Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Apr 1930, p. 1

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| | 1 § | | Daily Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer P Ds fanua mes Ea "All the News While It Is News" VOL, 6--NO. 9 ey Encors Suadaye 'sad >, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL. 24, 1930 - 15 Cents s Week; 3 Cents « Copy SIXTEEN PAGES News in Brief (iy Canadien Prom) Rr Em Canadians Only St fons + Prieur ry council has 'issued instructions that Canadian citizous aye 'to be employed on all public works wherevere possible Considerable ¢riticism had been levelled at the council recently for employing other then Canadians on street work when unemployment is so prevalent, Orgs w LJ w nize New Club Toronto--Organization has been' praetically complete of the Toronto and York County Twentieth Ceu- tury Liberal Club, It has been an- nounced; An inaugural banquet is planned for the last week in May and invitations will be sent to Hon, Trnest Lapointe, Canadian Min- | ister of Justice, and Hon. Cairine Wilson, Ottawa, first woman to be appointed to the Canadian senate, LJ hd »* ' Legion Officers Resign Kitchener,--Vollowing the re- cent prosecution of George Toms, former secretary of Legion funds, three members of the executive of the local branch of the Canadian Yeglon have tendered thelr resz- nations, They are President C. Ab- bott, Secretary C Cralg, and Trea- surer C. Wesson. In tendering his resighation Presidént Abbott stat- od the desire of some members not to submit te rules good for the entire membership had caused trouble. * LJ v Oppose Dunning Regina.~~Hon, M, A, MacPher- son, Provincial Attorney-General, is reported in Conservative 'circles to be a definite possibility as can. didate in the next federal election to oppose Hon, Charles A. Dun. ning, finance minister for Canada. » . » Appeal Murder Conviction + Hamilton,--Appeal against the murder conviction registered against Masti Shawra', will. be made sho:tly, Harold Minden, counsel for accused, intimated ast night, RESIDENCE FIRE Boonville, N. Y., April 24--Four persons were burued to death and a fifth was missing in a fire des- troyed the home of Bert Cronk, conl dealer, here early today Mr, and Mr, Cronk and Mrs, Paul An- ni and her youg daughter were sald by firemen to have died in the flames, Anni was missing, 2 ein------ ALBERTA ELECTION SET FOR JUNE. 19; (By Canadian. Press Leased Wire) + Kdmonton, Alberta, April 24. Alberta provincial election will be held on Thursday, June 19. Offi- cial announcement of the date was made today by Hon. George Hoadley, acting premier speaking BRIT SH FACE GRAVE SI Non-Suit Motion in Abate Action Is Disallowed ABATE GIVES EVIDENCE IN TRIAL TODAY Defendant in Damage Ac- tion Maintains That Rubin- off, Killed in' Crash, Was Driving Car AUTO WAS GOING * 40 MILES PER HOUR Admits He Should Have Kept a Closer Watch to Prevent Accidents--Other Witnesses: Examined (Special To The Times) Cobourg, April 24.At the re- opening of the 'triple damage ac- tion against Robert Abate and the City of "Toronto, Mr, Justice Mg Evoy disallowed the motion of Col, G. F. Geary, X.C, MP, counsel for the City of Toronto. for non-suit, The case for the defence then proceeded and first witness called was Charles E, Chambers, Com- missioner of Parks for City of To- ronto, Mr, Chambers explained that once a playgrounds team wou the champlonship and entered the Toronto Amateur Baseball Associ ation the -gity automatically was not responsible. The city did net provide the transportation and mo official in his department had made arrangements for the trip, There is a notable gathering of veteran school trustees at the 60th annual Educatiohal Association in Toron. to, Ploture shows: Hack row, left to right---W, worth; J. B, Cole, Westboro; W. J, McFaul, Belleville; D. C. McKine DURHAM COUNTY TRUSTEE HONORED non, Atherly; George O'Connell, O'Connell, Ont.; Nelson McLaugh Mn, Oakwood; Thomas Covert, Castleton. Middle mow, left to right==Reuben Stokes, Glenn Ane nan; George A, Stevens, Bow. manville; John Wilson, Oakville; Dan Hastings, Jedboro; Joseph meeting of the Ontario H. Porter, Wark« Robinson, Billings' Bridge. Bottom row, left to right--C, M. Kady, Newcastle; Daniel Corbott, Rothe say; ¥, Baker, Waterdown; W. M. Morris, Toronto; Wm. Ormiston, Owen Sound; John J. Oldfield, Severn Bridge; A. RR, Ewing, Waterford; A, H. Goring, Wood- stock, John Wilson, noted above in middle row, of 8.85. 