Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1930, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1930 PAGE FIFTEEN JHE LGHASS RIF DS e . ON ..--4 a ALIN BARRISTERS | 5 AR SE FU As hor bp AA B.A. RSE . Barristers, fi FE Sad , P Re rierson, K.0. 8 Boke he y vias} ry Fraser, B.A, i EE TR bi th Ione 67. Residence risters, nicoe GRE Jeitors. AE A , HALL, B.A, BA EE LE nd general raction, hone 3887, rm, Solicitors, Bldg, - Oshaw Phones 769 and Ned (tf 41 Algm _-- Port Perry. wa, Port (Apt, 4-1 mo) A te. Money to loan, Alger Bldg, opr ote, \ Post Office, Phone 1614, Dh A da DA Medical PRE, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone "050, Office hours 9 a.m, to 8.30 pm, Dr, B, J, Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray, br, B, H, Harr per, spedial attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sunday and night calls a or 123, DR. McKAY (CIAN,. SU goon, Accoucher. oy ng dence, King St, By Bt, Osh: DR. H ROLD 9 clan, referenc PHS ht Special to > maternity on a '4h wome yea araduRle experience, co and resis Hence 167 Simcoe St. N. (cor. Brock) )hatet Phone DR. C, CARE, PHYSICIAN, son, Obstetrician, Office and He ence, 513 Simcoe street north, Phone 8415. clan, Su Street, Mor ee S100 ay, for compultation and treatment of does © ol ear, nose and throat ol Appoin ents ae be mad~ at drug store, ye, y OE Tages Ch OFFICE 10 am, oho Oftice | od, dy tte rej re tt Sharged, 780 JOLT LE Wi Ho oJ, (s OF a aR ) To ate "jot Ble bul MADRE iTk fie specisiiet muscle snoms " ht and glasses, Author re and Eye Btraln, The ¢ Hh and Its Development, Dis ney Block opposite Post Office, Phone i616, (Apr, 14:1 mo) Englassring aod Surveying AND and. Cio ory nd n " nn & a, tol Undertaking UKE BURIAL 9 "id Ki mbulanes | dence fake Celina street, ruce sleet. we, Gn Insurance BAVIS ND SON, INSUKA ANGE 19 King St yo O wa, The oll: consult Rt. N. Johve, 80 Simooe north, Your fasurafioe wants at tended to and your interests pro an, an's, 856 Bond Wes Bpeoialists in turniture moviag, oon ware house wid moving ven equipment, Phone 83, CARTAGE, MOVING, ONAVEL sand and cinders. Loca! and long NANCE uling, Smith & Cox, Phone 034, 10 Bond St, Went t, Rr ---- TE ---------- All Classified Advertising | Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts of this nature, Folllhs convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient to come personally to' The will bring a messenger who' will recelve the advertisement snd collect for same. » Sr ---- "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT mes' office, a telephone call Work Wanted RE-UPTIOLSTERING, CHESTER: 7. fields hi to order, we mve you money, Estimates free. G. A. Cone iin 74 'Mechaule otrest, ; ALL 8 CHARGED, CAL (¥) for and delivered, 75 cents, ren: wl supplied $l. Ragtgries pred plan Bligdon, 20 Mi bone 1580W, pol rh 1 mo) OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAS. lish § Jurniture movers. Park Road ba oe nf ami re long distance, TL had Park RA Mar, 19-1 mo) BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Bhop, Specialists in permanent, "| finger and marcel! waving, Per manent wave prices $06, 37.60, 810 and $15, All other lines of Beauty Uniture, FPhene 2008, Apply 8b Bimooe street north, nd at ent Wave 8 va Sh ¥ Bay Lau bor Fan D AE PARTE wl? oil o, hampering fa ateel cents, pe Pb phone 2083, (April 16-1 mo) 0 % Clarke, 147 Agnes street, Phone 26404, (Mar, 40v1 mo) 1 RT = $00 --- WARCEL & CU Bvanette Bell, Apt, 9, Edward Apts, et, Phone 1090], (90¢) usic 18 Fi Ral A bby bouty Conservatory, To ronto) pared for all ARAN, Buple Risaday, § oh Wilk lam street wast, woriaine, nous 27047, ™ ist and choir master of King ug rom 0 Seid Obureh will accept in plano, organ and vocal th For particulars apply 50 William street east. Phone 2806, (Apr, 6-1 mo) Oshawa Collegiate pad (ihe Studie (Apr PhS ay 7 D. FAC HA SERV TRANS for sale, repairs on elec: | kde and batts lit, Subs ang and plied. $1, Phove sn 140 Elgin Apr, §-1 mo) AKES OF on REPAIR: ces reasonable work guaran. cho: delive 00, urroughs, J sr 16+1 mo) renal # 34 "Charles oy for and de livered, Radio a proct ed. Platt, Phone Mar 20-1 mo) physical Sulturer.