Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Apr 1930, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1930 PAGE FIFTEEN r-------- THE "Reh" where, CIASSTHIE DS BARRISTERS Ete. Con- edd An un ie. Caw: Gifass of Hlipon' oi. bau Pog Oshawa, "4 Biker LLB A rn AB Sonpat- ¥, BEBE, BARRISTER, Solicitne, Notary ioe "Third or Money 1 Opposite oo Al Alger Building. rte ET ian pi Hi Notary Po Cone hy to loan, Offive 144 ner. ic Hone Hog Phone #4 Be dence gn Barristers, ' Notaries Public, ets. ndard Bank, Rutranc te Fone 13, J. 7, Grierson, K.O. x K O ) Jelshion, BA, N reser, B.A. : ' Dewland's ewan Soar to foan, 4 Simons otaty, over oney Phone ' 67, treet north Residence I GREER | risters, Solicitors, ete, 24%4 Siricoe t, N. Phone 3160, Money to loan X U, HALL, B.A, BARRIS: [Exh Conveysncing and goneral racticn, 38% K'ng St East hone $387, (tf) IR (4 1H Solicitors, ote. '41 Algo widg. Oehawa nd Port Perry, f Phones 769 Cshdwa, Port Perry E124 ad ned 5 1 mo) A PARKH( lete, one to loan, ARS Bids, op posite Post Office, Phone 1614, Rll Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARVER, Disney Block, Phoue "0580, Office thours § am, to 8.10 pm, Dr, HB 17, Hazlewood, special attention to {Surgery and X-Ray, Jr. B, H, Hare fal attention to ¢hildren's nd Obstetrics, Sunday oh night calls 7416 or 122, DR. McKAY, PHYS CIAN, SUR eon, Aceoucher. ce and resi. ence, King St, Go comer Victoria t Phone 94, R. HAROLD W, JRICK, PH (81. ian, Surgeon, Obsfutrician, Special eferences 10 maternity work an hE 3 Sh a ot ate e . ence 167 Simcoe St N., (cor, Brock) '( Le R, GRA , Obstetrl ian, d a of nian end * hil ren, and ond East, Phone 1195, R PAY! AID, Edinbursh, sno wh Obstetrician, Sr. N, Phone 30 of ta eat feo Ave, "orth. Phone 31355, DR, O. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Jur Lh Obstetrician, Office and esidence, 618 Simcoe street north, Phone 2415, PHYSI. clan, Sr eon and pn office an] res dense, | Simeoe Street, North, phone 3107, , Nose, Too pecialist PR 1, T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR IStreet West, Toronto, will Le at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pan, for consultation and treatment of diseases of car, nose and throat only, Appointments mav be mad at drug store one ye, » over Mitchells' 1 12 am. re, re ; tend 1 Xf. phone 2660. A §, OVER BAS: Ri al ion to Nera Gas vt Nos 1 Ate R. Nios ee as k "Wie : t | over Dewlan ud) i & ntme, W, Res, 292W, dvenimgy by Na 3h SULLEY & W. J. SULLEY AUCs | toner, owe 34 hike 31, 8. Oshawa, ul nent on Jiven lo os . Bei furn ure 9 a | oan prompt delivery, piace orders in advance of d y date, Ad Rarrowdale, Phoy Vor ARCHER. 3D. cM. [1H . dollar up, beautityl er " . " specialist in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses, Autbor of ye Care and Eye Btrain, The Chilg and Its Development, Dis pey Block opposite Post Office, Phone 3616, (Apr, 14-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR+ lo Land Survevors and Civil Engin. eers, sub. 5, town planning, municipal engineers, 305 or 411 King t, I. Phones 2532] or 2544, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL go 67 KING ST. Kast, Ambulance, ence, $42 § me Res 1 | coe street north, Fidos 210J a3 10W. ALT COMPANY LWA 87 Celina street, Qshaws, Corner Brute street, Ambylance, Phone D-- DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Othawa, The oll: est Pire Agency In Oshawa, 30 Re nutable Fire Companies WHEN PLACING INSURANUR eonsuls KR, N. Johes, 80 Simcoe north, Your (psurasce 'vents at terded