bogt w ETAL PRC AL A AAT Sei 30 kin, BREATH 5 TE ON TORS oF THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1930 st 5 H 5.3 frill t 5 ; i i I nfs i 3 F E i i I / ; I H ; i ib H 3 ft SA Nenagh, ahead out ean' sit staring straight ahead ob Rip fog-flled sky, She could hot . think or speak, She rolled her asoline saturated handkerchiel be- ween her two palms nervously, Then he turned toward Jimmie and looks d inte his face In the dim light rom' the instrument hoard, Although neither, of them spoke, ach Jew what the other was think. ne! ) "Does it mean the end!" Jean ask: d in x low voles: Her eyes were ide. and they looked nimost black butt she was completely composed nd unpiraid. "Don's, know!" Jimmie sald In a acento voice, He was nosing the hip steadily downward now, losing Ititude rapidly, The fog swirled bout them and seemed to lap mock: ng at the wings of the plane, ve thousand ; four thousand; oan 'watched the altimeter with fase indted eyes, Then Jimmic's volee came to her, pris Aommanding, Get back Into the cabin! Put the pillows around you There's & paras chute dick In that case, Put it on!" eam ignored his voice and continued to sit Immovable beside him, The, wind was wilder as they eame lower, Suddenly in thelr rapid de- scent the motors started coughing and sputtering, After the steady roar for hours, the sound made He feel Ill, weak, Suddenly they died entirely, all three together, fhe she saw mis fean forward and turn off the switeh, " "We're in a bad Jam!" he sald, and his voice sounded queer and loud In the sudden quiet where just a mos ment before there had been contin. uous roaring, "A dead-stick land- ing! 4 covered with gasoline, My God! 1 can't lot you be burned alive up here In the air!" and he groaned aloud, y The ship was falling rapidly now, Jean knew that they were facing death, ably a horrible death, Yet she smiled a little, It seemed to her that another gir] was up there In the sky falling, falling, "Odd, our dying together when 1 50 hoped we could live together some day!" She felt detached from the situation, and she smiled vaguely, Jimmie saw the smile, He did not understand, Mae 4 plroush hy ad het untly, n't you mnderstan aan 0 thing | God knows where we'll hit!" He was silent for a moment as he leveled off the ship to step It in its hurdiong descent, "I've dope all 1 can, Now we take what's ahead, Please God It Jan't the. Atlantie " Then as he continued to maneuver down through the blanket of fog he turned to her angrily "Get back there where I told you! When we crash she'll probably blake we're saturated with fi now! Jean shook her head stubbornly, "I'm staying here, 1H take what comes=with yoy!" he sald, {isumies i blaged: "Get back! Do you want to be burned alive?" -- Still Jean did nat move, The wind shrieked as the big ship slipped down with t q motor dead, Less than a thousand now, Not much father to qo, Nou all around, Not a light to be seen, limmie hy dered, He was certain now he Nh overshot the mainland and they were indeed facing the Atlangs. n @esperation he sheuted to the 8 I say! Yeu haven't a the world fn here with u chance," Jean said i ] i for Just a Siioment, Then an explor sion, It duptos a she strug: ged hh i hoi er, Bhe elt u dizzy sense of pain, Then there wis heat, horrible heat, The blaze COUNtEY Aron "Timmiel Jimmie)" she sereamed, but there was no answer, The flames blinded her us she foushs toward the front cockpit of the ship, She gould Wee Lies arm, his hend.. Bhe fought desperately while the fameg leaped higher, Bhe tugged and Youlled at the senseless figure, praying that his lesther helmet and cont would protest him Blowly she dragged the twisted, broken figure of the man from under the wreckage The flames burned her hands and singed her hale 1 must! 1 must!" she groaned again and again, The pain in her arm made hey faint und sek, It wap riiping now, but the flames which swirled about the broken ship paid not the slightest attention to the falling mist, The fire leaped at her as though nothing could quench its fury, "I can't lose him again! 