Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Apr 1930, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL. 19; 1930 NOMARIG DESTROYED Brockville ~1"g" which broke out ithe attie destroyed the residence of Mr. and Mes, Jahn Paul, on the north side of the Kingston Road, wis of Qukland Cemetery, The flames 1 rapid headwiy, und soon burs ed the familiar landmark, CALLED TO ROSENEATH Cobourg Rev, W. Paton of Arden, Onts has received, and, it 1s under stoal; necepted & cull to the pastor we of Roseneath United Church for he eoming conference yer, subject 0 gonfirmation by the Bettlement Bodrd of the Bay of Quinte Confer nee, TRAPPERS LOSE CARGO WUndsay Andrew Brandon and Lyle MacNeal met with a disastrous experience while on a cunoe trip to vislk traps on Floedwoed Island, In Buknt River, just above Goose Like Thelr canoe upset und deposited them and thelr cargo in deep water, The Iatter consisted of 35 muskrats and 64 traps and could not he ve covered, us the trappers hid # strug le Saving themselves, The canes drifted out and has not heen regained, PASTOR INDUCTED Cornwall, The Vreshyter of (Hengarey held a special meeting in St, John's Presbyterian Church to induct Rev, Dr, R. 8, 8, Quigley into the pastoral charge of Bt, John's congregation, Dr: Quigley has been minister of Knox Chureh, Campbell ton, N.B, for four and a half years, and seeerted i call from St, John's He succeeds Kev, A, It, Oshorn, now on the staff of the Biblical Seminar) New York City, CORN FOR WILD GEEAE Ottawa, An aeroplane wis used to scatter corn among a flock of some 1.500 wild geese stopping over wt Brittania Bay, Just west of the Capl tal, Touched by the gaunt appeur ance of the birds und knowing from the fact they were flying high when they appeared over the bay that they had experienced lean days while wins tering in the south, WW, R, Barnard, resident of the Hrittania summer colony, Inaugurated a community on to purchase grain for the geese, Done up in Mimsy bags that would break open on striking the fee, whieh still partly covers the bay, the corn was dropped from the plane, DIES SUDDENLY Lindsay ~=Stephen Oliver, former organiger for the 1.0, in Torente and ploneer agriculturist, died here while milking a cow FARMER HURT BY FALL Lindsay ~Jeseph Robertson, a far mer lving south of Lindsay, was in fured in a fall from the mow to the barn floor, DRIVER TO FACE TRIAL Peterboro~Charged with eriminal negligence as a result of an automo- bile aeeident in which John J. Clark of Millbrook wis injured, kK, 1, Mors den of Millbrook was granted hall for trial when he appeared before Mag istrate Langley, KILLED IN RUNAWAY Belleville, Clare Maedonald, 42, farmer residing on the Gilead road, a mile and & hall from the village of Wellington, Prince Edward County, was fatally Injured when the herse which he was driving, belted down the read, 200 yards from his heme, Muh Wim ta tie "ground, Antin quest was decided unnecessary FIGHT TOMATO DISEASE Cobourg=Tomato growers and exe outives of Northumberland County eanning factories meet at Nrighton Friday, April 2%, to lay plans for fighting the various plant diseases which have appeared in some quarters and. menace production that this year should total a million bushels of tomatoes in Northumberland alone, RECORD IN TAX RECEIPTS Cobourg=--Less than one-hali aol ang per cent, of Hamilton township's taxes for 1920 stood uncollected when Jo Ay Noble fecently returned his volls which totalled $68,000.50, On that ameunt, only 8243 was not col fected, and of that small sum, the township will be asked to charge off only $81 as uncellectable, ---- SERIOUS GRASS FIRE Cobourg~NFire sweeping over a front of two miles, endangering huild- ings on a score of Homanton Pliing farms and threatening the Northum berland Forest Reserve, was fought by volunteers from the Fenellu diss tries for 24 hours following the wuts break, serma------ NEW USE FOR OLD AUTOS Picton, == A ngw use for weriroul miwbor curs has been found, More than 160 of them have been taken to Cressy, placed slong the shure of Lake Ontarie, and hed with stone, thus