-3 ate Lessons evening from 6 pam. an on s from 10 am, For terms call or phone 3297W, at above hours. Mar: 1941 per yard, NT {rom I$ beautiral dollar up, embroidery work, EES fli rove hh Sua: hu Nel ENGLTER WOME "WADE TORK |¥ plea, steak and kidney ples, hot tor cold brawn, cakes and pastries, soto, oto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple nr | StTOOL, SE 23TH, (qu , Oshawa, to] Ph CRNENT DLOUKE FOR To ten Jan delivery, place orders in advance of delivery da ¥, Borrowdale, otis vl FARMS | 2a 1 a fAged, maternity or eneral nur te, | lng. For in rmation phone 230W, , i ape 1 mo) Wi: | Pcs 0 Khana, panting nd gralai Prices ces right, wor $b) service come Fy reports FIX UP YOUR ROADWAY, gravel, sand, cinders 'snd general trucking. Chis, Grahigin, Phone I r, 27-1mo.) WAN -- i) ro Ms PLOW team "ork of any kind, Phone 1808W, (90b) Dry Clesning TOINT, FRENCH all goods Sor | | I ry cleaning, und repairin called for And delivered, Prone 523, 06 Bagot Breet, (Apr, 18-1 mo) C~TON oe Have your old hat. cleaned and blocked to look likg new at The Hub, 15 Kin Street ost, Shoe Shine and $rat Cleaning, Work uaranteed, Phone 2249, Victor Cols op, (Apr, 4 = 1 mg) "Articles For Sale ' i o WIRED HARD AND SUFT WOOD er load, Riso bone dry | TWO OR THE labs, $340 Waterous Meek Limit Ltd, pianos, new and used pianos, (5, [also radios, latest medals; terme Her kanged. Apply ©, Trall, PI Carey] oF WHITE BLO: om sweet clover seed, for sale, Phone LL r 1-4, (Mar, 38-1 mo) TOR NY plants, Kellogg' (] 's Early, Bird, Prem- fer and Pocomoke, White Leghorn batohing em&s, Haron _ SLPAim om 2003W, (Mar 20-1 mo) ALE=-CRUS ST Chi for driveways, Waterouss \ 12 Meek niiteds Phone Li8 ma load delivered, Phone 2070W, (870) good condition. Will sell cheap. s,| Apply 286 Division Street, Fouts 0 430 NW iY Cost 838, Sacritics forsg10, Phone 2150J, 106 Arthur stroet, (80) FIFTY DOLLAR ELECTRIC stoye, twelve months are ie, used i vr months, $28, Apply 214 Dear: horn Avenue, off Elgin Fast, ( 1 WILE HAVE A CARLOAD Or seed oats, seed wheat and ground wheat at North Oshawa about April 21st, I, Ji Clemens, Phong 1567\V, (90¢ ILLIAMS GHT PIANO o= Very reasonable, Apply Box 611, Times. (90-8) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS -- PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed, TT, Taylor, Toranto Os hane 1053, {Apr 200 TO RENT LIOR HOUR TA ne Ave, phous or MFT BRADY, erhanging and decorating, Botte mates given on work, 61 Broek St, East, Phone 130%), (Mar, 20-1 mo) to 1) available for first morgage on well oe residences, Simeee South 8 apply ill, 87. King East, piv ia Jory pnd Par and repaired, Also retrimming and docking Autos, Phone Prices modera 2, (Mar, "R11 mot TUDITING AND ACCOUNTING reasonable rates, Ins and annual statements prepared, R. A, Hol " Simcoe street north, phone 321 We like suites, Home furnished, aun. ros f RALLY | | w For Rent AVARTMENT--- MODERN, HOME dry, conveplbmees, lee dryer, ety, eleg Atoves, elec refrigeration, hot water year round, Fhone 1660 or ATW, (Nth) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MO orn suites including Rlectric refrig- oration, stove, lsutNry, convenis ences, ete, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt. 