18 Trafalgar Township, Durham County, has been a trustee for forty consecutive years, Mr, Wilson was presented with a Webster dictionary by the b UPRI 1 | TUATION FIFTEEN STATES OPPOSE DEEPER ERIE SHIP CANAL All-American Seaway Pro. posal Would Obstruct St, Lawrence Plan ---- Washington, D.C, April 24--=Enact- ment of the approximately $110,000, 000° Omnibus a and Harbors Bill was recommended to the house yesterday in a formal report by the Rivers and Horbors Committee, while a group of middle and northwest representatives arrived to protest in- clusion in the measure of the Erie~ Oswego canal project, The committee report, a bulky document, went into detail in ex- plaining the 154 projects provided for in the bill, Opposition to taking over the Eric Canal by the federal government as provided in the measure was based on the contention that it would be an obstruction to completion of the Great Lakes-St, Lawrence River ship channel, Representatives of some twelve or fifteen miydle west and northwest states are expected to join in this opposition group, which is headed by representatives Knutson and Selvig of Minnesota, * Hudson of Michigan, McAinish Publishing Company, Leavitt of Montana, and Burtness.of North Dakota, all Republicans, Supervisor is Chaperone Mr, Justice McEvoy . repeatedly reminded 'the witness that bis lordship was the ane to decide the responsibility, Witness then added that the supervisor went with the boys ouly as a chaperon, although their antherity was actually only in. the playground to which tbe supervisor is attached,' 1 A legal battle ensued between Col, Geary und H. J. MacDonsid, counsel for Wetstien, Frequent clashes occurred between Col Geary and the judge . when the latter obje:ted to somé remarks of the judge, . Miss Pentound of Bowmanville was called ot the completion . ct an hour and a quarter's question. 'with ously huge Miss Pou: (By Conbdian Press Leswed Wire) Deal, Wet. April Tai Neh: Hobs) fhson, of "Annan, women, tanker British Grenadier, was seri colilon between the tanker and the Bremen. to Hospital, Dover, England, April 24-The Liner Bremen Hits British | Tanker in English Channel Ohio Conviets Become Unruly Two Thousand Prisoners De- Seotlund, who, two cliildren und two othor Wap a passenger on the cut and pealded today in a German transatlantic liner, She was brought ashore Toronto Bank Held Up Today -- A (By Canadian Press Lasaed, Why Torosto, April 24 Walking in- + py ot , 1d thy " stiveels bray of 'the Bank of " Some this "sftsFnoon a masked bandit flourished a shot gun, discharged it twice and her: i the staff inte ht bank vault, After scooping up the money a- vallable, approximately $3,000, the bandit ran to a motor car in which two companions were wait ing and made his escape. The po. lice have the number of the car Mussolini's Daughter and Wedded Airmen Killed Three Die in Hillside Crash Italiano unt Are Li i(By Canadian Prose Leased Wire) Rome, "April 24-=~Benito Mum solind, premier and dfétator of Italy, this morning gave hig daugh- tor Edda in marriage to Count Gal- onzio Clano, secratary of the Ital. fan embassy at the Holy See and ol of the Minister of Communica- tions, The church of St. Joseph, which is Il Duce's parish church, was crowded with dignitaries, It PRISINGS IN MANY PARTS OF INDIAN EMPIRE CAUSE CONCERN-OVER 40 KILLED Worst Riots Since Beginning of Independence Moves ment, Break Out in Four Sections of the Country 'TROOPS SEEKING OUT INSURGENTS Meanwhile Gandhi Con- tinues Preaching 'Passive Resistance -- Several 11} From Eating Contrebend Salt i > ---- (By Canadian Frese Leased Wire) Bombay, April 24.