forming a breakwater, The wie wer in the lake bs high, and the sens continually sweep over the roid, der straying 11, The method hus proved sueeessiyl -- : PIVER TO SEEK BODY Picton, = Although « thereugh search has been made, no trices hav been obtained of the bedy vi Ade Beant, 18-yeur-0ld Indian youth, who wits drowned while working on a seow ut Bay Bridge curly in Janus wry: Brant was thrown inte the wis ver wid buried beneath 35 tons of sand, With warmer weather, a diver In expected to repeat his attempts to locate the body RAILWAY OWNS PARK Kingston, = Kingston his been in formed that the Street Railway Com pny is owner ol Lake Ontario Park, of the ussets offered by the company to the ety, should the lat ter purchase the road, "I'he pur property wis purchased outright by the Breet Rallway Company in 1921 the purchase price being puld over to the Donivinlon Goverment in Feb rary of that year," sald Mr, Nigkle, who explained that the sale hud been made by tender called for by the Daminion Government, and that the bid of the Bireet Railway Compan had heen wenepted, GOLDEN WEDDING Iroquois, == I'he hom Mr and Mrs, Arthur Robertson, King Sires! Last, was resplendent with decors tions of yellow daffodils and gold ribbons when they eelebrated tie anniversary of their Alty yveurs ol married life REBUILDING SWEEZEY HOME Kingston, == Work on the struction ef the. new home of Sweekey, Montreal fAuancler, miles enst of the the vinelal highway, 18 bey tarted It is expected that the home will be completed In the summer, The pals tial home, almost completed, was de stroyed by fire last. December, My Sweerey's new home will be eng of the show places of Fustern Ontario he wl yeeon R W 8] few ro wid TAUNTON NEWS Taunton, April 13=Miss Ruth Hilts of Oshawa spent the week end with her cousins, Misses Beryl Glaspell 'Mr. and Mrs, Alan Lavis entey tnined w few friends and neighbor on Thursday evening, A very on Joyable time wan enjoyed by all pre sent, Mr, and Mes, Jessie Arnott, Juek und Bernice, were Sunday guests with friends at Ebenezer, The warm weather recently is get ting the land in condition for cult| vitian, Murton Walter motored to Guelp! on Tuesday with his cousin, Mr, Id gar Pascoe, Miss Ruth Fice has entered Whit by Hospital as nursesinstraining, Wi wish Ruth suceess in her new work ~The pupils in the school are writ 10g on their examinations this week ---------- COLUMBUS NOTES Mi Wrma and Columbus, April | Mrs, Robt, Ashton, who are brating their golden wedding o Monday, April dist, will be at home to their friends from & pan, until 9.00 pm Reve 1 1 Tavity, BAL of Burks Falls will conduct the services in the United Chureh on Easter Sunday ------ Approximately 175 medieal ox aminars located throughout the United Bates. whose duty it in tn examine pllata and student pilots an to their physioal and mental ni. ness for fiylng before they are lio: ensed, and to check those whe are already loensed, hy periedio ex aminations, are maintained by the Aoronaution Nraneh of the Depar! ment of Commerce, a -------- und cele There aye now 188 women pilots lioensed In the United Hiates, California leads with 43 female atiatom New York Is second with TELEPHONE 262 COAL e000 PREMIUM COKE sever. soLvay WOODALL kinDs a pry gs Service (20) Delivery Vehicles |Canadian Air Mail Services Showing Rapid Expansion| Ottawa Canada, with her vast aren and widely scattered population 18 advintageously situated to derive the greatest benefits from the devel: apment of internal ale mall service Thee great distances which separate the principal urban centres and th sendy und broad=fronted advanee in settlement und development serve to render postal eommuniention by mr peculiarly valuable to the Dom infon, In wddition the Post Office Depart ment of Canada hus entered imo u reciprocal arrangement with the United Btates postsl suthorities wherchy Canada may take full wd vintage of the extensive Uniged Sintes uly mull services «connecting with points in Mexico, the West In dies, and Central und South America I The establishment of Canada's of | fi lil wir post