Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Apr 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1930 OSHAWA SUNDAY SCHOOL SOFTBALL LEAGUE MEETS TONIGHT 0.C.L.A.A. Holds Lively Softball Meeting. Big | Season Is Se -- The Resing of the Oshawa Olty nd industrisl amateur associa hon jast night oMelally pried off the 11d of the softball season In this sity for the coming summer when delegates from the various teams in the city's three loops ap- pointed delegates for the Annual meeting of the Ontario Amateur Rottoal] Association at Kingston on Good Friday to deal with the amendments that will come before that meeting. Chief among these was the decision of the local elub to vote for the adoption of the 18~ ineh ball in accordance with Tor ronto and to support the move for a senior B class In the province, Oshawa's three delegates to the convention in Kingston are expect od to be Art Rowden, president of the local association; Harold Smith, & member of the executive und Dave Btretton, escretary, The loca! asociation is looking forward to & banner year in softball and thyee strong leagues are Already assured that will be sponsored by the eity and industrial eireuits, t roups Pending the decision of the an- nual meeting ot Kingston regard ing the senior "B' series, Oshawa wil have operating this year an in- termediate group composed of at least six strong teams, a junior and a juvenile loop, Hoftball has gone ahead by leaps and bounds here in the past year through the activity of the parent association and Rec. retary Stretton intimated last night that should senior "RB" rat ing be granted, this city would he represented in the series, As far as oan be told now, Oniental Tex- tiles, Parts and Bervice, Colum- NEW MARTIN Starting WEDNESDAY - \ A dramatic story of a man who sacrificed | honor to ambition and PAYS the penalty by his only son in' 0 shadow of death! Now Playing at the "RADIATORS" VAUDEVILLE SKIT xpected bias, Oshaws Bakery, Phillips (Glass and the Dally Times. will comprise the loop with the Angi cans lust year's champions: proe bable starters, Other teams are ex pected, In the junior and juvenile series, three teams are aiveady entered in the competition and the executive hopes to have at least six teams in each series, In the junior, the ossibility of having Whitby and owmanville included is being mooted, Most of the games this year will be played at the elty's new grounds, the Motor City Stad- fum, Thursday night here, the as sociation will hold another meet~ ing for the purpose of definitely enrolling all clubs intending to play this year, Only those teams who have thelr representatives on hand Thursday night will be al lowed in the leagues, Leafs Ready For Opener Reading, Pa, April 1B==Arrive ing here at noon yesterday, the Leafs are on the ground walting for thelr league opening against the Reading Keys on Wednesday, As final tuning up for the first game the Clan O'Neill will work out at Laver Park some time to. day, The team traveled from Detroit lighter than usual, Bddie Phillips was given permission to remain over an extra day at his home in Detroit, Clayton Mheedy and Leslie Burke missed the train whep the tax! in which they were rushing to the station had a collision, and Joe Rabbitt forgot his baggage, Joe Harris and Josh Billings were not in the party, they having left Detroit earlier in the day bound for Franklin, Pa, to visit # nerce specialist, who is expected to 'make Billinga's arm veady for pitching duty, Walter lLeverens and Albert Phillips, who were out from the Toronto roster at De. trolt, came on herve with the team, Leverens hopes to catch on bably in need of pltoherd, Phillips went to Hartford last night, Cantrell or Barnes Manager O'Neill's pitehing cholee against the Keys on Wed nesday les between Guy Cantrell and Frank Barnes, with the odds strongly in favor of Cantrell, though the Toronto pllot will not make a definite seleotion until tos day, Nddis Phillips probably will do the eatehing, though there is a possibility that O'Neill will nomin. ate Mmself, However, he wrenched his side while at bat last Friday and yesterday visited a Turkish bath for the purpose of having the soreness steamed out if pos. sible, I -- |ETHEL CATHERWOOD TO RESUME TRAINING Toronto, April 15.--Sport followers gl will hail with interest the announce« ment made by "Teddy" Oke, sponsor of the Parkdale Ladies' Athletic Club i] that Ethel Catherwood is resuming training this week at Hampden Park, The early preparation for an active son is all the more nieresting, as inn Ci therwood, world's lady Pigh im $ amulag, will mive a special hit on in the international girls' sport avehts being arranged for Shri gars pa n June at the Maple Leaf tadi he zppearance of the worlds champion in the Shriners' girl sport program is another evidence of the | committee's effort in appreciation of &e act that anywhere betwegn 20, d alo visitors are counted up © view proceedings, Mtherwood, after congue: ol anadian competition with ds . By Wert on to Nin the = . p rid honors for Canada an he Parkdale Club at Amsterdam, ince that epoch-marking event the tall young lady has