--British aus thority in India was confronted with an increasingly grave situa~ tion today, With spread of the anti-government movement serious rioting and flighting with troops was reported in widely separated sections of the empire, 40 Are Killed London, April 24.=The worst riots since the beginning of the present independence movement were re« ported from India last night, From 35 to 40 persons, including three Bris tish soldiers and a constable, were reported killed as riots gripped four sections of the country, Eleven others had been killed in previous disturbances since Mahat~ ma Gandhi started making salt dlleg- ally April 6 as the initial step.dn his independence campaign, Of those slain yesterday, the three soldiers and perhaps 20 natives were killed in a long riot at Peshawar, Seven were reported killed in the jungle at Hatha Zari, Bengal, in a fight between police and insurgents. The London Daily Telegraph's Bom» bay correspondent even placed: the figure at 12 rebels killed and many wounded, A constable 'and three others Tost their lives in a fight between instr- et raiders and police at Feni, Ben- gal, Prison Riot There was a serious prison riot at Alipore, a suburb of Calcutta, caused by reports that Mayor J. M. Sen Gupta of Calcutta had been killed and his prison companion, Subhas Chandra Bose, leader of the "young India" movement, was dying as the result. of a riot in, the jail. Thous~ Ba tana Ep. | ! | | | | I Near Attica, N.Y., fog of Mr, Chambers, found described the accident which occurred outside her home on the highway, Abate Tostifies Shortly after eleven o'clock bot believe it is : falsa Joense. ater information revealed the | terda bandit was accompanied by a |° Yes y girl, who was young, preity and well-dressed, and who carried a revolver, The girl entered the mand Relecase--Startling Evidence at Inquiry (By Canadian Mess Leased Wire) for Prethier J. F. Brownlee who is at present at Vancouver. | PROFESSOR FLAYS was decorated for the occasion with beautiful tapestries from the capitoline palaces, and with palm flowers, After Monsignor Glovenale Pas. German steamship Bremen, one of the two fastest liners on the seas, collided with the British tanker, British Grenadier. off Dungeness light in the English Channel at GMT, ands of civil disobedience volunteers thronged the prison, and the Gov. ernment found it necessary to issue a communiaue describing the riot, Beyond Calcutta in the Chitta~ (By Canadian Press Lansed Wie) Attica, N.Y,, April 244A snow- today, badly PUBLIC SCHOOL | was examined by Mr, Titus, his Robert Abate entered 11e box and | 9-26 counsel, and Mr, MacDonald, He told of stopping at a cafe in damaging the tanker. The Bremen, which was due at Southampton at ngon Columbus, lhio, April 24 Atorney General Gilbert Gettman left Ohio. Penitenti. ary hastily this afternoon to from Bre- bank, ostensibly to cash a che. que, While she was at the wicket the bandit drew the shotgun from under his coat and shouted covered hillside near heke proved a death-trap to three men, one of them a leader in aviation circles, who met death as their plane crashed a. cuncl, the parish rector, had read the brief ceremony uniting them fn marriage a low mas was said, and the nuptial contract signed in gong neighborhood troops continu- od their pursuit of the "insurgents" who Friday night attacked the po- lice arsenal, killing six of the de- accordance with the terms of the Lateran Treaty, which gives fhe ecclesiastical marriage civil ef. floct, The wedding and attendant confer with Governor Cooper on a proposal to temporary suspend Preston Thomas os warden: The action was taken when soveral thousend pris. men, was not believed to be bad- ly dumaged, and was thought to bave continued on her way after seeking the tanker to render ussis- tance but that she was proceeding fonders, Troops 'sought also "the four suspects, who while being searched for weapons at Fenl, pul+ led guns and shot five police. Gandhi Continues Cam, gamst the hill in a blinding snows storm yesterdav afternoon, The dead i Captain Lionel M, Woolson, aero- nautical engineer of the Packard Mo- tor Car Company of Detroit, and de- Bowmanville and