Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Apr 1930, p. 2

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a -------- ne SS a -- T------------ THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1930 a i 5 ds 'Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subsoriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Tbe Times, [elephones--Office, 687 REPRESENTATIVE~B, HERBERT MORTLOCK WEENS ACTIVITIES AT HIGH SCHDOL Literary + Society . Program Put on by Form 2B 1 Soclet Another Literary' Society program was presented by Form 1H on Thursday, April 10th, We were pleased to see seme of the parents al the members of 111 present to fier 'thelr sons in this program, which kept up with these that have been presented, The meeting opened with "0 Canada,' followed by read: ing of minutes, after which the Pre. PY turned the program over to 1K "The "program inededt A chorus "It Goes Like This"; a selection by our B.H.8, erchestra; plano solo by Charlie Cawker after whieh a ehorus of IIB gave a selection, "The Bum Song," fhe warblers helng C, Cawe ker, Jim Williams, Don Williams, Or- Alle" Souch, Albert Culley, Alec Birks, Lewls Andrews, Harold Gibbs, John . Blunt, Edward Bagnell, How. ard Wight, Elford Cox, Clarence Oke and Archie Woods, Then followed a sermon hused on Old Mether Huh» bard, with Newton Ashton as preach: er, I'hen 1IB's star dramatic group presented a farce in one act entitled "A Girl to Order," Charlie Cawker made a wonderful girl and lived up to his assumed name in the play, The vast was "Dud"=Alee Birks; "Lady" 0, Cawker: "Puek"==D, Williams} "Big"sA, Culley; "Elsie "==, Care ruthersi "Mr, Elllott"=J, Blunt, ati aes Sas] FANADIAN PACIFIC +4 CAMADAS ' » GREATEST _ STEAMSHIPY ve ho » 0 1 ' 050 SAILINGE FROM ST, JOHN, NB, To Glasgow: Liverpool Apr. 28 i000 Duchess of Atholl Te Cherbourg-Southampton: Antwerp Aprit 23 i000 100 Montrose FROM MONTREAL Cherbourg: Southampton: Hambourg May 1a May 29 0000001 ++ Montelare May | Ley Montealm To Havre:London-Antwerp May 8; June 8 ,,..0 00100 Metagama Map BR irae hivone ia rose 0 Glasgow: Liverpool: Belfast «May 2 ii Duchess of Richmond eMay 3 oon Minnedosa May 9 ,, Duchess of Bedford »Mavy 16 , very Duchess of York #May 17 , verses Melita May a, «+ Duchess of Atholl % Calls at Liverpool only # Does not call at Liverpool FROM QUEBEC To Cherbourg: Southampton May Ji May 28 Empress of Scotland May 14... 000, Empress of France May | A UN of Australia FROM VANCOUV To Hawail:Japan:China: Phillipines Mey 8 iio Lmpress of Russia May 29 \...\\ 0; Boris of Asia slune 12... Empress of Canada "x Calls at Honolu I ' Loon nie or A 8 WATKAT: General Agent,' Canadian Pacifie Bldg, Toronto NOTICE All dogs must be tagged by May fst. 2080 tagy may be purchased at Police of fice gn City Hall, LN, 8 BamD ZF Inspector [ET A By he wl + Orchestra gave unethey selection, then wn Vorns Song n which Albert Culley took the sole Jars brought he ireting ta ¢lose with "Ged Save ¢ Kin ; Thursday at 8 pm, Cobourg C, 1, irls' basketball team played w re: urn game here, Although "B.H.S, irly did not do as well us against hityy they cut Cobourg ormer score in half and more thap tripled thelr own, The' score would make you think that the game in Cobolirg Was # hope practice for the Cobour girls, while the game hers wasn't much better, but that wasn't the case, At the rate BIS, is improys Ing they will make Cobourg step next year, In the first and second and fourth quarters Cobourg did most of the scoring while in the third BH.8, did twice as mugh as febourg did; Score ended with Cor bourg leading 43-14, Tuesday evening B.S, Literary Soelety gave the students their long promised party in the form of & stunt night, After the Boys' A, A, defeated the boys of the Lit.Execus tive in 2 out of 3 velley-ball games, they adjourned to the assembly where each form put on a stunt, This wis followed by games and dancing, after which a lunch was served in the gym, SET ---------- EASTER SERVICES AT BOWMANVILLE PLACES OF WORSHIP Rev. J. R, Dickonson Will Preach at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Tomorrow 1s Raster Day considered the