Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Apr 1930, p. 16

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Te rE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 19%) WANT SURPLUS FOR CITY Kingston, = hp that the stirplus blie Utilities Commission be handed bagk to the consumers in the form of u rebate was made by every member of the city counel) last ht The surplus olathe Viblie Utilities Commission for 19% was In the melghberhood of $70,000, TWO YEARS VOR THEFT Brockville, =Veuding guilty to the theft of muskeat skins from a furs vier in 1927, Mein dart, a resi dent of Leeds County, was sentenss ed to two years Jess one diy des terminate in the Ontario Reformmtory by Maglisteate. Page, mr-- PICTON TO HAVE PARK Pigton=That in option be secured y the Kiwanis Club on the MeMul: on property to be used for i tewn park and that the club appgint eam mittees to eanvass the town for sibs seriptions for this purpose, was the deelsion reached by 1he Kiwanis Club here, CHEESE BOARD OFFICERS lroguels, = The Troguoly cheese board. held its first meeting of the souson wid elected officers as follows | President, EN Merkley) view-presis dent, Fdiind Thompson | secretary teghsrer, 1.1, Payne, PLANE FORCED DOWN Port Hope=Luy to a heavy snow storm, i government wieplane in charge of Vilot Jellison, wis foreed dawn eleven wiles northwest of Port Hope, The alrplane was travelling in an easterly direction and made # landing In wn open field, The eral wits net damaged In wny way e---- HURT WHEN SCAFFOLD COL: LAPSES Belleville =~David Curry, a plaster uly was seriously Jujured about tle head when a seaffold on which he was working here collapsed, He wis thrown 20 feet from the seaffold among the debris and his head was jammed between two pieces of lum her m------ BOY'S BODY FOUND RBellevillow=Afier a seven week's search, the body { elght-vear-old Tack Savage was found Moating In the Belleville harbor, The vounester fell through the lee in. the Maolra River Mareh 10 and firemen unde BARGAINS USED CARS FORD COUPF Late Medel 1926 ESSEX COACH $175 1927 ESSEX SEDAN S425 1028 ESSEX COACH New Tires ROSS, AMES wi GARTSHORE CO. LTD, 488 King W, Phone 1100 the diteetion of Chief William Lyneh were about fo steit blasting cpera- tions for the recovery of the renaing, No Inquest will be held, rome PITT GETS YEAR IN JAIL Tronuoiss=iindssy J. Pitt, defaults Ing customs officer ut this port, way sentenced by Magistrate MeCormiel 10 one year determinate pnd one yeu less one day Indeterminate nthe Reformmtory at Guelph, Pigg hal manipulated money during the last ear buying stocks, mending when bn would sell to repay the amount, but the slump in the market eansed wn exposure, Pit will also appear on another gharge of using $9000 of Divislon Court money, ---- ORDINATION BERVICE Wingston="The Bishop of Ontariv Digeese, Right Key, Dr, C, A, Beager, Is to hold an ordination serylee in Bt, George's Cathedral, Sunday, June I, when three eandidates will bdong deacons: and one deaeon will be eles yited to the priesthood, A, ¥, Pep per, WH, Braman antl L. Harding will be ordained deacons, und Rey A, Dowdell, Bancroft, Is to be or Jdained priest, p-- LIVE'S BAVINGE NTOLEN Lindsay Verne Hopking, » bachelor, living near Kinmount, was robbed of $1,100 while he wis absent in the bush, Burglary entered Wis home, und, breaking ten looks, finally found the hidden money in an old trunk The stolen money vepresented his Hife savings, MERCHANT DROPS DEAD Cambeliford, Thomas Mao Avoy, one of Campbeliford's plon eer citigens, dropped dead in his plore, HOUNE DESTROYED Athens. =A house owned hy Andrew Henderson, Athens, and oeoupled by Harvey Greenwood, at Lake Blolda, burned to the ground It is thought that a spark from the chimney caused the confagras tion CLUB