when leaving si letting Nathan Rubinoff drive thy car, It was, he admitted, his duty lo "hands up." ORATORY CONTESTS g! b 1 ! i | | { | | 1 { | | Speeches Prepared by Adult and Subjects Are Absurd, He Declares Toronto. April 24=A veritable ons slaught on the practice of public speaking for public school pupils was made by 'Professor O. J. Stevenson, of the Ontario Agricultural College, following a display of juvenile ora- tory before the Trustees' and Rate payers' Association of the Ontario Educational Society. "A. feature ol these contests," said Prof. Stevenson, "is that the speeches are not expressed in the child's own language. When a boy or girl enters one of these contests the first thing that is done is to find someone to write the speechethe teacher, the mother, the clergyman, or the farmer's wile who has been a school "marm." "The amuging thing is that these speeches are delivered by the child 'as his own composition, The child is taught to play a dishonest part and 'everyone = children, . parents, teachers, audiences, Judues know if 1s dishonest but fact ees." "The most objectionable feature," thinks Professor Stevenson "is that these 'speeches' are seldom. related to thi experiences and interests of the box or. girl, - The subjects are 'not children's subjects and most of them are thaurdly difficult Sul ion of speeches by pub lie red ng and n would the. yesterday, was due t . | by smoke, according 10 (By Canadian Press "I< ouawa, 1 seo that the boys did not get into any danger. When he first saw the third car in question it was just pulling onto the highway at a very sharp angle, lle was travel. ling hotween 35 and 40 miles an hour, He stated fn addition thar he did not see, the car until he was yery near 1. Judge McEvoy asked Abate, oven it not driviag, should he not be kee: !ng his eyes open for anything when in charge of the expedition. Abate admitted that he should have kept a closer wateh, Heo, admitted stating to soveral witnesses :nd elgu in a signed statement that he was the driver of the car, The swtement wis all true but the fact that he was the driver of the car. He had tole his, friends that Rubinoff * was driving before the lad died, Ie had at first sald he was driving Abate was closely examined by H. | J. MacDonald who clesely checked the statement mado. br Abate a his trial. Abate's exah nation wae not completed when court .ad- Journed 'for lunch shortly before twelve o'clock: wat Lae City Clerk's Death «| Due to Suffocation (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Albernl, B. ©, April 24--Death of Martin M Stephens, whose body was found in the blazing city hall suffocation | went Wa Green bullet. night. A bulk mo Aust ye Y nor-general of has, revived the ut commonves . gossip in the. cap tal as to who will be the next | governor-general in this Dominion Viscount: Willingdon's . term ex ML two months pires next year. He was appolnte on' Aug. 5. Die ad Aonrelnied a 2 dy Lo § wl to Deal with a supernumerary who required immediate medical tention The collision occurred in a dense fog which made navigation in the channel perilous. first reports of the mishap reach- ed here, Negro Lynched By Masked Mob Sheriff Seriously Injured in lynched 'early today by a masked mob that dragged him from the | Oconee Cuvunty juil, tied him to a tree and. riddled his body with Sheriff John Thomas was struck a heavy blow on t he resisted the mob. He was taken to a hospital in Anderson to de- termine if his skull was. fractured. Green was 'charged with attacks J Hh and ordered h gon omas, 81-year-old son er hag Lhe ne ders arous Bi TS se the bullding and demanded tle negro. " pking his shotgun with him, tL him on the the butt of a pistol and took his The negro then 'his cell, marched to an automobile | and carried 4 Jound a short time later tied to.a } veo two miles away and riddled with bullets. oY ' oners announced they, would revolt against Thomas' rule, They charged the warden with "eruelty" and held him ve. sponsible in part for the 818 fatalities in the prison fire disaster, Columbus, Ohlo, April 24, Two thousand