Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1930, p. 16

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to the king proposed by Louise Pols inrd snd responded to by the Na~ tions! Anthem; toast to the Moth. ors, proposed by the President of Most Heat for the Money. on are 8 hiah rudy Aasthracite Coke Pocahontas Conger Lehigh Coal Co. Ltd ; B2 King 51 E, ! Phoness 871.931.687\V ade burn. ting J. H, R, LUKE Oshawa Manager. EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS ASAALS LAL Sl alss ALA l as ool. POPP PPON VINED VOR TRAPPING Lindsay. ~Lloyd Nichollson, of Boboaygeon, was convicted herve of trapping on another trapper's lands snd fined #85, and was allowed on suspended sentence, Defense coun. sol contended that according to evi- dence the word "hunting" was specified but thers was no mens tion of "trapping. The magls- trate and crown, however, agreed that bunting included trapping. yYTYYyy CARTWRIGHT OWNED LAND Kingston, ~I1t has been discover~ od that part of tha site on which the Canad Steamships grain ale vator is being erected here Is cov- ered by a deed belonging to the estate of the late Sir Nichard Cart wright, The plot of land in ques tion is not very large and it Is une derstood that Sir Richard used it fon a boat house in which he kept A punt used in duck shooting, The Cartwright estate does not eontems plate legal action but wants iis title to the land recognised, CHIEF'S FATHER DIES Kingston, =~ Willlam Robinson, 78, father of Chief of Police R. H, Robinson, of Kingston, is dead in Poronto, Me was born in Kingston and was engaged in boat bullding there for 40 years and in Toronto for 20 years, WATER VERY HIGH Kingston, ~Water level in the Kingston harbor is now higher than it ever was before, the water reach. ing & helght of eighteen feet four inches over tha alll of the local drydock where the level is coms bn At this time last year the water level was weventeen feet a inches while normally the rel fs about fijteen and a hall font, REDECORATE CHURCH Athtasc=The Suited Qren will completely redecorated this sums - . the oficial board has decided, fine new electrically operated organ wun recently installed in the e¢hureh, NO AMBER LIGHT Ottawa, ~The eivio traffic coms mittee at Ottiwa will Introduce an innovation in the shape of a new wutomatio traffic signal when it ine stalls an an evyperiment the latest New York method of directing in- thraecting traffic, at the corner of Pank and Carling street, The sig- 'Wonderful For Indigestion When your stomach feels when stomach acids, gan, sourness, Tausca or after-eating pains make ou miserable, just a little Bisurated agnesia==tablets or powder--will bring safe and instant relief, Jt neu. tralian the acids that have upset © your stomach. and permits normal painless digestion, or its. cost Is no- hing. ta everywhere sell it h this guarantee, Its daily use 'Means real stomach eomtory PPP TTT TTT TTYYeY v nal does away with the amber light using only red and green, CHECK UP LICENKES Kingston ~The provincial police were engaged during the week-end checking up drivers of cars in the county operating without a lgense, DIES WHES HIT BY STREET CAR Ottawa, « Alphin MacMillan, aged 80 years, living with his niece, Mrs, J. Dresdner, 2352 Preston street died mt the Civie Hospital from Injuries which he had receiv. od when he walked against a street ear on Preston street In an attempt HARRY 1B, BONsALL Who received the Bachelor of Div. inity diploma at the Knox Cols logo convoostion, led the grad. usting class, and was awarded the Bonar-Burns scholarship, We leaves shortly to take his post as minister of the Lloyds minster Presbyterian church in northern Alberta, te rl het rt PM Me et RAL Lois have been spending a few days | with the former's father, Mr. Will | P, Taylor and visiting other friends around the village, The fall wheat is looking falrly well, conaldering (he number of hard frosts we have had lately, The young people are giving thelr play "Marrying Anne' at Kedron on Wednesday, April 16th, in the church, The apple (rees ut Holling are rushing the blossom season by