appeared only once, having given an exhibition at the Coliseu oronto, Early last year in training at Hampden Park, oh was Iured aud temporeri or ced out of comp , and unable to enter the Dominion championships at Montreal, " ® needs a garden," says I, 0, Nunniok, president of the Ontario Hortioultural Soelety, he can sell this idea to the boys and girls, there will be a marked oha in the countryside, ¥arm- ers' Advooate, KEORD outa ¥ FAIRBANKS The asoreen's most colorful figures wil keep you doubled up with laughter from start to finish, EEE | rroron Stas 5 asl Times = Tonjght No, No, Nanstte" | O'REILLY WILL BE fara will also be given an opportuns NO. 1 IN BIG RACE Toronto, April 1-Tuck "Reilly, fo thred years out from Geyway, Ireland, five times Irish champlon, has the position of honor In the Mth annual marathon which the Boston Athlete Association wil eonduet Pat~ riots' Day from Hopkinton to Boston, A, C. Hart, chalrman of the Athletic Commiites, gave out a Not of half o dozen runners yesterday, whose entry blanks have been received for the big contest, and indieated that J, O'Reilly who finished second to Kall Koski in the national marathon champlionhsip at Staten Island three weeks ago, would year No, 1 in the race, as his was the first entry recelved, O'Reilly will represent the Glad: stone A.C, of Toronto, and he should bespopular as well as favorite runner in the contest, His success In New York was marked In that it was his first real American fest at the full marathon distance, He Is only 2) years of age and coming strong all the time, CARNERA GOES DOWN BUT WINS IN FIFTH -- Oakland, Cal, April 15~Primo Carners, the glant Italian, hit the floor tor the frst time since his Am- erican invasion last night, but got wp to win by a technical knockout over "Bobo" Chevalier, 8 comparatively un known negro heavyweight, In the 6th of a scheduled ten-round hout, This was Carnern's Afteenth consecutive Ameriean victory, Chevalier, weighing 216 pounds as compared with Carnera's 276, sent Carners to the floor during a skirm ish in the first round, The Italian bounced up Immediately and certain ly may have been called anything hut an pr Bid fighter until the Afth round After being hit In the first round, Carnera fought eautiously until the fifth with the negro landing the clean er blows, Carnera opened up with his heavy artillery In the Afth, however, and battered the negro over the ring, But Chevalier refused to go down, fighting back, Late In the round "Hobo" went down for a nin count and got up. Thirty seconds lu ter Referee Toby Irwin stepped be tween the two and raised the Italian's hind, Threatening weather kept the ex pected attendance far down, but Car nera's manager estimated Jt at 15, 000, Belleville Nats. Ready for 1930 Belleville, April 10--Helleville Nationals, twice Ontario ehamplons and twice runners-up, commence | their eleventh season in amateur | baseball with an enviable repute tion te upheld, The Nationals, formerly the Grand Trunks, have hopes of bringing another pennant to Belleville this year and with the material available, the locals should glve any team In the Central League, and for that matter in the provinee, a great battle, Walter verow, who has guided the des vinles of thé club since 1040, will Again be at the helm and he lg pop- wiar with fans and players, The veteran Peony Milly is again slated to handle the catohing duties and he has few peers In that depart: ment, I'hree pitchers will Mkely be out for berths and these include Alex Weir, a youngster who bas made good under Milla' training; Pointer, & southpaw prospect who was sought by Western Canada profes slon teams and Hoot Gibson, who was with Sy, Ueorge's of Toronto lant season, Years on Job Harry Mills, who has covered first base for the last ten years, will likely be back at his acoustom- od position, He ls highly regard- od, not only as an infielder but also as & batter of ability, Vern Wal Belleville's versatile athle most assured of second base, Bob Heott, who oame here from Renfrew three JOATS ABO proved a real find, is garded for third base Harry Blakely, who has <0 shortstop for the past four seasons, has left for Albany New York, but George Heott, who handled the short-stopping for Delore will hold down that berth, There is no dearth of candidates tor the outfield and these included Harold Buck, late of ny and Murney Green, who last year, Flagler and a num others, A number of younger play- ity to make good, Boston Win First Game ---- Washington, April 15--The Bos ton Red Hox may finish last in the American ue this year, but they were ruling the roost last night, having opened the 1030 mens son with a hard-fought 4-8 viotory over Walter Johnson, Henators, With President Hoover and numers ous other dignitaries looking on, Heinle Wagner's team came from behind in the eighth inning to-day, pooring twice off Garland Braxton, to win out after the game appear od lost, Twenty-five thousand fans took advantage of perfect weather to witness the opener, . Mout of the oredit for the viotory should go to old Phil Todt veteran fut Dageifan, eran t LA been a oday, Todt, who han been HAH