Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 1 May 1930, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY "IMES, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1950 SHIP HANNAH HAD AFATEFUL VOYAGE | WITH EMIGRANTS Harddbips of | Early Atlantic "Travel Recalled by Old Mariner f hadi fleorgs HW, Brante ting for the Boston Sundsy be, describes the voy- ngs oF the Hannah which sailed from Maryport, for Amerie Ay with 8 cargo of Iris emigrants, England in 184 The Hannah wes a bark GEO tong with an overall length of 160 'Not: having been built for had no aceomodn. passengers whe tion and berths were built 'tween~ decks over 160 tons of con), was eapried for ballast, men an one side and women on the other, hore for Disastrous Yonr The year 1847 was. n disastrous one for the Trish people, the pot ato crop had felled and there was no work for. the men to do, children were starving street and finally The in the the British | SAVE MONEY ON | New low, spring prices on FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE, ' effective today, "make possible great savings on your fuel bill for next winter. Phone us, or come down and discuss your fuel needs while you can save money, McLAUGHLIN COAL Phone 1346 and SUPPLIES, Ltd, OSHAWA Avenue Boardwalk and A Hotel, Distinctively Different' ? SHEER ery 1 TE which, Gov n. effort to relieve the pre dg oie early "of 1 hd, rien the id nah a" whart of Mary. fort in the Bolway Vorth which len on the west const, between Scotland and England and headed before an easterly hreeze to'srds the north of Ireland, Heaving sud falling to the long Atlantis rollers, the oman silled past the bloody Voreland which stood gaunt and bare Mke a Warrior fors over on watch against the furies of the sea, and so on Into Donegel Bay and up to Sligo Harbor, There to anchor she swung to the tides, waiting for (he emigrants that wera loath ta leave thelr native land, Men, women and children #90 all told, and the hills echoed the walling of parting, and a fine rin fell down, 'The Hanush sailed away Into the west, after Wing windbound for move than a week in the jaws of Donegal Bay, Weakened by starvation, fever hroke out among the emigrants who were packed in the dark 'tween' deck Jike sare dines inn can, Biaves in the 'binck-birders' from the whore of dark Africa had better quarters, for to Keap them alive, meant greater wealth to the owners, The poor Irish were valuable only to themselves, It was no fault of the eapiain or the mate, From London came the orders stating the number 10 ha carried, There was nothing to do but obey, "Two died of fever and were buried while the hills of Ireland mingled with the blue haze on the Kastern horigon, Some saw in it an evil omen, for with the pangs of sen-sickness all rea. son had fled, The crew spoke with words of cheer and weve as'decont as could be, But how much de- eoney eonld thers be with people erowded together In such a way? welzed With Storm "If the weather had held falr the emigrants would have had more than thelr share of suffering, hut, to aggravate thelr plight, when the ship was 800 miles from land it was seized in the fury of a storm, "Hove to, the little harque did everything hut capsize ag she heavy. od In the succession of waves that fought to engulf her, Hare were her poles of canvas, for nothing could withstand the fury of the assault, In the frst day of the gale no heavy water flopped on deck, Riding Nght as she was only spray flung nevoss on the wind, drenching the emigrants who elung together praying, Most of them wore seasick. and many of the men and women were as helpless ns the ehildven they had hrought wim them, Night saw the gale turn to n storm, stagsering the barque until she lay beam on to the sea, Heas wera arowding over the vall, food. ing the decks with water, "All passengers below," Captain Bhaw yolled as dawn erept into the sky, After a while they wera all helow and the hatches hatterad down up. on them, The Rlack Hole of Cal. outta held no terrors so fright. some, nor as veal, as the dark hole 1p which the water swished to and fro Mast Snapped "Canvas blow away, and was re. placed, to be blown away again, And on the second day the main. mast went by the hoard, snapping below the tap, with a orack lke thunder, Into the maelstrom on the deck the sailors plunged, slash. ing at the rigging with knives Every Day from April 