ge vie Bhai v hd ' 11. THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1930 PAGE TEN a. Kedron, April 22.=The play "Mar- eying Anne" deew a full house, when weented by Eldad Yours People Kedron chy on. Wednesday even | 16th, The east had oy well and the actors are to be congratulated on their clever presentation of this bright and in- resting play. No one could stress mstantial evidence, si seeing how nearly decisions based purely on such evidence, came to wrecking the lives touched by circumstances te onth organ music was well given Messrs, Allan Babson and FV, on between scenes, Between acts Mr. Alex McMaster, violinist, with Miss Annie McMaster at thel | plano, delighted all with their fine numbers, . Miss Ruby Hancock, Brooklin, Is spending the Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Jaufie Hancock, Mrs 8, in, Misses Marguerite ahi Kathleen and Mr. Yay Conlin visited with friends in Toronto re. ently, rv, Norval Crossman, Detroit, Spent Raster with, his parents, Mr, ani. Mrs, Frank Crossman, "gh Mrs, A. T, Stainton and family, Zion, and Mr, Fred Spry, Oshawa,' were recent: guests of Mr, and Mrs, Rosy Lee, "Mr. and Mrs, George Scott, Ray "Grace, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence erry, Wm, and' Robert, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and Lorraine, and Mr, and Mrs, T, H, Sgoft at. tended a party at Mr, Wallace Scott, Enfield, Thursday evening, The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs, Everett Mount. joy on Thursday afternoon and quilt. ed two quilts, Master Frank Hancock is holidays ing at Mr, R. Beath's, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Gimblett, with thelr children, Raymond and Margaret, visited at Mr, T, Gimblett's Manle Grove on Sunday, en Svbil Langmaid and Muriel LL] Dickie Mrs, Everett Mountjoy, Robert and Mark Hancock spent Tuesday at Mr, M, Pereman's, Col~ winhus, Myr. and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe and 3p vip spent Sunday with Mr, and re, H, I. Pascos, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Gimblett and family attended a party at Mr, Fred Ferguson's, Solinn, Tuesday night, Mrs, Wm, Hepburn is spending a few days in Bewmanyille with her). sister, who fs ill, Mt, Frank Lee, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. A R, § Scott, Lee and Donald, Arnprior, are spending the Faster vacation with Mr, and Mrs, ¥, W, ie, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Stainton and Elinor, To.onto, visited with Mr, and Mey 1] on Monday, Group one of the Women's Assoc ition entertained the members of other groups and thelr husbands to n-social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H, ¥, Werey on Monday night when a very enjoyable time wag sepnts Mr, and Mrs, Miller, Toronto, were Faster visitors with Myr, and Mrs, F. Crossman, Misses Mildred Cole, Orono and Marie Cole, Tamworth, are holiday: ing at their home here, Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Gibson and Douglas, Oshawa, visited recently at Mr, R 1. Luke's and W, L. Mount- oy's, Miss Kathleerr. Conlin, Oshawa, spent the holiday and week-end at her home here, ! Mr, Bert Luke and Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, spent a few days at their home here. Mr, and Mrs, A, L. Pascoe, Solina, spent Vreiday with Mr, and Mrs, W, L. Mountjoy, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Werry, Wm, and Robert, Mr, A, R, Scott and Lee visited with Mr, James Scott Columbus, on Sunday, Miss Faster vacation at her home at Mar- mio, Mr: and Mrs, Roy Hepburn and family visited with Mr, and Mrs, W, Mountjoy, Columbus, recently, The following is the report of the Easter exams for 8, 8. No, 4, East Whithy : ! ur IV. ~Gladys Blair, Frank Hos- in. Tr, IV. =Louls Pogson, Lloyd Stork, Sr. 1IT~Verna Selleck, Fddle Galka, Florence Groat, Ben Bracey, Ir. 11L%Josephine Galkn, Glen Hoskin, Edward Dracey, Frank Me- Cann, John James, Sr. 1L-~Blanche Blair, cey, Evelyn Wray Stock, *Jr, TLJean Yellowlees, Willie Me. Cann, Trene Davis, John Blair, Orval Eva Bra. Brock, Verna Brown, Oshawa, spent Friday with} gf Selleck. Sr. 1.