NRO GS a i 2 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1930 PACE THIRTEEN AARC eA A A OPEN VERDICT IN HARVEY KILLING Burk's Falls Youth Killed by Rifle in Hands of Un. known Person p-- troy Burks Valls, May 1=A jury's verdict that Charles wares iH Years of age, came to his death on A A vesult of a bullet wound In the head, fired from a 2% calibre rifle in the hands of seme person unknown, was returned yes terday - afternoon by a coroner's Jury, following deliberations of 45 minutes, Interviewed last night, Magistrate John J, Wilson, who presided at the inquest, sald no arvest was eontem- plated hy the police; Harvey was employed here as a chore boy on the farm of Ingram Amith, #mith struck the youth on April 8, it was slated, because the latter had kissed Mrs, Smith, The next day Harvey was discharged b, his employer, who gave Wim $17. The boy then went out of the ferm- house, carrying his 22 rifle, Me wis found later Lhe seme morning, about a quarter-mile from the house, by stanley Wurm, who tras velling the Burks Valle-Magneta- wan Road, in an unconscious col dition, He was at first believed 'dend, but when Dr. M, A, Wittiek tarrived on the scene, sccompauied hy Magistrate Wilson, the youth was still breathing with ditfieuity, #0 he was rushed to the train, He died en route to Orillia Hospital, BROTHER 18 BLAMED Toronto, May 1.-~Alice Barton, 18 years of age, came to her death en April 19, at 46 Wim Grove Avenue, "from many blows from "axe, Fhis, fu brief, was the verdict returned by a fy jolgwing in inquest before Dr, M, M, Craws ford, Chief Corener, at the Morgie Sparkling. colorful, fender r party desserfs McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE JELLY POWDERS Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA . TORONTO FARE 85¢ LEAVE OBHAWA Eastern LEAVE TORONTO Btandard PM, f 1.80 2.80 m8 4.80 0.40 "a0 7.00 ® Aun hao vy 10,00 v=Bunday only, s==Naturday, Sunday Coach ¢ t U Rrampto p's Setione at Yalls, Bu points, Hombery, Hamilion, In To and intermedinta poppin "0 Cane "connections at Buffalo for all Vv, ¥ Time PM, 50 ER] 4,80 8.90 "600 1 1,00 10.00 we=Dally exdept Subdiy, and Holldays only. i Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, Niagara A hie points, Sr -------------- Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel OSHAWA Phone 2028 maida -- Old Dutch Cleanser chases dirt-- and safeguards your family with Old Dutch Cleanser protects your home with Healthful Cleanliness because it removes the dangers last evening, Tn thelr verdist, the Jury plo sisted (hat they loved "said 'axe was wielded by Fravk Darton. om / ovidence show " latter, & brother of othr ire been mentally defestive since Veb, Hy oan. ho. susisined injuries TH ng ran down Hamilton Highway near Water down by a transport truck, SCIENTISTS MEET IN CANADIAN CITY FOR MURDER OF GIRL | Choose olgn goods Vancouver for Great Gathering in 1932 Vancouver, B.C. =-feveral hun dred learned scientists, authorities in & wide variety of fields and drawn from practically all the countries or territories bordering on the Pacific Science Congress in Vancouver during the last week iu May, 1982. Ab the host country, Canada will be Targely represented ut the ses slons, John Patterson, of Toronto, director ofithe Dotalnion Meteor. ologion! log headquarters has been 1 chairman of the comm meteorology and ter. resirl tism, Mr, Patterson was re in Vancouver, where he mel other committees chairmen und Dr, MH, M, Tory, president of the National Research Counc! and ohairman of the Canadian uni of the congress, to organize the pres Hminary work of the meeting, "The aim of the congress," ex: plained Mr, Patterson, Is to foster In a broad way the study and solu- tion of scientific problems come monly affecting the countries of the Pacifie, thus engendering » olope community of Interest among solentific mne. of . these countries and indirectly creating good will among the Pagifie nations.' Nuch widely separted subjects as agriculture, radio, metereolony, geology and anthropology will be covered at the sessions, The mali subject on which Mr, Patterson hopes to promote diss cussion Is the olroulation of the ats mosphere over the Pacifie, which affects weather conditions not only in Canada but in all other Pacific countries, A groat step forward will be mado he believes, Is & com plete ploture can be buflt up of weather conditions and movements gver the Pacific Ocean, a ploture meteorologists so far have not ha Avaliable, VERMONT IS