Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 1 May 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 1,1930 Mental Clinics Will Be 'Douglass, ond Neil M, Judd, The! ida, founded in 1565, but San Dome oldest city of European origin in the | ingo on an island in the West Indigs, More cups The Whitby ober " oy Of Sew Atloy REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON Board of Education Will Require $27,100 to Run hs Schools This Year ang hows will be ny Gas 11 wo Chronicle =Velophone Wourn = am, Daily Times received ab the i hone ing for od Hi Yours! ust Be Taken Repairs This Your meant io Taka Core of Dh Lo Your = mount Struck From lo Ltt 'Additional School ry of Care of Less For Fuel and duontion will the oe Co on got for the wan oth A ¥ high nd public surrent hao RT as ing o A of imated ve ts and expenditures the year filed wih Town Clerk Freusurep, John I, Prost, 'The vd wants 88,100 for the High ol and $10,000 'tor the Publle iw, : st year the Dosrd asked for 8400, Tout the Counell, when king the tax rate, reduced that unt by one thousand dollars, oh joft the Woard that much tor the year, The financial toment issued to the ratepayers tthe end of the year showed an erdraft at the Hank of #1,4%0,20 # the High Mahool and, #1,467.70 4 ublle sohools;, i total overdraft 846.00, which must be pro- pided for this year. The Board is to provide for an ditional tencher in the High Mohool, engaged last year owing to he substantial inorease in the num pupils, partieularly from the A This teacher will be paid $170 per month for ten monthy, ov A total of 81,700 as compared with the same amount monthly for only a fow months last year. n considering the estimates for the year, the Committees decided to out down every ible. expandis ture, with the result that no exirs money is being sought this year other than that required to cover the defloit of last year, which, It is pointed out, would have been $1,000 less had not.the Counell eut the 1020 estimates by $1,000, whieh moley was required No extraordinary expenditures are anticipated this year, The fuel hill will be less and the Board does not figure on doing much In the way of vepairs, Nome idea of the amount Fagus. Ad to operate the nehools of Whits by may be had from the faof that in the estimates for 1000 thers are two large items, one for $16,380 tor High Nehool salaries, And #12, R00 for publio sohoo! salaries, These amounts do not Include the salar les of the caretakers, Fuel, wa: tor, Might, telephones, and other un. nunl expenditures must be taken oare of, The estimates for 1950 will be placed before the Counsell at the next regular meeting on Monday evening and will be considered when the tax rate is being straek, Just what the rate this year will he in hard to detormine, BUILDING AT ONTARIO HOSPITAL BEING CONSIDERED Town Clerk and Treasurer John IL Vyost has received word from the deputysprovine cin) secretary that the resolus tion passed by Whitby Town Counell two weeks ago making that action be take, to coms menge work on bolidings at the Ontario Mospital, Whitby, for which money has been voted, will vecelve the sym« Bhthetia, vonsider ton of the mini he vesolution In quest Li sot forth that at the wt time thers are quite a 'ow men unemployed, also that the buildings In question oon probably be evocted nore economically now than At any other time. The Council I8 hopeful that If the work is undertaken, loca! labor will bo employed, TOWN COUNCIL MEETS MONDAY, MUCH BUSINESS Whithy Town Counell meets next Monday evening In regular session {or 'the transaction of general busi. ness, The Indications are that It will be # busy session because at this time of the year there In always plenty of work to do The Judge's Court of Revision will be eld on May 12th, after which the Counell will be able to consider the your's estimates and strike the tax vibe, Just what the rate will be this year cannot be determined at the present time, 'There are more de nines than ever on the clvle purse. AN NOUNCEMENT Opening MOONLIGHT CAFE 19 KING STREET WEST THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 1st at 6 o'clock a.m, SR i pp ---- of the BEHIND THE BISCUIT [f: ver see a bey behind a Shredded You will have to look _-- before the biscuit