Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 May 1930, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY .'IMES, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1930 QUBDAINS 16 PHLENTS ' Otaws ~=Offiglating with the a Ll} pavors of his Bishop's office for tha first time sings bis vonse- Cwration, Mey, Joseph Guy, npostalio viear of Grousvd, ordained to the - iprigsthiood, 10 oblate Vathers of ttawa Kast Bcholasticate, Among those ordained were Nav, Puther Jenn Muveel Belanger, son of Aures Hen Belanger, former. Itussell Lounty M.1.A, and ot Mys, Delan- gor, and Nev, Vather Athert Lov- ongo Danie, son of Magistrate Dan. fol Danis, and of Ms, Danis, of Cornwall, Ont, PHONE SERVICE DISRUPTED Belleville, ~=Ona hundred and wonty-five subsevibers of the Bell slephone Company here were without * serviee for about four ours, as a vesult of no misunders standing, Three large pipes which wore formerly Iald beneath the pedestrinn walk on the north side of the lower bridge which is helng dismantled, carry the wives whieh serve the residents of the West pide of the river, Orders were glvs en by the Nell Telephone to ent one of these pipes, whieh eareied what is known as "dead" wires, The wrong pipe was cul and as » vesult u short elrenit was caused, "WINN IN GRRENHOUSE Brighton .--1ire destroyed (he antire contents of the greenhouse he aM of My, James Werrl highway just west o VITHRAN HOTELKEEVENR Cornwall ==Joseph RN, Dugueiis, who has sonducted the King George Hotel herve for 10 years and the Algonquin Hotel, Stanley Island, nearly half a century, has wavered his connection with the King George, his leases having ex: fred, The owners of the hotel, anh, and Kalil, of Cornwall, will conduct 1t in the meantime, with toss J, Annnud as manager, Mr, Duquette will gentinue In charge of the Algonquin at Stanley Island, and will "also conduct Hianley Island Lodge, a new hotel on the Montreal<Toronio Highway, In August next, Myr. Duquette will nelebrate his fiftjeth year al Bian: fay Island, In his hotel career, Mr, Puquette has entered to many im- portant personages, We has spent more than B50 of the 78 years of Ma life in Cornwall, We is a na- tive of Lachine, Que, PROVINCIAL CONNTABLE MOVED Peterborough, Provincial Con- stable Wm, V, €, Chisholm, hag ro« celved orders from Inspector Loug- heed, chief of this diyision, to take charge of the Provinelal Police post in Prince Edward County, with office ab Pleton, Constable gon on the Brighton, « WOOD Body Hard Hard Slabs Soft Slabs Cut to Stove Length and Guaranteed No. 1 Dry DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines For Furnace or Fire Place For Cook Stove or Heater For Kindling or Cooking A Chisholm has served {borough slugs last July, in Petey. me a---- ROTARY. OVVICENRS Campbeliford I've Rotary Club hau elected. officers ay (OVIOWS! mo Prosident-=H, N, Cary, Vieo-V'renidont Al, MacColl, Hoe'y-Troas,--¥, C, Dolman, Divectors--= Kile Brunells and Howard Lapp, TO OPEN CHAIN STORES Norwood, "Tha Weld Farm Mill. ing Company, of Norwood, con« trolled by Ved Wield, of Vield Lodgd Varm, Wes Lake, has ens tevod upon a big program In cons nection with the establishing and opening up of their mills nt Nor- wood, 16 is thelv intention to open forty ehnin stores in Ontario and Quehee, for the sale of "eld Farm Milling Company products, BOWLING LEAGUY, PROPOSED Brighton, --At a meeting of the Brighton Lawn Bowing Club, plans were discussed of forming a lea: whe with Warkworth, Trighton, Mastings, Norwood, Campheliford and Maveloek, This would make a very interesting season M If Is cars vied out, INIURED IN CRAM Pambroke==Wilfred DuManely, son of Count Richard DuManoly, of Westmenth, 18 in the General Wow pital here with a fractured wrist and a painfully injured knees sus tained In 0 motor aceldent, MINSING MAN VOUND AMexandrin --As un vesult of a genre party orsaniged hy Provine vial Offfear A, MeDougall, Matthew Watson, who has been minking over n week, was discovered about seven miles from his home at Dalkeith, walking along the railway tracks, 13. HOUSE PUTS * LUMBER BACK ON FREE TARIFF LIST | No Mention Made, However, | of Canadian Countervail. ing Duties | Washington, May b.