services iv of compare { Hyvely recent date, but the eonvey nee of mall matter by wr within Canndi Dias been an wetunl fact for wyver ten years, lu the early days of mall transportation by alr, the Post Office Department, us # tem POFREY INERRUIE, Rave permission to the operating wvistion companies to enrry letters entively wt the senders risk, und subjeet to a sul vee rang Ing Arom five cents to 25 cents per letter, In addition to the regular pus fy This fee retilned ernting company, The sueeessiul op erition numerous "sticker" ser vie demonstrated beyond question the easentinl practicability of ale mal Dominion, for these were €ondueted In man aves under gonslderable operating difficulties although not on hardsand «fist schedules OfMisially in 1027 Civil aviation In Canada assumed proportions In 1937 which Justified the Post Office Department in util ing the fagilities wvalluble for the fast transport of malls, not only tu remote wreas but between the centres of population the latter type had of arranged on definite and this lavolved problem As w beginning a service augurated by whieh Incoming minke were taken fr tran=Atlan He steamers and transported hy tu Montreal, thus considerably tening thelr delivery Later " tober 1, 1928, a service of daily GUENEY Was established Montreal and Torento and tl wine day an International aly mail roitg was opened between Mantrea! PQ, and Albany, N.Y On July | 1989, the MontrealsTaronte route wa extended to © Detroit vin Hamilion London and Windsor, Cntario. and thus a point of contact with the Un ited Ntates wiv mail routes westward win established, in addition to pre viding the densely populated portion of Ontario with speedy mail On the same date sill connection with southern al routes was provided hy the estab Hahment of dally service between Forento and Buffalo, Notwlthstand ing the diMeulties of operation in the Maritime Provinees--searcity oi suitable landing fields, densely wood ed "wroas, broken country, and vag the Postmaster General fnaugurated vil by the op ol triwispa tin the aryleey larger meryies ul Cole to bh Hine hed toa ) 1} Was In 1 hi () Ire between on mont furth mil EE - PRISON INWATES T0 HOLD REUNION | lan progran | Royal Canadian Men Hark Back To Olden Days | { Kingston, April 10 Iatls, sons and other "houses of ton" have never heen known to pre mate resuntons for the benefit of ex mmatessgatherings at which thes who have served long or 108 serious oF minor offences may meet together 10 talk over thelr ex periences during and after their in carceration, Such an event is to he held in this eity, however, an May J and M4 of this year fn conjunction with the hig Roval Canadian Artl lery regimental re-union who have served either long or short sentences in the little military prison at Tete des Pont Barracks will once mere as semble and take part in the usual fres quent exercive indulged in under the supervision of the Provest Sergeant, wielding a white-wash brush Thera is understood to ho a certain binding comradeship still existing Among a great many exsmembers of the RCA, who share, in memory, the experience of having heen "in the eink" under the watchful eve and custody of Provost Sergeant Wolle (now vetived and living in Ot awa), Mr, Wealfe was in charge of the military prison for nearly Mo years, He held the rank of Sergeants Major on vetivement, and will be on hand during the re-wiion to take charge of his "boys," serve out whiteswash brushes, and put them te work, Some of the men wha served val oun periuds under the Provest's cave are now in responsible executive pos sitions in the industrial and eommers ofal activities in. Canada, Whatever thelr present situation in Nie hows ever, if they have once heen initia od into the unbreakable order of those who have been in duranee vile at TetesdesPont Rarragks they will again find themselves = members of "Charlie Walfe's Chain Gi, Mr, Wolfe's eyex are as bright and as keen aa-ever, His memory is par: tioularly active and he states that it in impossible for him to err in pieks ing out his happy flock, He is des termined