Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 May 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930 PACE MVE | atest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, May 1.~The spot e, | market was steady and unchange 'this morning; Offerings are fet hea- vy but eas w plentiful enough to satisfy the limited demand, Novem- . her futures as well as the May con- tracts made new lows during the fu- : ture call, with the former closing 28 L Fie spot butter market held stea- 'dy and unchanged on top grades, ale though 'lower scoring lines suffered some reduction in price, Trading dur- ! ing the future call was somewhat Hi i mited, with Novembers reaching from the day's high level, while the Mays held unchanged from yesterday, Open commitments--May eggs, 3: | Novi eggs, 1006; May butter, 17; June buttery 1; Nov, butter, 208, Two market receipts~Butter today 18,552; last year, 19,998, Eggs today, 60,903; last year, 54,155, Chicago spot market--Butter, ext- ras, 30 1-4c; standards, 36 1-dc; tone werk, Fags, graded firsts, 22 12 to 28 tone weak, A New York spot narket--Butter, ex rate of 4 per cent, and those on the to 24 1:2¢; tone irregular, Street stoeks--Butter, 91,213; last year, 72973, Lggs, 139437; last year, 114,079, Four on hund- Buster, 8,790,329; CRRY, 2,121,383, Six cities ,252,085, 814,724, Movement at ten markets=Butter, net In, 95080; last year net in, 4, 507, Yggs net in, 04,5264 last year net in, 52902, Butter, Egg», ---- TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Teade are making the fol. lowing quotations for car lots; Manitoba wheat-=No. 1 Northern, $1.11; No, 2, do, $1.08; No, 3, $1.05; , 4, $1.00 1:2; No, § 94 3-4¢c; No, 6, 73 1-2¢; feed, 67'1:2¢; (elf, Go- derich and Bay ports), Manitoba oats No: 1 feed, 51 1.2¢; No. 2 do, 92 3Ac Millfeed. delivered Montreal freights,' bags included=Bran, per ton, $33.25; shorts, per ton, $34.25; f Ber middlings, $36.25. Ontario 50 to 52c; barley, 52 to 5 to 75¢; buckwheat, 80¢, TORONTO PROVISION PRICE! Smoked meats~Ilams, medium, 28 ting the Jolionin prices to the trade to 3c} cooked loin, 48 to 826, smok: pr ag 2% foe iy 30e to 40c; bucks, pen-mealed, 3c; do, smoked, 46 to 55¢. Pork loins, 32¢; shoulders, 22¢; 2c; hams, 26 to 28¢, Cured meats~Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs, 24c; 70 to YO Ibs, 22¢; 90 to 110 Ibs, 21c.. Huav V7 ti. rolls Lard==Pure, tierces, 1 pails, 17¢; prints 17 to 1 Shortening = Tierces, 13%e¢: pails, 1c Toronto wholesale dealers ure quo. 40t; light-weight rolls, 25¢. TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations, ree tail, in effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto: ¢ Produce Eggs, extras, per dozen ... .. Do, firsts, per dozen .... r, dairy, per pound ,, Do, creamery, per Ib, ... Fruits and Vegetables ~ Asparagus, 1 1b, bunch .... Sarrots, bus, .....00 Do. 6 qt. Baets, bus, Do, 6 gt. 001i Brussels sprouts, qt... Ozlons, dry, 11-qt, basket, Do, 6-et., basket Cabbage ..ibieisseeisiiris Cauliflower ..00ii Endive, duzen Spinach, peck 0.35 Mushrooms, per pound ... +4, 060 Leaf * sttuei, three for « sees 010 Hea lettuce, two for 0.25 Parsley, per bunch 0.10 Cress, three for Celery, dozen Oranges, per doz Honeydew melons, each Strawberries. pt. .o0ii0ii0 Grapefruit, each vr 0.07 012 Potatoes, bag . errant 250278 Cucumbers, each ..iv0000 025 0.30 rye 7 butts 1-2¢, Fi tubs . 040 0.35 0.35 0.38 042 0.48 0.25 vies 20 eens 035 wo 175 . 