Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 1 May 1930, p. 6

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(THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1930 PACE SIX omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community Mrs, 7, WH, Everton, King St, I); % in Bowmanville attending the priming he mtn, Bo ng me: United Charoh WMA, of this city, this city, 'Mes J, ¢ Yound, Mrs, V, J, Maxwell, and Miss Pearl Vietcher were in Bowmanville yesterday at- tending the W.M.8, Convention, , Sates Barker and Mrs, w representing the King vention being eld In Bow: ponvention being he . He, Wednesday and Thurs SUCCKSSIUL, TEA HELD. Under the auspjoes of Knox Woe mbn's Association a very successtul, ton was held at the home of Mrs, (Dr) MeKibbon, Wednesday ate ternoon, ' The guests were received by Mra. MoKibbon, Mra, Parker, Mrs, KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFFI) Quick Relief for Women Women need not endure periodic pains and headaches, They can spare themes/ves this suffering by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. Mm. Allen Wright, of Fulford, who was relieved in 30 minutes of severe pain and headache, wrols saying: "Every woman In the land should knew about ZUTOO TABLETS and what they will do." Just try the tablets and know for yourself how quickly they stop the pain, EU A A RA. NEW SPRING COATS AND Man B y styles to Choose from. shore PRAISE 'GRADS AS WONDER TEAM Grads Have Been Great in Past, But Are Probably Even Greater Now (By The Canadian Press) Toronto, Ont, May 1, == The sporting editor of the 'Globe says: Edmonton Grady nve still the wonder team of basketball, They have been great in the past, but are probably even greater now. Lakesides of Toronto has discovers od this to thelr sorrow, They went wast with hopes buoyed up that they would make & real bid to Jift the Canadian women's senior cham. plonship, It had been readily ad~ mitted that they ware \1lkely fo prove the best of sll Eastern teams sont In quest of highest honors but those Jaden Grads whipped them by 47 to 17. Lakesides did manage to put up a fine exhibition in the first half, the score at the intermission belag 10 to 17, but the Grads were invincible in the pocond session, running up IN nts without a reply, What » rubbing! The Grads, conched by Poroy Page have heen Canada's best women's team for years, and they are likely to remain just that for some time to come, The wine ardry of Page cannot be overlook: od, In 800 starts his teams have won victories in all but seven en. gagoments, What a record! Not one member of the original players romaine, yot those Grads keep on tacking on the verdiots, That 47 to 17 set back may serve as » stun. ning blow to eastern basketball, Vast Improvement must he shown it contenders for the title are ty be developed, In the meantime, the Grads reign supreme, well en titled to all the laurels won" Munros dnd Mrs, Dandie, Mra, James Taber' ushered the Indies ng the dining room, he tes table, which was most attractive in white and yellow, was presided over by Mrs, (Dr) Archer, The assistants being Mrs, Bob MoeConnell Mrs, Lorne Hew: son, Mra, Joseph Parker, Weddings MKINGLEY=-LACKIN The marriage of Helen, daugh- tor of Mr, and Mrs, Lackie of Osh- AWA to James Bkingley of Oshawa, took place yesterday morning at ht, Mary's Church, Kitchener, Bride and groom were unattended, The only members of wither family pre. sent were Mr, and Mra, Laokle, parents of the bride, After a honey. moon trip to Bultalo, My, and Mr Akingley will reside in Toronto, HIS BECRET "You worked for 30 years and brought up a large family on 16 shillings a week " sald the visitor incredulously, Not so loud, sir, not so loud," implored the rustic: "the missus thought It was 14 an' sixpence 1 was earnin'." a p------ SPLENDID WORK DONE AT TORONTO FAMILY COURT Children of 27 Countries Coming Before the Court (By Tha Canadian Press) Toronto, Ont, May 1,--Domestis voutions branch of the Toronto Jw venile Court=in ronlity, a Family Courte=has move than justified it self, In its first six months of op oration, from July 1 last, the total amount of support money received was $09,850.88, This Is about the amount received In similar onsen through the police departs ment In a your, "The new family court has nof been