Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 May 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN RPT RL" where, S nyer ED D SECTION, eller ROTOR O 7 -- ------ NANT & ALINIS, BARRISTERS f ichters. Novar Publis. ec, Eig, Cone Faw: Oliess 1 # Hincou's il {Frond a Be et LL.B. " {] chia, Cp Opposite Ly " Solicitor, + Notary : WA Money. io foun. ne ie ry is A rivter, Solicitor, Notary' Piblie, an|3 vi r, Money n. Offve 14 King St. East) AWS, Win reisters, "Conveyancers, I Notaries , He, ots, Office over {Standard Dank, Kutrance Simone St. Phone 18, J, Grierson, K.Ou \T, K. Creighton, B.A, N 5 Fraser, B, BA LOUIS § TTVMAN. "BARNTUTEN, | A iclar, Notar over 1h atand 's Stores, Money {7 loan, Simone street north, 1'houe 67, thes ence 2684F, ' | | Prager, GREER AND JJUMPEREYS BAT. 15 pho ohana ele hb 8iricoe St. N. Phone 3160, Meney to to loan. or i HALL, B.A, BARRIM tor, ote, Conveyan and general praction, 28% W St. Bast, { Phone #3387, (tf) ¥ " {ters, Solicitors, = etu., "4 Algor Bldg. Othawa "and Port Perry, 'Phones 75% Cehawa, Port Perry 11] "nl Nes i T. PARKHI Mr 4-1 mo) Tete, Money to loan, ABD Bik, op] P! Inosite Post Office, Phone 1614, Medical 57, HAZLEWOOD & HARPEW | Disney Block, Phone "060, Office {hours § a.m, to 8.40 pm, Dr, B, LL, Hazlowood, special atiention to LiBurgery and X-Ray, or, B, H, Hap- Liper, special attention to children's E {Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday Eiand night calls 2416 or 132, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, pri BH ir ro. i | igeon, i does. King St, Esst, corner Victoria (Oshawa, Phone 94, = HAROLD W, TRICK. PH (81. ian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spec terences 10 matern'ty work Ji eases © WO VERr mraduate ass oT Office and resi: dence 167 €imeoe St N., (cor, Brock) "e d Hast, Phone 1155. ci (ER, M.D. CM. on AD, ARE: Nant ein Si rieon ge Qhstetri ian, ' tr, N, offen 14 0 megRaline Ave, North. Thone 8156, an DR, 0, W, OARR, P i triclan. Office 8nd oi Sod Oe. D1¥ Simtos street north, Phone 3416. clan, Surgeon and residen Obs etrician, Simcoe Domestic Anis | Specialist Diseases 204 mals, Cat and dog hospital, King W. Tel, 620, (May 1-1 mo) ose, Throat Special YANS OF 160 BLOOR ot Wath, Torohio, ou a [ Na pice ever uy & tore each iy \ a ¢ for consul tat and diatment disenses car, nose and throat 0 ly "Anvoin ments mav be mare wl 0 Pine $4 bat LDSON, Tichell's' Drug Store, op 12 am, 2 ML ntment, Office phone nee 4581, Sy ~vtraction, Nurse in ate 2AALL Res 5 Atala Ww. H $ Phan Re Eh Phone 178 sand and nd | WATSON'S | HONETi® WJ. SD Ered a " BT, muscle snomalies, oye) kL and glasses, Author of 4 nd Eye Strain, Tbe ¢ ig are Its Development. Dis ay Dioek opposite Post Office, | Phone 3616 : (Apr, 14-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying re | 2. Land AND D SMITH © IA wf > Ni Jos i Undertaking KE BURIAL CO, 67 K sldonce, Sim bone 210 st, Amhulanee, 006 'street Borth, A BURIAL COMPANY Fie ro Ambulance y DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west Ogtinw, The old: est Pire Awency hawa, 0 Re: nutahle Fire WHEN PLACING INS gonsuls R, N, Johwes, 60 Simcoe gorth, - Your insurance vAnits At janis to apd your interests pro- ected, 7 Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE. man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware bouse nd moving van equipment, hone MOVING, GRAVEL CARTAGE, inders. Local and dons dis.ance hauling, Smith & Cox, Phone 024, 10 Bond Bt, West, OSHAWA'S OLDE>T ESTAB- lished turn ture movers, Park Ro car ane, I and long diranee frank Gus 01 fig 65 Yark Kd (Apr, 10-1 mo) a Sr Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PEKMANENT WAVE Shop, Special.sts In permanent, finger and marcel waving, + Ver manent wave prices 85, $7.60, ¥10 specialist (pn all and $16, All