Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 May 1930, p. 8

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0 I NE SABINA sn st i A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 PACE EIGHT TE, SOFTBALL WILL, START MONDAY NIGHT § ig oronto Leafs AL INTERMED Give a, Brilliant Batting Rally in the Ninth inning Clinches Game for Leafy--Sheedy Prominent in Victory = ERAN - f y. 3=The Foromu Leafs gr wome of the Orioles stuff Jn ol open wane 3H the serids Jurian A They found them: selves knotted In the ninth "" ceeded to sie & 00st ty b win oul 10710 0, "This was. & evel shook to the Birds for they hind Just recently reached the conclislon that thin: tute inning rally business « wi thelr own suff, 4 10 wid i rand und gloviowg fin Ish for the Leas Cote ened the ninth by dropping the bist) | u Uli field for wu Taxs leaguer 10 third Wit of the afternogr, Wehard son erneked u double and "Werte wis rushed to the mound by Vita Malsel And Werte promptly passed Joe Hurely, who had*been # shorn in the side of the Oviole deceivers ull af ternoun, That eharity Med the hus es und Art Ruble was Injected inte the fray na pinehshitting role, Ar thur, batting for Petrle, snvhked a Wit through the box and Cote und Richardson galloped home, Harris stopped at second on the fle and Burke saerificed he and Ko ble along, Out went Werte and in went Hearn us Jos Rabbitt wmbled 10 the plate to hit for MeHenry, Rab bite struck out, but Sheedy rapped i single to left, Harris and Ruble crossing the plate with the runs that Waltimo s praetieally put the gume beyond res || all, Phillips Youled out Leafs' Huvlers Good Inability to make free with Loafs' pitchers as has ben thelar ens tom with other Mippers, wits the big fly In the ointment during a game that was marred, first by wn vouring wind and then vain squall that enn sed the wmps and players (0 run for cover during thy seventh Inning Frank Barnes pumped his south paw wing at them with distressing efficiency for four frames, wllowlng a grand tots! of one hit during that time, They began to melest him In the Afth when Hauser's double was followed hy Whatawad Stroner's home run, and they chased him in the next period after a pale of walks and a seratah hit had hh gathered, Steve O'Neill, Loaf pilot, Was tak: Jug 10 chances on tiie Birdy set olf any d Nagtte uh his expense, ane when 4 wham, who dullowed Barnes, walked Danning to open (he ninth, Guy Santealh ahs ll Whe: shan und "nmbled" to the 7 ahy wis dark, the outlook higy and the former Bird hieler popped them erase the pliste In no friendly fash, un, stopping what had ull of the ear marks of belng another robust finish vor the Moek, Sheedy Saves Game The fans were wll sel Jor excite ment in the Hie hati, for after the toga) enteher hand walked, Kddie Wil: son, biting for Hearn, the last of the four led hurlers to work, slash battle ery wis on, with the top of the od & fust single to centre, and the buttingrorder coming up, However, Stewart, Gill and Me Ciowan were just three ether players us far as Cantrell wan concerned, als theueh It wan only the fine running oateh up the fence in leit field by Sheedy that retired MeGowan and probubly saved the game, rr-------------- ILVTON THAM LOREN CIN OHIO BCHOOL RELAYN Cfplumbug, May 8 =Lakewood, High Nehool's mile ¥elay tenn A quartet of Coll the reas ual Ohta low, from Preul Aare, Indy, broke the olintlo ord for 1 with. a leap of 1} t 4 os, The former recor OF 10 feok § 0-10 inches wan made ut jove Allen, Natem,, Ohlo, in 1 A yi f 1 {i Nn A v/a WAY HR um rR (© and Ind LL SEASON 1930 SOFT i Orioles 10-6 Setback tie GMC. Softball League 0 gE tha nt A very anthististhe. wool " hold lst night at the ludustirial Ke tutions Bide, of the Genersl