disappears-- but wait and you will see him take another bisouit---and more milk, The more he chews the crisp shreds of baked whole wheat, the more he likes pat Biscuit it---and that's the boy, full of bounding energy and radi. ant health, Just as Delicious with prunes, baked apples, sliced bananas or s mk 'ALL THE BRAN reason he is a real good for grown-ups. any fruit, to sng to 54 at Every. packag REDROSE TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good mor® flavor in the more rd Tove es. Dass whit makes An outstanding ; move In connection with the mental in. stitutions of Ontario, fucluding the Ontario Hospital at Whii- by, will, it 1s understood, he made this summer, with the establishment of mental health elinfes which will cary on ac tivities 'outside of the hospl- tals, Oné of the most Important of these ¢linfes will operate from the Ontario Hospital at Whitby and will cover the large district which it serves, These clinles ure belug on- tablished for the prevention of mental disorders, the study of early cases particularly among school children and inmates of children's whelters also for i purposes of following up dis charged patients, The announcement that thewe clinfes will be establish. ed this summer Is of the ut. mows importance ond hey mark a great forward step In the care of the memally nf- fiicted In Ontario, Hearin Appea ------------ The Court of NMevision to hear the appenls against the assessment roll of 1050 for the Town of White by completed Its work at an ad journed session held on Monday morning in the Counell Chamber, Meveral appeals were heard, The Court during its two sessions re duced the total assessment for the your by approximately $4,600, Two appeals from the decisions of tha Court have been filed with Town Clerk Frost. They are from the Atkinson Estate and Mr. Vred Ross, These will be heard by His Honor Judge Ruddy in his cham bers at the Court House on Mon- day, May 12th, at two o'clock In the afternoon. A brief review of the various ap. peals heard and disposed of by the Court follows: The assessment of Fred A. Noss on his lands snd buildings, alleged to he too high, was confirmed, Joseph DB, Mitehell complainea that he was improperly assessed on his tarm on the Kingston Road, Last year he sold two sores to Kng- lish Innes, 14d, now a hankrupt concern, for $8,600, In making the farm assessment Mr. Pringle included these two mores on the same hauls as the farm acreage, or the sume as 1028, Mr. Mitohell claimed the two acres should be taken off and at a higher rate than the rest of the farm, The court, after hoaring the arguments grant. ed a reduction by two acres, an amount of $118.00 or at the same rate an the rest of his farm In ane nosned, The assessment on the property of Ernest Nesbitt, known as the Dykens sbtate on Dundas street egst, alleged to he too high, was cons firmed, Richard Pladar's assessment was reduced from R4 pores to KO acres making a total of $4,000 Mr Pindar contended that in recent yours the lake has washed off six noren of his property, Julian Vaselesky complained that his assessment had been rals- od avery yenr ahd that thera had heen no, improvements made to the house, The court decided to take $1560 off the bullding assessment, Stanley Veselesky complained of too high an assessment on the ground that his home Is not finish. disallowed the appeal and confirm. { 8d the assessment, Julian Vaselosky was unsucoess. ful in a second appeal of too high assessment, The assessor's figure wan confirmed, The assessment on the property of Teofll Vaseleaky alleged to he too high, was also confirmed, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Vaselesky appealed against the assessment on poven lots at $605.00 each, olatming that it was too high, On motion dhe Court placed the assessment at 350 per lot, A necond appeal on other property was confirmed, Mra, HM, Noskel appeared at the Court and although no appeal had been filed the Court decided to hear her, Khe complained that the andessment on her property at the corner of Brock and Elm streets, and hor residence on Dundas street t, were too high, The Court pelded. to strike out the assess: ont of $200 on the barn which ad heen torn down, while the aw sessment an the house was reduced