greatest day in the Christian Chureh year, All Bows manville ehurehes will be using spee clal musle for the occasion und It should he the endeavour of every one especially those whe are wot by habit ehureh goers to attend at least one service in a Bowmanville chureh tos morrow, The services will be as fol lows Trinity United Chureh Trinity United Chureh=Rey, J, U, Robins, pastor, Special Faster sere mons by the pastor at 11 am and 7 pan Special Easter music by the choir, Hunday School at 230 pam, Publie eordially invited, Salvation Army The Salvation Army==Special Lass ter Services, April 19, 20 and 21, wilt be conducted by Adjutant and Mrs MeBain, DT.P.S, In 8, A Hall Men: day evening special Easter program will be rendered by the young people, St. John's Anglisan Chureh St, John's (Anglican) Chureh==Rev, R, J, Shires, Rector, Easter Day, April 20th, 1930; 8 ame~Holy Com- munien; 11 am==Holy Communion; and Sermon; 230 pme=Children's Service; 7 pme=lvening Prayer Easter Music, 84 Paul's United Chureh St, Paul's Church == Rev, D, W, Best, DD, Minister," 11 a.m=Morn+ ing 'Worship="The Resurrection and the Life"; 7 pm~Evening Worship "The Hand that Lifts," Special Easter musle at both services, St, Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, carner Temperance and Church Sts, Morning Worship 11 am, Evening Worship 7 pm.; Sunday school at 230 pm, Rev, J, R, Dickinson; BA, recent graduate of Knox College, will preach at hoth services, Special Buster musie, Everybody welcome, NEWS ABOUT TOWN Wants An Aevoplane Perey Lunn told, us yesterday that a man walked into the Corbett Motor Sales service station on King Street on Tuesday and asked, very seriously, toe, if they had a second and aeroplane for sale, Perey ine and Is 'formed this prospective customer Bowmanville was a modern Jn every respect but yeti any dealers in secon "Of course some yarns dolls may be taken with a in of salt but all the same he wears it is true, Tandiords © There are some classes of people Acids in Stomach Cause Indigestion Create Sourness, and Pain How to Medical authorities state that nears ly ninestenths of the cases of stom» ach trouble, Andigestion, sourness, Sn dh, ALE, i acid in the st thas are no BAT The tome" bun fn J LAL he hb OF excess acid a t Mba t form peop! ERE on " Trew pm wom x LEAD ed who when ong Is speaking to them appear very Impressive and fast) one with a sense of awe, The most Awesome of theso classes seomy (0 be the landlord, We (ried to veut # house recently and were greatly Impressed with the landlord espes- ally when we endeavoured to gel him to do some deanrating, Ihe impovtant Air they then put on on these' oconslons makes one positives 4 up, Vee Clenning Likely those men who have heen getting up at five in the morning tn when they opened thelr weary eyes this morning and glaneing out of the window found it wad raining, This 1s ona time when the weather man can be sald to have saved the wash off sivests were well pleased | town some expense, Manager of Ball Team Stan Crossett well known hookey player of Vort Hape who was the | mainstay of that team when it ben Bowmanville in one game last win-| ter has heen appointed the manager of the Port Hope baseball league, Bian is very popular in Port Hope and should do well as the pilot of baseball in the town, -------------------- Daylight Bavin Oshawa, Whithy and Foronto ure due to go on Daylight Saving tine next Sunday, As yet nothing his been done about this in Bowmanville, Whether or not they sre going to have it this year Is still g matter of conjecture, Two or three years ago they decided they would not have it und that ereated wu finseo as half the merchants went hy daylight saving and the other hall went on standard time, The result was that at u spe cial meeting of the counell daylight saving wis ndopted, Having lenored the question ut the last meeting of the councl! it uppears that a specin) meeting will have to be called to ar range to keep up with our nelghbors ! What About a Band A news item states that the town of Whithy fs ta have a boys' band Bowmanville has ne band at all hut even in boys' band is better than