Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Apr 1930, p. 6

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PACE 8IX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1930 'Women's Interests in the Home >» and the Community SOC AL and PERSONAL | i Last week Mrs, It, W, Millichamp Maisie Millichamp of Bim- doa ana Yin North motored to Ate fant City, My, and Mrs. Roland Mofiatt and son, Malcolm, Kingston have returned home after si oad ing the Jast two weeks at Al its city. Myr, Moffatt Las been sou'h ll winter, Mr. and Mrs, C. ¥, Schofield, Fimeos street north are holidaying nt Atlantie City, Mr, Noy Baxter, Hamilton Or- aniger for the Loyal Order of oose, paid & business visit to this city yesterday, calling on Mr, Ttoy MeDonough, Huron stree', Hecretary of the Oshawa Lodge. Mrs, Edwin Buck, Dellaville, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, RB, MéDonough and Mrs, #. Calvin, Oshawa, has returned home A very pleasant meeting wus held in the Parish Hall of Christ Church, yesterday alarnoon when # good attendance of W, A, mem- bers were present, A large quilt [Real Relier from CHILDRENS Na ITMER 2 NLP a a HEAD and ASTHMA st COLDS Ho Smoke -- Ne Ne Sawlf Just Swallow AH Capsnie Restores breathing, ay GUARANTEED RELIEF nv "| that NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES any styles to Choose from, Our prices are right, THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simeon Bt, 8. Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned HOSIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simcoe St was completed, Tea was worved by Mrs, Broadbent and Mrs, Corbiy who were hostesses of the sfter~ uoon, dy arringements were for 4he Mu y Tea and ilo of Work that is 0 "be held on Thursday, May 1st, when a splen- did attendance 1s expected. Mrs, R. McDonough, Huron stroet, 1s visl"ag friends fn Col ling Bay, Ont, Mr, and Mrs, 4, H, Rans, Har- mony, are leaving today for a trl around the continent, They will sail from New York on Saturday And in their tour will visit Havana, Han Diego, San I"tansico, Los Ane goles, Vancouver, and will return train agross Canada, Mr, and re. Rane sxpect to be away about six weeks, After the regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxillary of the Canadian Legion last evening a social time was spent in the rooms, There were about 40 ladies present and all sat down to supper that had been pre- pared, There was a delightful im- promptu program, Woal arranges ments were made for going to Whitby branch Mrs. Bric Lilley and baby son, John Mdward, of this city are visit- ing the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Kerr of Brantford. Mrs, H, Nobes entertained at a delightful bridge yesterday after~ noon, With the opening of Ontarie Ladies' College yesterday, after the Easter vacation a number of the Oshawa students have returned to the school, These ure Misses Margaret Anderson, Lols Germond, Beatrice Fraser, Isabel Downey, Toots Brooks and Harrlet Swall, Miss Isobel Yockney of Edmons ton, Alta, who has been visiting Miss Lois Germond, has also re- turned to the college, where she is a pupil, Young People's Meetings KNOX CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE The regular meeting of the Knox Chureh Young People's No- cloty was held in the form of a so- ela! evening on Monday, All who attended enjoyed a very happy time, Owing to some work that is to be done in the church there will be no meeting next Mouday, but the Boclety will continue its meetings the following week, I CHRIST CHURCH AY. PA. The regular meeting of the Christ Church AY.P.A, was with drawn this week, owing to the fact the association staged part of thelr "1089 Revue" at the Odd- fellows' Hall, on Monday evening The A. Y. P. A, will meet at the Parish Hall next Monday, KING STREET CHURCH W. M, 8. The W. M, 8, - of King Street Chureh held thelr regular monthly meeting on Tuesday with the president, Mra, Hales Barker In the ehalr, Mrs, Schafer led In prayer in the opening exercises, Mrs, Armour, first strangers' seo retary, reported forty-two calls and twenty-five hospital calls made during the past month, Mrs, Win. ter, tlower convener