THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 PACE THIRTEEN SESIED SECTION = hi, - arin ie is, "Diag ari od Fi Jie ararion, K, na Cea. iy over i Wa 7 hous 67, Residence A 7 ho rw TT fh ng ni Weners) pation 01" olor, Ales a" pan Perry. oi. oi ane" Pers Perry i hi (Apr, 4-1 mo! h i loan, Alger mm op ks: bo Chica, Phone 1614 Medical FRE, WXZCEWOOD & WANPEIT Disney Blooky Phone "080, Office 8.40 pm, Dr, BW, Shes) ationtion to wy, Jv BH H, Hare pola) attention to ebildren's J and Obstetrics, and night calls 1416 or 1 | . ¥, PHYSICIAN, ' £: iu "tiie Ole an nt {| dence, () 7 tan, Surgeon, 0 ot +R references 10 matern'ty work Em rl of women, l i i 2K eg Rd Gi | Phone moos street LA pose dl i nl My Towiaw hnibi wk "ae JHC : snesiaiios | re aid a 8 id Ottice/ (Apr, 141 mo) noms 0 on "7he 71) GE 00h" sree, 80 Celine strest, 50 oresk + Am EE |i re i PLACING IN sonsuls R, N, Jobe, Your insurasee ' | onded to and your Sterests "eo a's, furniture m moving AND ng Mt wish bi yo 20400, ET : pil, To d isianie Phone 084, 10 Bond Bt, West, TH YA fe al Sh, EE A on Phene 2008, Bimooe street vinrth, EE aA | hy yaa Hg 9 va, wanis aN squipment Hit ded a A "ie Apply ve J eos BO) ar Hoey 0 Ly 80-1 "MARY™D \ vr shop at No, 10 ont May 0, 00 0 Wan | All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE [rrr zmmer masts This rule has been found necessary because loss arising from handling + o large number of smal) of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who "ind it' insbnvenient . jaws personally to The Times offic bring & messenger who will receive the advertisement collect for same, "Times" Classified Teleph ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT pho piobind s, o tolaphona calf Ads Bring Results one 35 RDI... ES voniences, Coniral, TX WRI WORE. ALL oN. 16 Cor un Hireet, (108¢) nished rooms, , ground fox WINY = TARY SNL. three Woeks from four eommors, AN con~ vonionces, 45 MeMilan Drive viasiadummde house and Savage, good warden, in Wind month, Apply Tr Oint IIT ORE J Ml modern convenionees, NT oer. ate rent, Central, 237 Mmonw i Houth, (1040) I 17% Bloor w, Conveniences, $16 | ver month, Avply Pox 648 V1 ri I ary furnished, for Vight house. sopping, All donvesisnes. Jone 1403M, 68 Gibb rtrest (1080) NOUN to, one oy wo usiness girls, Board it desired, Apply 322 Kingsdalo Avenue, Phone 158M, (1040) Fol. RENT -- COMMODIOUY bouse ut 100 Albert St, Very cen tral, Torma.mpderate, Vurther pare veulars al house or phone "i 40) ) Weht housekeeping, suitable for | Ry ih Apr 16:1 wo) J R= WAVE YOU old hat cleaned and' blocked to look lke mew at The Hub. 1 King Birest West, Shoes Shi d aning, Work waranieed: P Phone fai Vier Cul a nial and Jiihge figors, sidewalks and ondwa ghvel, no Chris Uranam, ruins 1 20% ¥, He mo) furniture, The automobiles and at the lowest best in arkimabenis ot prices, Note now address, 451 Bim aon Boutk, Or A. Constable. Phéns nw, (Apr, 80:8 wis) | Dressmaking Te msl, $87 Richmond, East, Phone JT #8-imo.) --tiey 1 OF " A Po HER 1 i Bil eg isos. ! Alone=ob ips and black loam, Phovs didery work, all on sale, Jel TING the A) Pail ; | 2 Het Fgh, wor gud Wh Ea \ fi 210W, 4] mo} TUN, \Waterouse 4.1 mo) N- Inpgost ANBOILe varnishes, ig a llgw ma 210 778. J, Forrester, Abr, 80s street, baby hugey, oheap, for quiok sale, 200° Dearborn Avenue, Rhone ders, black loam, 1,00 per yard, For quality ana shi vie phone Es sery Bros, 502 (May 8:0) gondition, #4, Apply Th (1040) mattress, splendid Also perior oloek #3, Simoes north, For Rent KPAWIN I= MOI