Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Apr 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES; 'THURSDAY, APRIL 24; 1930 PACE THREE Counse! for Toronto City Moves for Non-Suit in Big ~ Damage Action at Cobourg Qs] | The Case for Three Plaintiffs Was Brought to a Close Yesterday--A Dozen Wit. nesses Examined Yester. day | JUDGE TO CONSIDER COUNSEL'S APPEAL If Justice McEvoy Agrees One Case Will Be Dispos- od of~--Actions Are Result of Motor Tragedy Near Bowmanville | (Special to The Times by Stat Reporter) Cobourg, April Sd==After six fours hearing of the damage Rox , tions arising from the Abate ae- gident near Bowmanville last Sep~ mber in the spring non-jury sit- ngs of the Bupreme Court of On- tario now sitting at Cobourg the ease for the three plaintiffs was brought to a close yesterday after moon 'about five thirty, All day from halt past nine ia the morning the case had proceeded with the éx- smination of nearly a dozen wits | Besson, | , The first ealled to the stand yes: | ferday morning was Ohlef of Police | Sydney Venton of Bowmanville | who reconstructed the nccident, He | Bad, he said, been present when Abate had stated that he was the driver of the Durant car that fig ured in the grash and was also pre. sont when Abate had signed a state | ment to the same effect, Other witnesses were called and each were subjected to oross exans ation by Col, G, ¥, Geary, K.C., P., who is representing the City of Toronto who are co-defendants ith Abate in three actions for amages, which fer the convenience of the court, are being heard all | &b ones, Mr, Wren, a passenger in the American oar which also figur ed In the smasli gaged the speed 'of the Abate oar at thirty to thirty. | five miles an hour but added that | it was really not possible to state the exact speed when he Was ap. proaching that car. He had, he | admitted, gaged this speed without any know oe to At hy vinden } on Vag | THE est THE WN | ETTHER Mrs, Ohatterton==l0ove me still? Her Husband=-Certainly!l In fact, I prefer you that way, gH A ---- John Meagher RADIO SALES Local dealer for Victor Radios ang Electrola, Will take your plano in exchange on New Victor instruments, also fair llowance made on your present radio; 92 SIMCOE ST. N, PHONE 871W ahead of Walter UNAVOIDABLE DELAY WITH INDEALI ATH OF BERIAL STORY Owing to the sop for the closing instalments of the ser~ inl sore "Cinderella of the Rkios" ing mone astray, it has, Antortanately, been found necessary to postpones publienr tion of these for a day or two, It is expected, however, that the missing instalments will bo here in time to have the story re- sumed In tomorrow's issue of The Times, : TIVES' CARRIER BOYS CONTEST NEARING CLOSE Young Newspaper Salesmen Are Staging Great Race For Big Prize With slx days to go In the big carrier boys' subscription contest, sponsored by Mr, H, Boyee, clreular tion manager, the young city news paper salesmen of The Times are racing down to the home stretch, A wonderful prize in the form of a fine new bleyele, a shiny, graceful thing which promises miles and miles © happy riding, is twaiting the boy whe comes out "on top of the heap," And it Is a heap at that, Prag tically every member of the Lig car- rler wr staff has been right on his toes throughout the whole campaign and it is still anybody's race, Somer ong 'v poing to win that bleycle but whoever that someone may be he will have a hard rate on his hands right to the last day, Not everys one can come first but'prizes will be awarded to avery contestant ac cording to the number of subserip tions which he obtains, The campalgn has aroused a great deal of Interest and the relatives, friends and customers of the various carrier boys are urging their savor ites on to victory, Billle Clark is at present in the lead on the home stretch with a total of pointa according to a states ment made by Mr, Boyce today, Last week Billie was only in fourth place but he put on a Splint and crept lexander, then Willie Hall, and tinally Ceell Sproule, who was at last week leading with 300 points, Ceell has' now 320 points and is holding his own at second place, Willie Hall and Walter Alex- ander rank third and fourth, with 280 points and 270 points respectives ly, their positions having been une changed wince last week, But