to and your .nterests pro tected, Di tata Transportation | GANTAGH AND §TORACR, COLE: 'man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists ip turpiture moving, storage ware: bouse und moving ven equipment Phone $2, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard cinders, Local and long dis.ance hauling, Smith & Cox, Phone 084, 10 Bond Bt, West, OSHAWA'S OLDERT . ESTAS. lished furn'ture movers, Park Road car ane, Local and long distance Erank File. £1 gon. 65 Yark R) Sout! bone (Mar, 19-1 mo) uty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Ver: manent wave prices 306, $7.60, ¥10 aud $10. All other hoes of Heauty Culture, Phene 2008, Apply sb Bimecoe street rorth RT MARCELLING ~ BY Betty Ward at Bett ay Forman. ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham. poo $1, Phone 2968, es WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina Ay We spe cialize In ladies' hair cutting, mar. celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel $0 cents, For anvoiniments phone vil 16+1 me) MARCEL AN TU [iba Foe, MEE K, Clarke, 147 Agnos street, hone 2640), (Map, B01 mo) MARCEL & CURL == §0z ~ MRS, Lverette Bell, Apt, 9, Edward Apts, Quebec Street, Phone 1090], (90¢) Music CRT OW TYNDE, VOCAL TEACH. = Ambry Conservatory, Tos ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa Tussday, 6% Wilk fam Fi any malt 1) on ERENT ™ {ENEER, OR: OR. ganist and oho master of Klos Street United. Church will accept pupils ip plano, organ and Yoel musie,. Fon particulars ig' William 'stree: ut. Joos we Apr, 6-1 fai LEON [RECT of ON Oshawa Collegiate | oh Public Schools, Studio=-47 Gibb St. phone 10487; (Apr ol ma) MASTER SINGING COURSE, IN- eluding concert and broadcasting op» portunities, Suburban pupils aceept- ed. Chevalier Gualter De 1'Eveille, 177 Bloor Street East, Toronto, (90-92-93) Service USHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC @drsories for sale, repairs ob elees trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries. re charged. rental supplied. §1, Phone 33800, Charles Wales, 140: Elgin Kast, (Apr, §-1 mo) A MAKES OF SETS JEPAIR: nable wor . gg) ed, 50¢ 3 $00 delive ( Bishi' "Wadler Oro Buproushs; Apr. 16-1 mo) charged, 760 called for and de livered, Radio. service, airials erect: , ed, Platt, Phone 14. Mar 20-1 mo) A of dancing and physical "cultur Bond Street" East, Lessons - given each evening AS Pile an Saturdays from 10 am, gr terms '| call or phone 3297W, a above hours, rn 19-1 M HENSTITCITNG NINE "CENTS yard, ted Skirts from one] roidery work, children's wear all on sale, Shop,' 2604 iat | South, ( me, ho Dai) 5 "HOME TRUE FORK ples, steak and Kidney ples, hot or cold b! chkes and pastries, ate, ete. os, 41 Maple street, Phone Ae 3, (F780) aged, maternity or eneral nurs a For indora lon phone J30W, Lapn 401 we) man wow | of this nature, snd collect for same, All Classified Advertising | Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling » large number of small arcounts For'thy convenience of customers wha find it inconvenient tw come personally ta The Times' office, » telephone call will bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephoneg35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT apartment, newly decorated, ¥rig~ idaire, electric stove, French doors, Apply 164 Willism K, Phone 2 343. ; (foe APARTMENT TO TIT, CENTRAL All eonyeniences rived Hoorn Apply Bradley Bros, bie mr ment on holiday, Central, four rooms, newly decorated, hardwood floors, electric vefrigerator, stove, $40, Phone 