Motors and it was decided yo # GML, Bofthall League would be operated this senson, with ten teams enterel {rom the different depurtments of the id pro- | fueio Lory, A 4) number of Apres aniedves were on hand wid Judging by the enthuslash shown; the league wil be i rent success A suitably trophy will he presented hy the firm to the winmiog tem, Kueh of the fen tess will present a very strong lineup and the competition for the trophy will be very keen, . I'he following b the list of offers whe were elected to operite the lens gue, Honorary Presidents, Ni Mills wan, I Sterling, J. Glhson, CC Murty, W, Daniels, N, K Mel ean A, Wadertow and WW, IK, Gillett Honorary Yiee Presidents J. V. Jue roll, 8, Giimimow, Moyer, H, Cook, ®, Hardman and 1K Themy son, President, ¥, Hineks, Vice Prue sident, WW. Lynde, Beeretary, Ewart Cornish, Recording Beeretury, | Artley, It Is expeciod hut the leanne will get golug nn the very near Tuiure An exeeutive -will be formed gonsists ini of one representative from each team, The schedule will be drawn up pight away snd sresngements made for uw plage to play, AY.M.C. ACTIVITIES The Anglican's Young Men's Club held thelr third annual dine ner dance in the schoolreom on Centre street Jast Wednesday, Arh Bird, 1080, The hall was pretully decorated for the ovcusion, while the head table for the dinner, held the five splendid ehamplonship tro phies that tesms representing the glub have won during. thu past few yours in various lines of sport, such as softball and hookey, elo, Can de Pencler presided an Chairman, The president thanked those who had pris instrumental In putting over. the wixth annus Minstrel Ahow, aspecially Mr, CO, Vie, direc: thy Wiad My, W, ¥. Bnoll, wusionl directon; snd also those who had uanisted in Any Way whatever, A hearty vote of thanks way pussod 10 Mya, Bickle, and ¥ y Fordham, ahnirman of the 1 committee, who ArPARged the evening's enter talnment, 'The'yout of the evening was spent in daneing, the nusle pele supplied hy Anoll's ovehesira, This was one of the muln reasons why the evening wan such a splen: did suovess! . At the meeting of the Club on Wadnesday April 80th, the annual election of offloars, was held, with the following results 1000-1081 Honorary Presidents, Canon de Pencler, My, I, 1. Fowke, Mr, Alex, Browne, Mr, T. H, Camp: hell, President: Will Gibble, Vice President Clarence Kelth, peovetaryr Clarence Clary, Troanureri Graham Biekle, Chairman, Roolal Committee! Freddy Fordham, Chatrman, Reoreation tee; Los Atkinson, The Club 1a not enterng & team fn the Industrial League this year but are entered In the newly forms ad Chureh League, Al members of the Club who wish to try eu for the tenn are asked to wet in touch with either Dy Stretton, 970 Albert street, or Geo, Crothers, - TT ST MOE BROCKVILLE NOFTRALL Nrookyille, May @l=Iive inten adinte teams, Nomads, Agnew, WrpOsg, Aten; Riversides and Prackyila Rifas, aud three Junior teams, Nluehivds, Thistles and Rotary Club, have heen granted admission to the Dreckville Roft ball League, - which fs affiliated With th Ontario' Amateur Sotthall Assoelation, The season will apen Commits don May 13 with appropriate oera mony, The playa whith compone Holloway Milly, who won the ohame plonahip nat senson, are pretty well uphit between Agnew, Surpass and Riversides thin year, and a Keon fight in antlolpated with Nos made, Aon last your won the fun {or honors and have graduated into ntermedinte ranks, : MAY 8th | odious ehirp of the cuckoo sounded 'venting {inte thin season, At the HOME RUN RECORD 0. rung youtarday-----Claney, 4 4 Kodi. Tied Hox, bi Fhtivies; 15 Sigman, Phi): if 9 O1buis, 15 Bisson obi, x, " a aokson, Giants, b, loin, Willen, 51 Harinett, Cubs 45 Wilson, oul , 44 Forex. Glante, 41 Herman, Roblus, 4; noldn, bind Box, 4; Simmons, Athletios, "Lionwue _totale=ntionsl, 6); American, 60; grand total, 110, Oshawa Railway Organizes 4-Team oftball League YY The Oshiswa Rallway linve forms adn Bofthall League und thers ave four teams snterad from the differs ont divisions of the company, fhe following are the oMceers who ware alocted to opevate the league for the coming season, Hon, president, H, W, Cooper; Hon, vioa<president, CW, Lee; President, J, J, Colage hang Ist Vieeprosident, o, p, Thomas, 2nd, Vice-president, H, A Cooper Neo strenmurer, J, P, 0. Wourke; League Manager, Alex Nellson, The following are the names of the four: team captains who wore | chowent OMee, Harold sheridan Tratumen, "Duke" Dainty; Track men, Ban Gates; Lineman, 'Dusty' Claus, W This afternoon, "Dake" Dainty's Tralnmen will play an exhibition game with an all-star team ploked | trom the other three departments, Schmeling Brings Cuckoo Clocks tor Boxing Writers New York, May 3 The fulnt me far out to sen beyond Ambrose Light PORT SNAPSHOT By Geo. Caxemms, Sports Bditer Loenl Softball Season Starts Monday The local softball season will got. under way on Monday night ot the Motor City Stadium, King street west, right behind the Arena, ut 045 pm. The Ontario Regiment and W. 1, Phillips are the ope posing teams in the first game of the season, Thess Intermediate | 1 tenis are now entries to the O.C1LAA and they are both unknown | Chicago seored twice in the Tas quantities, The Teague will have three und maybe six single games, then ¢ they will start on doubleheaders, The admission for the single games is 186, A res) smart softball game, played on a good diamond, with BOSTON BRUINS DEFEAT CHLHAWKS i---- Los Angelos, Cal, Muy f"The HOBINS DEVEAT CARDINALS Bi Louls, Mo, May 4 ~ Bil Cinrk, Brookiyn lest hapder, won his Arse game of the weakbn yester- day bh shutting out the Cardinals In eight of thelr nine lunings while the Robins hammered pnt an § to Charlie Conscher's Condition ls Improving Roepidly Toronto, Many S-Charlle Cone Boston Bruins, professional hookey team, defented the Chicago Black Hawks 4 to 4 in the Hirst engagement of thelr two-gnmo ser fon lore Thursday ni Chloago seored firs utes of bi 00 the of Toor mon hefore he Black Hawks hires minutes, The pilav of vival monlkeepers, 0 Bruin, 'who seoved 4 vietory, Brooklyn wt, Lows Clark, and Lopes; les ght, it aftor 17 min- uid, not match a ore allowing another tally, Buffalo Po-- BASEBALL RESULTS 00% 00% 040:8 12 0 000 004 000-4 10 4 Grabowski, Hil, Rhom, Haines and Wilson, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Non PA JH) good aecomodation for watehing the: game, "w J » LJ 0.C.LAA, Will Meet Tuesda Get this! The meeting of the Oshawa City an YMCA at B00 o'clock, resentutives on hand, termedinte schedule, will be discussed, date 1s due to the fact that the O.CLAA, intermediute games will be played every Monday and Thursday nights, THA De General Motors Softball League The proposed Inter-Depurtment Softhall League for the General Motors, Js now practically ussured, A very lively meeting wus held last night nnd it Is expected that ten teams will be entered in the The General Motors are going to donste & trophy to the wine league Hing tem 4 » w » Times Team to Practice Ihe Daily Times Intermediates will hold u practices ut Park on Menday night at 6.30 pm, ten wre waked to put In an appearance Industrial 'Athletic Association has been changed from Monday night to Tuesday. The next mosting of the O.CLAA, will be held on Tuesduy night at the All teams are waked to have thelr reps Twiportant business, Including the proposed ine The reason for the ¢hange of Alexandre All players turning out with the