and Finishes od Complete W. J. TRICK Co, 11D, B5 Albert Bireet Phone 880, 881 ir" Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Nisney-Cott AMBULANCE 87 Colina St. . Phone 1088 I LUMBER | F. L. BEECROFT 'hithy Lumber and Woo | Yard 'hone Oshawa B34 i Whitby 18 FOR SALE=On account of health, food 100 ners farm, plowing and sending done) complete with horses, sows, plas, fowl, implements, ote, Lot go at $0500.00 hall oanh, Bal Mit No exshang We have others te exchange for Oshawa property, See DISNEY REAL ESTATE, I ---------- T'housamie Now Fai CO Bafiey A Delightivl Break/ast Food ome EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specinlising K oa And glass, Phone=1818 Disney pk s Opporite Bert Offs Good Weather Ahead! wal) NOL 1080 YOUR CAPs Let me Hnance adh tional Oash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS nd Woollen Mills | tland ® HUTINN, Manager JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARDO JW, Worrall, "Oph. D. Nyeaight Specialist Phone 8813 Hy FORRES ARO: Mathep Turquetil came Noo 6, 141 ig Bh kaw | A gy JEWELRY TOE Sta,