THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 FA TENE IW C08 CRATER Rb EERE I 8k Ny "evening. aE TEE a Ce] : 2 10 ET FE - S55 3% GR WE IW 3 A - CELI I) u d the Community i Women's Interests in the Home --- an 'Social and Personal A-------- Notes for the Social Column and other items of sews for the omens kage should bear the name and address of the sender, addressed wi and should 85, to the Social Kditor, or phoned to No, Kindly avold writing on both sides of the paper, Mrs, R. 8, MoLaughlin was elect- ed as one of the Vico-Presidents of the Ontario Home and School Pedoration at the annual conven. tion held in Toronto Tuesday end Wednesday of this week, Mr, and Mrs, W, A, Tait, Aber deen street, were guests at the To- ronto Flying Club = ball at the Royal Yor! Hotel, Toronto, last Mr, and Mrs, V, Brock, Port Perry, and Mr, Arthur Broek, Dr, John Broek, of Oshawa, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R, A. Holden, King street west, last evening, Rev. and Mrs. Belfry of Button West and Mrs, Harker of Hamilton spent yesterday in town visiting the former's son, Mr, A, R, Belfry, King 8t. W, Miss Nellle Gilliyn and Mrs, J, Hefterman, of Oshawa, were NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Many styles to Choose from, Our prices are right, THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St, §. Sheer Chiffon Vull Fashioned HOSIERY Av ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Himeos st, IY PRODUCT , PACKID among the guests at the luncheon iven in the Prince George Hotel, oronto, by the Ontario Women's Liberal Association on Tuesday, Mr, W. E, N, Sinclair and Mr, Ross Gray were speakers at the lun. cheon, Miss Xthyl Jones, Reg. N,, of Toronto, formerly of Cobalt, is sponding a few days in the city, the guest of Miss Freda Spencer, Bruce street, Miss Harriet Swall, Masosn Street, Is leaving today for Owen Sound, the guest of Miss Isabel Bearrow, Mr, and Mrs, Ernle Marks and family, Simcoe Street North, have been spending the Easter vacation nt thelr summer cottage, at Chris. tle Lake, Ontario, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Irwin, Kingston Road, attended the dine ner and dance of the Toronto Fly- Ing Club, at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last evening, Mrs, C, B, McTavish 1s remain. ing at Tampa, Florida, for a short time to grecuperate from Injuries rocelved In an automobile accldent, Mr, McTavish has returned home from Florida, where he and Mrs, McTavish. were holidaying when the mecident occurred, Mr, George ¥orrest of Warren, Ohio, has been visiting his nephew Mr, V. Hi Corbett at 389 Lousia Street, Mr. Clarence Corbett, of Ren. frew, Ontario, has been visiting his parents Mr, and Mes, V, H, Corbett, during the Easter vaca- tion, - INA MODERN SUNLITY PLANT SAFE, STERILIZED TISSUES "COTTAGE" Sterilized, wrapped rolls (fl dition the actual practice {structive talks should be given to CHILDREN GIVE | WOMEN'S CORNER CHURCH CONCERT Beginners and Primary De partment Present Annual Programme The programme given by the Begiuners and Primary Depart ments of Centre Htreet United Church, Tuesday evening, provided Wn Jraasant evening for parents and friends of the children, as they had the opportunity of ree- ing some of the things that are being done for and by their child. ren in the Sunday School, Much oredit is due the acting superin- tendent, Mrs, R, Bennett, and her eMolent staff of teachers in. cluding, Mrs, George Webster, Mra, Earl James, Miss Vern Watson, Miss Mona Hogarth, Miss Hazel DeoCiuerre, and Miss Nellle Watson and the pianist Miss Ruth Hodgkin won, Yollowing is the programme very important for growth and the DEVORTMENT fhe can laugh And she can whistle Though Ler hours Prick lke thistle, Wise, she keobs Her hands behind her Lest love come again To find her, A soall eap with A perky feather Her heart puts on Vor any weather, And vo man knows What lies behind The jaunty ramparts Of her mind, ~=Frances M, Frost, In the New Yorker, GREEN VEGETABLES Vitamin A, thet substance ro at it was rendered: Song "Listen to our Easter Song, Beginners and Primary; Prayer; Welcome-~Jassle Camer- n; Remarks by the Primary upt,; Exerclse--'"This Way," by girls of Miss Watson's Class; Re eitation--=Joan Sheppard; WReclta- tion-=Marguérite Hawkins; Violin Solo~=Arthur Hawking, plano ae- companiment played by Kelvin James; Exercise--"Easter' Billy Harris, Jackie James. and Blily Bone; Recitation--""Two and One" by Doris Billot; Chorus--'""Praise Him" =~Beginners; KExercise--Misy Hogarth's Class; Hymn---'""Tell me the Stories of Jesus" Btory-- Miss Hazel DeGuerre; Recitation w= 'Forget-me-not' -- Margaret Pargent; Vooal