Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Apr 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1936 INTERMEDIATE LACROSSE TEAM STARTS PRACTISING TONIGHT | Toro nto Leafs Lose Last Game of Series With Jersey City 50 Visher Pitches Smart Ball for Six Innings, But Skeeters Garner:5 Runs in "Lucky Seventh"--Shan- non Triples With Two Men on Bases Jersey City, April 30~Turn about being fair play, Jersey City whites washed Toronto yesterday § to 0, Steve O'Neill and his Leafs moving on to Baltimore with an even brea on the local series, but with a record of fine wins in nine games on their first 1930 visit to New lersey. All the Skecters' runs were hare vested in the sevening inning, Clar- ence Fisher blowing up at that stage and permitting the tailenders to group five hits with a base on balls for the tallies, The hero of the afternoon was Maurice Shannon, one of the Shan- non twins, who smacked a triple when there was a runless tie existe ing and when there were two. men waiting to score, He was batting at the time for Manger, who has been playing a whale of a game at firs for the residents but who hasn't been hitting worth a lick, It was Jack Hopins, who beat Frank Barnes 6 to 3 in the opening game of the series last Friday aw who was charged with the loss of - Local Tennis 'Club Ready to | Start Season The courts of Yi Oshawa enils Club are now in splendid shape ae- cording to President 8 Everson, und H, Hainer, Chairman of the Grounds Committee, when interviewed by The Times yesterday, Several men Have been laying out the courts and puts ting them jn condition with the re. sult that they are now in use one month earlier than last year, The previous year was a very wsuc- cessful one and according to reports from Stuart Alger, Chairman of the Membership Committee there will be even a larger membership this year despite adverse conditions in the city, The membership fees this seus son remain the same; Men's season membership, $1500 Ladies' season membership 10,00 Associate membership both ladies and gentlemen ,, 7.50 Junior membership both boys and girls All wishing to join the club may communicate with Stuart Alger, Stan Everson or Ted Fishleigh who will gladly give them any information they desire to know, the second game on Sunday, who yes terday gave the Leafs their second whitewash of the present penmant | pursuit, Five Hits for Leafs | Hopkins scattered four singles and one double, so that no Toronto base runner was able to get beyond secs ond base. He got perfect support and passed no one, this being the second day in'succession local pitchers have refrained from putting a runner on| base through wildness, Harry Davis clicked off two of the five safeties that can be found in the Toronto portion of the box score und ran: the number of games in which he has obtained base hits up to ten, Having only been in ten, the young man has been nuable to do any hetter, Fisher up to the time of his blow up had outpitched Hopkins, George Selkirk 'touched Clarence Henry for a real hit in the second, and Julian Wera got credit for a safety in the fourth on a ball that took a false hop as it neared Cote, In the seventh, though, Fisher's ef- fectiveness vanished, The inning he. wan with the veteran Veach poking u single to right, Wera sacrificed and Selkirk was walked intentionally, Shannon batted for Manger, and with two strikes against him hit over second and to the lett of Petrie, who was playing out of position, The outfielders scored and Shan. non ambled to third, crossing the plate when Daly lined a single to centres Hopkins forced Daly but Pet. tinger doubled down the third base line and Gillis singled, to bring Jer. sey City's run total up to five, West, ninth man to bat in the inning grounded the side out, fhe CAREW LuMBLR (0 NEW MARTIN Now Playing The Comedy Hit PERSONALITY With Sally Starr Fox News Oswald Collegians Usual Prices International League READING WINS IN 1ST INNING Reading, Pa, April J0~Reading's seven runs in the first inning were enough to deteat the Montreal Roy. als here yesterday in the final of the series. The Keys copped the decision by 8 to 3, to give them four wins out of five starts with Montreal, Montreal ..veyy 000 030 110-5 10 2 Reading varess 700 000 Olx--~8 11 0 Smith and Head; Grampp and Grace, BUFFALO WINS 14-12 Baltimore, Md, April 30.