'phone 2671, or The Trusts and huarantes Uo, Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, i (871) TWO ROOMB TO RENT==F'UN- wished with every convenience ror Hght housekeeping, Phone $34¥, (Hye) SIX ROOM HOUSE ON Ti RKE street. Apply 262 Haig Street, (85) Wo [(}]1} ir THEW TAT NTU nished rooms, All conveniences, No Objection to small ohild, Apply 100 Albert street, (Nhe) UONED HOUNE. All conveniences, Apply 502 Hime coe street mouth, (NN0) MODERN APARTRENTE TU LET w==Three and five rooms with bath, EATRES, ABPly Apt, 3, 161 King oant Oshawa, (900) I URNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, All conveniences, also garage, hong 711M, 189 Huron street, (Nhe) TEN ROOMED TTOUST=0K. chard, chicken house, and two acres 164 Park Road North. Apply 14 John Street, Phone 112 (90) TWO ROOMS UNFURNISHED bne front bed sitting room, All econ yeniences, 230 Fulalie Ave. (90h) : 0} I furnished or unfurnished, 214 Clarke street, J'hone (840) 10 RENT MOTERN™ APA IT ment No, 7, Amylene, Quebeo Ht, acl 43464, (840) TO LET w= ALL CON. Fealtnos hardwood floors, Ap ply Bradley Bros FURNISHED APART NT TOR Ugh hell 8. All conveniences ear Motors, Phone 2297, 105 Sot borne Fast, §9¢) TTOURE 0) 02 x lington Ave. Phone 4 416+ 2. (90¢) DOUBLE HOUSE AT 72 TOND Rivet West: Rent very reasonable. 70 Bond St. West, _{%0¢ To re 2° CHOICE APART- ments, Baird Block, 148 Simcoe 8, guary convenience, Arne A466 or Le -X 6-May 1) pe Ede "TOR rent, Modern convihiences, Rea: sonable rent, Phone 162 or 9804). (P00) glean, Apply 1658 W, kedping rooms in private apart ment, Use of bathroom and elec trig stove, Centrally located, Phone 2881F after 6 o'clock, (90h) WT UNFUR: nihed rooms, suitable for lgnt housekeeping, Alf conveniences, Phone J248M atter six, (80g) Firat tn well} cents per 0 " Minimum charge 80. Fine! subsequent Sosanty o | Three Te Ga fuser, eatin | JE conta a word), | Shacks ot ari three {| ber 106 al amar: or Business | $3.60 per month ; foo 20 wardy or leas: ha A Jord wa : 3 Ih hi A food single or double, price a Tas QUMPLIAN NUCH « TELBPHOND 80 Ask tor ad 5 AAD 1141 mo), fla study aviation, Appl "or [Pimes. "wy For Rent VOR RENT==NICKELY FUKNIBH< |W od bedroom, three minutes walk from four corners, Bonrd if desired, 78 Bond street wont, (¥¥e) APA All fon enlgnces, hardwood fidors Apply Bradley frow, (H6t1) nished rooms; ground floor, hres blocke from four corners, All eons veniences, 48 McMillan Drive, (kya) L AT. ment on holiday, Central, four rooms, newly decorated, hardwood floors, electric refrigerator, stove, $40, Phone 1768M, (900) WE RVERY convenlgnde, also garage, Dest lo. cation, Allee street, 164 William Kant, Phone 269, (900) il roomed pungalo (DOD) Contral, $95, $40, Phone Holden 871W. TO NENT--=TTVE | - a ' house. All conveniences, Furnished, Price $40 per month, 211 Drew Nt, (Pla) NTN (ENT eat LLE pa street pouth, solid brick: AN. conveniences, hot water heating, 2 sun rooms, reasonable rent, Apply Engel's, 21 Bond street west, Phone 508 or 308, (00c) we ' f ' house, 4 plece bath, furnace, on paved street, rent reasonable, gar~ age, chicker® pen: and 'garden, Phone 3220, (0c) For Sale or Rent FOR MALE OR RENT----FOUN room house, Apply 190 Ring At. Went or phone 3066W, (P00) Wanted to Rent WINTRED TO RENT DY 10TH OF April, § or 4 rooms unfurnished, Meal reasonable, for couple, no children, Hox 000 Oshawa Dally Times, (#8¢) WANTED 10 NENT=NOURK, ¢ or 7 seven rooms, for May first, No children, good tenant, north of King street, Box 616 Times, (8b) Real Estate PROFITABLE, UP T0 DATE 2273 acre chicken ranch, 'with or without bird's and equipment, Satisfactory reason for selling, J. Davies, 24 Glidden Ave, Phone 085M, (801) lot, north snd on paved street; Ap- ply owner Box 617 Times, w ( Beugog, Choloe summer resort; lots for sale, Close to CMR, station, post office' and store, Apply Mrs, Robinson & Ron, Janetville tas tion, Ontario, (890) VII00==§T00 CANN, ¥I5 MONTH: ly, five LL new brick, one floor bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, chestnut trim, French doors and electric mantel, built-in eabinet and ironing board, 3 plece bath, guaranteed furnace, laundry tubs, paved street, If sold will docorate to suit purchaser, This ine oludes eleotrio fixtures and blinds Close to four corners, Phone 4510W, (90¢) YII00," 7700 DOWN "ROVE FIFTY acres, good barn, seven roomed