REORGANIZES Campbeliford The organises tion meeting of the Ki, Andrew's Tannin Club elected oMeers as fol lows! President, Mes, John Btorie} Neoretarystreusurer, Miss Urace Blue; ground committee, Rey, Dr, Mark, Thomas Campbell, Roe and W, ¥V, Harold Frank Dunk, NPENTY 85,000 ON RELIKY Kingston ==With the regular practice of giving unemployment relief by the olty during the winter having ceased Major W, Alan Biroud, the elty's relief ofMeer, states that the sum expended In direct relief, by the issue of food und fuel orders, is In the neighs bhorhood of #5,000 for the monthe of Decamber, January, February Marah and part of Apri), LUMBER MILLS NTANRT SOON Pembroke With the fed now golng out of the Ottaws river It In probable that the. lees] lumber mills will commence operations for 1000 in about two weeks snd indioations point to & busy season, with a large out of lumber, CAR DIVES INTO RIVER Troquols, == Tearing out five posts of a highway guard fence, irpaking a telephone pole off at ite base, and leaping a wide diteh, a laght sedan driven by Willlam Therrien, of Prescott, plunged ins to the Bt, Lawrence River about a mile and one-half west of hers, Although the automobile landed On Ita wide in the river 20 feet from the shore and was almost submerged, the driver and the oooupant of the oar, Fred Lane, also of Presectt, wera able to es cape through a window and reach. ed nafety, RETURNING OFFICER RESIGNS Pembroke =-W, Kehoe han resigned the oMce of permanent returning ofeer for North Rens frew and Thomas Cully han been appointed in his place, while John As Campbell has been named ay election olerk, » Teachor==""How much ix foup multiplied by three?" Tommy=""Twalve. air Teacher" Right! For anawers ing #0 quickly will give you twelve sweets," Tommy=="1f 1'd known that wan going to happen 1'd have sald more." The Best { Jeddo Premium in America Produced i ¥ hone 262 Five DirectLines EE es i ATTEMPT T0 BLOW UP WELLAND CANAL Dynamiters Caught After Trying to Wreck Lock in 1900 4 LC ------ oronts, Jig Uo Ihirty yuiry hgh on phil yong of Kimadu's biggew NEWSURIEY a wis the attempt fo ef ple the Welland Canal by three dynsmiters, who vl Wu sep» urate ehirges in uMeinity of Lock 4, the attempt, ver, being only arty, suecessiul, SAE the time, the Soer Wie wis In progress, und it wits helloyrd Boer oy Wivers were trying 40 L'do thelr it? Gn this cons tinent, ine explosion wis i ters rife une, ildinge rosked, und every window In "Thorold wan shattered by the laste Which was: heard 15 miles wily, three umen, Joh Wilsl, Dulliman Kare, uth John Nolgh (wlio recently died in Philudelphin) were the dyn amiers, lthough omy' two of them were seluslly preventoas the time of tha explosion, "The three wers cup tured on the sume day, andlater sere ved long. prinan turns dn, Candis Ll] Atterph Tust belive dusk on Saturday nites noon, we men wot off 4 Nisgars Centrul dmb dt Thureld, nnd started up the dremel to the bridge erossing the Cangh Bagh man ahiriod u henvy "tolescope" viding, © Abunt seven w'elu ky the mxplowlve, contained In the valises, was lowered at the upper und lower giles of Lok 20, Alinost Inmediately an wxplosdon oeenrrod I'he loektehder, w' Mr, Pare, was in u shiunty 'neanr the lowdr gate, He rushed But Just in time to see the fee whith Jed to the explosive chinrge ab the upper gate sputtering, Heltore by could give the alarm, the seoond, More vielent explosion oeeyrs 1d Portunately, however, the charges Madu more nolse than dam we, andi except to shatter the frame work und punetore a small hole In the lock gate, litle damage wis done, Meanwhile, many people rushed to the sean, and the twe dynamiters started "Wh the diveetion of Niagara alls, followed at a diserest distance A rie wis obtained, ahd In this May of Wilson, ex mayor