1 ean't!" Jean sobbed loud, That thought gave her strength, the strength of desperation, somehow she got him lose from the wreckage, Just as dark forms came running, Bull she held on to Jimmie desperately although she gould drag him no farther. Bhe still clung to him with her pathetic, burned hands after the rescuing farmers had earvied the uneonselous min away to safety and the last flames of what had been The Valeon died away, Jean realized they were in--open country, They had hit in the midst of some trees and a huge stone pile, There was & farmhouse not far away, and she could see Jimmie's white face as she held his head in her Arms, He was dead! Then the girl slipped unconscious to the ground beside him, i Jean opened her eyes and looked at the sumlight streaming In through the window of her own, pretty room, She lay quiet and closed her eyes again and tried to remember, She had had a terrible dreame=]immie was dead! She felt the heat of flames on her hands, Outside in the street the newshoys were calling "Extra! Extra!" She tried to move, and there wus a sharp pain In her shoulder, It was too mueh for her to understand. She would go hick to sleep again, If she did she might remember. the night, the elouds the awful downward sweep of that hig ship, She tried te raise herself up again, Her arms and hands were hurning painfully, There wis somebody standing beside her, With an effort she opened her eyes aan, t was a stiffly starched and coms nesant durse who ah she's seam RO i NUEse ale nounced, hey ine ow? v Then Jean sow Dr, Dowling's anxious fave, She began to remems ber---gverything. It had not been a dream, She vould smell gasoling and she shuddered, But Jimmie had sald he loved her had always loved her, in spite © everything, And Jimmie was dead! Tears Wipped from under her elosed evellds, She was weak, weary of toward the wall, "Joan, my dear!" sald u volee, and Grace sipped onto her knees beside the hed: "Look at me, Everything Is all right now, dear, You're alive and safe and Mr, Decker wants to see you for Just a moment," Jeans mind began to funetion again, The merger=«the papers! Decker came tiptoeing Into the bedroom, He looked old and haggard He bent down and kissed one of Jean's bandaged hands, and she thought he was going te cry, Faney Mr, Decker caring for her so much! "Poor ehild! 1f you and Jimmie liad been killed I'd never have for- given myself," and Jean wan touched at his real emotion, "I suppose all the papers are gone," Joan sald, Decker laughed shakily, "Tt doesn't matter! Nothing matters as long as ty are here and not badly hurt," ho said quickly, Jean looked at him with beseeching eyes, He smiled back at her and, lean: ing down, whispered In her ear} "He's coming through all sight, Bats tered up pretty much, but he's going to met well, * He certainly did a marvellous job of bringing that ship down, 1 don't know why it didn't saith fire in fuldair he Atle ean's lips trgmbled as she tried to snille, She tried to ta Deck» er's bly hand ith her bandaged on Then Decker began a shamestace confession, "Jean, it Iv all my fault, 1 had {innle take us up to Buffalo and ring you hack alone just 50 you two IN| stubborn _voung folks could be tos Ww ar nov fg Healy (9 oll A EL sated, about you and tigther, The merger gave me a fine Sage, You remember the da a ile into the office, Well, ik 1 found you ev | at or, That was the first blgw his nose vies my dear wan for the N10 him and SN ine Tl With "Th oy aie Lo heeker added, ~ Hie "Did all d __ Nou when lived | was Son over the lighted wp the mangled ship and the | u live, She turned her head away did you do it?" , i shook her head, "I want to forget shout that part of itl" she insisted, "Now | want Homey breakfast and 1 want to get Mi eciiar wis 50 delighted ut Joan' turn for the better that Jrance ahout the room ke » wave his solemn profes slon tor the girl to sit up for wn howr, wed ond Grace helped and soon Jean was sitting wp in # chair In Hh 1iving rooms, a little pale and shaken, an Grace fod het, hey bron wet, with the rest, Ingludin yi forming an winiring clrele wbowt A chair: : Then Decker hurried off to his of+ fee, ? "I've got to keep on the job, new you aren't there!" he told her us he kissed