Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1930, p. 13

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i i Froeman; © [ yo» THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1930 PAGE THIRTEEN 7. and nA rumen 14 nd Mrs, Mitford Wilkins, Osha, visited relatives hore on | Sunday, Minw Carrie Power, Bowmenvile pont Sunday wit b her brother Mr, a hd hig ay evenin was In eharge of Miss Kdns Hwa fow, 1st vice-president, when the following program was given; Bib vending, Hector Sadler) Ftople, Harvey Brooks; solo, May fe, Marjorie ir ans ockin} readings, Bd Gimblett cht i pith ia flor the 1 nolo, Bileen | Bwallow; B | tord Awa EE ". rogram Mr, an slides £ whieh Min Souch sang 'The Ninet: There was an attendance of # Rugdied snd twenty-three at Mun- Behool on Munday, A special otion was taken up for the ¢ hina Famine Fund, My, and Mrs, John Sanders, Dow. manville, visited her brother, Mr, fam Wnowden on Thursday. EE a ASHBURN Ashburn, April TT and Mrs, Tenia Jones, who have heen visiting the latter's pavents, Mr, and Mrs, Grant, have gona to thelr new Nome near Peterboro, where Mr, Jones has secured a position in » oreamort, My, Mark Duff has returned from a business trip to Regina, Much sympathy is extended to Mrs, Will Davies In the death last week of her father, Mr, Thomas Lynde, of Oshawa, A number 0 volatives from this neighborhe attended the funeral, Mr, Alvin Behell visited his moth. er in Myrtle on Bunday, April took on some Maroh chars aateristion the, earlier part of the week and the' mild warm days of spring were delayed for a time, Mr. Rosswell Is making prepars ations to bulld a new driving shed this spring, Miss Hthel Bright, of Raglan, spent the week-end with her cousin, re, George Jeffrey, Mr. Wm, Tucker, who has been in poor health for some time, has gone to live with his nephew, Mr, w aynard, of Mt, Elon, for a time, ends here hope that he ma! soon be enjoying good health again, Mr. Alle Ross and W, Timmins were succesful in securing the first [STOP and second prizes for the hard time costumes at the which was given by Mr, and Mrs, John Ruth of Haris Beation, lant PROSPECT Prospect, April 12.~My, George Hasna ord had the misfortune to 8 his oy ot od by fire on Wednes lost mont everythin time of the five, fire i» vnknown, The origin of the Moms of the farmers have been |' the roads, ng 10 start if the weath- busy dragging and fixin while others are pr on the land next wee | are, sont} Hues as It has the past few |r Mes, A Walla and Mr, Wm, Holthy spent Sunday evening over nm rw Ma VHB ot phe home of |W y | MT. , Abe 'Wallace, Quite .a number from this dis 2 attended the play Whish was held In Manimestor on Thursday svening, The young people of Als mona put on tho b play on oiled "Kind~ ling the Hearth "OI was much enjoyed by all, "The musle between acts was also enjoyed, Mra. Geo, Smith and son Leslie were in Whitby on Wednesday last, Miss Melba Gray and Will Owen spent Wednesday evening at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, Oray, Mr, Jas, Lawton, of Tessier, Nask, Mrs, Wm, Day of Port Parry, und Mr, and Mrs, James Horn of Ash- burn, wore visiting friends here on Tuesday, We are glad to report that Mrs, L, James is Improving after her wer. fous operation, whieh she under- went in Toronto General Maspital, Myr, and Mrs, Harold Kerry and family visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, 0, W. Lakey ov Sunday, Mrs, A. 1, Spencer and Miss Nora "venom spent the week-end at Plo- on, Mr, Harold Afrd visited liers for the Inst week, Died==0On Friday, Apri! 4th, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs Ruawell Mteel, Mrs, Jas, X, Mtehell, Mrs, MW, Warg and Mrs, Hartford, socomp- anied Mr. Dalton Anderson and rhildren to Toronto on Saturday, Mrs, Anderson returned home with them. Mr, Bdwin Skerratt entertained A few of his friends on Monday night at a birthday party, Miss Violet Plokard is visiting with friends at Beagrave, Mr. afd Mrs, Rimppron returned to thelr home on Tuesday