THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, ~ SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1930 -- SOCCER SEASON OPENS TODA The Oshawa Anglers Assiclation nh here t & hundred members of the apsocintion present, among whom RAY n 0 were abou enthusiastic Meeting nosha Hotel, were & number 'of new members, A ao deal of general, but Im- ortant and Interesting business was > ractically definite- wakitied, It was yi 4 egided to hold a tournament ly and Bait Casting, sometime zen will be donated by the club, art Alger to the Aon, 10 the person getting the ful in getting the largest Mouth Bass, largest Large Bass, largest Plckerel and nkeor - Lake "Trout, Special § The feature of t by Prof, G, G NOTICE All dogs must be tagged by May 1st, 1080 tage may be purchased at Police of- fice or City Hall, No 8 BAIRD Inspector PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFFIOY WY al Doe CART W LUMBER (0 une, The exact date hus not yet en set. A number of valuable prl- LW resented uw cup, on behalf of the Alger Press, This cup will fo sherman who catches the nrgest Brook Trout during the sea The cup Is to be won outright, The large trophy which is up for an nun competition will again be given largest specimen of Game Fish, Prizes will also be given to the anglers success. Small Mouth Targest meeting wis the excellent {Hustrated lecture given : MaeKay, member of the Game and Fisheries Dept, of the Government, Prof, MacKay showed a number of Interesting lantern slides and by the aid of these explained the hawa Anglers Assn. . Hold Enjoyable Meeting of in as li -- Jape - CONGRATULATIONS Are in order to Allan Moore, stay player for the last two seasons on the General Motors Blue Des vils Rubgy team, who is being married today at Kirkfold, Al's many sporting friends wish him every happiness and joy, work that is being dong by the Gove ernment for the benefit of fishermen He told of the numerous experiments which are being made continually and it 1s certain that the information which he gave, proved a revelation to some of the fishermen present, The meeting was one of the most enjoyable ever spent by the associa« | thon and the members were loud in [ thelr praise, President 1. M, Tod oe cupled the ehalr, Goslin's Homer Wins Game for Senators 6-4 Washington, April 26,-="Goose' Gonlin's homer with two men on hansen in the, eighth inning of the Henators-Athletio contest here yews terday won the ball game 6 to 4, and sent the Washington elub int the American League lead, With the Athletigs lending 4 to 4 entoring the eighth, Goslin collected hin third bhingle In four teips to the plate-~a long fours bagger that elimbed the right-tiedd fence, Washington stepped Into an early S-run lead, which they held until the alxth, when hits and boots put together four runs for the A's, Philadelphia 0000040004 18 0 Washington 01300008%-8 11 2 Quinn, Rommell and Cochrane; Brown, Marberry and Ruel, ™ A ------------------ COME TO THE - OLD TIME REVIVAL First Pentecostal Holiness Church #11 CELINA NT, Commencing Sun. April 27 REV, LEWIS SAWGALSKY Noted Hebrew Kvangeliat WILL SPEAK Services Every Evening at § o'olook (except Saturdays) Sunday 11 am, and 7 pm, . Don't ; ie | GROW STOR Li het ry " I i IT \ Three Additional Members JAppointed to Executive Guelph, April 26,--Additional appointments to the executive coms mittee of the Ontario Amateur Nofthall Association = were ane nounced by President 6, ©, MeAr thur, of Guelph, yesterday, the new members being: W, Kasson, Strat. ford; G, Spooner, Galt; and RW, Robbing, Brantford, This completes the full slate of officers of the organisation, the others being: President, G, C, MpArthur; Views Presidents, I, Grant, Toronto; and OQ, McCarthy, Hambiton; Neoretary, T, V. MeKay, Hamilton; Treasurs for, W, J, Innis, Parvin; and Bxecus | Hye, VV. Wallwraith, Guelph; V | Collett, Toronto; Wm, Shaw, F Windwor, and W. G, Shaw, 1Knge | Stan, having hoon elected at the annual meeting In Kingston on Good Friday, ------------ JUST A REMINDED Friond="Thanks for the #206. but what is this pamphlet . you gave me?" Hl Another--Ql, that's Just a booklet that explain how to de. velop on's memory, '---Auswers, Committee of OA S.A. NEWARK AGAIN DEFEATS ROCHESTER Newark, April 36-=Ilarry Layuv noeked bis third hota Tun vig tory ning game of the series, i Rochester 100 100 000-8 7 1 Newark 001 000 Bud 471 Carleton and Hinkle; Manaux and Munn, Stabiman, East Bows To West in Penn. Meet Philadelphia, April' 26, ~Champions of the east were toppled frome thelr pedestals yesterday before the awe sault