funotioning long enough te give reliable figures, hut In the first six. months of operation over 80 poreont, of all the difficulties brought to It have heen adjusted without formal court hearing." mys the report just issued," "People may bring thelr family Jroviams to the new court where they will be dealt with privately, sympathetior ally und, if possible, constructive ly. In canes where the problem I neute and cannot be settled amior ably, and information is Iaid, evi dence Is heard and an decision In given, An honest effort should be made to have the fether return te his family and if that Is impossible then he should pay for thelr main tainance, In spite of the serious unemployment situation the new court collected $88,000 It this money had not heen collected, part of It, at least, would have to be pald from the coffers of the City Rolle Office, the House of Indus try supplies or the many soelal and kindred organizations giving relief, for children must live" "Probation 18 more than a pun. ishiment, It 4s an effort to adjust the individus! to his environment #0 that he ean respond in a cons structively social way," says Judge Mott, in summing up the Juvenile Court's year's work, "There were 27 different countries named as the birthplaces of the children coming before the court "By far the most interesting and hopeful part of our work is in the field of occurrences of those who, of thelr own volition, come for as sistance, This fleld of service we hahly prise and we wish that all needy narents would come to us before the ehild has gone too far in the wrong wav; and then the co- operation of hoth child and parent Is more ready," NERE'S ONE FROM HOLLYWOOD Helen Twelvetrees addressed a fellow player on the Pathe lot: "Have you seen "The Cock-Eyed World?" she anked, "Have I seen "The Cock-Kyed World?" repeated the other, "Why that's the way I've been seeing everything for Afty-three years" The person addressed was Ben Turpin rm am Smart New Spring Hats 182.9%,.0 3:0 4 Reduced Specially For Saturday From $4 and $5 Included in the lot are the season's smartest Straws, Laces, Bangkok, Spider- web, fancy novelty straw weaves, They sell regularly up to .:.,.. Styles include both brimmed and off the. face models. . Head sizes are both large and small, suitable for Misses and. Matrons. | 48 Reduced LR NE Dorothea 1 Colors are black, sand, navy, green, blue, grey and brown. specially Saturday to ........ .vvviiinn 00 92,00 and $3.00 Hats Ltd. REV. L. SAWGALSKY commenced an evangelistio campaign in the Puaiucoia iin Church #11 Celina Street on Sunday last Mr, Sawgalaky being evangelist is ~Aruthe of thelr talented Hebrew singularly competent to present Bible truths, The the Old EAA given life and power and . vital connection with truth in the new Testament are presented in an interesting, spicy and convincing mannen . The meetings are being held X 'Every Evening ut Saturds at 8 o Bigs Sees a Be ng From Mea a oh ER HEE iL) Don't miss will speak Fo Habbath"y ll thinne, ob 1 also "shouly the ministers of the city to of these interesting vg ne $5.00 Oshawa, Ont, his. son, "1 saw in the good L Pinkham's ogo table tba was so | took it to make me strong because | ae b atk an parvo, t me wo uly, A Wi in the house and do gorden- ing. 1 have lots of hard work to do so when | get rundown and feel bad I take another bottle, Mr, Amelia Schram, Rail voad St, South Porcupine, |On. ( fi» medicine is endorsed If a million women STUER. 9 JIL EIT Veoetalle Gonpounl "WOMAN" BECOMES MAN AND MARRIES Takes Nurse as Bride Birth Certificate Of. ficially Altered Bristol, Eng, The. Wiltshire town of Tisbury was staggered re cently by the announcement that a person who has lived among them for twenty-nine years as a Woman war married-as the bridegroom! Ho was known as Eva Mary Burt, and was recently pronounced by. doctors to be a man, The -birth cortificate har been amended, and in the changed name of yan Montague Burt he married Harah Matilda Edwards, an assists Ant nurse, Mr, Buft was hor cols league as a female nurse fn the same Institution, Monmouth House, Tisbury, The bridegroom was seen by a reporter soon after the engage ment was announced at the confeo- tionar's shop where he is employ od as a domestic servan', He was still dressed in women's clothes, Me spoke in a