="The House {of Representatives went on a rate smashing rampage and' mont {of the Items In (he lumbey | and shingles list in which Canus | diana nro heavily Interested, were { found bavk on the fred list in the revised tariff The Henate's duly of $1.50 a | thousand hoard feet on fiv, spruce, | ping, hemlock and laveh lumber, | allway ties and telegraph poles | of all woods, all of whieh are now | on the free list, was abolished, All were restored to the free list by viva voce vole Shingles ave Vreo Shingles, whieh the House took | from the free Hat and made dutis able at 25 per cent, were restored to the free list as provided by the Renate, Logs of Ar, spruce, cedar and Western hemlock, now dutiable at fa thousand board feet, were ree, ' A vote of 480 10 108 restored cedar lumber to the free Mist, as entled for in the Menate measure, The House bill originally provided # duty of 20 per vent, Logs of Hpanish cedar, ebony, mahogany and other hardwoods, now dutiable at 10 per cent, also were put on the free list, The only duty on manufaciuren lumber approved was the § per cent, Benate levy on maple, bireh and beech flooring and this 1s a reduction from the original House levy of 15 per vent, This flooring Is now free, Canadian imports Agured largely in the speschen of Westerners for lumber rates, No mention was made, however, of ths Canadian Government's action J omorday on countervailing duties, AT ---------------- Ty BIG SHIP GOES T0 RESCUE OF MEN BUT FINDS TAR PAPER Floating Roof Mistaken For Upturned Boat, But Sea+ men Were Gallant rm---- Hamilton, May 0.--Competition may be the life of (rade, but trade fs necondary to Jife, os was evi denced nt the dogks of the Canada WHieamship Lines when the WM, City of Montreal, hive of busy ptavedores, let go her lines and steamed out Into the bay to rescue what was belioved to be two men olinging to an upturned boat, A strong wind was blowing oft shore and the bay was so rough that no small craft dared to vens fure in the rescue of the "men." For that reason, officials of the stonmahip line approached Captain Legault of the City of Montreal, Ho acted Immediately, "Stand by," he shouted, Lines were cast off, the whistle tooted and the signal clanged in the engine room, Hor perew turned and the big freighter hacked from the slip The object of her nsoarch was over toward the north shore, near La Balla Park, But when she near od It, It was found to be merely the roof of an old hoathouse, and the "elinging mon whose Arms waved frantieally'" were nothing but tar paper, which flapped in the wind, The offshore gale made It difs floult for the Clty of Montreal to got hack to her dook, but Captain Legault succeeded by skilul mans oeuvring, and the (rucks and the stevedores were soon busy again, No one was angry, No one saw Anything ludierous in this, It was the act of a seaman who believed human lives were la Jeopardy, SWISS ENRAGED a RETIREMENT OF PRESIDENT OF VICTOR COMPANY Edgar M. Berliner To De. vote Himself to Private Interests | | or -- | Montreal, May B, = "The an nouneement of the resignation of Vidgar M. Doriiner from the presi: dency of the Victor Talking Mu. chine Company of Canada Limited, eama ns i distinet surprise to the musie industry in Canada, Further inquiries at the Company's offices alicited the information that the rotiving President, relieved at his own vYequest, Intends (oo dovole Iimselt to his private interests and possibly to engage in experimental work, thus following In the foot stops of hig father, the late Kmile Berliner, well-known inventor of tha microphones and of the dire rocord and gramaphones, Mr. Dorliner Is a British subject, A mechanienl engineer by early training, sraduntes of Massachu« wotis Institute of Technology, Al of hin energies hive been given in rocont yours Lo business organiza- tion and administration, Being now freed from the responsibilities and duties of management it 1s an tiolpated he will ba able to devote himself to resenreh work, pousihs 1y with a view toward contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the solence of ncounties, In which flald he has spent the major pari of his life Mr, Berliner has been active in the life of the Dominion for up wards of twenty-five years, Tin business story constitutes the main ohroniole of musical reprodustion in the Dominion during the past nine years, TRAGEDY IN ROSE GARDEN FOR LOVERS ---- Chioago, May B.