of mighty college athletes from the middle wept us the annual Penn relays got under way before 15000 shouting spectators In Franklin Field Records wiso fell us lithe athletes from distant points swept . through the sunshine and shadows of a gusty boisterous afternoon, turning in sma shing performances in what has be. "ome the east's greatest relay carnis val, - The University of Chieago sent two winning relay teams to the carnival, to snatch championships from Ohio State and New York University In breathless finishes, Chicago won the quarter-mile relay chumplonship of Americh In the run off of a tle with the Buckeye team, Fast, Ma» roon anchor man, out-footing the brillant George Simpson on the fin ul leg to win by inches, Chicago also won the sprint college relay title with Cigorgetown second and New York U, defending champions, third, The time was 3.29 9:10, while the time of the quarter-mile relay was 42 2:10 seer onds, For the east, the University of Pennsylvania, host of the games, sent a record-breaking distance college medley relay quartet to retain the championship In that event, thanks to a smashing mile turned in by W, J MeNIff, the Red and Blue anchor man, Barney Berlinger, another Pennsy vanian; easily retained his title in the decathlon, which was contested for the last time at the Penn relays, Conger Withdraws What was to have been the fea ture of the opening day was marred by the withdrawal of Ray Conger, who was to have matched strides with: Leo Lermond, American mile champion, In « speelal threesquarter mile race. As it was, Lermond ran a bad third to George Bullwinkle, 19 year-old New York City College stu dent, and George Venske, who wore the colors of the Swedish American AC, The New York boys' time was 308 310. ---- Stasiak Wins Buffalo ,., "Keed" Chocolate Arrives in Toronto Toronto, April HoBurihing was serene around the Hhamr n Club's hondquarters yesterday aft. ornoon, that py state of affairs being due to the fact that Wiigle Sardinias had enlled In person at the elub's office and had reporied rondy for Monday night's bout, Hurdinias In one of the most wen sational hoxers in the sport at pre~ went hut it as Kid Chocolute that he 1s known In pugilistic elreles, With the arrival of Johnny Erickson of Now York on Thursday and the ohecking in of the sensational Cu~ ban. yesterday, all doubt as to the show at the Coliseum on Monday night has been dispelled, The fact that the hout had been postponed three times previously osused some worry as to whether there would be another postponement for some rea #on or other, Choeolate, who was accompafiied by Black Will, his cousin and fly. weight stabe-mate, and Panama Al Brown, the world's bantamwelght champion, arrive too late to work out yehterday hut he iy close to the welght limit of 126 pounds and han been training steadily since he re- covered from his recent cold, Chooolate has had 166 professional houts and has won 1644 of them, being held to » deaw in the other, and his vietorles Included 182 knockouts, 'The Cuban shows Jite tle preference as to which hand he uses in stopping his opponent and his right and left share the honors | MImost equally, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost PC, 0 8s? ROO 000 S00 S00 133 v. Je? Baltimore Newark Toronto svaevrvsnnie Rochester sisson Reading ,., Montreal! Jersey City wives ' FRIDAY'S SCORES Jersey City 8 toronto Newark 4 Rochester Keadin, 10 Montreal ,.\ii. 4d Buffalo at = Baltimore, postponed, cold weather, K.O.s Komar -- | | Toronto, April 3.=An elbow in the Jaw, somersault over the ropes and crash of head on the floor ended the best wrestling show ever staged in Toronto when Stormy Stanley Stas ink swered suddenly to knock | Bull Komar completely out and win the match last night, All three bouts lived up to advance promises of rug wed action, the first being rated an the best seen on a local mat with Juek Ganson getting the decision ove er Boris Demetroft, while the semi (nal was also a battle, Bill Demetral felling John Katan in 26 minutes The crowd was treated to a suse tained thrill Jroctioally from the min. ute the show started until it ended with two physicians working over the unconscious Komar, The first bout was & classic with two fast, spectas culur matmen, while the second was a hard, open battle, The final, which | wits expected to produce the big thrill was a gruelling test of endurance and would have featured an average pro Kram, | It Leomod hard to improve om the opener and semi-final but when Stas lak and Komar started the Arena wus In an uproar with