frame house, wood cellar, bank barn, well, small orehard, Toronto 46, Oshawa 18 miles, Immediate possession, Hundred acres, two flory frame cottage, good cellar, bank barn, drive shed, orohard, well elntern all. workable, fall work dons, Town ree oronto fore ty, Oshawa twenty-two miles, $4500, $1000 down. For above two properties apply Wm, Philp, R.R, 4, Port Perry, Phone 104 ring 2. (00h) =1 Al son Road, #850, monthly, C, Tindall, (00a) A LOT FOR RATE PAVED street, Bullt in distriot, Seorifice, Phone Fhone 1501W, (800) "Help emale WA ) GN oral, three In family, Must have referentes, Apply 8 Bond street west, fn WANTE ASSISTAY must have some MOVicine of di: ing and be etlabis. Apply House 0) keeper, Park #15 down, 36 Brooklin, N out of towh, good personality, ree 1 nied. during high, Apply tos night, man for Alger Rullding, Steady position for man experienced iu Janitor work, Apply Alger Prone. We and women; college atudents, teachers, ministers and others for distributing religious literature, Special apportunity during Master season, For partioulary write stats ing age and ohureh connection, Mr, Conrad, Tower Bldy., Toronto, Pei and TR So hh rapsnested breeders, S, C horny, rocks, white Wide oh one for ry and a » [0 (8a) d North, «1 Mo. Noble Muonile, near (000) eighteen at present employed, t 13 (M00) a | ed, Situations Wanted take fh "W perienced farmer able to charge of farm if necessary, "593" Times, -- Da home for either Indies or gentle men, Phone 14064M, (be) family, Very central, 110 Albore Wt, Phone 2017), (890) Pe------------------------------ CREDIT NOTE §10 ON NEW Lip Phene B0BF. V. COUP. 10%, ALL ibd a Excellent condition, Only gone 5,200 miles, A real buy, Ap- ply Box 610 Times, 90-4) Personal av, YOUNGMAN B uble room to shares with ahother, Home privileges. Apply Dox 61) Times, (§¥e) usiness y RW, hot water outfit and complete fixtures 10 Athol West, Apply 13" John St, Phone 112, (90) a uioay 4 bg concert or eating ope portunities, Suburban jpupllh accept- Chevalier, Gualter: De L'Evellle, 177 Bloor Street Eust, Barto. . a4; ~Spirella_Corsstiere CORSET] TERE Te PLILASTE PHONE 2343], Mrs, Derumaux for particue lars of the new fitting tine In Spire ella, District North East, after 5 p, y (Mar, 15:1 Mo) resentative, north west and, pouth nast distriots, 108 Frederick Street, Phone 2189M, (Mar 15-1 mo) Lost and Found Io TH InoHORTAM, at Lakeview Vark, Fin. der phone 2080M, Reward, (89D) WoOUTH THE PARTY WHO found a string of amber beads in or near Masonic Temple, please phone 432), (89¢) UTEDING (=== uction Sale. AUCTION BRLE=WAVING HE- ceived instructions from | Mra. Prior, to sell at the Hopse That Jack Bullt, Kipgeton' Moad ast, on Thursday, April 17, 1088, all her household equipment consists ing of one radio, one Credenso mode! Orthopuonic,. IArgest. sixe, one Melody Urapd Player Plano, one cabinet with 100 plano rolls, ¥ piece chesterfield suite, 2 1Arge antigue mirrors, one antigue ebony sereon, hand painted, @#lx beds complete, one antique | bedroom suite, one child's crip new, ond dresser and chifferobe, quantity of bedding and Jinens, five plece supe room furniture, including chatse lounge, b tollet nets, one bath tub, one chemiosl closet, one ebony settee, a4 number of water stands, rugs, and curtains, large antique rooker, kitehen utensils, large quantity of dishes, one complete set of dishes, blue willow pattern, one' electrio coffes percolater, one ohafing dish, silverware, a number of tables and chairs, lawn furnish loge, lawn swings, lawn mower, garden tools, 'one Katonia cream FODATALOY, new, ona 1998 Fontiao Coaoh, In Al conditipn, a quaps tity of fence wire, other things too numerous to mention, The above §0o0ds are all in first class condis tion, Sale at 1 o'clock sharp, Terms cash, W, J. Nulley, Auge toueer, 480) FRIDAY, APRIT TE = THIETDN: | b dersigned' has received instructions from the administrateix of the estate of the late Stanley Floyd Page 0 sell by augtion on'let 8, Con, 2; Carts wright, one Mle west of Smith's Woody, all of his farm stock, imple- ments, ete: Sale at.l pm. 