other Hines of Heauty Oulture. Fhene 2008, Bimeoe wsireet orth, ADply sb Lou Permian: arcel and shame dei BARBER. AND 9 Celina St, We spe- Mar. arcel EXPE A Betty. Ward at Bett ent Wave Shop| poa $1, Phone Beauty 3hep, clalize in ladies' hait cu ny, phone Beth shampooing, facials, cents, For on 13 , phon nogintmonts AOE XN TURE Foe R RW, K, Clarke, 147 Agnes street rhone 26407, Apr, 801 mo) Wie [aa rm ---------------- HERBERT ©, TRENBER, OR. ganist and cholr master of King o| Sires United Church will accept pupils in plano, org music, For particular William etree: east. P (Apr, b-1 dd | of music, Osh ollegiate ih Public Srhoals, Studiow-4 fi St phone 1084J, (Apr 6:1 mo) LYN USHAWA RADIO Ae cessorin for sale, Jb on lees trio and battery seis, tubes and batteries tested, batieries rer charged, rental subbed. 4) $1, Phong Jao03, Charles "> 140 Rigin | A guarans delive urroughs, {Apr, 16:1 mo) d,. 760 called for and de , Radio service, airials erect ed, Platt, Phone L808), i Physical culture, 32 Phy Ivan ong fom 6 pm | on am, For terms turdays from | | E LR Be tan rf m Phone 1473, 37 Nimeos La etna ure toa phone §20W. (APF 4+1 mo) ee VLE ty Raf Cn Td eg od TARORNE removed and cartage of all kinds, Prices reasonable, Phone rv " CONORETE WOR, CREAR ond garage floors, sidewalks and eindery, Chris Grabam, Phone 2621M ih All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and lose arising from handling » large number of small arsounts of this nature, » For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient tw eome personally to - will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. The Times' offic "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 'ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT e, # telaphone sall CHA } supplied §), tan i Phone 1284M, vid hat to look Hub, 15 Kin Shine and like frat PLOU roadways, sand, automoblles and s4daw, cleaned Cireet Work Wanted A GED, CALLED for and dalivered, 75 cents, ene Poptories re Higdon, 20 Mil Apr Nol and new at West, Cleaning, uaranteed, Phone 2249, Victor Cole (Apr, GHED, - gravel, (Apr, 20-1 furniture, best in workmanship at the Jowest prices, Note new address; 4561 Bim cos South, G, A. Constalde, Phone (Apr, 26:3 [4h blocked , ANHES red hone mo) The Shoe Work mo.) Tha wks) die's dresses, Connolly, Phone 805) Mra, East, Ensemble children's clothes, and alterations Richmond, Ji 201 King Eaat, Dressmaking INT, LAs sults, LLY] (Apr, 23-1 mo.) "Articles For Sale for drivew shes, in the city, ing streat west, Telephone 2774, 13 Richmend K Res ear, No Ford, uekeye Brooder, 1 RA 778), J. a reat, 23 0 ply A Diyivion 29 treet, ute Ls paintin ips Mock Limired, Phone | FON BALE -- as aa VARIN. "We have the largest asgort. ment of paints, varnighes, ete, in The Paint Store, &0 (Apr, 86 tf) (TLY | very central, Forrestev,. MIAED JARDL ARDS 30kT WOOD he vad Also bon Ltd, pleat, AW. and used planos, Also radios, Iatest medals; tere Apply ©, ull, Jhon E) ays, . 1 used bieyeles from $18 up, These are in absolutely first class condi. tion and are offered to you at only a fraction of thelr market value, Open Sronings. { i AN GRAND player Blane, splendid tone, good rells, Would exchange tor Algo 200 chick Phone (101¢) 14 FOR WALE=N0. TNFR I ATORN. i Te per bag deliver hots: Stove, VEL Atone-chips and black loam, Phone | 210. Alice (Abr, 30:1 baby buggy cheap tor quick sale, y Dearborn Avenue, ite, bedutends and: springs, call or phone 3207W 2 abeve hour hours, ¢ A +A a» Stree a [EAE Cierra Jog 1 8.00; 29 x 4.40, $0.06; Foyl Rad tors, $10, Also auto ts at reasonable prices, Motor Accessor Qos 81 King west, (Apr 80-1m fare, Jo oy A Bor | . wn ua \ t, wore Lo A phone J068w or vugs, B00 ta 41 week. For samples Cal We down, 2060 "die ad Meek Limite. 