28th to May 3rd is@lhiz Gear Flushing and Filling he at Our Garage 0O you know g just old grease in your gear cases grea J life of your gears? rease in with the Packing new Norton the Car manufacturers advocate that old grease be REMOVED and cases flushed B00 mis and every 5,000 he Fall for Winter service, fos Summer service and in ¢ eipment sv Hoh Station This new, modem vid with quick, accurate, Rr ah on the i your car, "THIS SERVICE IS FREE and Takes But a Few Minutes Mankind tu supstvile the won, Lubricant used. Gear led. with. fresh fear the first oy Jobliah eth rats (4 in the Spring and differential goar cases hit wr nd ole, soar Td rea ml ships and Rushes an ap oases wi Gear Lubicane cae hw on ve abr. Rensabertbodsia! Bing vos car around for this FREE service. | Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. +99 Simeoe St. 8. Oshawa. TERS ved free passage | land to try their fortunes in the new "ik was w Viithesome day In the and axes to freq the broken spar betore its ragged end could plerce the hull, "Yor a time it seemed an oir efforts were futile, the barque beam to the wea, & help- hy hulk, white, the broken water smothered hey in a constant stream Pinslly the work was done snd crippled though she was the bare que lay to In the sea way, "On the third dey the clouds broke away and the sun came out bright snd strong, The hatches were opened and the emigrants climbed up the ladders to the deck, shielding their eyes with theft arms from the blinding glare of the sun, In the hold they had had # dreadful time, During the height of the storm one side of the bunk tell away, throwing the emigranis together in a heap, With ne port hole open the alr had vitiated add- ing to thelr misfortune, "Unknown in them, Capiain Shaw had turned his vessel about and was heading for home, Al first he thought of Bilge, Thera his passengers would find & warm greeting; they would feast thelr eyes on the scene which had heen loft behind a week ago, Bul onee the vessel was repaired would they return to her to continue the voyage? Ov would they chooss to remain and wait for helter days in Ireland? If the latter course the government would withhold the passage money from his own ors, A freshening south wind headed the barque to the north. ward and decided him, To Mary: port It would be, "In England the emigrants found » warm welcome, even though it was rumored that there was a fever among them, Home of them stayed on board the Han. naoh while she was being repaired The rest Went to Captain Bhaw's farm, in Tallantyre, With the ex- periences they had been through, and the poor food they had eaten the fevay soon asserted itself, The authorities wished to send them back onto the Hannah and put her Into quarantine a mile or two from shore, But it was decided to ex. pedite the repairs so that she could he on the way across the ocean, When the Hannah sailed only 830 emigrants wera on board and four changes had heen made. in (he crew " The fine weather held for many dys, Ireland passed like a dream to the southward and the broad Atlantic rdached (to the far horigon, as smooth as a plate, The happy boisterous spirit, of the smi Evants came uppermost and tool possession of the barque The fever came, however, more virul ont than on the previous occasion There was no hospital no place that could he used for isolation on board, In the dark 'tweendecks the germs spread from family to fdmily an they huddled together in thelr misery, Although thern were so many persons no doetor had heen supplied, The captain did what he could with the med! elie from the chest, He had an ondless and thankless task, Duy and night he tended the vessel and his possengers with hardly a thought of sleep, It is well to draw a yell over that terrible voyage, over the suf faring of those people, ahd over the deaths, The weather held In thelr favor throughout the passage; pe haps God thought they had su a od enough, On arrival at thelr destination their troubles were not over, The emigrants were put in quarantine on an island, There they lived for a month in tents, until the fever had run its course, Of the 580 only 260 saw the land of promise, the others were at rest beneath the waves, "Only K3 yoars year from this, have taken Vinee, " separate that What changes NEW FEDERAL ACT | PERMITS SHARES OF NO PAR VALUE Changes in 'Companies Act Meet With Some Opposition Ottawa, May 1.