BUSY EXPORT AREA FOR CANADIAN GOODS Shipments "From Canada Reached $1,000,000 in March St. Albans, Vi,=<A highly ims portant part of the customs aetivi- ties in the distriet of Vermont ls the liandling and entry of honded Canadian merchandise Tarry OC, Whitehill, collettor, mays, More than $1,000,000 worth of Canadian products were entered and forwarded through the Ver mont district for export via Ports land, Me, and Doston, Mans, dure fog Maroh, The privilege of bonding fore through the United Btates, without the payment ef duty, results in a large movement of frelght over rallroads entering the Vermont district from Canada, and is of corresponding benefit to steamship lines operating from New England ports, Especially ia this true during the part of the yoar when the Canadidn ports of Montreal and Quebec are closed to navigation by ice, Flour is the most important commodity shipped In bond during March, The value of (his Canad: lan flour reached a total | Want to Save Fifty Dollars? MR. MOTORIST, wo cere tainly don't intend running the garage out of business ner offer them the least amount of competition, but Jou Ki ow how often you ust get your car all nicely polished up and then it gets rained on or splashed, Bango! There Roos an other couple of bucks for a wash, You've Heard "KOZAK" Read "KOZAK" Now Ses "KOZAK" The only DrysWash Cloth made that is ranteed to save you WM Dollars on Il for the small Dolla you are skvptioal we will ladly give you a personal of $270,840, Next in the value was bee | wheat with a total of $351,470, News print stood third with a val ue of Jid0280, Other londing commodities passed through fov export were: Machinery, $143,460; rubber goods, H154,600; recon. densed 11 $40,460; aluminum ingots, $38,840; c(apmed goody 21,4060, Although the hulk of these bond shipments were destined for Civeat Britain, large consignments weus to Germany, Vrance, linly, Unis glim and other Buropens coun- tries; to the Kast and West Indies, Among the noteworthy items boned for export was that of alum. num Ignots valued at $45,000, to Japan; wall paper to thie value of $9,180, tor Chile; dubber boots und shoes valued at $21,440 to Argentina, ' I -------- I --. TRIBUTE PAID TO VICTORIA GRAD Lexa Denne Was Pioneer New Course of House- hold Science ------ Toronto, Ont, May 1--It ig # high privilege for any universtly, for any church or any country to produce a life of such rich and un- solfish service as that which has heen with us for some years and has not been (maken from us" said Dr, MW, W. Wallace, Chanoel lor of Victoria College when he voiced n word of thanksgiving for voloed » wird of thanksgiving for the life of Lexa Denne at & mem= orial service, Lexa Deune entered Vietoria College in 1006 as nn plons oor In a new course of household selence, While a student she show od a deep interest in woclal and missionary activities, rapidly be« voming one of the leaders in the college. She also devoled much of her time to volunteer work in the Kast Bod Nottlement, Following hor graduation, Miss Denne wens to Vietoria D.C, where she taught household selence in the Normal Sohool and did some ploneer work along those lines for nurses In training, Later she returned to Toronto, joining the staff of the Contral Technion! Nohool, "Put It Is tor her Intest work plonser work againethat she will be long remembered," rommurked Dr. Wallace, in touching on her magnificent Jeadership in the or gonigation of the Visiting House. Kkoapors' Association; a fow yours ago, MWe remarked that someons had compared her work to thut of Morenee Nightingale, for the visit. Ing housekeeper Alled just dich a need as did the nurse. EE CHANCE GIVEN T0 VISIT EUROPE wonme-- Many Women Taking Ad: vantage of Touring Europe Montreal, Que, May 1.-«Every five years the National Council of Women of Canada has the oppor tunity of sending some 30 repre. sentatives to the meeting of the International Counell of Women, Many will remember the gathering In Washington flys years ago, The curious similarity of the leading articles in its Constitution to those underlying the Covenant of the League of Nations have led to iw being called the 'mother of the League of Nations" and it has worked in close relation with the League from ite inception, Lady Aberdeen founded the Cans adian Qouneil in 1803 and she In President of the International Council of Women, Those who ate tend the conference this year will be greeted by her in Vienna, where great welcome awaits the