Mrs, B. Kendall Fooniiod word 1) AY an ons away at the, recantiy that the intdnt son of Mr. and M i, Bdgar Hogarth wis serie oun Yr Melyiile fakoy was home i trom sohool Monday nursing. s cold, 1 , and Mrs, Ray Sutelifts were home, pn Sundsy, Mr, foo, Woloh 'fs sy yoofing house Mr, C, Gibner was visiting. his home heve recently, Pleased to report thet Mr, J, Pehard is improving every duy, Miss, Mildred Goer of Uxbridge, visited with her brothers over. the weekend, My, 'and Mrs, Wéormun Kerry visited his parents at Prinod Albert on Tuesday, Mr, A, Yi, Ppencer was in Toronto oC IMAYShall Baliurd Jett lost Thuriday for his home In the West, or Cochrane und gon, of Waterioph + 'Muss, art visiting her sinter, Mra, Jan, B, Mitchell, Miss Mary. Martin visited with MF. and Mrs, Geo, Amith on Fyiday nh I I... ORONO a Orono, April 314,~Migs Gladys Tuokar, of Vietorin College, Toronto and. Miss Dorothy Hoar, of Hows manville, were week-end guests of Ming Helen Powers, Mr, Charles Knox has veturned home from Detroit, Mich, Mr, and Mrs, Bheldon Motfatt Are moving into the village, Hiv brother, Robert, will continue on At the farm, At the regular meeting of the Orono Hortloultural Hoeloty on Monday evening last, Mr, Res, Sutton, of the loeal Forestry stas tion, 'gave a very Interesting talk on the preparation of need heds, An interesting paver was also read hy Miss Kate Waddell, Candy and apples were passed, Mrs, O, W, Ralph, president, had charge of the meeting, Misses Bertha Cain ond Gladys Cobbledick were home from Pelers hore Normal Behool, and Miss Killa Tamblyn from "Toronto Normal over the week-ond Mr, Wesley Wood and family have moved to the Bruce Waddel) farm, Antlooh weotion, Myr. Bian« lay Green snooeads him on the Prof, CN, Risson farm, The Women's Missionary Hoclety met Tuesday afternoon last with a aplefdld attendance, The program which was In Easter thoushts was npepared by eroup 4, Mrs, VV, Kelly Convenor, The opening nddress on Waster wan read by Mrs, Kelly, fol. lowing which Mrs, M, HW, Stables) proteiited 8 poem entitled "Did We Ll... HN or Did We' Not?" Yople from the davotional Jenfier wan conducted by Mys, 10, Dean, Mrs, O, W. Ralph Leontributed a 'fine vocal number, and a responsive Kastor service way conducted by the group leader, Miss Mary Sommerville is visiting in Toronto, Mm yr NEWCASTLE Nowenstle, Apri) Ld.o=Mr, and Mry, Bdgar Osborne und fumfly, of Toronto, visited My, und Mrs, W, D. Bragg and they relatives, My, and Mrs, Vyeed Wright, of Ploton, motored to Neweasiio Wins doy Tat, owing to the death of the formerts father, Albert Jdwin Wright, Clarke, Me, and Mew, 51. W, Dudiny were in Colborne on Saturday writing up the estate of his mother, the lute Mrs, Dudley, The young: people's soelety mel on Monday svening with the Vresis dent, Clarence Allen, in the chair, Followship program was In charge of Wrnfe CHibank und consisted of Devotional Tople, Lilian Clemence; voor! duet, Beatries Cryderman ang Wilbur Baskerville; tople, Mrs, Trueman Clark; violin solo, Hows ard Crydormang vending, John Ashs ton, 'Meeting closed with the mis path hanediction, Mr, John Ashton, Miss Dorothy Plammer and Miss Viorence Awshs ton and Mr. Douglay Cols motored to Kemptville on ¥riday to nes company Mr, Gordon Ashton, who hag been attending agricultural College, home, On Haturday they purpose motoring on to Ottawa, to visit with friends over the week. end, A party of Mr, Erle Pearce's Yor Jatives and former nelghhors or ganignd a wood-outting hes and motored lust Thursday to his new farm at Claremont where they spent the afternoon felling trees In oue of his large wood lots and getting them In shape for the elroular saw, J. H, Jack and TT, HM, Clemenee drove thelr ears and the other mem. bers of the gang were John Robins won, Howard Pearce, Frank Gray Loslle Anderson, W. J. H, Rlekard and WH, KR, Pearce Bi Melineh orn and the Boss served as bush wuldes to the strangers und in the avening Mrs, Ponres served a sump tuous hot supper to the whole orowd, Misses