for his job y nil ie mers Site sootnan | he one run and driving in two more, |. Tom Oliver, rookie centre flelder was close behind Todt with two atngles, both of which were turned Into runs, . i 'George Smith, a right-hander, wha once tolled for the Tigers, wan the winning piteher, Smith re: he : ' PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo. Caxyeuis, Sports Bditor Local 8, 8, Softball Lengue The Oshawa Sunday School Sortball League will hold u meeting tonight at 'the Baptist Chureh, King street gust It Is expected tht there will be ten or twelve entries In this league, us some Sunday Schools are entering two teams, night and further plans mude for 1 playing grounds, ete, be made welcome, All schools whe thelr representatives on hand, The w * 0.C.LAA, Has | The Oshawa City and Industria ly meeting last night, The represer eal delegates should vote on the brought up st the annual meeting delegates will be chosen by the executive, arose over the question of entries, a decided that the executive would and present a report at the next meeting, which will 1 day night, * ¥ Important The O.CLAA, meeting which 1 will be a very Important dhe, It has been decided that all tenm The gntries will be received to he coming season, us to schedule, I you have any interest in this league you will intend to enter are asked to have meeting ls called for BOO o'clock . 'oppy Meeting I Athletic Association held a live iatlyes decided whieh way the lo different questions which will he of the OASA on Friday, The A grewt deal of discussion nd playing grounds, 1t wus finally Investigate the varlous problem held on Thur * * Meeting ws been ealled for Thursday. night wish Ing to enter any of the loeal leagues must have thelr representatives present at the meeting on Thursday foes will not have to be puld on ' made and only those teams who ma be allowed to play in the leagioe, Ai ville who want to enter, are asked tion ' ¥ intr application must h night, to make application hursday, but ke application at this meetin vill wy teams from Whithy or Bowman to be sure to make thelr applica Ad ' Oshawa and District Beagle Club The frst regular meeting of the was held last night at the Genosha 1 fanciers were present As Trial has been arranged, to be rug afternoon, May 17, As an Inducon dogs, nu number of valuable prizes To ereate iorosult club an new members, Robi donate u beautiful cup to ba the be competed for annually, The w which would be In his permanent donated and on this shield the na placed, My won outright Fall Trials only Interest In the President Geo Fonkin also announeer hese last two. prize " » Oshawn and Distriet Dea fotel and a good number of Be Field Siturday f the meeting a Spring Derh pat Claremont, Ont, on wnt to the Beaglers, to have been announced by the elub d to to enlist rin thelr prove un Incentive rishiaw announced that he would woperty of the club, whieh would inner would receive a smaller cup i ( nm, A shield will also be nes of the unnuwal winners will he { that he would offer a cup, to bh ey are to be competed | ttl 0) » Textiles Softball Club he Textiles YMCA Ing out with the sof th tomorrow night at B00 Intermediinte Fextiles ure aske * ' Red Ace J he Red Ace (Juveniles), will morrow night at the YM OA, ut § team who ure still eligible to play J play for the Red Aces ure Invited Ea aN A ---- | placed Danny Mao¥ayden after the bespectacled starting pitcher vatir od for Pinch-hitter Nwesney in the seventh toning, Smith retived elght Nenators in order, but had to bear donw hard In the ninth after Wes! doubled with two out and Rice walked, With Goose Goslli, slug ging outfielder, at bat and the win ning run on first, many eapital fans soated victory, The Goose erashed three hard drives, all af them foul, and then ended the game with a long drive te Oliver, = ---------- Tt looks as If professional have ball would be established here this summer, It Is mighty mood dally advertising for the town, Ht, Cath arines Standard, ul tenm will hold a 1 my, All players inter d to be » " uvenilés hold an organization meetin | 00 pan, Al members off last and wll oth it this eel uvenile rs who to this meeting, HRAVES BEAT HOLY CROSS Worcester, April 15-The Hol Crone baseball nine, eastern inter colleginte champions the past two yours, made {ts Initinl appearancs of the season yesterday and finish od at the short end of an 11:1 moore in an exhibition contest with the Moston Hraves, MHITCHMAN MAY PLAY CRICKET Hoston, Mass, April 15-1, Lion ol Hitehman, captain of the Boston Bruins hockey team, now on an exhibition tour to the FPaelfle Conant, will try his hand at another game this summer, It was reported here yesterday that he has signed to play erleket for the Mt, George's AA, team In the Massachusetts Htate League, AL, SIMMONS 15,=Al. Sim: fn Mot Springs, Ark, and an . , A HOLD-OUT an agreement to be reached, Simmons was allowed to train at Joined the Athleties this week, It is under: stood he is asking a salary of $25,000, | mons does not sign a cons tract today, Homer Summa or Roger Cramer, rookie, who has been play: Ing left fleld during the exhibition games, play that position, 