Bolo--Gladys Wat. son; Reeltation--Doris Fox; Chor. us-"Kaster Polls are ringing'; Recitation ~~ "Prayer" «-- Bruce Sharrard; Recitation = Robert Sheppard; Chorus == "Nature's Message' '==Primary Children; Re- oitation--""8pring"==Doreen Glov~ er: Violin Bolo-----Arthur Hawkins; Chorus--"Friends"" ~~ Beginners and Primary; Presentation of At. tendance Cards: Pantomine--'"The Light of Haster Day'y; Hymne "For the Beauty of the Earth", During tha evening the parents and friends showed their apprecia- tion by responding with a liberal offering which will be used for equipment for the Beginners and Primary Room, The Ladies' Bible room, The Sons of Scotland held a dance in Rotary Hall on Tuesday ovening April 822, There were about .one hundred guetss present, Miss Morrison of Toronto rendered a beautiful solo during the even- ing, A dainty lunch was served about eleven o'clock, EE ---------------------- JUNIOR B.Y.P.U. T0 BE STARTED First Baptist Church Makes Plans for Junior Branch of B.Y.P.U. It {a 'proposed to start a Junior branch of the B. Y., P, U, in the First Baptist Church of this eity, { organizing, |at 7 o'clock, {| Who made it, To do this p rl! (healt that it must be incor porated | The study of musio can for your 10c t gives you more Dytint at 10e, re a ves a ty rics Nady oer int You finer, th 1 tion, music might as well shut up shop, y i 4 a $ 13s On. Monday evening a number of those interested in getting the movement into motion and about enty young people met at the aptist church for the purpose of Miss Pexey Rice was appointed as leader, It was de~ #ded to meet every Monday evening and a nominating committee was appointed to draw "pa list of names tn he voted on tor officers, A special Easter pro. 'ramme had heen arranged and sonaisted of a soripture lesson read hy two hoys Victor Keenan and wen Hales. Ruth Morison read the Easter Story, and Annie Ander. son read a fitting selection entitled "The Lillies' Message." MUSICAL FUTURE "In ohildren lies the only hope for the musical future of this Dominion" sald Douglas Clarke, director of the MeGill University unsweetened milk twice 8s rich as the ordin- arykind. it improves I would like S¢ Recipe Book , free, 13 I A ------------ ] COME TO THE OLD TIME REVIVAL First Pentecostal Holiness Church 811 CELINA ST, Commencing Sun, April 87 REV. LEWIS SAWGALSKY Noted Hebrew Kvangellst WILL SPEAR Services Every Evening at 8 o'clock (except Saturdays) Sunday 11 am, and 7 pm, Don't miss the opportun: ity of hearing this great man, ven in musie, and not n in playing an instrument or sing ing, They must be told about muaio, how to laten to it and Faculty of Music, "Educate child. ily 'regular school currieulum, much to train the mind as Latin, Euclid and Algebra, and, in addi tion, it leaves something of real preetioal value with the student | n after life," Mr, Clarke went on to say that children should have their musle lessons in sohool time, In ads ooh. the whole school on music apprects ation, Here he thOURhL the gramaphone oud prove invalus ble as the ¢hild could follow the volution of music through a seris in addition to ne ize the sounds of in schools Ee 0 WN ng. But, I would say, Tot inging A lot "even instrumental playl on, Give the children a go nee them know r on, - Tuenn's a reci on every of Rice Krispies t makes the best maca: roons you ever t a Rice Krispies are toas rice bubbles, So erisp they actually crackle in milk or gream, them for break. fast--for lunch or the chil. gy Ry ro. log in London, Ontario. muintenance of health, is found in many foods, Milk is one of the richest sources and next come the greet vegetables, The greener the vegetable, the greater its value as a source of vitamin A and mineral content, The child who eats plenty of green vegetables seldom forms the bad habit of "eating between meals." Hunger often is due to the absence of vegetables in the previous meal, particularly in the case of children, Children who fail to drink thelr ullotted quart of milk a day must be given green vegetables regular. ly, Altho carrots and tomatoes are not green in color, they have the yame vitamin A content that is found in the actually green ones, fiweel, potatoes are a good source of vitamin A,, too, When a vegetable Is chosen for color of vitamin content alone, the type Is of small consequence, Vor instance, sweet greem peppers are #8 valuable on thelr green color count ks beet greens or pens, but they are' diMeult for many persons to digest and are of low fuel value, There are a host of other veges tables Just ne green that are easy to digest and are rich in . other nutrients us well, Where Vitamins Lurk Leaf lettuce dnd