that no man whe has ever heen in his custody, and walks through Tetesde:Pont Barracks gate May a1 next, 'shall shirk his duty He is confident that the low stene wall whieh surrounds the stately flag: pole in the Barrack square will wns doubtedly need a brand new coat of whitewash at the exact time that the vesunion program is in full womeh gre or Limost gut off from the outside id ar | lavik | Ing and like | hort terns | well attended awing, and sta t he has already i serviee early In December, 1989, between Montreal, Quebec, Moncton and Bain John Praivie Route This Year The next major development In Canadian Ale Mall Borviee wis the Inauguration of the trans-prifrig route on Murch 3, 1980, Planes wre now operating dally between Winns per, Weging, Mooselaw, Medel Hat and Calgary, and between Kes fing, Baskitoon, Nurth Battleford, and Vdmontan on u schedule whieh eps w tu) twenty-four hors off the transcontinental movement of Can adian mils, This net only constis tutes uw marked advance towards thy constetoseonst service which Is being developed link by link but revelys tonlzes Inter-communiention hetween the provinges of Alberts, Baskatehe win und Munhohi It is in the outlying portions of the country, however, tht the most val wible work. of Canada's Ar Mail nerviee has been earried ent, Until recently the remote settlements along the north shore of the Bt, Lawrence river, un Anticosti und the Magdalen Islands on the gull of Bt, Lawrence, and wong the sub-urette renches of the Mackenzie river, hive heen als world during the winter months, Commune ution wis ne censnrily by doy team und gather primitive methods until the recent dramiatie change tu swilt alr planes reduged the duration of mull trips from weeks 10 hours, Phe establishment of contract mill service In the Muekenzle River distrietmthe most northerly of all alr mill serviees==in December, 1939, attracted world-wide attention, - Phe route trem MeMureay, down the Ahabuskia river, wlong the south shore of Great Blave lake, und down the mighty Magckenele river Is new y 1,700 miles long, Hitherto, In win ter months, dog teams had been the sale means of conveyance and the sill being Hmited to letters. und & Tew NEWRPRPET A, I'he tutu! wintey Wi fur Aklayig 1948-29 win le thin mined Contrant this with the remarkable conditions ob tiling wn the advent of alr mall fa eilithe Fen thousand pounds of mai) Vere the first lights i thousand pounds alane for Ak the mouth of the Macken wont the ol two hundred p carried on wl the «hile! remaining routes those which penetrate the rich min Ing ures of Ontarle and Manitoba, Le, Wed Lake, Kississing, and Bissett They the principal mineral areas served by alr mall in Canada, Many New Fields Fhe development of fying Aelds and provision of lighting facilities, not to mention the constant inprove ments in aireraft which may be 0) pected during the next few vear volume of mall was corresponding! will undoubtedly do mueh to facili tite the performance of regular sche duled alr mail services within Can wa, Meanwhile the eMicieney per eontages maintained hy the different operating companies are remarkably high In addition to holding the world's record for speed over con tract alr mall Hines, the Canadian ser viee proudly boasts that it has never lost & single plece of mall out of the hundreds of tons that have been en trusted 1a I ure mre ai r---- ar ---- made sreangements for an Issue irom the Ordance:Depot (on loan) of 785 whitewash brushes to garry on the jub Mr, Wolfe's scheme will doubtless une of the femtures of the re-un with every man who ean the doubtful honor of i" iunhify Ten Artillery | iui Uslapdabhing" a hrush enters GeeRsion. the responsibilities inte the spies of shoauldering his # man NORTH OSHAWA Noth Oshawa, April 16 erviees at the chureh were M ovnton Mr, Ferguson's pli « I'he seripture reading was the nines teerith. Psalm, The text was in First Carintlians, 130th chaptey the seventh verse, lin story to the aunda hoth took childeen was of an aeroplane nels! dent 6F the Great War and the near accident whieh befell, and compared