Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 May 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930 PAGE NINE Residence Rule For O,H.A. Players | © The following should bo cure- fully read by players wishing to 'become members of Ontario's Fo key association elubs pleying une | der the jurisdiction of the Canwe | "dian Amateur Hockey Association. No Daves shall be eligible to piny with any club unless he has been a bona and continuous reisdent of the eity, town op district thet the club represents sipce the 16th Salle do ma ur ov ih village, ust p h H.A, club nearest to his residence having a team entered in the series in which he 1s eligible to play, it being understood thet a junior nyer has the privilege of ing a day of May preceding the date of | st the fivet game, No player who has changed bis residence or ¢lub since Jan, 1, pre. the season in which 0) ts to compete shall be gronted a cortifiente unless he has | Inf Satisned the CAH A, through OH, A, of the bons fides of such change, with complete and definite informa- tion regarding the change of resis dence on forms supplied for the Ove by the CANA, PDO ficon Coneant of Club In cities and towns having more Be ST ace ow 0 change out the pl mission of the O,H.A, and the Oh, ¥.A., after having first secured tho writton consent of hig elub, A player who desires to change hin cub or residence must first secure the written consent of his club, In case a player under 30 years of age changes his club or resid. ence he must also weoure written consent of his parents or guardian, When prior te Oct, 1 an employ~ or changes residence of an employe who has had six months' contin- uous hervice prior to this ghange of residence, and that player still con- tinues In that same employment during the whole of the playing season, Players receiving certifi cates under this -olause sutomatie- ally forfeit them if they leave that service, When in the ease of boys under 20 years of age Jan, 1, the parents and family change their residence and the boy continues to reside with his family, No player shall be permitted to play for more than ene club In the SAMO KORMON, Students and Teachers In case of a player residing in and shal notify. the O.H.A/ execur tive whether he will play. with a a or with. ub wher sehool of Toarn ng in located, A student Jeaving a town to at. tend n high school in another town ennnot quality under the student rule if there is a high wehoo! In his own heme town of the same gr xcept oe , Applicaton to the O, H.A, executive, dunior Players : A junior player is one who 1s under 20 years of age 'on Jan. 1 of the season in which Be wishes to play, Bis olub shall furnish the executive' sommittes of the OWA, with official proof of Ms Age; No player shall he elighle to play in a junior series. if. Ne has during the same season played In more than one mame. either Intermediate or senior for his elub in the asso olation weries, and for the batter interpretation of this clause any part of any senlor or intermediate game shall constitute a whole game, The O.H.A, executive will hold A meeting on or about June 16 to pass on players' applieations for change of residence or elub, All applications must be filed with the OHA, on or before June 13 (appli- cation forms are now available), CANADIAN GRIDDERS PLAY BRITISH RUGBY (By The Canadian Press) Winnipeg, Man, May 6, -- Not Just because they believe in Ame ericanized spring training, but be. cause they liked it, many of Wine nipeg's outstanding gridiron pers formers have taken up British rug- by this season, Home of thom Are just learning to play the great English sport-~others have become almost veterans at it==but they all like It, Nearly a poore of Canadian rug by stars are scattered amgng the half-dozen senior British rugger teams in the city, The latest Yu ernft 18 "Dynamite Bddie James, pungiug halfback ade of last 'sen son's Hegina Roughriders, James turned in his firet rugger battle recenty and scored the try that ene abled Rt, John's College to defpat Wanderers, § to 0, Grain exchange have eontribut od two teams to the gity dengue and other squads are Bt, John's, Youns Men's Hebrew Association, Garrison and Wanderers, The ' Exchange number One 'squad and the college {ans have divided moat of the Cans adlan zugbriats. nay