Marie and Dorothy Hen. ning entertained a number of thelr Kivl friends ¥riday ovening when fn very enjoyahla time was spent Misa Clara COnswell spent the week-end with Mr, ond Mra, Harry Heanllp, Toronto, * Miss Hilda Lowland, of Toronto, | -- | Smoke Sale Still Going Strong at the Dominion Clothing 68 King St. West - COLLEGIATE SWEATER COATS 3 dozen only, regular $5.50, for - MEN'S SUITS, regular Ble. 50 for MEN'S SUITS, 2 regular $21.5 for or = pants BOYS AND GIRLS' NAVY BLUE SERGE REEFERS, regular $2.95, for CHILDREN'S BLOUSES, Broadcloth and Print, regular 59¢, for BOYS KNICKERS, regular id 25 BOYS' SUIT S, 2 pairs p-- regular $11.50 N a ~ BOYS" SUITS, 2 pair knickers regular $5. 95, for . ' \ 'Dominion Clothing '68 King St. W. = KING ST, CHAVIBERS EB. 2141 The Store W TM andise at the You Can Buy First Quality Guaranteed Lowest Possible The Confidence Store Co., ublic's $2 $12 $1 25 59 Co. ¢ vices: (mn Normal Bohool/ spent the week-end at, her home, Mrw, J, WM, Vamplor and Mrs, Run sol Calwitl 'and daughter Jean, of Jarente, spout the week-ond with . und Mes, W, HM, Vource, Vagter Thank-Qftering Meeting of the Women's Missionary Soclety of the United Chureh took place Thursday, April Brad, in (he Bun. day. Behool roo with a large at tendands of members, The Presi dent, Mry, W, P, Rogers wes in the olialr, Devotional period was fol- lowed by a tending by Mrs, V, Vigg, and a voeal 'solo hy Mrs, George Hopay, after which a de lghtful address was given by Miss Myvile MoArthur, missionary on furlough, who told of her work among new Canadians. and Ukren. fans in small out-post pochools und hospital at Pine Lake and JNthels bert, Miss McArthur is a gifted speaker to whom it. was an honor to listen, A generous thank-of« fering was given, A noclal half hour was enjoyed when tea and refroshments were served, Dr. B, H, Waltou-Ball of Toronto, visited his brother, Mr, Hrnest Wal- ton-Uall, Revelstoke Manor, Hope, Inst wook-end and also called ot bin Newaonstlo estate, Harris Lodge, My, and Mra, George Varmeomhe and daughter Constance, Oshawa, wore week-end guests of Mrs, (Dr) Farmoombe and Mr, and Mrs, Neg, Le Gresley, rap es p-- ENNISKILLEN NEWS rv ---------- Enniskillen, April 0.-=Our Bun. day services were well attended, The Sunday School are practising the singing for thelr anniversary on the 86th of May, so they start Sunday School at 10 a.m, In the evening Rev, J. M, Whyta gave a yory fine sermon. The choir sang several good selections with Miss L. Btevens, Oshawa, sluging & solo, The W.M.H, meeting wag held on Wednesday Oth, In the basement of, the chureh, with our president, Mra, Ferguson, in charge, After the devotional period an Xaster mes page wan read from Mrs, Stirling. A roading, "Easter Chimes," hy Mra, Pye, A chapter In aur study hook was ably taken by Mrs, Wm, Ashton, A solo with motion was well given by Mrs. Lo. Ashton and Mra, Roy MoGill, Plans for Easter worg discussed, Mrs, R, MoGHl! and Mra, Dr, Ferguson were appointed delegates to the Branch meeting in Bewmanville, May 1st and 2nd, Born=To Mr. and Mr, C. Wil son (nee Bdna Lamb), on April Sth n daughter, both doing niesly, The funeral of the late Mr, Floyd | Page was largely attended at the [ home of My, and Mrs, L. Brunt, a number from a distance attend. ing. Rev, J. M. Whyte conducted the service. The sympathy of the [ community 1s extended to Mrs, Page {and family in their bereavement, Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, and Ira Travelle, Oshawa, spent lard, Sundey at Mr, snd Mrs, B, C, Ashe ton's, My, and Mrs, ¥red Tamblyn and Mary Orono, Mr, CO, Pascos, Tor ronto, visited Mrs, H, J, Werry's recently, Mr, Bert Verguson has. bought the property, north of the village, owned by Mr, ¥, Carter, Mr, and Mrs, C, Boyd are moving into Mr, O, 1, Byer's apartment, Mr, Vrank Mpry, Rochester, visit ed his parents, Mr, and Mew, J, Spry, recently, Miss Grace Vestings, Hampton, and Miss Marjorie Martyn, visited with Miss Muriel Moore, Mry, VV, Heddon, Mr, Kenneth and Miss