com. ing out now Mr, W. T. Baker, while pruning a snow apple tree found two pink blossoms on April th The Weef Ring meeting wan held on Thursday night at the Non's of Temperanes Hall, when some 20 to gross the street, HOLD FIRLD DAY Ottawa, ~More than (0 were present at the meeting of the Of. tawa Flying Club to make final arrangements for the big fisld day which the organization plans to hold on June 3. HORTICULTURAL SOCIRTY Campbellford ~~Garden and flow or lovers held a meeting with Dr, 0, C, Watson in the chajr, for the purpose of organising a hortien! tural society = In Campheliford, The election of officers resulted in the following wiate: President, J.P, Archer; first vice-president, Mrs, Nell Thompson: second vice. president, H, W, Lapp: board of di rectors, Mrs, G, Hammond, Mrs, ©, Nn, Williams, Mrs. C. W, Palliser, Mra, C, Macoum, Mrs, 8, Crosson, 1, Burbank, €.. McConnell, Dr, 0, Watson, Dr, G, A, Hay, and G, A, Ironside, EE ---------- SOLINA BRIEFS Solina, April 12,~-Mrs, 8 TT, Werry made a (rip to Toronto re: gently, mocompanied by her aunt, Mra, James Short, Courtler, Mr, W, L. Miller In Yulting his mother at Newburgh this week, The meeting at Widad was of & very helpful and interesting nature on Monday night, when, about 40 were pioesent, It was the last meets Ing of the series of revival meetings and wan in oharge of Rev, Mr Bick and Rev, Mr, Whyte, of Ennis killen, who delivered a fine sermon, Miss Lena Taylor was the accom: panist of the evening and several hymns from the Tory Alexander book were used, Rev, Mr, Whyte olosed the meeting by singing two gospel hymns, Miss Taylor also Aang a solo each accompanying themselves on the plano, Mr, Gordon Lessk Is doing an extensive trucking business these days with a fine new truck, Mr, J. D, Hogarth, Hampton, Is at Mr, Thos, Dakers, The frst meeting regarding the anniversary was held on Sunday afternoon after the Sunday Soheol session, It was moved and second. od that we hold an anniversary sometime, the date of which has not heen decided on as yet, Glad to report Miss Phoebe Shortridge in recovering nicely from her slok spell of last week, Mr, Will Stevenson was a recent isltor at Mr, James Comeron's, on, ronm Mus, Ernest Larmer and Mise FOR ! urday farmers and others Interested joins {od In the meeting, It was decided (to retain Mr, Yellowlees as killer for the ring, There was a committees meeting held on Thursday &t the church, It [was decided to hold the 76th an niversary and reunion of old friends of Eldad church on June 22nd, this will be combined with our annual anniversary services C.G.LT, held thelr regular meet ing In the Sunday Behool room on Saturday afternoon with Miss een Dalwon, president, presiding with roll call and health rules, The de vositional exercises hy Mrs, John Naker, Reading, Miss Gladys Ye! lowlees, Plano solo, Miss lleen Tal aon, community singing, Moeting closed by singing Taps Holina Women's Institute met In Fldad Chureh on April 10th, Mra, A. Millain being 111, Mra, ©, Housam nd viee-president, ocoupled the ehalr, Minutes of last meeting wera read and approved, Letters of { thanks were read from those who | had received flowers when 1 Clothing and money to the value of | 822 had Leen ment to Manitoulin | Island for needy families AYTAnge. ments ware made for the concert on Apeil 80th where the play "Ken umbus people. It was decided to give 320 to the Dullding Fund, $25 to the Trustee Board of Kldad ahureh, Roll eall was answered by opch member giving the name of a spring flower, Mrs, J. Bmales, con vener of Group 6, arranged the fol. lowing programme. Instrumental number, Miss KH. Tink; reading, Miss KE. Reynolds, Instrumental number, Miss A, MoMaster; talk, "Springtime of Nature and Life" Miss Lona Taylor, The attendance wan 25, This part of the meeting was closed by singing "God Save the King." Miss Lena Taylor then conducted a square race, Mra, Smale's group served lunch at the close of the meeting, HARMONY MOTHERS JOIN DAUGHTERS tueky Nelle," will be given hy Cols | the club, Beatrice Willson and re- sponded to by Mra, A, C, Edwards; toost to visiting