masculine voles, and wore his halr short and brush. od back, He refused to discuss the affair, E. BE Daker, the Wesleyan cle gyman who marvied the couple, dis. oussing Mr, Burt, sald: "She was the quietest, most well behaved 'girl' in the neighborhood. She never missed a seryice at the church when she could get away from her asmployment and was very shy in the presence of young men, "Aho wan always very well dress: od, and looked quite protty, I think but she had wery masculine mans ners and a masculine war of walks fng, and I often thought that she ought to he dressed an a man, "All the same I was astonished when one of the officers of the ehureh told me that the banns were to be published, and even now I find it very difffoult tp he love that she is a man, Hvery. body In the village will always think of her as a charming though timid young woman," a ------ ---- Husband Rang Bell, Wife Assk Alimony Palm Reach, Flas~Hor hus band's practice of setting off alarm clocks and ringing a cow bell in thelr home while she was ill caus od her to be placed in a hospital for treatment, Mrs, Mary Klea- beth Rrooks of Palm Beach and Now York, declared in a suit filed against her husband, Reginald Nrooke for alimony without di. vores, Mra, Prooks claimed that last January while shes wan suffers ing from a nervous breakdown, her husband obtained several al- arm eloeks, wound them, set them #0 they would ring at one hour in- tervals and hid them in dresser finyan, olosots and under furni- ure, Rrooks, her bill continued, also went about the house vinging a cow bell at night, Fioally hee hysloian ordered her taken to onpital so she might have quiet, the papers In the oase state, Brooks, it is declared, has an ans nual income In excess of $160,000 and owns property in excess of $1,000,000, Ea PASTOR'S FURNITURE IN TRUCK BURNED (By Canadien Press Lonstd Wire) Belleville, May Lira of an uns known origin completely destrayed a moving van loaded with furniture, at Holloway, near Belleville, vesters day, The van was owned by Purtelle, o Kingston, and driven by ili ho: furniture was awned by Rev, Me. Sparling, of Ban. hoekbur The, lone he) dpa uch eatimated at $7,000 and furniture, &1, 000, 'both practically eovered by ins suranee, "the theatre can make » valuable con. obert | - APPLY STAGE MORAL TO BRITISH STRIKE "Strife" to be Presented in Hope of Ending Woollen and Textile Disputes Huddersfield, England, May 1m Perhaps for the first time in indus« trial history a "moral" from the stage is to be. used to help in bringing « strike to an end, Alfred Warring, Theatre Roysl, Hu director of the ddersfied, believes tribution towards bringing together the masters. and the men of the Yorkshire woollen and: toutile indus. tries=trades which just now are practionlly idle owing to the refusal of the workers to accept reductions in wages, My, Warring has arranged for a week's run' of Galsworthy's "Strife," The directors of the theatre are take ip only the base expenses of the production and loeal residents have heen asked to subsoribe #4 fund of $2,000 to guarantee the cost of seven performances, "Strife" deals with a strike In which the men are found fighting for an advance in wages, The chairman of the company refuses to yield an ineh, A trades union ofiell urges compromise but the workmen refuse It, Finally after the company has lost many thousands of pounds and the workmen a great deal of pay, a sete tlement Is reached and this happens to be the same settlement which was possible in the early stages of the trouble, WEDDING CHASE , ENDS IN TRAGEDY Trenton, NJ, April 29.~A wed: ding chase ended in tragedy here when Ulric Dahlgren, Jr, &, Prince. ton graduate, was instantly killed and his wife, Catherine Dahlgren, was seriously injured as their automobile was struck by a teain at a grade Crossing While ofcials were removing Dahlgren's hody from the wreckage, John Wallace Thompson, Jr, and his bride, the former Miss Susanne Weart, Blackwell, Mrs, Dahigren's sister, sped on in another automobile unaware of the crash, Dahlgren was the son of a noted Princeton University professor, He wus decorated with the Croix de Guere won in France with the Princeton ambulance unit, WHO MAKE BETTER WIVES (By The Cauadian Press) Who make the better Wives girls who have worked In offices or