the wild aunties of Stasiak while Komar fitted pertectly in the picture, The match gradually wore into w grim grind of strength and endurance with both tugging and Pulling in and out of holds, Stasiak semed to be on the defensive most of the time, trying to aveld the crowding, pressing style of his bare relschested pival, For forty minutes thy pair stormed through The rugged tost and then Komar applied a crotch held and body slam to win the first all, i Completely Out The second round was proceeding like the first with Stasiak on the of fensive at the start but Komar seem 0 to be regaining his command when eo wad hurled over the ropes to du feat, K was standing behind the plant Stasiak with & body hold when the Stormy Stanley twisted, his ols bow striking Kowar on the hin and {using him over the top strand, Ko: mar fell hanvily on his head and there wan little doubt around the ring Jide that he was completely out, When doctors failed to revive him af: we v minutes, Staslak was awarded he bout, Jack Ganson, whe featured the Don charity show, the leading part deat last night in bis bout with oris Demetroff. Ganson's great ¥ h Jaren ivenes and assortinen of | opt the interest of the crowd while he met a Sonny yo ; or hal The pair went at op o 'the pair hou Whi hated oa od rom y 'way ter an wav Kala TODAY'S GAMES Furonto at Jersey City, Buffalo" at Baltimore, Rochester at Newark, Montreal ut Reading AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost Pu JN Jon Odd waltington Philadelphia St. Louls Chicago Cleveland Hoston ,,, Detroit ,,,, New York ,vsvvvenss -------- FRIDAY'S SCORES «New: York ,,..3 Boston ......i\, x~l'en Innings. Washington 6 Philadelphia .. xCleveland Detroit ,, xTen innings, St Louis vivid Chicago 0000002 TODAY'S GAMES Chicago at St, Louis Detroit at Cleveland, Philadelphia at Washington, Boston at New York, MI Wd 00 167 thaRi NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, New York oiviinie 4 1,000 Pittsburg 857 Chicago RIL Philadelphia ,,, S00 Bopton i iiiiae AUO St Louis yvvene A Brooklyn ius 80 Cinelnnatl oy vya 250 Wily we FRIDAY'S SCORES Brooklyn ...\\.§ Boston .,..\ iv: l Pittsburg 000 0 St Lous ,,y. 001 xChicago .,,..0 Cinelnmati |, 8 x=Twelve innings, New York at Philadelphia, posts poned, cold weather, TODAY'S GAMES Brooklyn at Boston, New York at Philadelphia, St Louls at Pittsburg, Cincinnati at Chicago, in claiming the bout the best ever seen here, metral D Katan ah sen at contol the op cltement, with emetral o n John Katan, wild Westerner, Katan tried to rough hs way through, but the veteran Greck was too smart, and although he retaliated he did not als low the Westerner any oxtra liber: eb At times both battled in wind« mill manner, and considerable blood i pa and ih im in front oy Ww n WA ar smashed t thy floor ith a flying tackle, . OT A ------ !{ ster United and Toronto Heottish L001 CUBSDEFEAT REDS IN 12INNING GAME Chicago; April 26,~VPat Malons pitehed the Cubs to n 18-inning vig tory yesier, five hits ip the last frame counting two runs to win out 4 to Bb, after the Cinclnnat) Reds had threatened to win them. wolves with one marker in the wame frame, : Cincinnati 000801001000-~5 18% 1 Chicago 0102010000086 15 4 Luces, Johnson and Mukeforth, Gooch; Mal and Bartnett, Adanacs Retain Their Title Woltville, N.¥,, Apr, 20-=For the second successive your New West- minster Adanscs are haskoetball champlons of Canada, The Far Wenterners defonded the title last night when they defeated Acadia College, Kastorn Canada champions, tor the second time, The score to- night was 84 to 19, and the Adan- aos took the series hy a total count of 60 to 42, having won the first game, played last night, 24 to $4, The 1030 champions were easly the masters of Acadia last night, and wore never in danger of defeat, danncs Lond Karly The winners took the lead ut the start and wore never headed by the Acadians, At hali-time Now West minster enjoyed a six-point lead on the game and a nine-point advan. tiuge for the series, the score bhelng 16 to 9. They Increased thelr mar. gin of victory In the second half by outscoring the Colleginns 19 to 10 Following the game Usorge Now Wn, MPP, tor King's presented the cup, emblematic of the Cana dian championship, to Dug Fraser, of the Adanace, Captain Fraser re. plied ittingly: The entire Now. Westminster [team played like the champions | they are, but Wally Mayers again captured the individual weoring honorh with a total of 15 points, in. cluding seven field baskets and one penalty, He was closely foowen by his team-mate, McEwen, who dropped