her on the forehesd, "You're in all the headlines!" Letty told her exeltedly, "They call jou A he roing and your pleture is fo pretty!" Letty was husy unpacking boxes of flowers whieh had "already started to urrive, Teun asked for the morning papers, The nurse handed them to her an Tenn saw leaping out at her heads lines about herself, There was & snll- ing pieture of Jimmie in flying (ORY, of Roberta christening the Faleon, of Mr, Decker walking from the Decker Tinilding, Then beside these, one of Jean hers. BEAUTY SAVES PILOT'S LIFE fo read the headlines, Then fols lowed the story, two columns long, ef the flame-swept plane and the wild ride through the fog, of the leaking win and the bravery of the girl, But only one paragraph in all that mass leaped out at Jean, sought her attention, "Miss Terry, the pilot's fiancee, has been constantly at his bedside, At the hospital today the girl said the eras would probably postpone Mr Reinsford's. proposed hop to Alavka from New York, Instead, Miss Terry stated, the two would be married as soon as Mr, Reinsford ls able to leave the hospital, i "Then my mother and myself will take him to Southern France for the remainder of the # ring: No more fiving for a long time," she added "No more flying, ever, for him if 1 can prevent itl' Miss Torry stated that the wedding date had heen postponed this spring hecause of the proposed Alaskan flight, and naw they would be mar vied quietly and sall immediately for Cherbourg: Jean lot thy, paper drop to the floor unheeded, The Jay had gone out of 'her Ne again, She had made a fool of herself all over again Drenthe Dreams! Could whe never he sensible. and not expect things of 1a? It was her own fault! Probably she had ue dreamed that Jimmie toyed her al When the "iron came' bck she found Jean's temperature mounting and ardered the girl back in bed auain, She could not understand this sudden turn for the worse, She re. vetted giving her patient the papers, But she thought they would amuse fl har. They were certainly complic mentary enough! Then the nurse hurried to report to Dr, Dowling on the telephone, To Be Continued Monday (Copyright Public Tedier Co) EE LL PICKERING UNITED CHURCH MISSION SOCIETIES JOIN With Uniting of Twe Churches Plokering, April 24-=A meeting of the joint W, M, Hoeleties of Ht, Paul's and 8t, Andrew's was held in Bt, Andrew's Chureh on Wed. nesday afternoon last, for the pur pose of Uniting the two societies and of appointing officers for the new organisation, Mrs, OG, Jack. son, seoretary pf the Oshawa Pros: byterial, conducted the service, and was assisted by Mra, A, Richards and Mra, Thompson, of Whithy, Mn J, U, Robins, president of the Oshawa _ Preabyterial, gave the consumation address, The follow. ing ofticars were appointed: Presi. dont==Mra, J, Amith; Viee Preal: donte==Mra, I, Bunting, Mrs, M, 8, Hp Corresponding Heovetary, fas B, Hunting; R ing feore: J ra, W, J, Olark; Treasurer mV. 1, Cartwright, Following the business meeting, a social hour was spent, Born to Mr, and Mra, Oscar Stevenson, on April 14th, a daugh- on Miss Laura Andrew and friend, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Ans TR and Mrs. Atthud B I 1, ur Boyes and 4] Taek, spent Waster with Mr, Mra. Austin Franklin, of Port ) : r, Gaorge Martin spent a few hy + in Htayner, last week, iss Ida Cook, of Toronto, spent the haliday 'with her unele and aunt, Mr, a Mra, Clark, Miss Ldlian Wiman, of Peterbore in sending the Easter holidays at the home of her grandmother, Mra, A iis Marion Clark, of a Marien rk, of Toronte, an the 1] af dh Ly; Riehard- a pa Crammer, of the - # Ing the holidays at his howe here, ® Are Harry te report that Mr, Donald Mu In or diy owing to Nlineas, ™ Cronk, of Toronto, ol Cronk of the Ploks Newmarket, spent At the heme of thelr pa v Alipovery was made -oftiglals of the On two plates Investigated yostors day, one mado in 1906 and the other thee years Inter, taint impressions - . T 4 Er TET Ns ann vi mts so Oinder ella of the Skies Vera Bromn[i ata ENE FIELD A Thrilling Romance of Adventure in the Clouds + hers, v, and Mrs, Townley, ot Torons to, visited with My, and Mrs, Frank Hall