« Legal men, College Professors and Financial Agents appealer before the pariia- mentary 'commities on banking and commerce yesterday to express views regarding the proposed their amendments to the Compan: fan Aot, Prof, Curtis of Queen's Uni varsity rond a statement in exam. ination of the amendments and voloed abjeotion to the system of incorporating of companies with no par value preference shaves, preferred as ta principal, He was in favor of the issue of such shares preferred as tor dividends, Thomas Mulvey, under searetary of state, explained that the amend- ments had heen urged hy financial men who felt that the insertion of the no par value element was necessary in order to bring the Companies Act into line with fin. anolal practise elsewhere, This practise ba | heen found to he sound and al facilitated the we ouring of capital, The no par value share was a more scourate description of the company's fine anclal structure than the parshare, A company fssued certificates with, BAY par shaves of $100, This amount, however, did not gener ally represent the position of the company, Later when such com» pany desired to go to he ube or more money, it woul und perhaps, that the value of t A on ~depreciat Under the present federal aot, If & value was set on the stock, there could be ne tssuin further shaves . at the depreciated prige, If, however ne PAT value stock was of y lasu. od, then the compan + 4 insue wo tronsumy stock at itn mar " 09, a, Long, K.0, of Torano de hase fe McGILL ANNUAL 15 DEDICATED TO RAMSAY MACDONALD Pr ---- Montreal, == Premier Ramsay MacDonald draws inspiration from the Seriptures when asked to pen A message Lo McGill students through the medium of the McGill Annual, whieh is dedicated to him, "I write this looking over the Jural tae of Chequers Park but with i in my mind," Premier MacDonald states in his message, 'You awk me tor a Lew words more for the students, What of these? 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do It with all thy might," (Bigned) "J, Ramsay Mach This 88rd volume of "Old Mas GI" is dedicated to Premier Mas: Donald in appreciation of "his qualities as » man, a scholar and A siatesman," Bir Arthur Currie's message In "Old MeGIN, 1080," recalls the visit during the session of the British Premier and Jan Christe nan Smuts, "two men who have carved thelr names deep. on the tablets of history' "On both of these, MeGINN be- stowed honorary degrees, and it would be hard to find In two men more striking examples of the characteristies that a university should honor, Moral courage, In tellectunl wsirength, hreath and clearness of vision, devotion 10 humanity=---these are some of the qualities which cannot ha taught but whieh we haope that MeGill men and women will display," Other highbights In the year book Includes the advice to Medill novelists, "Write what you knew," from Binclair Lewis; brief messag es from Lady Astor, H, 1, Monck. on, H, G, Wells, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas A, Edison and others, natd," | TELLS BITTERLY OF DETENTION IN BUFFALO PRISON Veteran Deported Froivn€an ada Without Chance to Give Explanation se Hamilton, May 1.,-=Denied ad- mission to Canada by a Canadian immigration Inspector, Joseph Miller, war veteran and son of Mrs, L, Miller, of Canborm are rived here Yeroray after spending 62 days In Buffalo jail, His case will be Investigated , Il 1s expects od, on the basis that his detention was unwarranted, In & written statement, Milley declared that after spending au few days with Buffalo friends, his vight to enter the Dominion was chile fenged by u Canadian officer, Mil- ler declaved that he told the ine gpector he lived in Hamilton and was a native of the eity and had heen in Lhe Slates hut 48 hours, "I offered to pay for a long: distance eall to Hamilton to verify my elaim, hut he refused to listen ty me," Miller sald in further dig. oussing the actions of the official "He refused to pass me and filled out a deportation form and sent me hack," 4 Miller alleges that instend of complying with a veguest to in. form American authorities of hig plight, the officer warned author: ities on the other side of the hridge that he was allemp ing to re-enter the Hinles, "Placeq wndey urvest when | crossed 1 was held on an open charge which was later changed to iegal entry into the United Plates and bail of $8,000 