Mobbarits mite marvel of the co ] in the fall, teams W with James for the Englhh sports , = ° Others are Arni Caulter, fomer Manitoba Varsity » terback, Weary" ne Si ah SE jand, Geoll Forayth, "the summer months and ON hardongd bora who keep up their grid activities will be in mid-season form when the Canadian rugby season opens sarly in September, CHURCH AND STATE "CLASH IN MALTA ==Suspension of Le ) in Malta, sche 24, waa on tion yesterday by the Cane, the Sir John N ween church and Friction bet a i Taonthe; was {he cause of the so Hons close 10 the 0 Cathollo eos Ly conatitut party they +. not Be shiowed to receive abs solution, . Hockey Stars For Maritimes Halifax, N85. May 0.--~(Ry W, J. Foley, Canadian Press Sports Writer) =-Maritime Provinces will go further Into the Allan Cup competition in 1081, of the active ities of hookey solons of the last few weeks can be taken as any oriterion, In the season just closed the Truro Beareats, Maritime repre. sentatives made the best showing of Any team against the Montreal Winged Wheelers, Canadian ama tour hookey champions, losing a two mame series at Montreal by Just three goals to nothing. From Renforth, Ontario, comes word that Harold Eady, sub-goalle for the Hamiltos Tigers Ontario Champions, has gone to Sussex, N B., where he will reside for the summer and play with the Coltk in the Southern League, In the same despatoh mention is made that two or three other players are expected to leave shortly from Hamilton for Sussex, Halifax Wolverines expect to have two or three men in before the end of the month, from Upper Canada, Sydney used three Upper Canadians. in their 1980 lineup and are expected to go to the Ups per Provinces for material for next year, Bathurst Papormakers, 1089 Maritime Champions, had one Upper Canadian on thelr line-up last season and expect to add at Jeast two this season, {Other Maritime teams that are expected to add Montreal or Tore onto men to thelr 103% rosters are Saint John, Moncton, Kentville, New Glasgow, Fredericton, and possibly Charlottetown and Bums meraide, Meanwhile the stranger clubs in the Provinces are raiding the weak. or clubs for material, If present ideas persist only a few coaches will be imported, while many players will be hrought in, The Maritimes have gone into this Allan Cup competition serious. iy, That the Down Easters will put up & much harder fight for recognition in the coming winter in predicted, not only in the Mari times but also in Upper Canadian circles, : One of the Montreal coaches in the Maritimes last season told Montrealers that Maritimers were ust learning the game, which ught the retort that they would have to be oned with in the near future, 200u "Look here, Sous asked Colonel White, "do "lappen to know whete nk J -- ia th now?" "Yasuah! She » Brother sah teplind \ |] minute over dah In de i de lumber vahd, lookin' for. job, sah" BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL UBAGUS Won Lost 7.0, Bullalo is irninial Rochester I FERR EERE] Jorsey City eeions Nowark ,...00000s mes , Monday's Ga Open date, , ods or Le Gama A a at wulisle, pm) w Yi b - To|BPRIEZIW OR isan nnpast IOINORLE vos rnee T° NEE Philadelphia sorren B10 L} Now York ,, 0 Pittsburg ,, Cincinnati , 10 Boston +4 Only games played, Josten at Cinel " rookiyn at C 0 A GOH J Wie, AM AN LY i Philadolohin +..,.11" Cleveland ,.,004,11 WuNnpton voi idl A higuko irrbennnne 1 tr LOWS J asinin 8 Now York esses, 8 Hoston trades 81 Detroit sprees ates 1 onda; New York ne chi 0 ohiird Bost Glertland ay [L] 0 " Bt, Louis, on 4038 Detroit vous B xPhtiadelphin 4 13 innings, Games Toda At, Louis 'at PhingeIphia, Chicago at Boston, Cleveland at Now York, Detroit at Washington, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won Lost P.O Loulsville ,,,,,.,,18 5 ,708 Columbus ,,.6 Milwaukee ,,,.8 Ble Paul 00000000 8 [|] Indianepolls ,,,.., 7 1 Kansas CIty hovers B 1] 01040: +s eneie } x Milwaukee ,,,,,,, 0 11 Minneapolls ,,.,., § 18 y's Toledo v0 Kansas City ., 8 Columbus ,.,, OMilwuskes ,,..0 Bt, Paul .., 4 Indianapolls ,.1 Loulsville ,,16 Minneapolis ,,2 Games Today Indisnpolis at Minneapolis, Louisville at St, Paul, Columbus at Kansas Oity, Toledo at Milwaukee, Coast Basketball Team Famous Winn M Mi nnipeg, Man, May 0,-(® the Canadian Pross)---To