¥ i k } i Ny 5 ] E y Two Years for Theft Toronto ~Charles G, C, Bond, us- sistant collector of eustoms at New: market, who pleaded guilty last week 10 the theft of meney from the de. partment by falsifying his accounts, was today sentenced by Magistrate Keith to two years less one day, plus two years in iptermingte, Hamilton Mayor Stricken Homiltons=Muyor Peebles was trl cken with appendicitis Sun' vy after neon and rushed to the General hos- pital, where an vptration wah pers formed.' A favorable report was gi. ven and he is believed to be out of danger. Two menths ago the mayor was taken 111 at his home snd pneu- monlh developed, Vor several days he was In wert onl condition. Exiles May Return Nogales, Avie=Bernardo. Salazar, collector of eustoms of all rebel ports during the last. Mexican revolution, said he had recelved Information from Mexico City that all politienl refu- gées will be allowed to return to Me- wleo, vnder & ruling Issued at the Mexican capital, British Aute Prices Cut London ~Presaging what was be- fleved to be a tendency toward gen- eral reductions In Dritlsh motor ears the Hillman Motor Car Company has snnouneed price cuts ranging 30 to 50 pounds storling, The Austin already Wad cut its prices 50 pounds on & popular Podel, w Shot In Woldup Bellmawr, N.J.==Bix masked bandits shot to death a patron 1h the Bellmawr country ¢lub, a rounds house on Creek Noad near here, during a holdup today, The gun. men escaped after robbing the guests and rifling the cash resis ter, The vietim, William Wireman, 20, of Camden, N.J,, was #hot near the heart when he offered ve. | sistance, "in Went West, Lives to 97 Chicago. ~~Beventy-five yours ako Williem Verity in New York, being told he had only a few months to live, asked Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribunb for ad- vies, Greeley gave vim his famous advice, "Go west, young man" Verity did, and MUved to be #7 years old, Mo was one of the Chis cago's pioneer business men, Miy funeral was today, LJ LJ) Ld To Marry and Lose $1,800,000 Los Augeles, Calif, ==Plans for the wedding May 13, of Mra, Ellinor Karahaw Mey 40, sedow Nh ) # Ince, motion hore 2 ayer,' 2 made here today, Mrs, Inee's marrige (0 Herbert will deprive her of her share of the §1,000,0000 estate, as under the terms of her late hus hand's will she is to receive only the interest from her share in the event of her remarriage, WEAVY WEEK-END TRAFNIC Traftlo on the Kingston highway through the olty, was very heavy Saturday and Sunday, Each year this thoroughfare seems called \up~ on te bear a heavier burden of traf- flo and there ia little Indloation that Any steps are as yet seriously cous templated to. relleve congestion, "Prisoner" Will Not Yeave Lewisham. England, police have R prisoner in A oell of thelr sta tion which they are anxious to get rid of, but has no desire to go, It is a large swan, which alighted in a busy street and tied up trafoe, Two even larger policemen finally captured it. Police reports show that it. has a large appetite and no friends, In every country in which Am= erioan baseball has been introduced the sport has become popular, The Mendoma wine growers of Argentina have adopted a system of co-operative production and mar James Bay Railway Is Only «« Half a Mile From : Lignite Beds ' A i $3 Thls morn ! tng A Wika of the ny nay extension of the T, and N.O 1 ay was within halt 4 mw ht beda In i, 0 A {area and only one mile diss tant from the shaft m where * the Hgalte has been mined durin the winter and saprig, Ceo Ww. yman of the the T, and 10, Ballway Commission, stated that the Hgnite and the shaft > Hound actually be reached betore this evening. Ga ------ or Weston ER ah fy ant § over ' a and the great: Che BANDIT Osh 4 awa Baily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1930 15 Conts » Week; 3 Cents s Copy APTURED IN G INTO CROWD, STUNT PLANE, PLUNGING KILLS SEVEN SPECTATORS IN ITS FALL Two Children Die as Plane in Which They Were Landing Hits Obstacle and Burns ~ v Ice Blockade Is Broken, 17 Ships HOLDER OF FLIGHT RECORD PERISHES James Kelly, Who Made En- durance Flight Mark, Fell to Death With Two Com- paniona in Texas Storm (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Now Yorn, Apel g88-=Alrplane mishaps