By $200, this making the total an sessment 832,000, No reduction wan Bade id the Brook and Wim streets rope art % (nolnaky secured a res A 200 on his house, Which he claimed, was assessed too high. John MacDonald secured a tion of $1,700 on his building, Appeals were filed in either of these onsen hut the Court decided to hear the ap LX An adjournment was made to Monday morning to hear the bals ance of the appeals, y On Monday morning when, the Court resumed it ho so at uh take no notion against Mrs, Neakel ne John Watson secured a remis of two amounts £5.00 and $40.50 charged against him on the voll of 1680, Mp, Watson's contention that' owing to high water in the EAT Take his property Walter Bunn asked for a rebate bf a five pep t penalty ohavge, oe Court den that 1t had no withority in this matter, The Mitre of Richard Pins "wan *ucet | 10 TR acres thutend t 80 an decided at the Court ait: ines at ron Thoman Vaeeloaky sosuved a tur ther ny 5 " building an date 1888 RB, i found - Tua iy of wa vg res werva the po 1 10 vet Rei About i, however, watil. they find the Ao ho di the turing. ~sTot Court of Revision Finishes of Assessment $4,500 Reductions Even Allowing for Possible Reductions in J Assessment Shows Substantial Increase hid Means More Revenue From Taxation -- Most Reductions Made on Vacant Lots--Only One Farmer's Appeal--Court Proceedings Outlined od and was overcharged; The court | 40 | ton | vestigated 's Court, or 1929, GRANDMOTHERS AT MEETING OF THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute held in the Counell Chamber on Friday afternoon was in eharge of the CGrapdmothers, with Mrs, J. M. Willis, of Port Whitby as convenor, There was «, large attendance and a most der ight Jrotum; consisting of the following numbers: Roading, Mrs, J. M, Willis; recl- tation, Dotis MeKinley: reading, Mrs, Frank Roberts; solo, Mrs, Michael; address on institute work, Mrs, J. H, Perry; recitation, Joan Ormiston, ST. BDEBENARD'S SCHOOL nr mr Form 1V. rr ~KHsabeth Melos tyre, 00; Leo Bleffler, 66; Agnes Shaughnessy, 01; Vega Vaselosky, 060; Peggy Giroux, 67; Lilian CHls bey, 66; Kvelyn Sheridan, 6b! Catharine Shaughnessy, 54; Mary Burtinsky, 58; Gertrude Luke, 80, Emily Bande), 47; Jack O'Connor, 46; Helen Yarmola, 41, Form 1V, Jr.=Peter Podvinsky, 70; Fred Podvinsky, 74; Frances Burtinsky, 71; Helen Turansky, 84; Antoinette Giroux, 66; Margaret Calderone, 08; Martha Sheridan, b7 Form 111, Nr. 70; Annie Yarmols, Bragg, 02, Form II, Jr= 71; Billie Bteffler, derson, 64; Dillla Kapuscensky, 44; Billie Turansky. 6%; Helen Dandel, 61; Fred Anderson, 80; Annie Burtinsky, 88; ley Bt, Plorre, 58; Thomas O'Brien, B61: George Lennon, 41; Willie O'Brien, 41; Annie Marnock, 89, Ho cond Class=Frank Kapuselne ski, 76; Joo Btevens, 18; Addie Giroux, 78; Mary Steffler, 70; Christie Calnan, 0; Mary O'Brien, 06; Bernice St, Plorre, be; Mary Anderson, 88; Mary Shaughnessy, (missed four of the eight papers), 50; John Barton, 40, Hr, First-=Miko Podvinsky, 711 Jean Lennon, 62; Mike Anderson, 00; Ernest Fusco, 64; Christina Calderons, 40; Phyllis Forester, Jb Plrste= (Names In. order of merit) ==Goorge Bteffler, Freddie Fusco, Joseph Calderone, Evelyn Bt, Plerre; Ronald Bragy, Nickie Marnoek, Douglas Brown, Primer ddie Oalnan, Alex, Brown, Sophie Kapuselnski, Wil. frid O'Brien, Stella Burtinski, Carl Parise, Eileen Terwillegar, Lorne Rousseau, Lucy Vaselesky, Gert tude Lennon, Frank Calderone, ---------- ANNUAL AXPA, SERVION On Sunday evening at St, John's Clash, Port. Whithy, the annual AX PA. service attracted a large congregation, the young people ats tending 'and sitting in a body, The address on the subject *Faithfyls nem" was delivered by Mr. Leon. ard J, Wikis, vice-president of the AX P.A, Toronto Council, It was A helpful and inspiring mossage. The Nervice was In charge of the young people, with Norman ©, Goldring, a tormer A.Y.PA, presi dent, and now studying for the ministry at Wyolifte College, pro- widing, annisted by the rector's war. den, Mr, Leonard Hoad, A choir of young people furnished excellent and Sprite fuse. musio, hes bo Rel Shops F iio For Tokyo, of twelve Japs anes ral sors headed by Ohujl Kato, direvtor of the ji for Ran eA repair wah A, has roemode HS B® hh Way -- ah tee dhe i Ey Foontly