' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1930 \ The: Whitby flags of the por § Shdiahisen = bith Guides, rootor, wd M, Crisall, dha fundus forming, to LX of he three OTEANIER~ ' Pv and i LE highest prineiples yaiLy to King and country and service ¥to , with flags aloft, march- to the shurel, Yhere they in feomed the recto! " Be OT versed for 8 a Rag CN were placed in the change by the 1ector to whom i they were handed by Foout, Cub "and Guide leaders, and Inter were * dedicated to the glory of Ged and "the cause of loyalty and service, * mecompanied by prayers that the b outhful crusaders might be true 1s thelr ideals as set forth In the laws of thelr respective organises tions, and, above all, true to £ Ghrist, the great leader, and His cause and kingdom, The dedication X caremony was brief, beautiful and * impressive, The rector delivered & ""speeial message And APPropriste "hymns were, sung, + +The sermon by Rev, J. M, Cris «all was based on Paul's advies to » Timothy, "Thou therefore, endure | «hardness as A good soldier of + Jesus Christ', 'and the need for # 'earnestness, obedience; and traine / ing in the Christian warfare was « stressed, A good soldier Is a partner + im the cause he tights for; he obeys the orders of his commander Withe "out question, and ho undergoes peful training, 'These were the main points of the sermon, particularly to the | Souls, Cubs and Guides, who were ' admonished to take a strong snd , aarnest stand for right principles; 10 bo always in possession of cours 3 Ag8 to do what was right; to be 3 loyal to church and ever active in its work; to ba obedient te the oall of Christ for higher service, apd always in training to meet ; lite's: opportunities for service to + God and man, Loyalty was also 4 Yory omsential, and the boys snd 4 £ On Butterfly wings, Come my greetings so trae, To the best and dearest of Mothers, wthat's you, It doesn't make any difs ference in what part of the ny she lives in, Bune day, May 13h; will be sure to shine brighter for Moth~ on, use her son or daughter many miles away was thinking of her, BAW nw -- | 3 not ap! not fail to see this beautiral Mthographed chest filled with oheloest of sweets at The Rexall Store JURY & LOVELL | 'King 00, 8. Slmooo 8b, & Phone 08 Daily Times news will be vecsived eb the it ung Chronigle~=Yelephone | hone BM, 5 were urged to adhere strict HA the fhm of thelr organisa: » ME, Crisall partieularly wl 'the value of ehureh as soe aotive on, scoring those who were but because of indifference Ay service, behind some paltry ex~ grown cold in Christ's © After the dedication rR ge dine SUED FOR LOAN ON CAR, OSHAWA. MAN LOSES ACTION Interesting Action Heard in County Court by Judge Thompson -------- G. R. Holden, of Oshawa, was non-suitad In an action heard In County Court Friday by Judge Thompson, in which be sought to recover from a Whitby tirm, Wild. or & Deverell, the sum of $3805.00, plus an amount for interest and earrying charges, alleged owing on account of a loan on a Chevrolet CAY, The plaintiff, it was claimed In ovidenos, advanced to one John West, formerly of Whitby, $385.00 AS 8 Joan on a oAr for which he had the driving license, and, In & sworn declaration, claimed he was the owner, Woot claimed that he had bought the ear from Wilder & Deverell at Whithy, Holden, after i ancing the mone, lsarned that 'est @1d not own the ear, and od the advies of the Crown Attorney AWOre out a warrant for his arrest on a charge of obtaining the ear by false pretences. Appearing in Oshawa Police Court before Magls- trate Mind, West, was convicted and sont to gaol, Reoause of the fact that Wilder & Deverell, the defendants, had re« ossessed the car In guestion, olden brought this action against them to recover the amount of his loan, together with his Interest and carrying oharges, the elaim being over $800, The defense in part was that no actusl sale had been made to West, The latter agreed to pay $180.00 down on the ear, and was Ivan permission to take it to rooklin to.see a friend from whom the money to make the down ayment, Weal, it was claimed, opt tho car for a week, and the vendors had to 'send the police after it, It was sot up that there Was no Agreement of sale, and consequently the ear remained In the possession of the defendants