took the lives of 14 pore pons in four eltien over the week end and another death resulted from Injuries suffered Vriday, The largest toll was taken at Fayetteville, Tenn, when a stunt plane piloted by Milton Covert was eaught in un gust of wind and plung- od into a erowd of spectators, kil ling woven and injuring 20, At Alvord, Texan, James H, Kol ly, 25, onee co-holder of the eu» durance fMght record, van into no storm at low altitude nn ' fell to donth with two compm Theilled by their first plane ride, & boy and girl at Portsmouth, NH, persusded u plot to take them aloft again, The ship hit an oh stacle In attempting to land on a road and they were burned to depth, the plot escaping with in- Juries, A Jammed rudder pent a pilot and a friend to death at Milwaus kee, aiid Herbert J, Fahy, widely. known flier, died at Grayling Mioh,, from injuries he received nt Rosgommon, Migh,, Friday, (Continued on Page 6) MONCTON COUNCIL HAS ESCHEWED "K" Monoton, ND, April 28-=With- | out a dissenting vote, the elty fathers have decided to knock the "K'" out of Monokton Just as unanimously the VK" was inserted a fow weeks ago, hut the citisens decisively showed that they were opposed to "K's", It wan usoless explaining that the "K'" should be there because the Clenoral Monckton whose name fs used for the eity insisted on spelling It with a "K", A historian with a wenkness for spelling drop. pod It A century oF so Ago And Moncton has decided that it stay dropped. Indians Burn Foreign Cloth Two Killed When Police Fire Upon Rioting Mob at Madras Karachi, India, April 88~While a British war-plane hovered overs head 8,000 Indian Nationalists to. day burned a pile of foreign made of a new phase of civil disabedi ence and passive resistance, The protestors first went In a procession through the streets of the elty, three camel carta Aled with the eloth accompanying them, A mass meeting was held at reso- lutions adopted condemning the overnment for firing on "peace ul eftigens" in Peshawar, Two Killed In Riot Madras, Indu, April 28,'Two Indians were killed aud three wounded yesterday when police opened fire upon an unruly mob in the Pyeroft road, The rioters had stoned the pelioe injuring the commissioner and des puty pommissioner and a number of others, Big Demonstrations Nombay, April 88 « Mahatma Gandhi's followers yesterday stags ed the biggest demonstration seen in Nombay during the present orl sla, Until new the mass meeting and volunteer parades have been hold on a large open Sate Olle aldo the oity, But yesterday thous sanda of volunteers gathered In a huge procession and marched through the main streets, Shays ing "The government ia dead, T suspected of hom home, was found swinging from a trea 10. miles northwest of Plant Oh, tear, According Released at Soo Hault Ble, Mario, Ont, April 85, ==The lee blockade In Whitefish Duy was broken Hunday aller noon, when the fleet of upbound vessels which has been collecting hore durlug the past week mans nged to forge mn channel througn the fee of the bay, headed by the Ly, EK. Dlogk, which was the first Yousol to reach the Hault this Aoason, and the Assinibola, which Was the first passenger vossel ty arrive, The tloe fee, driven by a pers slatent wind from the west out of Like Buperior, hag been parked In the bay, but the dying down of the wind and the moderating of the temperature combined to make a passage possible, It was reported that 17 vessels passed Point Aux Pins up-bound, It Is exe pected that the grain fleet from the hoad of the Inkes will com mence the down bound trip to- dny, 15 Die as Result of Weekend Aeroplane Crashes MAY BE PRIMATE ARCHBISHOP DAVID WIT Of London, Ont, arehbisho| Huron and metropolitan of the oocesinntical provinee of Ontario, fho is mentioned as Hkely sue. comsor to Mis Grace Archbishop MN, P, Matheson, whose ne tion at the end of this year vimacy of Church of England n Canada is announced, New Air Mall Route Cristobal, Canal Zone ~With char: neteristic swittness, Colonel! Charles A, Lindbergh yesterday blazed a new aly mall route across the Caribbean sen, linking New York and Buenos Alres in a seven-day mail schedule, 'honing From Moving Train Is Successfully Inaugurated Toronto Bandit Gets 30 Lashes Young Girl'€ompa rion Coes