Lois, Toronto, visited the for. meor's parents, My. and Mrs, Johu Orchard on Sunday, Miss Laells Stevens and Mr, Charlie Stainton, Oshawa, spent the week-end with thelr respective par. ants, Mrs, B C, Ashton visited with || program will be presented, Our Pastor, Rev, J, H, Stainton renched in Brooklin Monday evens ng, Mm, Bminton aceompanied him there visiting friends, 1'alfen of the International settles | ment at Shanghai shot nnd killed one student and wounded nother Monday during a student. demon: stration, allegedly the outgrowth of recent similar gocurrevass in' Nan~ king "hiyse Galt Reporter home Three Chicago gungeters wors ar rostod at Marion, Ind, Tuesday in sonneetion with three bombings that have taken five lives in Marion wines October, "They gave their names as Peter Kmiouk, 45, Harry Danford, 29, and Joo Beckeit, 20, mer, her duughter Mrs, §, May, Toronto, | |i over Bunday, COURTICE Courtios, April 15.~~Mrs, Rundle. Dethesds is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Esll Oke, Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Arnot and || family, Maxwell's, visited at Mrs, Elif Obsorne's Sunday. Miss Drags, Powmanville, wan the guest of Misses Hattie and Auras Osborne Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Chartran, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Nichols, Rev, Roy Rickard and Mrs, Rick- ard, Plokering, were Sunday with ors at the. Parsonage, Mrs, Arnot, Reming; Mrs, A, Johnson and little Win Jane, Smoothrook Falls, were recent visite ors at Frank Rundle's, Thursday afternoon the regular meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held In the Sunday School room with Miss Louise Os borne's group in charge. The Pros!- dent, Mrs, Rev, Stainton presided The Bible lesson was given by Miss Osborne and other members, The mateh-tower way called. Atey a considerable amount of business, au programme as follows was pre. sonted: a short reading by Mrs Ross Pearce; Mrs, Frank Warren too keep the second chapter in the study book and Mrs. G. ¥, Annis sang in tine voloe "There is & green M1) far away." The meeting clos od, and there was a wplendid at tendance, Sunday morning Rev, Roy Rick of Plokering, occupied the pulpit and delivered » good wser- mon, In the evening our Pastor Rev. J, H, Stainton continued his sorien of {llustrated leptures on the lite of Jesus. While plotures were given of '"The Holy City," Mm. W. R, Courtice sang the solo. Next Runday evening our Pastor will give, the last lecture on the lie of Jenus. || Next Sunday afternoon at the Bun-|/ day Bohoo! session & special Easter) | mn of Fri fresh and RC * which makes toe and deserts, nba the betion out of the way, leaving the top flat and unl which keeps vegetables even revives wilted vegetables Elsssted food abelses that eliminate nooping. py A «+ + the result of and Prigidairs prices are low and the cost ds buta few cents a day, BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP 70 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa wm. || here" ate two 1, 4 can go to find whit's wrong with trig: doctor's office pid Kiteheper Record, -- H you want to know the condition of the sidewalks in your tows, unk who push & baby a The man who kicks about the sers view In a restaurant Is usually fellow who eats In the Witehen ¢ Port Arthur News-Cheoriele, I Premier King has not yet given the Opposition. an election . date he has apparently provided them, an elegtion issue, ~Peterbory We have never before had such a variety of Kastor Creations, old, ho to the at 51.00, Rabbits Roosters ........ Chick in Cart ...... Rabbit in bath .... iavge docorated Tr TIT to mention. Next to Post Office SONOS RO TY HOR rh Cup and Saucer .........c... Fruit and Nut Eggs ..... and other Novelties 'too numerous The types that please and gladden the hearts of every one young and Prom the Mitle-clioeojute bubbles At ¥ anlar Sc 15¢ 15¢ 18¢ 35¢c 25¢ _KARN'S Phone 378 Hundod: of thousands Phone 1072

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