xh Server sold it to another ellent, Judge Thompson gave judgment for the defendents, non-suiting Iaintitf with costs, Mis Honor eld that inasmuch as West had admitted theft of the car, there had been no sale; L, §. Hyman, of Oshawa, appeared for Blaineldt, and F, M, N, Irwin, Whitby, for defendents, The case was very Interesting, and there were lengthy legal argu- ments on beth sides, WHITBY VICTORS IN FIRST GAME Football Team Beat Brook: lin 20 in Exhibition Game Saturday Whitby won from Brooklin by a score of 2:0 In an exhibition foot- ball game played at Whitby Town Park on Haturday, It was the first game of the season at the loeal rk, and attracted quite a few J) n Roth teams stood » strong, { t of the A return game at Saturday, and on i a A Mosting of the - Conservative Party ' For Oshawa will be held in the OC Hal, Simcoe 50, At 8 o'clock for the purpose to the party of convention at hy anil delegates The public ars cordially invited to attend. ALEX, C. HALL, Secretary, vi 24th, Will pl Wroouiin tor +4 sineialy Cup, § your would have come to a Ie ond hate some The officers of the Whithy Veots ball Club are; Prosidont--Rusnoll Hateh, Vices! r08,~~DV, aon, f Noorotary-troasurer~Chief Gun son, It Is ox that the League vetisdule Wil od up yhortly, NEW FORD BODIES LOW AND ROOMIER| Rustless Steel Is Used for the Exposed Metal Parts ------ Every line from the higher radia. tor the of the eurve the rear ander of the new Vord les Is 'new, The entire front Is raised, enders are more generous and flow morg artistically, Nickel plate has fee replaced " rustiess steel, nish urp of this metal at the pune. ture of the cowl an: adds to appearance of the exterior. heels ure smaller and tires Jare ger, bri ning the body closer to the round, an Important safety feature, he most notable changes In body types have been made in the Tudor dan, ne coupes and the open cars, The Tudor Sedan ls longer, mak: Ing » roomier rear compartment, Ace cess Is easier around the folding seats in front, The rear seat necor modates threes passengers with com. fort, It Is claimed, The coups Is entirely new, with lower roof line, The seat, as In other closed cars, Is adjustable to a range of four Inches, adding much com» fort to driving, A parcel shell Is pro vided behind ihe seat, The sport coupe, which has » rumble seat . » standard equipment possesses all the lower body lines o the coupe, In addition the rich gray top material, the rounded rear corn ers and the landau irons on the rear quarters add materially to the sport lines of the ear. The rear window hangs In a heavy curtain that may be opened and attached to the roof above, permitting contact with those in the rumble seat, The newly designed phaeton has more the appearance of a smart sport car, The sides are higher, Seats are lower, #0 that occupants sit well down In the car, a characteristic of sport éar design, The windshield and 1 wings fold flat forward, Doors are wider, Greater comfort and exceptionally good style have been bullt Into the new roadster body, Doors have been wide: 1d 'two inches, The seat has been widened to accommodate three: persons comlortably, The windshield wings fold flat, The top folds com pactly and qlee. The luggage space In the rear deck may be cons verted Into a rumble seat compart. ment, The Town Sedan has been design: od especially for those who wish the distinctiveness, appearance and cons venience of fine ear construction, Is of the threewindow four-door type. The rear seat a provided with arm rests on either sida and 4 centre arm rest which may be folded Into the eushion back when not In use A flexible robe rail is fitted inte the back of the front seat, The threaswindow Forder Sedan Is another car of Individuality, en. hanced by the attractive lines o fthe rear quarter, This ear I» more com. modious than previgus designs hav. Ing the same interior dimensions as the Town car, The new Ford Convertible Cabrio lot, an all-season car, possesses all the snueness of a closed ear when the weather is bal and all the ad- vantages of an vpen car when the weather ls fair, The Station Wagen will be found to have decidedly improved lines, NEW OLDSMOBI REFLECTS ABVANGE IN" ENGINEERING Fundamental . Features Of Proven Success Have Been Retained Improvements which reflect the ies Meement