it 1a eur Christian Nie, We were glad to have Mr, Poynton with. us, us he in a close triend of our own My, Ferguson, Remember the Kaas ter services next Sunday and the lantern lecture, on Monday evening on the Crueifirion and Passion Play Mrs, Fred Conlin, wha underwent A Very Aerious operation far gultre at St, Michael's Hospital in Toronto, nearly two weeks ago ix somewhat improved, We hope to see her al howe with her family soon, The Home and Schoo! Club are fortunate to have the Albert Street Ladies" Ald put an their play ealled USteldily Business" in the duy school on Thursday, The proceeds will be divided between them Glad to report Mrs, Moffatt stead, ily improving Mr, and Mya, Russell Jollow and two hove and Mr, Mitehell Jollow, have moved to the Oke farm en the Base Line Rast, Mr, George Scovgie has purchased Mr Jollow's home and will meve in immediately, "The Selliek from Kedron into house, Miss Dolla Gloyer has returned from Wiarton and is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Will Glover, Me, and Mes, Gordon Glover and ohildren of Harmony visited My, and Mis, BR Kirhy, Sunday, Mee and Mes, Frank James, Oshs awa and Mes, Walter Moare of Whithy visited Mr, and Mrs, Joo Gulliver. Sunday, Mr and Mrs, John Alexander, Sv, and Me, and Mew, John Alexander, Jr went te Toronto Saturday, Et A] have moved Tattorsall'y family Mw, An ambulance werviee consists ing of elght airplanes-in in aperas tion through the Sahara Desert, The service, under military contrel may be used by the civil population aL coat of shout 20 conta a mile, in the evening, | and | Toronto Leafs Win Repding, Pi, April 10 =With, kde die Phillips, Nolen Iiehurdson and Les Burke delivering the knockout punches, the bLeals detented the Rounding Keys § tw J here yesterday afternoon in the delayed opening of the International League season at this pont, Phillips 1ifted the ball oye er the left gentre birrler with Pete Cote on bse In the second loning or two rune, i single by Richardson propelled ve run Ay In the hifth, wnd Burke hit Riehurdson across in the seventh fur wnothe Also in the seventh Bob Petrie scored the Lents' Afth and final run on double ses! with Burke, "the elisn O'Neill belted two Reading pits chery for ten hits with Kichardson, Burke aud Phillips euch tearing off two, Lut probably the res) hero of the victory, whieh came an 4 hewvy dine mond and under lepden skies with lens than 4,000 peeple in wttendance, wiih Bum Gibson, who proved « fine ished workman alter relieving Guy Cantrell with none wut in the seventh After Jurgens und, Grace, first two men to bat Wn this ehukker, had pol ed the bull o distant parts for doy bles und one run, It wis apparent that Cantrell's effectiveness through {ur tha-day, Though the, big vighthander had fired wu puly of pirikes past the next batsman to make the eount one und two, he wis given a elub house ticket by the wily Bteve Q'Nelll, Gibson's Smart Portormance Cillian went to the peak and stop ped the Keys In thelr tracks, Hi made Padgett, » pineh hitter pop to Cote, forced Tweet Walsh 1g seni un eupy Nogter to Art Ruble, polish ng off the Inning by whifing Bobby Jones, But Gibson's best work was to come, Seven home rellows Jogged to the bat in the lust two mings and five of the soven wended thelr way back to the bench, strikeout viethms Country Davis, the Keys' new first haseman from the Dallas Club of the Texas League, slammed a long dour hile to centre to open the ninth inning but without turning a hale, Gibson struck ont Jurges, Grace wand the pineh hitter, Tony Krasovieh, In a row 10 wind up the game, It was deadly pitehing hy the tall gentleman from High Point, North Caralipn, but the vietory will go down in the records to the eredit of Can trell, whe, though he had a world of stuff for six innings, had but one bad sesslon in that time, and fanned no less than seve nof the Keys, round trouble loenting the plate It wis hurd work for him at all times Fan Thirteen Keys Altogether 13 Keys were struck out hy Cantrell and Gibson with Gibson getting six that way in three Innings, The Keys were