none at all, his subject of a eitlgen band has been discussed time and time again but nothing has come of It, Whithy have a hand, Oshawa has two bands besides the Salvation Army, Port Hope have a band 'umd Cobourg has the famous Kiltle Band and to think Bowmanville whieh ones had the finest band in the provine of Ontario, the old Dominion Organ Band, has none at all, Surely there is enough musical talent In the town to organize un good band to put the town back in the world of musk Cantata Presented There was a large attendance at St. Paul's United Chureh last. evens Ing when the c¢halr presented the Sacred Cantata, "The Daughter of Julrus" hy Stalner, Vvery nmenibies of the eholr took thelr parts In «a splendid manner with the result that one of the finest evening's singing was heard for some time DEBENTURES OF UNITED COUNTIES REALIZE $99.27 Counties Bonds for $227,850 Are Disposed of to Do. minion Securities Limited What Is regarded as the year's out standing achievement in municipal financing occurred at the united counties ofges on Thursday, April 10, when, on tenders Lelng opened, Durham and Northumberland bonds totalling $227,550 with accrued inter ost, (asued for twenty years, were sold ta the Dominion Securities, Ltd, Toronto, for 99.277, lesa than three fourths of one per eent, below par In view of the I rate of interest the price obtained reflects great cre dit on the Jinance committee of the counties council, of which Reeve Gi 8. VanVolkenburg, of Seymour township, 1x the ehiirman, and upon Major E, I, MaeNachtan, counties clerk and treasurer, The Finance committee consists of Warden \V, H, a and Cavan Nelson of the wnhed counties Reeve George Hooton el township Other tenders included the follow Ing: Harrls, MacKeen & Co, U8204 I, 1, Good & Co, Y8381 Wood, Gun dy & Co, Y8K0; C', H, Burgess & Co, UNK7 | Stewart, Belly & Co, UBB Bell, Goninloek & Co, U8271 A, Ames & Co, W071 I, A, Duly & Co OBB; Gardner & Co, W.172 (second highest tender); Fry, Mills, Spence & Co, B62: HL, R, Hain & Co, UBB; Dyment, Anderson & Co, BR701 1 Me | head, Young, Welr & Co, Y8.80, ZION Zion, April 10. %lon eommun« ity wishes to how thelr appre; 'a tion of the services and compans fonship of Miss Ruth Flee, who has 16ft to train for a nurse in Whithy Houpital dnd hefora her departure, the home was invaded on Tuesday Night April § and a presentation of a solid brawn leather club ban by Miss Velma Dalson from the community and a palr of hed room shoes hy litle Kelth Btainton fram her primary class in the Buns day school of which she has Leen tencher for a yeu The nddress was read by Pearl Leaoh much missed in chureh, oholy and Kunday Mohool as well as enter tainments tn which she shone as an elooutionist, We wish her all el a II Mia SR TR AES whe NAL vie NOE WW Wis tlantic City is always {'in season" There's never a dull moment ot Atlaniie Cy, allipens round in veoationtimel Bracing plrmaporis= l wands Wl ondenrels x: Sil ation! Bpenda week, or awerloend, with us, oul psturnhomefests {We hintrash=vigeroust EY NYE | RATER | alien. Fn " TH Buroptan LL One of the lnest Hotels In Atlantic City "BATHE AC, ANDREWS, Pres Au, QV, MERKEN, FA\SA he CARIW glumpir (© AHO) Most Heat for the Money. ARGUED Authracite Coke Pocahontas CONGER'S high grade i "i are each selected for low ash, long burns ng and high ars 4 \ Conger Leigh Coal Co. Ld Phones: 871.931.687W DAYLIGHT SAVING In accordance with a Council of the City of Oshawa, Daylight Saving Time will be from one o'clock a.m., Sunday, Apil 27th 1930, to one o'clock 28th, 1930. F. EK, J H, R, LUKE Oshawa Manager, resolution of the in effect in Oshawa am, Sunday, Sept, HARE, City Clerk good wishes in her «isis of a profession, In the young men's class on Bunday last, Messrs, Tom and Joe Jones were visitors, Mr, Jue Jones was presented with a f "= tain pen by the class, he having moved to Kedron this Mpring, Tom has been in Whitby for some time, Miss Joan MeMaster, Toronto, Mr, James MoManter, travelling agent for men's wear and who has been In Baskatchawan sinee Janus ary, returned home Saturday (0 spond the week-end, While away he sent his mother 4 pair