reported that three bouquets had been sent out, Mrs, Wood read some items in the Temperance work, The presiden: spoke for a few moments of the death of Austin Goyne, and sald that the sympathy and prayers ot the Auxiliary were with his family. Mrs, Dird was appointed repre sentative of the city Mission Board ATTENTION! E00 EARP AER Oshawa Technical School Offers Special Class for Women in DRESSMAKING COMMENCING APRIL 30th From 2 to 4 P.M. Mon., Wed. and Friday Until June 10th REGISTER NOW REV. L. SAWGALSKY commenced an evangelistio campaign in the Pentecostal Holiness Church wialsky being a talented $01 tt r Sompitent to ment are aig With truth in tho new Testament ave an interesting, apiey and convinetng manner, The meetings are being held upday last M ra 1a rf thelr visa) ol presented tn Every Evening | Blade, WOMEN OFFERED VARIED PRIZE LIST Wide Range of Home Arts Represented in Classes Women's sphere at (hie Canadian Nationa] Exhibition, to 'be held this year from August 22 to Sep tember 6, will offer more interest than ever in the arty and erafts of the home, according to the prize fist which has just been published Every wort of article which femin- ine hands with brains devise in Canada for the beautifying and im. provement of the home is Included from pottery to hospital devices, and the work of foreign-born wo- mon and children will again form a colorful section, 'There is also inl notices of the work of the blind and of aged women, and school competitions are a feature, The classes include: Household linen-table linen, insertions and Ince trimmed, shoots. pillow cases, curtaing and towels, colored linens, tapestry, bedroom wets; lace hand-made bobbin laces, hand. made laces, Inces with machine- made braid: wearing apparel, quilts, bedspreads and afghans: rugs and homespuns; crochet, and knitted work--crochet in wool, slik or mercerized cotton knitting in wool, silk or mercerized cotton;* infants' weoar-<knitted, crocheted: nged women's work; household science; competition - for foreign women and children; work of the blind---willow work and rush work, knitting, sewing, crocheting, bead work. leather work: handicrafts pottery, wood carving, metal work, dosign and miscellancous handi- erafte; hospital claws; boys' and girls' work; school competitions, THREE WOMEN LEADERS OF INDIA Mrs. Gandhi Reproscute Do- mestic Women of India Bombay, India, April 28. «When the former Begum of Bhopal, the highest rank among the women of India==the woman whose face has mover heen seon by a man----doffed her vell for a few minutes a few yours ago it was an epochal event, When the same Begum expressed the opinion that the women of In din should be further advanced along the road to emancipation, it wis, from a raler, a revolutionary utterance, Today, however India sees three women among the leaders of the eivil disobedience campaign led by Mahatma Gandhi, They are three women of vastly different type, but gach wields an important influ. ence in the waging of Gandhi's campaign, First of all there Is Mra, Gandhi, She represents the domestic wos men of Indie, Bhe Is quiet ana unobtrusive in manner, She In content to leave the handling of the nonsco-operationists movement in the hands of her husband the Mahatma, But she has her role, Mrs, Gandhl ia leading the women of "the cause" in thelr boyeotting of foreign cloth and the picketing of lquor shops, The most intellectual of Gandhi's women following is Miss Madeleine ha daughter of the late Armiral 8ir Reginald Slade she abandoned a private fortune to fols low "the Great Soul'. Sle 1s in charge of his Ashram of College of Devoteos-=the intellectual re- treat and storage battery of in. aspiration for the movement, Miss Slado is an ascotig, She worships i ---------------- with Mra, Wright and Mrs, Booth ab asaistants Mrs, Wadsworth's group gave the programme which opened with a hymn, and bible reading by Mrs, Bohater, The seo ond chapter of the study book "Jerusalem to Jerusalem" wan taken and explained by Mrs, Hage orman, A easing solo was ren- dered by Mrs, A, Legge, accompan= {ed at the piano by Mrs, Barker, Mrs, Cralg gave a very fteryite Ing address on "Sovvice", A