the tape in tune of a bounding baskets Il, Now Westminster Adanace have danced noross Canada, to their second Canadian cage title, From the Rockies to the Maritimes they travelled---and to-day, back in thelr British Columbia homes they oan look back on spectacular trall leading to a title, Their news ost champlonship march ranks with the greatest of Canadian sport achisyements, Ten times the Adanacs piloted by brainy little-Gifford, entered orucial trays en route to their secs ond title in a row, In each of five two-game series they dashed aside a team which would have taken up the fight for Dominion honors, First the Coastmen 00! ped top place in British Columbia ==then they pushed aside the best in Alberta, Saskatohewan apa Manitoba to win the Western orown--and finally they downed the eastern winners, In ten dontests, the Adanace Sisal 84,4 points per game as they jumped on and off trains, worked out on unacustomed "™ and systematically brushed aside titlescontenders, Nine of the ten Ames were won by the hoys from the far-west, Their lone loss came at Winnipeg, when they fell before Tollera~~who used to be champs of Canada.~by a single point, on to rally and win the round by a brace of markers, ' Whild the Adanaocs piled up 344 points in ten matches, their oppons ants could do no better than total 215, Only the Winnipeg Tellers came close to halting the New Westminster squad's eastward rush=-and a last-minute rally diss sipated the Manitoba's Mpiking At Lethbridge, the Aces hel the Adanacs to a on t win. margin, in the opener, but in the second game the victors held an 18-point edge. he record of Adanac scores across Canada in worth nenliing, Vancouver saplials ost the Anal fight for BN, C, honors by 41.38 | Ted MeEwan, Dr, Dick 8'| Max Bhiles, ARSENAL, ENGLISH F, A, CUP CHAMPIONS The. photograph shows tha Ay. i sonal Cup team In thelv special enp orsoyl, Avsonal won the cup last urduy when they defeated Huds DODDS KIDNEY approval and. pleasure, though in varying degrees, But it was felt that this comment was, in a Jour~ nelistie way, incomplete until J. L, Garvin, editor of the weekly Observer, had the opportunity of suanning Canada's Budget in rer view, Now Garvin has spoken, "Phe Canadian Budget," says the Observer's leading editoris), "Is one of those rare strokes of policy which flluminate the reali~ tes of Empire, Like Laurier's ine troduction of preference a genera tion ngo, It Is 8 message from overseas telling us that. the ideal of welding rather Isolated come munities of the British Common~ wealth into » more organic whole Is not ours alone," mi Br, dersfiold Town 4 goals to 0 in the final at: Wembley Stadium before » evowd of 98,000, The photograph shows: LEFT to RIGHT, front vow The Observer proceeds Lo eme phasize the point that the new Canadian tariff is tivst and fore. mont an Instrument of national policy, and that stimulus to the transformation in Cansda's fisgal Hu y Williams, Jack Lambert, | Pready, Halliday, John and Hap. Pa (Capt,) James, Bastin and | good, Jones, LEFT TO RIGHT, back row, Baker, seddon, Haynes, Lowi, arown, They were Wally Mayers, utler and The first three were B.O.U, Players, but fhiles was rons reporter with the team that ost at Windsor Collegiate Alumni, Binok-haived Mayers, who roams the floor like a tornado, led his mates on the ten-game total with §0 points--rising to the height with # 28-point contribution in the two games against Aondin University, Mhiles,, a gaunt, quiet forward with A deadly eye, added 83 points to his mates aggregate, Actunlly he wus the most consistent on the team, for he totalled better han a score of poins In each of the first thres title series; then, favoring an in. ured knee he let his scoring lapse a hit Third in the ascross-Canada sooring list was Doug Fraser, lanky captain of the Adanaes to whom the players ascribe the Aghting spirit of thelr guint, Fraser totals led 61 points, just 11 more than Butler. the little dentist woh Is his mate at guard, While seoring an average of 9 points a game, this defensive duo held opposing seors ors to less than 22 points on the average in thelr ten grueling title matohew, "Chick" Hood, though he was Httle used In the final matches against Acadia, totalled 88 points in the other four serviees, The only other player