Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising aid subseriptions will be reevived af the Bowmanville Office of The Times, |elophones=Office, B87 REPRESENTATIVE~B, HERBERT MORTLOCK NEWS ABOUT TOWN |: Paylight Saving Time Daylight Saving, Time somes into effect in Bowmanville on Bunday night at midnight and citizens will it advisable to put thelr clocks ong hour nL us igh The summer § nge will Inst until am, on da eptember 26 Cie ns are reminded that Toronto, a and Whithy come on day- t Jwving tia ut X st 1301 o'clock on consequent) rn Bo be one day behind, "hig oi Me Vig adopted at a spe~ meeting of the council held an of veut evening for the purpose ioeustn ng the matter, rrr Back in Business Sergeant Major George Humpage, one o " the war veterans of Bowmanr ville who at one time had a boot res ipairing business in Bowmanville and whe for some time in 7 5 been employs d in the Geners! olor at Onhe id is opening hag fol iring store in the town again, This time he will be joeaed next to Wes Knlaht's tin) stand, Paint Shop Opens George Weeks who recently chased the eld Jatgliffe Mae Shop from the town of Bowmanyi fle for $800 has finished the repairs to the building and has moved to his new quarters next the rink, Citlzens should note that Mr, Weeks Is the clerks of the Hiviex on Cours in Bowe manville: and his office will automat, juetly move to the new premises with Hm e EE eh Trainnig Beheol Dance Vriends of the Boys Training School who hive been entertained school entertained the staff to a res turn dance at the school last evening, All rer i wonderful time, ---- rrr | BOWMANVIIJE SCHOOL REPORT rm ---- HEAD COLD? CATARRH? De not tolerate a stuffy head or clogged breathing passages, Put an end to your nose trouble by ne- ing ""Nostroline,"! Koothing, pleas ant "Nostroline" stops discharge and reduces intlammation--and so ends your cold, Price 650 econts from W. H, Karn, Drug Store, Your Nose Needs "Nostroline" Following is the report of Entrance Class in the Central School, Num hers indicate percentages obtained on recent examinations Jean Morris. 84, Grace' Crawforth A2, Eileen Hately 80, Jim Sissons 80, Helen Mason 78, Walter Goode 77, Alleen Gibbs 77, Vauline Adams 76, Gertrude Hooner 76, John Shires 76, Harry Depew 76, Mary Thompson 75, many thnes this past winter at the| No. A Bam Allin 78, Jean Brough 78, Mae $1 vion Glanville 74, Hubert Hooper David Andrews, 7 ion Doris Taylo Russel] Haves, 74, Dunlop oa aynard 7, gine 1, Doris Bennett 7 ham 70, Gertrude Dowel " Jum 0, Bi A Nicholls 09, on Jue eron @ Fink [4 I a Kem 0b Phil Initrick OF, Milton Yeo 17, nes i 67, baa) Wis 0, wheth Adams Roueh ue Gombe edu Jud gr, vy Hd Roluy pany 63, Ruth gn yr Giaorgens hel Ro LL) ar uct nk Sad Came o Niner Kawa Adie 64, Arthur Not grad "ll ae ney, Jim Clas hi Richards neon, Principal, wad J: Johnson, Pr LOCATION OF FIRE ALARMS In Case of Fire Phone WW} Fire Chief George Lyle has called our attention to several mist which appeared In the list of fir + farm boxes as publ hed last wees The correst list follows, No, 2=King and Temperance Sts, No, 3=King and Ontarlo Sts, No, 4=Oniarlo and Durham Sts, No. B=King and Liberty its, Noi g=Centre and « By, No, T=igin and Conention LIT] S=Prospect and Odell Sts, Phone fire alarm calls to 101, Easter Meeting of Bowmanville W.C.T.U, w.CTU het "met April ity § 8, room, Mrs, FR J in the ehalr and Meat o A Tole gave an Easter message In the Bible reading, Mrs: A, Colville sang » solo, After the by i Go was concluded Mrs, GL. Wagar gave A talk on "Lines of Communication" showing that the harmful effects