THE USHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, | 930 PAGE ELEVEN S # unger 2 meets D SECTION Seller "939590500 * Phore 4. G. D, AF, Aunts, toe, Notary Publie ove x din, Opposite i GA or | 600 strest mort ! % Sir coe N 0 Moen. to oan, ALEX odALL, | BARRIS 1 onvesan Suction. §8% Wns St has $987, ARTS, f lloltors, ofw., 41 Alges B04, yy and Port Perry. Phones 160 Cshawa, Port Perry Mrs 3am J (Mar, 4-1 mo) | AT PARKHILL, BARRISTER. ete. 'Money to loan, Alger Bids, op- posite Post Office, Phone 1614, Medical PRE, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, | Disney Block, Phone "050, Office | hours 0 a.m, to 8.00 pm, Dr, B | Harn EJ. HMaslewood, special attention to|F | Surgery and X-Ray, br, B, H. Har- per, spoetial attention to children's Diseasos and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls "410 or 128, lL DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR oon, Accoucher, OfMce and res}: ence, King 5 Lest, corner Viero Osh Nn h HAROLD W, TRI PH (51. oe Surgeon, Obafutric an, Special fefofanch to maternity work and di. se Te Wa ar, tl [1 . du For St N., (cor. Brock) Obstetrician, on , L] GR chil | DR, 0, W. OARD, PHYSICIAN Obstetrician, Ottice nd Se ---- 518 Simcoe street north. Phone 84185, N ; d Obstet clan, office Sa Su ang 188 Simcoe Street, 1, phon. S107: y LOR | Street' West, Toronto, will be at hiy office over Jury Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, frem 1 till pany for consultation and treatment of disenses of ear, nose and threat only, Appointments mav be made ui drug store, Phone 92. Iv over hell to 5, Evenin > htment, folic 0 304 Rex dence LAH -------- nt DR, 8. |, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: sait's, Special attention to XeraV work. - Gas Reracy on, Nurse In ate | MAR | K, Clarke, 147 Ans f " ' muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses, Author of Csre and Eye Strain, Tbe Chilg and 1ts Development. Dis ney B opposite Post Office. specialist (Mar. 13-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- lo Land Sur ors and afl Engin. sen, dons. 35 o or ne St, E. Phones 2532) or 2544, Undertaking UKE BURIAL 67 KING ot, Mmbulance | T. Celi CG ty Qiba ] od ret am ance Phone DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 Kone i west, Oshawa, The old. est Pire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re outable Fire eonsuls RN, N, Johes, 80 Simcoe orth, Your insurance wants at tended to -and your .nterests pro. So WAIVERS where, ~ of this nature, snd collect for same. "All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ete. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small arcounts For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to. come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT . I For Rent APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros, (8611) HOUSE TO LET =~ ALL CON- veniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (86s bedroom, An conveniences. 1'hone A778W or call 216 Alice St. (86c) TO RENT--2 OR 4 UNFUKNISH~ ed rooms; vathroom flat or 2 large rooms down stairs, All cone venlences, 774 or 140 'Iyler Crescent, (860) FO RENT=--COTTACE, CENTRAL. ly located. Apply 15 Elgin St, Kast at once, (86D) TO LET--CORY THREY ROOM- 'ed cottage. Conveniences. Newly 'decorated. One block from Motors offices, 303 Richmond St. Kast, Phone 1149F, (862) Wanted to Rent 4 OR 5 ROOMED BUNGALOW. Modern, Central, by middle of May, Small family, State rent to box 590 Times. (87¢) A THREE ROOMED FLAT IN private home. Hardwood floors, All conveniences, Apply Box 606 Times. ' (87a) Work Wanted For Rent tected, Transportation GARTAGD AND WTORAGE, COLD: man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware bouse and moving van equipment. Phone 8°. VEL CARTAGE, A sand ard cinders. Loed! and long isiance hauling. Smith & Cox, t. Phone 024, 10 