Hike suites, Nome To Inne dry, eonveniences, lea dryer, "a 0100 Loves, elegy relrigeration Valor your round, Pious 3660 of Tw, (ote) ' A orn suites tucluding electrie refrigs Oration, stove, laundry, eouvell Pees, oto, wonting' s hot water up lied, Apply Wupt, 'phone ¥67), he Trusts und Guarsntes Co, Ld, manager tor owner, Toronto, 17th brick house, "eonvenlenoes, hard. wood floors, newly decorated, ON | paved sirest, Possession May first, Apply UL Kigin enst, phone 1086J, (104h) FARTHER TU CNT Al fnyeaghcen, he ay ot WUL AT. rimeont over. Kam's Drug Store, ys. sions 1iving room and rivale m Jatrands, Possession oy fret, 1080, ap yy 401 King End Pr, ¥, L, All modern improvements, Phoss 14, (1001) fad a ad garages, 250 wi Ore LLL) (1001) sloetrio stove, Apply 107 Wat moreland Avenue, ny 109 Hl room, kitohenette it desired, Prices moderate, Phone J408W, 451 Bim 008 south, (1080) igo! housekeeping rooms, furnisue " unfurnished, nies locally, near Motors, No objection to smal shila. Rent ronsonable, [Jhons 0%¢) TTR TRY PIO room cottage, sun poreh, © suit family, or Tfurnikhed complete, Nuite, business girls or gentlemen Phone 260 r 10, (108¢) GANA LOMA A FXTTRRNTS 101 King street east, Oshawa, Three and five rooms with bath, very modern, Apply to Apartment J, (1080) TO TTT Wo™ TANGER: nahed rooms, 8 plate eleotrie, use of phone, All conveniences, In next block to OM.C, offloss, Immedis A ossession, 003 Richmond Mt, one 11400 (1080) brick house, All convenience, very bon WENT FRVEN "NOON central, Apply 188 Church Mises, 1080) od Houses {0 rent, modern, ny from B00 up, « Four roomed N | houses, oh yAPPLY 84° Adlon street, for sale, cheap, Apply 817 Division' pirat, | 4 104h) uto Accessories FOR WALK == TIRER. 00% UA, $0.00) 80 x 4,40, 30.05; Foyl Reds ators, $10, Also auto: parts. at reasonable prices, Motor Aceeasor Co, #1 King west, Phone 20064, (Apr 25s1mo,) Money to Loan llable for AL oN 5, on well rod |] South Alas \ work ine Ha phone fi 00 week, Yor in one a (Apr, 20 1 ¥ CITE 34 A Vista, Appointments, Phoue Phone (108h) OURE™ ATTA bert street to vent, oonveniences, Immediate possession, Phone 201 ra Rowmunville. (1080) TOW ninhed heated 'apartments, three rooma and bath, nicely decordied, hardwood (floors, Iden! for two business Indien, Mis, ©, W, Murs lows, 335 Bruce street, Phone ] (104h) LY i Clagsified Ads. | La -- 3 Wario 144 eens Minimum charge 300, he. word, Three YY hg Lg (hres pF srs Il Mintme Shares Ie hres i LL 0 ont, i TN pln ~ Vaan RJ or tent No th AL fl [EVINEIT ne) yong couple, Phone 8538, i (4940) to WANTED ™ Ta NENT-=TN" TI: Immediste. vioipity of the Nurses' residence, a garage for one ear, Phone 8165, (10%¢) oon three roomed house, with garden, Apply Box 647 Timew, (104n) For Sale or Rent YOW BALE OW NENT it ad bagk kitchen, Klootrio Lights, ly 168 Gibbons Street, after 7 ook pm, (10%¢) or rent at Ponniebras, Apply Jones Real Kstate, Phone 2607, (10%0) Bix, Bisty eycle motors sixth to half, Cheap, or will exchange for twenty five eycle, Phone 801 Whitby, (104h) Real Estate Vor Sale TON TACT TT RACRIVIOE Peek wis. Foes Avoly 140 OR 'Yery easy terms, Centre street, gd Jp acres, also -- ri terms, Close to Oshaws, Agnes Bt, Oshawa (1010) J pi Yon WACK "ORE Wit rom town of Uxbridge, 27 acres, acres under oultivation sandy + first class potato or strawberry land, good six room frame house, well at door, bank barn, spring oreek, $2,000 cash, Apply W, J, MeNarney, 018 French street, Phone 11177, (1080) wr N10 sores standing timber, 12 acres cleared, runnin