Oblp Penitentiary convicts in" the "White City" idle house, caused great disturbance in the prison today when they sent up a wighty shout to bo. released from the cages, Thoy threateneq to kill all the guards unless the cage doors were opened at once, The general spirit of unrest in the penitentiary caused state of ficlals to move ' immediately to remedy the situation by reducing the population, It was sald by stato welfare dnector Hal Griswold thai #8 soon as possible 100 convicts wouid ba sent to the London prison farm and from 160 to 200 do the Mansfield refurmatory, Of the man prisoners who were Injured and taken'to the hospital, all but 14 had been released to: day and had returned to thelr coms panies. The 14 continued in eritis cal condition, 11 being victims of pueumonta, (Continued on Page 2) R-100 Damaged Leaving Hangar (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Apri 24.=Officials of t, bo! stor, trial: BR court.of | the Alr Ministry fn confirming ons. vik, news from Cardington that the giant airship R-100 had suffered ats Dense Fog 'A Dover tug out. to investigate when the Defending His Prisoner Ihldla, 8.0. April 24-Allen , | BOsyenr-0ld negro. was 8, he head when no reason to think that plans for @ flight to Canada next month be interfered with, An official statement said 'the alrship 'was being transferred to the mooring mast ander good cons ditions 'when the handling party Started her out at 1.30 p.m. Be tor the ship was thoroughly clear, 4 cross wind, one of the always 'prowent dangers: to svgh airships when belng taken out of a hungar, 'sprang up ané caused the outside edge of the starboard elevator to acxaps agalist the wide of tLe am went to the front Hiding and pleaded with 10 leave. ihe prisoner , one of the men hit ead, his son said, with was taken from away, His body was Bubsey examination showed that the damage was alight. ! slight damage today said there was |! Peterboro Maid Held For Firing Master's Home 15-Year-Old Girl Faces Ar son Charge After Sunday Blaze (By Canadisn Proas Leased Wire) Peterboro, Apr, 24.~Hazel Clapper, 15, ward of the Peterboro Children's Shelter, is being held' by provincial olice on a charge of arson, follows ng investigations, in the fire that broke out carly Sunday morning in the home of John F, Handley, Mount Pleasant, Miss Clapper was a domes- tic in the Handley home, Family Sleeping The fire broké out while the fam- ily was sleeping and was first noticed : Ellsworth Morden, a neighbor, at 515 am, Morden saw. the ssmoke uring trom the roof of the Hand- y residence and rushed in to rouse the family, ' The interios of the woodshed was ablaze. Assistance was called and the fire was soon under control, : Incendiary Blaze "A sack of shavings on which gas- ¢ had been poured and then touch ed by a Anatch, was found in the woodshed. Gasolind had also * Leen sprinkled on the front veranda steps und floor and started by a match. Frost prevented this fire from spread. ing. Shavings were found beneath the veranda and, these had been lighted but had not burned. The burned mats ches were found among the shavings. After the fire was extinguished it pos found lat Hazel Clapher, who slept upstairs, was «ot in her rooun She had packed her clothes and fled. She was found vesterday in Peters 'horo' by Provincial" Constable W, \* {C. Chisholm and John Edgar, Supers intendent of the Children's Aid So- ea SRE 10 wy signer. of the Packard Diesel aero- plane motor, Charles S. Knight, a test pilot for the Verville. Company of Detroit, manufacturers of the plane which crashed, and which wus equipped with one of the new Diesel motors, Harold B, Scutt, 264 Park Lane, Douglastown, © LI, a pilot. The plane, a rour-place cabin mos noplane, was being flown from Dee troit to iNew York where it was to be exhibited in the Aviation Show, There was no fire, but the bodies of all: three men were badly mange led by the force of the crash, and workmen struggled for several hours to 'extricate the hodies from the tangled mass of wreckage which was all that was left of the monoplane. ONTARIO DRYEST