Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1930, p. 7

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be i ; " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1930 PAGE SEVEN test News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges TORONTO B PROVISION Toronto 1. dealers are quo ting the 4 the following prices to the. ade moked meats=Ilams, madhim, 28 to dc book lone, '48 to 52¢, smok- rolls, 28s Drains bacon, oo to i backs, Mey do, smoked, 46 to § Sphere, 22; + Fork, linn, day } 5 ¢; hams 2 ay 318 o Cured meats--Long . clear bacon, O18 BLL 80 to 70 Ibs, 24c 70 to 90 Ibe, 22¢ 90.to 110 Ibs, 21er Hea g slght rolls $e; lightswelght rolls, Lard=Pure eres, | 15¢ cj tb 168; polls, 176; ints, 17 Shortening a aren, ne. tubs 13%5¢; pails, Me, TORONTO GRAIN RAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol. flowing quotations for yi 181 Manitoba wheat~No, 1 Northery, 112; No. 2 do, $109; No, 3, $1.06; 0, 4, $103 1-47 No, 8, 96 144¢; No, 74¢' feed, 08s; (ei, Goderich and yh ports) , Manitoba oats=No, 1 feed, 52 1:20; No, 2 do, 51 1-2, American corn=No. 2 yellow, 98 1-2¢; No, 3, do, 95 1-3e Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freights, bags a udedmBian,, bar Prodsice Prices in the Commercial Markets Guinea fowl, per 1.75 Toronto wholesales dealer th To produce Jotul ni ing or se 0 8, in cartoon s=Fresh ex A , In PF fresh extras, loose, 32¢; firsts, 5 seconds, ttermNO, 1 erenmiery, prints, 36 to 37¢; No, 2 creamery, prints, 3c to pas-masled, ale ds cases returned, cs fresh firsts, 25¢; 1 creams No. 2, 9 to 31s 36cy ing om = ee % ese=No. 1 large, color fine 73 goverment g Alive Dressed Ng ¢ Avr 2 ly Wi uy large, 23 to 23 4 tins. 2%. 6" Ay he 23 (2 ey gr ei wl Tpiets an 3. 061 Bes dm stile # Dressed Chickens, 5 168 Up vvvivvivie 38 4 to Bs ressesrsnre 30 Do. n to 4 4 oh sesssnenie 38 0, 3 to 34 be, arene 01, SID8 sureninnrsnnnnee Rens, over 5 1b% uvsiriniens Brollens Turkeys Hens, over 6 | lu QVEF 0, iE. Be oar ta 8 under 4 the, re (o] roosters over Ths. Pa "w 5 Ihe, , REIRRRRRRRRIIIRRINS ER ERE RY EL ER REN REA ton, 3,28 shorts, per ton, middiin oho Ontario vient, 10: only, 50 to 5c; barley, 52 to BSc; rye, 78 to 78¢; buckwheat, 80¢ I TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations, res tall, fn effect on the Bt, Lawrence Market, Toronto: Produce Bank by Mail Ie is convenient and 0, firsts, per dosen.,.,. 0.25 0.35 may save you a trip Butter, dalry, per pound ,, 0.35 08' Do, srommp pth. .. vo 042 048 oo to town. Asparagus, bune «Aros, bus 4ii0s Your bank book, with oy bus, Lysine II the de deposit entered, ph IED i will be prompely re Onions, dry, 11-qt, basket, Do, G.0t, basket turned to you, CabbARS ~~ siverrrirrrenne Cauliflowe, } dive dozen inach, peek saviisrene ushrooms, per pound Lenf Lettuce, three for | Mea lettuce, two for | Parsley, per bunch | Cress, three for Celery, dosen ,,... Oranges, per dos, Bitter oranges donen e , 040 Honeydew melons, each . 0.75 1.00 Strawberries, pt, Grapefruit, ugh Potatoes, Cucumbers, Rach ' Lemons, per dozen viiviees Bananas, per dozen ... een ernie 80|¢ LLL) 0.50 ve ners 010 ovens 028 OSHAWA BRANCH T. W. Joyce, Manager onfident that their car is amply powered The motorist who fills his tank with SUPER-SHELL drives away with confidence. He knows that his fuel when needed, and amply, with something in reserve. There will be no engine "knocking" or " for the user of SUPER-SHELL--the natwral anti-knock gasoline made entirely from petroleum, SUPER-SHELL burns completely, eliminating oil pick-up and more SUPER-SHELL gives performance. unmatched by any other premium fuel you can buy. will respond dilution, giving faster miles per gallon, quicker starting, Fill your tank with SUPER-SHELL today! _ STOP AT THE ZF) SIGN OF THE SHELL THER SHELL COMPANY OF CANADA, 00 | firsts, 25 34 to 266; tone easler, 001 286,605 ; eggs, 1,282,519 5 | 580,990, 001 106,181 ; sore wees 025 vis 18 vere 028 Apples, O-gt, basket reen pens, O-qt. bt, Egaplant, each Green beans, 6 gt, 1011s Green peppers, four for .., Cranberries, qt, Turnips, bus. Parsnips, 11 