Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Apr 1930, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1930 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS : STIFY SENTENCES 'Morrisburg, Ont. James O'Malley, 24 and Phillip Castag- niery 30, both of Morrisburg, were sentenced to three years In Ports. mouth penitentiary and ten lashes each for striking and robbing James Reddick, Morrisburg grocer on March 29. : i FIRST CASE UNDER NEW LAW Cobaurg,~The first action un- der the dependents' relief act, which became law in 1920, was brought here when Mrs. Charles Weng, petitioned for an increased allowance from the will of her late husband, Justice L, V. O'Connor adjourned the case for further evidence, PM Is your Radio RUN DOWN? ONG and constant use naturally "takes it out" of the tubes. ' Here's the finest radio rejuvenation known---new Wes 4 IN EVERY tinphouse SOCHE Y ILLEGAL VISHING Belleville.~~Police ~ court pro- secutiong will follow the frst muskalonge selgure of this spring by Came Overseer Lyons of Belle- ville who caught five men in the act of seizing in Hay Bay, on the Bay of Quinte. Five lunge and several small boats were seized, CHILD DIES WHILE FATHER IN JAIL Belleville~While John Ser. geant, Madoc, was serving fifteen days in the county jail for breach~ os of the Game and Fishery 'et. his two months old child was car- ried to the cemetery for interment and he was not allowed to attend the obsequies, The child died from a complication of diseases, CONSERVATIVES RALLY Bolleville~A large Conserva- tive meeting and rally was staged at Cannifton, when W, E. Tum- mon, member of the Dominion house for this riding and Joseph Harris, M. P. of Toronto, address. ed the Conservatives of this dis- trict. There was a large turnout for the meeting, NEW WATER VILTER Belleville.~~Belleville's propos ed purification plant of which Messrs, Gore, Nasmith and Storrie, consulting' engineers of Toronto, have prepared the plans and speci- fications and will supervise the construction, will be one of the most up-to-date filters in the Ddm- inion, HOLSTEIN BREEDERS MEET Lindsay, Much enthusiasm in raising pure bred cattle in general and Holsteins in particular, and in bettering farming conditions was shown at the annual meeting and banquet of the Vietoria Holsteln- Friesien Club here, Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Honorary president, Willlam Newman, M, L. A.; president, Bruce McNevin; first vice-president, James Naylor: second vice-president, William Hall; secretary treasurer, William J. Murphy; directors, Messrs, Bag- shaw, Camhray: Charles Calvert, | Renboro, and Clayton Taylor, Bob- caygeon. CHECK ON MOTORISTS lindsay.--Provinclal and town police are checking up on motor. We have never before bad such a variety of The types that please and gladden the hearts of every one young and Krom the littleschocolate bunnies at decorated Kastor Master Creations, old, he to the at $1.00, Rabbits large CEB" 5c Roosters - i Chick in Cart .. Rabbit in bath Cup and Saucer ... Fruit and Nut Eggs and other Novelties too numerous to mention. KARN'S "Next to Post Office Phone 378 WOOD. KINDS & DRY @ (20) Delivery Vehicles 'SEMET - SOLVAY ists more than ever in this season, and although they are willing to co-operate with motorists us much as posiblse they are instilling a respect "for the trafic laws by bringing offenders to court, BIG DEFICIT Cobourg.---- Councillor McGuire, chairman of Finance, announced to the town Council meeting thal he thought that the auditors' re- port which would goon be out would show a huge deficit from last year. SCHOOL TAX RATES Pembroke.~~Rates for public schools aud Colleglate Institute for 1930 wero set at 13.8 and 4,26 mills respectively by the Board of Education, The collegiate rate fis a reduction of 1% mills and the public school rate an increase of one mill, - These rates will raise $62,177.10 for .public school pur. poses and $24,671.64 for the Col- leglate, TAX RATES INCREASE Pembroke, --~ Probabilities are that the tax rate of the town of Pembroke will get a further boost when the Town Council strikes the rate for the current year, Estimated exponditures now known will, it is anticipated, make a rate of over 66 mills for public school supporters and close to 59 mills for supporters of separate schools, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES WILL BE INVESTIGATED Ontario M.P. Says His Dis- trict Lost $750,000 Through Frauds Ottawa, April 12. ~~ Charging that insurance companies issued fire pol- icles on buildings which In fact dia not exist, George Spotton, Conser- vative member for North Huron, in the House of Commons yesterday accused fire insurance companies of helping to rob the people of his district of $760,000. Mr. Spotton, mentioning no names declared that "through the fraudulent undertakings