delegates both fram the Austrian Counell and from the National and Munieipal Governments of Austria, Invitas tions have been received fram the Counells of Hungary and Roumania to visit Budapest and Bucharest be. fore the meetings and an invita tion trom Caschoslovakin to visit Prague after the meetings. Since this year presents such a wonderful opportunity to visit Lurope, the Canadian Council haw worked out with the White Star Line Canadian service a compre= hensive tour for its own delegates and any who care to join them, The countries to he visited are Eng land, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Switserland, Germany and France, Seats for the Passion Play, at Ob erammergau have heen reserved and a day in Geneva is arranged iu order to visit the home of the Lea: gue of Nations and have a glimpse of the beauties of Swityerland, The dent, Mrs. J, A, Wilson win lead the tour. 0 VOTERS MAY ARM ONLY IF GENTEEL ---- _ Santo Domingo, Dominican Re: publie, May 1.==The Dominican Re. publie, which recently underwent Wn change of Government With the ousting of President Vasaues, I busily preparing for the Presiden: tial elections, Whica will be held May 18, Loring President Peynado sala the Government would 'do every. thing in ita power to make the Sloot ta and ithout Hole. 0) at the cavrying volvera would be permitted only Got your "KOBAK" tos in rare instances, after the appli cant has paid $10 for a loenae, and has been vouched for by two respecta ne, HEADS LADY ORANGE ORDER ~Halitax,~ Migs Ida MacDenlalg, of Thorburn, Nova Seotla, was i i. leccted Right Worshiptul latress of the Ladies volen! Woman Dies When Struck by Train ---- 81. Marys, May l=Holding un umbrella to shield herself from the iin Is believed to have brought death to Mro, A H, Lofft, wife of a prom- nent merchant of $t, Marys, Mrs, Lofft, while at the Jumes street crossing of the Canadian Na- tional Rullwiys, was struck by the train from London und was killed ii stuntly, tn 0 1 th 1 -- COURTICE ran Courtice, April 2==Mts, Johnson, Whitby, is with her daughter, Mrs, (Rev) J, WH, Stainton at the pare SUnage, Miss Eileen Wight, Providence, spent @ few days with relatiyes lieve, Mr, and Mes Otis Worden, Misses Patty und Deorls, Yorome, were holi- day visitors at Mr. Veank Rundie's, Mr RC. Shorrt, Tory Hill, visit el ds mother, Mrs, Susan Shortt, and bis brothers Jack und James Shortt, recently, Master Billy Soules, Toronto, spent some of the Easter holiduys with his randparents, Mr, and Mrs, 8. 8 Jrooks, On Friday eventing lust our young people presented thelr musical gom edy "Gypsy Rover," in $1. Paul's as sembly room, Bowmanville, to & 1nost wppraciative audience, Afterwards they were served refreshments in wu bountiful manndr and a very enjoye| able social time was spent, The young | people ave always delighted to go to St, Paul's beacuse of the happy | hour which is spent after the play, | The services on Sunday were well | attended, In the afternoon ut the) Sunday School session, the attend | ance wis a record breaker, It being the largest In at least two years, In the evening our Pastor, Rev, | | IH. Stainton, gave the lust of the (l-| lustrated lectures "A Tale of I'wo | Cities," by Dickens, which was ex ceptionally good, Spring hus come at last and the) farmers ure busy seeding and plants | ing potatoes, ete, in the gardens, | I ---- 0550. Ss | COLUMBUS Columbus, April 20=The Women Association met at thy home of Mrs John Stone, on Wednesday last with thirty present, I'he president, Mrs Dyer, oceupled the chair, The meet Ing opened by singing a hymn, fol-| lowed by prayer. Scripture lessons | were read by Mrs, C, Hayes and Mrs, Jas. Ashton, Minutes of last] meeting read und approved. The roll | call was unswered with an Kaster | thought, After the usual business | transactions, a program was glven consisting of u solo by Master Gor don Perreman, and readings by Mrs Lambert and Mrs, Perveman, The meeting closed with the Mizpath benediction, after which tea was sere ved and & social time enjoyed, Mrs. Jas, Ashton spent a few days with friends In Oshawa, Miss Margaret Scott day in Brooklin fro. Fred Heddon and family, whe have spent the winter in Toronto have returned home Mr, and Mes, Fred Wilson, awn, spent Sunday at Mr, Wilson's Mr, und Mrs, HH ed into Mr, house, Mr, Howard James, Buffalo, visit od nt his home here on Sunday Mr, Bryce Cook from Oshawa, spent Saturday at his home Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Blight, and Mrs