in automotive tne eer ther wit roomier, hore modish Fhaher-bulh bodies, are ound in the latest Oldsmobile Six, on 4 y at the showrooms of Roe wer tt Mechani advancements improved both acceleration and hill climbing: have enhanced driving ease and riding tomfot:, and contribute to more power aking action, a improvements In gn that result in subs stantially 'stronger bodies, Heavier ame members are used and addi. ti i braces have been added at A sand corners where Hin stresses are more likely Rally: n ech decelerat twosshoe, inter L] an select: r wheels, It is claimed produces a high rate with extreme sh bined hth a a. new ook-up, depending oh ing on a tingle \ o parking brake LN 4 vp this latest ol ---- of worm-and-seetor pe, Iv wu new development, Th worm works on roller bearings an 1] eta 3 a Whiehtoot 100 vt A Jato 8 ty, 04 seer, opera tmos n road Whock Before" they hate SM 4,4 hel eplacoment of 197.3 cuble 1] 0) | manufacturer strunient pane! o of ele etal with blag dials that shminkte wine in a steike to Ie have [}' Ing feature of the front compart- ft py ton | Mandar body 4d } niluder , tiivrny headlamps with suxiliery parking bulbs, rad tor shutters, engine thermometer, top light und other convenience fens tures, Special body types also have chromiumeplated bumpers front and rear, two extra rims, tives and tubes mounted and locked In front fender oils and a folding_trunk platform, oluxe body types have, in nddition, six wire wheels, tires and tubes, BANDITS KIDN. OTTAWA TAXI MAN Ottaws, April 88.A wild vide | of several hours with (we men bent on a hold-up was velated to polles Maturday by Olivier Ouei wile, u taxi driver, after he had axtrioated himwelf from his honds in a field where he had been thrown stier his automobile had been stolen, For an hour the taxi driver heard plans diseussed to hold up » bank, ¥inding that the banks had closed at 18 o'clock, the intending bandits eventually abandoned their Al plans and Ouellette was thrown inte the tield. From the frequent use of the term buddy', the taxi driver believes his captors came from the United Mates, ------------ "Heaviest Door" Installed What is believed to be the heaviest door in the world has been installed before an vault in A bank In Berlin, Germany, It weighs 85 tons and with its metal and conorete foundation the entire ontrance totals nearly 400 tons, The door is threo feet nine inches thiok and seven feet eight inches In diameter, It is of solid steel, and is two and one half times ns thick as the armor on the largest battleships of the World war, Milk to be Wold by the Foot Milk is to be weld in Copenhagen by the foot following recent exe periments SL a Danish farm, Touts Ye shown that the natural water may he withdrawn from cow's milk and the remaining pulpy substance rolled Into sheets sim Lar in appearance to paper, - The rolling is done by special machines and the milk becomes so highly concentrated that it Is a food In iteelt, When required In Mauld form It In easily dissolved in bolls ing water, Nieam Washer a Menace Introduction of a steam washer house at Londonderry, Ireland, would be against the interest of order and disolpline, according to the Workhouse Master when the Board of Guardians offered such & machine recently, The Master AAld that the 40 able-hodied young women inmates now de 'the work and the machine would "give them time for idling, smoking and card laying, and would cause trouble Nn the house and encournge' fur ther admissions,' Town at Arms Over War Book "All Quist at the Western Front," has created & nearswar (n sawtenstall, England, The Town ounell refused to permit the book In the publlo library, Alderman N. Compton, elghty-slx-years-o)d father of the counoll and ohalr man of the brary committes, de- clared he would resign rather than be A party to permitting young peo Io to read such an "unclean book", The Rawtentall Trade Counoll has bombarded the couns ofl with letters and clreulnted a patition demanding that the book eo made available, -- Hull, England, has put every electrician In the eity to work in wiring. houses in a new '"'olty-ase slatance" lighting plan, Argentina sent 9,940,400 dress. od ohlokens to the United Mtates ast year, France's submanine fleet now Including one of 3,350 tons dine placement, which will be