qt, Apples, bus, Green peas, 6 qt, T matoas, 1b, iP" neapples, each, Rhub: Hy DUNE rerrsrir rise Radishes, four bunches TORONTO. HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dautors In hay and straw wre quoting shippers the fol. lowing prices for earload lots, de~ livered on track, Toronto i= No, 3 Hmothy corer 1400 No, 3 Timothy ,.00 1200 Wheat straw 100000 Oat straw fh is ree ves O28 rrrerIEN vrvnannnnnn arp VM veonnnees O78 100 ore rere ere dren HOU pres CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, April 15=0n the spot ekg ¢all this morning there was buying power led by a local operator that for a time appeared sufficient to raise prices, The market, however, way finally allowed to go unchanged, Similarly on the futures call there was ample support early to bring ur bout a firm opening and then to maintain values for a while, Later, when early support was 'withdrawn quotations slipped steadily, Little in~ terest was apparent on this morn. ing's spot butter eall, There was considerable bidding at 37¢ and la- ter at 37 14g on extras, Scattered advances were also registered on other top grades, On the future call prices were unchanged. Open sommiunenism Apri] storage eggs, 39; Nov, eggs, 082; April but. wn, 27 May butter, 5; June butter, 1 Nov, butter, M, "Two market recel t= Tubter today Hp last year, eggs. today, 560; Inst year, a oh "Chien spot to, ox tras, 37 1+4g; standards, 37 1+4c} tone steady) eug, graded firsts, 24 1-2 to 25¢c; tone firm, New York extras, 38 1:2 to 3c; no tone; eggs, 8) ear, B3,460 ay 184,244; fast year, 139,» spot market--Butter, Street stocksBytter today, 827; last Fans toda our markets on Band. Butter, 9 Six cities ~ Butter, 3,704, 876; . Movement at ten magkets=~Butter, net out, 208,709; last year, net out, | Sen net In, 76,513; last year net in, ---------- -------- According to a United Btates De- partment of Commence survey there are more than 20,000,000 radio receiving sets in the world, about one halt of which are used wily, LIMITED TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, April 16,~Left overs to taled 1,000 head, Trade on the Tor 5| ronto Livestock Exchange today ns reported by the Dominion Livestock Branch was fairly nective with prices | steady on week's decline of Zhe to 50¢c on all grades of cattle, Butcher 501 steers ranged from 900 to $11.00 and fair to good cows ranged from 7.25 Calves are unchanged at $1200 to 0] $1300 for choice and downward to $700 for common, Hogs unsettled with packers bid- ding $11.00 for bacon or $12.50 off Car, Good Jeurling lambs sold from $12 to $12.5 ving lambs sold from $8.00 to fi 1300, Sheep steady at $7.00 to $7.50 for best ewes, Receipts 249, Indi, active, Heavy beefs steers $9 to ui but cher steers, good to gholce, $10.50 t» $11: butcher cows, medium $6.50 to $7.25, calves; mood to choles, $12 to $3; 'good ewe lambs, $12 to $12.50, NEW YORK ATOCK BXOHANGE New York, April 16---After suce cessfully passing through another storm of selling, In which harp re. consions took place in some of the motors, acessories. and rail, stock market turned sharly upward again today In response to wu brisk de- mand for the publie utilities, steels, farm implements and high priced industrial specialtios, Early losses of 1 to nearly 6 points were sub stantially reduced or converted in- to galing, and a long lst of Issues were marked up 1 te 10 . Dol A RE SR RRA ahove yesterday's final quotations hy early afternoon, Weakness of the rails reflected the poor traffic and earnings siate~ ments so far as this year, Southern Rallway dropped. i% points to a new low at 114 and Bt, Louis south |! wostorn, Lackawanna und Reading tell 8 points or more, with several others down au point or two, Check- er Cab and Goodrich Rubber each dropped 4 points and Hupp, Good year and Bpleer sagged 2 to 4% points, Allied chemical, which recently disclosed a strong finaneclsl posi- tion, ran up nearly 11 Joints, Din- mond Wateh jumped 12 and Kast~ man Kodak and Vanadium Rteel ageh mounted more than # points, the former crossing 246 to a new high, ve ne -- TORONTO