watch out for Voitte Lehtl for he Is forge ing his way ahead and now har 2 te nts, thus cutting down the lead of Valter and Willle, Following Veitto there Is a host of other bore and some of them are now making a determined effort to pull up to the front rank like race horses which are urged to do thelr best on the las lap, thus upsetting the caleulations ol the spectators, By next Thursday there will be nothing left but thy shouting and the distribution of handsome prizes. In the meantime held your breath and watch results, 354 LADIES' BOWLING TEAMS Louisville, Ky, April 24,«=Feminine bowling teams from every section of the country will begin competition today in the thirteenth annual woms a's interbowling congress tourna ment, Trae The King's Highway Change of Time Tables Effective Sunday, April 27th, Commencing Sunday, April 27th, new will be in effect on all Gray Coach 3 | Copis of than avilable atall after Friday, April 25th, I -------------- 1] GRAY COACH ~ Cioposha Hotel OSHAWA thne-tables wil be and agencies on and LINES MET AT BIRCHCLIFF 10 DISCUSS NEW LAKESHORE ROUTE Oshawa, Whitby and Whit by Township Rep- resented Bearboro', April 20--Tepresen~ tatives from the municipalities im. mediately east of Toronto met in conference today at the Municipal Chambers at Birch CIN, and took first step in a combined move to arrive at some solution for the problem of congestion on the King: ston Road, Mayor KH, Bowman of Whithy, who was in the chalr, outlined briefly the events leading up to to- day's meeting and invited those at tending to give some indleation of the attitude of the various muniel palitien, ¥, H, Annis of Whitby advocated a new lakeshore boulevard between Toronto and Oshawg which would serve as the first link of what would some day be extended eastward, connecting Toronto and Montrea) along a scenie route, and serve as 6 major attraction for United Star tes tourists, Menace to Safety Present conditions on the King. ston Road, Ne declared, were fast becoming a menace to safety, and it was becoming known to motorists as "Suloide Alley," with its 20-font pavement, The construction of such & highway would be, he de- clared, the best method of combats ting the shore erosion east of Tor onto, Mayor Mitohell of Oshawa stated that his municipelity had given the matter consideration some time ago, hut expressed grave doubt as to whether a lakeshore highway would be the best solution of the present difficulties, and sald that for that reason Oshawa wonld take & somewhat reserved attitude, Commissioner R, C, Harris of Toronto, who explained that he was present without intructions, points ed out the economic difjoulties which confronted such a scheme, The danger to such a highway from exposure fram the lake would he even greater than that encountered west of Toronto, and the diffigul- ties from an economic standpoint appeared almost unsurmountable, in his opinion, Hpeaking unofiglal ly, he thought Toronto would not be favorable to the undertaking, "1 have no sympathy with the idea of speed highways," declared Mr, Harris, who advised caution in the matter, Development Foreseen Deputy Reeve John Linden of Soarboro' was wholeheartedly for the proposition, which, ha claimed, would open up tremendous activity and development In the eastern suburbs, Deputy Reeve Frank L., Barchard suggested the widening of Kingston Road with a diversion southward near Rouge Hills, "The Provincial Department of Highways should take the Initlas tive,' sald Alderman Geoge Hart, of Oshawa, "In fact," he added, "they may already have some plans under consideration, that we are unaware of" His remarks found considerable support, and eventual ly he moved that the whole matter be taken up by the affected muni« olpalities and that a conference with Hon, George RB, Henry, Minis ter of Highways be sought, at whieh the Minister would be invited te state the Department's plans for meeting the problem of congestion on Highway No, 8, The motion wan carried unanimously, Among those present were re. resentatives from Oshawa, Whit , Hoarbore', Kast Whitby, West Whitby, and Toronto, Plekering Township will be Invited to particls pate in the conference to be arrang- od with the Minister, 10 DISCUSS PLANS FOR LEGION HALL oJ Hall in Oshawa, Methods of Financing