of alcohol wre seen vi less Bower of control, lens rapidity of thou less aceuracy of Judgment, less Bin of sight, less in Trin own nh Rl '/, Heppinios 4 10) Licic/ I t/ " hes to offer. Take LYONS Revour, make you heppy. J. Lyons & Co, Lid, Toronto, yh is a state of well-being, appy | Toke the best that life Enjoy its fragrance and Inimitable Let its stimulating powers invigorate you, gladden you, and LYONS' TEA BLUE LABEL 38.. HALF-POUND TEA. Co-operation! The response was so great in the sale of these Printed Dresses at 79c That the manufacturer has cor ted by giving us a second fb of 23 doz, of these dresses in all sizes for Misses' and Women to sell Saturday at this low price of "W. A. DEWLAND | "g2 Limited . Special Tomorrow New Arrivals 50 of the newest atyles in Ladies' Spring MILLINERY Satie tomorrow on. 290 capneity of museular aetion, md less steadiness of the hand, The following students whe wrote in the recent 'tempernnes essny cone test were prize Winners: Seniors==Alice Medd, Freda EMiott | and Marion Blemon, stermadlates=Hiariori oud and Hie Tobi Junlor: mile HR rd Bart Johnston, Viaine Vinine Keaman, ad ets. ; of, ie bin nt 7 pl Sunday Behool ut v( filean) Churel=HRey, setor, Low Bunduy, Nod riot 8 am~=Holy Come munlon's ai=Morning Prayer and Ti 25 p " =Bunday Sehool 8 Bible Class; 7 p, me=Kvening or, a Andrew's Presbyterian Churely, Feperanse and. Chureh sts, arin orship 11 ami ening Ad Sunda y LL] Robert Honeyman, ir o ro fash, will \Presch [1] services, very ody wel ome (i Paul's. Chureh--=Rey, Best, DD, Minister, 11 am, By. In Worship=" The "lorence Nightine mele Lodge, 1007, Kh parade to this servies; 7 A m=Vvening Wor: ship=Mrs, Jeane Melntyre of Tor onto, will give an Illustrated address on the work being done for the new Candin. The Youny People's Choir will sing a _ service of Laster muse; 230 pm=Bunday Behool -------- ai No Further Action Re Y' Purchase wr---- ut (Continued from Page 8) comadation at a reasonable figure Ith regard to the proposed pure Miss of the Yo M. C¢. A, J. 1. Mason, chalrman, pointed out tht the property could be obtained at a reasoni VEIY Necessnry for the commission to bring all Its various departments together as sgon as possible, He estimated that with the purghase of new office equipment, ingluding bil: ling machines, the commission could save 83,000 a year, He considered that the mayor's proposal was a loge loal one but stressed the fact that if the elty council did not faver the erection of a new building then the commission would have to buy or bulld separate ofMces, in dependent of what action the city might take in later years, Commissioner John Stacey was nat if favor of the purchase of the Y, might be made, He doubted w ether after an expenditure of $5,000, the le figure and that It was? A, until further investigation |! The Whitby Advertising, suimeriptions and COUNCIL LOOKS FOR NEW FACTORY Town Council at u Spe- cinl Session The Town Council held un speci) meeting on Thursday nftevnoon to consider u proposal from two men ho Dropon 088 Lo enlublish an indus Yn The bbs A wis cullnd hy Mayor Bowman, an dihe Counell, after Hae tening to the proposal, mesired (he representatives of the utmost co operation in the matier of weeuring | A good Industria) nite How well you look! "J am tule yl ain, in Tori ll bi; Eo a Wok and cud \ Wummend nef day, 0 "ll enti FEES Preis ween done W me pus gor ie rh rma Fg vi ay repilind fl 409 only ul 0 build he vid tart the Krus Commission would be satisfied "with the ofces which would be provided Ha alse thought' that the ground floor was too high