of a trust. od lawyer" the people of Listowel, Stratford and South' Huron, had lost this huge sum on fraudulent mortgages, given on buildings which did not really exist, but were supposed to have heen erected in property "in the vicinity of Toron- to." His own family, Mr, Spotion ad. mitted, had had 16 of these mort- gages and in every case an insure ance policy was attached, describ ing a house or building which was purported to be erected on the pro- perty. Later, it was discovered, that of all these properties, only six had buildings of any kind what- aver. QUEEN WOULD LIKE PRINCE OF WALES T0 BE MARRIED Efforts to Persuade Heir to Throne to Take a Wife Have Failed (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng., April 12, -- That the Orince of Wales has implicit cons idence in the judgment of his mo- ther on every subject except mar. riage is stated in a new unofficial blography of the Queen which con~ tains many stories about the royal family, The Queen, the writer says would like to see her eldest son married 8s a prospect for a direct heir to the throne, but thus far her efforts to persuade the prince to take a wife have been in vain. The bio. grapher asserts that the prince con. sults his mother about most of his undertakings but has remained ad- amant so far as marriage is cons cerned, The book was written by Mrs, Charlotte Cavendish, widow of a colonel in the British army. It was not submitted to the queen before publication, Mary is not a believer in youthful marriages, but she is now anxious to see all of her sons settled, als thuugh she thinks that if the Prince of Wales remains single it will not be such a national calamity as some ecople have predicted, because the uke of York is already married and has a daughter and the other two sons, Henry and George, can scarcely be classed as woman hat< ors. One of the stories related in the | book is that the Duke of York pro- posed several times before he fin- ally was accepted by the present Duchess. It fs related further that the Queen encouraged him to make the Anal attempt, urging that "faint heart ne'r won fair lady." and that he took his mother's ad- vice with happy results. . SUGGESTS GIVING SEIZED ALCOHOL TO THE HOSPITALS (By. Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, April 12, «= Contraband alcohol sel by revincial offieis' als or revenue cers might bu given to hospitals instead of being 'destroyed. This was a suggestion advanced in the House of Commons 'last night by Hon, R, B, Bennett, leader of the opposition, when the House was considering amendmants to the excise act pro~ 'posed by Hon, W. D. Euler, Min. Joter of Nationsal Revenue. r. Bennett saw ne reason why destroyed when hospitals had.ip According to the writer, Queen |. some |. perfectly good aleohdl should ba |. pay high prices for the commod- ity, He also disputed the right of the dominion government to In. plist on alcohol seized by provine'ul authorities heing turned over fo the dominion to be destroyed. fortunately, the string wus stiached 10 two feethewthe one and a dandy one directly east of it, As two swung goriy, at the end of the slring, the agnery swung Into conversation of a highly rs Protestant School Must Take Catholics Ota, April 12~By a judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada, the trustees of the Protestant Separate School at St. Romuald, Quebec, are required to give instruction to the children of W, Shannon, The child+ ren had been baptized in the Roman Catholic Church and Mr, Shannon had been assessed and taxed as a supporter of the Protestant School, The rrustees, however, had taken his name off the roll and wished té debar his children from attending the school on the grounds that they were Roman Catholics, The lower courts held the school was bound to take the decision of the father as to the religious creed of the children and ordered the trus- tees to admit them, The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of the trustees from this judgment with Costs, A DIVORCE CASE WITH TEETH IN IT Chicago, =- Here's a divorce case with teeth in it; threc teeth; Mrs, Celia Wagner's teeth, She von a divorce from Ralph Wagner, a broker, yesterday and she hung her complaint on the teeth. Having need recently of getting" a tooth extracied, she told her hus- band, He pooh-1oclied th. idea of going to an exodontist, urging the good old door method of string ex- tending from said tooth to the knob of a door: said door to be slammed suddenly, yanking the tooth, That worked all right, Mr, Wag- ner officiating as door slammer, Un- | They were { Little once | | ») ha -- = -- i BUT NOW THEY ARE GROWN UP-- Yot the memories of childhood are preserved in lifelike form for posterity, Pictures taken now give much fun at the time, Spring's advent gives many untold chances for pictures, Snap