'Major League Teams Swing Into Action Today Record Crowds Expected to Attend Different Games-- Chicago Cubs and Phila- delphia Athletics Receive Good Support ---- Toronto, April 15=Acroplanes may huze overhend, divots muy fly thicker than ever on the golf courses and pop muy be disguised by the use of paper cups, but the old-fushioned game of baseball comes into its own again today wll slong the major les gue battlefront, Times have changed, and so has the game thut one time featured heurds and sacrific, hits Instead of $80,000 salaries and home runs, but it in still the grand old United States national pastime, with all the tumult and shouting, the band playing, the fag-ralsing and the "kids" who share with grizeled fans the thrills of op ening day, With the bulmy touches of spring to paint nu seagsonable background the sixteen teams of thd National and American Leagues today complete the swing Into action that was begun ap proprintely in the National Capital vesterdny, when President Hoover joined the crowd watching Boston's Red Sox tuke the measure of the Washington Senators, I'hese same two teams jump over night to Boston for another nmaugy peets were that approximately 250,000 ru), while the rest of the American League clubs open with New York at Philadelphia, 8$t, Louis st Detroit, Cleveland at Chicago, In the Nutional League the chum plon Chicago Cubs start thelr came paign at St, J ouls, while Boston play ut New York, Philadelphia at Brooke fyn and Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, Expect Large Crowds If the weather's favorable attitude continued uninterrupted the pros. spectators would witness the total of eight games scheduled, The National League openers were expected to contribute most of this total, around 133,000 with at least 115,000 more fans crowding thelr way into American League parks, The biggest crowd of the day seemed likely at Detroit, with 40,000 or upward expected to take advan- tage or ideal weather to erowd Na- vin Field und see "Bucky" Harris's 1930 edition of the Tigers play the St, Louis Browns, The New York Giants estimated 40,000 would witness thelr getaway ut the Polo Grounds against the Boss ton Braves, Crowds of 30,000 to 35,000 were pre dicted for the openers ut Philadel phin, Cincinnati, St, Louis and Chi | cago, where the White Sox apenin ugninst Cleveland, was to be seized ns un means of paying tribute to the new manager, Donnie Bush, Donnle's friends planned to give him a chest of sliver and volee the hope that all the pleasant things sald this spring What date is Your Birthday? F it's soon, better warn dad right away that you want a bicycle more than anything else, Tell dad how popular C,.C.M. bicycles are today with boys and girls, Tell him names o your friends riding bicycles. Ask him to f with you to see the mode) you want, or t show him picture of it in the C.C.M. catalogue. Get dad interested now, and we feel sure he wilt Rive you a. C.C.M. on your birthday, 6 Big C.CM. Features There are many more polnts of superiority than these six big fea: tures, but, judged by these alone, the C.C.M, is the "King of Bicycles." 3. C.C.M. 20-year Nickel Plating. 2, CCM. Triplex Crank Hanger, 3. CCM. Improved Hercules Coaster Brake, 4. Three Coats of C.CM, Enamel baked on over a Coat of Rust. Proof. 5, Gibson Pedals (on most models). 6. Dunlop Tires, Your nearest CCM, dealer will give you the new 1930 catalogue or write to Canada Cycle and Motor Co, Limited, Weston (Ontario), Montreal, Winnipeg or Vancouver, about the Sox come true, Not to forget their champions, how ever, 5000 other Chicago fans formed a march upon St. Lowis to cheer Manager Joe Metarthy's Cubs To stimulate this pilgrimage, Dr. Louis Eastman, who did the team a good turn by curing Catcher Gabby fie nett'se urm, hired u special train for his own delegation of Cub rooters, all hoping to sce the Bruins break their habit of being opening day losers, Old Rive. Meet The world's champion Athletics, barring a last minute contrast hitch with thelr great outfielder, Al Sim 0, 8, were primed for a rousing gets way on home grourds sguinst thelr arch-rivals, the New York Yankees, Robert Moses Grove, the southpaw uce of the A's, was the choice to send the champions away where they left off last October~=winners, The expensive cast led by Babe Ruth and managed for the first time by Bob Shawkey, counted upon the good right hand of George Pipgras to match anything Grove could produce in speed or curves, HIS NET PROFIT FPriend=What did you realize on your Investment? Stock Exchange Victim--=What a fool T was, =~ Montreal New Goblin, - a a aa od Doe CARTW lumi R (© /4 ATHOLL STW OSHAWA 1, Hi Now selling for dollars less than last year. In fact, the lowest in thirty years, Easy terms, too, if desired. CCM: Bicycles also COM-Joycycles for Children W. T. SUDDARD ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Headquarters for All C, C. M. Products 638 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 1341W. Burton's Bicycle Shop C.C.M. Bicycles and All Makes Mot | Fishing Tackle and Gener] eh " Phone 1624 -

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