=Ella Hoskin, Audrey Wood- ley, Marie Selleck, Dorothy Davis, Sr. Pr.=Ross Brown, Tone Dunn, Myrtle Davis, Douglas Jones,' Ber~ nice Blair, Ir, Pr~=Dorothy Bracey, No, on roll 33. Alicea Smyth, teacher, Miss Luella Hepburn has returned home after a pleasant visit with re. latives in Teronto, Mist Gladys Ross, Columbus, has heen snending a few days with her aunt, Mrs, Clarence Werry, A ---------------- "ie CITY CLERK SHOT PROTECTING VAULT Body Found in Ruins of! Burned City Hall at Alberni Alberni, B.C, April 24.=Shot in the back of the head, city clerk Mars tin MH. Stephens was found dead in the vault of the burned-down city hall today, The municipal building was burned to the ground between five and six o'clock this morning, Stephens was lying face«down when his body was found in the debris, Because ho was suspicious of prows lers he had seen about the place, Stephens visited the city hall at four o'clock in the morning. It Is believed he found the vault open, entered to Jvaatigute and was shot from be» nd, CHARACTER PROVES VALUABLE ASSET Business Man Who Turned Bandit Given Second Chance Chicago, April 24,Bereft of his fortune and charged with banditry, Earl Doty, 49, former comptroller o the Calumet Baking Power Co, learned that good deeds perform in days gone by and true friendshi really count for something after al Arraigned in criminal rt, the gronha red, once affluent Doty hung his head os he told how in desperas tion he had armed himself and set out as a bandit, i HAD NO MONRY "Unsuccessful business ventures dissipated ny Snir large fortune," sald "1 had no money and one -| of my children was facing an opers ation, My insurance premiums were i Alice Smyth is spending the | "They are public be treated accord Ch} of President Hoover's Ission's recommendations mission, outlined the formes Comm: Jreatmeny enemies" an fol: ' Rules of P Coil t watohfulness and arrests, al uliens. In oy vestigation to determine | been pa dus and ay wife needed clothes, 1 Many influential friends appeared in court fo tell how Doty onee devoted himaelf to the welfare of the community, Among ¢ were pastor, 8 unlvarsity professor, a scout executive and a represents. tive of thy Camulet Baking Pow ny, 4 Judge Daniel P, Trude heard all these: he heard how D. ale ways been nd, 8 neighbor, 'a firm f He also heard how in desperation Doty had robbed two grocery employees of $172, The money was recovered, yobation Then he ann "L am pot a betting man, but 1 am going to bet on you, Doty, I'm betting you go straight, You are need: The Red Rose Tea tee means what it says, it not satisfied return the unused pact in the Packag ¢ and the grocer will refund your money, -.REDROSE EA good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE fs extra good granted probation, Please don't dis- appoint me." BOY FOUND AFTER THREE-DAY HUNT Six-year-old Lad Wandered on Mountain Until Exhausted Rodding, Calif, April 84-~(UP) After th day n ree s and three nights of fright and hunger, »ix- yoar-0ld Asn Lakely, Jr, was rescued yesterday from the slopes of Mount Burney, over which he had wandered hysterically, He was found huddled beneath a home-made lean-to of houghs that he had fashioned roughly, The Jad was snuggled close to the ground for warmth, Yollowing faint footprints, hroken twigs and pleces of the boy's blouse torn by bushes, Prank WH, Bulck, of Coran, Calif, and Leslle B, Ralston of Mont~ gomery Creek, came to his retreat, Ass disappeared last Sunday morning while his parents were repairing their ear which had broken down while making the steep grade over Mount Burney, More than 800 persons joined in the msearch that followed, The hunt was not given up by day or night, torches and finshlamps hel used at night in the hunt for th ENGIVE RTS BS ATR. R, CROSSING Fifteen Passengers of Strat: ford Coach Escape With Minor Injuries Stratford, April 24.