them pow and put away in your album tor many pleasayt hours and laughs later on, KODAKS $5.00 up BROWNIES .. $2.15 up Hawkeye Cameras $1.19 Here's a tip for better pictures; 1~Load up with Film in the Yellow Box, 2,~Bring your Films to us for Developing and Printing, The Rexall Store JURY & LOVELL King St. E, Simcoe St, 8. Phone 28 Phone 68 Rn the VACATION THIS SUMMER, Plan to enjoy the easures conven. ces of an tour this summer, Visit asper National Park. the great Canadian «ss the Pacific ee OF £0 east--the Maritimes and Old Quebec. Choice of dates and itineraries available, Full information, descriptive booklets 1 character. It was then, Way ier set forth, that her husband unaided either by string or Joorknol removed a third tooth from her mouth, . The three vacancies in Mrs, Wag- ner's molar systemy won her the di- vorce, HE GOT THE JOB, BUT IT WAS COSTLY -- Mt, Pleasant, Mich,, Myron W, Maxwell sits triumphant in the of- fice of Vernon township treasurer here today, but it cost him a quar- ter, a rip in his 'rousers ,and a near ste of housemaid's knee to get the ob, Balloting in the election at which Myron and Clyde Prescott were op. posed for treasurer was very dull, and when the judges quickly tallied the returns they found Maxwell and Prescott tied at 10 votes cach, "Flipga coin for the job, ordered the judges, after an executive huddle, Maxwell had a quarter and he flipped it. The coin slipped from his hands and bounded into a dark corn- er. Judges, candidates and spectators searched, Maxwell tore his pants and got a "crick in his knee, but no querter, Right when the election board was in its deepest quandry, Maxwell's op- ponent came to the rescue, "You can have the job," said Prescott to Maxwell, "You've earn- ed it" LONG KISS TOO MUCH FOR OFFICER Chicago, == Robert A, MacNeille, out driving with his girl, was en. gaged in some long distance kissing, The kiss=--this is on the word or the arresting officer--started in Chicago and extended on into Evanston, The kiss was still in the act of being transferred from cach to each when the motoreycle policeman called time, Police Magistrate Samuel Harrison fined MacNeille $15 and costs, run- ning the expense of the osculation to something more than $4 a block. They were, however, quite long blocks. MacNeille, a University of Chicago student; explained that the young woman whom he called "Ruth" was his real gir), but the court was un- able to see how that lessened the traffic hazard, FAIR WAGE BILL GIVEN APPROVAL Passes Second Reading and Committee Stage in House of Commons Ottawa, April 12. <All but final approval was given by the House of Commons last night to the Gov- ernment measure enacting, in ac. cordance with the Versailles treaty, the eight hour day end fair wages for all einjloyes on government contracts and sub contracts, Without a voice being raised against its principle, the bill in- troduged by Hon, Peter Heenan, minister of labor, wus given second reading and went through the committee stage in a three-bour discussion yestovrday afternoon any . B, Bennett objected to the wage fixing clauses, I'hese pro vide that we: » shall be paid at the "current" rate rnd it that 1s uot "fair and reasonable," then at n rate to be fixed by the minister of labor, The Conservative leader vigorously .~clared that too mucu power was being placed in a min- ister's hands in this regard, He- gardless altogether of the conmd* eration that politics might enter into a minister's decision, he was strongly of the opinion that "ic was fatal to the development of our institutions, fatnl to the devel. opment of democracy, that parla ment should be asked to clothe any office, te say nothing of the man in that office, with such enor- mous powers." WELLAND CANAL T0 OPEN APRIL 21 New Shipway To Be Ready For Starting of Navigation St. Catharines, April 12. «= The new Welland ship conal will be in operation, from Fort Weller to se, Thick.wavy hair ! You, too, can have long, soft abun dant hair, It's simply a matter o using this easy method; approved Ly hair-specialists ; endorsed by stars of stage and screen; used by millions who haven't time for the more la borious treatments, Tonight when yor arrange your hair, just put a little Dandefine on your brush. Then as you draw the bristles through your hair, see how the scalp is tened and soothed, Sce how the hair becomes softer, casier to manuge: how its natural color is brought out; how it takes ¢ new brilliance and lustre! Danderine dissolves the crust of dandruff: helps stop falling hair; keeps hair and scalp healthy; encour. ages the growth of long, silky, abun- dant hair. Five million bottles used a year. That proves Danderine's ef- fectiveness! Danderine The One Minute Hair Beautifier Merritton ang at the Vort Colborne snd when navigation opens, April I'his announcement was