above the street level and that the steps leading up i It would inconvenience the pub Commissloner G. D, Conant and | Commissioner Ross considered that | the offer of the YY. M, C, A, wis reasonable but they also expressed willingness to meet with the oly dependent course of action A copy of an agreement for the purchase of the ¥, M, C, A, proper ty was submitted to the commission but it was not signed in view of the decision to discuss matters with the counail, City Engineer Smith submitted fig | | | council before deciding wpon an I { | ures showing that it would cost ape | { proximately $3000 to remodel the main floor for aMece purposes, Come missioner Stasey suggested that fi ures might be submitted giving the cost of altering the two remaining floors for office purposes It 'was after eleven o'clock when the commission adjourned, These present included Frank L. Masen, ehalrman, Mayer T. WB, Mitchell, Commissioners Conant, Macey and Ross: F, KE, Hare, secretary; City Engineer Smith and C, 7, superintendent of utilities Fredericton, N.B.=The firat num: her of Aeadie, "a semi-monthly pub lication veflecting and interpreting the life and character of the Maris time Provinces and their people within and bheyend their pravinelal houndaries," made {ta appearance April 18, Jasued under the editorship of Th heodore Goodrich Roberts, the new magazine's first number. appear od on the sixtysninth anniversary of Nliss Carman's bivth, and a tribute to the memory and inspiration of Canada's best loved poet, The Carman note was sustained theoushout pL first a in conti | huons by Charles G, Raberty, | athaway, August Dane an v odenizer, Ww or Venlot are am contributors to 4 When Your Stomach Groans With Gas Mon, R, B, Bennett and Hon: Pets the Maritime atmosphere of the new | Barnes, WE | NEW MAGARINE APPEARS | DON MoCo! JN Wey BET di Ng mguick gH - i " on had HE MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST | Whithy Brancu Office, nt Gag Sto und Chron Sih ley Business Hours = {lions BM, REPRESENTATIVE=JAMES H, ORMISTON Proposition" Made fo the! nnd other) "| The monthly meeting of tha Wo | Mrs, J ly Malls i hte phiajneble 4 hh Ik Pw 0 las Tor [8 'do /] Daily Times oi, Sts things necessary, I'he hands of the Industry are asking the town for ne conoewsions whatever, hut sve willing to go ahead and establish thely industry whieh they expect will expand in a hort time, The men expressed satisfaction with the manner tn whieh they wore vecelvad, und there was i feel. ing that before long Whithy will add another industry to ity present fine Hat, Those prehent st the meeting wore; Mayor Bowman, Reeve Jacks won, deputy-reave Deversll, Couns, Pringle, Ormiston, Landon and Rowe, Revers) interested citizens wore also on hand to nusist the Counell, ry GRANDMOTHERS | AT MEETING OF THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE men's Institute held in the Counell Chamher on Friday afternoon was in charge of the Grandmothers, with Ms, J, M, Wills, of Vort Whithy ns eonvenor, There wus « lnrga attendance and a most do [Hight program, consisting, of the following numbers Reading, Mrs, J. M, Willis} reel tation, Doris MeKinley: reading, Mrs Prank Roberts; solo, Mrs, Michael; address on institute work, H. Perry; recitation, Joan | Ormiston After the programme dainty res | frashments wera served, The meets ing was ons of the hest held for nome time, "WENT MINNTER ANDY Ta BECOMING OVERCROWDED London=Dv, FoxleysNorrig, Dean Westminster, has made the pro osal that If a certain great mens viel tomb In the abbey were re: | 1oved It would make room for