WIOUK EXCHANGE Toronto, April 16,~Having demonstrated its recuperative pows orn, Tuesday afternoon, the mar ket on Toronto Btock Kxchange this morning wet in to go higher from the outset, While the coppers were heing watched closely today, the specula tive leadership rested. rather on the Mauor group where Walkers wis staging another impressive upward thrust to new high ground for Lhe year on an increasing turn. over, The stock this morning went above 12 and sales the first couple of hours amounted to more than 12,000 shares, Canada Drewing broke through 11 to set another new 1980 top mnd Canada Bud, Canada Multing, Disitliers were all strong, Brazilian Traction and Vord of Cunnda were the-auly other lead ors on the listed section to score any noticeahle gain, hoth being up # moint or more, The oils were Weless, only an ocoasionsl trade being made In any stock In the group, WEANDATID MINING BAC HANGY, Toronto, April 1h~=A further /onctiont o the news of the draes tie cut In the pre OF copper from 1¥ to 14 cons uw pound appeared In some of the basa metal stocks at the opening of the Klandard flock Exchange today, but a firm recovering movement, was in evid- ence ul noon and small golne pre. dominated when the lst was taken at midday; International Kickel was up 40 to $41.60 al noon, Norands was ouster tor time but displayed u gain of 10 at $46.10 when taken, Hudson Bury was soft in early saley but climbed back to changed at $10.00, Lindsleys were somewhat mixed, Golds were frregulay but com» partiyely firm, Hollinger and "feck luch were off 10 each to $0.46 ind 95,40, Melntyre gained # stand un tion of another upward mevement in Ajax O11, the stock gkining ¢ to $1.40 after touching & high of $1.40, the olls were Inactive, NO VAIRR Sambo had found w& Job for the week on a rallroad section gang, and was hing . leave of his fami~ a | quarter to 8%.50, With the excep | | ly when his wite tame to thie dob and shouted: "Come back heh fam, Your hasn't, out stick of wood fo' 44 slove-+and you'll pe gone a week!" . The negre turned and looked very much aggrieved, "Honey," he gald in a tone of Ine Jured Innocence, "what's de met tah? You-ull talks ks though Ab wis takin' de axe with me,' Rangers Defeat Partick Thistle (By Canadian Press Lossed Wirs) Glasgow, Scotland, April 16The Glasgow Rangers defeated Partick Thistle two to one in today's replay of the final for the Scottish Voothall Association Cup BT -------- EAST WHITBY TAXES Notice Is horehy given that all 1920 Taxes remaining un- paid after April; 20th, 1930, will 'be collegted by Distress with costs as provided by the Statutes, TAX COLLECTOR, East Whithy a A -- -- FEY A SWE HT 124° EASTER OFFERINGS at LOBLAW'S? THESE SPECIALS ON SALE FOR WEEK OF APRIL 17th to 39rd " Antiseptic Cleanser" SNAP Tin 14° AUR AD Brand Sandwich Spread, HTD Bat sites Mayonnaise Bressing LD Pra an 8 favor o 16 owmet on. Joris Salad Dressing ond Mk Sovereign Fancy SALMON i 24 SPECIAL--CHRISTIE'S in time for Ss ha Cone Rich and Croumpestiam. Jri...+ SAA 29% Ul heed & fev antee 1bie Tk Wo are ao ie hs the Fer dh INGERSOLL, Mayonnaise Delight toon on, Jar 2 3lgos Jar 13¢ PimentoMa yonnaise (1 os. Jar 23¢ Medium "HEESE | 1 Quoc Anne Chocolates' Magahinsiigus ete wep Jar 23¢ Jar 23¢ Stora Hours During' J 08 hin.rimiia Eisotios Allsorts Roporto=10mm Bon. «10000000000 080008, Tin 450 Lb. 36¢ SPECIAL? Extraordinary Frule Slices Combination Offer-- FREE! Recipe & Premium Book for users of KARAVAN STONELESS DATES with seh purchase 2 packages of i Stoneless Dates = 8c rr | Molasses from Christie's aveny-- FRESH FIRST NGGS 38¢ per dozen FINEST Back Bacon, 30¢ a Lb. SELECTED Side Bacon, 310 4 Lb, 4 Paste Old English Wax Liquid Lib. Tin of Paste and Pt. Bose of ath G9° Golden Hallowi Dates Moar, sav vivimmmie Damtaatic Shortening Makes Lighter Pastry=1 Ih, Package, \ vo 00 Domeloa Br. Decidedly' the Finest Mode, 10 ALYMER PURE ORANGE MARMALADE SPECIALmeAylmer Cholco PORK & BEANS Neo, 2 Size Tins 25° Harry Horne's Double Cream CUSTARD 1m 24° We Sell For Loss

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