1768M, (oer HOUSE FOR RENT AT 02 AR: lington Ave, Phone 416 r 23, (90¢) ENT 144) HOOVIRITR house, All conveniences, J'urnished, Price $40 per month, 211 Drew Bt, (90e) i HOURE VOR WENT we 466 1% Bimeos street south, solid brick, All gonveniences, hol water heating, 8 sun rooms, reasonable west, Phone 508 or 800, (poe) YON TVNT--=8 ROOMEDBNICR house, 4 plece bath, furnace, on paved street, rent reasonable, guys nge, chicken pen and garden, Phone 8226), (Bog) TO RENT TAREE FURNBHED rooms, Niece loeation, Bultable for two Indies or gentlemen, 221 Are thur St, (pec) Work Wanted ato Rent FIT Se ----------------e 1 BAKERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, i cepts, If ren: Raieries repaired 20 Mil Be, Phoue Apr 16-1 mo) R ROADWAY, and general tal supplied §), Blan Wigaon, 1680W, FIX UP YOUR gravel, sand, cinders trucking, Chis, Graham, Phone 264m, (Mar, 27<1mo,) WEIR WANTED: =X NDERTNG? trebs and berry bushes pruned, Phone 1280), (92¢) Dry Cleaning NORMAN LAMBERT, FRENCH dry cleaning, and repairing, all goods called for and delivered, Phone 523, G6 Bagot Street, (Apr, 12-1 mo) [OORT LOOR= on TARTEW. Have your old hat cleaned and blocked to look like. new at The Hub, 15 King Street West, Shoes Shine and Hat Cleaning, Work guaranteed, Phong 2249, Vietor Cols op, _ pr, 4 = 1 mo) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 50KT WOOL slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry body wt wood Waterous Meek Limited 0) |/ Lid, planos, new snd used planos, nso Jedion, latest models) terun arranged. Apply ©, Trull, Phone 16 (11110) QUANTITY OF WHITE BLOS. som sweet clover noed, for sale, Phone 1648 r 1-4, (Mar, 82-1 mo) VOI -- BALK -- STRAW BRTY plants, Kellogg's Early Bird, Nem jer and Pocomoke, While Leghoru hatehlug exis, Huron strain, Phone 2663W, (Mar 26-1 wo) FOR SALE~CRUSHED STONE Chips for driveways, ~\Vaterouss Meck Limited, Phone 1288, (Mar 28-1ma FIETY DOLLAR ote, ELECTRIC stove, twelve months guarantee, used four months RS. Apply 214 Dears hari Avenue ff 1lgin Rast, (90¢) I "WITT ' FE A CARLOAD OF seed oats, seed wheat and ground wheat at North Oshawa about April Ast. I, Ji Clemens, CTNDEIE TON NAT garrard"s Cartage 1487, i fanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY -- SIN 10 ten horse power gasoline engine Phone 205iW, 1¢) Awnings (9c) PHONE (fle) | WINDOW AWNINGS -- PORCH awnings, verandah curtaing, canopy tops installed, 'IN Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa phone 1083 (Apr, 10:41.) inting an Decorating RGUTSOLE FIRST CLAS PAT perhanger, painting and' graining, Prices right, work guaranteed, 140 Fine Ave, phone 2066w or 041%. PY IADY, PAINTING, PAP: erhanging and decorating, Esti mates given on work, 61 Brock 8 last, Phone 1367J, (Mar, oney to 20-1 mo) 0 - I avajiable Jor. iat mort Ags on vel located 2% Simcoe Ag (un 4 farms, 'A I, Parks EG, Eh A ture ng and repaired, Also tetrimming and desking autos, Fhone 486M, Prices madera e, (Mar, #51 mo) Auditing and A service at reagonable rates, in. come tax reports and annual statements prepared, R. A, Holden, #2 'Slmcoe street north, phone nw, (Apr, 11:1 mo) TUBERTYHAWN CINOULATING ibpary, You will gujoy reading the teat [Motion at minimum coat. 0s 14173, 87 flmeos 8. North, (TIN tH) truck for sale, small wileage, Fhone 601M, (9%) HOUSE ) Bradley Tiros ) Bond Street West Phone 1567W,] 87170 \3A pres Sn MODERN, HOME Ike suites, Wome furnished, lsun- dry, conveniences, elec dryer, ole, elec stoves, elet refrigeration, hot water year round, Yhoné 1660 or 