4 tout nd Shenae Rhus 2006 e dry 1040) mo) 100 mos 0%¢) Ab a ) Ou aint ate Ww. ams | All conveniences, LWhitbhy, Yor Rent APARTMENT ="MOL LRN HONE lke suites, Some turnisbed, lawn. dry, conveniences, elec dryer, eto, alec stoves, ele refrigeration, hot water year round, Phone 1660 or JUATW, (HLL) FOUR AND TIVE ROOMET MOD arn suites including electric refrige oration, stove, laundry, convents anoes, ele, continu 's hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 4471, or The Trusts und Uuarsntes Uo, Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, (870) HOUSE 10" Li = "ALL CON: venlencds, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Brom (dor) 10 TET "7" CHOICE ~ APART. ments, Baird Block, 148 Simcoe §, Hg convenience, Phone 466 or AF-Hiotie brick house, conveniences, hard. wood [leors, newly decorated, paved street, Possession May first, Apply 41 Elgin, east, phone 1686, (102h) APARTMENT TUTET, CENTRAL hard Hoors, Apply 'Bradley roe wood th TO NENT ==" BRAUTIVUL "AD: partment over r Karn's Dryg Store; Large, spacious, living room and semi-private entrance, Possession ay first, 1930, Apply Dr, F, L, Phone 16, oe wh (1000) ATX ROOM OUR, ALL CON: vonlences, newly decorated, 204 Oshawa Blvd, Immediate posses slon, Phage 200 r i Bowmanville, (DEI) FIVE (ENT on Kigin St, W, Aly i Wikia street west, (UNL) TT NOONE ANT HAT All modern improvements, Urs chard and garages, 280 and 983 Nassau St, (1001) J --ALlL J J 0 conveniences, Phone. 1380W, (1010) CANOE BRD BTN OOM 10 rent, very central, with hoard, £204 King street east, Phone 31040W, ae (1010) FOR RENT = BOURCY GARAGE Apply 143 Centre Strat, Phone Gia], (101e) fF ROONE TO LET UNITRIN IER ED or partly furnished, Apply 180 Clarke street, (1010) HOUSEKEEPING OOME "HEAT, light, water, telephone, cellar, ex. change two hours domestio service dally, An eppertunity, Phone 350 (1010) 1 w HARD wood floors, all conveniences, 213 Huron street, 101e FAX ROOM HRTOR HW arages, all conveniences, Jarvis, rborne, Horton & French, rh (101) FONYEN IROOM FEAT, FURS nished, newly decorated, modern conveniences, with garage, Apply 07 Colborne atveot east, (1010) ¥ od stove, Apply nr Wo moreland Avenue, | Rates for | I Classified Ads. | -- Firat insertion==13 cents per word, Miplmum charge 30c, Reh w Usnt sonsecus treo fon lo per mw 8 IY iy i fret (three conta a a Wahu charge fr three {nsertions, oants, os uumber 100 additional valtssionst or Rusinens rds, $3.60 per month dia ed By TRLEFHONS 80 ward, For Rent FRIGHT DOV/NTOWN APAWE- ment, four rooms, hardwood floors, electyiy refrigerator, stove, stea lient, "oi water, J iitey, Reason: able rent, Phone 1400, (1010) HOUSK FOR RENT==12 ARLING- ton Ave, Phone 416 v 25, (304) VORNIGHED BED AIPTING room, kitchenette it desired, Prices moderate, hone B445W, 461 At. con south, (1040) TW ) ight bousekeeping rooms, furnish- ed or unfurnished, nies locallly, near Motors, No objection to sma!) child, Rent reasonable, IPhone 27807, (1020) - ART, VIVE room cottage, sun porch, sult family, or furnished complete, suite, business girls or gentlemen Phone 280 r 14, (108¢) CARA LOMA APARTMENTS, 161 King street ons, Oshawa, Three and five rooms with bath, very modern, Apply to Apartment 2, TO TW WO TARO POT nished rooms, 8 plate electric, use of phone, All conveniences, In next block to G.M.C, offices, Immedi~ ate possession, 408 Richmond 8 I, Phone 1140F, (108g) FON RENT RRVEN TOON brick house, All convenience, very gentral, Apply 188 Church street, ; (108¢) FRVERAT, ATX 70 Ban oom: ad houses to rent, modern, close in, fram #856 up. Vour roomed houses, $15 Apply 84 Allge street, Phone 2001, (108b) Lipa! TOON: ADYIY 150 Cer | venlenges, Central, ling Btreef, (108¢e) ATX" HOOM WOURE TTT hort street to rent, conveniences, Immediate possession, Phone 204 r 8, Bowmanville, (1080) FOR RENT -- THREK UNPUR- nisked