040 , 0.35 vee 0.60 vere 0.35 0.20 0.25 0.50 oe 1.50 een enn rare E RR Pera RRER RR EE We re "oar irene « 075 1.00 0.25 vain--=Wheat, $1.10; oats, | A | Green peas, 6 qt, § tubs, 16¢; Lemons, per dozen voovvise 00s 0.23 Bananas, per dozen ., 0.25 0.30 Apples, 6:qt. basket Cal, green pens, 6-gt. bkt, gplant, each iiiiine reen beans, 6 qf, ,,, Green peppers, six for Cranberries, qt. Turnips, bus, , Parsnips, 11 qt. .,. pples, bus, ,.., Tomatoes, 1b, +...vvieve Pineapples, each ...vvvveres , 025 on Rhubarb, bunch ~~ ....0000 4000 0) Radishes, four bunches .. .... 028 New car-ots three bunches 0.25 New beets, two bunches .,.. 0.25 TORONTO PRODUCK QUOTATIONS (Buying) Toronto wholesale dealers are buylog produce at the following prices: Eggu==Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 28¢; fresh frets, 206c; seconds, 24c, Butter--No, 1 creamery, solids, 80% to 81%¢; No, 2, 20%e. Churning cream--Special, S4¢; No, 1, 48e; No, 2, #0e. Cheese~~No, 1, large, colored, parafined and government graded, 18% to 10e, Poultry Alive Dressed Hens, over 6 Ibs, ,... 24 24 Deo., over 4 to 6 Ibs, ,, 223 20 Do., under 4 Ibs, ench 22 Sorine "eollers, over £ Ibs, ve 01d roosters, aver b Tbs, 23 Do, over 4 to 6 Ibs, ., 1 (Selling) Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retall dealers at the following prides: Eggn~TFresh extras in cartoons, 84c; fresh extras, loose, 32¢: firsts, #0c: meconds, 27¢. Butter No, 1, prints, #be; No, 3, prints, die, Cheese~~Neow, Yarge, 23 to 28%e, twins 28% to 24c¢; triplets, 28%: stiltons, 27¢, Old, large, 28¢: twing 20¢; triplets and cuts, 30c¢; old otil. tons, dle, Poultryss Dressed Chickens, 6 Ibs, up as Do. 4 to b lbs, .,., an Do, 8% to 4 bs, a2 Do, 4 to 3% Ibs, Do., 4 Ibs, Heng, over 6 Ibs, .. Rrollers Ducks Turkeys .... Creamery creamery, corer. CUM-DIPPED TIRES FOR EVERY DURSE Diggar anc Crawford, Toronto Stock Eschange High 10% b0% 19 12 26% 24 12 47 84 20% 16% a 07% 16% Standard Mining Exchange an 145 a0 850 46h 660 6756 11] 111] 2300 2860 197 208 680 120 196 New York Exchange 26% Block Br, A, Ol Brag, .. Cockshutt Ds, sgrm, Dm, Btrs, Gypsum Hr, Wal, Int, Ut, Int, Nk, Imp, Ol} Lob, "A" Mw, Hr, Pg. Hr, 8. Btation Low 19% 16% rl 9% 40% Abana [1] Alnx ..., 14H Big Mis, 26 De, Mns, 860 Falcon, 8656 Holl, .. #50 He, OI 1700 Hy, Gold #0 Hd, Day 925 Lk, 8h, 2300 Nrada, 2000 8h, Grd, 197 Bd, Bs, 203 Tk, Ng, 680 Ventures 120 Wr, Hr, 106 6 146 ae 860 a4b Uh 67h Ko 0256 2500 2816 195 203 6756 120 106 26% 6h 46% 70 8% 60 27% 70% Alleghany 27 Allis Chal, #5 6h Amn, Inter, 46% 46% Amn, Smelt, 70 68% Amn, Tel, 248% 247% Anaconda 60 hes Baldwin 27% 27% Borden 9% 0% sr TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers wm hay and straw are quoting shippers the fol lowing prices for carload lots, de: livered on track, Toronto j= No. 2 timothy $14.50 $15.00 No. 3 timothy, . 1300 14.50 Wheat straw oiviiennis 11.50 Oat straw , ...., veiane 1050 GENERAL MOTORS Shareholders As Asked to Ap- prove $6,000,000 Five P.C. Preferred New York, May 2-Directors of the General Motors Corporation yes- terday submitted for stockholders' ap proval a plan to create an issue of 6,000,000 shares of new 5 per cent Juelered stock, part of which weuld 0 exchanged for the present senior securities to simplify the capital structure and to reduce the annual dividend outlay on the preferred stocks now outstanding, The regular quarterly dividend of 75 cents on the common, $1.75 en the 7 per cent, preferred, and $1.50 each on the 6 per cent, preferred and the debenture stock also were declar- ed The plan for substituting the pre. sent preferred and debenture stocks, with: an issue paying a lesser divid- end rate, will be voted on at a stock: holders' meeting on May 26. The plan also provides Yor the ealling of any of the unexchanged preferred $125 for each share of 7 per cent and debenture stock on the basis of preferred; $110 for the 6 per cent preferred, and $115 for the debenture PLANS NEW ISSUE| Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Canadian I'ress Toronto and Yew York Wtock Quotations Supplied by Alger Building, Oshawa 0% 16% 64 108% M% a4 hl% 820, 46% 76 0% 40% 44 899 97 04% 190% 46 Borg War, Beth, Steel Can, Dry Can, Pac, Chrysler ., y Dav, Chem, 34 Pox «v0000 Bb Gen, Klee, ... 