the loose vari. otlen of head lettuce that are green clear to the heart are better soure- os of vitamin than the tight, bleached heads most of us demand for our salads, Romaine and oress and the green curly endive should not be overlooked ams salad plants, They are available on two counts for they are a good green color ang may be eaten raw, GOOD WORK ny WOMEN POLICE The subject of women Police 1s referred to in the current issue of the "Manchester and Haltord Wo- man Citizen," the organ of the Manchester and Salford Women's Citigen's' Association, which refers to the Home Recrotary's '"weloome stateiont' that there was in ime meoidate contemplation an ine crease in the number of women police in the Metropolitan police aren from 060 to 100, follow. ed by the announcement of the ap- polutment of a woman adviser on | __ the organisation of Metropolitan policewomen, "These (wo announcements," says the journal, "show a definite stop forward after what has seem- od to be a period of marking time, In spite of the evidence of # growing demand for greator em- ployment of women police, ,..In spite of the testimony of Inspectors of constabulary 'as to the good work being done hy women police | = wherever they are employed, the number of policewomen in the country has been very slow to in- orease, HOLY TRINITY HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Second Birthday Celebration of Holy Trinity Church EA, The second birthday of Holy Trinity Church was celebrated last evening when the ladies of the Women's Auxiliary entertained at a most enjoyable birthday party, in the parish hall, Small tea tables wore set around the room and at one corner a large table held the ten service and in the centre was a three tiered birthday cake, and a bouquet of pink carnations, For the first part of the entertainment of the evening the many guests arranged themselves comfortably to lsten to a splendid programme that had been planned, The first number was an orchestral selec. tion by Mra, Carnell, pianist, Mra, Kinder, violinist, and Mr, Humphe roy Carnell, trumpet player, n Norman Ibbotson sang 'The Dear Little Girl" and responded with an encore, The third number on the rogramme was a reading by Miss ola J, Mundy, This was followed by Mrs, A. CO, Cameron who sang in beautitul contralto volce, 'To My Love" by Edwin Greene, and for an encore "When Song Is Sweet", Misses Detty and Peggy McNabb rendered a charming voeal duet, and were enthualastioally ap. plauded, Miss Mundy appeared a secoud time on the programme, Mr, Humphrey Carnell played a trume pot solo and was accompanied at tho plano by Mra, Carnell, Miss Poggy MoNab's solo "Sweet As Any White Child" displayed her talent of volee and dramatio inter pretation, The concluding number on the programme was a skit by nine members of the WA, ens titled "Sewing for the Heathen' Ita almple plot contained many amusing and comic incidences. Those who took part were Mra, Plohes, Mra, Turner, Mra. Jones, Mra. Westlake, Mrs, Crow. ell, Miss Phillips, Mra. Pennington, Mra, Kilburn and Mra, Atkinson, The playlet had been directed by Mrs, Jarrett and Mrs, Sidney Rouse oN Shptetiation of thelr e AN apen prepara- tion of the skit, Mpe, Jarrett and Mra. Rouse were presented with Bouquets by the members of the A most delightful birthday sup por waa served after the programe mo and everyone was given a gens erous helplog of the birthday cake. Mra, Bellingham was in cbarge of the serving of velreahments, Babyhood Is Time To Begin Training ty Olive lobert Varton) Habit is the foundation of chars acter, Trite ds they are, the old adagos about the twig and the tree, aud sowing an sct---and reuping destiny, they are as true today as they ever were, Indeed, many of us are just beginning to realize the enormous influence of habit train. ing In the successful development of race, Babybood is the time to begin, As usual it starts with the physical events of bis small day, To digress a bit by the way, we buve to start every sort of trains ing in young children first through the medium of the homely little physical occurances that punctuate thelr lives, Do not despise advant~ age gained by this, for without question these lessons graduate to the mental and moral as children grow older, egulariy Is Important Virst on the habit lst 1 would put regularity, Regularity of feed. ing time, absolutely, without des visting in the least from schedule, Regularity of sleeping hours, dit- to, although this changes Iiself more or less automatically with growth, as, of course, feeling hours do, too, Bul necessity never interferes with schedules to such a degree that habit is weakened, or It shouldn't, Becond