~The Bul falo Bisons won the final game of the series here yesterday in a wild contest, The score was 14 to 12, This gave the Horde the series J games to Buffalo « 050 520 200-=14 12 1 Baltimore ,,..v0 100001 163-12 18 6 Dailey, Williams and Susce, Mur. phy; Chambers, Hearn, Hollings. worth, M, Weaver, Fussell and Dan ning, RED WINGS' RALLY JUST MISSES Newark, N.J, April 30.=Newark fought oft a late rally of the Roch. ester Red Wings yesterday to take the deciding contest in a five game series by 7 to 6, It was a free hitting affair and neither starting pitcher, Al Mamaux or Tex Carleton, went the route, Rochester 000 050 100-6 10 3 Newark 302 020 00x~7 11 2 Carleton, McGraw and Florence; Jonnard, Mamaux, Stryker, Fischer and Munn, U.S. Walker Cup Team Sails Today New York, April 30.~The eight members of the US, Walker Cup team were busy yesterday, but only three of them spent any time turning up their shots, Due to leave for Eure ope aboard the Mauretania this af ternoon, Captain Bobby Jones and his golfing comrades spent most of the day packing and getting ready to go aboard, Roland Mackenzie arri- ved from Washington during the day to jein' the rest of the team, Jones, George von Elm, Don Moe, George olgt, Dr, O, F, Willing, Harrison R. Johnston and Francis Ouimet, On their arrival in England the team members will have nearly ten days to get into shape for the cup matches against Great Britain at Sandwich May 15 and 16. SHARKEY SELECTS CAMP New York, April 80,~Jack Sharkey has changed his mind again-=for the final time, he says ~-and now plans to train at Gus Wilson's camp in Orangeburgh, N. Y., for his heavyweight champion: ship bout with Max Schmeling at Yankee Stadium, June 12, NOW IS THE TIME! TO SECURE THE ~~ SCREENS : You need for Summer use Why not have yours made to fit your windows, Let us give you a price on your requirements, ay 's 443 RICHMOND ST. Planing Mil PHONE 2354 Christ Church Tennis Club Prepares For Approaching Season The second annual general nee! ing of the Christ Church Tennis Club wis held on April 29, in the Parish Hall, Favorable reports were submits ted by the secretary and treasurer, and a satisfactory balance shown to start the coming season, "I'he official opening will be held on Saturday, May 10, All those present yesters day were enthusiastic in thelr atti tude towards a successful and enjoy able season, The officers elected for | 1930 are; Hon, Pres, Rev, R, B, Pat. terson; President, W, G, Corin Trea surer, Helen Mason; Convener, My Q, Hobbs; Committee, Miss G, Pens nell, Miss 1. Barton, Miss I. Pawson, Mrs, G. Dewberry, J. Borrowdale, H, Copeland, J. Terrett, H, Pennell, Miss D, Sweet, Miss M, Anderson, Lady Captain, Mrs, A. Metcalfe; Gentleman Captain, Mr. A, Metcalf, National League PIRATES WIN LONG GAME Chicago, Liv, April JU-=It took the Pirates two hours and sixteen minutes to apply the defeat stamp to the Cubs yesterday in a wild game I'he score was 13 to 9, Seven pitchers vere used by both clubs, the only effective man bein Steve Swetonic who was used the lust three innings by the Pirntes Pittsburgh OW 127 Wg Chicago ./vvvv U4 DO 200 Kremer, lirickson, Swetonic Hemsley; Blake, Nelson, Moss, Bush and Hartnett RUNS AND MORE RUNS New York, N.Y, April $0 vilé Brooklyn Robins outslugged the New | York Giants to win the scason's hea | viest hitting game by a 19 10 15 score hve Ihe Robins made 22 hits off pitchers to 19 blows for the Ott hit two homers and' Terry Herman one each I'he Robins started the heavy w ing with eleven runs, gained tro many hits and one walk in the ond inning, They rolled up a 16 10 lead before the Giants started a si milar rally mn the third whieh brought them nine runs, The scoring fell off after this frame, Brooklyn .., 2 11 3 030 000--19 22 3} New York ,. 