ture, good building site, lot #0, Con, 4, Darlington, Apply Wm, Brown, R. Rk, No, 8 Oshawa, : (1080) FON ALR-=NEW RX" noo lirlek house, hot water heating, gumwood trim, oak floors through out, Phono 3718W, (1040) A COMPLRTREY FUNNTRA RY Wd on the water front at Wile liasm's Point, Lake Nougog, verans dah and windows completely soreaned, splendid pervices, includ. ing foe delivery and garbage eols lection, athletio field and come munity hall, Snap for quick sale, Write ¥, A, Wilson, A Classio Ave, Toronto, (104107) pp Ch with 1 aere Jand or more, Reasons able terms, Phone §2 Or 8 2 (1040) TT Contracting | CONTRACTING == CUNURETE pisstenay, electrio 01 altargtions, Phone 180 for estimates, (1UiF) -- nf woman for general housework, Must be geod with ehiliren, Naa ini Phone 4301, 1040) od, Must be good wl vouna mechs Ale. Apply Goodtell w "Welsh, Paterboro, Ontario, (10 te poy, 18 OR 17, 10 WORK ON marker Jordee. CQ, Ganley, Rithers 0) for Oshawa apartment, must live on premises, Sood references res quired, Wr Th Owner ue, Cons ou onto, (1040) fale am Upwards of [+ week wing mushrooms for un lus. ro booklet "ir stamp. Canadian ushrooms Co, 141 Lauder Av [1 couple to spend a mmer home, Wa, and room a for. Hght weve Alte yr ai remuneration, ADDY: Box 650 Times Notas s A hetier bons ay two a J dn 8 fe Wi git Loy water, good pans" Help a DAT TIT CCAR PRUNE WANT: 17 thought To Motor Cars repaired at 49 Lond HL. West, Body and fender work done 41 shortest notice, also repairs to motor bouts and general wood work, Vhouve W, ¥ry 8895, (Apr 24-1 m9) I VORTAC YOUR DOO 81s den, ran b000 miles, Kxcellent eons dition In every way, $875 for quick sale, This is nearly $400 under Vist price, A ven! buy, Vhone 1302W, (104¢) Live from anrefully selected large heavy Inyors, after May 1st, All Hatching eggs. Visitors welcomes, Goo, Reynolds, Coytion, Apr, 26-1 mo) dn onde for sale, Bayou $irain, Phone Ww, (108¢) Awnings WINDOW AWNINUS ~ PORCH awnings, Yirindah Auriaing, canopy tons stale Taylor, Toronto, a aw He hers 1083, (Apr, 4 iA all kinds of cunyns woods, Li oto camp equlpmen| for rent, Vos ardware, phone 25 or 20, Agouls for J, J, Turner and Son, Veter horo, Ontario, (Apr, 20-1 mo) ting and Accounting AUDTITRG™ AND ACCGURTING MOrYice nt reasonable rates, In' come Lax reporis nnd ANDY statements prepared, i, A, Holden, 03 Wimcoe street north, phone lw, (Apr, 11-1 mo) ing Supplies CEMENT DLOCRE PUN BALL Y'o tusure prompt delivery, piace orders |r, advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale, Phone 161% a ------f Wanted To Bu I A ofgn, Groomesterin, 174 Ritson road south, (1080) ad Personal CRAVING TN TEW DATE, WINNT: peg, driving, could take two pase songers, Apply Box 6490 Times, (1040) UNDE CIDE DT PEND BIRTH date and 10¢ for wonderful horoscope of your life Prof, Raphael, Box 94, Grand Central Station, New York. (8-May 10) le "Tost and Found LOT ~~ WHDNYRDAY -- AFTEn- noon between Regent Theatre and Vigtoria Apartments, large silver hroach set with brilllants, Ree ward, Please phone 2781, (1040) "Situations Vacant Male ABTS UY INEXPERIENCED men allowed Afty cents hour, learn. ing best paying trades, Engineering, electricity, garage work, chauffeurivg briekluying, barbering, hulrdressing, Literature free, Write or call Do minton Trade Schools, King West, Toronto, (81:87-03.90.108-1 11:117-123) Situations Wanied dTRY, WA K~FOR"ON® month, Apply Dox 646, iar 1 Notice to Creditors d a---- iN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM N, STEPHENSON; lute