Bond St, W r 1 AN lishe! furn'ture movers, Purk Road cal and Jong distance k wie, Pron, 65 Park KI South Phone 2185, (Mar, 19-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Hpecialists In permanent, finger and warcel waving, Ver manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $10. All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 2008, Apply sb Himeoe street north "BY LL Ward at Betty Lou Permin: Shoppe: Marcel and sham: AND y mare 'shampooing, facials Marcel or noo ar. 15-1 mo) ¢ N . oot. A'hone Mar, $U-1 mo) Music ARTROT CYNDIE, VOUALT . or {Hamboury Comarvitory, Tos oto) pupils prepare prov] Hv Tussday, 61h Wi liam street t-ast, upr.airs, Phone 2T64P, (12011) 0. TRENEER, OUR. ganist and cholr master of King Street United Church will accept pupils in plano, organ and vocal 2640), ---- 4] music, For particulars apply 60 William streec east. bone 2896. (Apr, 6-1 mo) IV) of ql, Guba Cogs ud able bY tel Aor 6:1 mo)' TT Radio Serviee CSHAWA, RADIO SERVION, 143 cossories for sale, repairs on &lee trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries re batteries ! aharied. rental supplied. $1, Phone 80J, Charles les, 146 Elgin Bast, (Apr, 8-1 mo) BATTERIES:CHARGED AND DE. 75¢, rental Qshawa v WV. (Mar, 14.1 ALL MAKES OF SETS REPAIR. et, prices reasonable work guarane teed, batteries recharged, 50c delive | charged, 750 called eo, 'Burroughs, br. lan, (Mar, 14.) me) , Phon ¥ ° for and de »| livered, Radio service, airials erect. ed. Platt. Phone 1508), (Mar 20-1 mo) Bond oy - od re pan an SPAR 0, RE-UPHOLSTEKING, CHESTER. fields made to order. We save you money. [Estimates free. G. A. Con. tigble. 74, Mechanic street. Phone BATTERIFS CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 5 cents. If fon. i . tteries repaired upped 20 i Phone 1586W, (Mar 16-1 mo) FIX UP YOUR ROADWAY, gravel, sand, cinders and general trucking. Chis. Graham, Phone 2621in, (Mar, 27-1mo.) Dry Cleaning NORMAN LAMBERT, FRENCH dry cleaning, and repairing, all goods called for und delivered. Phong 523. 66 Bagot Street, (Mar, Lil tha? Ii 1 " - . Haye your old %at cleaned and blocked to look like new ut The Hub, 15 King Street West, Shoe Shine and Hat Cleaning, Work waranteed, Phone 2249, Victor Col- Bl rorppeenmmea DL fr LIH0:) PRUNING, GRAFTING, GARDEN- ing, Repairing, etc. Phone N00 i AAA Articles For Sale AED HA ND SOFT WOLD slabs, $3.50 per oad. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limied Pho NT |FOR BALRD-~HEINTZMAN CO. Ltd, pianos, new and used planos, also radios; latest models; terms alranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1668J. ( 111-48) QUANTITY OF WHITE BLOS- som sweet cl er seed, for sale, Phone 1648 r 1-3. (Mar, 32-1 mo) SALE == ¥ Y plants, Kellogg's Karly Bird, Prew- jor and Pocomoke, White Legloru hatching eggs, Aaron strain, Phone 2663W. (Mar 26-1 wo) FOR SALE=CRUSHED STONE Chips for driveways, Waterous- y ) 1288. Meek Limited, atid 2g Le) load delivered, Phone 2876W, (870) TT TININTZMAN GRAMA- "luk for sale with records, Phone 194M, (85h) BARGAIN -- WIT LIAMS PIANO in. good condition $12500. Terms $1000 doy... and $600 per month, Sco' at John Meagher's,. 92 Simcoe North, Phone 371W. __(85¢) FOR SALE--QUANTITY OF TI. wothy 'hay, . Apply F. Ei Hare, se- cretary of Park Commission, ahs awa, -- SE=BED- stoads, dressers, rugs, 7% yds, In afd linoleum, grandtather clock, dropside couch and sundries, Also good chesterfield suite, Top floor, over Bank of Commerce, (860) Trombone, Conn, also tenor banjo with resonator, both practically new, A bargain for quick sale, 304 Loslle. street, (§7e) LARGE SIZED ENGLI AM. Apply 198 Roxborough Ave, (87a) A Awnings WINDOW AWNTNS = PORCH aw veran curtaing, canopy tops hatalled: T. Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa phone 1083. (Apr, 10-tf) to. shoue acl or Welw. . . » . erhanging and decorating. Esti mates given on work, 61 Brock St, East, Phone 136%), (Mar, 20-1 mo) to available for first mOrtyAges, on well ted residences. Drediey Bros. Simcoe South ) And repaired, Also tetrimming and decking autos. Fhone 14UEN. Prices modera e. LCOS FIRST CLASS vA: || tian 0d raining RK GUTSOLE, § ries in wo k, Ave, h (Mar, 281 mo) ! APARTMENT. «uIODERN, HOME like suites, Some furnished, laup dry, conveniences, «lec dryer, etc. o'oc stoves, elev reltireration, hot water yeas round, Phone 1660 or 23471W, (8L1) FOUR AND ¥ivD ROUMED MOD orn suites, (ncloding eleetrio refrig- erstion, stove, Ilasndry, comveni- ences, ele.; comtinuous hot water supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 36171, or The Trusts apd Guarantees Co. Ltd, manager for owner, Toros, (3740) FOR RENT---HOUBK S1X ROOMS, electric, gus and all conveniences Corner Bond and Ontario streets, WU. A, Salter, 38 Lond KE, hone 1218, (830) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ON small house, 6 acres garden. land, with five room house, 2% miles from Oshawa. Price right, This party must sell due to sickness, 10 ACRES ON KINGSTON HIGH- way, 0 miles east, will exchange on Oshawa property, Jones Real Fs tate, Phone 26467, (86D) Real Estate For Sale LOT ON GIBB ST. 34 BY 90 «FT. Apply 286 Burk St. (85¢) 7 ROOMED HOUSE, ABOUT acre of land, close to canning fac- tory, Dowmanville, Apply BHM, Oshawa Daily Times, Bowmanville, (86¢c) For Sale or Rent TWO ROOMS TO RENT--=FUN~ nished with every convenience for ght bousekeepiug., Phone 338%, (§de) 4) i J) . nished rooms, sultatle for lignt housekeeping, All conveniences. Phone S8243M after six. (§be) C NT == FIVE ROOM: od, Turnished. AlN conveniences. 211 Drew St. (88¢) APARTMENTS TO RENT -- ALL convenience, reasonable price, Simcoe South Hl (85¢) § ROOM HOUSE ON BUCKING. HAM AVE, Oak floors, chestnut trim, wired for electric stove, Pos session May 1st. Apply #21 Sinwoe Nit prs EE) SIX ROOM HOUSE ON BURKE Street, Apply 262 Haig Street, (851) APARTRUNT FOUN --NOOME. -- 0 central building, newly decorated, electric refrigerator, stove, hot water, janitor service, Immediate possession, $40. Fuone 1768M. (¥bc) TWO FURNISHED HOUSERERP: ing rooms near Skinner factory. Reant very reasonable, Fhone 107W, (87n) FOUR ROOM BRICK good location, SIX ROOM BRICK HARDWOOD floor, 3 piece bath very central, Im. mediate. possession for either above. Apply 101W evening. (87¢) ONE LARGE UNFUR} room downstairs and two-up, includs ing heat, water an! use of phone, F. (87) F, NEWLY Apply Very central, Phone 811F, 5. ROOMED US decorated, rent $18 monthly. 216 Park Road South, FOR SALE .... .... HOUSE FOR RENT-TMMEDI: ate 'possession, rent reasonable, gene tral. Also two large bedrooms, Ap- ply Mrs. Wilson, 217 Celina St. (87¢) FOUR ROOMED HOUSE TO rent by May first, All conveniences, Apply 329 Division Street, (86¢) 0 ROOMED HOUSE, 212 0G Street, all conveniences, garage, pa ed street, vacant May first, Apply 200 Drew St. Phone 2710M. (86¢) THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED or partly harhished for housekeeping, casonable rent, near Motors. 318 Kingsdale Ave, = (87¢) Ve | Rates for | Classified Ads. ! mi Co cents | Minimum charge 30c. Hive iatattion 'To. por tive inser. y price ol tnsertions (three vents a word), Minimum charge fur three {nsertions, 'y oonts, Box number 100 additional "hes i of Rusiness | : , $3.50 per month i «for 0 wordy or less; 10 cents a word per 'south or each additional 1 CLASSIFIED ang Shr LITTLE: AC PLISH MUCH WELEPHUNE 85 por gL Sein 4s 442 COTTAGE of UNFURNISHED {| nels, Port Whitby, phone | clectrizity, ns RUG BRICK HOUSE 6 ROOMS =- Sunroom, Electric, Mantle, Hard wood floors, French doors. All con- viences, garage, divided cellar, paved street, rscidential district, Posses- sion immediately. Phone 3267]. (87¢) 3 ROOMED HOUSE AND 1 ACRE of land on 4th Concession East