he "thoroughly Japanese ova Nor uy Band were con. vineed they displayed the highest efficiency in the world, The method of repat¥ing rotling stock Is more or less the same the world over, but in this work the Japanese workers have attained re. markable skill during the last ten ody Logins yours the Hime requ or the general repair . dostmmathi ce wd Soon eu ® Japanese shops from forty-one to ix adys. Ruslan vepalr ha Philip Burtinsky, C8; Steven Olga Burntisky, 70; Annie An MOSLEM CONFERENCE WOULD EXCLUDE JEWS FROM PALESTINE Resolutions declaring that the Balfour declaration and the British mandate in Palestine must be ter: minated, were adopted by the all Indies Moslem conference on Pales- tine at Bombay, a delegation of Arabs here was notified, The general secretary telegraph. od the results to the delegates here who are seeking a modification of the present status in the Holy Land, One resolution affirmed that the Holy Land was a trust of the whole Moslem word and not of the Mow. lems of Palestine alone, and that A ---------- A "rr the Mohammedans "cannot permit Palestine to be used as no dumping ground for Jews of the entire world," INDIAN VILLAGE 550 YEARS OLD Washington ~The oldest contin ously inhabitated community in the United States is Oraibl, an Indias village north of Winslow, Arizona The National Geographies Society says Oraibi was in existence in 1370, more than a centuary before the San | lurds reached the mainland of Nort America, and long before Columbu discovered the new world, The state ment was based upon exploration made for the Sgelety by Dr, A, | Ad i SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF MAY Ist to Tth wn fon Wateh for Yellow Tickets they Denote Specials POLIFLOR ¥ y==No, | "iy e Mixture Cabo Mistare. 1. viii Contains No Alum MAGIC Baking Powder 146, Tin 34° MILK Aylmer Green Label Chili, Sauce 12.08. Bl. 24 §, Noodles Pg. 9° to iad on RUSMAR hous Are i operated on a fo AVArage, Ny installing the Japanese sys. tem the Russian raflways hope tuo nave Approximately $200,000,000, m---------------- wo 6 Automobile drivers who We to belleve that 'hey | own von't yet fintahs HH LE Port. Arthur Newel robin FRING , 5 wo a RON Nd Real Tasty! Go oceterlas Ad FERRERS SN | A as - Inaugurated This Summer| United States is St, Aniginting, 1 Plo. | was founded nl 97, Mc ---- loglaze Te ave y): )) yy 8 " " Marks' ThePAINT "Leaves NO BrushMarks" A Canadian Product Better Made' Flo-Glaze is sold by MUFFIT & PARK RYTHING A = A FOOD STORE OUGHT TO BE! You will think of this every time you enter 8 Loblaw Groceteria= sanitary and spotlessly clean Plon Hoty of room and well arranged ete stocks, Then, too, you ' bens the of # at your lelsure==no Yimit Ww over is placed upon your Tre while rnd your " If the reader is not a Loblaw customer we would be ted | to have you visit your neighbor hood Loblaw Groceteria and see the modern way of shopping in full operation, Store Hours 8 am, Til 6 p.m, 8 a.m, Till 12,30 Wednesday 8 am. Till 10 p.m Saturday : Rich in health givin SPECIAL=Pure Light ee seis. rat SB Patent Barley oh NSON' See for Infante, Marmalade Mi The Catsu TIGER ols Tin 87¢ Tin 29¢ Hy 16¢ rand Peanut Butter rans Like | SPECIAL=CANADA ROLLS TOFFEE Yoel. Box 15° SPECIAL==DBest for all Baking=PURITY FLOUR: ay 8].19 SPECIAL-=Chateau, Rideau or Velveeta CHEESE 2 Cream or Pinvento ' nou RTSON'S 1 & Silver Shred the. Jor, Fhole Wheat Blseult, , Eaceptional Value, PANTER MER, AND JL Prandin TOMATO SPECIAL= Choice Quality Tomatoes 2 No, 2} Size Tins \g vitamines A, B, C. LIFEBUOY The Health SOAP 2 cia 15° SPEC I. AL~Star Brand Ammonia POWDER abr Pig 390 Gra Jar 210 Pkg. 12¢ RERRERNNY Lge, Bottle 19¢ Pail 21¢ REAMY TOFFEE oolhe Pkgs. SPECI len coutiunt Value Ne. Ik 25° | Junket Powder Assorted Flavor gd Ovalti ne The Food Tonle odin Si Matches NULITE~Pocket Sive, , , Red ¢ Currant Jel ly Grave Jelly MOANA Brand... PORARRRANNNNNNY RUM AND BUTTER 35° LITT Pig. <P eo Punch Pkg. Me SAIN Sl-- TL 12 Boxes 140 Jar 220 Jar 24¢ "Nature's Food" RED RIVER | Cereal Package 24° | ise Tin, +o COS 12.08. Jar. iia senunnne AND "The Porfoct Jelly Nu-Jell 2 Pg. 15° Crow CORN No. 2 Tin 16° Shirrifl's Imperial : Extract Boke 23° True Fruit Flavor

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