'See bills, Theo, M, Slemon, Auctioneer. The- ron_Mountiay,»Clérk, (87-90) A AL Of Valuable residentinl Property in the City of Oshawa, There will be offered for sale hy Public Auction on Monday, the Sth day of May, 1930 at 12 o'clock noon on the premises by virtue of the Power of Sale in a certain mortgage which will be pros duced at the sale she following pros perty--= The northerly forty-two feet from front to rear of the goutherly fortys four feet of Lot Number Twentysalx on the east aide of Division Street In the fuid Cit He of Oshawa, accord» ing to Plan 183 an Hpiatered in the Registry Office for the Registry Dive ision of the County of nario at Whi The following improvements are sald to be on the property w= A 2 storey detached brick veneered dwelling, containing \ 6 rooms and bath room, cement foundation, mods ern 2 ahunbing, hot air furnace, TERMS: Ten per sit of the purs chase inotiay to be paid down at the time of sale, For balance, terms will be inde known at the sale, The above property will be offered for sale subject to u reserved oid, For further p Niles appl . SNE a Lok AR Solicitors, 320 Day St, Toren 3! 90-96+102) -- I EXPENSIVE UPKEED The indignant lady had just recs thy, ogniged the street beggar she habs) {tually patronized. He was climbs ing Into 'an expensive automobile, "WhAt!? she gaaped, "You bok this! And oh Mi "You, Tady)t he admitted, "iby the only way Lan keep it up," Notice to Creditors Tr------ IN THY, ESTATE OF GEORGE CARMAN RODD, LATE OF THY. VILLAGE OF BROOKLININ THE COUNTY OF ONT fio Notice is hereby given tigghall pore sons having any calm ot the estate of George Carman Rodd, late of the village of Brooklin who died on' or sbout the 27th day of Febru. Sry, A.D, 1950 at the city of Oshawa In the Province of Ontario are ree Yoired to send by post prepaid or to eliver to 'the undersigned, solicifor herein for Richard lvan Rodd, ad- ministrator of the estate of the said Iate George Carman Rodd, their panies and iddrossss nd full partic. ulary In Wilting of thelr claims and statement of thelr agecounts and the Jature of the jeunes, if any, held them, AND NOTICE % ly Hirth gen that after. the pril, AD, 1930 the sald Joh guy of trator will distribute the assets of the sald deceased among the persons en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he then has no tice and that the sald administrator will not be liuble for the sald assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have recelved notice, Dated st Oshawa this 25th day of March, AD, ALEX, C, ALL, Barrister ete, 221-2 King St, Esst, Oshawa, Ont, Solleitor for the said sdministrator, 72-82-90) A iM NOTICE SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS County of Ontario To Wits On Saturday, the 10th day of May, AD. 1930, ut the hour of Eleven o'clock inthe forenoon, I will offer for sale by public auction, at my of- fice In the Court House, in the ' Avon of Whitby, all the right, title and in« terest of the Defendants in the un- dermentioned lands and tenements seived by me under und by virtue of a Writ of Ixecution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, ind to me directed in which the Carew Lumber Company Limited is' the Plaintiff and Richard Frost and Cla. ra Frost, are the Defendants, The sald lands and tenements being, all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate ly- ing and being in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario and bein composed of Lots Nos, 188 193, 19 and 195, according to p filed in the Registry Office for tH Registry Division of the County of Ontario, as No, J12. Said lots being on the north. side of Tresane Street, in the City of Oshawa, cast of Cubert Street, JF. PAXTON, Sherif, ( ounty of Ontario Sheriff's