0 29120 001-15 19 2 Phelps, W. Moore, Elliott and Lo pez; Benton, Pruett, Heving, Lucas and Hogan BENGE WINS PITCHER'S DUEL Philadelphia, Pa, April 30. An eight run flare-up by the Phillies in the eighth inning broke up a beau tiful scoreless hurling duel between Bob Smith and Ray Benge here ye terday and gave the Shotten men an ultimate 8 to 2 trivuiph over the Bra ves, Six hits, two bases on balls, two sacrifice hits and an error by Ma guire accounted for eight tallies, Ma- Ruire's misque was particularly fatal for it came witli one run in and on out and was a sure double-play, Boston ...ovveess 000 000 002-2 5 1 Philadelphia ,,., 00¢ 000 08x-8 16 J Citant Or peg ) 13 16 2] and | i PORT SNAPSHO' o'elogh) lacrosse team this season, LJ » Scott Hubbell, » w Softball Lepgue and with that end ed, Smith; Honroary President, Lt.-Col, Honorary Vice-President, Capt, Whishield ; President, Sgt. Mc Coy i Secrotary<Treasurer Sgt, J. Rutherford ; ford, Sgt, J. Browne "C" By Guo, Oamrnmis, Sports Editor Capt, 2S Oshawa Intermediates Start Tonight The Oshawa intermediate lacrosse team will hold their first work out Anyti tonight at the Motor City Stadium, starting at 6.30 he Oshaws Lacrosse Club dre oub to produce a real smart All Jncrosse players of the city wishing to turn out with the intermediates are asked to be at the practice tonight » » Oshawa Sends Representatives The Oshawa Seniors ure sending several representatives to the Central Ontario Baseball League meeting which is being held in Belle: ville tonight," The following have been appointed to represent the local club: Walter Shultz, Morley Jucobl, W. Mitehell, C. Cummings, and » * Ont, Regiment Softball Club Organizes The Ontario Regiment have decided to enter the local Intermediate in view they have organized a soft» ball elu, 'The following is 'a list of the officers that have been elects A und Hodgins and Major R, Pearson, Capt, Mitchell Neil; Vice-President, Sgt, V BC Criaws Manager, Sut. Major Norn, Walker Asst, Manager, Sgt, Wm, Brown, "er Coys opens the W, E the first game will be played ut the Alexandra league with will have at A players. will be in practi made weleonie M » eu | All softball players of the held tonight Bani | ings which are beh Hall, top floor over the | loth the Parts and Service sof had out and about the same number « will hold another. practice tome at 6.30 o'clock, Th Friday night Crocker and | Rainville Win | Trial Matches Toronto; April 30.-~Wilia er and Marcel Rainvil stul ingle Da were each sueee in matches played yesterday in the vis. Cup trials on the courts of Toronto Lawn Tc | Dr, Jack Wright and Williard Cre one doubles I" hil mis Club, whi | ker were vigtors in the match staged, matches were the opening of a series to continue all week to enable the Davis Cup selec | tion committee to choose a team tn | represent Canada in the first round of the American zone in the 1930 in ternational contest at Philadelphia commencing on May | I'he Sports Officer, Murray Johnston, The Ont Phillips team, on to turn out with the Chosen Friends' te real lively practices last night XU Junior practice Regiment team Monday Motor City Stadium, The Regiment Park tomorrow night, at 0.30 pan night, when LJ LJ Chosen Friends Softball 'Teams Meet Tonight either ladies or men, who wish yy ams, are reminded of the meet at 800 pm, at the Chosen Friends { Commerce * Parts and Service Intermediates thall tewns, junior and intermediate, There were about twenty juniors { intermgdiate I'he intermediates | Motor Cit v night at the tudinm will be at FORMER COLLEGE NTAR WINK KNOCKOUT VICTORY April 80,--Arlie Penn Btate Colley New York, Woltf, former hoxing captain ane tional interscolleglute champion cored his second victory as a pro» { fosstonal