out-hit 10 to 7 but fone of their seven sufe raps were doubles, The Leafs' extra huge hits Wis were Phillips' home run snd Richard ining and | Louls made | | son's double in the Hirst whieh was wasted, The thelr hits count for more Ont. Golf Assn. A nnual Meeting Foranto, April 19 Outside of the election af the directors, the decision to dispense with the annual Spring tournament, the selection of the dates of the five champlonship events to be held dueing the season, and ap pointment of an honorary advisor) committee, composed of the past pre sidents of the association, there was not mugh done ut the annus! meeting of the Ontario Golf Association held at the National Club Thursday even ing, but there was a discussion on a suggestion advanced hy the Royal Canadian Goll Association, which, Their Opening Game favorably considered by the new bord und adopted, will prove of great uspistanes to the virlows elubs throughout the prevines and, indi reetly, to clubs throwghout the en tire dominion, The remiurks of the president, 1, M, Woud, snd the reports of (he honorary secretory Areasyrer, VW, J Thompson, showed that the O.GA, 1s Inu most Nourishing condition and tht the steady growth that has been notieed wince It was formed, six AES lo, un an outgrowth of the old Yoronte and Distrlet Association, wa continued duribg 1929, There ure 55 clubs abated with the association, runging from Brockville in the east to Port Arthur In the west, and thi bitange on hand showed a slight in crease over tht at the end of 1928 1.37003 wgninst $1,387.49, and the virious tournwments held during the year were decided successes, with the exception of the hpring event While the courses fur the virions 1930 ehamplonships were not select ed, it wan decided to hold the provin ell amateur ehumplonship ut one of the loc! courses und the open st un aut=af-town course, The date sel for wll five, as follows Amateur Thursday, Vriday Saturday, July 10, 11 und 12 Quen=Monday, July H, wr duy, July 18 Junlors=Vriday, Sept Parent and ehilde=1Vriduy, Val tournament=maturday, werd find Tues wept, 12 mept A, It wus the opinfon of those attend Ing the meeting that the Spring tow HEMeENt Wes nut a sueee heeiwuse of the early date and the fuet that th wether cannot be depended upon Elst Ninetean Directors, The following were elected to the boned of diveetors of which ten mem bers ave from this eity and 1 from outside points =r, W, , Givens, Bearboroy Gordon Cassels, Torant Golly Horace C, Grout, Mississnugi | Hurry Rickle, Summit; ®, M, Gra Rosedale | George Robinson, Lamb tony WW, 1, Thompson, Uplands; | Misley, Cedar Brook: Dr, A, B, Jum Lakeview; 1, M, Wood, York Downs CR, Bameryille, London; A A Adams, Hamilton; BB, W, Anderson Simeoe | George M, Juedhs, Oshawa John 8, Lewis, Brantford; , ( Marting Hamilton 0, A, Murphy Windsor; W, A, Watson, Sarnia Maleolm Cochrane, Port Arthur mare out-of-town members will appointed by the executive at thei first meeting, J. N, Lang wa Ie elected auditor, ne The fishing fleet of Norway Is being assisted by two navy planes for the loeation of fish, tohead until Fone I'wir he For the Benefit o Quebec Man Wrlies Aba "I must say | do not knew why Lh wulferers, years, until a friend recommended ney y as 1 had taken a few pills the pa) and strongly recommend all kids tn hive recourse to Dodd's Kid all Kidney Troubles," "This letter At All Denlery, 50¢ my wasieude for your wonderful Dodd's Kidney Pills, Kindly publish this for the benefit of pther 1 was troubled with Backache for four Dilly, 1 gob 4 box at once and as soon We always keep a box in the medicine eabines Mr, Whitmore Chicelne, Barachels Wes, IQ, Other Sufferers wt Dodd's Kidney Pills ave nat written before expteing Dodd's Kid. KIDNEY / PILLS n had gone, wy sufferers UNG wy Pills for LH comes from Ly W y p out or hy Mail from The Dodds Medicine Co, 14d,, Toronto 2, Ont, wtrov White Sox Win | Vii ' | ( 10- Inning Game| Chiengo, April 10-="The Chichgn White Box and the Cleveland Tne dans battled threugh ten Inning in thelr thries postponed songon's opener hare Thursday and the Box won