Office, Whitby, January 24th, 1 96+102) NOTICE L 0 O CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Thomas Allen, late of Oshawa, decessed NOTICE IS PERENY GIVEN that all persons having claima against the Estate of the sald Thomas Al len, who 'died on or about the sixth day of June, AD, 1929 at Oshawa, Ontario, 'are required on or before the 15th day of May, 1930, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, their names, addresses and descriptions with full particulars, in writing, of their claims, and the nature of the security, if any held by them AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Administeator- will proceed to distri bute the assets of the sald degeased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that the said Administrator will not o liable far the said asmets or any part thereof 'to any person of pers soni of whose claim or claime notice |. shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution, DATED at Toronte, Ont, this 14th ay of April James MteCulloch, Eig, Continental Hotel, Simecos St, Toronto, Admin. istrator, by Robert 'David Evans, Orangeville, Ont, hiv Solicitor. (90-96-102) CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS 8 FOR PAVING Suid Tenders Plainly marked "Ton. der jo avi wil be received up until o'clock p.m, Thuan, PAbel 24 4, 150 for "Standard or As phaitie Cone crete Pavement on ov streets '(3-in, top, 6 in conerete {a come lote with curb and gutter, pecifications and other information LDIAY he obtained at the office of the ny ginger. ai lowest ol any ender no mg eos te (Spd) W, C § City oy 0 02) Croning Tragedy @ Took Lives of 21 Albuquarque, NM, A S==The death oR of the in A ratlroad orosin of last Friday wilh Santa ali train Riv A & transcontinental bu y stood at 31, with the d tant nih of Tom Nieto, go Ine Rock Derails Fast C PR. Train in West (By Canadian Press Loessed Wire) Calgary Alta, April 16=~The ongine, tender and two coaches of Canudian Pacific Rallway train No, 1 en route from Calgary to Vans couver B.C, were derailed last night a few miles west of Calgary, ut Brickburn, A huge rock, pre- bably fallen from a rall-side cliff due to heavy rain, lodged hetween the rails and caused the accident, Arthur Morton, engineer, was slightly injured, The passenger conches were brought hack to Cals gary, Karly this morning, wrecking crews were still busy effecting re pairs, DIDN'T NKED WEL rr fchoolmaster---Did your help you with thin problem? Boy==No, I got it wrong myself, = ADSWOrS, father GOOD USED CARS Are Wold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES TED Lm 90 Simcoe Bt. 8; Phone 900 Md Ch At le HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors finished like mew, Storm windows, combination dnors, General contractors. B, W., HAYNES, Residence 180 r 9 161 King St, V7, Phone 481 M4 Oshawa Burial Co successor to Nisney.Cots AMBULANCE 87 Colina St. Phone 2088* LUMBER ¥. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber ang Wood Yard "hone Oshawa 884 Whithy 19 Frame dwolling==4 rooms, gave age, water, sewer in, lot 40 by 190. 810 Elgin east, Best offer over $400 mortgage takes it, Submit tender to Disney, Phone Order Your Spring Sulit Now from the DOMINION: CLOTHING » oa ST. Ww, (hone S141 LAID Electric Sanded and Finishe ed Complete W, J. TRICK €O, LID, 25 Albert Street Phone 280, 281 Dnrg ry Tot A Ct Breakiass Food - EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specilising vely in muscle Ll] Wn glasses, Disney Bleck i" Fon ae Good Weather Ahead! waDD0 NOL 1050 YOUR CAT Let me finance you==Addis tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS hi! Room @¢, 144 King St. East k Wy : 1B , The bodies of two victims, a man and a woman, Hin at a morgue here, of the eight survivors of he orash, James Hh 1, and Frank bia oity were reported wit in oritle oal condition, " "wi Soma waldens: fl

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