86 Gen, Mot, 47 Goodyear 78% Gre, North, 80% Ken, Copper 44% Liq. Carb, 66% Mt, Ward 45% Nt, Ch, Rg. 06 pon, Rall, 76% Sin, ON} ,., 2 St, of NJ, 80% Btudehnker 18% Tk, RI, Bear 82 UB, Steel 179% 1/8, Rubber 20 Money 3 per cent, HAS BEEN MISSING OVER FOUR DAYS Goderich, Ont, May Four days of continued searching have failed to reveal! any trace of H, N, McCann, who left Detroit Sunday afternoon, April 27, In a 48-foot power boat en. route to Goderich, Since being sight- ed passing Sarnia at 5.30 p.m, Sunday all efforts to Wcate the solitary sea~ y man have been unavailing, A private airplane, coustguard vessels und var. fous other pt including the Canis dian government fish patrol, "Misse ford) have aided in the search for evidence of disaster, The contemplas ted use of seaplanes hus been baffled by prevailing unfavorable flying wean. er, & low fog precluding the sue. cess of an extensive search over Jake Huron, The attempts to locate hin will continue until ul) hope is ubund oned, STORMS KILL 17 IN UNITED STATES (Continued from Page !) shelter of his home, He was burs fed in the debris of a bullding the storm levelled, A man in a parked automobile at Rockford, 11), was killed when the wind blew down a tree that crush- ed the machine, A farmer was killed at Klek- apko, Leavenworth County, Kas, Pour 'persons, Including one wo- man' and « 10-year-old girl, died in the tornado at Norborne, Mo, Klectricity Valls The fallure of the electric light plant at Tekamah added to the horror of the tornado damage there, Throughout the night doe- tors at the Tekamah hospital and the American Legion hall, and im- provised hospital, worked by lnmp- light and flashlights, treating scores of men, women and children, many suffering serious hurts, Btreets of the Nebraska were chooked with debris, tornado whirled towards the town The town Ee . a ---- as though to strike at the business district, but it veered and did its grentest damage in a residential aren, In Tekamah, the baby of Mr, and Mrs, Hans C. Anderson was killed in his mother's arms when the Anderson home was destroyed, Mr. and Mrs, Anderson were seri. ously Injured, An, early estimate placed the Te- kamah property damage at $160, 000 with another $100,000 loss to property and crops in other Nebra- ska territory, Muyin Street Wrecked At Weithy, Wis, the tornado that killed Archer Tunk, 9 years old, did another $100,000 damage, Nearly every building on the main street of thig town of 1,100 per- sons wap upset or destroyed, A tobacco warehouse was lifted from its foundation and slammed against the walls of a rallroad station, A storm of tornadic dimensions struck Wabasha and Steels coun ties In southern Minnesoia, de- stroying small farm buildings and doing other property damage es timated at $100,000, Although the storm caused loss of fe on both sides of Towa, that state escaped with Mitte dame age, The tornado that Aid such heavy damage in northeastern Ne- braska lost its ferocity as it en. tered lows near Sioux City, Rain, hail and high winds were reported from many parts of the state, Fehoes of the storm were felt in Chicago early