International League at nightfall, Indienting to this expect Ant community that something was delaying Maxie Schmeling's boat and that the German heavywelght conlil not ureive, as expected, along with the milkman in the morning A spyilass view from the weather beaten old Nghthouse Analy diselos ed that the rhythle "euekooing" fs sued from a sore or more of cuckoo clocks which Maxie had stopped the ship to wind up before bringing them here as presents for local boxing wr ters, Whether there Is any special slg niheanee In Schmeling's choles of Nts for the boys whose duty it will bo shortly te serutinlee und eritlclne bin reparations for his battle with Juok Sharkey for the. heavyweight title has not been made clear, Joo Jueobs, the Teuwton's sarcastic little manager, has. a wickedly humorous wleam In his eye, but bn't saying anything In any event, here comes Maxle, cuckoo clocks und all, due In Sun day moming to start teatning for his Attempt to win the world's ehamplon ship, The 88, New York will land him, and Jacobs will take him up to lndieott N Y., and put him to work From naw on Sehmeling will be an obleet of keenest seruting, nor If he really has kept himself In something Nee Aghting form and really can sook em with the right hand the way he could uw year ago, there In every pos sibility of him taking Sharkey and winning the title, A --__ LE ] a ._._'p Reading, Pa, May 8, «== Buffalo ngnin overwhelmed, Reading, 17 to 4, to take the third game of the pories yesterday, Vor the second piraight day the Disons pounded out 89 base hits, Among yesters day's 80 hits were eight doubles four triples and one home run, Huftalo #12 048 215-17 80 38 Roading 011 000 001-8 18 4 Loverett and Groube, Tatherun| Plitt, Woolfolk, Lattenbacher and Grace, MONTREAL DEFEATS BEARN IN HITTING GAMN Nowark, NJ. May B-=Montreal peoved its third straight vietory over the Newark Dears yesterday in a free hitting contest, The final soore was 10 to 9, Conley of Montreal, and Cohen of Newark hit home runs, Montreal 00% 204 200-10 10 8 Nowark 000 OBO 000« 0 16 0 Classett, Backalew, Bmith and Head] Pallenstin, Mtryker, Toueh- stone. Perry and Leggett, JERSEY CITY WINS AGAIN dernoy Clty, NJ, May S-=Jorsey Clty won Its fourth straight game here yesterday defeating Rochester for the third consecutive time by A score of pix to three, Roohester 000 008 000-0 7 8 Jorney Clty 100 080 00x00 0-1 Derringer, MeGraw, 1 Smith and Hinkle) Miller, - Allen, Grant and aly, I Oshawa Public Schools IN =--=SPORT=-- The three divisions of the look) Publie Behool Nofthall League whl et under way on Monday next, All sohools are ready and anxious to get golng and It in freely predicted that the trophies will find a new present mathey are held by Mary Ntreet and Stmoos South, Ever wince the hookey finals were completed the boys have been "warming up" in preparation for the approaching campaign ana they are all ready to step up and Aposk the cover oft "the old ap: p 0," All games will be played after nohool With each school playing One OF [Wo games a week, These hoya are toiling baseball stars and they brian! hy produce some smart games, The teachers who sacrifice #80 much of thelr spare time to promote this healthy sport among thelr pupils are to be congratus ed, The following are the schedules of the different sections of the senior and Junior leagues! Austin Not Dropped from English Team London, May §, the young and somewhat British tennis noe, dropped from the Davis Cup teamw, H, W. Austin, erratic has not been Thompson for the Bruins and Gare diner tor the Black HMawks, featur: od the game, National League CUBS WIN 11.8 Chicago, 111, May HB-=The Cubn made better use of 14 hits than Philadelphin did with 15, to win the opening