2UATW, (¥LL) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOU: arm suites including electric retrigs eration, stove, laundry, conveuls ences, elz,, coptipucts hot water supplied, Apply Supt, 'phone $471, or The Trusts and UGusrsntes Vo, Litd,, manager for owner, Toronto, (270) TWO BROOME TO RENT==F Ukr Wished with every convenience fur ght bousekeeping, Vhone 484%, (Whe) HOUEKN AFARTHENTE TU LUT ~='I'ives and five rooms with bath, EArage, Apply Apt, 2, 161 Kiug east Oshawa, (000) SEVEN ROOMED HOUSTE--=OR- chard, chicken house, and two acres 164 Park Road North, Apply 13 John Street, Phone 112, 112, (90¢) TO LET = Al LL CON. hardwood floors, A ply (Bot) A 44 convenience, also garage, Best lov cation, Allee street, 154 William Kant, Phone 200, (000) DOUBLE HOUSH AT 72 "WOND Street West, Rent very reasonable Apply 7 70 Bond § St. West (We) TO TET = 2 CHOICE APART ments, Baird Block, 148 Simeoe 8. every convenience, Hons 460 or 2863, a or, 16-May 1) NEWARK NOON 4 URE FOR rent, Modern conveniences, Rea, sonable rent, Phone 102 or 25044, ($00) TAREW ROOMS VOW RENT -- | veniences, CT (9l¢) THOTC ONT rooms in new residence, furnished or unfutnished, hardwood, fives place, shower path, 618 Bimove street north, (fle) house, All conveniences, Phone 3 (hle) h -- S ' rooms and pantry, every convenls ences, wired for electric stove, parts Iv furnished, heat, w (er and telos phone included, also two large rooms and pantry, © private toilet, furnishga refrigerator, heat, water, light a elephone (ncluded, Apply 20 Brock St, East, (010) NT TIVE ROOWRD brick house, conveniences, hard. wood . lloors, newly decorated, paved street; Posmeasion May tivat, Apply # Elgin east; phone 10901. 0) URL, TNTRITED rooms, wrdwood floors, plang, #léctrio. stove, convenle Coens Wanted to Rent TN THE IMMUDIATE VICINITY of the Oshawa Gen, Hospital, a gar age for 1 car, Phone 3158 9¢) For For Sale ¢ or Rent FOR BALE OR RENT--FOUI room house, Apply 10 King Nt, West or phone 206 Hew, (Boe) FIO00=--s 800" CARH, ¥75 MONTH- ly, five roomed, new brick, one floor bungalow, hardweed floors throughout, chestnut trim, French doors and electric mantel, built-in cabinet and Ironing hoard, § plece bath, guaranteed furnace, laundry tubs, paved street, If sold will decorate to suit purchaser, This lu- eludes electrie fixtures and blinds Clgse to four corners, JFhone 4810w, (00g) "Real Estate For Sale PROVIT TTABLE, 1 UF TU DATE "240 acre chicken ranch, with or without bird's and equipment, Satisfactory reason for selling, J. Davies, 244 Glidden Ave, Phone GBSM (891) OR I ACNE 40 Wil: © $260, $15 down, $6 Tindall, Brooklin, (Boe) AT LOTT VOR PALE==PFAVED street, Hullt in district, Secrifiee, Phone 2601W, (00g) FON RATE =T ROOM WOON, % acre land, Close to canning face tory, Howmanville,, Apply KB, 4 Mitchell, Hunt street, Bowman: ville, (10) | SUR00, $00 DOWN IUYE NEWS room brick veneer bungalow, hard wood floors, fir t7im, French doors, good wized attio unfinished, hut floor Inid, Newly decorated, 3 placa bath and furnace, alestyie fixtures und blinds included, Paved stroet, Phone 2862J, (fle) OWNTRN NEW MODEAN WT brick house, 5 rooms and bath, back sun poreh, Good locality, near collegiate, Large rooms downs naire, Small cnsh payment Terma eany, Phone 24311, son Toad, monthly, C, (02g) FANN FOR FALE = ACT QUIUR® Ivy #10 a month pays for a 60 acre farm, 30 acres under cultivation, spring creek, Ideal land for vege: tables, Clapped log louse, bank harn, coment floors, 2 miles north of Uxbridge on county road, Price $1,600, A small