Willams, Police Chief Clark anil a MY, Martin sallied forth They overtook the two nen near Stamford, "and while one or them got out-of the vig and remained hehind the dynsmbers, the others rushed 10. Nagar. Falls for usin wnee, Ab that ely the two nen were arvestodk By OMger Mulns of the On trio Doles fone, Been in Action At the tein, It was. shown that the men had surveyed the ground previons do th eattempt, One resl dent of Thorold destified 16 having seen the men lower the explosive in to the water, but had heen unable 1 chine them beeause he did not have hin shoes Viet happened to th shoes 1s not mentioned In newspap or files It developed too, that a third man wis implicated In the attempt, and he tot was arrested ahd stood Fil with the other two, Careful plans wd been Tald; and' th, a hud Hon! j Vuflalo und Blugurs 5, New York fy the agtempt wis made has never been elearsd vp, I was sad at the time that the ernment at Ottuws wis In possession of evidence of a pro-Boer conspiracy nthe United States to injure the Canal and: that precautionary "steps hid beep taken for some wieks, Noth» Ing Ww Support this theory was ever disgover , however, eearding to the Toronto Mall of that date, Logk 24, where the at tented wrecking oeurred, wus a poeitinrly vulnerable spot for the ats tugk, "Under the steep bank," the newspaper sald, "runs the Willund Rallway Vine for half a wile, & nurs tow und of ground only supports Wg the great volume of witer, "he "Thorold depot Yes In the hollow, and the destruction of Logk wold hive meant the ruly of the entire section of the town, The water would hve overrun the neighborhood and earvied eur tracks, depot, and sey ern) houses down the slope for a couple of miles, "I'his locks is the next but one tu the waters of Lake Vile It Is thought by wuny that the das turdly attempt was sled at the while witerway and that the hewd loek was the objective, At the time of the explosion, the great witerway was elosed, but whey navigation opened It was ready for operation SOLINA NEWS Bolin, April 16, There passed away, st Boling, Baby Wolen Bulson on Baturduy April 18th, daughter of My, und Mew, A, J, Balwon, The funeral servioes were conducted by Rey, J, WN, Blk, who road two hymus and preached from Mutihew 1, B18, Wight Boling Vublie Hehoo! pupils sang "When Hae Cometh," Flower beurers were Messrs, Cameron and Wininton Pallbsurers, Mr, Allan Balson and Mairieo Baker, The baby was nid to rest In Eidad vemetery on 'Tyoss day, April 16th, The community's sympathy goes out to the bereaved family in thelr loss, Messrs, John and Mauries Dake and Ralph Withen attended the duntor Institute where Mr, John Baker gave an address to the young people, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Howsan visits od Mr, and Mrs, Ray Cook at Port Parry, master Jaok Cook remains Ing at home Division. meoting in the Bases ment of Bldad NB, ¥, on Thursday avening was wall attended and one new member initiated, The pros gramme of clippings made dn ins tovesting feature with some miusies Al numbers, The next meeting will be held on Thorsdny, May kth, Mr, and Mes, John Pasoos' visits od at Mr, A, Hogarths at Hamplon recently Mr, Thos, Baker and Miss Vera Baker spent Munday with Toronto v friends Nunday at Eldad tound the usunl hymns were used and the Hunshine Girl's class and the C0, LT with thelr leader Mra John Baker sang "Thers In Green HiIl Far Away" Al chureh nesslon the Rev, J. nN, proached a very helpful sermon on | | i and "Hosiery WELDREST 106 wt | the Runday school session when | 8 the Third verse of the of Pele Wek [two beautiful Minn the | ey SUITS 15 SIBERRY"S A dlonn-up of smartly tallored, Men's nd Young Men's Tweed wuts, AMI Wool Materials, In nest overehooks, funey brawny and pny greys, Blusg the lot #4 to 44 