to Reformatory For Bank Robbery (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Toronto, April 28 Pleading gullty to robbery while armed, Ceol] Irving, 28, of Toronto, young slster<in<law, Kathleen Doyle of Buffalo, N.Y) were sentenced tn. ny Judge Emdrson Contaworth in pols loa court In connection robbery of tha Dundes and (Had Atone streets brapeh of the Canes dian Bank of Commerce, when they obtained $2,500 In onsh, and his when they appeared before with the Trying wan aontonoed to 15 years and 80 lashes In Portsmouth Peni tentiary, while the 17-year«old girl will be sent to the reformatory for two years, lows one day, The a pleaded guilty te both (Continued on Page 2) -------- Challenger For the Canada Cup Launched (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Gosport, England, April 28, The elght-meter yacht Vidian, built Canadian Yacht Club to compete for the Canada Cup, was launched today, It was designed by Charles Nioholson of Shamrock fame and Is sald to be the only one ever bullt ly this country for Canada Cup competition, TS ----- -------- oloth 15 feet high in Inauguration GRASS FIRE | The fire department had a eall to a small grass fire on Saturday eves ning, Attention of the public is ells ed to the danger of burning old grass without praper provision, started and not carefully might have drastie results, A fire watehed = MOB IN FLORIDA LYNCHES BOMBER Wrests Hungarian Frm Sheriff and Riddles Him With Bullets (By Canadian Pros Leastd Wire) Tampa, Fla, April 38.The by of John Hodas, bulet-riddlied pod it TORN ode ng a Plant City 10 Sherilt Joughin, Rn, Hodag, 40a native of Hundary, Wan taken from. a. deputy sherift ------y Conversation Carried on With Londen, Epgland, From International Limit. ed Near Oshawa Montreal, April 2¥-~ Canada took 8. Sommanding oad In the sclentifie 0 when two-way telephone econ vorsation between nn moving tralp and cities on the North American continent and Great Rritain was sucoemsfully secomplished yesters day, The train was the Canadian National Rallways "Interpational Limited," which also inauggrated a new achedule by making Wourney from Toronto to Montreal, 884 miles in 660 minutes, This sehedule in the fastest in the world for a train of the same size and weight, and oalls for a speed of close to 70 mies an hour at times, There was only one hiteh in the demonstration, It had been inten. ded that Bir Henry Thornton should talk to Rt, Hon, James Ramsay MaeDonald at Chequers, the coun ty home of British prime ministers, For some reason as yet unex. plained, communication hetween train and England after Bir Henry had held a brief conversation with J. Op Amith, Buropean viee-presi- dent of the Canadian National, oenand, Demonstrated to Pressmen The new telephone system was demonstrated to a group of Cana- (Continued on Page 11) SHAREHOLDERS.OF 5. L. AUTHORIZE NEW FINANCING Permission to Sell Bonds on Kingston Elevator Also Granted (By Conadian Press Loansed Wine) Montreal, fats April 38=Author: ity for special Ainanging was given by the shareholders 'of Canada Steams hin Lines, limited, at a special gen: eral meeting held following the ane nual meeting here today, 'The auths Hi permits of a mortgage on the anor Richeliew Jroveny, at Murs ray Bhy, or the selling of first morts gage bonds up to $000,000 to be guaranteed by the company, Sale of 1,500,000 first noHage bonds of the Kingston. Elevator, Span, 10 be waranteed by Canada tealp Lines, was also authorized, (W, H, Coverdale, president, pointed out that during the past year four ships had been built, three rebuilt and one. purs chased, I'he construction of a freight terminal at Hamilton Jud the Kings: been undertas Convicts Revolt Again in Ohio Penitentiary After Outbreak Thought Quelled, Men Mutiny Against Warden resem-- (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Columbus, Ohio, April Ge Baoleved to have been pacified after thelr leaders had heen vemeoved, unruly convicts in the idle house ut Ohio Penis tontiary renewed thelr revolt agnin this afternoon, after 180 Columbus poliea reserves had been taken from the prison yards, The convicts res fused to obey orders of guards and wefused to listen to Deps uty Warden J, (, Woodard, who heretofore had held thelr confidence, Columbus, LL