the world's largest, A French military plane recent. ly erashed to the root of a house, at Lyons, killing the two aviatois and injuring & woman in the house, Hawall plans to start its new government construction program in June, . Let Us Stock Your Medicine Cabinet A properly stocked med! oine cabinet saves needless PAln In oases of minor ace and prevents many a ous linens 4 timely treatment, Pe sure that you have a super DE, AMPO! HUES OF MAGNESIA LY) Hi IT§ OF CAMP MPOLE'S ANTISH SOLUTION, ER AJ NOSE WAT R BE TAPE, MEDI don 16re 10. bo. Tiled BosuIAte: HARE Next MO, Bowmanville NEWS ABOLT TOWN Viastor Supper A very sucosssiul Kester supper was held In the Parish Hall of Wt, John's Anglloan Church last ¥ri- day, The tables were Qreuh dos corated and a splendid men] was put up, Tonight there will he a got-together meeting in the Parish Hall and every member of the eon- grogation is asked to be present, The object of this gathering Is to let members of the church become soquainted with each other and to meet the other members of the congregation whom they Lave not met before, Ban Planist Going to Miss Gwendoline Williams, dnughter of Mr, and Mrs, Alan Williams of Bowmanville, {s spends ing a few days at home previous to going to Danft, Alberta to Nl a summer engagement for the Cannes dian Pacifico Rallway, Mis Wil Hamu in considered one of the outs standing planists In Canada, and for the past few years she has heen Before the publie eye on many ne caslons, Bhe was presented to the King and Queen two years ago, Will Market Garden Mr. Lrnle Passant well-known resident of Bowmanville snd fore merly foreman on the Canadian National Raflway, 1s branching ont this week into a new business, Mr, Passant has bought the Covert property on King Birest east near the Creme of Barley Camp and wil) be moving In there shortly and will take up market gardening. Mr, Passant Is very popular in Bow- manville and all will wish him the bout of sucesss in his new venture, Coounell Meets on Mydro Question There will be a special meeting tonight of the town council for the purpose of considering further the purchase of the loeal hydro dis tribution plant from the Ontario Hydro Klecirle Commission, This matter has been under considera. ton for about a year hut was not voted on at the last election owing to the by<law not being ready at the time, Should the counell de olde on the purchase, 8 vote of the ratopapers will be ealled sometime in the early fall of during the sum or some olties purchased their lo. eal systems of late and are now boaring the fruits of & municipally owned plant, Among these cities in Oshawa which purchased its plant Inst year, Binee the purchase there has been a reduction of rates In the elty an there was a Inrge surplus the first year of oper ating, It Bowmanville should pure chase thelr plant during the oun rent 13 months the profits seoru« ing for the year will go towards a reduction of rates in the very near future, To Present Opera Under the ausploes of the Trin. ity Young People the opera "Mar tha" will be presented in Trinity funday Hehool Room tonight at olght o'clock, The proceeds of this entertainment will go towards the Missionary and Maintainance Fund of the chureh, Co, Floyd In Town Colonel Floyd, police magistrate of Cobourg and W, I, Kerr, crown Attorney, were In town on Mature day attending a sittings of the jus vonile court, Col, Floyd was tak. ing the place of Magistrate Ward who has not yet taken over his duties wince his serious Illness, Remanded One Woek Albert Rowen of Orono, who aps peared in Bowmanville pollee court last Thursday. oharged with a breach of the Liguor Control Aet, was remanded until Friday next when he will again appear, Presented Operetta Bt, Paul's Sunday Hohoo! room was the soene of a large gathering on Friday evening when the young people of Kbheneser presented thelr operetta "Gypsy Rover." The pres sentation wan a huge sucooss and the audience thoroughly enjoyed the evenings entertainment, Old Wreaths at ahora On November 11 lant at the memorial service to those who gave thelr lives In the great war, many wreaths were plansed on the cenotaph, With all respect to the dead 1t does not seem fAtting that now that these wreaths are dead and thelr beauty faded they should be left at the cenotaph, They