PROVINGE, DRAYTON DECLARES IN U.S Chairman of Ontario Liquor Control Board Testifies Today: (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, D.C, April 24.Sir Henry Drayton, chairman or the Ons tario Liquor Control Board, outlined the provincial liquor control system today before the house judiciary com mittee, . : : Ontario, said the' witness, 13' the dryest of all' Canadian provinces, | ring the war period, he said, there was a seircity of food, and prohibis tion was enacted, He added that dure rohibition worked well, 919, when a vote was ing the war, and that in taken prohibition ebtained centiof the votes cast, In 1923 ane other vote gave prohibition 51 per cent. of the votes cast, This change was attributed by Sir Henry to, "the things" that follow Pe a toh orhiak fy niles J swamp whiskey," he co rab Ae hd ah Rods of Suber tutes, There was a growing use of « Lstrong 'lauor. flasks. There was uw per ceremonies were without show and ostentation, in keeping with Pro. mier Mussolini's policy of keeping hig private life and family ag much in the background as possible, The bride 1s 19 years old, and the groom 27, Their engagement was annpunced. Feb, 15, the Ro. man papers hailing it at the time as uniting two of the most illus. trious families of the now regime. Latham Facing More Charges New Fraud Cases Pending Against Ottawa Man Now in Penitentiary (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 24=New charges of conversion of civic funds are to be laid against Howard C. Latham, for. ner secretary of the Ottawa Housing Comission who is now in Ports. outh penitentiary serving a two ar sentence for theft: of $50,000, he city : solicitor announced. last night, following a conference with the local crown attorney that he would fake this action in Somplianse with instructions from eity council, After Latham' pleaded guilty to theft of the large sun over a period of five years stacting ii 1925 and the two t n test dl gl Ra came from many quarters, Further conversion of Housing Commission funds later was revealed by an audit of accounts, y . Lia) Rew, chatges will Jikely, beluiq against Latham, the one covering ce. falcations prior to 1928 and 'the other covering shurtages since January 1, 1925, additional to those which he admitted, ta List 'jected a proposal by Senator Hay- den; Democrat, to A Canada and Bowing 'use! BY in under the inunigration Vat Canada 'Loft OF ! IWR om The Sonate hax res te Meanwhile Mahatma Gandul. leader of the civil disobedience movement continued to preach his. doctrine of passive non-violent resistance in Guberat, In a speech at the village of Bordo! he pointed to the women volunteers, led Mrs, Gandhi, who had walked from Jalnipurs and sald: "There are 100,000 palm ¢ (from which an Indian oa iso tained) in this tract. 1 want .te make a beginning this evening by laying the axe on one or two of these Ayoes. t Karachi several people w sont to hospitals after eating oon traband salt taken from Groeks. had been contaminated with fers Tous oxidide and was unfit tor Auman consumption it destroyed. P He ordersd bel Ki Rel led Chittagong, India, April 24. An Indian rebel, armed with two revolvers, was shot and killed here this afternoon. Simla, Tndias ADHE Fo mia, India; April. 24 stuted today that Vv, ER oi speaker of the legislative assembly, has tendered oo Viceroy Lara 1rwin, SHIP DEMOLISHES SPAN OF BRIDGE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) bridge in Burrard Inlet eatly t and carried away the south a The ship, following 2he coll! was carried away the. ¥ the tide and ended the South Shute of the harbor east of of the ridge. W The bridge, which connects Vans couver with the communities of the north ghore ot Burrard Inlet and Is of great industrial importance, will probably be out of commie slon for months, Wy New Fredericton, Brunswick Lib | unaniny P. Jones, K leader of the er in th declined the positio 4 having The health officer: found the salt. resignation ti Vancouver, April 24h 8 Losmar, United States r oraghed into the second' :

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