payment down, No interest, 4% mile to school, Apply owner, 366 Division St, Oshawa, (08a) ~ Help Wanted--Female WANTED KITCHEN ASSISTANT, must have some knowledge of cack. ing and be pellaple. Apply House. keeper, Park Commercial Hotel, tral on quiet street,' Rent §40, J, He R, Luke, Regent Theatre Bldg, (02) -- (& nighed rooms, ground floor, I'hree blooks from four coruers, All cone venlences, 43 MoMillan Drive, (80d) Rates for Classified Ads. | Fires Insertion 11 oents per Minimum charge 30¢, Each vb consecu. tive orion 30 per aM Three oon Rive diode for thy pri = first three conta a wo Minimum charge fur three frre io th) tir ar \naers ol a. Dox number i addivional Professional Husinens Card TITY per month for 30 worda or les} \ conta a nar wy math for - each additonal word, CLASSIFIED Fd TELRPHOND 8 on + Sasifled Ad Help Wanted--Male NE OrD, A in own handwriting, giving references, Dox 410 Times, okb ( ) Male NEXPERIENCED men lowed ® ity cents hour, learns Ing best paying trades, Engineering, electricity, garage ky chauffeuring bricklaying, barber bt hairdressing, te Literature free, or call Re. minion Trade Schools, King -- and women, college students, teachers, ministers end others for distributing religious literature, season, For partieuinra write stats ing age and chureh connection, My, Conrad, Tower Midy, Toronto, a WAV HATCHED CHICKS a trapshested breeders, 8, C kite Leghorny barved rocks, white Wyandottes, Wile or phone for ona logue, thir Hatchery. and fpultey I arm, iu Ju Read North, [MAS WH (Mar, 21s Mo) mare, good aingls or double, price HAS Annly. Noble Metealte, n aple Gro { rent, Apply Engel's, 21 Bong street! | = Wes Toronto, (81-87-03.90 pre Wanted ] VOX DXY PATOTURTTSTIRN WER Bpeolal opportunity duming Master | 1an AVIATION =YOUNG WAN OVEN eighteen nt present employed, to study aviation, Apply Box 614 Times, nami? LE) Spirella Corsetiere NR, BDEATTER, BPTRECCA TET resentative, north west and south east districts, 106 Frederick street, Phone 4160M, Apr, 16-1 mo) Room and Boord STOR VHONT ROOM TN COM: fortable home, Board if desired, Phone BL7OW, (02h) Auction Sale AUCTION RALE=NOTICE A posptoned auction sale at the House That Jacek Bult, Kingston road east, will hg held on Tuesdny, April 2%, 1080, | o'slock sharp, Terms cash, W, J, Bulley, Auctions eer, (nan Personal UNDECTOED, PEND BIT date and 10e for wonderiyl horoscope of your life Prof, Raphael, Box 4, Grand Central Station, New York Vi a uD May 10) Business Opportunities WATTBET RHOV, TWO CHATIE hot water outht and complete fixtures 10 Athol West, Apply 13 John St Phone 112 al Rl (90¢) FOR BALE=NOYALYY INTE ost B20 acres field where hig wells come In, If Interested gd parties ulars Box 644 Times, (Din) rr -_: a Notice Under the provisions of' section IBY of the Consolidated Bylaws of the City of Oshawa, ne person shall climb, bark, peel, cut, deface, remove, injure or destroy the whale or any part, of any tree, sapling or shrub, now growing or whigh herediter shall be planted by any person oF persons, of the sald City, in any street or public place in the City, and no pers son shall cut down or remove any such tree without the written con sent of the Counell of the City ef Oshawa, Any person se found viclating the Provisions of this Bylaw shall be li able to a fine not exceeding $50.00 and costs, OWEN DID, FRIEND, Chiel Constable (86-92-98) CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR PAVING ------ Sealed Tenders plainly matked "Ten der for Paving," will be Teveived up| until 5 a'cloek