today with a heavy rain and hall, storm, ANIMAL CURFEW FOR FRANCE While lovers of quiet in France have pleasant anticipations of en forcement of the proposed cudfew Ea A. for animals, farmers are not so enthusiastic over the plan, The French authorities propose thet after 10 o'clock at night no doy is to be allowed to bark, no cat to sorensde and no cock to erow. Farmers and owners of pels are: supposed to ses that this curfew is observed by their livestock, and they say that they will re a live ely time In doing so, LEGALIZING OF DIVORCE SCORED Anglican Provincial Synod Deplores Action of Parliament Toronto, May 2.-~Lengthy @ls« cussion of marriage and divores which culminated in the passage of a resolution "'deploving the Jegsi= izing of divorce on the part of the state," featured yesterday's mest~ ing of the council «f the Anglican Provincial Synod, attended by reps resentatives, including bishops, clergy and laymen, from all six dioceses of the province, While the resolution deplorad legalizing of divorce, it states "Phe church leaves the question of the safest way the state may do this to the serious, wise and cons velentious judgment of the indive iduals," The Synod placed itself on rece ord "an pleading for the avoid« nice of the stirring up of any rac= clal or religious 1liwil] or cleavage, In consequence of any a¢tion that parliament may take In the mate Pa Your portunity ter." to Save Money on Your New ar We are offering at greatly rodney prices a number of Big Six Pontiacs manufactured previous to the current model--all brand new and backed by the regular new car guarantee. These cars may be purchased on the G.M.A.C, i stock, rata plan) of easy payments, RT 2 Sedan - $985 LLL wy Coupe - 895 Great Benefit to OSHAWA DELIVERED PRICES i 85 tl | Toronto, May 2~High prices of tea received a body blow in the Bud: get proposals announced yesterday The reduction to the consumer, it is est! ted, will be 17 cents a pound i Ontario and Quebee, and 10 cents. nound in the West, on account of the freight rates, In the aggregate the lacing of British-gre n tea on the rec list means millions of dollars 1 the eonsumer, Steaine for the Salada Tea Com pany A. M, Wilson, stated that be Jf REsT ONE Tires are famous every- where for their high quality and low cost per mile. Because of their extra strength and toughness, they hold all world's records for mileage and endurance. Above prices include all government taxes, stane dard catalogue equipment and spare tire, tube and cover, Lovejoy shock absorbers front and rear pany AM. Wino, aed shat be spring covers, bumpers and bumperettes, and full af fon are Imparie Sia tank of gasoline. License extra. ; 88 Simcoe St., N Oshawa Phone 015 No matter what price you want to pay for tires-+-go to your nearest Firestone Dealer. He has a Firestone-built tite for every purse and purpose---tires that offer the greatest value-that serve you * wvallably in all sties and save you money. Firestone builds the only Gum- Dipped Tires - pound, While -therg was seme expec: tation that the duty might he cut, the abolition of the tea duty is mest pleasing to the tea merchants and, of course, to the consumers Mr. Wilson said the reduction of 1S cents a pound to consumers a- gainat a 7 per gent, reduction in duty ix explained by the fact that tea pri cos have changed, but not sufficiently to affect permanently the market price. The reduction of 7 cents a pound and the splitting of the sales tax in two makes a noticeable redue. tion in tea prices possible, = + I nn en a SR i GR SANS Br

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