of CN.R, Tracks, North Oshawa, Apply Annie Grose, (87) Situations Wanted AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN wants garage work or anything me- chanical, 2 years experience in gar- age. Apply Box 5% Times. _(85¢) Help Wanted--Male DISTRICT MANAGER ESTABLISHED MANUFACTUR- er wants man to handle business in this and surrounding territory, Ex- perience unnecessary as we teach you our business, but honesty a requisite, Earnings $40000 and up per month, $900.00 investment required, fully se. cured, you handling it yourself, This is an unusual opportunity for a steady reliable man, wanting a permanent connection and will stand strictest investigation, Write all about your- self td interest us in ySur first letter, Write Manufacturer, 767 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, and our State Man. ager will arrange interview, (Rig) Help Wanted Male or Female HELP WANT! MALE OR FE- male earn Upwards of $25 week- ly growing mushrooms for us, Illus- trated booklet {ior stamp, Canadian Mushrooms Co, 141 Lauder Ave, Toronto. Pets and Live Stock. TAMESWAY HATCHED CHICKS S from™ trap-nested breeders, S. C. White Leghorns, barred rocks, white Wyandottes, Wyte or phone: for catalogue, Oshawa Hatchery and Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North. Phones 1337], 1337¥, (Mar, 21-1 Mo.) FOR™S DAYTOLN CHICKS, Barred Rooks, 18 Phone 1597W, each, (87a) 8 Te) 1 male, 4 months old, registersd, lovely black coat, wonderful pet, price very reasonable, Star Ken Whitby (870) cents horn hens, laying, 64 Bond yr' 400. a Board ROON AND BUARD TN PRIVATE family, Vory contral, Phone 19284, (86c) ONE DOUBLE ROOM TO SUIT two business gentlemen, Board if 'desired. Phone . 86¢) C F D 'yg room, suitable for two gentleman friends, No board, Central 26% Simcoe St. South, (87¢) buys Chevrolet ton truck, uv model, stake body, Good tires and repair, Phone 2483W, Oshawa, (86) rs fl STUDEBAKER TOURING, GOOD 1] running order, cheap for: gash, Flite AMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED men allowed fifty cents hour, learns ing best paying 3. Engines work,' chauffeur ring, hairdee rature free. Witla or minion Trade Schools, King eat, Toronto, (81-87-93-99-105:111.117-123) i | ing age and church connection, Mr, Agents Wanted YT A DAY PAID CHRIFTTAN MEN and women, college students, teachers, ministers end others for distributing religious Iterature. Special opportunity during Kaster season, For particuiars write stat. Conrad, Tower Bldg., Toronto, Building Materials rices, Glazed Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Roofing, Builders' Hard. ware Wallboard Insulating Board, Pumps, Plumbing Goods, Save by dealing direct, Send for big Free Catalog, Halliday Company Limited, 16 Halliday Building, Hamilton, Mortgage for Sale ; Yrs 000 h mortgage, discounted to yleld 10 per cent. Excellent security, Splen. did investment, Apply Box b6¥b Times, (821) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERNI- ty, invalid or gencral nursing, Phone 475, a (Apr. 10-1mo,) ' J 4 MN gaged, maternity or ~eneral nurs. ing. Por information phone 320W, (Apr. 4-1 mo) TT 7 Auditing and Accounting AUDITING AND" ACCOUNTING service at reasonable rates, In- come ax reports and annual statements prepared, R, A, Holden, #2 Simcoe street - north, phone 37T1W, (Apr, 11-1 mo) Spirella Corsetiere CORSETIERE~PLEASE PHONE 2343), Mrs, Derumaux for particu- lars of the new fitting line in Spir- ella, District North East, after 5 p. m__ : (Mar, 15-1 Mo.) MRS BLATTER, SPIRCLLA REP resentative, north west and south nast districts, 106 Frederick street, Phone 2189M, (Mar 15-1 mo) EE - Ee DO. Books ROBERTSHAW'S CIRCULATING iibrary, You will enjoy reading the latest Fiction at minimum . cost. Phone 1472, 37 fimcoe St. North. (T-F-8 tf) Auction Sale FRIDAY, APRIL 18 --'THE UN- dersigned has received instructions