was wet, As the result. of my treatment there my Ioft ear 1s Infested and 1 was kepl in solitary confinemcnt most of the time and received very Hiitle to eat," Miller said his release yaw brought about by triends wha sp. pealed to the British consul 6nd the case was brought to the ats tention of Washington authorities Released, he was given a ticket 19 Welland and Judge Hasel of But falo informed him that he had no husiness to be In Jail or deported to the United Blates, "The unly veason courts had for holdin sate Canada deported W sald, TRADE OPPORTUNITY "WITH NIGERIA SEEN Montregl-= rade powsibiiities for Canada exist with even such res mole British possessions ns Nigeria on the wast const of Africa, declars ed J, 1, lrvine, a resident of Ni: karin fov 20 years, "The only product, shipped to Nigeria by Canada at present is flour," My, Irvine said. "but 1 am convinced that, there re possibilities for oth ed products," Mr, Isvine is associated with the United Nigeria Company, general traders, and is at present on # Pleasure trip to Canada and the Inited Blates, Mr, Irvine explain. ed that British members of his firm gel one week's leave In every manth, "It seems a lot," he re- marked, "hut it {8 simply an ins dleation of how unhealthy the country Is,'" Nigerian is five degrees north of the Equatoy FARMER KILLED BY BOLT OF LIGHTNING ptrathroy, May 1 =~Qryal Wardell, Ameriean me was he me," Mills 4 north of hers, was instantly killed oy lightning during a storm yesterdgy which swept through the digtet, Wardell had been married ahout # year and is survived by his widow and en Infant daughter, We was. dris ving a eultivator hooked to three hor ses on his farm when the plerm broke, - A New and novel dessert SWEETEN a bow! of Ries Krisples with honey, to taste, Fold in some whipped cream, Then serve, It's & most delicious dessert, You'll ike Rice Krisples for breakfast, lunch or supe per, They're so erisp they notually erackle in milk or eream, A wonderful cereal for children, Oven-fresh at your grocer's, Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, Hithoygs young farmer of Crathie, four miles RICE KRISPIES | price aver Just look at this Jam the rie™ full berries---Siraw: Lerries at taste the difference and at a POLIFLOR WAX 14 lb. Tin 2 r/o BEEHIVE SYRUP 51b. Tin 33C STAR : Ammonia 2 Pkgs. 13¢c MAGIC BAKING POWDER 3 4. 11lb, Tin " SHIRRIFF'S JELLY 4 "gue 23¢ a Ll] thelr finest lower this week than wlare=="'ake this op nortunity ta fil your needs for the next few months, SPECIAL wef EATURING \V/ Ayinesr 0 A HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES Huh 2" 25¢ a pr RETR 57¢ 63¢c Petroleoum OI) 20 on, Bottle Cod Liver ON £0 op, Bottle ,,.» EATON'S TEAS Noted for thelr sné flavor and leonamy Prices="Try them, Katons Hlack Label Tea, Ib Bie Palawan Black, Wy v0 U0 Palawan Hlack, 34 Ib. ,, Family Tea, Black and Mixed, I cv arvannyes 700 Family Tea, Black and Mixed, 4 by avin BO Fatonia Tea, Hinck Ib, ,, Toe Eatonin Tea, Black, 3} Ib fine Eaglish Hreakfast Tea, 80e Potatoes Home Grown 90 Ib, Bag $2.34 ASPARAGUS 2 bunches for ...... STRAWBERRIES, Per box AALARRAAARAARA AY GREEN ONIONS, PINEAPPLES | 10. Each one 19¢ 24c Lemons il 2S€ Hinek and Mixed, Ib, English Breakfast Tea, Black and Mixed, % Ih 40¢ Banquet Tea Hiack, 3 1b die Orange Pekoe, 3 1b, 430 Household Tea, Ih, 4de Japan Tea, Green 4 Ib, B00 EXTRA SPECIAL! ORANGES 39¢ SPECIAL! Cooked Ham, 49 ¢ 30¢ Per pound Sirloin Steaks, Per pound iin + Selected Trim Pork 35¢ Chops, pound * PA i yu Buffer Fruits, Peaches, bard Plums, Tidbits Per Tin sevens Pork and Beans, squat tin 2 for 23¢ Window Display Featuring Aylmer PRODUCTS etchup, green 19¢ bel, 18 ob bot, um, Lome Pineapp ¢ 11¢ No, # Feengaie See Special SPECIAL 276 } Medium ¥ize SPECIAL -- WESTON'S MOLASSES SNAPS PRUNES 221¢ | 2~19¢ SPECIAL -- FANCY Q CORN GOLDEN BANTAM UALITY No.3 .SPECIAL-- AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY. APRICOTS NO. 2 SIZE TIN SPECIAL LUX Phe. 19¢ SPECIAL -- ™ BEEF CORNED He 13 Ox. Tin 19¢c SPECIAL RICE KRISPIES 11C Pork Sausage. Per pound ARARLERRILALENY Shoulder Pork Rorat, Per pound AR RAI ILILILENY Macaroni Loaf, Per pound AERA ANY 23¢ 24c 2 dlc KELLOGG'S © Package 3 phys. 32¢ Rolled Ribs for Roasting, Lb. vis 29¢ Hamburg. COT LLLL LLB | SLRLLTY 39¢ oH EOP oat . Pound ARAMA YY 20¢ Bananas 29¢-35¢

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