Pro. vosed-~New Building Will Ye Considered by Veterans Ponight's meeting of the Oshawa meh of the Canadian Legion, to held in the council chamber, will + featured by &ilacusaion of the pling for the b of a Legion In the absence of the chalrinan of the executive, who is to be speaking at a banquet in Part Oph the report of that coms mittee will be presented by others of the senior officers of the branch, and the pla \ na h t b , i re ahd WH support and fa.aperation of all war veterans in the eity will be sought Tomotraw nifty Jy ted or ala Wa . fonaaes will 40.10 Sige wi ER RR LA 1 os the bers to Port Joo Card of Thanks ' -------- Mp, Geo, Perkin, 102 Division fit, and tamily wish to thank thelr many and velghbora tor expressions of sympathy during thelr recent sloks ness and sad bereavement, Site dor floral tributes, LL ------------------ CERN "1 should be here all Sat, The guoation ise=yhere Ad bi Crd SS SANG DEVORE The photographs here show Ale loon Wright, of Providence, and Trewin Neott of Orono, who are members of the Clark township CONVENTION schools choly, which sang at Cons vocation Hall, yesterday, bofore the delegates attending the OKA, cone vention, However strongly some people may oppose the enforced discontinuance or prohibition of tI use of Jeoholl liquors, they will admire he men and women who for the sake of thelr families, thelr friends, thelr communis ty and country will abstain utterly from all kinds of intoxicants, This thought was uppermost in the minds of a group of eltigens who assembled In the Y.M.C.A, on Tuesday evening The nobility of sell denial for the good of others has naver been su consfully assailed, Against such there Is no law und no argument Helleving that the use of wleoholic drinks is needless, wasteful and dan gerous, and that the habit, If aequir ed, has a tendency to enslave, u very special effort Is proposed to encour age total abstinence among the young people of Ontarla Count; ; South To stimulate study and discussion In young people's organizations of PARTIAL, ECLIPSE OF SUN MAY BE VISIBLE HERE Two-Thirds of Surface Will Be Darkened on April 28 A total eclipse of the sun, visible at Oshawa as & partial eclipse, on Monday, April 98, will' strike a path of shadows for about 1,uuvu miles across Northern' California, Northwest Nevada andy Central Idaho, The duration of totality will last for Mttle more than a seu ond at maximum, At Oshawa, which is fur outside the narrow path of the eolipse pro per, nearly two-thirds of the wun will be covered by the moon at the maximum, Commencing at 3 o'elock fn the afternoon, daylight paving time, the moon will stam to move across the sun until 20 minutes past 4, when the eclipse will commence to decline, The moon will continue along its orbit and the sun will gradually appear until at 5,80 the entire surface will again be visible, "An eclipse of the sun can only coeur at the time of the new moon, and only when the earth, moon and sun are In a straight line," said Fred Troyer, member of the Royal Astronomical Soelety of Canada yesterday . "Even then the moon must be near enough to tha earth wo that the tip of its conleal shadow will touch the earth, At the time of this eolipse," sald Mr, Troyer, "the moon fa just within the oritioal diss tanee, #0 that the tip of the shadow will barely toueh the earth," The width of the path of totality would be less than one mile, he sald, Lindbergh fs supevintending alm plane operations to photograph the eclipse," sald Mr, Troyer, "Me will be confronted with the difficult task of taking several photos a sec: ond," he sald, (CITY NEWS| ADDRESSING MEETINGS M, Melntyre Hood, chairman of the executive of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion, was in Pes terboro last night addressing a meets ing of the citlaens of Peterboro, held under the auspices of 'the Peterboro ranch of the Legion, Lt.