Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 May 1930, p. 10

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SE fd their bl Gr ss vp THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY.6, 1930 Home of Mr, Ww. ------ and Mrs. Killy Burgess should '1 go to all that trouble? t. house was good enough, for Flickers and it Is good enough for Killy and me. No, sir, I wast" ed no time on building & . nest, There Is 8 nice bed of old chips in there for my eggs and that is all I want," : "How many eggs are agked Potor, "What business is that of yours, Peter Rabbit?" demanded Mrs, Kil iy rather sharply, xapiiediDet one 'yop on, rather meekly, "1 am just ours lous," (© t, 1080, T. W, Burgess) next story; "A Gentleman of the Afr," horn?" NOTED DOGTORS 70. MEET IN WINNIPEG British Medical Association' to Hold Convention in August 4 Winnipeg. =~ Impressive names are lated on the early wero! of members who will dttend the 08th annual meeting of the Britsh Medi. sulting obstetric surgeon. at ont at the sessions ls Bir. Varqubar Buesard, Bart, KOV.0, MD, V, ROP, Physician extraordinary to King Goorge, Rly Varquhsr wae ospecinlly Jrominent during Majesty's 1luess some 16 ago, He in veglus professor Mot physics at Oxford, Lady Barrett, O.H,, M.D, M.#,, a distinguished figure In obstetrics an woll as In the social world, has expressed Intention of coming to the meeting at Winnipeg, fihe holds the eminent position of cons the Moyal Free Hospital, London, Distinguished fn medico-political work of the British Medion! Awsso- physician who will attend, Is prominent for his, treatment of mental. disorders, At Middlesex Hospital, London, he is emeritus in psychiatry, , In Dr, and Mrs, N, Bishop Hare man, the sessions will find two of the best-known members of the ass sociation, Dr, Harman, who Is treasurer of the body, Is opthaimic surgeon at West London Hospital, Mis wite, also & member of the pro- fossion, is daughter of Arthur Chamberlain, of Birmingham, Lord Moynihan of Leeds, dis tinguished surgeon from leeds fichool, is another distinguished Presi. dent of the Royal College of Bur. goons, England, and president of Acknowledged authority distetics and pediatrics, Dr, Hutchison was present 'as nm section' officer at the 1807 and 1006 gatherings, the on- ly other oteasiohs on Which the British body has met in Chnada, fir Squire Rprigge, M.D, V.C.R, P., editor of "The Lancet' ir James Purves Stewart, K.CM.G, OB, lecturer (n clinical medicine at Westminster Hospital; Sir Rich. ard Luce, K.OM.G, CB, MB, VV, RCP, member of the central council of the British Medical As sociation-~these are but a few of the outstanding London medical men who will be in attendance, Among the more prominent Irish A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME THAT WORKED Bowls, Md =Douglas C, Turnbull, general inspector and Thomas A Berney; assistant, of the Maryland Racing Association, operators of the Bowle track, are authorities for this get rich quick scheme, ' A man, necompinied by « woman, approached the $50 pari-mutuels ticks et seller's window und slapped down $900, "I want to play a horse," the man said, "What horse!" Fred Lamb, the sels fer, naked, In time 1s 'something lost, or we mo'er can count the onl Association, to he held in Wins nipeg In late August, Virtually ovary portion of the Empire will Fras 3 She, ghinsy talent, t when one runs off the road OW nglan #. Most generous fe wimest always tears down a bill. | 18 fis representation, (3 Among those who will be pres doctors who have made reserva. tions for the conference are Rir William Taylor, K.B.E., C.B,, reg- fus professor of surgery at Dublin University, and fir William Wheel. or, past president of the Noy! Col. lege of Wurgeons, Ireland, the section of surgery of the 1080 BM. A, meeting, hin appearance wil) ho looked for with marked atten- tion, The meeting will be the third in Canada for Dr, Robert Hutchison, physician to the London Hospital, ciation is Dr, H, B, Brackenbury, vesent chairman of the eouncil, is knowledge of the eperation of various Insurance Acts 1s regarded as unrivalled, Mir Hubert Bond, Kon, MD, FRCP, who is com. missoner of the Board of Control, -- One thing to be sald In favor of reckless drivers out inthe country "Any horse," the man replied, Lamb gave the man 2000 worth of tiekets on Squab, winner of the first race and the "any horse" better won $2,208 and got his original $900 back Squab paid $245 for $1, cont, ~=Killy the Sparrow Hawk, Sr------ It wag true that Hi the Spar. Yow Hawk and Mrs, Killy were 1y- Ing In a hollow in a tree, The tree A bousdrLil "was beside the Long Lane, A ELLA CINDERS--The Soap Hurdles Iarge branch high up bad Aled and this was hollow, Yellow Wing the ¥iioker had hollowed it out, Peter could remember when Yellow Win "had been at work there, He use (0 hear the rat-a-iat-int of Yellow Wing when be used another limb nearby for a drum, 'Bo when Danny Meadow Mouse fold Petey that the Killys had a nest in a hollow in wn tres, Pater y remembered that old home