Ohio, April Conditions in Ohio Penitentinry, seens of wild disorders since the five of an week ago, when 080 con viets locked in thelr cells were burned to death, were fast returns Ing to normal today as authorities took firm steps to put down # ""pasive resistance' revolt, "Hard holled' econviets, leaders of the ravolt, were removed from the idle house to solitary confines ment by Columbus doles and prison guards, Machine guns bristled th the prison yard as well 48 outgide the walls, where Ohlo Nationa! Guards were prepared to prevent any attempt to. escape, With their leaders placed in solitary confinement, other eon victs seemed to lose Interest in the passive resistance campaign, When guards entered the idle house to make a count, the prisoners lined up ohadiontly and made no show of resistance | " Bl 33 Are Charged InA.B.C. Probe Prosecutions Open in Wind. sor May 5--Damage Actions Started Toronto, April #8 Prosecis- tions in conneotio with the invests gation into the aotivitise of the Amalugamated Nullders' Councll will not he opened in Toronto nar London until the prosecutions in Windsor have been at least part ally disposed of, according to I, CO, MoRuer, K.C,, who with A, G, Slaght, K.O, ia acting on behalf of the erown, Windsor, April 28.-=With Issuing of summonses over the week-ond to OR persons or cow porations, the first stage In the prosecution of member of the Amalgamated Rullders' Counell, ot London, Windsor and Toronto, Was reached, Charges under the Crimis nal Code and the Combines Inveatl. 'gation Act are the hasla for the prosecutions which will he opened before Magistrate Brodie on May 5 at Windsor, WwW. ¥, O'Connor, K.C, counsel for Louis M, Singer, during the probe inte the ANC, conducted hy Gordon Waldron, KC, last year, has Inatituted an action for damages against A, G, Blaght, K, Q, and J, C, MoRuer, K.C, who laid' the Information resulting in the summones and officer Veiteh, of the ROMP, who entered the oftice of Mr, O'Connor with [] senroh warrant to "selze doous ments,' Mallclous prosecution, conspiracy to maliciously prosecute and treapass, are the srounds on whioh the damage sult ls based Np amount is stated, PROBABLE WARDEN the MARK ANNIVERSARY REV, G4, § COVELL Pastor of WE, dude's Anglican church, Wosford, Mearhorn, whieh ceelbrated its Bist annie VOrsavy yosterdny, Hey, My, Beovell has undertaken ww preach in the diocese of Bran don, a mining distpiet, for the summer months, under the ane spices of the fellowship of the west ' Population Grows Washington \ growth gent, in population during the Taw ten years Is shown hy the first 90 ¢i ties of 10,000 inhabitants Yor which enumerations in the 19030 cen sus have heen announced f 328 per Or more Parachute Jump wolkp ANF | Saves Life o Drowning Pilot (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Orviando, Vie, April 28==A pro- fessional parachute jumper leaped out of a plane here yesterday, to| gave the 1ife of an amateur jumper, | fpike Babeook, chief pilot of the | municipal airport decided he would | make his initial "parachute jump and went aloft with ¥, (Thunder: | bolt) Knight; professional jumper, | Baheock leaped at a height of 1,2} 800 feet but a sharp wind buffeted | hig chute aver a lake near the airs] port and he fell in the middie of it, | | Knight, seeing his pupil's plight, jumped from the plane at a height of K00 feet and manipulated his ahute sn that he landed on the edge of the lake He ived in, reached Babeock af the latter was nearing exhaustion and managed to keep him afloat until onlookers on shore vigged up and improvised raft, paddled to the pair and hauled them to land Both jumpers were unharmed, A -------------- Conciliation Board Rejects C.P.R. Clerks' Minority Report, However, Favors Granting Raises of Six Cents Per Hour ms Asked (By Conndign Prasv Loased Wire) or QLbawa, April 28 Rejection of the demand of raliway and steam: ship olerks, freight handlers, exe pross and station @mployeey of the Canadian Pacific Hallway for a | general inoreake in wages of Ln | nents per hour as recommended n | the majority report of the Hoare | of Conelliation appointed to In vestigate tha dispute A minority report, prepared hy John T, Vos ter of Montreal, employees' répre- sentative, renchos