made vy Chief Engineer Alex J, Grant, who issued warning to wotorists using bridges over the canal after that date to dpproach the¥e bridges with care, With the opening ot navigation the bridges will fre- quently be open to permit the pass- ing of ships, Vor the present tho Lirst three locks of the new canal will take the place of the first 10 locks of the old canal, and lock 8 at Port Colborne and the guard lock will be used, Vessols will operate over the present canal from locks 11 to 24 until the official opening ot the ship canal, which has been tentatively set for July 1, With a staff of 2,700 men on the job, Chief Grant sald today there is no doubt toe canal would be ready on that date, The canal will be entirely light- od from lake to lake for the un- official opening, power being re- ceived over the transmission lines of the canal from the Dominion Power and Transmission Company, pending the erection of a power house .by the federal department. MAY IMPORT MAN TO OPPOSE GUTHRIE Guelph, April 12, = Hon, 1} Guthrie will have aus South Wellington at the federal election, even if it Is necessary to "import a man," At a banquel of Liberals here last night it was decided to hold a nomination meeting some time next month to name a candidate to contest the riding, NEW HIGH TARIFF ON FARM PRODUGE PASSED BY U.S.A. Nearly All Canadian Products Washington, April 12, = The heart of the tariff bill--"the agricultural schedule"--was accepted by the Con- gressional conferees yesterday vires tually as rewritten upward by the Senate, Rates agreed upon compared with the present law, follow: Flaxseed, 65 cents a bushel, now 56 cents; hay, $5 a ton, nov $4; straw, $1.50 a ton, now $1; onions, 2 1-2 cents: a pound, now 1 1-2 cents; can- ned tomatoes, 50 per cent, now 15 per cent; green peas, 3 cents a pound, now 1 cent: dier beans, J cents a pound, now 1 3.4 cents: al falfa seed, alsike, clover seed, and red clover seed, 8 cents a pound, now 4 cents; sweet clover seed, 4 cents a pound, now 2 cents; rye grass seed, 3 cents a pound, now 2 cents; bent grass seed, 4 cents a pour. , now 2 cents: blackeyed cow peas and chick peas, J cents a pound, now 25 per cent,; mushrooms, 10 cents a pound and '5S per cent, now 45 per cent,; celery, lettuce and cabbage, 2 cents a nound, now 25 per cent, ; crude horse radish, 3 cents a pound, now 25 per cent.; sauerkraut, 50 per cent, now 35 per cent.: crude chicory, 2 Lack of efficiency of automobile motors, a Chicago ofl expert has estimated, costs an gasoline waste of a billion dollars a year in the United States, SCIATICA? | You can stop this safes ly and » y with T-R-C's Real dyes give richest colors! FOR every home use, Diamond Dyes are the finest you can buy. T! ol contain the highest poy snilines that can be produced, It's the anilines in Diamo Dyes that give such soft, bright, new colors to dresses, drapes, lingerie, Diamond Dyes are easy to use. They go on smoothly and evenly; do not spot or streak; never five things that re.dye: look. Just true, even, new colors that keep their depth and brilliance in spite of wear and washing, 100 packages. All drug stores. DiamondoDyes Highest Quality for 50 Years tlantic rd is always t'in scason' There's never a dull Ll H end, with us. + ou'lirsturnhomefeel» {ngBt=freshvigoraust ( RATE American Plan e of rhe Finest Holels- In Atlantic City For n week or a week-end enjoy the lu A At All Drug Stores = Thirty Five Cents! « cents a pound, now 1 1-2 cents, SCNT TNTRTNONOND Ng ERFEREREEEERE ROR N HE new Chevrolet is a smoother, faster and more economical six 7 7 priced within the reach of all! i: The sturdy, six-cylinder engine has been increased to 50-horsepower capacity. Definite advancements in design include a new harmonic balancer, for unusual smoothness + + an improved : unit ¢ 7 fully-enclosed, weather- proof four-wheel brakes. And specific improvements in engine design and car- buretion set up a standard of unsurpassed economy. Is oually nie new bodies outstanding in the by Fisher, with their rich plush upholstery 7 ¢ wide, deeply cushioned form-fitting seats r 1 new 'Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. : WHITBY OSHAWA ---BOWMANVILLE Gordon Law, Pickering, Ont. B E non-glare windshield plated bright: comfort is attained by The Greatest CHEVROLET in Chevrolet History » a with new beauty power and economy 7? 7 chromium work, Exceptional riding Delco:Lovejoy shock absorbers, front and rear. If you have not already seen and driven I ew Chevolet Sen visit your dealer today. Your every investigation can lead to but one conclusion----dollar-for-dollar it offers greater value than ever before. Ask about the G.M.A.C. General Motors" own Deferred Payment Plan, Beare Broa, Part Perry, Ont. 1T*'S BET TER a C AU SE IT*S CANADIAN F) on

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