game of the series, 11 to §, Kleven extra bnse hits, most of them by the Phillies, featured the contest, Lefty O'Doul of the Phils, und Kiki Cuyler, for the Cubs, hit safely four times In five thmes at bat, Philadelphia 100 202 208 -8 15 4 Chicago 083 008 48x11 14 1} Koupal, Alexander, Milligan und MuCurdy; Carlson and Hartnett PETTY BAVES DAY FOI PIRATES Pittsburgh, Pr, May 8-« Joss Potty"s fine relief hurling after Boston had scored one run In the Ninth and had fled the Based with one out gave the Pittsburgh Pirates a 8 0 3 victory over the Braves here yesterday, Roston 001 000 001-83 0 0 Pittsburgh 101 100 00x 8 # 2 Cantwell and Spohrer, Kremer, Potty and Homasley, A | Toronto { Buffulo 17 Jersey (it 0 | Bho §] Baltimore Tourgnte Roading Montreal Jersey City a Newirk 10s Rochester esd S31 PLL 402 AZ) | 29) M17 kL) Ty hl Rrra Reena renee VRIDAY'S SCORILS 10 Baltimore 4000/0 Kending Hochenstor prod 1) Newnrk Vi rpm GAMES TO-DAY Foronte ut Baltimore Buffalo at Reading Rochester ut Jerse Montrend wt Ney serene Montreul rapa CIty { nik AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Last Witnhitmton oo Hl J Cleveland ' in! | Chlenyo OTE CT | Phlludelphin to Lows "o | ' ton uirolt " New York ...., 9 VRIDAY' Cleveland N Chilenp 1 New Yor) Phlladelphia Detrolt Washington 13 St. Louls Jim 8 P( 7h Hl 0J6 n18 12) ) Wb7 1d NA wa y SCORES Boston o. coaned YL GAMES TO-DAY Louls ut Washington Detroit ut Philadelphia Chicago nt New Yor! Cleveland at Boston St Sm achor, vight wing player of the To= ronto Maple Leafs hockey team, who underwent a major operation ut Wellesley Howpital last Mondsy afternoon, is making excellent pros gross toward recovery, His cons dition has shown wieady Improves ment, and it is now possible for him to receive visits from a numbey of his friends, Although it will be some weeks yet before he is ahle ta he around again, the progress made by young "Commy" has dee ighted the sitending physicians. Sr ---- NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Pittsburg TTIITITR | 4 New York voievieee 7 4 PC 71 Chicago +. 0 [] Boston ,, 0 Brooklyn St. Louis Philadelphia Cincinnati FRIDAY'S SCORES Pittsburg .....3 Boston Cinzlonath 009 New York 000 Chicago Philadelphia ..\, Brooklyn veil 0 SAMI v0 basde GAMES TO-DAY Brooklyn at St, Louls, Boston ut Pittsburg New York ut Cinelnnat! Philadelphin at Chicago, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won Lost ad Louisville s5t, Paul IIIT Toledo IRI L] Cambie oovavinnns Indinnapolts Karioam City svivens Milwankee Minneupolls tere FRIDAY'S SCORES St Pal 00007 Indianapolis ....60 (11 Innings), Loulsvitle .....18 Minneapolis ....8 Kansas Clty ,.,.6 Toledo .,000iii Milwaukee i, ,.2 Columbus .,....1 it developed yesterday, but is only resting and remaining out of Writs aln's sevond round match against oither Poland or Rumania at his uwn request, Austin, in & letter to the Eng Itnh Lawn Tennis Association; said he did not desire Lo play In thw next series, feeling the need of a respite, "1 told them," Austin sala, "that I did not think 1 could do either my country or myself Justice In my present form, und that | needed at least a fortnight's rem from strenuous Ilnwn tennis, The team welootors agreod; and that iy Ite reason I shall not be on the next team." In an interview today, Austin father, who Is a stockbroker In the olty, strongly evitiolsed the Davis Cup welectors for givin young players too sirenuous work to do In a brief time, The elder Austin, who sald he was express Ing hig own views and not his son s declared! "Young players, especs Inlly thuse of wennitive nature need sympathetio treatment, They should not be ordered about unin: telligently, They are not slaves,' Pr------ Oxford-Cambridge Were