rooms, ground floor, three blocks from four corners, All cons veniences, 43 MeMillan Drive aad 241 E a (103e) TO RENT THANRE ROOMED house and garage, good garden, $15 per month, Apply 214 Gibb street, (108e) Wanted to Rent WANTED 10 NENT N"THE immediate vicinity of ther residence, # Barage for one oar, Phone LAL (108) WANTED AT ONT" TX NOUN house, Must be central, Hox 644, Times) (1080) For Sale or Rent FOR FATE ON MENT = NooW- od brick bungalow, 40 Emma Bt, Phone 1862) 6. p.m, to § p.m, mle LIA FOR BALE OR RENT" ROOMY and back kitehen, Electric Lights Apply 168 Gibbons Fireet, after 7 o'tlock pm, (1080) | SUMMER COTTAOR™ FOR WALK or rent at Honnlebhrae, Apply Jones Reg! Estate, I'hone 24647, (1080) Motor Cars WAVE YOUR CAR OI TRUCK repaired at 40 Bond BL, West, Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to wotor boats and genersl wood work, Phone W. Fry 8800, (Apr 4%1 mo) BIR oylindey coneh, smal) mileage, good condition, Phone 1410W, (108h "Pets and Live Stock. WHTTE = LRG AOANTHTORE from carefully selected large heavy layers, alter May 1st, All Hatching eggs, Visitors welcome, Geo, Heynolds, Courtice, (Apr, 86:1 mo,) WHT THOAONN "WATCHING agks for sale, Baron Birain, Phone 2065W, (1080) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH awnings, verandah curtalng, canopy tops Installed, T, Tayler, Toronto, Osha a 1083, (Aor, 10:4) AW CUNTATNE, VLAUE, all Viva 7 CANVAS Hoods, Come plete camp equipment for rent, Vox Inrdware, phone £5 or 26, Agents for J, J, Turner and Hon, Veter boro, Ontario, (Apr, 21 moi Auditing and Accounting AUDITING ANT ACCOUNTING service at reasonable rates; In Some tax reports apd ARDU 4) statements prepared, it, A, Holden, #8 Blmeoe street north, phone $7iW, a APT 11:1 ma) Palmist MADANT WENA," PALMIET, 446 Beuna Vista, Appointments, Phone LALLA. (Apr, 81-1 me) "Business Opportunities AOTC AND GHOOWRY BOR ness, tourist town, equipment $1600, stock invelee price, Ren! store, dwelling $25 per month Jas, Ryan, Cannington (101e) GAWAGT WQUIPM ENT, TOURTET town, highway, rent $50 pe; month, Quick sale $1200, Terms arranged, LJ Ld General Btore, good town, must be pold, 111 health, rent reasonable IAS, RYAN, Cannington (101) Building Supplies CUNENT BLOCKY VOR SAT E= To insure prompt delivery, piace orders in advance of delivery date, W, Horrowdale, Phone 101% "Bullding Materials FAVIENONEY ON NUTCBING MA: terials, Buy mt lew PFretory Dis tributors' prices Doors, Ready (aged Windows, Frames, Hard wood Flooring, Wallboard, Every: thing for new bulldings or repairs 06 page catalogue of Bullders' Bargaing Free, Halliday, Hox 14 Hamilton, (108-1005-108-111-130 198-106), (100¢c) Real Estate For Sale rors ATTRA TON On very easy terms, Apply 434 Centre Alreet, (Apr, 38-2 wks, ) FOR FATE=HOURE "ANA TER ACTON, also vacant land, Kasy terms, Close to Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes Nt, Oshawa (1011) FARM FOR | WATE ONE MiL® from town of Uxbridge, 27 ac res, 40 acren under oultivation sandy loom, |? first class potato or strawberry land, good six voom frame house, well at door, bank barn, spring oreak, $2.000 cash, Apply Ww, I MoNarney, 818 French street, Phone 1117] (103¢) FOR HALE == 40 ACRES, 10 peres standing timber, 12 acres cleared, running water, good pass ture, good bullding site, lot #0, Con. 4, Daviingion, Apply Wm, Brown, R. R. No. 2 Oshawa, (108¢) Contracting pldstaning, elegtrio or. alterations, hone 139 for estimates, (1utl) A _-- 6) clang tea room, ApplY Mrs, Flems ing Morrison, Glen Calrn Tea Room Dunbartan, 1010) """FHelp Wanted--Mals WT OCARN PLUNTER WARTS hg he good vi Tould anle, Apply G oll Ww, Peterboro, Ontario, Sit "ONR Apply Box 644, Times, (108h ache elah, (108¢) menth, like work, Times, Amply to "ox LLL (104 three ten. dollar bills, between Hogg & Lytle's office and 313 Rite