Win, Blight Sr, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Wii, Bromell on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, A, Murison and won Stewart, spent Sunday in Toronto IT. spent Sun Osh Henry Searle have moy Eugene Dearborn' a ' , po fi IC a, 7 i or (ited 7g I) C= DOMINION STORER 720 | I 9 7" Whe, quailty , Counts" { at is week, Fxcept Ohloken and Chicken With Rios «1b, in . LJ nines itape PRINCE SOAP FLAKES Tey It Hot or Cold Last weok wo asked you Lo BUY MADY- The response was wonderful, and we have received many exp quesie, we are g our Maden -Cansdn sales for © Brand P. & G. Soap 10 Bars 30¢ Eggwheat Noodles. Pkt. 10¢ Jude AYLMER GREEN LABEL CATSUP Bottle 19c ON No. § Tin 33 CHRISTIR'S UAKER Pkt. 22¢ Ploek SHIRRIVY'S Cleaner Baking 1b. Tin We 2c KELLOGU'S NAVY Toilet Tissue WRAPPED AT THE OVENS ulti' INCCANADA goods, We pointed out the fact that hy doing both from the general pubis and from Canadian any Supra ah f us HELP YOURSELY TO PROSPERITY OHOLOE QUALITY Vi /iNii 24's Tin 8.0.8. Fn 23¢ LATHER-O SOAP, cus 14c AYLMER CHERRIES "0. 1 14e AYLMENR No.1 Tin APPLE SAUCE 2 for 18¢ CROWN OR BEEHIVE AYLMER Sandwich Biscuits 1h, 33¢ CAKE FLOUR Large Bot. 1 9. LIFEBUOY SOAP 3cme21c JELLIES Mw 23¢ RICE KRISPIES 2 for 25¢ 3 Rolls 26¢c 1-1b, Tin ; Tasty White BREAD "= teat Qe And You Did! 80 you wets helpiug yourself to prosperity--and you did, Smpiansively hriiiging 10 your aitention the Advispiiity of purchasing HO Tomatoes = 2-27: CATELLI'S % AYLMER ASSORTED Tin RED CONOR 20¢ SYRUP ©: 202% Y Diced Carrots "f;," 2 tor 28¢c PORK and BEANS 21¢ TIGER TOMATO MAPLE SUGAR jin 21¢ OH BOY Jind, 3 Tins 25¢ COOK'S FRIEND 29: MENKON'S CORN STARCH Pkt. 11c TODDY 43: Regular 53o or Brown 0000000000 0000000000COCFKCOIOOIIOGISIS ton, wre visitors with Mrs, Margaret Philip this weel Miss Murial Shepherd ds visitor this week Miss Jean Perryman "is with hes relatives her ut present The best wishes of the neighbors hood are extended to Mr, and Mra, MeAvoy of Toronto, whose marriage took place recently, We are proud to claim an interest in Mes, Mes Avoy as Drougham was her birth place and her friends are proud of her successful musical carrer, wore well pleased with the attendance ot the affair, An enjoyable evening was spent by those. present, The priges for the men were won by R 1; Miller and MH, Holty, while thos for the ladies went to Mrs, red Cassie and Mra. BR, Raine T---- Jack and Phylis Gerow and Miss Brown spent the week-end in the village Miss Brown remaining, W. Brown and daughter were with thelr people on Saturday, 1 ( companying them back to Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Dobson, of Beavers SA NEL BROUGHAM Brougham, April 27.«sMrs, A, Male com and relatives attended the fun eral of William Daniels, brother of Mr» Malcolm which was held at Milligen on Saturday afternoon A number of our citizens old and young, had the interesting experience of seeing the sun's eclipse on Monday Hl city atternoon, I'he committees of the W were. responsible for the Euchre on 'Tuesday eve, April 22, I. who progressive ge aa a aa al AE a A A Reduction In Gas Rates Benefiting Every Gas User in Oshawa, Will Be Instituted by the Public Utilities Commission Beginning with May 1, 1930 In keeping with t sion is pleased to announce a reduction in the price of gas to all consumers, he trend in modern gas plant aperation, the Oshawa Public: Utilities' Commis: [tis hoped that this move towards more equitable gas rates will be but the beginning of benefits that will follow the inauguration of plans now under way for'the. improvement of the service. The following tables give the comparative rates for gas on the old and new basis, OLD RATES Domestic==Service Charge Monthly viii § 48 Coflsumption Charge per 1,000 cubic feet ,,.......... 1,88 Commercial and Industrial per. 1,000 cubi¢ feet ..., 210 Discount for prompt payment== [0 peor cent, on all cons sumptions Domestic, Commereial or Industrial, i ¥ Wh NEW: RATES Domestic-=Service Charge Monthly, net (num Consumption Charge Per 1,000 cubic feet .uina$1:88 Commercial and Industrial per 1,000 cubie feet wi. 1:88 Discount for ptormpt payment 10 cents per 1,000 ¢.fion all consumptions Domestic, Commercial ox Industrial Free Gas Service Pipes to Customers Located on existing Mains- Street to Meter-During the Months Of May and June, 1930, and Provided the Gas Will Be Immediately Used Following In. Public Utilities Commission 2s Kins Sires Wes stallation of Service. [11 "Phone 2994