-Col G. R, earkes, V.C, DSO, MC, former time commander of the 116th Date talion, also spoke at the meeting Tonight Mr, Hood speaks at a bans quet of former officers at t Hope, and tomorrow evening he goes to Port Jory to address a Legion function there, FOURTH OFFENSE John Hartwell, who appeared a wi ffonse the court YH : if he "away from li he week on a charge af being ins tomone)" the ig Han give him term His Wory w would have to keep him Jail : Ll Baws defendant was given camp up for sentence, As it was his fourth Ip stated that Soni not temptation. To three monthy in jail -- i Cup To Be Presented to Young People's Group Making Best Case Against Use of Liquor a -------- every kind, It was decided to provide a handsome silver cup to be awards wd to the class or group presenting the best case ugalast the use of als cohol as a beverage, or the stronge est plea for voluntarily abstaining fram It In this competition the eity of Oshe awa will eompite with the other sees tions of South Onturlo, By a serios nf debates or competifive orations the best representative or representatives of Clty and County will be nscertalns ed, and these champions. will meet in Oshawa to determine which Is super for, The cup will: be awarded to the winning group, Complete detail 1] be arranged and announced in due time by the committee In charge Meantime young orators or groups of speakers are tnvited to begin pre paration | Too Late To Classify lnvgain, Apply 640 Oxford street, (600) HRIGHT DOWNTOWN APART: ment, four rooms, hardwood loos, aleeriio. refrigertor, ntove, stean [ heat, Wot walter, janitor, reasonable | xe nt, Phone 1400, (he) | WANTED TO REPRESENT THE {largont coneern of Its kind in the | British Bmplve, Qualified men will he offered very good oppor tunition for advancement, Draws Ing "anocount and commission, Am ply 79 Rimeoe north up to § pom Thursday and Friday, Ask for Mp MoGowen, (hab) COMPETENT JOlU==AD COM» ponitor appeals for work fmmedis ately, household supporter, Over one year at MundyGoodfellow shop, Drury, Y. M, C, As Te WT REAREY NEW, CONSERVATIVES OF RIDING TO MEET IN WHITBY, MAY 2 Will Probably Choose Dr. Kaiser as Standerd-Bearer for Dominion Election -- On Friday evening, May 2, Cons servatives of South Ontario will aes semble in the town hall of Whithy, scene of many histerle political cons ventions, to select, In convention, the candidate whe will be thelr standards bearer In the coming fedennl election, In commen with thelr colleagues in many other ridings, the South One tarle Conservatives are leaving no stone unturned to be ready for the election when It comes, und It Is ex pected that the hall will be filled to capneity with delegates, The eon vention Is to start at 7.90 p.m, stuns dard time, which will be B30 pm, daylight saving time, The chief business of the convens tion, of course, will be the selection of the candidate to represent the party In the election, Wille it assumed that Dr, T XK, Kaiser of Oshawn, the present member, will again be the standard bearer, there isu possibility that the names of other prominent Conservatives In the viding will be placed In nomination, which would add to the Interest of the proceedings The principal speaker for the ocs of Hamilton, while some of Dr Kalser's Immediate friends In. the House of Commons, have signified thelr intention of being present These will MP, of Brampton; A, W, Edwards MP, of Galt; David Spence, MP, Parkdale; Frank Smoke, M, 1, Pars) and Robert Ryerson, M.D; of Brants ford Dr, James Meaore of Brooklin, president of the LiberalsConservative Amsoclation of South Ontario, will preside over the convention, OSHAWA TEACHERS GIVEN OFFICES BY EDUCATIONISTS Gi. M. Henry Heads Com: mercial Section of O.E.A,, L. Richer, Secretary Music Sestion N------ : The Ontario Educational 'Associa tion which is holding its annual cons vention, «this week In Convocation Hall, University of Terento, Is deals ing with many mementom and cons tentious questions, The object of the convention, now being held is to des vise ways and means of extending education to a greater number of people, A course of leptures is bes ing given by eminent educationalists with a view to perfecting the methods of 'teaching employed fn the schools of the provines, One of the biggest problems dealt with, was that " the question of the teaching of conversational French to English-speaking pupils in communis ties where such Is the desire of the School Beard, The opinion of those present was that the French language should be taught at the same tie as the rudiments of our own lan guage are picked up, rralgne Elementary Schools Addressing the Commercial Section of the OKA: Tuesday, George. H, Henry of Oshawa Collegiate and Vos