whose aggresnte went into two figurees was Mor Ewen, with 81 for his total, Cone sequently a _high-scorer during the penson, MoBwan falled to hit his stride until the final games when he ran wild and scored five bask. ot, National League REDN BEAT BRAVES Cinclnnatl, 0, May G-=Foup ex: tra base hits by Horace Ford, Clus eolnnatl, short stop, who punished the ball for three doubles and a triple and. drove in four runs bes sides scoring twice himself, yesters day aided the Reds to drive Hur leigh Grimes trom the box and in a ten to six slugfest from the Braves, Boston 000 005 010-0 18 2 Oinoinnatl 001 084 00x10 18 1 Grimes, Brandt & Cronin, Gow dy; Lucas, Frey and Gooch, GIANTS TAKE ist PLACE Pittaburgh, May 6--Bill Walk. or's southpaw slants abetted by his home run with the bases full sent the New York Giants into first place in the National League pen. nant race yesterday nn the Pirates ware defeated 9 to 1, Walker blanked the Pirates for eight rounds, handing out only three hits, George Grantham's home run in the ninth, however, spoiled the otherwise brilliant pers formance, 100 500 008.0 18 1} New York Pittsburg 000 000 001-1 6 2 American League and 61:18«-a total of 93-37 on the tound. On hy RIA the Ad Maud | ge, Al Burren 7 to aX ) nie sames, on on to Saskatchewan, At Saskatoon, Varsity Grads fought bard but lost, 36:30 And d4dbee which totalled 80-46, and indie ates that the atohewan champs were Wbited ibborn, Winnie lors the Adanves Bn dus SE In th W\ ing ® #O0ON [ winners, by 30-39, 44 ting a ™m y AN d on " thousand \ ; at lle, No a o minster lads bats t the dian ohamplons $hig y ) ints was their when the matoh against Acadia University, first maritime team to the eastern title, over with a score of 28-23, t the second tilt ended 34-19 for the westerners and the round was theirs $042, And the trans continental title-hunt ended in sues GOMEZ WINS FIRST START Now Yorks May O.-Making his first Major league atart, Vernon Gos men, 19-year-old Yankee recruit outh, ow, held the White Sox to ve hits yesterday as New York des feated Chicago 4 to 1, The victory fave the Yanks three out of four in the current series at the stadium, iy viavasasy 010 000 000-1 § 1 1 ork yiyyes 000 000 Syd 6 0 ber, Caraway and Autry; Gom. d Hares LETICS WIN WITH HOME RUNS Philadelphia, May 6.=Scoving all their runs. on homers the Philadel ghia Athleties yesterday won their t in anecession and the ops ener of the series from the St. Louis Browiig by the score of 4 to 3 in 12 nn x St Lous got to Lefty Grove for one the first inning and twe in the second tor a 30 ) o Mackmen then began ta club' houndary blows, Joe B EE ; Mule A lathed fe sot wm ai unm, rake hp | 1} eiren i 0 re ie Frenoh, Homaloy, AR Haraveaves. U ings just below the upper A PRION Inte the stands behind centrex eld, St. Lotls ,.., 120000 000 0003 7 0 Philadelphia , 001 011 000 001d # | Crowder and Manlon; Grove and Cochrane, RED 50% SMOTHER CLEVE. D Boston, May 6~The Boston Red Sox found' four Cleveland pitehers for 23 hits to win the final game of their series with the Cleveland In. dians 18 to J here yesterday and break the Indians winning streak, which lind extended to six games, Boston 012 191 13x18 23 0 Cleveland ,,.,., 200 000 100 3 7 1 Hudlin, Shaute, W. Miller, Jablon« owskl and L. Sewell; Myatt] Gaston and Berry, -- SENATORS LOSE TIGHT GAME Wasihngton May 6.~The Senators lost & tight ball game to the Detrolt Tigers horg yesterday, J to 1, four Detroit pitchers held Washington to eight hits while three Senator box men 'sllowed the 1 gers 10 hits Detroit ? 000 000 210-3 10 1 Washington ,.., 000 000 100-1 8 1 Hogsett, Herring, Page," Sullivan and Rensi; Brown, Braxton, Moore and Spencer, Ruel BL ---- REAL OLD MOVIE FOUND N TORONTO Toy of 60 Years Ago Was Forerunner of Moving Picture Machine Toronto, ~The great-great-gran daddy of all motion pleture machines exists In Toronto: Sixty years nyo, a little boy brought it from Knghnd among his playthings, Today it has becong the mestprizsed toy of his grandchildren, And it Isn't because of its antiquity pat the little brown eyed daughter of A, I. Cooper, Durie Strect, loves her grandfather's funny old movie machine, Tt Is because it shows people really dancing and eat ng nd running, and it is all in gol ors, This ancient mechanical toy Is