=Fifteen pus sengers on a large Stratford Conch Lines bus narrowly escaped serious injury here yesterday afternoon when | the bus was struck by a CN.R, yard! engine and turned on its side at the Nile Street grossing, It was snowing considerably at the time, and the driv ver, William McDonald, claimed he did not see the engine, which was go- ing about four miles an hour until it was very near, The bus was struck about three feet from the rear, Mis Mary Nolan of this city received a fracture of the right wrist and is con fined to the General Hospital, Five other Jrsssngers were badly shaken up and suffered minor bruises, The passengers of the bus had to be lifts ed through the door. CHICAGO CITIZENS HAND POLICE LIST PUBLIC ENEMIES ,m---- Twenty-eight Men, Including Capone, Declared Un- | desirable Chicage, April 24.~Twenty-vight men were: labelled "public enemies" yesterday by the Chicage Crime Com mission, which asked Police Com. missioner William F, Russell and other enforcement of clals to "treat them accordingly," The purpose of the Crime Commission, it was ox- plained, is to drive the 23 from Chis ca 8 Those named Vol onse Capone, ' Tony. Volpe, Ralph {apene (alias ake HeGurn). Frank Kline, James Beloastro, Roc- 2 Funnelli, * " Mangano, Jack ute, Jack Gusick, Frank Dissiond, : Moran, Joo Alello, W he O'Donaell, Joe Saltls, Frank MeEr. ne, Vincent MeErlane, William nnell, Frank Lake, Terry an, "Klondike" O'Donnell {lemoth Dunoy Stanton, M arker, Jack hite, Joseph Genaro eo Mongoven, "Fur' Sammons and nk hh In Confit With Law "The list represents persons who re constantly in conflict with the Ww," the Crime Commission com-{, police stated, Jusmigs, and should "Bugy' munication to the Ne Frank J, Loesch, President of the go Commission, a member i: Come for the "public rt action, Deportation of erimin+ yi ir real ess VOTE T0 RETAIN WRITTEN EXAMS IN ONTARIO SCHOOLS Teachers at O.E.A. Sessions Oppose Suggestion of Premier Toronto, April 24.~Proposed ex- tension to middle school examination tests of the recommendation by-tear cher pass system that has operated for a number of years now in pub fie schools of the Province failed hy a wide margin yesterday to gain the approval of the Colleges and Second ary Schools Section of the Ontario Educational Association Faced with an emphatie endorsa- tion of the proposal from the special committee appointed by the Univers sity Conference, in 1928, to study. the Wo question, this teschers' section of the O.EA, Just as emphatically declined even to endorse the general principle of the scheme, and more or less de. minded that the Department of Ed. ucation defer action on the commit. tee report for 8 year or at least until such time as the various teachers' or. ganizations of the Province have full opportunity of "discussing and digest- ing it" CANADA WILL GET COAL FROM RUSSIA New York, April 24~Russian coal is now competing with coal from Wales and also from the United Stas tes, The V, P, Weaver Coal Comps any, Limited, has contracted for 2, 500,000 tons of Russian coal to be de. livered at Montreal during the next ten years, The coal is being deliv/ ared to Canada in British bottoms ut the rate of 250,000 tons Year, and is being transshipped todhterior points on the St. Lawrence and Great) Lakes, a a BRITISH FARMERS TO VISIT CANADA London, April 24~The British Na- tional Union, it is announced, is ur rangiog to send a party of farmers to tour Canada during August and September, There had been a great deal of talk lately of British agricul. ture being "behind the times," and it is hoped the interchange of ideas which will result from the visit may be of value to the party, while it is possible they io nlso be able to give some counsel. on certain prob: Jems of the soil with which those of the land have had more exper- fence than the farmers of the New World, A WAYFARING SONG © who will walk a mile with me Along lfe's merry way? A comrade blithe and full of gles, Who dares to laugh out loud and free 7 And lot his frolie play, Like u happy ehild, through the flowers gay, That N11 the field and fringe the way Where he walks a mile with me, And who will walk a mile with me Along 1ite's weary way? . A friend whose heart has eyes to pee The stars shine out o'er the dark- ening lea, And the quiet rest at the end o' the dey, A friend