comes the habit of cons trol==gontrol of temper, particule arly, Don't test a baby out, or tease him, or make him wait for things. You cannot teach him cone trol of temper that way, No, the thing to watch here is not to "bulld In' or establigh selfishness by ploking him up, rocking him, tossing him, walking him, or doing anything that delight this babyness exceedingly at the time but which means disaster the first time he doesn't get his own way, If an mother has "bull in" a desire for entertainment in her baby, and has humored him and petted him until he has a right to expect it, I'm afraid she has only herself to thank If rage develops when he doesn't have his own way and she has to tear down what she herself has bullt up, , Value of Indifference Of course the rage fustinet de KARN THE DRUGOGIST FOR SERVICE _ BHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFF IY velops to some extent through other agencies than "spoiling, us we call it, or from teasing or ne- gloct, Who can sey what sll the indetinable' things are that influ. once character oven in Young babyhood? But a litle cold-bloods od indifference, unless a mother is sure & child is 111, or bungry, will early ostablish rage control, Ine oldentally, I speak of rage because it is one of the earliest emotions. to develop, Aw @ baby gets older and begins to think and sect for himself there are a hundred little dally habit lessons to teach him; cleanliness, order, promptness, little services for her, Now we are getting into character formation fu real earn~ ont, for next come the lessons in thoughtfulness, kindness, patience, truth, sympathy, all of which must be taught early if they are to be« come incorporated In the very foundation of his being, But the thing to bear in mind always is that habit begins with the cradle, I haven't touched on keeping out bad habits, but like weeds in the garden, they must be rooted out, If possible, the minute they show above ground, Young People's Meetings | FIRST BAPTIST ¥Y, W. C, The Young Women's Mission Cirele of the First Baptist Church held their regular meeting on Tue fay evening at 8 o'clock In the B.N, room, The members of the Women's Circle were the guests of the evening and they also provided the program, Miss Peggy Rios, president of the Y, W, Cir¢lo opened the meeting, after whien Mrs, Bmall presided, The scripture Van read by Mrs, Cook, It was followed hy prayer Ly Mrs, Galt, An extract from a letter written by Miss Hennan, a missionary in India, was read by Miss Rice, Mrs, Ira Bmith read a letter from Miss Janet Holmes, a missionary In Bo- via, At this point Mrs, Rosser favored the gathering with a #olo, Mrs, Anderson told a beau titul Easter story, with a mission- ary setting, and in connection with which Mrs, Warram and Mrs, Small sang a duet, The meeting was closed. by prayer led by Mrs, Small, and refreshments were perved by Young Women's Cirele, the TEACHERS T0 COOPERATE WITH W. I. Toronto, Ont,, April 24,~=The federation of women teachers' ans nual meeting decided yesterday that the federation co-operate more closely with Women's Ine stitutes to bring about a happier plan of education In rural On. tario, to unite the bulletin pubs Don't Envy Beauty wear LOVERS - FORM The Famous Boneless CORSET Takes years off yous figure by giving pleasing, roportionate lines to ust, waist and hips, LOVERS.FORM is the Corset of Youth and Youth Is Style Priced according to quality a size $196 $6.95 $8.50 $1000 Regular Stock Sizes 30" to 30° Bum Ward's Sminiemsic wn-- lished by the Women's Federation with that published by the Men's Federation with Miss J, J, Carr, Toronto, as editor<in-chief, and recommended that a field secretary be engaged for full time organiga= tion work, providing the various distriets donated mutficlent money to pay the expenses of such W post, BALIEING Se hoe 3 lad roan cansaun REE gfodo ari Ak NL ad 8 Sop - pa A TC {A [ES "BOMINION STORER ==0] RSS, ee A -- "Keep Canada Busy," nvite all C \ Join Ith ue in Ink BTS HA PTOI Company, MoLaren's Assorted Favors Jelly Powders. 4 ™™ 25¢ Ketchup ha: i na rea io banner Heinz Tomato Nags a8e EEE EEE EEE Victory Sweet Mined Wr" 4Se Plokles Marmalade 'ii 35 Shirritf's Pure Orange » Pure Raspberry 48 39e § Lemon Off vor aie Macaroni 2ro. 2% . Perfection , Floor Wax ii 280 Chateau Cheese We Good for Baby Good for You SOAP 4 «21 Try 1b and you wil be convinced, » Ed ® 9 2 8 8 3 pr hed TEX Zosttul wa Spring 19e FRUIT LOAF ur Qe With just the right amount of aploes, clean, new fruit, Deliclous toasted, Try 1b this week, Richmello Coffee w G9. wo 27 Peas Fancy Quality Domine i 2le We Recommend D.S.L. TEA Red Pack A Tvuly Delicious