have been left all winter long covered with snow and althoug they serve to remind us coustantly of thowe who paid the supreme sacrifice wa believe that they now should be AWAY. moved Oddtellows Parade Over 200 local Oddfellows, the largest number ever to parade in Howmanville, paraded from thelr lodge rooms yesterday to attend divine service at #t, Paul's United Chureh, @ pastor, the Rev, D, W. Best, DD, preached an impresaive and appropriate ser mon for the occasion. Followin the service the members parad to the cenotaph and deposited a wreath there in memory of whose liven were given for the cause of right in the Great War, ---------------- Says Woman is Superior Declaration that woman ia dup evior, made by Dr, Elisabeth &loan Chesser, prominent English physls olan, has started a renewal of the discussion in that country over the question of equality of the sexes, In addressing tha British Boolal Hyglena Qouncil, Dp, Choe aor sald, "Many women marry the men thet choose and spend the reat of their lives trying to turn them Into the men they want them to be, Boys should not be brought up to regard themselves superior to girlie, Blolographioally woman ia the superior creature. tt] ------ Coraperative eredit societies in Japan now have more than 4,300, 000 members, ni Hae a a Daily Times ¥ News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Tbe Times, 1elephones--Oftice, 6687; REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK D ' HEAVY TRAFFIC OVER WEEK-END Daylight Saving Came Into Effect This Morning -- Schools Open Today Heavy trae on the provinels! highway wes the feature of the waskend in Bowmanville and from an early hour yesterday morning until, Inte last evening a steady stream of motor vehloles thronged the highway and the nearby paved ronds With thelr occupants getting their first xlimpee of spring in the eountry, 'The local trac oMoor wan about the busiest man fn the district and throughout the day he was on the job checking up careless driving which he evidently did for thers were no acoldents roe ported during the day, As usual the' Cream of Darley Camp was busy place and some of the hraver element of the population were soon plonieing out in the bright sunshine although a cool wind from the south east was blowing most of the day, Again this week there were more additions to the camp #00 and thet of most particular ine terest to the kiddies at any rate, was the addition of seven little kids to the goat family, Yesterday took the place of Easter Day in the parade of fash fons and whereas last week-end many furs and winter coats were soon this week prastically every. one wora thelr spring outfits which sure added the spring feeling, The police and fire departments report & quiet dev with nothing doing In either, Today or rather early this morning at two o'clock daylight saving time came Into of foot and most of us were foreed to Kot up an hour early to get work, Schools reopen today after a 10 day lapse and the next thing of importance to the close on 000 upiin of the Bowmanville schools s the midsummer exams And from now on students will study onre. fully in preparation for this im- portant event, fo WMS. GATHERING OPENS IN TRINITY CHURCH TOMORROW Mary Are Expected at An. nual Meeting of Bay of Quinte Conference Moores of delegates trom all over the Bay of Quinte region are ox pected to be In Nowmanville to. morrow for the opening of the fifth annual meeting of the Wo. man's Missionary Hoolety Confers once at Trinity Church, The com ference will last three days and the general publio are cordially in- vited to attend, The conterencew!! open at seven o'clock + tomorrow evening with the registration of delegates, At 7.30 p.m, there will be a meeting of the nominating committees and at eight a meeting of the Executive Committee, The conference proper will com- mence on Wednesday morning with An opening servies at 9.80 In the morning, The full program of events for that day will be chron foled in tomorrow's issue of The Times, Arrangements have been 'coms pleted and delegates will he house od with members of the soclety in Rowmanville, A Dbilleting fee of two dollars will be charged and als will be served tree in St, aul's Sunday Bohool room on the second and third days of the con. ference, Special trains