girls and mothers proposed hy Edith Edwards and very fittingly responded to by Mrs, V, Michael; toast to the Sunday ropossd by Catharine Lander, and Benool superintendent and officers responded to by Mr, C, H, Millard, who gave the girls many good points In his response and also very high!" complimented them on their banquet, and work, He thought that this beihs thelr first attempt at any such work they deserved great praise aw every little detail was complete, and he wished them avery success in all thelr future under- takings, A short sing-song period follow od which was concluded with the "Ohums' " song '1 Would Be True," A very interesting address on C, G17, was given by Miss Kets Vokes, chairman of the girls' work board of King Bt, chureh, An ine struments] number was Elven by Mrs, I, Timmins and a reading by Helen Hawkin, The evengin's pros gram was brought to a close by winging "Auld Lang Syne" followed by the Myzpah benediction in unis woh, Over slighty mothers and daughs tors wore present, KEDRON NEWS Kedron, April 11,==The play "Marrying Anne'! will be presented in, Kedron Church on Wednesday evening, April 16th by the Kided Young People, They will also sup- ply the music between acts, This concert In under the auspices ol Group No, 8 of the Kedron Wor men's Association Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Hancock visited at Mr, Horace Hencock's, Khenerer, on Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs, August Gelsburger and family have moved to thew home at Harmony this week, Mrs, W, N, Hoskin is spending 4 few days with her sister, Mrs, Delbert Flintott, Courtice, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lee recently visited with Mr, and Mrs, A, 1, Hiainton, at Zion, Mr, and Mrs, Allan Lavis enter. tained a number of their friends and neighbors to n party on Wed nesday night, Mra, John Glove: Group No, 4 of the Women's Am sociation entertained the members of her group and their husbands | at her home on Wednesday night when w very enjoyab.; time Was spent, Mr, leader of and Mrs, 1, Hancock, Mr, 0, W, Hoskin, Mr, and Mrs, Hap. old Mountjoy and Keith were In Toronto on Thursday, Mr, and Mrs, D, Walker, Donald and Lois, Oshawa, and Mr, I, K, Hoard, Woodville, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mra, W. N, Hankin, Mr, James Moett and Miss W. Herron, Columbus, spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mra, Clarence Werry, Mrs, David Owens and Mare guerite recently visited her auntie, Mrs, W, Pearce, Taunton, UNAIDED "It you haven't a doctor,' said the tourist at the hamlet inn, "what happens when any 'one is taken ser. fously ine" "Oh, they just die » natural death. ==Vancouver Star AY \ TENDERS FOR COAT EALED TENDERS adiressed to the Pur $ nine Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, will be received at his of fiee until 12 o'clock noon, (daylight caving), Wednesday, May 7, 1000, for the supply of coal for the Domdnion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, including the City of Ottawa, Forma of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from GW, Dawson Purchasing Agent, Departs ment of Publi Works, Ottawa and R \'in toria Street, Toronto, Ont Tenders will not be considerad unless made on the forms supplied hy the Departmen} and in accordance with departmental speeiii cations and' conditions, The sight to demand from the suecessiu! tenderer a deposit, not exceeding 10 per cont of the amount of the tender, 10 secure the proper fulfilment of the pontract, is reserved, IN FINE BANQUET Happy Event Held by C.G. LT, Girls on Sat. or m------ Harmony Apr, 18-The O.G.1'T\ "Chumas" proved their ability . in successful work on Haturday even. ing when they had their first "Mother and Daughter' banquet, It fs the first time anything like that han ever been held in this come munity and a great deal of praise i due the "Chuma' in thelr sues oessful undertaking, The tables nuditorium were very prettily de. corated with the thought of Kanter mauve and yellow being the only colors used, Place eards of yellow and small yellow and mauve candle favours