of Yel. "1 thought as. mach" sald Teter to ugh iJ himself NWO MOTHER, \S WITH ME HER, A !M\ ONLY A oh low Wing's, He hopped out in the Long Lane, where he could look up " Al that dead 1imb, Sure enough, right on the top of 1t sat Killy the Sparrow Hawk, He was sitting very straight, as 1s his way, A Mt. "He way below him Peter could see A round hole, That was the ens trance that had been out by Yellow Wing the Flicker 16ng ago, While Peter was starving up at it, a face appeared in the doorway, Mrs, Killy was looking out, "I thought aw mueh," sald Poler to himself, 'They have taken pose session of Yellow Wing's old home and I suppose that by now they have eggs there, I wonder If they built & neat inside, I konw Yeliow Wing didn't, I have talked with Mra, Flicker and she says that hullding a west in a hollow like that i5 a waste of time, She says that when she makes the hollow she leaves some tiny chips at the bots tom, and these make the best kind of & bed, Khe ways all the Wood: Qosker family do this way. But inwome Rluebird and Skimmer the Swallow and Jenny Wren and Tommy. Tit the Chickadee and Cronty the Flycatcher and Speckle the Starling and Bully the English Sparrow all bulld nests inside the hollows in trees or the houses they use. 1 wonder it Mrs, Xilly does, I'wish she would come down here Whtte ¥ could talk to her" MAR TARE 8 it in answer, Mrs, Killy came cP RT ) out and circled overhead, while Festive WR Killy loft his perch and disappears West ed through the round doorway of , Dally the home. A moment later she + Batty Exvept Sunday) oame down and caught a big beetle alr Hneepy ! + Just a little way from where Peter Dain was, Khe flew over to a post to ] a Eat eat this beetle and Teter hopped i over to the fool of the post. You , Dnly. (Except Sunday) noe, although Mrs, Xilly was nl 1 Daily hawk, Peter wasn't afraid of her, PAA am al 0 was too small for Peter to fear, ; 1LWAYS - "How do you do, Me, Killy?" RR me tee hp nh, said Peter in his most polite mans ( me) ner, "Hallo, Peter," sald Mrs, Killy, "What ave you doling here?" "I was on my way home," re PHONE 22 Fér Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S | 10 Simcoe Ht. 8, ~~ We Deliver plied Peter, "but thought I had better stay over in the bushes along the Loug Lane until I can be sure that none of the big members of your family is around, I didn't know that you were living over hore until just now." "There are many things you don't know, Peter Rabbit," replied Mrs, Killy, "1 know it," veplied Peter humb- ly, "I know it and that is why 1 am always trylpg to learn more, For instance, I know where your home Is, 1 know when that house of yours was made, and by whom, But there is one thing about it | don't know and that I want to know," "What ix that?" inquired Mrs . Kill, ON THE MIGHT OF 8.14, 1864, RIG THE nara Peter quire, CMLWAR 1 THE 1.5 THE HOUSKIONC hs SUNK IN CHARLLSTON HARBOR BY A CONF: ERATE SUBMARINE, THIS 13 THE FIRSY CORD "Have I bullt a nest!' exelnimed Mrs, Killy scorntully, "Of course £0 INSTANCE OF A WARSHIP BEING SUNK BY A SUBMARINE. HY DO YOU THINK HE OUGHT 10 HAVE NOTHING BUT Sup: MARINES IN THE NAVY, BETTY ? "CAUSE WHEN A BOMBING PLANE COMES ALONG THEY CAN DUCK AND SAVE THE DEUTICHIAND | THE GERMAY SUBMARINE THAT MANE TWO 1% TO AMERICA IN (9/6 I baven't, Why should 17 Why SUBMARNE BUNT BY THE CONFEDERATE WAVY DURING THE CIVIL WAR IN THE UNITED STATES wm HAS, LONG BLEM A DREAM OF MAN, THE FIRST SUBMARINE WAS BUILT BY CORNELIUS VAN DREBEL, A DUTCHMAN 11 THE SERVICE OF KING JAMES 1 OF EMGLAND IN 1620, IT WAS NAVIGATED BY TWELVE ROWERS. poe SUBMARINE LIKE THE ALROPLANE Puma roy = ERESS Tess 22233 BEEN DEVELOPED BY THE CHIEF NATIONS OF THE WORLD WAS INVENTED BY JOHN P. HOLLAND IN 1877, ® 100 King Ponturan Byndioate, Ine, Groat Britain rights reserved "mee 22s Pee 2333 BRINGING UP FATHER am, om, 48 am, 1 pom, 2,00 pom, nm, ally, Except Bunday * anday only LE OM: SHE WANTED TO wT OFF TO GO "TO THA ERWRALT CANNER BALL» BHE INSISTED ON GOING 90 | MRED HER: AT DOWN 1 | . COOKED THE YOU SAY YOURE 'M GOIN HOME NOT EOIN TO THE SAVER IKRALT CANNERS BALL TONIGHT WHAT'S THE MATTER? GOOD MORNING SR. | HOPE YOU with LUKE YOUR BREAN FADT Nrv---- ily ; ih Except Sunday y , pm, Hi A Except Sunday A a fa Except Saturday i wom Dai y AO 4 Eacept Sunday pay weept Sunday : Bail, Ener: Binds ah M ie x inter only # s Dally, Except Sunday NOTHING Jor LARGR Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville NOTHING TOO SMALL BS LINE ou E | A ' Adanac Machine Sho oon Flay a wa ve 401 King St, W, Phone 1814 2% pEeeanoy Arrive Hospital & noes "om apm Diamonds ! [4 3 H fy \ wh A 4 J f Hilt ' dD x ~ ; ~ NIU J « rm un ran NONE ian sens waned A AML A AD 4 AND THERE WAS A CUTE LITTLE DWAR WA "TWILL HELP YOU! SAID THE DARE. 'LISTEN TO Ma . Nl Rey a & -- ; SUDDENLY COMEY HRARD A \TTLE VOICE CALLING HIS NAME v a Te! oY oTO TAKEN I Could a WV ONR = MA I = AND pRNAY IT TO MR @IRL \ GO WITH CAN'T PASS OUT HER PHOTON ™ EVERY GUY THAT ASKS WHER

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