of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, Deceased, All persons having elaims. againnt the estate of William N, Stephenson, Inte of the City of Oshawa, In the County of Ontario, Gentleman, Des ceased, who died on or about the fourth day of February A.D, 1930, are notified to send to the undersigned, Administratrix with Will Annexed, Letitin Gy Jennings, or to the under aligned Messrs, Girlerson, Creighton & Iraser, her Solicitors on or be fore the 12th day of May AD, 1930 their names and addresses and full particulars of their, claims, and the nature of the securities (If uny) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration, timedintely after he sald 12th day of May the assets of the sald decenss od willbe distributed among the par tea entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice, D Att 17, AD: 1930. LETITIA ww JENNINGS, 18 Arthur Sirens, Oshawa Messrs, Grierson, Creighton & Fraser Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the sald Administrateiy, with Will Ans nexed: (Apr, 19 & 20-May 3 "It only you'd Jook at me straight in the eye Bald he man "with the heart of nt "I'd try and forgive you the whele of your lies," Put she couldn't---basaune of her squint, . A sailor attended a vaca meets ing and but & good sum on a rank outsider for ope of the events, It romped home an easy winner at 100 to 1, When he went to the bookmaker for his money he did not get an enthusiastie JeteRtion "But what beats me," said t man, an he counted out a wad of notex. 'in what onuned you to baok thin hlinking horse! . ih a was like this" sald "You mee, my ship's rious and as I saw there that name ronning Rive a bit on it" "Oh, that's it, * 10? sald the bookin. Phen T wish you had the hel 00,4 haen & aalion on Lhe Titans omen | BLIND VETERAN ACTIVE LAWYER Col, L. W.. Mulloy of Corn- wall Wins Success at Bor Cornwall, May 4.~~Those know him well never thimk of Colonel Lorne W, Mulley, blinded Mouth African War Veteran, as sightions, Colonel Mulley, long known to the British snd Cana dan peoples as Trooper Mulloy, Is an active practitioner st Iro- quols, 45 mites west of this town, His pleadings take place largely in Cornwall and one, vecalls that the first caso he bandled was ag détending lawyer in 4 murder trial here, A young man killed a girl with whom he was Infatusted, but who did not wish to marry him, The fellow had threatened her be: fore, and had been given his free. dom ou condition that he go west, His infatuation caused him to re. turn. however, and he fired at the girl through the window of her home, killing her instantly, The defence tried to prove insanity, but the prosecution won the jury's verdict und the sluyer was hanged, Thus did Colonel Mulloy jump ine to the legal Vimelight, Just as he was In the limelight during his Queen's University and Oxford courses after the Boer war and later a professor of military hist ory in the Royal Mititary College of Canada, When Colonel Mulloy came back from Engiand after his Oxford studies, General Sam Hughes, then Canadian Minister of Mititia, found him un post In the Royal Mititary College where he remained several years, He was used as a recruits ing oMeer throughout Canada dur- ing tho Great War, Then he de- elded to study law, on the advice of his good friend John Godfrey, K.C., of Toronto, The Colonel read his law course In one year, which usually takes threes years, and the Ontario Law Society called. the distinguished soldier and scholar to the bar, Me decided to locate in