pam, I'hursday, April M4, 1930 standardite" or Asphaltls Cour | erete Pavements on various streets (Jin, top, G-in, concrete base), com plete with curb and ghitte Specifications and other inf yrmation may be obtained. at the affice of the City Engineer, The lowest or an tender not necessarily 'accepted (Sed) WW, C-SMITH, City 1 niineer. (90:92 for "} NOTICE 10 CREDITORS In the matter of the Kstale ol | William John Holmes, late of the Township of Pickering In the County and Ppovines of Ontario, | Htorekeeper, deceased, Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of the sald William John Holmes, who died on or about the ind day of March, AD, 1000, at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, are required on or bes before the tenth day of May, 10480, to send notice to the undersigned Holleitor for the Katate of the sald deceased, with their full names and addresses and full particulary in writing of their claims, And take notiea that after such mentioned data the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the pare ties entitled thereto and will riot be liable for the sald assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of sugh distribution, Dated at Oshawa, this Kleventh day of April, AD, '1080 NORMAN J, B, HOLMES and WORDEN H, SONLEY hy thelr solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Barrister, &c., 14s King 8t, K, QOahawa, (87-08-09) CLAREMONT BRIEFS r---- Claremont, April O-=Miss Bernice Haggerty, of 'loronto, spent the week end with Miss: Mabel Maelels Miss Margaret MeNab is recovers ing from her recent illness, Mr, Jo Gerrow, of Brougham, spent Sunday dn the village. Mr, Thos, Scott, of Toronto, forms { Caterpillar | fers whose lives have heen saved | [ hy emergency parachute jumps, is | Wilk, Notice to Creditors ---- IN THY, ESTATE OF WILLIAM N, STEPHENSON, lute of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Onturie, Crentleman, Deceased, All persons having claims sgainst the estate of William N, Btephenson, lite of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, Des ceased, who died on or shout the fourth day of February, A.D. 1930, are natified to send to the undersigned, Administratrin with Will Aunexed, Letitia CG, Jennings, or 10 the under: signed Messrs, Grierson, Creighton & Fraser, her Soliciters on or be: fore the 12th day of May AD, 194 thelr names and addresses and full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held hy them duly verified by statutory declaration Immediately alter he seid 12th day of May the assets of the sild deceas ed will be distributed among the pir ties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have 'notice DATED April 17, LETIYIA we JENNINGS, 183 Arthur Street, Oshawa Messrs, Grierson, Creighton & Fraser Oshawa, Ontario, Bolieitors far the sald Administratriz, with Will An nexed, (Apr, 19 & 20-May 3) AD, 1930 A __"_, iting her relatives in the village Miss Margaret Graham who ha spent the winter in Toronto returns ed home on Saturday Mr, and Mrs, J, Fraser, oi London are spending sonte time with Mr, and Mrs, M, J, Wilker and Mr. and My kd, Gleason, Mr, W, G, Scott | days in Toronto The congregation of the Unlted Church held a very successful woods bee at the church on Wednesday, Mr las, Nichol, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends in the vile lage, Mr, und Mrs, ( ronto, were the guests of Mrs, J, Salmon on Saturday day, hear of her complete recovery Miss Donnel of the Publie School staff spent the wek end at her home In Keswick, A large