eal lod the Whee! of Life, and was one of the earliest suggestions of motion pletures, It was invented in 1848, and in the first known mechanism of nan to greate an illusion of motion, In fuct it embraces a fundamental prin. cipal, upon which Edison invented the kinomatograyh, almost 50 years fater, So simple in ts mechanium that years in cellar and garret, and countless children's fingers have fails ed to injure its smoothness of opers ation, But In its very simplicity Nes ita wonder, the wonder of a compli cated machine age at the primitive and amazing discoveries of man upon which it fs based, The odd old play: thing looks at first {lance like an old round cake tin per hed upon a ped. estal, Hesido it rested a pile of "reels," strips of picture of colored figures In successive stages of moves ment, They were browned with age, Inspection of the machine roveRItd that the wall of the cylinder was per forated with 13 narrow vertical opens ail The eylinder rested on a pivot, which was connected by a belt to a wheel, When the wheel was turned the cylinder revolved, Mr Cooper placed a "reel inside the cylinder so that it lned it below the vertical openings, The strip of pietures was about a yard long, exactly the circumference of the eylinder, A lamp was moved over to shed ita light down upon the aps paratus, He turned the crank of the wheel, and the show was on, Through the apparatus as tha cylinder revols ved a series of small poroises darted up and down in the water aceoms pattied by seagulls that flipped and ped their wings overhead, e operation. of the machine is based upon the physical phenomenon known ay Jersistence of vision, through which the retina of the oye retaing for onesseventh to ones tenth of a second ay image impressed upon it, By a se ACCOM ive fase of movement as shown on the Apparently ' RE y that © of f LE) 10 the little hoy 60 years ago, it ter MAN ® yer JOvely 10 min system has come from the tari attitude and actions of the United Mates, The object of the Britisn preference is, perhaps, not so much to allow British L00ds in as to keep American out, continues the Gare vin organ, which adds, however, "but. Mr, Dunning made it clear he is by no means satisfied with this negative position and, In words as significant as we, in Britain, may choose to make them, ho declared the new schedule exe press the spirit in which Canada will nppronch the forthcoming Ime perial Conference, "Coming at this time when the difficulties of British industry are noute and when Britain's economic prowtige is overclouded, this dees laration of Canada's belief in our ability te replace even the mage niffeant United Mtates sources of supply in a much-needed mossage of cheer." DOG CATCHER TURNS TO THIEF CATCHING New York, "Want a Nit!" sald Edward Smith, "Sure," said James Brown "Kver ride in a wagon like this Yonkers City dog catcher, before!" asked Smith who Is the "No." LONDON APPLAUDS CANADA'S BUDGET AS EMPIRE LINK yy Leading Journal Hails It As "Oh, fo." Evidence of Faith in Silence and driving: Britain's Futute "Here's where you get out" -- London, May 6, The dally "Say, this Is the police station!" "You bet, and L think you're the guy who snatched a woman's purse| newspapers of London have als an hour ago, You an the des| ready commentéd on the Canadian scription, That's why I picked yon | Budget brought down by the Hon Charlies A, Dunning, Minister of Finance, Their volces have been " up. Brown was srrigned on a charge of uniform, In that they expressed suspicion of felony: Home Earlier, Fresher! BRISK side after Ay tt Ith LL] CCM. Bicycle \ Prices are the lowest in thirty yours, quality has never been higher, The increase In C.CM.'s output ie pa al» Sug a made, Everyone knows that a bigger out. put means lower manufacturing costs, bicycles, the Bran el of wpsricna J Felon 6 Points of €.C.M. Superiority 1s CCM, 20-yoar Nickel Plating, 24 CCM, Triplex Crank Hanger, 34 CCM. Improved Hercules Coaster Brake, 4. Three Cots of GCM. Hamel baked on 5. Gibson Pedals (on most models). 6: Dunlop Ties CCM Bicycles 0 . W. T. SUDDARD ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Headquarters for All C. C. M. Products 638 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 1341W.

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