at | onst 100 more worshippers, And, nudged hy the attendances at the Abbey, not at specinl services hut on ordinary week-day oceanions, thin additional space for worships pars is badly needed | Whether the Dean of Westmin. ~ per will be enabled to proces with the removal without encesnt oring un yariety of opposition 1 Ighly doubtful; All manner of folk hegome voeally indignant whenever n proposal is sfoet to uf- fect iterations In a building such us Westminster Abbey, There 1s not the least doubt, | though, that while the Abbey sons teins much In the wey of memov inl that should torevey he regarded nn mmarsd and untouchable, It also vontuing mn lot of the viriast rib Mish, in the wity of monuments tu persons whe are entirely forgotten und whose merits never made them worthy of such perpetustion, From the anesthetic point thera I Witle doubt thet the Abbey ---- NO) MO EE a HN Pi would look sll the better J at least halt the great piles of memorial mone wera cleared away, Anybody who enters through the north door may he impressed with the fact thet he is passing through "Hturesman's Corner', hut he is to he forgiven it he 1s fnolined to Wh» on it to 0. monumental. masons ploneyard," Important Changes in Train Schedules EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, APRIL 21 Kastorn Mipndard Time Head Down No, 10 NO, 07 18.00 noon MAB wan, 1845 pm, "0,40 pam, Hane pom, y 1% pon, TAB pn, A.B0 0 pan, "0.08 pon, 0, OF pom, WI 1.40 p.m, Head Up a "No, 8 AB pw, Dally No, 90 Tv, Montreal Avh 4.80 pn, Ive Ottawn Arve. BIB pm. 0.00 pm Ly, Oshawa Lv. 0.80 am: B05 pm, Ar. Koronto 14, 8.45 am. bd Ld Av. Wamilion i 7.08 a.m, V1, Lin TW, Toronto wag wm LAB p S80 nan, 1085 pm, Ar, Detroit ow 200 am, B00 nm, T40 am, 680 am, Av, Chicago Ly, 6,80 pm, 11,15 pm. ¥ Dally Wixeept Sunday EQUIPMENT» == ining, Parior, Moeping nd Observation Cars, Tenln 84 for Oiawn will love Toronte Union dally at 10,48 pm, Toain BB from Montreal 7.00 a.m, will arrive Toronto Union C85 pan, Twin 06 for Montvea) will lense 'Tovento Union 9.00 a.m, rr r-------- Tealnw 08 und BG operate dally except Bunday=-on Sundays they operate, hetween Tovente and Havelock only, EQUIVMENTwTvalti dwsbtandard Bloopers and Buffet Cluly Compartment, Tenins B56 and Bo==Conches, Buffet Parlor and Pavlov cars, Train 008 for local pointy Jo Detroit will leave Toronto Union 8 pm, dally Tealn 0g will louye Detron "is am, arriving Toronto 4.80 pane amily, Train 000 will leave Detroit. 11,80 pa. for Tovento arviving 0.48 nami dally, EQUIPMENTs="Tvalns 408 and 084==Cosches and Cafe Parlor nr, Tealn 0B0==Niandard Sloopers, Vor Information vegarding changes in other train schedules consult nearest. Canadian Pacitie ticket agent, CANADIAN PACIFIC of chocols Shela in above=Iull 1 Ib, CNET), in every bow. Eighty Dainty Megas for $1.00. AGAIN LOWNEY anticipates the public demand by supplying small chocolates for dainty women, They are exquisitely packaged and sold at @ price that is acceptable to all... $1.00 for a full pound of over eighty pieces. Eighty Dainty Chocolates are small enough to be handled by dainty women at bridge or tea tables without soiling party dresses and hands. iz there's Just a bite In each piece. ..they end the dongerof melting chocolate and dripping fruit lulce on clothing, cards and table covers. A genuine Lowney Chocolate, too, with all the wonderful favour and richness that hes mede Lowney's Chocolates the favoyrite in better Canadien Hones. JOWNE "ORIGINATORS OF PACKAGE CHOCOLATES" Savey Confectioners 26 Simcoe St. South

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