splens did duet was sung by Mrs, Friend and Mrs, Sutoliffe, accompanied at the plano by Mrs. Barker, Tho meeting closed with prayer by the president, At the close of the meeting there was a sale of cooking by the Mission Band which resulted in a profit of $0.00 for the Band. Hebrew t Bible truths, The lite and power and But Saturday at 8 o'clock During the 6ou se of the campaign Mr, Bawgalsky will speak uel subjects an *itornal Heeurity", "Saturday Sabbath", WAvstabiing Prom | Mounts" and many others, On Friday evens tog of this week ho will apeak on 1 Corinthians, chapter 14 ' | tioularly with "speaking in tol : Yama b's 1 aay ss ing fn to Nes™. sled "ahoutd n this evening a al Lyvitasion is extended to the ministers of the city to atond, straetive rt Ay & 'hearing one of these Interesting ang ins SIMCOE ST. at the shrine of 'Karma' and lives in a tiny cell, The most forceful of the Gandhi women is Mrs, Sarojinl Naidu, She is the executive, She was prosi- dent of the Indian National Con | gross In 1926 and has for yours | been prominent in political affairs, | One of Gandhi's chief leutenants she organized and controlled Bom- bay's mass demonstration of 500, 000 persons which threw an ogy | of the salt law into the ocoan two | wooks ago, i ln a J A Ml '| FASHION TIPS 1 New York reports that covert broadeloth and wool crepe are the approved fabries in coats and suits, Perforated shoes will bo very smart this season, | Silk scarfs worn crossed and fastened at the throat with a big brooch like an old<fashioned Ancot | tie are being favored at this spring's race meets in England, -------- The annual production of honey in Canada Is about 30,000,000 pounds. Alberta coal mines produced 7,147, 250 tons of coal, valued nt $22,491,001, during the year 1929. The raw fur production of Canada for the twelye months ended June 30, 1929, has a total value or $18, SHE TELLS HOW TO WIN BACK HUSBAND'S LOVE © for © yours I was tired dnd not | ous, My husband almost left me. Now, thanks to Vinol, I am well and 8 phy and he loves mo again,' we Mp, Doctors have long known tho vals ue of mineral eloments iron, cal olum with cod liver peptone, as | contained in Vinol, Nervous, ease fly tired people are surprised how Vinol gives new strength sound sleep and a BIG appetite, Gives you more PEP to enjoy lire! Vino! tastes deliclous. Jury and chopped, DR A I Je a tH od Lovell, Ltd, Drugs, RECIPES JELLIED SALAD hard-cooked eggs, finely 1<4 cup chopped pickles, 1 teaspoon minced onion, 4-4 cup mayonnaise, 1.2 lemon, Jjulce, 6 drops tabasco sauce, 1-2 teaspoon alt, 1 tublespoon granulated gela tin. 1«8 cup cold water, 1-2 bolling water Soften the getatin in add the boiling wat until the gelatin Is di solved, the other ingredients and mua "ly Pour Into cold, wet individual molds and place in the © gorator until firm, Herve on orlup lettuce leaves with mayons nalse, Bix cold water Add Tur more you eat the more you'll hte that these are better bran akes, They have all the famous PEP JMavor, Just enough bran to mildly laxative. And the nourish. elements of whole wheat, vigor for work, More pep ny. Made by Kellogg in y Ontario, alloys? BRAN FLAKES A ---- TE oup | P| yugar gradually. And Now We Are Launching Upon Another of Our Famous 3 BIG SALE DAYS And let us assure you that we have left nothing undone which in our opinion would in any way help in making this May Sale an Event of Great mportance to the store, and to all the people whom we serve. In the regular Sale Circular which was mailed to you to-day and which contains an unusually remarkable list of specially pur- chased merchandise, there is another sale bill telling you of a Sale of Wash Frocks. We want to tell you that these frocks are even better value than we have claimed them to be. They are well worth coming for. And then in addition we have selected between 40 and 50 Sur- prise Values for you. These are not advertised in either the sale circular or in the newspaper. They are surprise values that only those coming to the store will have a chance of sharing in. That is why we urge you to make a very special effort to visit the store at least once during the next three days. Thursday, Friday