on Good Friday, Hoves and Mr, wa onto, spent the halls the object 1s not the veecently-dig Harry W. C, Myrkar is oft duty (his | covered planet X 16 agreed pon hy Alfalfa Sweet Clover, Wm, hay Boy: HY n Rg ne or ion Miss Mayr! $iall gpon the weelks| A WEhly entertaining drama, | pow lean toward (he theory thet hall H, Cronk ats lends' quarterly moets duy pvening by the Audley Goms|ef yonrs ago a Invge planet existed ing In Newmarker this week, f re P, H, Bproule, oY / | vests | Ehureh; The play was of ® high | planets of which planet % and the donee in 8, J, Walsh's property on | Mandard, and was well presented, | Otawa object are two, Mr, Bproule iy in| oReh chayacter being well golectod Canadian astronomers 100k upon arge of the Imperial OIF distris pp papi bution in the village, planet. X ax the most outstanding 0 Misses Law were in Tovons |#lnte Le Verpler discovered the ny attending the wed. d | planet Neptons in 1646, The photo ding of thely neles, Edith a raphing of the ohjsot discovered Law, ' ore wan done hy Dr, ¥', Henrotean My. and Mew, Johns and family, J | A {ond Misw M, #, Burland under the who have been lying on King At, ois inh to the yan Ont. Ask bids ure + Tepontly vaons AWA ronemer Inter han heap foremost in the of ed by Mrs, A, Clark, t ' Say I A number of the friends of Miss Canninglon have taken Gordon gathered nt the home vo, Kingston on Tuesday wf of 1906 d|ternaon last, and presented her : with a kitehen shower in honor of ron, Anh 84 What ny [Lhe week, When the annonioement | sess s n ave tn he a onal resnrds of the Ti ' i KX The consummation af the Union | the celal body photogrspied oy isi Bd LJ (he Ottawn object, Jah eleap|#0me specific reasons. THesauss of of the Women's Associutions of the | heve six yonrs ago hut only wegre | Flagstaff, Avigonn, hres months | "ENG & photographie record is congregations of Bt, Andrew's and | sated last week, were discovered |ugo, examination was made heve of | made of some ares of (We heavens: yostarday on photograph plates tak- {old plates In the hope of fAnding | On each thurs are aout 200 ane on at the Dominion Observatory fn [an enviier trace of the planet, This [stars and no attempt 18 meds 10 1006 and 1000, Bines the original [led to the dissovery of the presence | plot them' Individually unless for her npproaching marriage, Paul's churches, was held in ft, Paul's ahupeh on Tuesday evens The service was In charge of SEED Timothy of ® lrans-Neptunian object were the Ministers and oftlesrs were aps | found, The identity of the ohjests pointed for the vemaining part of | has not heen determined hut obwers the year, vatory officials" concedes the poset: Mr, Robt, Anny spent a fow | pility that It may he an earlier ims anyn Inn waek with? Alex, and Mrs, | prosston of the Ottawn object, Phat Thom, of Dunbarton, week bwing to Hinews, Canadian astoynomers and they "Nancy Aun Brown's Volks! wan | (the two bodies are small individual given in the Town Hall on Mon | planets, They helleve that millions munity Club, under the susplees of Red Clover oyond Neptune, Vor some reason the A, YY, P, A of BL, Gegrge's f gnddenly disintegratod into small SEED GRAIN Banner Oats 0. A.C. 72 Osts Colorado Wheat 6 and 2 Rowed Barley, ALL GOVERNMENT GRADE | the loon) digeovery and that of the supervision of Dr, Meldrum Hie wart, the ohservatary director, The forts made to segregate and iden. iy the aohjest Although the ehject was photo Kraphed six yours ago, its presence on the plates was not known until Is Noliced on Photos 16 CELINA AT, 5 COOPER SMITH COMPANY OSHAWA A Be -- a " lL a. thin, the presence of the Ottawa ob Jeet was not known for over sly yours, Java expects to produce 2.600, 000 tony of sugar this year, ---- Organizations Combine pb. X ¢ A 0 Jhe BRITISH A NY YY YE YY IY. % SN I rrr Ed ur PP LL ry ry, All Year Protection Drive where you like=--as fast as you like=regardless of heat or cold=--regardless of road conditions=--and KNOW \ that every part of your engine is positively protected against damaging friction There's one way to do it ----use Autolene. )) OCRXEE) S000 CAN ind british Amencan ETHYL Gasoler O1L CO. LIMITED (a! YYXY