AFTER EASTER BARGAINS Friday and Saturday ave Bargain days for broken ranges, odd sizes, etc, on Men's Buits, Topconts and Furnishings, It will pay you to take andvanthge of the following Specials, MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUITS About G0 Bults, consisting of smart colored Wornteds and Vancy Tweeds, in this Benson's newost colors und patterns, Also Pin Stripes, Blue ground with various or double models In Blses 54 to 44, A good voriety und Very #peciul Dinck or Navy wripe ellvely Kingln wyery Bult un DPargaing hressted $19.75 TOPCOATS Nunrtly Talloved Ywesds, Greys, Bands, ote, BHp-on Models, Bulls able for young men and meu Jeg, vulues $16.50 und $18.50 Bluey 04 Lo 40 $11.75 rans TOPCOATS Guards, Wiip-on or Form Vii, med- els In latest patterns, including Tweedy, Herripgbones, Overs checks and Barrymores, Wlwow 4 to 44 Ly $19.75 Hpecial Soft Hats Various of Grey, sund und Brown Herring hone in #oap brim, Tweeds, Vaney Welt, edge Vawns, Groys 01 Roll Brim, Nows Brown shades, ont wiyles, Bik mr. $1.95 | lni.$195 Mines mpocing mpecinl Tweed Trousers well tallored Trousers fu nout phudey Fawn, Pure Wool, forge, for men Tullored from Kuoglish Worsted dye, in smart models men, Hmited quantity only, Hee these for real values, Fancy Check Socks Heavy Hilk. Ligle in Check or Stripe Patterns All Blgen Vee ' 3 Pairs for $1.00 Men's Work TROUSERS Neal patterns of Urey Vick Worsted materials, well tallored properly finished, Regula Price $1.05 All Blisos Bpoeinl $1.19 vary smart 35¢ ek una guaranteod Wigan 66 to 43, Hpeuial SIBERRY'S ppoeinl seen nie Men's Combinations Ponmun'sy Lake brigesn combine ution, erenm shade with short Gusrantesd fast sloaves and long olor, Blees 14 logn, Bloons 04 to oe 95¢ octal 95¢ Mpecing Men's Shirts Collur atiuched Broudeloth ul Printed 1onter inls In neat siriped patterns, ps,' ™™, Er, lr, --.------------"--_, Extra Special! Navy Blue Suits Navy Blue, Indigo young $19.75 Men's Work Shirts Hg B, Brand, Navy Blue, Khaki, Nine Chambrl or Buck and White Wiripes with collur switached, ¥Wxtry large body and fully guaranteed, Mises 14 to 17% 95¢ Kpeelnl ,,.... 27 KING ST. EAST OPP. POST OFFICE A -- Fiest Chapt ut home over the week end Lan Hour, he eholr rendered / Hop nh ma [visited ut Mrs, BR, J, MoKossook's Hmales of "foronto | Mr. Will Hoar, Oshawa, and Miss tuth Minn Page, Fanny Toronto, Toronto, nlso There In vo league meeting at 11+ wan dad this week, EM w o/ "A HOSE YOU p WILL LIKE" Of the Best Pure Thread Silk, They are so carefully made that they show an unusually beautiful clarity of color and evenness of weave, They are fashioned to fit too==no more straining or wrinks ling, We give a Free Repair Coupon with every pair of Weldrest Fone, Two Popular Prices 1.50 and $1.95 All the wanted colors in Service, Service Chiffon and Sheer Chiffon « IN LADIES FOOTWEAR 800 Pairs or Ladies' Smart Spring Shoes more of TIMELY BARGAINS drastically reduced to clear, Straps, Pumps and leathers and styles, range. Coupons us, FREE HOSIERY REPAIR given with each Pair of Hose purchased from Regular Hosiery Repairing done at moderate prices, "24 HOUR SERVICE" McCallum Chiffon Hosiery New colors to suit the Complextion, Regular $1.95 == On Sale $1.65 FREE REPAIR COUPON Ties, in a variety of Some lines have a complete size Every pair offers exceptional value: opular $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 Values Reduced to $1.98 $9.98 $3.50 $3.9 $4.9 An Opportunity to Make Substantial Savings THESE BARGAINS ARE ON DISPLAY IN LADIES' DEPARTMENT ONLY, "NOT IN WINDOWS" THE BURNS CO. LTD . OSHAWA Mr Jan Waster Sunday visitor of Miss Minn Kon Smith, of Thamestord land Mrs, Wrightson Wight visited | May Westlake, at Mr, Elgin Taylor's

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