of headed bedroom slippers made by the Ine dians and also sent a letter by aly. mall, Tt landed st Kingston and oame up by rural route, the uinual way, Mrs, Chas, Feguson, Oshawa, has heen helping her mother, Mrs, J. W, Balson, who has heen oon. fined to her bed with a severe cold and rheumatism, Mes, J, W, MeMaster, Mrs, Eimer Wilbur and Miss Annie Mos Master attended the Women's Ine stitute Jast week at Boline, Mins Ruth. will be | neoompanied Miss, Lena Taylor, whe sang a solo | Horrow Is falt for Mr. and Mrs, | Av J, Balson and family of Bolina [in the death of thelr infant baby passed away on Katurday, My John Balson, Mr, and Mra, Anson Bal aon, Mr, and Mrs, Russel Stainton Mr, and Mrs, Reford Cameron, Mr, ¥red, Camaron, Mr, Jas, Canis eroh and Miss Mary, Mv, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Stainton, all attended the funeral on Tuesda) to Kldad cemetery, ENNISKILLEN BRIEFS Enniskillen, April 16 Mrs, 1 CF Ashton, Bom to Mr, and Mrs fin a baby bey Me, und Mrs Russell Grif Albert Smith Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Burgmaster are visits ing friends at Buffalo Gill, Torenty, spent Sunday with th Brunt, Stainton visited with Miss Stevens, Oshawa, Sunday Me, HAW, Paointon spent Sunday at Mr, Thos, MeGill's He, Tuesday evening We ure sorry to say Cook is very Mra, FF, Spry's, in Bowmanville, Quite a number around here at tended. Mr, Herb, Howmanvile on \Vedneaday, Mrs, F, Page's sale at Durketon en very high, Mr, and Mra. Stanley Preston The modern soulptured bobs de wonders to bring out your persens ality, But like other Rratntind modes of arranging the hair, they call attention to it, That's why it's so important nowadays to keep your hair sort, lustrous, abundant, The easiest and quickest ay to give new lustre and color to hair, which has bosun to look dull and lifeless, h with Danderine, And it makes the hair softer, easier to arrange; holds it in place, Here's all you do. tach time you use your brush Jon put a little Dans devine on it It removes the oily film from your hairy brings out ity natural golory gives it more gloss thay briliantine, Waves "set with iostay in longer, . Dandevine dissolves the crust 'of Yaureults puts the scalp in the pink of conthition, It stop falling hain, A small bottle is enough te show ity merit; Start on it tonight Danderine The One Minute Heir ACAI Drug Sores « Thirty Five Genta Miss Annie played 4 plano solo and also | Helen Viola, five months old, who Norman leach, Mrs Eimer Wilbur, Mra, Stan. ley May, Mrs, Wallace Stainton and Eleanor spent Sunday with Mr, and and family visited Mr, and Mrs, L' Lamb Miss Myrtle Brunt, Mr, Frank Me. former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Miss Marjorie Martyn, Mr, Charlie Luella wo preached in Oshawa Sunday evening, Mead Mes, 1 MeGill entertained a number of their friends 10 tea on | Mr GA, i at his daughter's, Argue's sale at alse Friday where prices on cattle were und daughter, Miss BernlessNastitt,' Oshaws, visited at Mra, I, ry, The Bowmanville Orange Lote uid & visit to our Joe! ledge on onduy evening, i On Fob ih evening, April Aut, Rev, HU, Btainton, Courtice, will give bis Hlustrated legture on the "Lind of the Rupee" Mrs, Stainton will and atten Awa and several numbers, The Young Veople's Leagues meet ing on Wednesday wis lield with Yi A, Dorland In chal, After a hymn, Miss UG, Werry led Tn prayer ve Bible reading wis taken hy Miss M, Martyn, The devotions! lesson was taken by Miss Dalton, Miss Revi MeGill then took charge with the tople by Mr, Frank Dorlund, Harold Kay then (gvoured with 4 plane selection, snd readings by Alice Ashton and David Simpkine, The Low prio "PHONE OUR LOW PR We Aiduye for bullding permit 4 we re sar INCLUDES ERECTION --y (0 the erection in Om. [IY district of every PEDLAR'S Mr il "MAJESTIC" GARAGE sing also the COLT, girls will gle Bong wood treme eovered with Nu-Root 8iding and Roofing, Pan olled doors 7 it, bigh, § fl, we two lights of glass in each door 6 includes finles Tax Order yours now, The PEDLAR PEOPLE Limited, 060, OSHAWA, ONT, , & meeting elosed with hymn and bene: | sess dletlon, Mr, and Mrs, L. Lamb and Don: ald, Miss Mae Lamb, Vowmunyilled visited thalr sister, Mrs, Ceell Wilson, Westleton, on Vriday, My, an re, BB Cryderman, Hampton, visited with Mr, snd Mrs, 1, Shaekleton Sunday, -- HIDING HEN AGE The wife of & rich American man- ufacturer has been fined for setting down the year of Wer age on an oftiela) form four years later than the real year, Why will women hide thelr "life" under a bushel? --_--_.