son, read north, Reward, \ O'Donnell, #12 Ritson voad north, 2150W C1008) Ro A oon between Regent Theatre and torin Apartments, large silver h set with brilljants, Ree Please phone 2781, (108n) "Room and Board , hoard if ra A ny Ri LL Phone 8104, b 1) t {A0%), al hs y Joffered hy " le Auction Sale AUCTION FATE =~ WAVING RK: pelved instructions to sell at 460 Albert street, Oshawa, on Saturday May 2, 1480 1 pleve wicker sulle, organ, dining room tahte and ehaivs, Morris chairs, number of tables and ehaira, one bedroom suite, hed, dresser, chiffonier and dressing (able, 4 beds, § dressers, stove, four beads, three dressors, kitohen cabinet, cook stove, Queheo heater, coal oll steve, gas stove, # eongeleum vugs, alectrin Axtures, battery ehargér, one dry battery eliminator, quantity of dishes Other things too numerous to men: tion, Hale at 1.80 pm, Terms cash, W. J. Hulley, auctioneer, (1084) Se -- Wanted To B WANTRD=" ATRICTLY eggs, Groomeateria, 174 road south, RHR Ritson : \ 1040) using NURNING IN PRIVATE HON® for invalid ar convalescent pa tient, 139 Colborne At, RB, Osh awa, Phone 1010W, (May 8 L:mo) Cr CHRISTMAS GARD DESIGN CONTEST 1, O. D, E, Offers Prizes For Best Canadian Work A prise of $100 is the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire for a Christman card design, A second riga of $60 and a third prize of 256 are also offered The following conditions govern the competition; 1, This competi tion ia open ta all British subjects resident in Canada, whether pros fessional or amaetur, The same prige will not he awarded twice to the same peraon, 2. The dealgn submitted shall be an oviginal sketeh in colors, tle about 84% by 11% inohes, The subject for this year's REA "a Canadian outdoor Wot soene, 4, A competitor may submit move than one dealgn, but each entry ahould he sent. in sepavately, 5, Eutries should be marked "Christe mas Card Competition, and should be sent to the tio a Seoretary, Imperial ot the Ewpive, 238 Bloor rent \ Toronta §, Ontario, en or hefore November 1, 1830, - Hach deaign Montreal, = Aubmitied aliould ba marked with an pssumed name, and should be accompanied by a senled envelope containing both the veal and the assumed name of the competitor, 6, Arrangements will be made by the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire to have the design win. ning the Nrst prize published and sold as a Christmas Card, 7, The prizes will not necessarily be award. ed If, in the estimation of the judges, no gniry merits the award, K. No entry will be returned un« lens 10 1s accompanied by a stamp. ad and addressed envelope suitable for the return of the sketch, a LAFOLLETTETS SENATOR AT 30 Youthful Wisconsin Legisla- tor Already Wielding Big Influence Washington, D.C, May 2.=The rise of the political dynasty of Las fallette (pronounced in the United States with the accent on the second syllable) is receiving attention in the press and appears because of the in fluence of the late Senator Rebert M, Lafollette upon the western pro gressive movement, to he of mare than passing Interest to Canadians, A mere immediate congern is the ate titude of the young Nenator from Wisconsin, "Bab" Lafollette, lately appointed a member of the powerful Finance Committee, upon the Haw ley-Bmoot tariff measure, While I has with fair consistency voted for inereases upon the agricultural pro duets which Canada exports to the United States, his influence has heen generally moderating Upon the question of ralsing the rate on maple sugar, for example, he was against a rise, and he enmbatted an exces Ave rate on casein Breaks Rule it Is as exceptions providing the American rule that political pow er may not he inherited, that. the 33 year old Senator and his hrother, Philip, who will very probably he Governor of Wisconsin at the