who knows, and dares to Bay, The brave, sweet words that cheer the way Where he walks a mile with me, With such a comrade, such a friend, I fain would walk till Journey's end, ' Through summer sunshine, winter rain And then? Farewell, we shall meet again! ~HENRY VAN DYKE, a Important Changes in Train Schedules EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, APRIL 27 Montreal Ottawa Toronto Detroit Chicago Kastern Wtandard Time Read Up Dally No, 30 No, 88 Lv, Montreal Av, 4.80 pm, BAS paw Iv, Ottawa Ar. 8.05 | guy 9.00 4nd ar, Toronto In, BAB am, 2.00 pm. ~, Tovonto Ar, 8.25 nm, 1.485 pm, 2.20 am, Ar. Detroit Lv, 2,00 am, 8.00 on 740 am, 6.80 am, Ar. Chicago Iv, 6.80 pm, 1145 pm. KQUIPMENT~=Dining, Parlor, Weeping a 4 Observation Cars, Read Down No, 19 No, 7 12.00 noon 8.45 am, 0.40 am, 12.45 pm, 745 pm, 4.80 pm, 8.05 pm, 4.40 pm, 10.85 pm, ot 10.45 pm. Train 84 tor Ottawa will leave Toronto Union dally will arrive Toronto Union Train 85 from Montreal 7.00 a.m, a.25 pm, Train 86 for Montreal will leave 'Toronto Union 0.00 am, Dally except Munday, On Sundays trains 00 and 86 operate between Havelock and Toronto only, FQUIPMENT Train B4~ftandard Sloopers and Buf Compartment, Trains 85 and B0--Conchos, Buffet ites Clab porior cars, Train 008 for local points to Detroit will leave Toronto Union : 2405 pm, dally Train 084 will leave Detroft "is a.m, arriving Toronto 4.80 pm, oily, Train 680 will leave Detroit 11.80 pm, for Toronto arriving ar. ! 0.45 am, dally, EQUIPMENTTrains 088 "nd 084~~Conches and Cafe Parloy ay, . Train 080-=ftandard Sleepers, For information regarding changes in other train schedules consult nearest Canadian Pacific ticket agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC Wite=="Phose pearls lovely birthday gift. Thank ou #0 much, But I have a confession to make, This fsn't really my 24th birthday, I've always lied about my ago, Husband --- That's all right, Those aren't genuine pearls, at TR SE TT ---------- make a A RT -a week's washing - 'WHAT PRINCESS FLAKES ' DOES . i white. Rinse A remarkable offer to introduce Princess Flakes Pay only the regular price of the large box. Use the small box with our compli- ments. Then, if Princess Flakes is not the most efficient, most satisfactory household soap you ever used, bring it back. MONEY BACK GUARANTEED! ADAM: Your grocer has a wonderful bargain for you. But you must act quickly, for it won't be there long. When his stock is exhausted he will have to withdraw the offer, Go to your grocer today and buy a regular package of the famous Princess Flakes-=the soap that thoroughly cleans without giving you red hands, With it you will get FREE a trial package sufficient to fill your household soap needs for a week, Use this trial package first, Use it for your dishwashing. Use it for your washing machine or tub, Use it wherever you use a household cleanser, Note its quick, lavish suds, concentrated and gently penetrating, See how it cuts the grease from dishes, Note how careful it is with delicate fabrics, And how it protects your hands, Your money back if you want it After you have given it test you wish, if you do not consider it the jiraatest soap product you have ever nown=-=bring back the unopened large Jackage and your money will be refunded, If you already use Princess Flakes you will welcomé the opportunity to obtain this special one week's size package at no extra cost, ' Do not delay, madam, Your grocer's stock is limited, We cannot give him more of the one-week test y these wation of the status tate hold dt Chai thereon, oa an anes ng % 10 whether or not they have pa fi nited r States tax Commi would riba A gabe es MUFRIT SPARK Clothes gleaming quichin Dishes and glassware glisten Economical touse. A little goos along ways Dissolve first in watery then pour it in, for best results, intvoductaty afer dralieble ui oll qrattes stores, ACT NOW! ar. Wiper ] : to Rad ot 0 te | suds treety in hardest water. 1¢s @ soap, Not a'soap ck when his supply i §o, pi) disappointment ge yours Ask your grocer Id p he fof and chars | Sri Saver hy Sn k up Pear on the streets, :