Allowed 10 Use Outside Players Syracuse, May 8-=The addition of club players to the English as cross squad that recently made a victorious tour through United States colleges 'under the banner of Oxford-Cambridge was made at the request of, and with full sane. tion of the committee In charge of the invasion, Laurie Cox, Ryracuse University conch and Chairman of the schedule body declared Thurs tay night, he British squad was made np of 17 players, Of these, Cox said, 19 were Oxford men, the others, cluly pevtormers, all hona-fide ama: tours, taken from North of England teams, a a a a SPAIN TA LEAD Antwerp, ney lain tok the lead yesterday In its Davie Cup mated with Belgium, 0, Male defeating Andre. Lacroix three out of five sets, The whiner of the Spain=Relgium mateh will meet either Sweden or Jugoslavia in the second round, OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOL SOFTBALL LEAGUES JUNIOR SENIOR UMPIRE Ma Wendt Me, Robinson Me, Warder Mr, Wendt Mr Robinson Mr. Robinson Date Me, Cuntion My Jackin Mu Knight ty Nichol ME Warder My Nichols Wed, May Mon, May 10 oN Warde Me Wait Mon, May § Wed, May 7 Mon, May 12 Wed, Muy Mon, May 19 Mone May a Mon, May 5 Wed. May 7 Mons May 12 Mon, May 2 Ning games at King, Ritson at Rit som Centre at Rotary Park | Mon, May 1 Codardale at Albert Wed, May 7 8 Siincoe ar Qydavddle TEAMS Northern North Simcoe at Mary St Mary St, at St. Gregory St. Gregory at Ny Simoes . Mary at North Simcoe St St. Gregory at Mary St, North Simcoe af St Gregory All games at Alexpndra Park=4 3 \ wil Centre at Ritjon } Ritson at King, King at Centre Ritson: at Centre King at Ritson | Centre at King { i Southern Mon, May 12 Albert at 8 Simcoe, Wed May 14 Codavdule at 8 Simoos Mon, May 19 Albert at Cedardule Mr Lyeett Mon May 36 8. Smee at Albert UMPIRE Mr, Lycett Mr, Robinson Mr Warder Mr, Lycett Nn Robinson Nr Warder Date Tues, Muy 6 Thurs, May 8 Tries, May 13, Thurs, May 18 Tues, May 0 ues. May #7 Mr, Niche! Mr. Jaoklin My, Knight Mw Cannon Mr, Warder Me. Nichol Pues. Muy 6 Thurs, May 8 Tues, May 1} Thurs, May 18 Tues, May 20 Tues, May & Mr. Warder Me, Lyeett Mn Robinson Mr. 'Wendt Mr Lyeett Me Wendt Tues, May 6 Thurs, May 8 Tuen May 1 Thurs, May 13 Tues, May N Tues, May & wd ol Mar Built by ¢Laughlin-Buick a guaranlee of value! / 'TTE | kable for the fidelity MAR eh it hii... pny in a lower price class, the standards secured ' leader in its own fine ca that position is, may be a very significant fact . . . Bucks are bou And the great majority © of vale which p hlin-Buick the fur Melavy n field, How unassailable scertained by a single, far more McLaughlin : r al or near ils ther ca . ht than any other car McLaughlin: have, long position of Buick owners buy McLaughlin-Buick again and again . .» An enviable recor Today, the advantages of engineering and cr service organization built u Buick during more than two economies resulting greater volume produc credit of ! McLaughlin-Buick. Come in and drive on at our showrooms, t f fat one ois is what to make use of the aftsmanship » both Marquette and these Marquette or you wan G.MAC. de fe McLaughlin on are re placed to the the mew. series McLaughlin-Buick . the extensive by 'McLaughlin« scades . «|. an the Buick's o of the caré that await you And when you are convince McLaughlin« ou are invited rred payment plan, which is designed by General Motors for your convenience. quette and MeLewghlin « nn Price from $1245 to $1100, ot factory, Orban, Ont MOFFATT MOTOR 88 Simcoe Street North, DUNDAS ST. Oshawa, Ont. SALES, Ltd. "Phone 818 \ tl \ ¥ o ASSOCIATE DEALER: "HICKS & SMITH BEARE BROS, PORT PERRY. IT'S BRTTER "BRCAUSE 1¥Tre Tri: pa ides ER Waser Fy cawantanl

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