from the administratrix of th. estate of the late Stanley Floyd Page to sell by auction on lot 8, Con, 2, Cart- wright, one mile west of Smith's Woods, all of his farm stock, imple- ments, etc, Sale at 1 pom. Sce bills. Theo, M. Slemon, Auctioneer, The- ron_Mountjoy, Clerk, __(87-90) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16TH, MR. W. H. ARGUE, one mile cast of Bowmanville on the Highway, who is giving up farming, will sell all of { his farm stock, implements, ete., with- | out reserve, Sale at 12.30 sharp, Sec bills, Wm, Maw, auctioneer, (87a) Personal UNDECIDED? SEND BIRTH date and 10c for wonderful horoscope of your life. Prof. Raphael, Box 94, Grand Central Station, New York. (S v 10) "NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of 'the Kstate ot William John Holmes, late of the Township of Pickering in. the County and Province of Ontario, Storekeeper, deceased, : Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the ostate of the said William John Holmes, who died on or about the 22nd day of March, A.D, 1930, at the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, are required on or be- before the tenth day of May, 19380, to send notice to the undersigned Solicitor for the Kstate of the sald deceased, with their full names and addresses and full particulars In writing of their claims, And take notice that after such mentioned date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets ot the said deceased among the pare ties entitled thereto and will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution, Dated at Oshawa, this Kleventh day ot April, A.D, 1930, NORMAN J. B, HOLMES and WORDEN H. SONLEY by their solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Barrister, &c., 14% King St. RB, Oshawa, (87-93:99) wh LOCAL MEMBER & SAYS GOV'T. 1§ (Continued from Page 3) how it someone else: In vigorours terms, he mn. a EXTRAVAGANT] sounds when spoken by those words; 'unquestionably he meant the Conservative party in Canada, Then follows the sentence which T desire to read to the Prime Minister, because he was speaking of the old Conservative families of the province of Ontario, 1 cannot think of anything Hote atriotic than that men or - op day in, day out, in their homes with little children about, or else- where, sliould, by word of mouth do what they can to foster in the minds of these little children an enmity towards a nation that is go- ing to be their neighbour when they grow into manhood. In my private practice as a phys- felan 1 have spent in any one year more days and nights in Conserva~ tive homes than the Prime Minister has spent during his life time, and I want to tell him that in all my experience 1 never heard such ex- pressions uttered in any of those homes. That statement does not express our attitude towards the people of the United States. Many of our ancestors came from that country, and many of our relatives are there to-day, Not long ago I traced the descendants of my great grandfather; they numbered some five hundred, of whom about 150 are now in the United States, many of them holding good positions. Can the Prime Minister imagine that we in Canada kick the cradles of our children and teach them les- sons of {11 will and enmity towards our own brothers and sisters and friends in the United States? We have no other desire than to live beside these people on terms of good will; I protest against this statement and brand it as being absolutely untrue. Now 1 should like to ask the Prime Minister whether or not he knows that 600,000 Americans-- Shriners=are coming to Canada in June of this year on a pilgrimage of good will, and that they are to be met by 300,000 Canadians, They had the whole of Canada from which to select a place of meeting; they could have gone anywhere from Prince Albert to Nova Scotia but they are coming to the Tory