will bring many delegates from the east and the afternoon filer on the G.N.R,, which is not scheduled to stop here will make a special stop In Nowmanville to leave over 40 de. logates, : The election and installation of offeors will take place at the afters noon session on Thuraday, More than 19,000 tons of pepper will be produced in Java this year, A Eakin -- Austila is recovering from its recent busines depression, Production' of raw silk is eon templated in Cnechonslovakia, American construction lumber fn becoming popular in Creece, Poland has two new broadoasts ing stations, Nearly 80 publio LJownshone are now being conducted by Japan, Mexico fs constructing an ocean to ocean highway, Water power in the Tyrol, in Auntria, fs to be further developed, Kgan exported from this country last year were valued at nearly $1,100,000, Camden, England, has just opens od a clini for sunlight healing. Imports of horse meat France are deolutng, High priced American motor Joe are growing popular fn Bris into Beltast, Treland, in adding four nw Hines to its munieipal bus ser oe, 4 Here and There | (515) The (ranseAtiantic speed record between the ports of Liverpool and Baint John, was broken recently by the arrival at the Istter port of the Cunadian Pacific liner Duchess of York, after ws orossing from Liverpool which took six days, 2% hours and 14 minutes, According to loon! shipping men tals is the first time in the ry of the port that a crossing Les been 'wade in under soven days, Twelve thousand pounds of Que- bes maple sugar and syrup were handled ty during the latter part of April by the Canadian Pa. oifio Express Company to points overseas, the Prairie Provinces and Ottawa, constituting whet is clsime #4 to be a record movement of this dainty, Outside commercial uses, demand for this product arises on the part of Individuals who make 8 practios of shipping It to relas tives and friends in the 01d Country and the west of Canadas, Close on six million dollars were pont on New Brunswick roads during 1020, being reconstruction of 821 miles of main trunk bighe Ways and 1138 miles of secondary roads, This is regieded as the most extensive programme of high. way construction, improvement and maintenance ever undertaken in the Provinee, Wnapped in Hyde Park, London, England, recently, Ion, Barnaby Howard, little son of Lord Birathy cons and descendant of the great Canadian who was one of the founders of the Canadian Paeifie Rallway, was photographed kiss« ing bis cousin, the small daughter of the Hon, Mrs, Arthur Howard, Both children are living Monks with the great past when one of the major events in the history of Cane "dn was In the making, Organised a fow yoars ago by a group of farmers' wives with Mrs Bertha Holmes, of Asquith, Bask. 08 president, the Saskatohewan Pouliry Pool baudles about 756 per esut, of the entire egg production of the province, Last year the Pool turned over 20840184 exes, valued at $540,000; 823.743 pounds of dressed poultry valued at $184, 000, and 80,561 pounds of live pouls try at $0,000, or a total turnover of $750,000 for the year, After 15 years of seed planting, the experimental work of the Can. Adian Goverament Department of Agriculture has developed sisteen varieties of apple trees suited to the climatio conditions of the prairie provinces, Of these varies ties two have been graded "very good," and four "good." The first "Improved Sire Area" fn Manitoba has been established in the municipality of Roland, aoe cording to announcement mude by Albert Prefontaine, Minister of Agrioulture of the province, Un» der this scheme all bulls, boars and rams must be Inspected and approved before owners are pers mitted to retain them for, service in the Area, Over $83,000,000 have been In. vested In manufacturing enters prises in the province of Alberia and they are paying about $14,000, 000 yearly in salaries and wages to over 11,000 employees, A alm ilar rapid development In indus. trialism in the sister provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan Is to be noted, Combined, the three pro- vinoes have now a yearly output of manufactured goods In the neigh. borhood of $320,000,000, TORONTO BANDIT GETS 30 LASHES (Continued from Page 1) oharges, theift and robbery while armed, Accomplices Got Three Yoars