diametirieally ops posite coneluplons and finds the demand of the employees Justifis able, The veports have heen presented te Hon, Peter Heenan, Minister ol Labor and were made publig bh him today, The application for an investigation was made in June, 1040, (Continued on Page 2) | GUELPH BURGLARS OBTAIN $1,000 LOOT rr-- (By Cd an Press Leased Wie) Guelph, April 88-~Hurglara whe entered the dry goods store of Louis Hpegel here last night and esonped with money and goods valued at more than $1,000, The safe was opened, the cash register rifled, the shelves and olothing racks looted when Mr, Hpegel en» tered his store this morning, HEARTS BROKEN AS FATHER OBTAINS CUSTODY OF CHILD Girl Weeps, Mother and Grandmother Almost Collapse (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 28-«The grant. ing by Mv, Justice Middleton at Oa. oud Hall today of the custody of ight=yearold Thelma Winifred to her fathen, Robert P, Deacon, pros duoed 'one of the most heart-rand- ing scenes 'to ha witnessed there for some time, As the ohild of the estrangled couple was carried out hy her father she sobbed brokenly and the mother and grandmother almost collapsed, Mra, Bilsabeth Deacon Sphtared in court thin morning with Thelma to save her mother, Mra, Lydia Onwin, a committed to jail for comtempt of court, Last week anty Mua, Oawin appeared and stated 'Wage Increase Holdup Experts Rob Warehouse Escape With $4,000 in Cash in Daylight Robbery at Windsor (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, April 28-=Police of the district and Detroit are searching tor twa young men who this morning held up the brewe:s warehouse on London street and made away with nearly $4,000, Craig Johnson, general manager of warehouses in the dis trict, had just walked into the shop when he felt the pressure of & gun against his baek and heard an order to move further back into the store He was earrving several packages of money, for distribution te the various tors after having been gathered wp on Saturday, Overlook $1,760 Tlie gunmen took several packages but overlooked one of $1,760 which Mr, Johnson was able to hand to George Dalley, manager of the store, an the entive staff was being herded down & stairway to & basement of the lore, Warning the priseners that they would be shat if they reappears ed within five minutes the two guns men disappeared but whether they escaned in an automobile or just cooly walked down street is not known: Fred Davenport, employee of A was station about ene hundred yards away from the scene of the holdup, reports seeing two men hang ing around the corner for half hour or more but did not pay any attens fon to them, It is believed these wore the handits and that they were awaiting the coming of Mr, Johnson, DECK BLOWN OFF VANDERBILT YACHT Crow of 20 Escape Uninjur od From Explosion in New York Harbor (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, April 28,==A tere tio explosion today blew the deck of the yacht Winchester, owned by Cornelius Vanderbilt, high into the alr and set fire to the vessel, The orew- of 20 men, quartered below hte forward deck, secaped injury Fire tugs whieh rushed to the goene on the sound of the explos alon quickly extinguished thai tite a pouring water inte the held The yacht was tied up in the Hast SURPRISED WHEN ROBBING EAST YORK STORE, BURGLAR GIVES POLICE HAR I Ar ybad FOURTEEN PAGES UN BATTLE A D FIGHT Pe Man in Act of Robbing Dry Goods Store Replies With Revolver Shots to Polices man's Demand to Sur L) render v, HAS TWO BULLET ' WOUNDS IN BODY) Marauder, Refusing to Dis vulge His Name, Taken to Hospital With Bullets in Ribs and Left Arm, and Will Recover (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, April 28-="Twice wounds ed in a gun battle with detectives when surprised while robbing an Just York dry goods store, & man who refuses to diviige his name is ving in hospital here, under Ag+ | rest, Shoots at Police Investigating an open front door of the dry goods store, early today, Detective W, Creighton saw tha vofleotion of the man en the wing ° dow, He pulled his gun and flash+ ed his Hght upon th intruder who replied to demand to surrenden with a shot from his own revolver, The detective then opened fire and again ealled