Iroquois, which he knew from youth, and bought a fine old stone residence a garden on the banks of the Bt, Lawrence River at that place. changes in which he directs od himeelf, When he established himself in law people came to him from the whole countryside, His office Is in his residence and he keeps a capable girl secretary, To his wie, formerly Joan Munro of Reattle, Wash, a noted soprano solotsr, he owes much as she did most of his reading for several years, Colonel Mulley, who is a Con. servative In polities, bas (ken part in various election campaigns, and on several occasions has near. ly been chosen as candidate for both proviscisl and Dominion hon. ore. "The majority rules' is his motto, and he digs right in to hump the winner on every occasion, He han taken a very active part in the municipal affairs of Iroquois, In Pundas he will be remembered who *| fn the future as friend and helper, just an the old country deector of the past lives in the aNections of the people he served, Me settles many seemingly knotty problems and by diplomacy has saved more than one person from a prison term, so bls friends tell, TLANT CHOICK The prisoner had been called (o the bar and had informed the udgo that owing to lack of funds je was not represented by coun sal. "In that oases," sald the Judge, the Crown will provide a counsel for you. Sitting over.there on the first bench are Mr, Smith, Me, Tompking and My, White, and there is another lawyer out in the hall, Whom do you want to rep~ resent you?!" The prisoner looked the (hres lawyers over very oarefully anda, turning to the Judge, sald, "It it's all the same to you, your Honor, 1 think I'll take a chance on the fellow in the hall" Conjurer: "Open your hand and you will see that [ have changed your knife to a valuable gold wateh, Now, walt a moment. and 1 will change it to a knife again," Mani "No! No! I like the watch beat!" Tailor-made Suite... $25.00 Scotland Woollen Mills %, RUTINM, Manager Nofore placing Automobile i got my special roe I rican for a Dearborn Pak, Sbdivision west of Mig at, North J. H. R LUKR Regent Theatre Drink Deliciom Kara Coffee Always Fresh at * Chain gs "vr JURY & LOVELL'S, OPTICAL PARIS J. W. Wowall, Oph. D. Eyesight, Specialist Phone 8210 COLEMAN 80 BOND BT, WENT A I UT G0 GOOD USED CARS Are Moll by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES IMITED 00 Simcoe Ht, 8, "hone POO -- nd Ey ------------ ' EATON GROCETERIA | i It Pays To Shop Here Always Order Your Spring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING ©), on KING 87. W, hone 814) We Deliver IT HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID Electric Sanded and Finish. od Complete W. J. TRICK CO, 11D, a» Albert Street, Phone 280, 88) . Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Nisuey<Cott AMBULANCE #7 Oslina St, hone 1088 A ha LUMBER _ | x L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber ang Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 884 Whitby 18 FOR SALE=On account of health, wood 100 acre farm, plowing and seeding done) complete with herpes, sows, pigs, fowl, implements, ole; Lob go ot $6500.00 half dash, Balance 54%, No exchange, We have others to exchange for Oshawa property, See DISNEY REAL ESTATE, 1'hovsunmdy Now Beat ; n A Delightivi Breakfast Food Y We Senulul id sa eh PECIAUINT LF 0) Bot Dire ---- aR ---- Good -- Ahead! NE wal) MOE 080 your oa Let wo tHuance pir tional Cush Glvon, G. R. Holden MOTUR LOANS d . toow o, "YN King St vas 74 Athol 81. W., Ushiwh Moges 18-1111 |