Kenneth Walsh and Edward Cone nors, In whose apartment Irving was arrested shortly after the robs bery, were convicted of receiving stolen money and were ésch sense tonced to three years in ponitens tiary, With tents #reaming down her chooks the 17-yenr-0ld girl listened to W., B, Horkins, her counsel, ronding testimonisls as to her character, He said she had never been in trouble of any description before, "I nn parry to pee you in this position," Judge Contaworth mid, 'You are & gird with a good re. eord," He sald she had been a po. tential murderess but in view ot hor good record he would send her to the reformatory instead of penis tentiary where he might have sen- tenced her for life, In the case of the man, assistant drown attorney Hal Gordon, asked for a stiff sentence witt 1nshes, Irs ving he said, had » Je record in Canada dating to 1018, His wife, who was present, collapsed when sontence as paswed, Irving, ho is the tether of six children, held }i- quor was responsible for his ace tions, A -- ----" CONCILIATION BOARD REFUSES WAGE INCREASES (Continued from Page 1) Errol, M, MoDougall, of Monts renl, vepresented the Canadian Pa~ cific Rallway on the board and Care len Loaurendesy, K.C,, of Montreal, was chairman, Among the chief contentions ade vanced by the employees was the ¢laim that wheresa the country gen~ orally and the Raellway Company were In a prosperous condition the wages pald the workers in question were too low for the general stan- dard of living. It was also eléime od other classes of employees had recently heen given increased wages and that refusal of increases to the clerks, freight handlers and station employees constituted discrimmine ation In its report the board recalls the report of a previous board in 1027 on a demapd made by the same em» ployees., That report recommended increases equivalent to four cents per hour but the company refused to socept it and made an agreement with the employees granting an ine crease of three cents, The majority fo the board find the cost of living has not Increased since 1027 and the economie 'eonditions of the country are not such as to entitle the employees to higher wages to pocure a higher standard of living, They also point out the wages re eelved by these men compare favors ably with those paid on other Cane adian railways and on United States railroads, The men's claim of dis orimination is rejected. ---------- Beans Build Energy and Repair Tissues Deans rank very high among the "energy foods" Their exceptionally high Protein. Content makes them very valuable in the diet as build« go and repairers of all tissue maters In Any excess of proteins In Beans, over and above the quantities require ed for normal healthful growth, is utilized by the human system for fuel (or energy) or is stored uw " fat, Considerable quantities of Cars hohydrate in Deans further add to thelr energysgiving properties In this respect, Beans are generally res cognized as being of even higher ens ergy value that meats, In mineral content leaders, Iron, so vital Is present in Important quantities in Beans, Phosphorus and Calelum, in smaller quantities, are further blood. conditioning minerals in Beans, These mineral substances tend to offset the obectionable acld«farming tendencies of some other toods, in addition, of course, to building bone and muscle and producing energy, Thoroughly cooked, Beans are cass lly digested, even alding in the diges« tion of other foods, especially when combined with restful tomato sauce, a8 in the ease In the popular "Pork and Beans" The Pork, too, eontris butes nourishing, strengthening qual« too, Beans are to good blood, ities to the combination, "|. _-- ar DEmy' ©) Travel The King's Ve Highway LEAVE OSHAWA AM, PM. wv 4.00 wv 60 7.80 8.80 2.80 10.80 11,80 PM, 13.30 30 v ve=Sunday only, Coach connections at points, Rastern Standard Time Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO | FARE 85¢ LEAVE TORONTO AN, DM, 6.80 a3 7.30 8.80 2.30 10,80 11.80 PM, 13.30 1.30 w we-Dally except Sunday, wSaturday, Sunday and Holdays only, Coach connections at Toronto for Harrie, Orillia, Rrampton, Bochomborg, Hamilton, Brantford, Falls, Buftalo and intermediate points, Niagara Buffalo for all U, 8 A. Tickets and intormation at ¥ GRAY COACH Genosha Hotel OSHAWA LINES