last night, knocking. out | George Deschey Nawark, NJ. {In the fifth round of un scheduled six-round hout nt Broadway arena Wollf welghed 1064, Descher 1745, Descher, who was obviously poor condiiton, fell more from ex | haustion than from Wollfs blow Erle Lawson, 158%, defested Hultgren, Nweden, ol mn Kiddie Sr ---------------- are two places a husband to find doctor's There can Ko what's wrong Mma office and home Kitchener Record. | | | [ | Clasell | Chicago | pitchers in a vain effort to stop the three-time nas | | land Indians ¢ | Meliy Boy Suffers Fractured Skull When Hit by Flying Baseball Bat rr---- Toronto; April 80-=The opening of the baseball weason on street corner lots by sohool ehlldren way marred last night by serious Injury to one of the youthful ball players, Antonin Rosen, aged eight years, of 184 Portland Btreet, The boy was struck by a bot which flew out of the hands of one of the excited batters on an oppos: ing team, striking Rosen on the forehead und causing u compound skull fracture, The boy was rushed to the Western Hospital in a motor oar, from where the police amhu- lance eonveysd him to the Hospital for Blek Children, American League WHITE S0X WIN Detroit, Mieh, April 30,=="T"h¢ White Sox hit George Uhle, veteran Tiger pitcher, freely yesterday and won the second steaight game of the series 8 to 6 The Chicago hitting included home runs by Reynolds and one two by , 100 003 211-8 14 Detroit , , 101 020 00246 14 1 Faber and Autry; Uble, Page and Hargrave SENATORS WIN EIGHT STRAIGH] Washington, D.C, April Senators won their ¢ghth straight game here yesterday, defonting thi Yunkees 11 to 8, New York used five J0,=} he Senators' bats I'he Nationals spotted Yorkers to seven runs before loosing their own hitters to equal the count in the third, Babe Ruth, with three tworbagpers in tour tmes at bat, drove in three Yankeg tulles Yorl 14 000 0) hing! , O07 101 20x / herd, Gomer and Dickey; Hudle homas and Ruel INDIANS DEFEAT St. Louis, Mo, April 30=The Cleve ored a 0 to 4 victory over St, Louls Browns yesterday to it two straight for the serie I'he Indians were helped to victory a home run by John Hodapp fourth inning with Kaniesun the Nev 81! IM 13u Rhodes, Lisku, W n | hary, BROWNS minke h in the on base Cleveland A , O00 003 010-4 7 0 Ferrell and | ell; Louis Hudlin, Sew | | 000 302 010-6 12 "| : 0] W | Stewart, Holshavsed, Kimasey and R Hrooklyn, | 160%, | | with | | I Ferrell ATHLETICS WIN AGAIN Boston, Mase, April 30.Mickey Cochrane und Al Simmons led the ault on three Red Sox pitchers here yesterday and the Philadelphia Athletics - defeated the Sox ning to five, Simmons drove in four runs and made four hits and Cochrane joined him in his hit total Philadelphia » 202 202 001-9 17 1 Boston , 020 030 000-5 91 Farnshaw; Rommel! and Cochrane; Smith, Lisenbee, Ruffing and Heving | | | "Quest" Is Launched Toronto, April 30-~Kvery one of the three or four thousand inter ested people who saw Quest take the water yesterday afternoon up at Oakville, had their own impress. sions of the scene, just as it oos ocurred to them, My own was of the quick, Impatience in the velco of Norman R, Gooderham-~as he stood on the platform erected for the christening eermony, with his uncle Commodore Goodérhan, and his daughter, Audrey because sharp at the appointed hour, 8.80 pom, Ques was not already on the move, At Ms sharp demand, "Arve you ready?" followed immediately by "Let her go then," the yacht he. gan to slide gracefully down she ways, and Miha Audrey, with right good will, smashed a bottle of the best. aver. the yacht's bows and wished her.duck, A touel of human nature makes the world sympath- etio and it was so in-keeping with those of us who know the famous racing skipper that a delayed start wan not permissible and because Quest wags three minutes late in her first getaway, her skipper was on the jump, Down she went and as her lovely form met the waters of the river ahe just seemed to neatie