=The (ragedy | that 1s love ended for Arthur | Brown and Bally Cute In the Tose Garden of Humboldt Park Brown Is dead by his own hand, {| Bally In near donth from a bullet fired by Brown before he .turned the pistol on himwelf They had met in the None Gar. den to may goodbye, Hally is only 17-100 young her mother said, te think of marriage, Brown, five years older, refused to accept the situation, "The girl, bowing to her mother's wishes, sought to make final break by telling Brown that the reason for breaking the en gagement was nnother man Other people passing wou garden heard Drown may "If 1 ean't have you, oan" Then the sound of shots, the noe ony wr Cnada's: Silver Mines A There are very tew mines 14 Canada from which silver in the only metal produced, SALADA Reduces Price 15¢ a Ib. BROWN LABEL NOW 60Oc a Ib Vallb. PACKAGE NOW 18¢ 2-0z, PACKAGE NOW 8¢ JAPAN GREEN BLEND IS UNCHANGED AT 70¢ LB. ALL OTHER LABELS REDUCED 5c ALB, -~ TO THE PUBLIC - These Prices Are Effective Now - Do Not Pay More OWING TO THE ACTION OF THE GOVERNMENT IN ABOLISHING THE DUTY ON BRITISH GROWN TEAS AND A LOWER MARKET FOR CER. TAIN GRADES OF TEA, PLEASED TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS SAVING TO THE RETAIL GROCERY TRADE AS USUAL, WE WILL PROTECT YOU AGAINST LOSS ON SALADA TEA BY REBATING YOU FOR YOUR STOCK ON HAND SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE THE ABOVE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT ONCE. FORMS ARE BEING MAILED TO YOU FOR THIS PURPOSE SO DO NOT SHIP SALADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. AT ONCE, UNFORTUNATELY THE MARKET FOR THE FINEST QUALITY TEAS HAS ADVANCED, CONSE. QUENTLY WE ARE UNABLE TO RE. DUCE OUR OTHER GRADES MORE THAN FIVE CENTS A POUND. WE ARE ANY TEA BACK TO US, A -------- -- # FIND REAL SNAKES IN CHICAGO LIQUOR Sm -- ARCA AA Chicago, ~Imaginary snakes ave quite commanly associated with H- quor, bat res! ones are rave, exe copting possibly in Lithuania, A rald on the home of Mrs, KI lon Maglkas produced a til) and a bottle of alcohol tn which was a two foot garter snuke, Phin Is Lithuanian medicine," explained Mrs, Masikas yesterday, "and very good medicine," The court dismissed the prohibl tion violation charge but expressed doulit mbout the medicinal value of the snake, a, | A FAMOUS HUNTING GROUND The reglon now within Prince Albert national park in the prove ince of Saskatchewan was once the hunting ground of the Cree Ind- fans, A tribe of Crees now live on a reserve immediately the park to the east, They are a peaceful and friendly people, re- taining still many of thelr ancient traditions and beliefs. Their myth ology Is rich in etories relating to the supernatural or semi-super~ natural being In whom many of them atill belleve. 'I'Lose tales wre told today about the Indians camp fires near Montreal lake, and in the long winter evenings they still form part of the entertainment of the tribe, taking the place of the white man's books, newspapers, radio, and movies, : adjoining TUNNEL ANNIVERSARIES HELD Anniversaries of Saint Gotthard and the Simplon, two of the most famous tunnels in the world, were held recently in Switzerland. Saint Gotthard was completed just 100 yours ago, and the final stage of plercing the rock for the Bimpe lon was reached 25 years ago. Vitting coromonies were held by rallrond ofcials and' others, It was recalled that when Saint Gott- hard was constructed it. was the longest tunnel in the world, and until the feat was accomplished many people refused to believe that the engineers would be able to drive the bore through from two onds so that the portions would meet in the middle, Saint Gott- § hard in nine miles long and the § Simplon is 12% miles