upon the robber Lo surrender, He again heard the ellek of the burglar's revolver and thinking the man was going ta fight for his libérty, fired againg The ofMcer entered the store then and found the man slumped on the floor, a, revolver with a jammed trigger, in his hand Rushed to hospital physicians found a hullet lodged in his ribs and another in his left arm, He In reported to have a good hands of recovery, Grain Boats Leave Head of the Lakes Ire -- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) fault Ate, Marie, Ont, April 28, The movernment light tender Murray Rtewart loft this morning to carry the men in charge of the Hughts at this end of Lake Bupers for to thelr pests, According to word received here this morning elght vessels have left Port Arthup and Fort William downbound, Br EE ------ TREES BUDDING The approach of the warmer weas ther is seen by the fact that many trees on the eity streets are coms meneing to bud, No one will be diss appointed when the warmer weathep is here with the yxception perhaps of the coal merchants who must have had a banner winter by the length of It anyway, WomenInmates Attempt Escape Two Prisoners at Auburn " Assault Matron With Iron * Bar {' ; 4 (By Canadian Press Leased" Wire) Auburn, N, ¥,, April Bie Tw inmates of the Women's prison aff Auburn State Prison assaulted & matron with an iron bar last night in a edtermined attempt to soa but were recaptured in the ppl yard, They were placed in pu ment cells, The prison was ed quiet, ¥ : They were Hally Joyce Richare formerly of Hamilton, servin rs to life for robbery, and ia Bascom, sentenced f York and at the prison only days, h 4 Pry Open Door : They secreted a bar in thelr eall With it they pried open the door o the cell, They waited in th rider and whan matron Mrs, | Benjamin passed on her unds shortly after midnight knook {3 unconselous, She was reported tg have an noh-long out n har h ie Gagaing Mrs, Ben took her keys and made down two flights of steps to basement, here they erawise through a window into the ; ecaptured in ; With' a high wall bet them and liberty, the night wan saw them and. turned in alarm, They were quickly tured, we, salt law ix broken," h ton: Grain Elevator ha ------ inst night by a mob of masked | ton Gs that the mother and ohild had dis River. The cause of the exploalol | Htate {raopers weve calle 81st Anniversary Wexford 8t. Jude's Anglican Church, said to be the smallest An. Alloa Shurtn i Sag with acs ation for a congregatic.a of one iv 80 peopiteceslebray d its Slat ans al yesterday, A pions eors of the distriet attended the sere vice, inching the daughters of the teet" and carpenter Wf chure 5 pnt Re sald ing houss and wap thking tow, Fla, for safe keepin accosted and mob south of Plant City, men, who wera believed by authorls tien to have lynehed him, Deputy sherift:to-he" Robinson o arrosted Hodis in a rooms to Bap ri EA ---- frat-edition of Charlotte overpowered A Rronte's 'Jane Eyre" was sold in Loudon recguily for 43,100, ---- BR SE ken, The Manoir Richeliew 'had been completed and in all capital expendi tures of $LS00000 were met out of current bonds without incurring ads dion haul capital bin, o ,prosident announe ° nation of Sir Waiter Rogar: Tebes "n Shain of th TY y Netvod 1] ht to the he entire hoard of diretors elected without ghangey: Waa rer as Appeared. : J he drama Vy soerie ia the finale of a long struggle hetweey father and mother, and although My, Juss toa Middleton suggested eohat a reponoilintion migh t be effected | and Mra, Deacon would like such AL arrangement, the father when asked it he would go back to lve With hia wife answered erypiically "The cpurt made no order as to that. wan undetermined, Tho orew was at lunoh when the. blast ovourred, Whan they vuahsd out they found a part of the deck torn wp and flames loking at a gasoline Homes tank aft of the engl roam, The rear cabin and the entrance of the crew quarters also were afi a re, They eatimat damage to veel M4 Yoo, D0 rN downtown hotel as a precautio measure, but were not needed, Prank 1. Heacox, . warden af §l Auburn State Prison, and alsa of the women's Prison, said the pik yh ware: ] for a i fb 000 qu Br aaa The fivet Ielah-apeaking hat of the Irlah Frea State I) A plpers' Tad "a