those who have spent thelr time at home, The concensus opine fon among employers oflarge atafls in Sydney is that girls with com» Moreiah experience are the better, be stall exetutive of one of Byd- ney's largest stores said: "We have hundreds of girls on our staff, and practically all who leave do so for the purpose of marrying. In my opinion the girl who has spent her time usefully in productive work is tar superior to one who has idled away her time, "The girl who has worked olt« vide as well as at home makes the hotter wife, She would have a wider range of experience, a better senre of monetary values, and a SIMCOE ST. SOUTH IN OUR MAY 3 BIG DAYS SALE 'There Are Values Worth Crowing About! 'A Bigger'and a more varied list we have never gathered together for any 3 BIG DAYS SALE in any past month. The throngs of thrifty shoppers that fill the store as we write this Ad. is proof beyond question that real savings are appreciated. SALE ENDS SATURDAY wider vision, Our experience In that girls in general do net weary of thelr work in offices, rather do thay snjoy it," sald the staff supers intendent of a leading Sydney bank. I ao not think that a large percentage of girls in offices are de. vold of knowledge of wifaly duties, Girls probably spend about seven yours iu office life, and then marry and they usually make happy and efticlent housewives," d WOMEN'S CORNER MY LADY SPRING Comey slowly the Spring-=that hesis ant maiden, Whose timid advances we hail with delight, As softly she breathes on the hills and the woodlands, To drive the pale cohorts off Winter to flight, How sweet is the fragrance that rides on the south-wind! Foretelling the: birth of our true friends, the flowers, Whose faces, like those of small ine nocent children, Trustingly, fearlessly, ours, look up to The seasons go by in an endless pro- cession, Thrilling our hearts with the tre: sures they bring, But non¢ can encompass our hopes' resurrection, Save Nature's. philanthropist=prod« imal Spring, =oster Hobbs Helpful Hints I you wish particularly dainty sandwiches tor your party and are going to cut them into fancy shapes, try slicing the bread lengthwise of the loaf, It will give you much more surface on which to cut your shapes and waste very little of the bread To dey lettuce when preparing ft for the table, fold it in a cloth and shake for a few minutes, The cloth will absorb the moisture, A little coal oil added to the water for washing painted walls Is a won. derful help, OPPOSE CALLING PASTOR FROM U.S, (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Barrie, May ls=Passage of a resolution abhosing # oall extended by the congregation of the local Central United Church to Rey, David H. Porter, Detroit, and the never know how good a houschold dye can be . . . . Sunsets made 'in Canada Xpr to engaging ministers not now engaged in active work of the United Churoh of Canada, wera hgh spots of the Simooe Preabys joi meeting held here, ptition was placed before the meoting heaving signatures of wn large. number of the congregation opposing the call owing to alleged frregularition during the voting on A new miniater, ----c---- en NAPANEE GIRL WINS BIG ESSAY CONTEST Toronto, May 1 == Miss Ruth Wilson of Napivies fs the winner of the Canada-wide essay contest conducted by the Women's Canas dian Club of Toronto, according to Announcement made at the annual meeting of the olub here yesterday, | + The prize of $100 waa given thin 'ohr for an essay on "Canada's Tne tarnational relations" The judges, Professor Chester D, Martin, head Cof the department of history at | the University of Toronto, and Pros | fosnor Norman MacKensie of the department of law, also mentioned Janticularty the Shi of Mim Ilan Gibbons, of Winnipeg and Sehnot Johnson of Gananoque, nt \ YOU'RE THE THIRD PERSON THIS WEEK WHO HAS ASKED ME HOW | GET MY LINENS SO SNOWY! JUST LOOK AT THIS TABLECLOTH, | NEVER SAW BUCH WHITENESS! 1 JUST SOAK MY CLOTHES IN CREAMY RINSO SUDS, THEY COME OUT SNOWWHITE WITHOUT A BIT OF SCRUBBING mi Gleam ; JEN million laundry soap res Kite Ry Clothes n't needed: 3 Vash saves rough nulated, fino 1s granulais compat 3 of lights HOW THAT MUST SAVE! THE CLOTHES! I'M GOING TO GET SOME RINSO ne cupful 4 3 The make Get \ 100 lahes UX.

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