the ball through the hoops for ten points on five fleld goals Matthews ed the locals with seven gounterh, getting three fled and ove foul basket, Fr ------ Soccer Moguls Decide Games for Visiting Teams Toronto, April 20,-~AL a meet. ing of representatives. of the Om tario F.A, the National Leagte, the Toronto and District FA, Uk last evening Arrangements were discussed regarding the visit of the two famous Noottish F.A, eluby, (insgow Rangers and Kilmarnock, here this Summer, Previous plan had Kilmarnock, 1920 winners of the Soottish Cup, playing five games in this elty but last night it was decided that they will play only three games, The Instructions from the 'Heottish F.A, to the ef. feat that neither of the clubs can play other than club teams on the | tour necessitated changes in tho {local arrangements as it had heen planned to play representative teama from the OFA, T, and D and National League against Kil marnoek, An a result of last night's meet ing Kilmarnock will play teams nominated by the three governing hodles aw follows! ay 34-01 A, nomination, une 7+T, and D, nominations June 28- National Leagu nomination, In all probability the two Rang: | ors games will be played as fol | lows: May 21-=v, Ulster United, June 18-=v, Toronto Nootiish, A ------ A -- Ottawa Wins | First Game 34-24 | Ottawa, April 20,-~Carrying a honvy margin of the play in the fest half and fighting finely in the veoond to hold the advantage, Ot. tawa Britannias won the frst game of thelr Junior Dominion basketball championship series with Jrederioton Ht, Paul's here | last night by 34 points to 24, The second game will be played Hatum day night, total ypoluts on the round to decide the winners, From a desultory first halt after whioh the locals led 17-8, the two teams battled through a second period, which saw some of the finest basketball ever exhibited on an Ottawa floor, The Fredericton basketeors made a determined ef: tort to overhaul the fast-tiring Ot« awa squad and at times appeared (0 be on thelr way to success, Only the supangs marksmanship of Bruce M, Hl, stellar Ottawa captain, kept the Britannia crew's load intaet, READING WINS FROM MONTREAL Reaing, Pa, April 26=Johnny Waeloh held Montreal to four hits hora yesterday while reading was adeking Wlam Vanglider for fours teen, and the keystones won the first game of the series 10 to § Hinkey Haines hammered out a homer In the hth, \ Montreal 000 010 010:2 4 0 B10 14 8 ; } Readin 14 ~ Read oh or oh 0 Grace, iain hai \ & v a] " ¥ vrs) of economic conditions In Australia 2,000 radio fans have been \ y asm eam jolied to give up thelr | run was counted by Pitterser when Wont went 8 jong fiy to Rabbitt, The charity by Barnes snd Cole's mull wers the costly mise takes of the game, Anyway lost the Leats "ny chance { may have had to win it after Phi ips had tied the score in the Tih, Forgetting the flops in the seve onth the Leafs played bang-up bel afield, Burke was the only one of the O'Neill athletes to make (we hits, They ware hesutifully placed Pirates Win At Home 6-1 Pittsburg, Pa, April 86.~~The Pittsburg Pirates played thelr home opener here yesterday after having been held wp two days by cold weather, and colehrated by defeating the Bt, Louis Cardinale 4 to 1, The veteran right-hander, Remy Kremer, scored his second victory of the season over the Bt, Louls Club, "Chick" Hafey un Ira Vlagstatt drove out home runs for the cons tending teams, We, Louls +.,..000000000~~1 § 8 Pittsburg +,,,10810100%x-=6 10 0 Rherdel, Hold and J, Wilson} Kremer and Hemsley, ENGLAND WINS THE DOUBLES London, April 86-~Although faced with two defeats and t knowledge that if beaten Great PBritain would be eliminated from the Davis Cup competition, the krent-hearted J, CO, Ovegory and the imperturable, caleulating, 1, G, Collins, played their usual devants ating game against the German pair, Walter Dessert and Helprich Kleinschroth, threshing them 6-4, 6-4, 6-3 In yesterday's double mateh, Timely Doubles Vietory The British victory, after twe defeats in the singles, gave Gress writain snother chance, but she Ww now faced with the ditfiewit task of winning the two remaining singles matches In order to con tinue further play in the European sone eliminations for the world's premier tennis trophy, Toronto Leafs Lose to Jersey City Skeeters Pn ree hit, Ruble looped over the box and Bheady fled fur to west ni centre, The clan Neill shouid have | fence, but 76 pinch-hitters didn't had w- run or two in the second inning, Burke doubling to left and Petrie walking, There was one out ut the time