were at each plate, Large low oandles and" dark candle Ny order, N, DESJARDINS, Secretary, Papatiming of Public Works, Qriawa, April 14, 1930, ter, District Resident, Architect, 39:81 Vie § Store Hours Daily 9 to 5,30 9 am to ® pm Saturdays OSHAWA, Store Hours Daily 9 to 8,30 Satwdays Dam toh pom. LIMITED OPEN THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. Fancy French Kid "GLOVES in u complete range of wees ~Roguiar $2.60 Easter Mpocinl $1.95 the oceasion, sorviee, Kid Gloves Au extra good quality of washable Frouch Kid Gloves, Reg ular $8.45, Yriced Hpecianl panier 909d Combination Brassiere and Bloomer Sets of colors and wlees, Koster Bpecial ooo nnnna $1.69 TOWELS | Broadcloth Medium welght, Terry 46 in the handy in-bet. twoen slee, 23 x 40, 19¢ House Dresses The wrap around style, In various col« ored prints, Complete assortment Negular $2.50 inches wide in na full range of colors, 29c Curtainnet White and Cream shades in ever popular designs, 86 in. wide with a lovely lace edge, Kastor Special Two More Shopping Days--Then Easter With Easter coming on a pee, the need grows urgent to greet und meet A it as hetits the old custom, namely; with new and appropriate merchandise for This (your) Easter store is ready to render a highly efficient Morchandise neels for Women and Children, You are cordially invited to visit our wiore, Georgette Scarves fine assortment In New pring Colors, #pecinlly priced nt $1.95 Hand Bags A good range of trave ollor's samples, Sold vegular at 86,00 Madras Cream only, in a beautiful Agured design, 80 inches wide Bloomers In a good quality, sll sizes and colors, Easter Special Tallored Rayon Hips, in a good quality and shadowproof, Various colors, Haster Special $1.49 Collar & Cult Sets (Good assortment in New Spring Designs, Priced from 49¢ to $2.95 A complete ase sortment of all the new #pring shades, ful) fashioned, all slres Baronett Satin Width 36 inches in 8 full range of colors 9c In an excellent service welght, all shades and sizes LUKE FURNITURE CO. 5.Piece Walnut BEDROOM SUITE Handsome Walnut Bedroom Suite at a remarks able low price, comprising large Dresser, full sine Vanity straight end Chet fonier gnd Bench, This is a real high quality Suite and only one at the price, being a discontinued Suite, accounts for the low price Regular $108.00, Special $139.75 Bed Qutfit Simmon's Walnut Finished Bed with very pretty panel in head and foot and fitted with Sime mon's link Spring and Felt Mattress, All sizes in stock. Regular $25.20 SPECIAL :- $19.75 Vanity Dressers DRESSERS Splendid Walnut Vanity Dreass or, full sive with reflex mirrors. The remainder of this suite has been sold so you can buy this odd plece at a big discount, Regular Woll made Dressers in Rirch finished Walnut with ™ three long Drawers and Dritlah Plate Mirror, A aplendid Dresser that is very good value, Reg, $18.08 cy Lo $65.00, Special $16 a Pg $47.50 Others Specially sii $89.00 Luke Furniture 63 King St. E. | Company PHONE 78-79 Greener LAWNS « o Fich, velvety FERTIL HE i VIGORO A product of pradipy i Hogg & Lytle . ' and yellow strips were centred ; Slong enoh table, A Streamets ere A , | Ung aoro! o hall and & large bo Sem t " 5 | ay C k cron With Tike. Eaater colors and ' e 0 Vv 0 e Bagter ilies and baskets of lilies Pocahontas, C i ei at ; ng and also oarried the Bas. A "0C ontas, annel ter thought of Our Risen Saviour." RE : The candles were all lit, large ones SL ne small ones at the plates, then Mop @ lehts tn the hall weve turned of worship, Miss Irene Oke was planist and the hymn "Come and orhips hos then brie The Dee m inglunded a soritpure reading by Della; Tooley 'and a prayer hy looked lovely on the platform, The out. The leader, Miss Mae Winter Byelyn Seott, goritpure reading olla Goyne;: solo, Wva Wael, Jeddo Prom C ¥ | I dd 0 remium oa oldors and. daffodils with mauve worship service which immediately (road the opening seritpure rending rat Han Rison; prayer hy Mae i Winter, followed by the "Lord's Prayer in unison; hymn: address of whleome hy Gladys Oke, toast

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