- TIE WRONG KIND Askor==What happened to that valet of yours? yw | Toellor==I fired him for remov: Ing a spot from one of my sults, Asker==But isn't he supposed to do that? Tollor==Yes, but this was a ten ot, f_s Minois Avenue LY UN Low, iil TE Hill i (glitl J" | ey A ST EXCHLLED COLONIAL H Now Ready for YY! » A SEDLAR'S METAL D ------ a v 4.1 it on STE i) I [ADI dwoalhk and Hotel Distinctively Different' COMPLETED IN ATLANTIC CITY SPITALITY [From 4 daly: --, "GL made doring the EE... Judging from the pany of Canada bas just eompleted » of even greater sory od the ¢ condueted, bes, Lo ey Wi homo to greater sa aotion may be give bl hoon and wetwithstanding an Inorease in rate, the pereentage of completed lo ereated from 70.4+to 81, amounting t 00,000 more completed calls per day year 1008, Tn addi an inerease-of over reneed In the iin] Mates, vol reduoed to 10 n » were pul in fores and the p toll calls handled while the customer the one 8 pe vo A forther namber of tron od, Sines 1000 thus demonst A Ah 8 in the di Plhiie have been sen iat a sproified time, Parliamentary TELEPEONE SERVIOR ntents of the annual re: port veeenily Issued, the Dell Telephone Com. to the proviness through which Ite extends and has visibly improv. acy with which ite serviens are Pomensing virtually a monopoly of the tele: hone fleld in the urban centres of Ontario and Boe the company might, If It chose, Test upon ols and Jot the publie be content with the # provided, But there x no evi ¢ this In the programme which it is fol. ita object the constant 0 end that even ua, the report vdoords the fact that dur ing the year 1000 extenalva research work has done to ascertain the causes of unsom. pleted Joeal pall, As a result of these notivitien, t in the Libig completed toll business was ox: and in all veapeatr, so the service was {mproved, average length of Ame for handling toll calls was nutes, Improved operating to of 18 per ood, in the por telephone haa been attain, this lon has been 43 per " of preventive or The To | Ad on an average Pity of the Jastaliations Lded 0 on A with the applisant to do the work on AL IL. al nother year n, telephone the ealling onl eally In: o a total of than in the 11 per eent, The roportion of remained at r oent, compa being com. per oent, ntment is prem. urenean Plan ric ETTER 6. WOLLINOER, Ono.~ EUOENE C51 n pion | VIER, A009. O11 -- a ad t ore dor operated ' IF should the raising of -- op! which "i fine, ho In dated by hy gi revenue per telephone in for th \ aa vide for future b various sohomes which of of ita employees, the on Stipe ok all A u W pattern, a, TNéad '4% only a few of the achievements to the credit of he telephone concern during the past 13 months and must furnish proof of an in: 0 affoleney. Which ia the constant aim of the management and' which cannot fail to 'be appreciated by the telephone publio, Th A in certain quarters to phons Company of Canada, private an legitimate prey, It atoms ome | tors, as well as of Sony A Bend pv pany are furnis y private hed to face ahd tare not placed in way! of other concerns dealing with the iy oh But these individuals have only to test tele: Morvies in those countries WA have control and Shusien to realize the " telephone ystems nn lvate management, It ia extremely doubtful if similar --_ be He publio were those systoma. operated by idea that the Mell Company, ig the publio in ite rates ot that whilp the average interest and dividends Shite remain only pight cents to it renders thd public, tn constantly a hor nthe large Suthy ay rather in paving ita 62, the net telephona are waking » "An Example to follow" says the "Recorder and Times" a ------------

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