cational Schools quoted figures shows ing the large percentage of pupils in public, high and technical schools who failed to complete their courses, Qut of the 100 pupils in the third grade of elementary schools, #4 do not enter secondary schools, and out of 100 students in secondary schools not more than 28 really matriculate, he said, RE | These figures, he thought, constitus ted "a terrible arraignment of our olomentary school courses" His solution for the situation was the extension of vocational werk into the elementary schools, a composite course in the high schools pv up of 25 per cent, business studies, 2% per cont, industelal studies and $0 per cont, academic studies, and apes clal course for duller students, Ll on ture In the opinion 'of several delegates at the Rural Trustees' Section Tues day, agricultural schools, sotrepond, ig to city technical schools, should be established in farming diateicts "to teach children agriculture inatead of Latin" A resolution was passed designed to prevent rural depopulas tion by providing that children after passing thelr entrance be allowed to continue their education of an upstos ate farm With a few, compulsory short courses, Supplementing his suggestion of Tuesday that a university, with spes clal classes in Mining and Metals lurgy, be established at North Bay or rt William, Samuel Farmer, Port Perry, Wednesday recommends ed that special ghaira in Mining and etallurgy be thern sections of Ontari Among those who were h hy being elected to reasonable posis tions on the various committees of the association are, G, M, Henry of Oshawa, who was elected President of the Comercial Section; and Mw kL. Richer, direstot of musical edus cation fn the Public Schools of the oity, who was elected secretary of the Music Section, ita ---------- Hoateas--"Won't' you get J wite to slog for us, Mun Wiker more? Wisemore=="1"ll try toi 1 Nr, think she'll do it" ly TAL ANE her da thon caslon will be Charles 1T, Bell, MP, include Sam, Charters, the ors Railway Board's Judgment in Subway Matter Satisfacto Oshawa Has Received No = More Than it Had a Right To Expect, Mayor Considers Closing of Albert Street by the City Is Important Cone cession, Mayor Mitchell Cleims -- Urges That Work Be Started This Year a PRESIDENT OF C, OF C. PRAISES COUNCIL G. D. Conant Thinks City * Has Got Best Possible De: cision--Ald, George Hart and J. C, Anderson Ex- press Satisfaction er The final Judgment of the Domine lon Board of Railway Commissioners, with regard to the Simcoe street south subway, as made public yesters day, has been received here with sats Isfaction, and it Is thought that the matter has heen fairly dealt with Mayor Mitchell expressed the oplus fon this morning that the city has regelved no more than what 18 due 10 It and has Issued the following statement In connection with the us ward, "I think the award of the Demin lon Rallway Board on the Slmeoe street crossing of the Canadian Nas tional Rallway, should In the end, torn out' satisfactory to the Clty of Oshawa: 1 do not, Irowever, think the award glves the City any mere than we might expect, as the City has conceded certain rights to the Canadian National Rallway, the value of whieh cannot be estimated In dol lars and cents, for Instance, the elos« ing of Albert street, ong of the busy through streets the Clty possesses. is i Very great concession om our part, "While we ate able to met cons siderably better terms on the paviig of the subway through the Oslinwa Rullway Co, paving thelr shave, (his 8% only In line with similar terms we have made with the Oshawa Rallway Go. an all pavements lald in Oshawa "We lave every respect for the Dominion Rallway Board, We believe itedn thelr earnest desire to get to the bettbm of every question and we appreciate the courtesy shown to the sliawa delegation, he Counell no doubt, will accept the award of the Railway Board, and 4t will be an incentive to go a head with the work as soon as pos sible, and especially at this time when unemployment is puch an urs gent question," Mr. Conant's Comments "The revised judgment. delivered by the vallway board undoubtedly of fors the city of Oshawa as favorable a basin for construction of the sub. Way 4% we ean ever hope to obtain" sald Gy D. Comant, president of the Chamber of