and Cote's hes resulted in un force play at second while Burke van to third, Then Wera threw out Phillips, ¥ddis's home run inserted hore might have made all the differance in the world in the game's finn! result, First blood was drawn by the Whkeoters in the mecond Inning, Vanch, fret man up, clipped a two bagger to right and Wera fol lowad with his homer, Barnes turns ad back the next threa men with neatness and dispateh, Joo Rahbitt's single off Hop. kins' glove in the fourth set In mos ton the attnek that epabled ne Lots to knot things, Burke shunts od the hall over short for his secs ond hit und Rubble speeded around to third Yolirie foreed Burke, Rabbitt scoring, and then Cote slipped a single, He scored as Warn threw out Cote at second on Phillips' bid for a hit, Barnes pol od deep to centre, suding the ine ning George Martin. opened the fifth with his homer to give the Bkests ors the lead again, and. Phillips' Jong hit for the eirenly tied things up once more in the seventh, wheoters Bing in Neventh But the game was blown to the four winds as far ns the Leafs wera concerned in the Skeeters' half of this Inning, Barnes was unable to get the ball over for Martin and deadhended him to first, Glenn slapped to Richardson and with a double play In the making, Cote dropped the ball at second, Hope king struck out but Plttenger sine gled to centre That hit seored Martin with what really was the winning run, and Glenn dashed to the last station from home, Bhan- non popped the hall to Barnes and Glenn was caught off third, The throw went to Richurdson and Glenn legged It for the plate and made It when Rich's chuck to Phils Hps was low and wide, The third i Leafs Lose to Skeeters --| " Pinch Hitters Fail to Come Through--Toronto Gets More Hits Jersey City, N.J,, Apri) 26"The Leafs made only half as many homeo runs as the Jerseys did while wintry hiasts blew al the West fide Park yesterday afternoon, Tha Lents kicked on two plays and the Jerseys did not do any kicking at all, Therefore the Leafs lout the ball game, the first of a series of six by 6 to 4, Frank Barnes came through with some pretty good pitehing but, as it turned out, it wasn't quite mood enough mesing that he was handieapped by a faltering defance In the wevenih inning, Barnes allowed seven hity and the Leafs clubbed Six Hopkins, a right-hander, for eight Jullan Wera got a hold of one of Barnes' hest serves in the sec: ond foning and lifted it over the low wall In left for a home run, (leorge Martin put the ball In the same spot In the Afth for another homer, Bobby Veuch was on base through n double when Wera checked in with his far flung hit, Eddie Phillips hit a round trip hiow for the Leafs in the seventh foning, Tt was by far the longest erack of the day. the ball going over the left-field fence and knol ting the count, But after the Leafs had twice come from behind to tle the Jerseys' count a walk, a bad throw and & muffled throw, Rie hardson and Cote being the offond- ors, and one hit gave the rebuilt home team three runs in their half of the seventh, The Leafs wey unable to match that splurge for Hopking' supporting mates refused to falter, As a matter of fact they tightened up better than ever and Hopkins became more of a pussle, Pinch-Hitters Wall in Ninth Steve O'Neill threw pinch-hit ters into the fray in the ninth after Bob Petrie had opened the inning with a rousing double that all but cleared the centre-field ro ._ Tro Gica Leaders in Iwo Price Fields. . | HROUGHOUT Canada, McLaughlin-Buick continues steadily to out-sell every other fine car, . , its leadership in sales being the natural corollary to that leadership in value which motorists are so quick to appreciate, And, today, Marquette is being carried on the tide of public favour to heights of popularity which bid rival McLaughlin-Buick's own records of success, The three great series McLaughlin-Buicks with thelr thres wheelbases offer increased safety and comfort, dus, in part, to such notable advances as the new d Lovejoy shock absorbers front and rear and the mew weatherproof mechanical four wheel brakes, And Marquette is distinguished hy performance which is not merely une equalled but definitely unapproached by that of any car in its moderate price class, Sea these two great leaders, Drive them, Then, should you wish, make use of the G.M.A.C, deferred payment ++» designed by General Motors to facilitate your purchase, MLAUGHLIN-BUICK and\\ ARQUET TE to Moffatt Motor Sales, Ltd. 88 Simcoe St, North Oshawa, Ont, Phone 918 na 000n CANADIAN IT'S BRTTEBR BECAUSE IT'S }