province of Ontario and the Tory city of Toronto where they will be mot and welcomed on behelf of Canada by Hon. George 8. Henry, a Tory eabinet minister of the Tory government of Ontario, They are going to erect a shrine, a monu- ment of good will, which is to cost $600,000. That is going to be erected in Toronto in the constitu- ency of Parkdale, represented by Hon, David Spence, the most pro- nounced Tory constituency in all Canada. So according to the Prime Minister this monument of good will between these two peoples will be erected in the midst of the very people who "kick" their cradles every night and chant to their chil dren a hymn of {ll will towards the United States, On behalf of hun- dreds and thousands of Conserpa- tive people in Ontario, I desire to protest against that statement which so grossly misrepresented the true situation, Simply because, when confronted with tremendous business difficulties which must be faced if we desire to remain a na- tion, wo fix our policy to suit our- selves, we are to be told that we harbour the spirit of ill will to. wards these people, I have no de- lyzed, 1am not so certain but that Mr, Massey ig doing good work. I know that he gives splendid enter- tainments to the high class people who go to Washington from Can- ada; he 1s a magnificent enter- tainer, but this is being done at the expense of the common people of Canada and I am not so sure that we are obtaining full value for the money expended, . Oshawa Burial Co. successor to )isney-OCott AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1083 [FT -- | LUMBER ¥. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wopd Yard I'hone Oshawa 824 Whitby 13 Frame dwelling--~4 rooms, gare age, water, sewer in, lot 40 by 120. 810 Elgin cast, Best offer over $400 mortgage takes ft. Submit tender to Disney. "hone 1550. The WILSON-HOLLAND GARAGE (formerly West End Garage) Prepared to handle all kinds of repair work (bumping) also washing. Phone 3292 Order Your Spring Suit Now from the DOMINION CLOTHING CO, 08 KING ST, W. [hone 2141 We Deliver I " EATON GROCETERIA j It Pays To Shop Here Always f HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID {| Electric Sanded and Finish I ed Complete W. J. TRICK 00. LTD. 25 Albert Street Phone 230, 281 Thousands Now Eat sire to discuss the matter further, except to say that I think that statement of the Prime Minister was one of a very shocking nature. If he can show me where such a spirit exists in the old Tory homes of Ontario, then he will have shown me something which I have been unable to find in forty years of medical practice. I think this vote should be ana- GOOD USED CARS Are Sold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 900 If Wanting INSURANCE of any kind Roal Estate or money on other than frame houses allow me to serve you, J. H. R. LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 871 or 687W. ------,,-A Failor-made Taiormade 25 0 | Scotland Woollen Mills | If I { 8. ROTISH, Manager \ i ed those who, in the interests of protection in Canada, would make enmity betwoen Canadians and Am. ericans, "It protection requires, in order to further its position, the working of {11 will against another uation; if it necessitates arousing a 'prejudice in any other nation, then I think there must ba some- thing inherently wrong with the protection, I believe those who really need protection in this coun- try can defend it on economic grounds," . No one can doubt for a moment to what politica! party the Prime JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J WwW, Worrall, Oph, D. Eyesight Specialist Phone S315 Minister referred when he utterod Cc A Delightful Breakfast Feed EYESIGHT SPECIALIST exclusively (a mus! Good Weather | 'Ahead! - «Do not 10se yOUF CAP Let me finance yous=Addie tional Cash Given, G.R. Holden tL Room 6, 143; King St.