Age ol 3, are astonishing, It is acoepted as aximutie In the United States that anybody whose father has 'achieved fame in politics never amounts in the same field to a "hill of beans" It is net trye in other ountries where social conditions are more stable, A few weeks ago Miss Me gan Lloyd Geor and the sen af Prime Minister AA say MaeDonald made their first speeches in the Com mens, But the Lafollette resurgence in the United States is unpreceden ted Trained from ¢hildhood to suspect Wall Street, the railroads, the ves ed interests and the OM Guard Re publicans, "Boh" and "Phil" have mingled the tolerance af youth with their 1vather's ghting spirit, Studious adroit, magnetic, they have skilfully taken over the politic al machine the old Senator constructed With John J. Blaine, a strong Las lollette man, oceupying the other Senatorial ehale for Wineensin, and "Phil" governor after the fall elegs tions, the state will be lafellette Knows His Chemicals The young Senator Lafollette is a small dark man, He has a pleasant voice as he handles in tariff debate the very complicated chemical sched ule, His technical knowled J upon this subject is unimpeachable hut there is about him as he ht none of the dry professorial alr whieh makes the argument of Smoot ef Utah sound flat and uninteresting, Bath the Lalollettes are the som of men who can flame a erowdswith comparative. pereentages and Philip in the wore inflammatory GIRL FOUGHT WITH WOULD-BE ROBBER 'Grabbed "Revolver and Eventually Drove Man From Shop London A girl's pluck In ut DODD'S KIDNEY blank cartridges, and geveral times with a sontalning struck her broom, "I was standing In the doorway leading from the shop to a hack room." she told her father, "when I heard a noise behind me HARDWOOD VLOONS Lald by expert wechanics, Qld flgor finished like Goer | Unntractors HW, HAYNES 161 King wt, West Phone 481 « Hesldence BOTH new EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop | Hore Always Order Your Epring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING 68 KING BT, W, (hone S141 We Deliver ttt C0, HARDWOOD ¥ FL OORS LAN Elecotrie hein " Finishes ed Complete Mb 4 TRICK CO, LTD, 5 Albert Niveet Phone 880, 881 A Oshawa Burial Co, successor to NDisneyCott AMRBULANCR 87 Celina Bt, Phone 1088 ' LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard Phone Oshawa #84 Whithy 18 FOR BALE=On account, of health, fond 100 ere farm, plowing and seeding done; complete with horses, sows, pigs, fowl, implementa, 8te, Lot go at $6500.00 half cash, Balance 54%, Neo sxehange We have others ta exchange for Oshawa property, See DISNEY REAL EATATE, hovsands Now Eat Basie A Delightful Breakfast Food tackling a Would-be robber was revealed recently, Entering a hranch shop of Pad: dington United Daivies lad, in Norfolk road, & wan, aged about 26, pointed a vevelver at the assist: ant, Misa Ethel Matraves, and de: manded the money in the titi, Without hesitation Miss Matray- on grabbed a the pistel and shout: od far help, After a strugele the man van out of the shop, leaving the revalver behind, Miss Matraves, wha is 28, lives at. Lynton-tarrace, Apton, Girl's Own Story Ming Matraves was in bed last night, suffering from the effect of the hlows she received in her struge &le with the raider, hut her father gave a nvivid account of her ordeal, She fought with her assailant for at least ten: minutes (he sald) and never - onoe abandoned the struggle, although the man fived at her twice with a small revolver BVEAGNY SPECIALIST Weshilining set usively tn muscle anomaliol and Sate te Rant Off Good Weather Ahead! waldo NOE 1080 YOUR Om Let me findnce yous=Adit tional Cash Given, ; Drink Deliciow Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain "Stores

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