kK to 7, Metglor's hatting in (1) won the game The Ings without Indians plied ins off Al 'Thoma Hudlin lal thries, und fl Hefop { tenth ig ang duh in the sell, hroke the five while nn the four Ixth Rox went thrmugh A loud of In he Lh Ty replaced hy Hard: Harder cond enteh hin birenth he hit for on double win ®Eingle toy two vun Hodupp gi! | excited nd threw wild to Vonseos, / letting Clarey coms heme (TY pox counted six In thad inning |! Then hath 1 oiled gown to | uw wlondy duul with the sox one | a doubled foup lu the 11] Wp a | I ( hroke Hox wi { wi wn Tl Ing Burnett and tyly ninth BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE y Von Lost VG, |g 0 1,000 1000 |g Ooo fy gun ( LALIT) aon von | 000 | Toronto Hultimore Nonding Hoehente Mantreal 4, Huttalo Joarsay Cliy Newark H MN 1] Vriduny's meores Taronio ho Reading 8 Baltimore ,, 4 Hochest Other games post noned Today's Games Toronto at Reading Rovhester at Baltimore Buffalo nt Newark Montreal nt Jersdy Ch AMERICAN LEAGL) Wan Taw Philadelphia ooo e00! 1} ChiohBO vor vorinne d UJ Naw Bi, Loni | Boston Mi Milwanukes , BL, Paul, { 4 Toledo | 000 LOOO | 1s the largest appropriation of Loo | kind ever levaland faston BL, LOWE 4 sss Yurl sere Fridny's seoves laveland / Dutroll Ohm postponed Vollny's Cinnivy t. Louts at Chicngn Claveland at Detrol Washington st Vhladelphian New York ub Boston 14 game NATIONAL LAGE Won List York +0044 | 0] ilgdelphle 2000001 EE "Iishurg tre | hWeago Binning NM Tiehnnatd | 0 1 b I Friday's weores Chneinnat i hi rooklyn Htuh (I PTTA I Other games postponed Foduy's Ginmos Boston al rook) Philadelphia pn f Pittghurg ut { Chicago al ( AMVIICAN (an Fil hy Yar g Louis, Inelnnpt ANBOCIATION Won Lost Hl bY Foledn OuIsviNg ovr i000 B | Paul , vier 8 | ndlannpnll ne | sansas CHy 4... | olumbu MITwiil ker Honneapolis : Fridny's Cunsnn City Indianupnlis 11 Faotuviilg alti hie UJ menos 17 Fodny's Cinmes Milwankea at Indinnapolis, Kansas Clty at Loulsyille, it, "aul nt Toleda Minneapolis at Columbus, Vinnenpol Belgium plans to spend 43,800 This for aviation this yes made in that country DODD'S 4 aon 5 1.0, 1.000 HT) EL Lun NL 1h) Lh RIN) h IAF 1.000 RET M07 1] 111 | { Ft TheNew 85 Horsepower OAKLAND Custom more ) var dk than Ja | A Challenge | to Beauty A \ Jexall Beauty is more than skin deep A sour, alok, billows stomach is the cause of more poor coniplexions than you would ever dream of, Does your mirror reflect a sallow, mugay skin, If so, Aweeion your stomach and heighten up your vemplexs powerfu -- any other StockiCar<of Oaklands' size YenNr and weight fon with Rexall Mik of Magnesia 30¢ * 50¢ Will relieve heartbura, constipation and dispepsia, Useful an a dentifrice and mouth wash, You "Save With Safety' wt THE REXALL STORER Jury & Lovell Slmooe St, 8, 8 Phone 68 ME new Qakland Custom Eight is the first car of ifs size and weight, enly racing cars excepled, lo produce ene horses power lo every 37 pounds of car weight, That's why few, if any, can pass this new Oakland en the hills , , why if accelerates se rapidly in traffic , , why it is called "the car of superior pars formance." ' Excoplional smoothness and riding comlerl are other oulstands« ing characteristics of the new Oakland Custom Eight, Added lo the inharen! smoothness of eight-eylinder design is the freedom from vibration assured by rubber-insulaled engine mountings , a shor, rigid crankshalt . , and a Harmonie Balancer, Standard equipment includes Duplate (shatterproof) glass throughs oul + « Lovejoy shack absorbers, front and rear « , and such de luxe features as six wire wheels (we in fender wells) + , trunk rack , , spring covers , , and safely lights on front fenders, Ye! ~=ptices are very moderate indeed | Oakland cars , , both Sixes and Eights , , await an opportunity te display their merits te you in a demonsiration, Ask aboul the O MAC; General Motors' own Delerred Pay iment Plan, OAKLAND SIXES AND-EIGHTS Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. 99 Simcoe St, S,, Oshawa' Phone 900 TE EEITiE {1's BECAUSE CANADIAN

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