Commerce, "in discussing the judgment with The Himes tam morning, "These revisions conceded 10 the ity of Oshawa practically all points contended for, and brings the cost ta the city well within the figs ure. contemplated by the eouncil of 1928 when the application betore the board was originally launched, "Faw, if any will question the desires ability, or, in fact, the necessity of the subway," sald Me Conant "Those who have been familiar with tha details and figures for the lust twa years should be entirely wailsfied that the present basis, as lald down by the board, is as reasonable and Inexpensive to the city an it ean ever hope to obtain, 'It would eertainly seem that the present {a a most eps {orinne time to undertake the work, Ville we all hope that conditions willbe better next winter than they iS ------ M were during the last, we will une doubtedly, liave some unemployment, snd the construction of this phy the all of 1930 or the Winter of 1930-1931 would help In n great mens sure toward the solution of the une employment problem. The eonstrues ton of the work, incidentally, would add greatly to the effestiveness of the efforts of the elty councll and the Chamber of Commerce In the eres tian of the fndustrial ares on which the Slanner Company Is now located, and the developinent of the harbor now wider ways "I heartily congratulate the mayor and elty council of 1930 for the very successful outcome of thelr efforts to bring this Issue to a favorable cone clusion," enld Mr, Conant, i €. Anderson J. C. Anderson, local barrister, who has been keenly Interested in the project, also expressed his satisface tion with the judgment, and sald thet In his opinion thery was no reason why the eity eounell should not go ahee 1 at once with plans to have the subway bullt this year, f Ald, George Hart : "The decision of the sellway: beard seems fale and just In every way," stated Ald, George Hart, pt Bu of the Board ef. Works, when inteys viewed by The Times this morning, Ald, Hart was wmember of the deles gation from the elty which appeared before the allway board last winter in appealing the previous judgment of the beard "I ap perfoatly satisfied," he gd ed, Asked whether the sity wand une dertake the subway this Jour, Ald, Hart replied that this was & matter concerning whieh he could make no forecast, Personally speaking he was of the opinion that the projedt should be undertaken as soon as popsible, Coming Events 8 Cont word each - | sortion. TM (atm | tor each faseruion, 0c, (3 TRAVELOGUE, A TRIP AROUND the world illustrated with move Ing piotures taken by Oshawa's well known photographer, Mr, Duncan Campbell, Knox Chureh, Thursday, April 24, § o'clock, Tiokets 80e, (Pde) CONCERT DY COMRADES CLUB for Dlind, of Toronto, nssisted by Miss G, Blay, (Mind Soprano) King Street United Chureh, Thursday, April 24th, 8.16 o'clock, 20e, (040) RUMMAGE SALE AT MARKET. (WBh) AT I'riday, § o'clock, RUMMAGE SALK MARKET I'viday, 8 o'clock, Xing Street Ladies' Ald, (Bb) PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE IN Orange Mall, Friday evening, (08h) BYQHRE IN, WESTMOUNT /Hehool, I'riday, 8 o'clock, Luneh and prises, (06a) BQUARE AND ROUND DANCE, Darnhart's Pavilion, Thursday and Saturday nights, Admission Rv, (D0:08-108-104) HEAR MISS ELSIE MoLUHAN AT King Street Ohureh, Thureday, May 1st, at § o'clock, Admise sglon 280, (00-08:100-108) OBHAWA WINTER GARDENS tonight, one of the track Cannas dian orchestras returned from the States, according to new government ruling, Rem Yakes and his orchestra, + (ha) TONIGHT ORHAWA WINTER Gardens, dancing from 8,30 to 1. Sensational visit of Russ Yakes and hin orchestra, 'direct from Arcadia ballroom, Kleven vers satile artists tonight, Usual prices, (08a), 5 Ag Gates Fiat Rib, boil .........20¢ Chuck Cuts ....20¢ & 23¢ Rolled Pot Roaat ......28¢ Blade Roast .........28e Short Rib ivi B80 Rump Roast ivi @Be Fresh home-made Headcheose .......,18¢ Home Rendered Land in Bulk wets BR Beef Sausages 1... 18¢ Pork Legs, half or whole...280 Shoulders warsansusvalSe Side Pork nmndB8, Loin Pork wit dle | Shoulder Chopa vw 280 Peameal Roll wnmnnie Peamenl, Back Said Sliced or Center Cut 480 Pork Sausage wimanniiBe Some veal choive; Veal for this week-end, 0 FREE §

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