and Saturday a) PHONE 982 ORANGE CARR The orange favor is decidely pronounced in this cake and a coffee flavored icing is delicious with jt: One cup butter; 2 cups sugar; 2 oggs, separated; 2 oranges, rind and Juice; 1 cup sour milk; 1 tea- spoon soda, scant; 1 teaspoon bake ing powder; 3 cups flour; 1 cup raising, ground; 1 cup nut meats. Cream the butter and add the boaten ogg yolks and beat well, Add the grated orange rind. Mix {and sift the dry ingredients and add to the first mixture alternately with the liquids, Stir in the nuts and raisins, and last of all fold in the stiffly beaten os whites, Bake in layers or in a'loat as pre- ferred, Jor the layers allow twen- ty-five minutes in & modorately hot oven--375 degrees--and for the lout about Afty minutes in a moder ate ovon-=325 degrees, CANNED FRUITS OFFER DE. LIGHTFUL VARIETY IN DAY. TO-DAY MENUS Canadian canned Bruty with their matchless flavor and their garden freshness, are an unfailing source of menu ideas, By keeping the house: hold "health shelf" well stocked with assorted canned fruits, Canadian wos men, in rapidly growing numbers, are evolving more varied meals and more healthful ones, The follwing tasty suggestions tor serving canned fruits, are indicative of a wealth of delicious ways of solve ing daily diet Jroblems Peaches On cereals or French toast for breakfast, With thopped nuts and mayonnaise as a luncheon salad, In steamed puddings or shortcake for dinner dessert | Canned Pears On lettuce leaf with French dress: ing. Chopped fine and served on cinnamon toasts With a little lemon juice, for delicious pie, Canned Cherries With finely chopped celery mayonnaise, tor a sandwich filling, With baked bananas, basted with the syrup. Baked with spaghetti, as a pudding. Canned Plums Serve hot with roast fowl With hot breakfast foods, "lel" the syrup and serve with whinved erean:, Canned Berries Pour strawberries over muffins, Then add the | and waffles. | Serve raspberries, hot, on dummy Lawtonberries, with steamed lings. PARISIAN NUDISTS HAIL SPRINGTIME Members of Cult Sunning Themselves on Isle of Medan Paris, April 30.~Signs of an early Parisian spring have lured from their forced winter quarters several hun- dred of the French capital's species of nudists, who are to be scen daily sunning themselves gratefully on the tiny isle of Medan, in the Seine, Surrounded by two fluid arms of the river, the Parisian exponents of the nude cult offer no problem of municipal disturbance to the police, as has been the case in more rabid German and Scandinavian communis tics, where zealous disciples have strolled in the midst of more con- ventionally clad citizens. Moreover the spring and summer inhabitants of the Isle of Medan are a shade more conservative than their Teu- tonic fieighbors in the matter of at- tire, The Parisian naturists, for the most. part followers of a somewhat modified sun-worship, are scarcely less clad than bathers at scores of beaches on the Mediterrancan awd the Adriatic, The men of Medan wear extremely light loin-cloths in their saunterings and baskings in the sunshine; the women further adorn themselves with a light chemise, loose-fitting over a slightly more elaborate step-in than that worn by the men, So far irom tears of a Freudian revolution are the municipal authorities that Jean Chi appe, dapper perfect of police, khown to look with indulgent eyes at the little colony of Medan, and their "nature city" of Physiapolis, founded some years ago by Dectors Mnged and Gaston Duryille, 1s ---------------------------- With the temperature 250 degrees below zero on the new planet, be thankful you have only to keep your wife in wraps on this sphere.~Sault Daily Star. ---- Henry Ford paid $15,000 for an old printing press that a 'man had bought for $20, And two more Fords evs born,=Port Arthur News Chro- hical, = Montreal says that Houde is pro- nounced the same as the first part of hoodoo, but there doesn't seem to be any on Camillien~St, Cath arines Standard. « AN NOUN CEMEN T Opening of the MOONLIGHT CAFE 19 KING STREET WEST THURSDAY MORNING, MAY at 6 o'clock a.m. DWEWE BND

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