in length, of a REFRIGERATION BY US. TARIFF Threaten to Boycolt Autos | and Other Goods From States Geneva, May Hy Agitation npainat proposed United Ntates tay (If inerease on Nwiss goods has reached such a stage here that rep. resentatives of some large United Ntates business interests in Geneva have telegraphed A protest and a warning to influential persons and organizations in the United States A cahle sent te a number of Congressmen protested particularly | againat the proposed increase (1 the duly on watches and watch | parts, This wan describe an a "oa- | tartrophe' for Bwitserland's oldest and most Important industry In retaliation, the Swiss threatening to hoyeott Niates goods, particularly mobilea New Tina No. Tin AN United Aloe | Shamrock V Shows | Her Heels to Cutter (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Portamouth, Bog, May 4,8 Thomas Lipton's America's Cup challenger, Rhamrock V., in teats showed her heels to the 24 metre New Green Ji ] Be prepared for the hot weather. Keep yo ur food in good condition, and health with one of these high class refrigerators. Buy now and secure 15 FREE. Hard Heads profect your lbs. of ice Native Hothouse REFRIGERATORS A good family size refrigerator in golden finish, white enamelled interior. Fitted with 2 wire $26 50 . shelves. Size 2914 in. wide by 444 in high. "180 Ibs. Ice Free REFRIGERATORS This is a moat useful Refrigerator with front icing, built of mountain ash, Has white enamalled interior with 2 wire shelves, Where space is limited it can. not be equalled, Size 25 in, wide, 52 in. high, $34.95 "150 lbs, Ice Free Electric All 1930 Kelvinator Models are equipped with the new Ice-O-Thermic Tubes=--a completely automatic device which produces very rapid ice freezing. This is the fastest freezing, entirely automatic device on the market, In addition, the De Luxe Models have a cold storage compart. ment for fish, game and meat, otc. SOLE AGENTS FOR KELVINATORS 63 KING ST. E, + Phone 78--79 REFRIGERATORS Sturdily built and beautifully finished are these refriger- ators, Golden finish and lined with galvan- $15 50 {zed interior. Size 23 in, wide, 40 in. high. . 150 Ibs. Ice Free REFRIGERATORS Built on the same linea as the above in a larger model. Size 2514 in, wide and 42 in. high with gal $19 50 A vanlaed ITER E iv tliti ais sania White Enamelled Interior .. oom $22.80 150 lbs, Ice Free A c---- PROMOTIONS FOR PRINCE OF WALES Advances in Both Army and Navy Rumored For Heir to Throne London, May S.It I& under stood here that the Prince of Wales probably would recelve promotion etn Army and Navy during this Thera wera reports that would he gazetted a major:geneval In the course of the next few months and possibly promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the near future, The Prince has been a full cols onal for 11 yours and ta sixth on the seniority lst fer promotion, He fu Colonekin-Chiet in several Regis ments, inaluding the Welsh Guards and has gone through all grades of rank in the same Way as any of fieer who receives nromotion, In the pavy the Prince has held he, AR of Oaptaln sinos July, ho {RU ARI ha SPECIAL prices at the A & P mean great saving for A & P Food Stores always offer the best of foods at prices lower than you expect, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS AYLMER CHOIOR . AVLMER FANCY a Raspberries 25¢ Spinach 2.'25¢ AVEMER ow kik TARBITT'N ; Soups tiie win ie 3 Tn Re Cleanser 4 tins 2§¢ | _WESTON'S Selector Biscuits .- 25¢ Lhe. 1C DERG Cabbage 2 170 pettuce 2. 21¢ Potatoes ."" 47¢c Pineapples: cake [J ini, (oni, dre to oot sen, The Shamrock made a very : Ro OE ee hasta ten) Cucumbers Each he IS with ease and, for ao ind i keeping pace with a speed pace LOIN ' with # speedboat under good head Veal Chops .. 28¢ Veal Cutlets .. 38¢ KIESH PORK Spareribs - 19c Ql cooxen FRESN : I Corned Beef... .27¢ Kidney Suet .. 2§¢ fl Porterhouse Wing Steak .. 42¢ AWERT PICKLED : ork sme ©" Lu 28¢ . AMOKED SMOKED + Fillets 1 20c Fillets .. 19¢ Fim Hidieu 14¢ & PACIFIC > : £0. CANADA LIMITED, OF

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