into them ay though she was coms fug into her own and the soft lap of the waves sounded lke a sure weleome, THE "QUEST" Tuesday afternoon at Oakville, | the fiest of the Canadian built cans didates for the challenge of the Royal Capadian Yacht Club for the Canada's 'eup now held by the Rochester Yacht Club was launch od, She is the Fite designed craft built by the Oakvilie Yacht Works and will bo christened "Quest' hy Miss Audrey Gooderham, 14-year. old daughter of Mp, Norman R, Gooderham, who will be skipper of the eraft, The layout above shows: Neo 1, Miss Audrey Gooderham No, 2, The "Quest; No, 8, Little Miss Pook, daughter of exsCommos dove Charles Pook of the Royal LAUNCHED TUESDAY Hamilton Yacht Club, who Monday christened the adn's cup boat "Vislon™, as Gosport, England, which was the flest of the three Sametve vacing stoops bullet by the Royal Canadian Yacht Club's Canada's Cup syndicate to he launched, Miss Pook is visiting in England along with her parents. No. 4, Mes, W, DD Ross; wife of LdoutenantsGavernor W, I, Ross, who will christen the Roune boat, which will be launched from the ROY, shops, Contre Island, next Tuesday, Sho will ho christened MNomeman," Knglish=built Cans | | JACK SHARKEY GETS | oresident of Madison Square Ga | would be "a natural" [started her ftennia campalgn, AMBITIOUS AGAIN Boston, April J0=Jack Sharkey, leading American heavyweight cone tender, will ask William I, Carey, en, to make an effort to get either Gene Tunney or Jack Dempsey to return to the ving for a bout next year if he is successful in his com ing 13-round elash with Max Se¢hmel ing, German heavyweight, it was ans nounced here last nights On complets ing an elght-reund workout, Sharkey, who will meet the German at Yankee Stadium, New York, on June 12, said: "1 believe Bill Carey will be able to talk either Tunney ar Dempsey into returning to the ring wars for a bout with me in 1931, 1 have always wanted 'to get a crack at Tunney as 1 feel I have the boxing style and puneh to beat him" He added that a tussle hetween "Per Jack" and himself at Chicag: MRS, MOODY IN FRANCE | Cherbourg, France, April 30, Mra, Helen Willa Moody, United States woman tennis ehampion, arrived here yesterday aboard the Nerengaria, She disembarked loads od down with tennis racquets, flows ord and baggage, Nhe told inter viewers she was going to see the art expositions at Paria before she |Cricket | Montreal | Jersey Season Opens Today London, April 30.«=T'h¢ cricket sear son opens In England today, with three first-class matches, In one of whieh the touring Australians will bey engaged, The visitors meet Worees ter, The other matches will he he: tween Middlesex und Leicestershire at Lord's and Surrey and Glamorgan ut the Oval, This is the jubilee year of test match cricket, and appropri ately the Australians will attempt to regiin "The Ashes," mythical emblem of the International championship England has held them since 1926 The games between Aust alin and England and the counties will nat urally throw the country champion ship matches somewhat into the baek ground, There will be five test mat ches, With so many of the best play. ers being withdrawn from the coun ties for the International games, the first four days and the fifth ull there is un chance that one of the wenker counties may win the championship Nottinghamshire, last year's chan plon, will probably contribute Lar wood, Voce and Barrett, all bowlers, and perhups Curr, former test mateh captain, to England teams at differ ent times, Lancashire send Duckworth, thelr wicketkeeper, anil Gloucester Wally Hammond and per haps Goddard, Yorkshire will be rep resented by Sutcliffe and Leyland, while Sussex ean be ealled on fur Prince Duleepsinhji, Jowley and I'ate, Kent has four internationals, A PF, Chapman, who guided the Fng lish team to vietory in the last Aus tralian tour, and Wouolle Freeman and Ame BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost PS many "KEED" CHOCOLATE GETS HIS PURSE Toronto, April 30~At a mesting of the Ontario Athletic Commission, held yesterday afternoon, the reports of the various officials connected with the Kid Chocolate-Johnny Erickson bout on Monday night were conside ered and as that of the physician who examined Chocolate Pid the bout, Dr, James W: Barton, stated that the Cuban had injured hands af« ter the bout, the commission ordered that the boxer be paid in full, Dr, Barton stated that his examination showed that there was 8 large swells Ing on Choeolate's left hand and that the right hand was undoubtedly paine ful, In his opinion It was quite pose sible that the injuries were sustains ed on Monday night, but If they were old hurts they were greatly sgRrayas ted in the bout against Erickson, YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Brooklyn ,, 19 New York ,,..18 Philadelphia ,,..8 Boston ,,..,...28 Pittsburg 13 Chicago WY St Louis ut Cincinnati=Weg grounds, GAMES TO-DAY Brooklyn at New York, Boston ut Philadelphia, Pittsburg at Chicago, t, Louls at Cincinnatl CHARLIE CONACHER IMPROVES Toronto, April 40,-=The many friends of Charlie Conacher will he pleased to learn that he rallied in remarkable fashio~ following the removal of his left kidney on Monday an although it is too soon to make any predictions it is hoped that he will reecuperufe rapidly, He will not he able to wee any visitors for an fow dayn, ARGENTINE POLOINTS HOME Buenos Alres, April 50,~~The Argentine polo team, that recents ly won the Pacific Coast pole ffalo 2 78 Baltime 030 NEWT ' TIRE Foront IIIT | Rochester (00 Reading Ie CIty + YESTERDAY'S Jersey City Reading Buffalo ,, Newark I RESULTS y Toronto 8 Montreal o.. Bultimore s44.,12 haat CHEMEr syouss GAMI Buffalo at Reading Rochester dt Jersey City, Montreal at Newark AMERICAN &EAGUE on Lost 10. 2 O J 1O-DAY Washington Chicago Cleyeland Philadelphia svvveiss Bt LOWS soversrenre Boston... vol Detroit 4 New York 3 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Washington ,,11 New York ,. Philadelphia ,.,.9 Boston Chicago +, 0e00:8 Detroit Cleveland +.v0000 St. Louis ,, ERTL) venenrnn of { 0 4 0 N 10 .} O GAMES TODAY Chicago at Detroit Cleveland at St, Louis Philadelphia at Boston New York at Washington NATIONAL LEAGUE on Aut Pittsburg ] 2 New York ., Chicago St, Louls svvveevanes Philadelphia «uous Boston Brooklyn Cinclonatl +... -- ELL champlonship In the United States, cnme home yesterday delighted | with the results of their Amarican eulogized Uniteg Andrada in the four, Captain polo conditions J] | Blates, en 5 PTC SR SA A Cooling | Refreshing Invigorating It's a pleasure to finish each day as bright and we tive as, you commenced it, Bure. you're ready for a dane at the pavilion or & game of tennis or golf after the day's work, Boot's REGESAN Fruit Saline taken enc morning will keep you fit all day, There in vigor in its dancing, puns gent. bubbles, Take home a $1.00 bottle today and tos morro' you won't mind the heat, You "Save with Safety" at The Rexall Drug Store Jury & Lovell LIMITED Himooe §, Phone 08 King K. Phone 28 R. B, SMITH, #7 King St, E, Oshawa Send further partionlers Cont oll Bde Sevies Police, - Tare ah hemor by the Confederation Life Name, Address Ocevpation, Confederation Life Announces New 'Confederation Series' of Policies The Confederation Life Association has Just issued an entirely new series of lower remium policies called the reg et enable the insured to buy Shey may be Sad i the These policies the largest amount t a low rate, and ibid nc Rid Life and Endowment Indemnity Accident Benefits these policies, ity and Double may be to We have prepared lucid explana of our "Confeder onto Poe hlet ® a pamp purpose in issuing, and your advantage in buying, ono of these oliciess We strongly urge or a copy of this pamphlet, Foy to write coupon is for your convenience, Confederation Life Association Head Office

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