number of have been added to the rary recently, Mr, Raymond Pilkey who under went an operation in 8. Michael's hospital for mastoidal trouble is not Improving as rapidly as his friends would wish spending a few Clements, of To Mr, and and Sune new hooks Public Libs The insignia of members of the Club, composed of caterpillar (sllksworm) Parachutes are made of no gold emblem TRANS-ATLANTIC FRANCE - CANADA FLIGHT MOOTED [Will Show Advantage of New Air Route Being Mapped ~The Fast Alr Ker vice Transport, Limited announos od a short time ago that Jacques Auplok, vice-president and gener. wl manager, will make a transat lantio France-Canada fight, with Montreal as his goal, starting from France early in August, This flight will not he made to establish any new speed record but simply for the purpose of showing the advantages and 'possibilities of a Europe-North American air route which will ha mapped out by Dr, Constantin Dumbrava, noted Rum« anian explorer, - Dr, Dumbrava will, en" July 1 next, take off for Greenland in a "Potes 86" plane, The purpose of his expedition is to complete observations on general wmeteorcls ogical conditions in the Aretio re: glong and to study the possibility of establishing aviation bases on the future Kurope-North American alr route, His expedition is bes ing sponsored by a number of Fura enn scentifie societies, and also by Professors H, T, Narnes and Eve, of MoGill University, Montreal GOOD USED CARS Ave wold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITE 90 Bimcoe Kt, B, ons woo EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always Drink Delicious | Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores re $25.00} | Scotland Woollen Mills | Ld + RUTISH, Manager FoR SALE Very desir. le ot on Kendall Ave, 45 x 116, Fruit trees and asparagus beds on lot, Also lots in Dearborn Park subdivision, Now is the time to buy, Apply d, HW, KR, LUKE, Tegent Theatre Phone 871 or ONTW Oshawa Burial Co, successor to Nisney.Colt AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1088 LUMBER _ | F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard hone Oshawa 884 Whitby 19 Frame dwelling=-4 rooms, gam Age, water, sewer in, lot 40 bg 120, 310 Kigin east, Dest offer over R400 mortgage takes fit, Submit tender to Disney, "hone 1560, - Ho d'hovsands Now Eat Bait A Delightful Breakfast Feed --r i i In Be Of ESIOHT SPECIALLY a a » rr TO to LAID Electric Sanded and Finishes ed © ° CO, LTD, 'om Ww, L Sys Street Phone 880, 881 Order Y bv IN P oun ap Spring Salt Now : voMINION CLOTHING 00, Good Weather Ahead!" ==D0 Not 1080 YOUR GAs Jot mo finance yous=Addis tional Cash Givens G. R, Holden MOTOR LOANS Room 6, 1414 King St, East ¥ 0 8n W, "Lone 8141 We Deliver erly of Claremont, underwent a sers ious operation in the Christie street hospital en Monday 'last: iss Carrothers of Sandford, is vis siting her sister, Mrs: Wm, Jones and other Claremon! «friends, Miss Laura Morgan, daughter of Me, and Mes, DM, Morgan is in a Merentp hospital receiving treatment for throat trouble. Her many Clares mont 'friends would be pleased to " Stewart Graham of Oshawa, Miss Bessie Graham, of Torons spent the week end with thelr purents, plastering; elevtite or alterations. hone 130 for eathmaten, (134) JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D, Eyesight Specialist Mrs. Russell 13 eal, spent a lew Neal of Mount Far yi last week vise hone 88138 Ego lad OE The Carew | Lumber Co. T Athol $e, W A av my |S NS

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